Organization and planning of current repairs. Types and methods of current repairs of buildings and facilities, repair planning and documentation

Maintenance of a building includes a set of works to maintain the elements, specified parameters and operating modes of its structures and technical devices in good condition.

The system of technical maintenance (maintenance and current repairs) of the housing stock ensures the normal functioning of buildings and engineering systems during the established service life of the building using the required volumes of material and financial resources.

The purpose of the inspections is to identify possible causes of defects and develop measures to eliminate them. During inspections, the use and maintenance of premises is also monitored.

Once a year, during the spring inspection, employers, tenants and owners of residential premises should be instructed on the procedure for maintaining buildings, operating engineering equipment and fire safety rules.

Routine inspections of residential buildings should be carried out:

      general, during which an inspection of the building as a whole is carried out, including structures, engineering equipment and external improvements;

      partial inspections, which involve inspection of individual elements of a building or premises.

General inspections should be carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn (before the start of the heating season).

Defects and deformations of structures or equipment of buildings discovered during inspections, which can lead to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity and stability of structures or buildings, collapse or disruption of the normal operation of equipment, must be eliminated.

An organization for servicing the housing stock, on the basis of inspection and inspection reports, must, within a month:

      draw up a list (based on the results of the spring inspection) of activities and establish the scope of work necessary to prepare the building and its engineering equipment for operation in the next winter period;

      clarify the scope of work for current repairs (based on the results of the spring inspection at this year and autumn inspection - on next year), as well as identify malfunctions and damages, the elimination of which requires major repairs;

      check the readiness (based on the results of the autumn inspection) of each building for operation in winter conditions;

Maintenance of residential buildings

List of maintenance work on elements of a residential building to be performed by a housing maintenance organization.

Organization and planning of current repairs. The organization and conduct of routine repairs of residential buildings must be carried out in accordance with the Rules and Regulations technical operation housing stock, Technical instructions on the organization and technology of current repairs of the housing stock, Technical instructions on the organization of preventive current repairs of residential large-panel buildings, other regulations of the Gosstroy of Russia and Methodological recommendations. In terms of organization and remuneration, it is necessary to be guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation, Methodological recommendations of the State Scientific and Technical Center for Standardization and information systems in the housing and communal services of the Gosstroy of Russia.

The basis for determining the need for current repairs of the housing stock, establishing or clarifying its volumes are the results of scheduled general technical inspections of residential buildings.

List of works related to current repairs.

The frequency of current repairs should be taken within three to five years, taking into account the capital group of buildings, physical wear and tear and local conditions.

During routine repairs, defects and malfunctions of all building elements must be eliminated in order to bring their performance indicators into compliance with the design. Depending on the minimum duration of effective operation of residential buildings, options for organizational and technical solutions are possible.

Elements of a residential building and external amenities, the minimum duration of operation of which from the moment of commissioning after new construction, the last current or major repair is equal to or exceeds the duration established by VSN 58-88 (r), must be repaired with the restoration of their operational indicators or replaced. The share of replaced elements of residential buildings during routine repairs should not exceed the level of:

      roofing coverings – 50%;

      floor coverings – 20%;

      other structures and engineering equipment - 15% of their total volume in a residential building.

Elements of the building and external amenities, the service life of which is commensurate with the frequency of current repairs, can be completely replaced.

In order to streamline control over the progress of current repairs and acceptance by the owner or his authorized body, a work quality management system can be developed in relation to local conditions, providing for clear regulation of production relationships, responsibility of departments and specific specialists of the customer and contractors (subcontractors) for the quality of work at all stages of building renovation. The indicators of such a system must be recorded in the contract. The recommended procedure for assessing the quality of repair work is set out in VSN 42-85r.

Acceptance of work

After the completion of the current renovation of a residential building, the work is accepted by a commission consisting of: representatives of the owner of the housing stock or an authorized body (management organization) or an organization servicing the housing stock, a contractor and the State (regional) Housing Inspectorate, appointed by orders of the heads of the relevant organizations. If necessary, independent specialists or experts may be involved in acceptance.

Acceptance of work is carried out visually. If necessary, using instrumental acceptance control methods. It is recommended to document the acceptance of the work performed according to the house acceptance certificates with an attached decoding of the volumes and types of work in accordance with the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock given in Appendices 6, 7 and 8.

The most important and effective mechanism for monitoring work on the repair of housing stock is the system of bodies of the State Housing Inspectorate. The State Housing Inspectorate bodies monitor the volume and quality of repairs to the housing stock as part of a set of issues to ensure the standard level of housing and communal services.

The State Housing Inspectorate is given the right to conduct inspections, give instructions to home owners or their authorized bodies to eliminate detected violations, and apply penalties.

The bodies of the State Housing Inspectorate, simultaneously with inspection and examination, consider appeals from citizens regarding the unsatisfactory condition of building structures and engineering equipment; inclusion in the inventory of work or estimate the elimination of faults that reduce the quality of housing and communal services; their elimination is monitored during routine repairs.

Preparing housing stock for seasonal use

The purpose of preparing housing and communal services facilities for seasonal operation is to ensure the timing and quality of work on maintenance (maintenance and repair) of the housing stock, ensuring the regulatory requirements for the residence of residents and the operating modes of engineering equipment in winter period. Preparation for winter is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the annual orders of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy, Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, as well as Methodological Recommendations for the Preparation of Housing and Communal Services Facilities for Seasonal Operation and the Heating Season in Cities and Populated Areas points.

When preparing housing stock for use in winter, it is necessary to:

      eliminate faults: walls, roofs, attic floors and above technical undergrounds (basements), driveways, window and door fillings, as well as heating stoves, chimneys, flues and installations with gas heaters;

      bring the territory of households into a technically sound condition, ensuring unhindered drainage of atmospheric and melt water from the blind area, from the descents (entrances) to the basement and their window pits;

      ensure proper waterproofing of foundations, basement and plinth walls and their interface with adjacent structures, as well as the standard temperature and humidity conditions of residential premises, staircases, basements and attics, engine rooms elevators, serviceability of fire hydrants;

The schedule for preparing the housing stock and its engineering equipment for operation in winter conditions is drawn up by the owner or organization servicing the housing stock and approved by executive authorities local government based on the results of the spring inspection and deficiencies identified in the past period.

Preparation for winter (hydraulic testing, repair, verification and adjustment) is subject to the entire complex of devices that ensure uninterrupted supply of heat and hot water to apartments (boiler rooms, intra-house networks, group and local heating points in houses, heating, ventilation, cold and hot water supply, water pumping installations).

Boiler rooms, heating units and points must be provided with control and measuring instruments (instruments), diagrams of heating systems and shut-off and control valves indicating their use when filling, replenishing and draining water from heating systems into the sewer system.

Gas facilities must undergo adjustment of shut-off safety valves and pressure regulators for the winter period.

The equipment of pumping stations must be adjusted and in good working order.

During the period of preparing the housing stock for work in winter conditions, the following is organized:

      preparation of emergency services (vehicles, equipment, communications equipment, tools and equipment, supplies of materials) and personnel instruction;

      preparation (restoration) of diagrams of in-house cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, central heating and ventilation, gas, indicating the location of shut-off valves and switches (for mechanics and electricians to eliminate accidents and malfunctions of in-house engineering systems);

      in unheated premises, ensuring repair of insulation of water supply and sewerage pipes, fire-fighting water supply.

If there is water in the basements, it should be pumped out and the water meter unit insulated; ensure uninterrupted operation of sewer outlets, inspection wells of the yard network and general outlets at the ends of the building from the collection pipeline laid in the basement (technical underground).

Housing and communal services facilities are considered prepared for operation in winter conditions if they have:

      certificates of readiness of the house for operation in winter conditions

      acts on the serviceability of safety automation and control and measuring instruments (instruments) of boiler houses and engineering equipment of buildings;

      certificates of technical condition and serviceability of fire-fighting equipment;

      provision of fuel to boiler houses and the population before the start of the heating season: solid - not less than 70% of the heating season's demand, liquid - based on the availability of warehouses, but not less than the average monthly consumption;

      a supply of sand for sprinkling sidewalks at the rate of at least 3-4 m3 per 1 thousand m2 of harvested area;

      acts on the readiness of harvesting equipment and equipment;

      acts on readiness for winter with an assessment of the quality of preparation of buildings and apartments for winter and an act for each facility, as well as acts for testing, flushing, and adjustment of cold, hot water supply and heating systems.

During the winter period, uninterrupted operation of sewer outlets, inspection wells of the yard network and general outlets at the ends of buildings from a common pipeline laid in the basement should be ensured.

After the end of the heating season, the equipment of boiler houses, heating networks and heating points, all heating and hot water supply systems must be tested with hydraulic pressure in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of boiler houses and heating networks, approved in the prescribed manner.

Defects identified during testing must be eliminated, after which repeated tests are carried out. Tests of heating networks are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for testing heating networks for strength and density.

During the summer, the following work must be carried out:

      for boiler houses - revision of fittings and equipment of instrumentation and automation devices, elimination of cracks in the lining of boilers and chimneys, a contingent of operators was prepared and fuel was delivered: solid - in the calculation of 70% of the need for the heating season, liquid - according to the availability of warehouses , but not less than the average monthly supply. Calculation of the consumed amount of fuel should be made in accordance with the Temporary Guidelines for determining the consumption of heat, fuel, electricity and water for the technical needs of boiler enterprises, heating boiler houses and heating networks. Fuel storage should be carried out in accordance with the Rules for the technical operation of boiler houses of housing and communal services and other regulatory and technical documents;

      for heating networks - flushing of systems, inspection of fittings, elimination of constant and periodic blockages of channels, restoration of damaged or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in chambers, underground channels and basements (technical underground);

      for heating points - inspection of fittings and equipment (heater pumps, etc.);

      for heating and hot water supply systems - inspection of taps and other shut-off valves of expanders and air collectors, restoration of damaged or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in stairwells, basements, attics and niches of sanitary units. Upon completion of all repair work, the entire complex of heat supply devices is subject to operational adjustment during a test fire;

      on cleaning equipment and equipment for janitors - inspection, repair, replacement;

      import of sand for sprinkling sidewalks (at the rate of at least 3 m3 per 1 thousand m2 of harvested area) and salt (at the rate of at least 3-5% of the mass of sand) or its substitute;

      availability of primary fire extinguishing means.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution higher vocational education"St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economics University"



for course work

“Organization and planning of current building repairs”

for students of all forms of study

Specialties 060800 Economics and enterprise management

(real estate transactions)

Saint Petersburg


Editorial and Publishing Council of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics

as guidelines

Compiled by

Ph.D., Associate Professor Shibanova T.V.


Doctor of Economics, Professor Chepachenko N.V.

Prepared by the department

economics and management in urban management

Approved by the scientific and methodological council

Specialties 060800 Economics and enterprise management (real estate operations)

submitted by the compiler

© SPbGIEU, 2005


Execution order course work

Guidelines for completing coursework

2 Drawing up an inventory of work on current repairs of the building

3 Determining the scope of work for current repairs of the building

4 Determination of the estimated cost of repair work

5 Determination of material consumption

6 Determination of the number of repair workers and the duration of repair work

7 Technical and economic indicators of the project

List of used literature

Appendix 1. Initial data for course work

Appendix 2. Local estimate of costs for current repairs of the building


The course work “Organization and planning of current repairs of a building” is carried out in the process of studying the discipline “ Maintenance and operation of buildings and structures.”

Completing coursework has the following objectives:

consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge about the main malfunctions of structural elements and engineering equipment of buildings and measures for their repair;

acquiring skills in working with regulatory, reference and educational literature on organizing and carrying out routine repairs;

gaining experience in determining the volume of repair work, labor costs and the need for basic materials;

acquisition of generalized knowledge about the procedure for determining the estimated cost of repair work.

1. The procedure for completing coursework

The course work consists of a calculation and explanatory note: a title page, an individual assignment for course work, a table of contents, a text part containing the main sections of the project, a list of literature used and applications containing a graphic part - drawings of a typical floor plan, facade and section of the building.

The coursework submitted for review, completed in accordance with the guidelines given below, should contain only those tables whose designation indicates the word “form”, that is, those that are required to be filled out. Other tables containing reference information must be referenced.

The assignment option is assigned depending on the last two digits of the grade book number, where the penultimate digit means the number of the graphic part of the assignment (drawing number), and the last digit is the number of the additional source data option in accordance with Appendix 1.

The assignment for course work - plans of a typical floor of a residential building (according to options) - is given by the teacher individually to each student.

The coursework begins with the construction of an engineering and construction drawing of a residential building, which is the material basis for determining the scope of repair work.

Drawings are made on a computer in the AutoCad graphic editor with a printout on paper in A1 (A4) format or with a pencil on a sheet of paper in A1 (Whatman) or A2 (graph paper) format on a scale of 1:100, i.e. in accordance with the dimensions specified in the assignment and in additional source data for options (Appendix 1). The drawings must indicate alignment axes corresponding to the pitch and spans (distances between load-bearing walls) of the building, and indicate the main dimensions. The drawings must include a trace of the utility networks of the heating and water supply systems of the building.

2. Guidelines for completing coursework

1 Assessment of physical deterioration of the building

Based on the values ​​of physical wear and tear of individual structures and engineering systems available in the source data (Appendix 1), calculate the physical wear and tear of the building as a whole before carrying out routine repairs.

The physical wear and tear of the building as a whole is determined by the formula:

Where Fz - physical wear and tear of the building, %,

Фki - physical wear and tear of an individual structure, element or system, %;

li is the share of the replacement cost of the structure in the replacement cost of the building (accepted according to Table 1).

Table 1 - Share of the replacement cost of structural elements and engineering systems in the replacement cost of the building

Name of structural elements of the building Share of the cost of structural elements in the cost of the building, % 1. Foundations 42. Walls373. Partitions64. Floors115. Roof56.Roof27. Floors118. Windows2.89. Doors3,210. Finishing coatings511. Stairs312. Heating system213. Water supply and sewerage4,514. Electricity supply3.5Total100

The calculated numerical values ​​of physical wear and tear should be rounded: for individual sections of structures, elements and systems - up to 10%, for structures of elements or systems - up to 5%, for the building as a whole - up to 1%.

2.2 Drawing up an inventory of work on current repairs of the building

Current repairs of residential buildings involve the systematic and timely implementation of work to prevent premature wear of structures, finishes, and engineering equipment and to eliminate minor damage and malfunctions in them.

Current repairs of buildings are divided into preventive, designed in advance and carried out once every 3-5 years, and unforeseen, not taken into account by the plan and carried out, as a rule, urgently. Preventative, scheduled maintenance also includes work performed annually to prepare residential buildings for seasonal operating conditions (in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods). Current repair plans are developed on the basis of inventories of work compiled during technical inspections of structures and engineering equipment of buildings.

To avoid missing individual species Inventory works should be compiled in a certain sequence for the main structural elements and types of engineering equipment.

The compilation of an inventory of repair work is preceded by the compilation of the so-called “defect sheet” - brief description defects and malfunctions, indicating on the drawings the locations and extent of damage to the main elements of the building structure.

Based on the available initial data on the structural elements of the building and the values ​​of their physical wear (Appendix 1) according to the collection VSN 53-86-r, we find defects inherent in this structure, i.e. signs of wear corresponding to this value and write them down in group 3 of table 2.

Table 2. (Form 1) - List of defects in structural elements and engineering equipment of the building

No. Name and description of structural elements Brief description of defects and their locations Proposals for elimination 12341. Walls (external and internal): - brick Falling out of individual bricks. Section No. 1 (axis A-1) Repair of wall masonry in separate places. 2. Roofing of black steel sheets on wooden rafters. The appearance of fistulas in the roofing steel coating. Section No. 2 (axis D-4) Coating seams and fistulas of steel roofing

VSN 53-86-r presents defects in building structures corresponding to a particular range of physical wear values ​​for each type of structural elements. Signs of wear and corresponding interval wear values ​​are given for each structural element and are collectively combined into 70 tables, according to the number of types of structures used in housing and civil construction.

As an example, we give a fragment of the table from VSN 53-86-r.

Table 3 - Fragment of table 10 “Brick walls” VSN 53-86-r

Signs of wear Quantitative assessment Physical wear, % Approximate scope of work Individual cracks and potholes Crack width up to 1 mm 0-10 Sealing cracks Falling off of plaster, weathering of joints Destruction of joints to a depth of up to 1/3 of the wall thickness over an area of ​​up to 10% 11-20 Joining joints, repairing plaster Falling off of plaster on walls, cornices and lintels ; weathering of seams; weakening of brickwork; moisturizing the surface of the walls Depth of destruction of joints up to 2 cm over an area of ​​up to 30%. 21-30 Repair of plaster and brickwork

When filling out Table 2, you should proceed from the following rules. If the specified value of physical wear of a structure or system is equal to the upper limit of the interval, then the structure or system has all the signs of wear listed for it in VSN 53-86-r. If physical wear is equal to the lower limit of the range of physical wear values ​​for a given structure, then there is only one of the defects listed in the BCH table. If the specified wear value is within the range of values, then several defects are given from the list given in the VSN.

Thus, if the task says that brick walls have wear of 21%, which is the lowest limit value for the range of physical wear values ​​from 21 to 30%, then we select only one defect from the signs of wear corresponding to this interval, for example, “plaster falling off” . However, if the task says that the wear of the walls is 30%, i.e. the upper value of the interval, then we write down all the defects listed for this interval.

Using the approximate scope of work to eliminate defects specified in VSN 53-86-r, the names of repair work in the collections of unit estimate prices (TER) and the knowledge you have, you need to create a list of repair work (fill out column 3 of Table 2).

Then it is necessary to determine the scope of repair work.

When calculating the volume of work, we find the name of the required work in the collection of Unit Prices for Repair and Construction Work (TER or FER) to find out which meter the price is given for. The volume of repair work is calculated in accordance with the task and according to the dimensions of the structures being repaired or their sections, determined from the drawings of the plan, facade and section of the building in accordance with the rules for calculating the volume of work set out in section 2.3. these instructions.

When determining the scope of work, the dimensions of the repaired areas can be indicated in table VSN 53-86r in the column “Quantitative assessment” as a percentage of the structure area. For example, in the above fragment of the VSN table (see Table 3) it is indicated that 20% of the wear of brick walls corresponds to defects - “falling off of plaster and weathering of mortar joints”, and in column 2 “Quantitative assessment” it is said that these defects occur on area up to 10% of the wall area. Thus, we need to determine the area of ​​the walls by multiplying the perimeter of the building by the height of the walls minus window and door openings, and multiplying it by 0.1.

If this instruction is absent, then the size of the repaired area is determined according to the percentage of physical wear and tear multiplied by the dimensions of the given structure, that is, in the example under consideration, the area of ​​the walls is multiplied by the percentage of physical wear and tear of the walls taken according to the assignment, namely, by 20%. And finally, if the application of these rules is difficult, then the scope of work - the number of repaired sections (replaceable parts) can be chosen by the student independently.

The results of calculating the volume of work are entered, in compliance with the technological sequence of their implementation, into the bill of quantities presented in Table 4 (Form 2).

Table 4 (form 2) - Statement of quantities

No. Name of work Calculation formula for determining the amount of work Unit. measurements Quantity 123451. Repair of masonry walls in separate places, with a depth of 1 brick. S = h × l, where h is the width of the repaired area, m; l - length, m24.2 m · 3.7 m = 15.5 2. Lubricating seams and fistulas in the roofing steel coating. S = h × l, where h is the width of the repaired area, m; l - length, mm ²7 m. ·5.7 m. = 40.00

2.3 Rules for determining the scope of repair and construction work

Repair of foundations and foundations of buildings involves excavation work. The volume of excavation work when developing pits and trenches is calculated as follows:

pits and trenches with vertical walls

pits and trenches with slopes:

Where L - trench length,

H - depth of placement,

B is the width of the trench base,

K is a coefficient characterizing the steepness of the slopes, i.e. the ratio of the height of the slope to its foundation.

This ratio depends on the depth and nature of the soil, for example, at N<=1.5м (Н<=3м) и песчаных грунтов 1:0,5 (1:1), глинах 1:1 (1:0, 25) в мокрых 1:1, в насыпных 1:1,5.

Excavation of soil from trenches with vertical walls without fastenings is allowed to a depth of up to 1 m in sandy soils, 1.5 m in clayey soils and 2 m in particularly dense soils. The length of the trench is taken according to the geometric length of the repaired area. It should be remembered that the work is carried out in separate sections up to 2.5 m long. The depth of the trench should be 0.5 m less than the depth of the foundation.

The scope of work to strengthen foundations using gunite method, i.e. by punching holes in a weakened foundation and pumping cement mortar of a concentration of 1:1 or 1:2 into them through injectors, calculated in cubic meters of processed masonry. When strengthened by increasing size, i.e. width and depth of laying, determined in cubic meters of masonry.

The scope of work on installing or replacing the plinth cladding should be calculated based on the area of ​​the vertical projection of the plinth, counting the height of the plinth (Hts, m) from the planned surface of the ground to the point of its abutment to the walls.

The scope of waterproofing work is determined by the corresponding projection of the insulated surface, taking into account the number of applied layers:

for horizontal waterproofing

for vertical waterproofing

where Li is the length, Bi is the width and Hi is the height of the isolated section of the foundation, N is the number of waterproofing layers.

In this case, the volume of work associated with punching holes for waterproofing is determined by the volume of disassembled masonry (2:3 layers of brickwork).

The scope of work to repair pits is determined by the repaired surface of their walls.

The scope of work for repairing a blind area, as a rule, includes the following work:

for dismantling the destroyed area

Where L0 - length of the repaired area of ​​the blind area, m

B0 - blind area width, m

for backfilling of foundation cavities

to restore the waterproof coating, the volume of which is determined by expression (5).

Walls (facade) and partitions

The volume of masonry walls is determined minus the openings, which are calculated according to the outer contour of the box. If there are two boxes in the openings, the area is set along the contour of the outer box. The volume of concrete elements is excluded from the volume of masonry. In this case, the length of the external brick walls is taken according to the dimensions in the axes, the length of the internal walls - according to the dimensions between the internal edges of the external walls.

The volume of architectural details (pilasters, semi-columns, cornices, parapets, bay windows, loggias, belts, etc.) should be taken into account especially and included in the volume of masonry.

The volume of work to repair the surface of brick walls is calculated in sq. m. m. of weak sections of walls separately for embedding depths of 1/2 and 1 brick.

Scope of work to seal cracks and joints in brick walls; and also sealing of joints of large-panel walls is calculated in meters based on the actual measurement of the length in situ of the damaged areas.

Note. When determining the volume of work to seal cracks, take the length of the cracks to be equal to, where S is the area of ​​the defective section of the structure.

When calculating the volume of work for punching and sealing openings in brick walls, the following rule should be observed: the width of the opening is taken according to the average clear dimensions, the height - up to the lintel and multiplied by the thickness of the wall (when punching) or the depth of the seal.

The scope of work on the construction of the plinth is determined by the area of ​​its vertical projection, counting the height of the plinth from the planned ground level to the top of the drain board.

The scope of work for dismantling the masonry is determined by actual measurements in kind, taking into account the depth or thickness of the walls.

The area of ​​all types of partitions is determined by their area minus the openings along the outer contour of the boxes. The height of the partitions is measured from the level of the finished floor to the ceiling or the top of the partition if it is not extended to the ceiling.

The amount of work to replace individual parts of the partitions is determined by the area of ​​the part that is being replaced.

The area of ​​repair of plaster walls of facades is calculated by the area of ​​the repaired surface. With high-quality and improved plastering of facades, the area occupied by architectural details (columns, pilasters, belts and other details) is not included in the area of ​​the walls and should be calculated separately based on the area of ​​their expanded surfaces.

The volume of work on pulling out cornices, rods, corbels and other parts is calculated by the area of ​​the façade surface they occupy, i.e. according to the vertical projection onto the wall. When installing cornices with a offset that exceeds their height, the amount of work should be calculated by multiplying the sum of the offset lengths by the height of the template and the length of the rod.

The scope of work on plastering internal walls and partitions is determined by their area minus the area of ​​openings along the outer contour of the boxes. The height of walls and partitions is determined from the level of the finished floor to the ceiling.

The scope of work on plastering ceilings is determined by the area between the internal edges of walls and partitions; The area of ​​ribbed floors is calculated based on the unfolded surface.

The scope of work for plastering staircases and landings is determined by the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the flights and landings.

The scope of work for dismantling wall cladding made of marble, granite, lime, reinforced concrete slabs and glazed tiles is determined in square meters of cladding. Replacement of facing tiles on walls is determined by the number of replaced tiles up to 10 pieces and more than 10 pieces in one place, and the scope of work is determined by the number of places of replaced tiles. The scope of work on the cladding of the plinth and the surface of the walls is determined by the area in square meters of the cladding surface.

The scope of work on painting facades with aqueous solutions (lime, silicate and cement paints) is determined by the area of ​​the facades in square meters, taking into account the slopes of the walls in the plan without deducting openings, while window and door slopes, as well as the unfolded surfaces of cornices, rods and other architectural details are not taken into account.

The scope of work on painting facades with oil, perchlorovinyl and organosilicon and polyvinyl acetate paints is determined by the actual surface to be painted, taking into account the slopes of the walls in plan, as well as unfolded surfaces, cornices, rods and other architectural details, minus the openings along the outer contour of the boxes.

The actually painted surface of the filling of window and door openings is determined using conversion factors. To the estimated filling area along the outer contour of the boxes:

window openings with separate sash

F0 = 0.42B0 H0 (7)

the same with double binding

doorways (leaf and frame)

balcony doors with split leaf

the same with a paired canvas

where B and H are the width and height of the corresponding opening along the outer contour of the box.

The area for painting floors is determined by their area, with the exception of that which is occupied by columns, stoves and other structures protruding above the level of the finished floor.

Ceilings and floors

The scope of work related to the repair of floors is determined as follows:

) when dismantling and laying wooden beams in floors - calculated by the floor area or the clear length of the beams, i.e. between the main walls on which the ceiling rests;

) for dismantling and installation of pick-ups (roll-ups) and insulation of floors are calculated by the clear area between the main walls without deducting the area occupied by beams and stoves;

) the laying of metal beams is determined - according to the specifications for the project;

) when constructing floors from gypsum parts - according to the clear area of ​​the floors.

The area of ​​all floors is calculated by their clear size minus the areas occupied by stoves, columns and other protruding elements. The area occupied by clean partitions is not deducted. Floors in niches and thresholds are not counted.

Roofs and roofs

The scope of work when repairing roofs and roofing is calculated based on the area of ​​the repaired areas. It is advisable to begin calculating the volume of work on dismantling, repairing and installing roofs by determining the area of ​​​​the horizontal projection of the roof based on the actual measurement in kind or according to the project. If the dimensions of the roof in the project are indicated along the axes, then to establish the full dimensions it is necessary to establish the distance from the axis to the roof overhang (A) from the section. In this case, the horizontal projection area will be

The roof area will be equal to the product of the horizontal projection (S) and the slope coefficient (Ku), the values ​​of which are given in Table 5:

Table 5 - Value of slope and inclination coefficients

Roof slope, roof,1:121:101:81:61:51:41:31:2%81012.51720253350 Coefficient. tilt1,001,0071,0081,011,021,031,051,12Coefficient. slope1,0141,021,011,051,081,121,201,41

In this case, the area occupied by dormer windows, pipes, firewalls and parapets is not excluded from the total coverage area. The coverage area of ​​these elements is measured and determined separately based on the expanded area.

The amount of work during replacement, disassembly, repair and installation of sheathing is calculated by multiplying the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the roof by the slope coefficient (Kn):

The amount of work to repair roll roofs in some places in one or two layers, as well as covering old roll roofs with mastic or resin, is calculated based on the area of ​​the new coating.

The scope of work to replace and repair metal roofs is determined depending on the type of roof (simple, medium complexity and complex) and the area of ​​the repaired areas.

The volume of work on replacement and installation of wall gutters and overhangs in roofs of sheet steel, rolled and piece materials is calculated per 100 m of gutters and overhang.

The scope of work to replace the coverings of parapets, parapets and other elements without finishing or with finishing of the sides with a covering width of up to 1 or 1.75 m, as well as when replacing the covering of sandstones, window sills and individual eaves made of roofing steel is determined by the length of the repaired sections. The amount of work required to install hoods and umbrellas over pipes and ventilation shafts is calculated per hood.

The scope of work for attaching, replacing and re-hanging straight sections of drainpipes is determined in linear meters, and for replacing bends, ebbs, funnels and grips - in pieces.

The scope of work for dismantling and repairing parapet gratings (without removal from the site) is determined by the length of the repaired sections.

The insulation of coatings with slabs or roll insulating materials is calculated in square meters based on the area of ​​the insulated area, and with backfill materials - in cubic meters based on the volume of insulation. In this case, the adhesive vapor barrier of coatings is calculated in square meters of the insulated surface.

The scope of work on painting metal roofs is determined by the area of ​​the roof. The coloring of folds, gutters, caps and dormer windows is not taken into account separately.

The scope of work on painting drainpipes, belts, sandriks and external window sills is determined in the meters specified by TER.

Stairs, balconies

The scope of work on the installation of stairs is determined by the total area of ​​​​the horizontal projection of the flights, including frieze steps (without taking into account the embedding of platforms into the walls).

The amount of work on the installation of staircase landings is measured by their area without taking into account the fascia step.

The volume of repair of stone steps with the installation of stone inserts in the steps is calculated by the number of repaired places, and the repair of reinforced concrete and concrete steps is calculated by the number of repaired steps.

The scope of work on the installation of porches is calculated by the area of ​​the entrance platforms, including frieze steps.

The scope of work on installing railings on stairs is calculated by the total length of the flights and platforms fenced with railings.

When calculating the volume of work on installing balconies, you should be guided by the project. The area of ​​balcony slabs should be taken without taking into account the embedding in the walls.

The amount of work to install building entrance canopies on metal brackets coated with roofing steel is determined in square meters of coverage.

The scope of work on painting steel gratings on all sides (windows, balconies, parapets, etc.), as well as fences, is calculated by the area of ​​their vertical projection (on one side), without excluding the gaps between posts and belts, using coefficients for gratings:

simple without relief, with filling up to 20% - 0.5;

medium complexity with filling up to 30% - 0.1;

complex with relief and filling of more than 30% - 2.5.

Engineering equipment and systems

The scope of work for dismantling, replacing individual sections and laying all internal pipelines is calculated according to the design length of the pipelines without deductions for areas occupied by fittings and fittings. Pipe laying, as a rule, is carried out from ready-made units with the sockets sealed with O-rings, welding or using couplings; with the installation of oil seals or sleeves at local intersections of pipelines with ceilings and walls; with installation and sealing of fasteners: cleaning, flushing, chlorination and hydraulic testing of the pipeline.

The number, type and dimensions of fittings and fittings installed on pipelines are determined according to design data. Scope of installation work: 1) fittings of cast iron pressure pipes are calculated in tons. 2) U-shaped expansion joints - in meters, separately by their diameters, 3) flange connections - by pipe diameters and the number of flanges, 4) water meters, fittings and pressure gauges - per water meter unit, 5) fire and watering valves - by their number .

Repair work to replace sanitary fixtures involves removing old fixtures and installing new fixtures. The amount of work required to remove and install appliances is calculated separately for the corresponding types of plumbing fixtures in pieces.

Repair work to replace fittings (taps, valves, mixers) is calculated in pieces.

The scope of work for installing instruments, units and devices of heating systems is determined according to design data, in particular, when replacing radiators, the scope of work is calculated in radiators weighing up to 80, 160 and 120 kg; when regrouping, detaching or attaching additional sections - according to the number of sections; when installing elevator units - the number of units; capacitive water heaters - for 1 set; high-speed water-water heaters - by the number of sections of the corresponding diameter, disassembly and installation of thermometers, monometers, indicators, air valves - by the number of sets, repair and replacement of fittings and locking parts on pipelines - in pieces.

The scope of work for the removal and installation of gas appliances (stoves, geysers, meters and water heaters), repair of valves, replacement of taps and other fittings is determined by the number of instruments and devices in the following meters: one appliance, one valve, one socket, one flange, one coupling, one tap, one set, one piece.

Repair of exhaust pipes and gas appliances - removal of the damper, installation of fasteners, connection of exhaust pipes to the gas appliance and to the exhaust duct - is calculated per set.

The scope of work for replacing and laying wires and cables in mains and in risers is calculated in meters across the cross-section and grouped by installation methods (openly, hidden, in pipes, voids, etc.). The brand and cross-section of wires and cables are taken according to design data.

Scope of installation work:

electric stoves with power supply, preparation for switching on are determined according to design data and calculated by the number of stoves put into operation;

lamps with incandescent lamps - in pieces separately by type of installation (on hooks, in steel pipes, in brackets, etc.);

lamps with fluorescent lamps - in pieces, taking into account the number of lamps in the lamp up to 2, 4, 6, 10;

group lighting panels with automatic machines in the finished niche are counted in pieces separately, i.e. with the number of groups up to 8, 10, 20, 30;

industrial panels with machine guns - in pieces.

Other repairs

The scope of work for punching holes for pipes in brick and reinforced concrete walls with cement mortar is determined by the number of punched holes.

Scope of work on dismantling, repair (insulation) of insulating coatings made of mastic, mineral wool, thermal insulation boards, backfill, etc. determined in meters of insulation.

The scope of work for removing, replacing and wallpapering walls and ceilings is calculated by the area of ​​the surface to be pasted. The area of ​​window and door openings, calculated from the outer contour of the frames, is excluded from the area of ​​the walls.

The volume of work on repair, disassembly, installation and replacement of window and door fillings is calculated by the outer contour of the frames in kind, and window frames and door panels - by the outer contour of the frames and panels.

The scope of work for the removal, replacement and glazing of wooden, reinforced concrete and metal window sashes, transoms, doors and shop windows is calculated by the area between the outer edges of the rebates, i.e. according to glass sizes.

The scope of work for painting central heating and sanitary fixtures, pipes, as well as small metal parts is calculated by the area of ​​the surface to be painted as follows:

heating devices - taken equal to the heating surface;

The area of ​​painted pipelines per 1 m of pipe is taken depending on their diameter according to Table 6.

wear and tear building repairs

Table 6 - Area of ​​painted pipelines depending on their diameter.

1 m steel pipes 1 m cast iron pipes Diameter, mm Surface area, m2 Diameter, mm Surface area, m 2150, 11500, 28200, 13750, 37250, 161000, 48320, 181250, 59400, 211500, 72500, 26--750.36-- 1000.46- -

2.4 Determination of the estimated cost of repair work

The cost of repair and construction work is determined in the form of a local estimate. The local estimate form and an example of how to fill it out are given in Appendix 2 (Form 3).

From the collection of territorial unit rates (TER) we write out the following information of a reference nature: in column 1 the code or code (number) of the rate, in gr. 4,5,6 respectively - costs per unit of work: direct costs, wages of main workers and labor costs of main workers. At the same time, gr. 2-5 of the local resource sheet for the consumption of materials not included in the price.

Specific resource costs gr. 4,5,6 multiplied by the volume of repair work calculated earlier and transferred to gr. 3 from gr. 5 of table 4 (form 2) and thus fill out gr. 7, 8, 9.

Having determined the direct costs for each type of work, we determine the total direct costs taking into account the cost of materials in the sections: “Earthwork”, “Foundations and Walls”, “Roofs and Roofs”, “Painting and Plastering Works”, “Plumbing Works”.

Due to the fact that when determining the cost of repairs, the estimate and normative base of 1999-2000 is used, to recalculate the cost of direct costs into current prices, the coefficients (indices) currently in force for recalculating the cost of resources must be used, i.e. cost of materials and wages. For example, the conversion index of the estimated cost for 2005

in terms of wages was Kz/p = 3.6,

at the cost of materials Km = 2.9.

Then, according to the standards for overhead costs and estimated profit established for each type of work as a percentage of the wages of the main workers, we determine overhead costs and estimated profit accordingly. At the end of the estimate, direct costs, overhead costs and estimated profit are given as a whole for the estimate, by summing up the relevant expenses by section, and then VAT is charged on all these expenses.

The total estimated cost of repairs includes direct costs, overheads and estimated profit and VAT.

2.5 Determining material requirements

The cost of materials required to carry out repair and construction work is determined by drawing up a local resource statement and resource estimate. The form of the local resource statement and an example of its completion, as well as the resource estimate, are given in Table 7 (Form 4) and Table 8 (Form 5), respectively. . The need for materials is determined by the product of the consumption rate of the i-th material required for the j-th type of work by the volume of work of the j-th type.

The local resource statement is compiled simultaneously with the preparation of the estimate. Using the TER (GESN) collections, we find production standards for the consumption of materials for each type of work. As a rule, the cost of materials is already taken into account in a single price, but there are materials for which prices are set depending on local market conditions; the cost of such materials is not taken into account in the prices, and the collections provide only consumption rates for materials not taken into account in the price.

Table 7 (form 4) - Local resource list (material consumption list)

No. Standard code and resource code Name of work and name of materials Unit of measurement Quantity Per unit General 1234561. TER 12-001 Repair of the surface of brick walls - cement-lime mortar M50 - brick - construction waste 10 m2 m3 1000 pcs. t 0.58 1.033 5.13 0.89 1.591 7.9

Their cost must be determined independently, using reference literature containing information on current (current) prices for building materials.

The results of calculations of the need for building materials are summarized in Table 8 (Form 5), where the cost of materials is determined based on price catalogs for building materials.

Table 8 (form 5) - Determination of the cost of unaccounted materials

No. Name of material Units of measurement Quantity Total cost per unit 1234561. Bricks thousand. pcs. 2. Cement-lime mortar ³ 3. Bitumen mastic kg 4. Oil paint kg 5. Boards 6.………………Total cost of materials

2.6 Determination of the number of repair workers and duration of repair work

To determine the number of repair workers, it is necessary to group individual types of repair work (roofing, carpentry, masonry, plastering, painting, sanitary) into homogeneous groups and calculate their total labor intensity.

We determine the number of repair workers by main types of professions: roofer, carpenter-joiner, bricklayer, painter-plasterer. The number is determined by the formula:

where Ti is the sum of the labor intensity of the i-th type of work performed by workers of a given profession;

Fpl is the planned working time fund, defined as the product of the duration of the working day (= 8.2 hours) by the number of days of work with the standard duration of current repairs being 22 days per 1000 m2 of the total area of ​​the building.

Based on the results, Table 9 (Form 6) is filled out.

Table 9 (Form 6) - Calculation of the number of repair workers and duration of repairs

No. Name of workComposition of team, profession Total labor intensity man-hours Number of repair workers, people Duration of repairs, days 1234561. Roofing roofer 2. Carpenter-joiner carpenter-joiner 3. Stone mason 4. Plasterer-painter-plastererTotal:

When determining the number of workers, it is necessary to adjust the number of workers and the duration of their work in accordance with the technological sequence of work during routine repairs.

The technological sequence of work must be reflected on the network diagram (see figure)

Rice. Technological sequence of work on current repairs of the building.

2.7 Technical and economic indicators of the project

The course work calculates the absolute and relative technical and economic indicators of the current building renovation project. The calculation results are presented in Table 10 (Form 7).

Table 10 (form 7) - Technical and economic indicators of current building repairs

No. Name of indicator Units of measurement Quantity 12341. Total area of ​​buildings ² 2. Living area of ​​buildings ² 3. Labor intensity of repair work people-hours 4. Number of repair workers people 5 Labor intensity of work per 1 m ² total building area person-h/m ² 6. Total duration of repair work, hours. 7. Cost of repairs, thousand. rub. 8. Cost of repairs per 1 m2 of total / living area of ​​the building, thousand. RUR/m2 Bibliography

1.Rules and regulations for the technical operation of housing stock. - M., 2003

2.TER 81-04-(51-69)-99 SPb. Territorial unit prices for repair and construction work for use in St. Petersburg from July 1, 1999. URR - 99./ SPb., 1999.

.State elemental estimate standards for repair and construction work. GESNr - 2001. Part I.-II / M.: Gosstroy of Russia, 1999.

.Rules for assessing the physical deterioration of residential buildings. VSN 53-86 (r) Gosgrazhdanstroy. - M.: Pricelist, 1988.

.Catalog "Stroycena"

.Collection of average estimated prices for basic construction resources for use in St. Petersburg. / St. Petersburg: “RTsTS”.

.Shibanova T.V. Technical maintenance of buildings: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2004.

.Drawing for builders: Textbook. for students of initial professional education / Yu.I.Koroev. -8th ed., ster.. -M.: Higher School, 2003.-256 p.

.Civil buildings and their technical operation / M.S. Shumilov. Textbook for universities. - M.: Higher School, 1985.

.Shibanova T.V. Guidelines for laboratory work in the discipline “Technical operation of buildings” for students of all forms of study in specialty 060800(2),(8),(9).- St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2004.

.Technical operation of residential buildings. / S.N. Notenko, A.G. Roitman, E.Ya. Sokova, A.M. Strazhnikov, K.A. School for universities. - M.: Higher School, 2000


Initial data for course work

1.The number of storeys of the buildings is 5 floors.

2.The depth of the foundation is 3.0 m, the width of the base is 0.9 m. The building has a basement 2.0 m high.

.Base height 1m.

.Double flight staircase, slope 1:2. The height of the flight of stairs is 1.2 m.

.The width (protrusion) of the balcony slabs is 1.2 m, the height of the railings of balconies and loggias is 1 m.

.Dimensions of bathrooms - toilets, bathrooms can be of the following sizes: 2.1 X 1.8 m, or 1.8 X 1 m, or 1.8 X 2.4 m.

.The width of passages and corridors is at least 1.1 m.

Option 1

2.Brick walls thickness - 1.5 bricks, wear 20%.

.Floor height 3.2 m.

.½ brick, wear 5%.

.Gable attic roof with a cold attic on a wooden rafter system, roof slope 15°, wear 25%; metal roof made of galvanized roofing steel sheets (sheet size 1420 X 710 m), wear 40%.

.The floors are plank, wear 30%.

Option 2

1.Strip stone foundations, wear 50%.

.Floor height 2.8 m.

.The floors are prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, thickness - 0.12 m, wear 20%.

.Panel partitions thickness 0.12, wear 30%.

.The roof is a gable attic with a cold attic on a wooden rafter system, roof slope 15°; metal roof made of galvanized roofing steel sheets (sheet size 1420 X 710 m), wear 30%.

.The drain is external, drainpipes d=200 mm are hung every 12-15 m along the facade, there is damage to individual sections of the drainpipes.

.Reinforced concrete stairs, wear 15%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 40%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.The windows are wooden with separate sash, width/height of window openings - 960/1440 mm, wear 50%.

.Plank floors, 50% wear.

.Internal and external finishing - the facade is lined with ceramic tiles, wear of the facade cladding is 25%; staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 25%.

Wear 10%.

.The central heating system is two-pipe with overhead wiring, steel radiators, wear 25%.

Option 3

1.Large-block strip foundations, wear 30%.

2.Brick walls thickness - 1.5 bricks, wear 10%.

.Floor height 2.8 m.

.Brick partitions, thickness ½ brick, wear 10%.

.The roof is flat and split, with internal drainage. 4-layer roll roofing, parapet height 0.5 m. wear 30%.

.Prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs, wear 25%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 25%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.Metal windows, width/height of window openings - 1360/1440 mm, wear 10%.

.Roll floors (linoleum), wear 40%.

.Interior and exterior decoration - staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 40%.

.Water supply system, wear 40%.

.Electrical equipment - exposed wiring, wear 25%.

.The central heating system is single-pipe with overhead wiring, cast-iron sectional radiators, wear 25%.

Option 4

1.Large-block strip foundations, wear 40%.

2.Brick walls thickness - 1.5 bricks, wear 25%.

.Floor height 2.8 m.

.Floors, prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, thickness - 0.12 m, wear 20%.

.Brick partitions, thickness ½ brick, wear 20%.

.The roof is flat and split, with internal drainage. 4-layer roll roofing, parapet height 0.5 m. wear 35%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 25%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.Metal windows, width/height of window openings - 960/1440 mm, wear 20%.

.Parquet floors, wear 35%.

.Interior and exterior decoration - the facade of the building is plastered and painted, the wear of the facade decoration is 35%; The staircases are plastered and painted with oil paint, the wear of the finish is 25%.

.Water supply system, wear 25%.

.Electrical equipment - hidden electrical wiring, wear 10%.

.The central heating system is single-pipe with top wiring, steel radiators, wear 25%.

Option 5

1.Strip stone foundations, wear 35%.

2.Brick walls thickness - 1.5 bricks, wear 30%.

.Floor height 3.2 m.

.Wooden floors plastered on beams, thickness - 0.3 m, wear 20%.

.Brick partitions, thickness ½ brick, wear 10%.

.The roof is a gable attic with a cold attic on a wooden rafter system, roof slope 15°; metal roof made of galvanized roofing steel sheets (sheet size 1420 X 710 m), wear 25%.

.The drain is external, drainpipes d=200 mm are hung every 12-15 m along the facade, there is damage to individual sections of the drainpipes.

.Stone stairs on steel stringers, wear 25%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 25%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.The windows are wooden with separate sash, width/height of window openings - 1360/1440 mm, wear 40%.

.Parquet floors, wear 35%.

.Interior and exterior finishing - the facade of the building is plastered and painted, wear of the facade finishing is 25%; staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 40%.

.Water supply system, wear 40%.

.Electrical equipment - exposed wiring, wear 25%.

.The central heating system is single-pipe with overhead wiring, cast-iron sectional radiators, wear 25%.

Option 6

2.Walls made of load-bearing panels, thickness - 0.2 m, wear 30%.

.Floor height 3.2 m.

.Panel partitions thickness 0.12, wear 25%.

.Combined gable roof, slope slope 3%, with external unorganized drainage. 4-layer roll roofing; wear 25%

.Prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs, wear 45%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 25%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.Wooden windows with separate sash, width/height of window openings - 1360/1440 mm, wear 20%.

.The floors are plank, wear 30%.

.Interior and exterior finishing - the facade of the building is plastered and painted, the wear of the facade finishing is 40%; staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 40%.

.Water supply system, wear 40%.

.Electrical equipment - exposed wiring, wear 25%.

.The central heating system is single-pipe with overhead wiring, cast-iron sectional radiators, wear 25%.

Option 7

1.Columnar stone foundations with a brick plinth, wear 40%.

2.Walls made of load-bearing panels, thickness - 0.2 m, wear 20%.

.Floor height 2.8 m.

.Partitions made of load-bearing panels, thickness 0.12 m.

.Stairs on steel stringers wear 15%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 35%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.The windows are wooden with separate sash, width/height of window openings - 1360/1440 mm, wear 35%.

.Parquet floors, wear 15%.

.Interior decoration - staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 55%.

.Electrical equipment - exposed wiring, wear 25%.

.The central heating system is single-pipe with top wiring, cast-iron sectional radiators, wear 35%.

Option 8

1.Columnar stone foundations with a brick plinth, wear 30%.

Wear 30%.

.Floor height 3.0 m.

.Wooden floors plastered on beams, thickness - 0.3 m, wear 10%.

.Panel partitions, wear 30%.

.Combined gable roof, slope slope 3%, with external unorganized drainage. 4-layer roll roofing; wear 25%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 20%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.Roll floors (linoleum), wear 10%.

.Interior and exterior decoration - the facade is lined with ceramic tiles, the wear of the facade cladding is 25%; staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 45%.

.Water supply system, wear 20%.

.Electrical equipment - hidden electrical wiring, wear 35%.

.The central heating system is two-pipe with overhead wiring, cast-iron sectional radiators, wear 25%.

Option 9

1.Strip stone foundations, wear 40%.

2.Walls made of reinforced concrete panels thickness - 0.2 m,

Wear 35%.

.Floor height 3.2 m.

.The floors are solid reinforced concrete flooring, thickness 0.12 m.

.Panel partitions, wear 25%.

.4-layer roll roofing, parapet height 0.5 m. wear 35%.

.Prefabricated reinforced concrete stairs, wear 15%.

.Internal and external panel doors, wear 15%. The width/height of doorways for entrance apartment and interior doors is 900/1900 mm, for balcony doors - 700/1900 mm.

.The windows are wooden with separate sash, width/height of window openings - 960/1440 mm, wear 20%.

.The floors are plank, wear 30%.

.Interior and exterior decoration - the facade is lined with ceramic tiles, wear of the facade cladding is 30%, staircases are painted with oil paint, paint wear is 20%.

.Water supply system, wear 20%.

.Electrical equipment - hidden electrical wiring,

Wear 25%.

.The central heating system is single-pipe with top wiring, stamped steel radiators, wear 25%.


Local cost estimate for current building repairs

Code (price code TER) Name of work, unit of measurement Quantity (volume of work) Prices per unit of work Cost of the entire volume of work Direct costs, rub. Salary of main workers, rub. Labor costs, man-hour Direct costs, rub. Salary of main workers, rub. Labor costs, man-hours 123456789 Section 1 Earthworks 1.2. Section 3 Walls 3. Repair of the surface of brick walls, 10 m21.542339.1394.4960.693602.2607.593.46 Total direct costs 3602607.5 Total direct costs at current prices (Kz/p =3.6; Km=2.9)10871=607.5·3.6+(3602-607.5)·2.9 Overhead costs 86% of the wages of the main workers 1880.8 Estimated profit 70% of the wages of the main workers workers 1530.9 Total according to section 14282.7 Total according to the estimate of direct costs Total according to the estimate of overhead costs Total estimated profit Total according to the estimate Total cost including VAT


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2.3. Organization and planning of current repairs

2.3.1. Organization of current repairs of residential buildings should

be carried out in accordance with technical instructions for the organization and

technologies for current repairs of residential buildings and technical instructions for

organizing preventive maintenance of residential large-panel buildings

buildings. Current repairs are carried out by service organizations

housing stock by contracting organizations.

2.3.2. The duration of current repairs should be determined by

standards for each type of repair work on structures and equipment.

For preliminary planned calculations it is allowed to accept

2.3.3. An approximate list of works related to current repairs,

is given in Appendix No. 7.

2.3.4. The frequency of routine repairs should be within the limits

three to five years, taking into account the capital group of buildings, physical wear and tear and

local conditions.

2.3.5. Current repairs of engineering equipment of residential buildings (systems

heating and ventilation, hot and cold water supply, sewerage,

electricity supply, gas supply), located on technical

servicing specialized operating enterprises

utilities is carried out by these enterprises.

2.3.6. Inventory of repair work for each building included in

an annual maintenance plan is developed and agreed upon with

owner of the housing stock, authorized or manager

organizations for servicing the housing stock in a timely manner.

2.3.7. In buildings scheduled for major repairs in

within the next five years or subject to demolition, ongoing repairs should

limited to work that provides standard conditions for living

(preparation for spring-summer and winter operation, setting up engineering


2.3.8. Current repairs of a residential building are subject to acceptance

a commission consisting of: representatives of housing stock owners and

housing maintenance organizations.


2.4. Organization and planning of major repairs

2.4.1. Planning a major renovation of the housing stock should

carry out in accordance with current documents.

2.4.2. During major repairs, a comprehensive

troubleshooting all worn-out elements of the building and

equipment, replacement, restoration or replacement with more durable and

economical, improving the operational performance of the housing stock,

implementation of a technically feasible and economically feasible

modernization of residential buildings with the installation of heat, water, gas meters,

electricity and ensuring rational energy consumption. Exemplary

list of works carried out using funds allocated for

major repairs of the housing stock are given in Appendix No. 8.

2.4.3. Major repairs in houses subject to demolition, restoration

and the improvement of which is impractical to carry out within the next

10 years, it is allowed to produce as an exception only in the amount

ensuring safe and sanitary living conditions in them at

remaining term.

2.4.4. Planned dates for the start and completion of major renovations of residential buildings

buildings should be installed in accordance with the norms for the duration of capital

repair of residential and public buildings and municipal facilities.

2.4.5. The procedure for development, volume and nature of design estimates

documentation for major repairs of residential buildings, as well as the timing of its issuance

contracting organization must be installed in accordance with

valid documents.


2.5. Organization of maintenance of residential buildings planned for major repairs

2.5.1. When maintaining residential buildings prepared for

major repairs with the (partial) resettlement of residents should

the following additional requirements must be met:

The owner of a residential building is obliged to inform the living population about

timing of the start and completion of major repairs;

Fencing of dangerous areas;

Security and prevention of unauthorized persons from entering occupied premises;

Disconnection of sanitary facilities in vacated apartments,

electrical and gas devices.

2.5.2. All structures in disrepair must

be provided with security devices to prevent their collapse.


2.6. Preparing housing stock for seasonal use

2.6.1. The purpose of preparing housing and communal services facilities for

seasonal operation is to ensure deadlines and quality of execution

maintenance work (maintenance and repair) of housing stock,

ensuring regulatory requirements for the residence of residents and regimes

functioning of engineering equipment in winter.

2.6.2. When preparing housing stock for use in winter


Eliminate faults: walls, facades, roofs, attic floors and

above technical undergrounds (basements), passages, windows and doors

fillings, as well as heating stoves, chimneys, gas ducts, internal

heat, water and electricity supply systems and installations with gas


Bring the territory of households into technically sound condition with

ensuring unimpeded drainage of atmospheric and melt water from

blind areas, from descents (entrances) to the basement and their window pits;

Ensure proper waterproofing of foundations, basement walls and

plinths and their connections with adjacent structures, staircases,

basement and attic spaces, elevator machine rooms, serviceability

fire hydrants.

2.6.3. Start and end dates for winterization of each residential

home, boiler room, heating point and thermal (elevator) unit

approved by the local government (at the proposal of the organization

servicing the specified housing stock) taking into account the completion of all work in

central heating and stoves. Monitoring the progress of preparations for

in winter is carried out by local government bodies, housing owners

fund and their authorized and main state housing inspectorates.

2.6.4. Schedule for preparing the housing stock and its engineering

equipment for operation in winter conditions is compiled by the owner

housing stock or its maintenance organization and is approved

local authorities based on the results of the spring inspection

and shortcomings identified over the past period.

2.6.5. Preparation for winter (carrying out hydraulic tests,

repair, verification and adjustment) the entire complex of devices is subject to

ensuring uninterrupted heat supply to apartments (boiler rooms,

intra-house networks, group and local heating points in houses, systems

heating, ventilation).

Boiler houses, heating points and units must be provided with means

automation, control and measuring instruments (instrumentation), shut-off

control equipment, wiring diagrams for heating systems, hot water supply, hot water supply,

supply and exhaust ventilation, designs indicating use

equipment under various operating conditions (filling,

make-up, draining water from heating systems, etc.), technical data sheets

equipment, mode cards, parameter logs, logs

equipment defects.

Intra-block networks must be adjusted with

by adjusting the calculated diameters of throttling devices at thermal

(elevator) node.

Gas facilities must be adjusted

shut-off safety valves and pressure regulators for winter

Equipment for pumping stations, fire-fighting equipment systems

must be equipped with main and backup equipment, provided

automatic switching on of backup pumps in case of failure of the main ones,

adjusted and working properly.

2.6.6. During the period of preparing the housing stock for work in winter

conditions is organized:

Training and retraining of personnel for workers of boiler houses, thermal

points, emergency service workers and maintenance workers,


Preparation of emergency services (vehicles, equipment, means

communications, tools and equipment, supplies of materials and instruction


Preparation (reconstruction) of circuit diagrams of in-house cold and

hot water supply, sewerage, central heating and ventilation,

gas, indicating the location of shut-off valves and switches (for

mechanics and electricians to eliminate accidents and malfunctions in-house

engineering systems);

In unheated rooms, pipe insulation repairs are provided

water supply and sewerage, fire-fighting water supply.

If there is water in the basements, it should be pumped out, turned off and

disassemble the irrigation water supply, insulate the water metering unit; provide

uninterrupted operation of sewer outlets, inspection wells

yard network and general outlets at the ends of the building from the collection pipeline,

laid in the basement (technical underground)

2.6.7. In unheated rooms during preparation for winter

you should check the condition and repair the insulation of water pipes

and sewerage, central heating and hot water supply, insulate the fire-fighting water supply system.

2.6.8. Ventilation in basements and technical undergrounds for the winter can be

Close only in case of severe frosts.

2.6.9. The beginning of the heating season is established by local authorities


2.6.10. Readiness of housing and communal services facilities for

operation in winter conditions is confirmed by the presence of:

Certificates of readiness of the house for operation in winter conditions

(Appendix No. 9);

Certificates on the serviceability of security automation and

control and measuring instruments (KPP) for boiler houses and engineering

building equipment;

Certificates of technical condition and serviceability of fire fighting equipment


Fuel supply for boiler houses and the population before the start of

heating season: solid # not less than 70% of heating needs

season, liquid - according to the availability of warehouses, but not less than the monthly average

consumption; supply of sand for sprinkling sidewalks at the rate of at least 3-4 m3 per

1 thousand m2 of harvesting area;

Acts on the readiness of harvesting equipment and equipment;

Acts on winter readiness with assessment of the quality of preparation of buildings and

apartments for winter and a certificate for each object, as well as test certificates,

flushing, adjustment of cold, hot water supply and heating systems.

2.6.11. During the winter period, uninterrupted operation should be ensured.

sewer outlets, inspection wells of the yard network and general

outlets at the ends of buildings from a common pipeline laid in the basement.

2.6.12. After the end of the heating season, boiler room equipment,

heating networks and heating points, all heating systems must be

tested by hydraulic pressure in accordance with established


Defects identified during testing must be eliminated, after which

repeated tests were carried out. Tests of heating networks are carried out in

compliance with established requirements.

2.6.13. During the summer, the following work must be carried out:

A) for boiler rooms - revision of fittings and instrumentation equipment

(control and measuring instruments) and automation, eliminating cracks in

lining of boilers and chimneys, a contingent of operators and

Fuel was delivered: solid - 70% of the fuel requirement

heating season, liquid - depending on the availability of warehouses, but not less

average monthly supply. Calculation of the required amount of fuel should be

produce in accordance with current regulations

documents. Fuel should be stored in accordance with

established requirements;

B) for heating networks - flushing of systems, inspection of fittings, elimination

constant and periodic blockages of channels, restoration of destroyed

or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in underground chambers

canals and basements (technical underground);

C) for heating points - inspection of fittings and equipment (pumps,

heaters, etc.);

D) for heating and hot water supply systems - inspection of taps and

other shut-off valves of expanders and air collectors, restoration

destroyed or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in staircases

cells, basements, attics, and in the niches of sanitary facilities. In the presence of

If the radiators do not warm up, they should be hydropneumatically flushed.

Upon completion of all repair work, the entire complex of devices

the heat supply is subject to operational adjustment during a trial fire;

D) on cleaning equipment and equipment for janitors - check,

repair, replacement;

E) delivery of sand for sprinkling sidewalks (at the rate of at least 3 m3 per 1

thousand m2 of harvesting area) and salt (at the rate of at least 3-5% of the mass of sand)

or its substitute;

G) explanation to tenants, tenants and owners of residential and

non-residential premises

(Order of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR dated 08/04/1981 N 420. On the approval and implementation of the “Rules for the technical operation of hotels and their equipment”)

1.66. The capital repair plan is drawn up for the next year no later than June 1, signed by the manager and agreed upon with the higher organization. The plan indicates the volume of work in monetary terms and in physical terms, as well as the contractors performing major repairs. The plan is signed by the hotel manager and approved by a higher organization. Changes to the plan are allowed only in exceptional cases related to an accident or change in the cost of work. In this case, changes can be made no later than 45 days before the end of the quarter.
Note: 1. The capital repair plan for Moscow and Leningrad is drawn up for two years, broken down by year and by quarter.
2. In order to ensure the timely execution of applications for materials and equipment and the identification of contractors, a two-year capital repair plan is drawn up no later than April 1 of the year preceding the first year of the two-year plan.
3. The capital repair plan for the second year of the two-year period is clarified when drawing up the plan for the next two-year period.

The work on organizing and carrying out major repairs has four periods: the first is the selection of buildings and hotel premises for inclusion in the capital repair plan (clause 1.67); the second - carrying out survey preparatory work for drawing up documents with initial data for design (clause 1.68); third - production, coordination and approval of design and estimate documentation (clause 1.69); fourth - execution and acceptance of major repairs (clause 1.70).
1.67. When selecting hotels for major repairs, the main document characterizing the technical condition of the buildings and reflecting the need for major repairs should be a passport for the hotel building with annual changes entered into it, as well as a journal on the repair work.
The selection of hotel buildings and premises for major repairs is carried out by operating organizations on the basis of data from the technical passport, repair log, reports of general and extraordinary inspections, proposals for improvement of premises and improvement of the interior and inspection of buildings and premises in kind.
The improvement of hotel buildings should be systematically improved with appropriate feasibility studies.
Installation of cold and hot water supply systems in rooms with the installation of washbasins, installation of elevators and garbage chutes, installation of central dust removal systems, telephone installation, design of lobby groups, landscaping of the surrounding area, etc. allow you to raise the level of hotel amenities and improve service for residents.
Based on the technical certification data of hotels, inspection reports and repair logs, a long-term five-year plan for capital repairs and improvement of hotel amenities is drawn up, taking into account the established frequency of repairs.
When drawing up a long-term and annual improvement plan, it is necessary to take into account the deterioration of the building and equipment, as well as the state of communications.
The long-term plan for improving hotel amenities may include work financed from capital repair funds specified in clause 1.56.
Long-term plans for hotels are reviewed and approved by a higher organization. The plans are the basis for the annual selection of objects for major repairs or improvement of the level of improvement. The consolidated long-term plan for capital repairs and improvement of the hotel stock is approved by the executive committee of the local Council of People's Deputies (in Moscow they are approved by the Office of High-Rise Buildings and Hotels).
1.68. Based on the building's passport and the act of field inspection of the premises, the hotel, along with the order, issues the design organization a task for the development of technical documentation.
The preparation of technical documentation for major repairs and improvement of hotel amenities is carried out by design organizations based on a preliminary order issued two years before the work is carried out.
An accepted design order is formalized by a bilateral agreement and a work schedule.
Design and estimate documentation for a hotel overhaul must be sufficiently complete and ensure advance placement of orders for the manufacture of necessary structures and equipment.
Strengthening or replacement, disassembly or installation of load-bearing structural elements must be carried out only in accordance with the approved repair project. In the project, in addition to the design solution, the order of work must be determined in each specific case. Repair of structures must be accompanied by the elimination of the causes that caused deterioration in their performance or damage. Elimination of the causes of premature wear of structures during major repairs must be provided for by the project.
A preliminary application for major repairs for the planned year is submitted to the contractor before May 1 of the year preceding the major repair.
The final application for major repairs is submitted to the contractor only if design and estimate documentation is available before July 1.
Design and estimate documentation must be prepared, received by the customer, agreed upon, approved and transferred to the contract repair and construction organization no later than July 1 of the year preceding the major overhaul.
Control over the quality and timing of the design and estimate documentation is assigned to the hotel management.
Design and estimate documentation for major repairs is approved by a higher organization (administration, association or local Council).

Maintenance of residential buildings

Residential building technical inspection system

II. Organization of maintenance and current repairs of housing stock

Maintenance of a building includes a set of works to maintain elements and intra-house systems, specified parameters and operating modes of its structures, equipment and technical devices in good condition.

The system of technical maintenance (maintenance and current repairs) of the housing stock ensures the normal functioning of buildings and engineering systems during the established service life of the building using the required volumes of material and financial resources.

Maintenance of the housing stock includes work to monitor its condition, maintain serviceability, operability, adjust and regulate engineering systems, etc. Monitoring the technical condition should be carried out through scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

Current repairs of a building include a set of construction, organizational and technical measures in order to eliminate malfunctions (restoring operability) of elements, equipment and engineering systems of the building to maintain operational performance.

The purpose of the inspections is to identify possible causes of defects and develop measures to eliminate them. During inspections, the use and maintenance of premises is also monitored.

Once a year, during the spring inspection, employers, tenants and owners of residential premises should be instructed on the procedure for their maintenance and operation of engineering equipment and fire safety rules.

2.1.1. Routine inspections of residential buildings should be carried out:

general, during which an inspection of the building as a whole is carried out, including structures, engineering equipment and external improvements;

partial - inspections that involve inspection of individual elements of a building or premises.

General inspections should be carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn (before the start of the heating season).

After heavy rains, hurricane winds, heavy snowfalls, floods and other natural phenomena that cause damage to individual elements of buildings, as well as in the event of accidents on external communications or when deformation of structures and malfunctions of engineering equipment are detected that violate the conditions of normal operation, extraordinary (unscheduled) ) inspections.

2.1.2. Organization of inspections and inspections of residential buildings is carried out as follows:

general scheduled inspections, as well as extraordinary ones, are carried out by relevant organizations for servicing the housing stock. When inspecting cooperative houses that are undergoing technical maintenance by a housing maintenance organization, the commission should additionally include a representative of the housing cooperative board;

partial scheduled inspections of structural elements and engineering equipment are carried out by specialists or representatives of specialized services providing their maintenance and repair.

Particular attention during the inspection process should be paid to those buildings and their structures and equipment that have physical wear and tear of more than 60%.

2.1.3. Defects, deformations of structures or equipment of buildings discovered during inspections, which can lead to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity and stability of structures or a building, collapse or disruption of the normal operation of equipment, must be eliminated by the owner with the involvement of an organization for the maintenance of the housing stock or another one involved to carry out a specific type of work by the organization within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 2.

The housing maintenance organization must take urgent measures to ensure the safety of people, prevent further development of deformations, and also immediately inform its owner or a person authorized by him about the incident.

2.1.4. The results of inspections should be reflected in special documents for recording the technical condition of buildings: magazines, passports, acts.

The inspection log reflects faults and damages identified during inspections (general, partial, extraordinary), as well as the technical condition of the elements of the house (Appendix No. 3).

The results of autumn inspections of the facility’s readiness for operation in winter conditions are reflected in the facility’s readiness certificate.

The results of general surveys of the condition of the housing stock, carried out periodically, are documented in acts.

2.1.5. An organization for servicing the housing stock, on the basis of inspection and inspection reports, must, within a month:

a) draw up a list (based on the results of the spring inspection) of activities and establish the scope of work necessary to prepare the building and its engineering equipment for operation in the next winter period;

b) clarify the scope of work for current repairs (based on the results of the spring inspection for the current year and the autumn inspection for the next year), as well as identify faults and damages, the elimination of which requires major repairs;

c) check the readiness (based on the results of the autumn inspection) of each building for operation in winter conditions;

Elimination of minor faults, as well as adjustment and adjustment of sanitary fixtures and engineering equipment should, as a rule, be carried out by an organization for maintaining the housing stock.

2.2.2. The scope of work and the timing of their implementation are reflected in the schedule, which is drawn up for a week, month and year.

2.2.3. To manage and monitor the technical condition of the housing stock, joint dispatch services (UDS) or district dispatch services (RDS) are created for microdistricts or groups of houses. For each ODS, a list of dispatch objects and controlled parameters of engineering equipment is established.

2.2.4. Automation and dispatching equipment for engineering equipment, communications equipment, instrumentation and meters must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for projects carried out by a specialized organization and, accordingly, ensure the maintenance of the specified operating modes of engineering equipment and timely reporting of violations operating modes or emergencies, measure operating parameters of equipment for visual or automatic control of its operation, reliable communication between employers, tenants and owners of privatized residential premises and the control room, as well as the control room with maintenance services and emergency services.

2.2.5. The United Dispatch Services (UDS) must keep records in special journals of applications for the prompt elimination of faults and damage to engineering equipment in apartments, building structures and other elements of buildings, and monitor the timing and quality of completion (Appendix No. 5).

2.2.6. Applications for malfunctions of engineering equipment or structures must be considered on the day they are received, and their elimination must be organized no later than the next day. In cases where troubleshooting requires a long time or spare parts that are not currently available, the applicant must be informed of the decisions made. Similar measures must be taken for applications received by telephone or through the dispatch communication system.

Emergency applications are eliminated within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 2. Applications related to ensuring the safety of residence are eliminated urgently.

2.3.1. The organization of routine repairs of residential buildings must be carried out in accordance with technical instructions for the organization and technology of routine repairs of residential buildings and technical guidelines for the organization of preventive routine repairs of residential large-panel buildings. Current repairs are carried out by housing maintenance organizations and contractors.

2.3.2. The duration of current repairs should be determined according to the standards for each type of repair work on structures and equipment.

For preliminary planned calculations, it is allowed to adopt enlarged standards in accordance with the recommended Appendix No. 6.

2.3.3. An approximate list of works related to routine repairs is given in Appendix No. 7.

2.3.4. The frequency of current repairs should be taken within three to five years, taking into account the capital group of buildings, physical wear and tear and local conditions.

2.3.5. Current repairs of engineering equipment of residential buildings (heating and ventilation systems, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, electricity, gas supply), which are under the maintenance of specialized utility operating enterprises, are carried out by these enterprises.

2.3.6. An inventory of repair work for each building included in the annual routine repair plan is developed and agreed upon with the owner of the housing stock, the authorized person or the head of the organization for servicing the housing stock within the established time frame.

2.3.7. In buildings scheduled for major repairs over the next five years or subject to demolition, current repairs should be limited to work that ensures standard conditions for living (preparation for spring-summer and winter operation, adjustment of engineering equipment).

2.3.8. The current repairs of a residential building are subject to acceptance by a commission consisting of: representatives of the owners of the housing stock and the organization for servicing the housing stock.