Organization of work on advanced training. Improvement of personnel qualifications at the enterprise. Forms of advanced training

With the advent and development of market relations, a number of changes occurred in the production sector. This affected not only the production and sale of finished products, but also management processes at the enterprise. In this regard, such types of management as:

  • strategic management;
  • personnel Management;
  • financial management;
  • operational management.

Modern production methods require a new approach to solving a number of problems, and this is within the capabilities of qualified specialists. This category of personnel is trained in production management courses. Teachers of specialized profiles on specific examples and will teach the basics in an accessible form management activities in production. The program is based on the latest scientific developments in this area and analysis of the experience of large leading companies and corporations. On the pages of our website we have collected information about the most popular and sought-after seminars, trainings and courses for middle managers in production.

The object of management is the key processes of the enterprise, during which both value and cost are created. Namely:

  • supply;
  • production;
  • marketing and sales;
  • equipment maintenance and repair;
  • energy supply, etc.

This is the predominant activity of managers at all levels. The word “boss” is derived from the word “beginning.” And indeed, from this type of activity, from this platform, that for which the enterprise is created begins and functions. To improve their skills, seminars are held for production managers.

Due to the steady growth of scientific and technological progress, existing enterprises are developing and improving. New segments and branches are appearing, and coordinating their activities is the main task of middle management. At the same time, the manager must have not only a base of knowledge and skills in the field of production, but also a number of personal characteristics, elements practical psychology. He must know the basics industrial relations between different subjects of production: engineers, technologists, workers, etc. This knowledge and skills can be obtained in courses for production managers. They make it possible to train highly qualified management personnel, whose activities will form the basis for the development and prosperity of the enterprise.



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The purpose of mastering these programs is to acquire professional knowledge and competencies necessary in the process of performing work in production.

The Training Center "TSOPO" trains students in popular professions: "Welder", "Gas cutter", "Battery operator", "Thermist", "Air conditioning system installer", "Installer of steel beams and structures", and others. The production sector is constantly developing, New professional standards are emerging, all of which requires good training from workers. At the Training Center "TSOPO" each student will receive the necessary practical and theoretical training.

Training programs are developed in strict accordance with current legislation. Thus, the professional standards “Welder” were used; “Worker operating battery equipment of an electric thermal station” and others.

Since 2007, the educational center “TsOPO” has been providing high-quality educational services in Moscow, Podolsk, Chekhov and Domodedovo. In our representative offices, workers, specialists and managers are trained and improve their skills.

Programs have been developed for full-time and distance learning formats, training and testing are provided using electronic system"OLYMP:OX".

The educational center “TsOPO” has all the necessary resources: personnel, technical, production - so that the development of theoretical material and production practice are at a traditionally high level.


Education: higher education (Moscow State Forest University " World economy", economist)

Professional retraining: under the program “Industrial and Civil Construction” at the State Academy of Professional Retraining and Advanced Training executives and investment specialists; “Fire technical minimum training program for managers and those responsible for fire safety in the institution (offices)”; “Program for advanced training in occupational safety and health for managers and specialists”; additional professional program advanced training in “First Aid”; was trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work at a height of 5 m or more (for workers of groups 1, 2, 3 using rope access systems); studied at the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov in the program “Methodology for conducting a comprehensive exam in the Russian language, Russian history and the fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation”; "Formation professional competencies when implementing major programs vocational training"; “Security device adjuster for lifting machines”;

Batteryman 3 categories with the right to service and charge batteries; Welder ASD and gas welding metal structures and pipelines made of low-carbon steel in all spatial positions of the seam;

Certified Territorial Attestation Commission of the Central Administration Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision by certification areas: A.1, B.9.31, B.9.32, B.9.33.

Education: higher education (bachelor; graduated from the Institute of Entrepreneurship Economics)

Professional training, certification and advanced training:“Fire technical minimum training program for managers and those responsible for fire safety in the institution (offices)”; “Program for advanced training in occupational safety and health for managers and specialists”; additional professional development program “First Aid”; “Formation of professional competencies in the implementation of basic vocational training programs”; FSBI "VNII OiET" - course "Training of organization employees for 3rd grade. on safety of work at height";

Mastered: educational programs additional education“A cradle worker located on a lift (tower)”; “Training and advanced training of car lift (tower) operators”;

Has permission as administrative and technical personnel to work in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V;

CertifiedTerritorial Certification Commission of the Central Administration of Rostechnadzor in the field of certification B.9.31 (“Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures intended for lifting and moving loads”).

Education: higher education (Moscow State University applied biotechnology), engineer specializing in “Machines and apparatus for food production”

Training: additional professional development program “First Aid”; “Program for advanced training in occupational safety and health for managers and specialists”; “Fire technical minimum training program for managers and those responsible for fire safety in the institution (offices)”; “Formation of professional competencies in the implementation of basic vocational training programs”;

Certification passed the commission of the Office of State Road Supervision of the Moscow Region for the certification of persons holding positions of executive managers related to ensuring traffic safety;

Training in “safe methods and techniques for performing work at height” at the Private Educational Institution “HSA Training” (HSA Training).

Kurochkin Alexey Nikolaevich

Education: higher education (Ivanovo Order of the Badge of Honor, Energy Institute) with a degree in Industrial Energy, industrial energy engineer;

Training: additional professional development program “First Aid”; “Fire technical minimum training program for managers and those responsible for fire safety in the institution (offices)”; “Program for advanced training in occupational safety and health for managers and specialists”; “Formation of professional competencies in the implementation of basic vocational training programs”;

Passed certification in Territorial certification commission Rostechnadzor in certification areas: A ( General requirements industrial safety A.1), B8 (Pressure equipment B.8.9.; B.8.10.; B.8.11.; B.8.12.; B.8.20.) Plus certification areas: B.1.19, B.1.23 , B.7.1 (Gas distribution and gas consumption facilities), B.7.2, B.7.8, B.8.21, B.8.22, B.8.23 and (Thermal power plants and heating networks G.2.1.).

Independent certification passed the FNP “Industrial safety of hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure”; FNP “Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks; FNP “Safety Rules for Facilities Using Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases.”

IN Labor Code there are quite a lot of articles that mention the employee’s qualifications: the employee is required to present a document on qualifications when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); offering other work to an employee during various organizational or technological changes the employer must focus on the employee’s qualifications (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); Salary depends on qualifications. What is meant by qualification in the sense of labor relations Whether an employer should help improve the qualifications of its employees and how to do this, we will tell you in the article.

The concept of worker qualifications

The concept of employee qualifications appeared in the Labor Code quite recently. Federal Law No. 236-FZ of December 3, 2012 introduced a new article into it. 195.1, in which the legislator determined that the qualifications of an employee are the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee. The qualification document confirms:

— assignment of rank, class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the worker’s profession or employee’s position).

Characteristics of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of work professional activity, is a professional standard. Currently, such standards are being actively developed, and by order of the President of the Russian Federation, there should be at least 800 of them by 2015.

The procedure for the development, approval and application of professional standards, as well as establishing the identity of the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in the ETKS and CEN, with the names of positions, professions and specialties contained in professional standards, established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2013 N 23.

Mandatory advanced training

Based on Art. 196 Labor Code of the Russian Federation necessity vocational training and retraining of personnel for their own needs is determined by the employer. However, in some cases, organizing advanced training for its employees is the direct responsibility of the employer; this is required by federal laws. Let us name the norms of some of them. You should improve your qualifications:

- employees of internal affairs bodies ( the federal law dated November 30, 2011 N 342-FZ “On service in internal affairs bodies” Russian Federation and making changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation");

— medical and pharmaceutical workers (Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”);

- state civil servants (Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On State civil service Russian Federation");

teaching staff(Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”);

— railway transport workers, production activity which are directly related to the movement of trains (Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 17-FZ "On railway transport In Russian federation");

— drivers and other workers of automobile and ground urban electric transport, ensuring road safety (Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ “On Road Safety”).

Ways to improve the skills of employees

The purpose of advanced training is to update theoretical and practical knowledge specialists due to increasing requirements for the level of qualifications and the need to master modern methods solving professional problems. To improve the employee’s professionalism in this way, the employer can organize training. Usually, for this purpose, they use the services of educational institutions for advanced training.

For your information. Advanced training is carried out as necessary, but at least once every five years throughout the entire labor activity workers. The frequency of specialists undergoing advanced training is established by the employer (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1995 N 610 “On approval Model provision about additional educational institution vocational education(advanced training) for specialists", hereinafter referred to as the Standard Regulations).

Vocational training for the purpose of advanced training refers to the vocational training of persons who already have a certain profession or position, in order to consistently improve their professional knowledge, skills and abilities without increasing their educational level.

Advanced training can be short-term (at least 72 hours). Such training is carried out at the place of the main work of specialists on specific production issues and ends with passing the appropriate exam, test or defense of an essay.

Advanced training can be carried out by conducting thematic and problem-based seminars on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems arising at the level of industry, region, enterprise (association), organization or institution. The duration of training in this form ranges from 72 to 100 hours.

Long-term advanced training - over 100 hours in an educational institution for advanced training for in-depth study current problems science, engineering, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity.

One of the sections curriculum when upgrading the qualifications of specialists, there may be an internship, the main goals of which are the formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of theoretical training. The internship is also carried out for the purpose of studying best practices, acquiring professional and organizational skills to perform the duties of the current or higher position.

For your information. Standard period for completing professional retraining for specialists additional qualifications— at least 1,000 hours of labor intensity.

Internships for specialists can be carried out both in the Russian Federation and abroad at enterprises (associations), leading research organizations, educational institutions, consulting firms and federal executive authorities. The duration of the internship is established by the employer sending the employee for training, based on its goals and in agreement with the head of the enterprise (association), organization or institution where it is carried out.

Let us pay attention to one point: during advanced training with a break from work, the employee retains the average salary (Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Nonresident students sent to study outside of their main job are paid daily allowances according to the standards established for business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 26 of the Model Regulations). Let us recall that the amount of compensation to employees of organizations financed from the federal budget is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2002 N 729.

Where can you improve staff skills?

Educational institutions for advanced training include:

— academies (with the exception of academies that are educational institutions of higher professional education);

— institutes for advanced training (improvement) — sectoral, intersectoral, regional;

— courses (schools, centers) for advanced training, employment service training centers.

The institutes for further training also include the following educational institutions advanced training:

— educational centers for professional retraining, advanced training and employment provision for military personnel discharged from the RF Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service;

— intersectoral regional centers for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists.

Note! Based on clause 10 of the Model Regulations, training for advanced training can be carried out by faculties for advanced training of teachers and specialists, intersectoral regional centers, faculties for retraining specialists with higher education, etc.

Advanced training of workers can also be carried out directly at enterprises, institutions, organizations (Model regulations on continuous professional and economic training of personnel National economy, approved by Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, State Education of the USSR, Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 15, 1988 N 369/92-14-147/20/18-22).

Qualification documents

The qualification document confirms:

— improvement or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education (confirmed by a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of professional retraining);

- assignment of a rank or class, category based on the results of vocational training (confirmed by a certificate of the profession of a worker, position of an employee).

Based on clause 28 of the Model Regulations, educational institutions of advanced training issue the following documents to students who have successfully completed the course of study state standard:

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed short-term training or participated in thematic and problem-based seminars;

- certificate of advanced training - for persons who have completed training under the program in excess of 100 hours;

- diploma of qualification - for persons who have completed training in the program for more than 1,000 hours.

Registration of relations to improve employee qualifications

To send employees for advanced training, the employer draws up a training plan for this year, which indicates the grounds and goals of personnel training, as well as the names of those sent for training. In accordance with the plan, the employer can enter into an agreement with an educational institution for further training (clause 7 of the Model Regulations). And you need to conclude a student agreement with the employee - additional to the employment one. Rules for concluding a student agreement, prerequisites, which must be included in it, and the relationship between employee and employer in this area is regulated by Ch. 32 "Apprenticeship contract" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

To send an employee for advanced training, they issue an order in which they justify the operational need for training (a specialist’s certificate is expiring, new equipment has been installed, etc.) and indicate that the employee is sent for advanced training on the initiative of the employer (or on his own ).

If advanced training is carried out outside of work, it is necessary to record this period in the working time sheet: the letter code “PC” (digital “07”) is entered, and if the employee is sent for training in another area - “PM” (digital “08” ).

Upon completion of training, based on the submitted document on advanced training, information should be entered into the employee’s personal card and work book.

Hello! In this article we will talk about staff development.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is qualification and why improve it;
  2. What methods of this exist;
  3. How does the promotion process work?

Any self-respecting company that engages in any type of activity always considers staff development among its main issues. In order not to lose its position in the market, the company needs highly qualified personnel.

This is exactly what today's conversation will be about.

Types of employee training

  • Improvement of personnel qualifications;
  • Retraining;
  • Preparation.

Goals and objectives of staff development

Before, you need to ask the question: why? So, what could be the goals of professional development?

  • Arm employees with new knowledge and skills. This will allow them not only to express fresh ideas, but also to cope with various difficulties in their work;
  • Staff motivation. When an employee gains knowledge through the organization, he feels that management cares about him. Therefore, a person has a desire to increase labor productivity;
  • Reduced staff turnover rate. Advanced training is considered effective way combat this phenomenon. This principle applies even when even bonuses do not help.
  • Introduction of new technologies. Now is the time of computers and high speeds. There is no escape from this; we need to develop and modernize production. And only a team of true professionals can handle this.
  • Education of our own personnel. This is the production strategy of some companies. They prefer to train their employees than to hire a large number of people from outside.

Who to train

It is clear that it is unrealistic to simultaneously improve the qualifications of all specialists. It turns out that we need to highlight those who should be among the first to improve their level of professionalism.

In addition, there is a risk that time and financial resources will be spent on training what the employee already knows and can do. And it’s even worse when the employer pays for the training of an employee, and after a while he leaves for another job.

That is why managers prefer to train employees who will bring maximum benefit to the organization or enterprise, or employees who occupy important positions.

The rest of the employees are trained at the expense of the company in only two options:

  • If learning is important component work process (for example, in medical companies);
  • If you need to create a new production or change the profile of an old one .

The problem is that the management of a young company cannot always determine what the potential of its employees is. In this case, you can consult with specialists involved in personnel training. You can also conduct a survey of employees and then analyze the information received.

Using a questionnaire, you can determine not only the psychological type of an employee, but also how suitable he is for the position, what is his level of professionalism, and so on.

Differences between advanced training and professional training

Often people believe that these two concepts are the same thing. This is not true, the difference between them is serious. Let's see what it is next.

No. Type of training The essence Deadlines
1 Training Conducted to improve knowledge in the profession, skills and abilities 72 - 100 academic. hours
2 Personnel retraining Allows you to acquire new skills or profession 500 - 1000 academic. hours

Both of these processes are aimed at improving and developing personnel. But in the first case, the specialty remains the same, only knowledge and skills are improved, and in the second option there is the possibility of obtaining a new profession.

Forms of advanced training

Improving the qualifications of the organization's personnel occurs through the use of various forms. These forms differ from each other according to various criteria: according to the level of connection with practical activities, process organization, by target groups.

  • Depending on who is conducting the promotion program, it is divided into external training(outside the company) and in-house(within the company). In-house training has its advantages: reducing costs for the company, the ability to control the process, developing corporate spirit, and so on;
  • With or without separation from the workplace. Experts recommend combining these 2 forms;
  • By degree of organization: independent and organized professional development;
  • Depending on target groups: advanced training for management personnel, general promotion, as well as open promotion (which can be used even by family members of employees).

Methods for staff development

The method of advanced training depends on the exact form in which the training will be carried out. If within the company, then documents, equipment and materials that the employee usually uses in his work will be used.

On-the-job training methods

  • Briefing. Used when you need to acquire skills in a new workplace;
  • Project group. A group is formed that collectively works on one project. At the same time, management skills and problem solving collectively are improved;
  • Coaching. When using this method, the trainer and trainees interact and also establish communication between participants in the production process;
  • Rotation. The employee is transferred within the company to another department. A very popular technique at the moment.
  • Mentoring. When experience is purposefully transferred, the employee is trained by personal example. A more experienced employee transfers his knowledge to someone who is less experienced;
  • Tutoring- a type of mentoring. A discussion is held, during which the student demonstrates the acquired knowledge;
  • Strotelling young employees are taught work rules using the history of the organization;
  • Shadowing– the essence of the method is that the work process is monitored, which allows you to find out which aspects of the prof. training employee weaknesses and draw up a training plan to remove them.

Methods of external training

  • Conferences, meetings, symposiums. An active teaching method that stimulates the development of communication skills, develops logical thinking, and teaches the specifics of public speaking;
  • Lectures. The most traditional method. The materials here are absorbed passively and this method is now not considered optimal; it is supplemented with others.
  • Training. During the training process, the trainer gives certain instructions and checks how much knowledge has been acquired over a certain period of time.
  • Interactive courses. Knowledge is acquired, consolidated and tested using a training program;
  • Selfeducation. The simplest option, but at the same time requiring self-discipline and responsibility. This method is now being developed through the introduction of various training programs and distance learning;
  • Case study This method allows you to solve real production problems. It is mainly suitable for managers senior management and management personnel.
  • Business game– the essence of the method is that the problem is solved not by one person, but by a group of students;
  • Basket - method based on simulating situations encountered during work.

The choice of training methods depends on many factors: the characteristics of the students, the company’s capabilities (including financial ones), the qualifications of the teachers and the goals of the process. If the method is chosen incorrectly, the effectiveness of training will simply be reduced to zero.

Staff development courses

This training event is usually held in a designated area. They are organized so that nothing distracts listeners from the process or interferes with the perception of information.

The big advantage of taking such courses is that once the training is completed, not only will your skill increase, it will be documented.

The choice of a suitable training center should be based on the following indicators:

  • Feedback from those who have already completed the training;
  • Composition of teachers;
  • How long has the center been operating;
  • Cost of courses.

It is no coincidence that cost was in last place on the list. High price Taking courses does not at all guarantee that they will be useful to the student. There are cases when courses are expensive, but bring minimal practical benefit.

In such courses, classes are held in small groups, consisting of from 5 to 30 people maximum. Individual lessons are also available. They organize training according to advanced training programs designed to increase and expand the range of knowledge and skills, especially those that a person already has.

Conventionally, training in courses is divided into several groups:

  • Comprehensive training;
  • Self-study;
  • Combined training.

Each of these groups has its own pros and cons, but the important thing is that these groups do not exclude each other, but complement and improve.

When employees undergo advanced training courses, both parties benefit: both the employee and the employer. An employee, having completed the course, can count on an increase in salary, by career and increasing the level of your knowledge. The employer will receive competent employees who can understand all the intricacies of the work process and increase the level of competitiveness of their company.

How professional development occurs: the main stages of the process

This process is divided into several important steps. Let's analyze them in more detail.

Stage 1. Calculation of the need for advanced training.

First you need to determine what the need for personnel training is in a particular company. It is defined at several levels.

At the level of the entire company as a whole, this need will depend on the following points:

  • Are there any plans to modernize the equipment?
  • Will new technologies be introduced into production;
  • Are there plans to release a new type of product?
  • How much is it planned to increase the number of jobs?

If we talk about the level structural divisions company, then it is necessary to carry out advanced training if:

  • Workers often violate production technology;
  • Occupational injuries occur;
  • The volume of defects has increased significantly.

As for individual employees, everything also depends on several factors:

  • How ready and willing the employee is to improve his or her professional level;
  • What are the results of the certification;
  • How much does a person want to move up the career ladder?

After analyzing all these nuances, the company’s management decides to improve the qualifications of its employees.

The next step will be the choice of methods of advanced training.

Step 2. Selecting a method.

When planning employee training, you need to determine through what methods it will take place. We have already talked about the most common methods earlier, we will not repeat them. Let us only note that Russian companies Mentoring methods are increasingly being introduced.

Step 3. Budget development.

Once the need for advanced training has been analyzed, a budget is drawn up. It must be documented.

The cost items in this case will be: tuition costs, payment for training center services, and so on.

The least expensive option for a company is distance learning courses.

Stage 4. Choosing a teacher.

Before choosing a coach, you need to familiarize yourself with his work experience. It is also worth studying the documents that will confirm his qualifications and level of education.

In addition, you should not neglect the reviews of other people. Who can tell about a teacher better than those who were his students?

Step 5. The process of developing a training program.

If the training process is planned to be carried out within the company, it is necessary to develop and approve a professional development program. To do this, it is recommended to take advantage of consultations with outside specialists, since the necessary professionals are not always located within the company itself.

If you plan to use the services of the Training Center, ready-made programs will be offered, you just have to choose the right one.

Stage 6. The process of implementing the chosen methodology.

Depending on which method of advanced training was chosen, a decision is made on its implementation.

There are several ways to implement it:

  • Organize advanced training within the organization itself using its specialists;
  • Conduct staff training in the training center;
  • Conduct training in the company's office, attracting an outside trainer.

Let us note right away that the first option is the most difficult to implement. Significant savings will not be possible here, but if you invest money and do not get the expected result, the opportunity exists. Therefore, before making such a decision, you need to weigh everything carefully.

Stage 7. Analysis of advanced training.

After the training is completed, you need to check the level of knowledge of those employees who underwent training. We'll talk further about how to do this correctly.

It is necessary to create a qualification commission, set a date for its meeting and notify interested parties. On the appointed day, the commission checks the knowledge acquired by the employee.

If he answers the commission’s questions confidently and demonstrates the knowledge acquired during the course, the commission decides to recognize the learning results.

Where to send an employee for advanced training

Educational institutions engaged in advanced training are the following:

  • Institutes (regional, sectoral, etc.);
  • Academies (except those where they receive higher education);
  • Schools and centers of advanced training.

According to the conditions for advanced training of personnel, all educational institutions must have the appropriate license.

But this requirement does not apply to:

  • One-time seminars, internships and lectures, after attending which no documents are issued;
  • If the employee was trained by a specialist who has the necessary documentation.

An example of staff development.

A large training center for advanced training operates in the Euroset company. Here they train and retrain employees in order to increase sales volumes so that employees meet changing working conditions.

If an employee is promoted in another region

If the training takes place in another area, the employee’s trip should be in the form of a business trip.

In this situation, the following series of documentation must be completed:

  • An order signed by the manager stating that the employee has been sent on a business trip;
  • Service assignment;
  • Business trip certificate;
  • Form for reporting on the completion of a job assignment.

All documentation must be prepared on approved standard forms.

Documents confirming completion of training

Documents issued by the educational institution confirm:

  • The fact that the employee underwent training and, based on its results, received a certain qualification;
  • The fact that the employee is assigned a certain rank, class or category.

Based on legal requirements, educational institutions can issue the following documents to their students:

  • Certificate of advanced training, if the training lasted more than one hundred hours;
  • Certificate if the employee participated in a seminar or completed short-term training;
  • A diploma if the employee has undergone training that lasted more than a thousand hours.

The act of providing services

After completing the training process, educational institution must be provided to the customer company. It records the duration of the training period, the name of the program and the cost of training.

Registration of training by the employer

The employee's advanced training must be documented. Let’s talk now about how to do this correctly.

First, you need to accept an application from the employee for re-examination of his professional level based on the documents he received.

As soon as the application is received, a qualification commission is created and the employee’s knowledge is checked. After the conclusion made by the commission, an order is issued to upgrade the category of a particular employee. After reading the order, the employee puts his signature.

Within 7 days, a personnel service employee makes an entry about the assignment of a rank or category in the employee’s work book. In this case, they refer to the confirming document received during training.

A photocopy of the certificate or identification is also made, certified and stored in the employee’s personal file.

In the next part of our material, it is worth mentioning the retraining of specialists. We have already discussed the similarities and differences between retraining and advanced training, and now we will consider aspects of this process in more detail.

The retraining process: why it is needed and how it happens

The essence of this process is the same as any other type of training.

The principles of organizing the process are as follows:

  • The process must be organized clearly, without failures;
  • Employees should be focused on receiving good result training;
  • Training must be conducted systematically, the relationship between theory and practice must be observed.

The general scheme of organizing the entire process is as follows:

  • The purpose of retraining is determined;
  • Predicting the result (for example, reducing production defects by half);
  • Development of a personnel retraining program;
  • Development of a list of teachers (if different disciplines will be studied);
  • We determine in what form the acquired knowledge will be controlled.

Many employers today are of the opinion that retraining an already proven employee for a new position is more profitable than hiring a new specialist. This principle often applies to large companies that offer new vacancies primarily to existing employees.

When retraining is completed, a person can radically change his activities. For example, he was an art teacher, but became a psychologist. Upon completion of retraining, a person will receive a diploma equal to a document of a second higher education.


Advanced training and retraining are types of personnel training. The first one is still more popular. We tried to reveal the subtleties of this process as much as possible in this article.

I would also like to add: you need to engage in your professional development, improve your qualifications, if possible. This allows you not only to improve in your profession, but also to plan your future.

Course Description:

Management, if we consider it in the context of science, implies the study correct methods management of any resources in all existing spheres of life. Accordingly, production management, as a highly specialized area, deals with the coverage of these issues in the format of a single enterprise.

The beginning and subsequent development of production is quite difficult to imagine without a clearly defined goal and a number of ongoing tasks, the solution of which step by step brings the achievement of the final desired result closer. The resources that are thoughtfully used in the process of achieving it are not only finance, as the material component of the business, but also personnel, real estate and modern equipment.

If you want to get training in production management, sign up for distance courses at ANO DPO "SNTA". The course participant independently chooses the training format that suits him and can attend classes either part-time or on-the-job. The mode and intensity of classes is also agreed upon with the customer, so you receive distance education at the pace that is most convenient for you. Regardless of the chosen form of distance learning, all classes are conducted individually with a personal teacher, which means you can always receive high-quality feedback on an issue of interest.

Course "Production Management" - modern techniques for solving problems

A skilled manager or manager must accurately imagine the current state of the market and predict its development in the near future as accurately as possible. It is important to have an understanding of certain customer expectations, while controlling the situation within the enterprise itself.

The goal that underlies any production is the mass production of goods at the lowest possible price under given conditions, taking into account the constant High Quality and maintaining the “bar” of competitiveness. By the way, the same manager is responsible for the successful sale of the manufactured product, interacting with the marketing department. That is why it is important to strive to constantly simplify production processes and automate them, using best conditions for bulk purchases and subsequent delivery of required materials.

Among the main tasks of production management are the following:

  • study and subsequent “launch” of new types of products;
  • targeted reduction in the level of costs required for the manufacture of any product;
  • qualitative growth and expansion of the range of useful, and at the same time in-demand consumer properties with a parallel decrease in the price of the product;
  • minimizing costs at each stage of production, expanding the range and making changes to it.

Distance learning courses in management at our modern scientific and technological academy include the study of such disciplines as:

  • enterprise potential and organizational structure effective management;
  • competitiveness and strategic location;
  • rational approach to organizing production;
  • current and long-term planning;
  • financial base of the enterprise;
  • processes - auxiliary, servicing and main.

The duration of courses for advanced training in production management at CHTA is from 72 hours. At the end of the training, the student will take a test, after which he will receive a standard certificate confirming his qualification level and acquired knowledge.

For those who want to undergo professional retraining, distance learning is available, lasting from 252 hours. Upon completion, the graduate can write thesis, independently conducting the necessary research, thereby studying the chosen topic in more depth. This is followed by the issuance of a personalized diploma certified by state educational authorities.


Documents received:

Important! The diploma does not indicate the form of study (full-time/correspondence).
Standard diploma

Admission conditions:

Studying in the direction of “Industrial Management” provides the opportunity to obtain a retraining diploma. Also, for certain areas and specialties, provision is made for the issuance of additional documents if they are required by departmental regulations: certificates, books, etc.

In order to become a student at the academy, you must meet several requirements and complete certain actions:

  • Have a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education in your specialty
  • Apply for a professional retraining or advanced training program in the field of “Industrial Management” in electronic format:
    - By e-mail,
    - using the feedback form on the website,
    - or call the toll-free 24-hour phone number;
  • Provide documents confirming your identity and level of education;
  • After signing the contract, complete the distance learning course;
  • Pass the final test and receive a diploma of retraining or a certificate of advanced training in the Industrial Management program.