Organize a nursing home. How to open a private nursing home - the main aspects of a business plan. Equipment for nursing home

Many people are faced with the issue of caring for elderly relatives. Not everyone has the opportunity to devote enough time to the elderly. Constant work and household chores take up all my free time.

Elderly relatives require attention, care, and, most often, constant medical supervision. Therefore, modern nursing homes are an excellent option for permanent, comfortable living for elderly people.

In this article we will talk about how to open a private house elderly

This business is quite attractive in terms of profitability and low competition. Therefore, it is profitable even in a crisis.

Business plan for a nursing home

Before starting a business, it is worth determining the level of competition. If, for example, you live in small town, and there is already a nursing home in it, then most likely your business will not be profitable. After all, a relatively small part of the population uses the services of shelters for elderly relatives.

If you live in a big city, then opening a private home for the elderly makes sense. And this business idea can become profitable if you approach its organization correctly.

How to open a home for the elderly and disabled? What is needed for this?

Elderly people require proper care and attention. It is private nursing homes that can provide elderly people with care, interesting pastime and excellent comfortable conditions accommodation.

Unfortunately, in our country the attitude towards shelters for the elderly is negative; many believe that sending relatives to such institutions is inhumane. But this is a misconception; in fact, everything is not so. Modern nursing homes are well-equipped premises for living, staffed by excellent qualified staff who will provide care and special treatment to each resident.

Business registration

Before starting this activity, you need to formalize all the nuances in accordance with the law. First you need to register with the tax service as entity.

To run this business you need a medical license. To do this, you must have employees with appropriate education. Or the owners themselves must have a medical education confirmed by a diploma.

Premises for opening a private nursing home

Choosing a room is a responsible task. For a shelter, a room, for example, a former recreation center or sanatorium, is suitable. The area should be large; it is also desirable that the boarding house be located in a quiet, environmentally friendly place, because old people love peace and beautiful view from the window.

One or two people can be accommodated in one room, no more. Old people should be comfortable so that they feel at home.

There must be a large dining room. It is best to have 3-4 meals a day.

Bathrooms. You can equip separate bathrooms in each room or make a shared toilet and shower on the floor. I recommend the first option, it will be more comfortable for older people.

Mandatory presence of a medical office. Elderly people get sick often, so your shelter should have solid medical care and care.

It is also desirable to diversify the gray everyday life of old people. Organize a dance studio, it has a beneficial effect on your general condition. You can also equip a living room for spending time together.

Staff for a private nursing home

Elderly people require attention and constant care, so it is worth choosing staff very responsibly.

If you are planning to open a private nursing home, then it must be modernly equipped for the comfort and convenience of its guests.

Particular attention should be paid to personnel selection. It is important that the people who will care for the elderly are patient, honest, friendly, friendly, sensitive and attentive. Under no circumstances should you be rude or upset older people, always fulfill their requests, and do everything to make the residents comfortable.

Also pay attention to the education of your employees. It is advisable to select people with medical education and psychologists.

Equipment for nursing home

It is very important to provide elderly people with comfortable living conditions, as close as possible to their home environment.

  • Beds. Buy special beds with a position changing function, this will provide the vacationer with a comfortable sleep;
  • Mattresses. They must have the function of protecting against bedsores. This is important, because people with disabilities often live in boarding houses;
  • Bathrooms. Equip bathrooms and toilets according to all rules. The floor must be anti-slip and insulated. Also, bathrooms should be equipped with everything necessary for comfortable carrying out all procedures, because many old people cannot move independently;
  • Handrails. Be sure to install special handrails around the entire perimeter of the premises for safe movement around the boarding house;
  • Elevators. Mandatory presence of an elevator. It is difficult for elderly people to move up stairs, especially since disabled people can live in the boarding house;
  • Emergency personnel call system. Be sure to equip special signal buttons in guest rooms, as well as in bathrooms. Old people may often need help, so they can always get it on time.

In addition to all this, it is necessary that there is a 24-hour pharmacy on the territory of the nursing home, because old people often get sick. Read more about this on our portal.

Entertainment for the elderly

Organizing leisure time for residents of a nursing home is a responsible matter that cannot be neglected. Despite their advanced age, old people, like children, want to have fun. Therefore, arrange for them a variety of entertainment courses. For example, checkers and chess tournaments, watching entertaining TV shows. Abroad, frequent dance schools located on the premises of nursing homes are very popular. You can adopt this interesting idea. Here, you will find detailed.


It is very important to correctly build an advertising concept. This is necessary in order to attract customers. You can place advertisements in the media or on the Internet. It is also advisable to create your own website, which will indicate the address of the nursing home, prices and living conditions. You can additionally provide a photo.

How to register parents or relatives into a nursing home?

In order for people to stay in your boarding house, you will need to provide a package necessary documents:

  • Application from close relatives;
  • Copy of passport, SNILS, INN;
  • For disabled people - a certificate of assigned disability group;
  • A certified copy of the medical record and insurance policy;
  • Additionally, you need to sign a material and household inspection report and internal regulations.

Payback periods and costs

  • Rental of premises and repairs;
  • Purchase of necessary equipment;
  • Costs for registration and obtaining licenses;
  • Staff salaries;

Approximately opening a private nursing home will cost you from 100 thousand dollars.

But after a few years, you will recoup all costs and receive your profit from the business.

I wish you success!

It's always painful to see older people alone. And I really want to give my closest people a decent old age. But in the everyday hustle and bustle of work and affairs, sometimes you forget about meeting your needs, not to mention others. Therefore, relatives of elderly people often have thoughts of going to a private nursing home. They are popular both in big cities and in the provinces. How to make money in this area will help you figure out a business plan for a boarding house for the elderly with calculations.

Input data

According to statistics, 4% of all pensioners are in state nursing homes. And only 0.5% of pensioners live in commercial geriatric centers. Unfortunately, the quality of service, repairs and personnel qualifications in government institutions leave much to be desired. However, here the issue of financing arises very acutely: not everyone can afford to stay in an elite boarding house, because the cost of monthly services can reach 3-5 times the size of monthly pension transfers. That's why this area can lure only 25% of all patients of state geriatric centers, but this is also a lot, more than one and a half million people. There is still a free niche that you can manage to occupy.

Before moving on to the description of a business plan for a boarding house for the elderly, we will determine the necessary information for its preparation. It is assumed that the boarding house will combine the functions of the geriatric department of the hospital and a classic boarding house. The following services will be provided here:

  • Permanent residence.
  • Nutrition.
  • Laundry.
  • Cleaning rooms.
  • Organization of leisure time.
  • Basic medical support - day hospital and physiotherapy.

The boarding house will have the following characteristics:

  • Form of ownership – LLC.
  • Type of taxation – simplified tax system (income minus expenses 6%).
  • Room – 450 sq. meters.
  • The yard area is 1 hectare.
  • The type of ownership of real estate is rental.
  • Number of rooms – 20 (10 rooms for two residents and 10 rooms for 1 guest).
  • Number of guests – 30.
  • OKVED-2 code 86.21 “General medical practice”.

The building must have an elevator, ramps and handrails for comfortable movement of people with disabilities. In addition, all rooms must be equipped with a special button for quickly calling staff.


To open a nursing home, you need to obtain a special license for medical care. For these purposes, it is necessary to carefully study the relevant SanPiN, buy special equipment and hire medical staff. Otherwise, the procedure for registering a business does not differ from other types of activities:

Organizational stage Amount, rubles
LLC registration (state fee) 4 000
Authorized capital 10 000
Seal 1 000
Registration of a current account 2 000
Purchasing a cash register 32 000
Registration with the tax office
Conclusion of a lease agreement for a year* 675 000
Conclusion of engineers on internal infrastructure 20 000
Ventilation maintenance contract for one year 50 000
Security contract for a year 120 000
Contract for disinfection and deratization 30 000
Agreement for solid waste disposal 30 000
Obtaining medical licenses
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor
Obtaining permission from the SES
Obtaining a fire inspection permit
Notification from Rospotrebnadzor about the launch of the project
Total 929 000

In addition to all organizational expenses, the entrepreneur needs to make repairs to the premises. It is worth allocating about 700 thousand rubles for these purposes. Total for preparatory stage you will need 1,619,000 rubles.

Technical equipment

For a geriatric center for 30 people, you will need specialized equipment and a lot of furniture:


A large number of guests require constant attention. This requires a large staff of employees.

Employee Number of individuals Number of bets Salary Total for all employees Payroll with deductions
Nurses 3 3 23 000 69 000 89 838
Nurses 4 4 23 000 92 000 119 784
Cleaning woman 6 6 18 000 108 000 140 616
Cook 2 2 20 000 40 000 52 080
Gerontologist 1 1 35 000 35 000 45 570
Psychotherapist 1 0,5 35 000 17 500 22 785
Accountant 1 1 25 000 25 000 32 550
Total 18 17,5 386 500 503 223

Also, from time to time you will have to seek help from loaders and drivers using your own vehicles, which can lead to an increase in the monthly wage fund by 10 thousand rubles. In total, 566,605 rubles will be required to pay employees and contribute to state and non-state funds.


To successfully and quickly fill a boarding house, it is enough to advertise in:

  • Newspapers.
  • Clinics and hospitals.
  • Internet.
  • Banks.
  • Large corporations (to attract relatives of potential guests).

All these needs will require about 60 thousand rubles. Events are held once and are not repeated.

Volume of capital expenditures

Name of expense item price, rub.
Organizational expenses 919 000
Room renovation 700 000
Technical equipment and purchase of furniture 3 710 000
Marketing 60 000
Other unforeseen expenses 30 000
Financing activities until self-sufficiency 2 000 000
TOTAL 7 419 000

Work schedule

This area of ​​business is not seasonal. However, it is better to open in summer or spring. This is due to the fact that in the warm season it will be easier for old people to get comfortable and get used to the new environment. And the discovery, for example, in holidays will make it easier for elderly family members to move for their relatives. Therefore, it is better to begin work on preparing the premises and opening a business in July of the previous year.

Financial indicators

The expenses for maintaining a boarding house for the elderly include the following items:

  • Rent – ​​225,000 rubles.
  • Utility bills – 50,000 rubles.
  • Meals – 160,000 rubles.
  • Payroll – 503,223 rubles.
  • Cleaning products – 10,000 rubles.
  • Expenses for organizing entertainment events – 15,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – 10,000 rubles.

In total, monthly costs will be 978,233 rubles.

The profitability of the shelter will consist of the following parts:

  • Stay of 1 person in a double room for a month – 35,000 rubles.
  • Stay of 1 person in a luxury room for a month – 45,000 rubles.

According to calculations, the house in question can accommodate 20 people in double rooms (35,000 x 20 = 700,000) and 10 people in single rooms (45,000 x 10 = 450,000). The total monthly profit will be 1,150,000. Net profit will be 171,767 rubles, profitability - 15%. If the boarding house is fully occupied, the initial investment will pay for itself in 3.5 years.


  • Project start: July 2017.
  • Opening of a shelter for the elderly: May 2018.
  • Full occupancy of the nursing home: August 2018.
  • Reaching projected income: August 2018.
  • Payback period: January 2022.


Today's realities ruthlessly dictate their own rules. The age of the average Russian is growing, and already more than 60% of all citizens of the country are pensioners. More and more elderly people are ending up in nursing homes. A young entrepreneur can turn statistics to his advantage and build an entire business on it. In addition, a permanent residential geriatric center may qualify for subsidies from the federal or regional budget, since it is a socially oriented project.

The modern pace of life takes up more and more free time. Everyone has elderly relatives who need care, attention and medical attention. Therefore, organizing a nursing home as a business is a very profitable and promising idea. This business is also attractive because it has virtually no competition in Russia, which makes it profitable even in conditions of the economic crisis.

Opening a nursing home as a business - where to start?

In Russia, the attitude towards such institutions for older people is somewhat biased. It is believed that sending old people to such institutions is not humane. This is a deep misconception. Modern private nursing homes are different high level comfort in living, interesting entertainment, as well as quality food and medical care. Qualified staff will always help disabled or elderly people receive proper attention and care.

Relevance of this business

Any elderly person in the Russian Federation can count on qualified medical care and attentive care. The relevance of this business is very high: firstly, there is low competition, and secondly, there is no specific connection to the area. You can open such an establishment in any city or region. Hence, a private nursing home as a business is a very promising project.

Nursing home business plan

To make a profitable investment and open such a service from scratch, you will need some market analysis and clear planning. This will help minimize financial costs, significantly reduce time costs and avoid problems with current legislation. To do this you will need to develop ready business plan nursing homes with the following points:

  1. The prospects of the project as a whole and demand in the services market.
  2. Target audience analysis.
  3. Specifics of the establishment.
  4. Total number of residents.
  5. Selection of rooms and places.
  6. Services.

Also, a financial clause should be included in the business plan: starting investments, all kinds of risks and force majeure situations. A clear calculation will reduce cash expenses and significantly help in opening a nursing home. Next, you should start preparing the necessary documents.

Opening instructions

This institution will be under strict surveillance government agencies and be taxed. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. An entrepreneur must register as a legal entity. You will also need to obtain a medical license. The next stage will be hiring personnel: required condition- this is the presence of medical education. Employees of the elderly care center must have the following qualities:

  • goodwill,
  • attentiveness,
  • sensitivity and patience,
  • honesty and friendliness.

The best option There will be people with medical education, as well as psychologists. It's a good idea to ask for references from your previous job. The staff’s task is to make the elderly person’s stay in the institution comfortable.

Design issues

Next, you will need to resolve issues with the premises. His choice should be taken extremely seriously, because the number of potential residents will depend on the living conditions. The best option would be a former recreation center or sanatorium. It’s good if there is a beautiful view of the forest, river or field from the window of the building. It would be nice if there was a canteen with three or four meals a day. The presence of a medical office will only increase the rating of the establishment, because old people often get sick and they simply need care.

Now the room needs to be equipped with equipment. To ensure a comfortable pastime for the elderly, it is better to make everything as cozy as possible and create a homely atmosphere. You will need to purchase:

  1. Beds with mattresses. A good choice would be beds with a position change function. When it comes to mattresses, it’s best to consider one with bedsore protection.
  2. Bathrooms. The first rule is that they must be safe. This is an anti-slip floor, preferably insulated. No sharp corners and easy movement.
  3. Handrails. The maximum number of handrails throughout the boarding house will ensure safety and ease of movement for elderly guests.
  4. Personnel call systems. It is advisable to equip each room with similar devices. This will allow you to immediately call staff if the guest needs help.
  5. Elevator. If the building is multi-story, it is required. After all, many old people are not particularly mobile, as are the disabled, who find it extremely difficult to move.

Interesting! A worthy analogue would be a multi-room apartment with all the amenities that can accommodate several guests. It also wouldn't hurt to have a 24-hour pharmacy nearby.

Positive aspects of business

Opening such an establishment has its advantages. These include:

  • enough quick payback project (from 1 year);
  • minimal risks;
  • low percentage of competition;
  • high demand for these services.

It should be borne in mind that a commercial project of this kind requires significant start-up investments. This includes renting premises, purchasing and installing equipment, costs public utilities and staff salaries. However, this does not prevent you from receiving net profit in the first years of operation.

Possible pitfalls

The main thing in this business- this is the reputation of the establishment. No one would send their elderly parents or grandparents to an institution with a bad reputation. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to make the guests’ stay comfortable and safe. This will ensure positive reviews and, as a result, a greater influx of potential tenants. The qualifications of the staff are of great importance - a rude and indifferent employee will give bad publicity to such an establishment.


Nursing home business is a profitable business. Payback period with proper planning is from 1 year. The risks are minimal. It all depends on the cost of services, the qualifications of the staff, as well as the comfort of living of the elderly, their care and nutrition. An honest attitude towards guests and loyal prices will help make the business profitable and make a profit quite quickly.

There is no doubt that the world around us is gradually “aging”. Unfortunately, there are almost no large families left where children honor and respect older people, and grandchildren gather around them and willingly listen to their stories.

The younger generation today does not want to take full responsibility and care for their parents or grandparents. This sad truth may be a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to make money and at the same time improve the living conditions of older people.

Providing a warm, family atmosphere should be the main goal if you are looking to open a nursing home for seniors. Remember that different life circumstances lead to the fact that someone wants or needs to use your services, and we should not exclude the possibility that one day we could all find ourselves in a similar situation.

In order to implement this new business idea, you need to calculate and evaluate what costs you may incur while doing this business. The question of the size of the house and the number of patients determines the number of employees who will work in your boarding house. So, for example, to take care of 15 patients you will need two nurses, two nannies, two cooks and a cleaner who will work in shifts. Additional expenses will be required to ensure regular visits to the doctor, who must come once a week for a routine examination, as well as in case of emergency calls.

As for the monthly rate that guests or their relatives will have to pay, this is a strictly individual matter. The client's health status and some personal wishes (for example, a special diet) must be taken into account.

On average, at the moment, prices vary from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles per month. Naturally, the price of boarding a person who needs constant care will be higher. There are also exclusive boarding houses in which the cost of stay is estimated at 80,000 - 100,000 rubles per month.

When calculating the cost of this project, you must also consider fixed costs:

  • Communal payments
  • Food
  • Medicines
  • Employee salaries

Don't forget about the additional costs associated with a special diet for sick patients (and there are quite a few of these among older people). There are also many more additional fees, such as property taxes, garbage collection, janitor services, etc. In addition, large expenses will be associated with the purchase of medicines and hygiene items (including diapers).

Running a nursing home is a busy business and must be constantly monitored. You will be required to visit the boarding house at least two or three times a week to deal with administrative issues, as well as regularly interview patients and get their opinions on the functioning of the facility. Elderly and lonely people (they will be your clients) need attention and communication, and you should keep this in mind when opening a nursing home.

Therefore, when choosing employees, pay close attention to how much the person you are going to hire is able and willing to establish friendly contact with older people. For each new employee it is worth installing probation. During this time, you will be able to check his qualifications and understand whether he is suitable for this position.

Very important issue is the psychological preparation of employees. You must understand that your guests will be elderly, sick people with different personalities. Conflicts will periodically arise in the boarding house, and to resolve them it will be necessary professional approach and patience. A lot of conflicts between older people can be resolved by talking with residents or simply listening to them.

List of services provided

Actually, all the work of nursing home staff comes down to meeting the immediate needs of its residents, namely:

  • Comfortable stay
  • Nutrition
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Ensuring daily hygiene

Care services, namely:

  • Providing assistance with basic life activities
  • Necessary help in resolving personal issues

Social support services:

  • Stimulating interest in participation in occupational therapy
  • Effectively increasing the social activity of building residents
  • Providing for religious and cultural needs
  • Providing conditions for the development of self-government among residents of the house
  • Encourage the creation, maintenance and development of contacts with families and the local community
  • Encourage the desire for self-service and moral assistance to other boarding house guests, especially those of a therapeutic nature, if the conditions for such independence are met
  • Ensure safe storage Money and values
  • Ensure the rights of home residents to access sources of information (TV in the common room and free wi-fi)

In addition, it is important to provide your guests with nutritious and regular meals, at least three times a day. You must make sure that the menu is balanced and provided with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Also, everyone in need should be provided with additional and dietary nutrition recommended by a doctor.

Each meal must be dispensed within 2 hours, except that the last meal must not be dispensed later than 18:00. You must also ensure access to basic food and drink 24 hours a day. It is very important to note that we will have residents who need care and feeding.

In addition to ensuring daily hygiene procedures and regular meals, you will have to equip residents with a library and provide access to the daily press (newspaper), as well as make it possible for residents to familiarize themselves with nursing home laws at any time.

In addition, you must entrust the manager with responsibility for organizing holidays, celebrations and from time to time organizing the participation of your wards in city cultural events. You should also provide opportunities for contact with a chaplain and participation in religious practices as requested by the resident.

Ensure that residents are in constant contact with the home director on certain days of the week and post this information in an accessible place. And finally, you have to organize a funeral for a deceased resident of the house.

When opening a nursing home, you first need to think about the need to provide skilled care and maintain the health of older people. It may be worth choosing a specific focus for your boarding house. Since providing good care will require significant financial investment, you will find it easier to help others suffering from similar problems than to do everything at once.

You can adapt the house, for example, only for bedridden patients or for those suffering from senile dementia. In both cases, patients will need the help of qualified personnel and special treatment.

A boarding house can provide shelter for older people for a few days (for example, while the family goes on vacation) or for any length of time.


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In this case, you can seek help from a specialized institution - a boarding house or nursing home, where your relative will be well looked after and will provide him with not only coziness and comfort, but also company of the same age.

Relevance of the idea

Some might argue that there are municipal nursing homes. But the quality of their services in Russia leaves much to be desired. And even if such an institution employs responsible and friendly staff, the elderly person will still feel a lack of comfort - the lack of special beds and mattresses, places for leisure, and appropriate medical equipment.

If a family has money, they will probably choose a private nursing home, which has all the necessary amenities, modern furniture, and professional equipment. But interest in such institutions will not only come from wealthy people.

Older people themselves are also interested in such establishments. This is especially true for lonely old people left alone with themselves. They are often ready to give up their pension to pay for a place in a boarding house so that they can be provided with decent care there.

When considering this area of ​​business, one cannot help but pay attention to quantitative indicators. In terms of the number of nursing homes, Russia lags behind European countries and the United States. Moreover, it can be noted that abroad at least half of such institutions belong to the business sector. In Russia, boarding houses are largely represented by government agencies.

The schedule allows you to do several important conclusions:

  1. there are almost no commercial nursing homes in Russia;
  2. the market is practically empty, which allows the entrepreneur to quickly find his clients.

Possible problems

Opening a private nursing home is not only profitable, but also socially oriented. After all, the entrepreneur provides those in need with a high level of comfort and care. But don’t think that starting such a business will be easy. On the contrary, you need to be prepared for a number of difficulties:

  • since pensioners belong to a socially vulnerable segment of the population, supervisory services will conduct inspections and generally show interest in such an institution;
  • the need to meet multiple requirements;
  • difficulties in finding qualified and experienced employees (especially medical workers);
  • possible negative attitude from people (Russians have long formed the opinion that nursing homes cannot provide quality services).

But the right approach to your own business will help an entrepreneur not only acquire loyal clients, but also receive tangible profits from the business, while making old people happy.

How to open a private nursing home: step-by-step instructions

Many entrepreneurs begin their activities with registration. But this is not entirely true. After all, it is initially necessary to work out a strategy, and only then move on to the legal aspects. It would be more correct to proceed as follows:

  1. market research, prospect assessment;
  2. identifying the target audience;
  3. choosing the specifics of a nursing home;
  4. selection of premises;
  5. determination of the set of services provided;
  6. recruitment;
  7. purchase of equipment.

Each step involves its own subtleties. They need to be reflected in your business plan, and later act according to the chosen strategy.

Assessing prospects

A nursing home is a promising and profitable business. But you can’t enter the market without studying your competitors. In some regions there may be many such houses, but in some regions they may be completely absent. Therefore, it is worth studying the conditions of a specific situation.

The location of the facility will also affect the cost of services, and therefore the final profit margin. The following factors may depend on the region:

  • price of accommodation;
  • customer capabilities;
  • expenses ( wage personnel, cost of equipment, utilities).

Selecting the target audience

Some may be surprised to say that the target audience in this area it’s already clear – old people. But this is not entirely true. When developing a plan for a nursing home, you need to decide in advance who exactly will be served in the facility. There may be several options:

  • very elderly people who are able to care for themselves;
  • disabled people with certain diseases;
  • bedridden elderly people who require not only attention and special care, but also specialized equipment;
  • people with mental disorders that appear due to old age (dementia, for example).

If the opening budget is small, you should limit yourself to the first category. The rest will require more significant costs and careful preparation.

Definition of specifics

The niche itself is quite narrow, but there are several areas for work in it. Facilities for the elderly can be divided into the following categories:

  1. nursing home;
  2. boarding houses.

The difference is that a nursing home involves permanent residence elderly people, and boarding houses accept guests for a while. The level of demand and its seasonality will depend on this (since relatives of elderly people use boarding houses during vacations, then the demand for the service will be in summer periods greatest).

Based on the specifics, it is determined how many people a nursing home is needed for. And when the approximate figure is known, it will be possible to move on to selecting a suitable room.

Search for premises and determine the list of services

Demand will largely depend on the correct choice of location. It is better to equip a nursing home somewhere outside the city on fresh air. The building itself can be built or rented - in Russia there are many abandoned recreation centers and sanatoriums that can be renovated and used for your business. The choice of suburban accommodation is worth making for a number of reasons:

  • relaxing atmosphere for guests;
  • fresh air and good environmental conditions;
  • peace and quiet;
  • beautiful and untouched nature.

And if there is a pond, clearing or forest nearby, this will make the stay of elderly people in the sanatorium even more enjoyable.

A lot of time will need to be spent on arranging the premises. Repairs must be carried out in accordance with SNiPs. It is better to coordinate the availability of fire extinguishers, spare moves and much more in advance with fire and sanitary services.

When carrying out reconstruction, it is important to provide for the presence of various rooms that will be used by guests and staff. The sanatorium must have:

  • rooms for living (it is better not to accommodate more than 2 people in one room);
  • kitchen and dining room;
  • restrooms (ideal if each room is equipped with its own toilet and shower);
  • office for rendering medical care;
  • living room (where older guests can communicate, spend time together, watch TV, have poetry readings or play chess).

Additionally, it is worth equipping circle zones. On the territory of the boarding house you can organize evenings of dances and songs. Elderly people will also not refuse to do handicrafts and painting in nature.

If you plan to provide more than just medical care, you can equip massage room, salt baths, barrels, bathhouse, swimming pool or sauna. This will cost a pretty penny, but will also attract clients and increase the cost of the services provided.

Personnel search

Not every employee will be able to care for an elderly person. Therefore, the selection of personnel must be taken seriously. Such an employee must be friendly, friendly, patient, and hardworking. Aggressive and gloomy people should be excluded from the list of candidates immediately. When recruiting nannies and medical workers, you need to look at:

  • availability of medical education;
  • experience;
  • reviews from other employers.

Having a pedagogical education will be an additional advantage. It is also worth making sure that there is a qualified psychologist on staff who will help older people cope with depression, apathy and other emerging ailments.

Purchase of necessary equipment

Necessary equipment High Quality– perhaps one of the key questions. It not only requires serious financial costs, but will also affect the quality of the services provided. When opening a boarding house for the elderly, it is worthwhile to provide for the following set of specialized equipment:

Name Requirements pros
Beds Must allow a person to change body position using a remote control Provide restful sleep and save energy
Mattresses They should not only be orthopedic, but also have an effect that prevents the appearance of bedsores Will make it easier to care for an elderly person and help maintain sanitary conditions
Bathroom Heated and non-slip floor, equipment for self-care for sedentary people Will reduce the number of injuries, increase the level of comfort, allow a person to take a bath himself
Handrails, walkers All rooms of the boarding house should be equipped with them, especially if people who have difficulty moving live there. Makes it easier for people to move around the sanatorium
Elevator Must provide transportation to any floor of the boarding house Allows easy movement even for those who cannot walk independently
Alarm button Every guest should have it; it can be built into the bed or on the bedside table, or look like a remote control Will allow you to urgently seek help from personnel, will reduce the number of deaths

The list of medical office equipment will depend on the range of services provided. For example, a boarding house can create an entire center for the diagnosis of various diseases, their prevention and prevention. It makes sense to include such services only in large boarding houses, where the cost of purchasing equipment will actually be recouped.

Registration of a nursing home

From a legal point of view, opening a nursing home is not an easy matter. An entrepreneur will definitely have to resolve a number of the following issues:

  • registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  • obtaining a license to provide medical services;
  • establishing cooperation with the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and social security (if the services of the boarding house will be paid for from the pension of the guests).

It will not be possible to do without licensing. Because this would be a violation of the law. Therefore, there must be people with appropriate medical education and work experience in the administration and among the staff.

Procedure for receiving guests

To move residents into a nursing home, you must follow legal regulations. They establish a list of required documents for admission:

  • application (written by the elderly person himself or his relatives/guardians);
  • Russian passport;
  • SNILS;
  • a copy of the medical card or the original compulsory medical insurance policy.

If a person has been assigned a disability, supporting documents will be required. The list of papers may be expanded in some cases.

Marketing and promotion

From correctness marketing strategy demand for services will depend. Most effective methods advertisements are:

  • advertisements on local television channels and radio;
  • advertisements on the Internet (even better is to create your own website and promote it, having previously provided all the information about the boarding house and illustrated it with photographs of the boarding house);
  • advertising in newspapers;
  • cooperation with medical institutions(they can hand out nursing home flyers, leaflets and business cards to their clients).

The more detailed the living conditions in the boarding house are, the more attention it will attract. Clients will be able to immediately understand what to expect from the sanatorium.

Financial results

The financial issue interests entrepreneurs most of all. The amount of costs may vary significantly depending on the location, number of clients and the list of services provided. But even a boarding house for 50–100 people will cost no less than 1.5–2.5 million rubles. In this case, the payback period can vary from 1 to 5 – 7 years.

But a businessman will be able to make a really good profit in a few years, constantly improving the quality of the services provided. Thus, the average cost of living in such a boarding house can reach 15,000 - 30,000 rubles. And this is not the limit. Here are the prices for accommodation in nursing homes offered by boarding houses in the Moscow region:

Taking into account costs, a person can make a profit of 100,000 rubles. Accordingly, the more people and services there are, the higher the income will be.

Opening a nursing home is not an easy task and requires attention and focus. Only a professional approach will allow you to acquire a truly profitable and profitable business.