Autumn scenarios for kids with Baba Yaga. Scenario for the holiday "Baba Yaga's autumn pranks" for older preschoolers. “The tricks of Baba Yaga” Scenario of autumn entertainment for children of the middle group


municipal budget preschool educational institution

Kiselevsky urban district

kindergarten No. 24

Scenario autumn holiday

“How Baba Yaga found happiness in the fall”

for older children

(5 – 6 years)

Compiled by:

Illarionova E.E.

Tsarapkina O.S.

Kiselevsk – 2016

Scenario of the autumn holiday for the senior group

“How Baba Yaga found happiness in the fall.”

Adult characters:



Baba Yaga with a broom


Brownie Kuzya

Objectives of the event:

  • Creating a joyful mood in children;
  • the formation of a positive emotional uplift and the formation of a festive culture;


  • Invite children to actively participate in festive events;
  • Improve motor skills and abilities, achieve physical strength, agility, endurance;
  • Promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.
  • Encourage cooperation and co-creativity in collective musical activities.

To unite a team of children and adults with a common feeling of joy.

Children enter the hall together with the presenter to the music.

Ved: If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds flew away to a distant land.

If the sky is gloomy, if it is raining.

This time of year is called autumn!!!

1.Song “Hush, hush, silence - Autumn has come to visit us...”

We stayed where we were.

1. Our sun began to disappear,

She covered herself with clouds and went to bed.

The leaves are flying around, rustling underfoot,

The rain sees the children off to kindergarten.

2. Autumn has come to us, summer has already passed.

We will ask her: “You extend the warmth.”

Let the sun shine day after day,

Although it does not heat, it is light.

3. The golden autumn leaves swirled,

Cool rain pours down the paths.

The autumn weather either cries or laughs

And animals and nature are preparing for winter.

4. In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves are falling like rain.

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly.

5. I wanted to gild her

Birches, lindens, maples.

So as not to miss anything:

Color it green!

6. Autumn has come to visit us,

She called the birds into the flock,

It became cold around -

It's time for you to fly south.

7. We don’t understand where Autumn is,

Why doesn't she come to us?

Probably with the rain together

Everything brings beauty.

Music sounds - it’s Autumn entering the hall.


In a motley-golden dress,

Autumn has come to our hall,

Like a beautiful queen

Opening Ball!

Autumn: (Addresses the children)

Hello guys!

I'm very glad to see you!

I am Autumn, golden!

My bow to you, friends!

I've been dreaming for a long time

I'm talking about meeting you.

Autumn means falling leaves!

Is everyone happy about leaf fall?

1.The leaves are whispering something -

Let's come and ask.

Leaves answer:

"Autumn, autumn, autumn"

And the clouds roll in

The birds are hidden somewhere.

The branches are getting stronger

They cry, cry, cry.

2.Fall from a branch

Yellow coins.

There's a whole treasure underfoot.

This is golden autumn

Gives leaves without counting

To you, and to us, and to everyone!

Children sit on chairs.

3. Yellow leaves are flying,

Whistle more merrily!

I walked around the kindergarten.

He dropped his leaf.


My golden leaf

Let's play with you!

Takes 2 envelopes out of the basket (2 teams collect sheets)

The game “Collect a leaf” is played (collect whole leaves from parts of leaves)

We played and collected leaves.


In our hall we will arrange

Real leaf fall.

Let the leaves spin

And they fly, fly, fly.

3. Dance with leaves

We danced and sat down.

The music “Ditties of Baba Yaga” sounds, a hut runs into the hall, runs around the hall, and Baba Yaga runs from behind the curtain..

BABA YAGA (shouts after the Izbushka running away from her):

Wait a minute, little hut,

Don't look like I'm an old lady!

You, hut, don’t contradict,

Let me come in and lie down on the stove!

Stop, rotten thing, stop!

The hut makes a face, sticks out its tongue at Yaga and runs behind the curtain.

Yaga throws up her hands in frustration, sighing.


Good afternoon, grandma!

Baba Yaga:

What a good day it is, isn't it?

The hut and I are not on good terms.

I'm pummeling, she's clucking.

We run through the forest all day

And we scare the poor birds!


Yes, it's a mess...Guys, do we need a bad mood? Of course not!

You and I love to smile and enjoy life.


Children are not a decree for me, and neither is my hut. She does what she wants! I have no happiness!

(The hut peeks out from behind the curtain and shows a “pinocchio” with his hands)


What happened, Grandma? Why doesn't Izbushka want to be friends with you?

Baba Yaga: Why should she be friends with me? She says that I am angry, I quarrel with everyone..... My character is not simple, she says. Therefore, a complex character.

I myself suffer from my character. And I just like everything my way(stomps his foot) it was. And that's it ! (Waving a broom)

And I don’t like children either… (looks closely at the children)…. Although you can play with such kids!

Come out and play, kids!

Yoke with umbrellas.

We played, the children sat down.

Baba Yaga : Well... it’s good to play... but my Hut ran away. And all because of me... I didn’t love her, I didn’t cherish her, I didn’t feed herher... I didn’t clean the house... So Izbushka ran away from me.

Presenter: Yes, grandma, you need a master to hold the house in your hands.

Baba Yaga:
Master? What kind of owner is this?

A... Domo-ho-zya-in... A.....need a brownie!


Grandma needs a brownie,
May he always live with me!
After all, living together is handy:
Both pleasant and not boring.

(Looks at the Presenter).Where can I get it?
Presenter: Guys, what do you think, if he is a brownie, where should he live?

(Children answer).

Presenter: Look for him, Baba Yaga, in some house.

Baba Yaga : And that’s true! I’ll find the brownie, the Hut will forgive me and everything will work out! Eeeehhh, I flew off to look for it!

Baba Yaga sits on a broom and flies away.

Presenter, addressing Autumn:

Autumn, where do you think the Hut could hide from Baba Yaga? Where did she run off to?


I think it's in the forest. Baba Yaga has a vegetable garden there, probably, and a hut there.

Leading: But I hear something...(listens)

Music from the cartoon Brownie Kuzi. Kuzya appears.

Kuzya: Oh-oh-oh-... oh-honeys! Where am I?

Presenter: Who are you?

Kuzya: I am Kuzka, brownie! I bring happiness to the house! I also have a brother, Mafanya.

Presenter : Guys, this is Kuzya’s brownie! What happened to you?

We, as it struck twelve,
My brother and I came out from behind the stove.
I am Kuzma, and he is Mafanya,
That's my whole company.
Mafanya and I slept together,
We see that our house has been broken,
Only the stove remains,
A poker and a candle.
Although it was bitter, brothers,
But I decided to get down to business.
I took a broom to sweep
And she carries me.
Just waved and they flew.
We've been on the road for a long time,
But where did they sit?

Autumn : You, Kuzenka, came to us for the autumn holiday!

Kuzya: Oh oh! I got carried away and then skidded! How beautiful it is all around! What a sight for sore eyes!

Ved: Listen, Kuzya, the guys will sing you an autumn song!

The song “Birch is a girlfriend...”

Autumn: Did you like the song, Kuzya?

Kuzya: Yes, very much!


Autumn, Autumn Golden!

It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you,
What did you bring as a gift?


I brought you flour!


So there will be pies!


- I brought you some buckwheat.


The porridge will be in the oven.


I brought you some vegetables.


Both for porridge and cabbage soup.


And apples are like honey.


For jam, for compote.


I brought honey.
Full deck!


You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread too.
And good weather
Did you give us a gift?


-Are you happy about the rain?


We don't want it, we don't need it!


The sun is shining brightly

The wind catches up with the cloud

Cloud, cloud, float away

Don't block the sun.

Kuzya: And let's dance too!

Dance "Evil Cloud"

Baba Yaga appears... approaches Kuza.

Kuzya: Oh!

Baba Yaga: Kuzenka! Son!

Kuzya: What kind of son am I to you, grandma?

Baba Yaga: Like which one? Darling! Let's run quickly!

Kuzya: Where?

Baba Yaga : How to where? Home!

Kuzya (groans): Home?!
Yes, you didn’t chalk the floor,

You didn’t scrub the table...
Your pots are broken

The pans are not washed...
For you, Baba Yaga, the broom is crying!
The vegetables have not been collected, the bushes have not been plucked.
Everything is overgrown with weeds...

Baba Yaga: You're scolding rightly!

Kuzya : Oh, byada-byada, disappointment!

Baba Yaga: (admiringly) General! Just like grandma!

Presenter: Don’t swear, Kuzenka, the guys and I will help you!

Kuzya: How can you help? You are city dwellers... You don’t know either fruits or vegetables!

Autumn addresses Kuza and Baba Yaga:

Make a guess, guys,

There are riddles for us about vegetables.

Clothes all covered in pimples,

It is green, strong, fresh,

In general, the guy is great!

Did you guess it?

Presenter with children: Cucumber!

Do you know the notes, "F" and "G"?

It turns out to be “beans”!

I'm beautiful, golden,

But I can be very angry:

How are you going to cut me down?

You'll be covered in tears.

Ved and children: Bow!


I'm crumbly, delicious,

Adults, children - everyone needs it!

Can be fried and boiled

You can put it in soup.

Just take off my clothes,

And you get full.....

Ved and children: Potatoes!


Guys! Let's help Baba Yaga and Kuza collect their harvest.

Game "Collect all the harvest."

Kuzya: How much harvest has been collected, now there will be enough until spring!

Baba Yaga:

My yacht!
Oh, happiness has arrived.
How together everyone got down to business!

Kuzya: I’m a brownie, and brownies bring happiness to the house!

Baba Yaga: Yes, and I managed to do everything! We have a brand new samovar! Silver spoons, sugar gingerbreads. Well, now the hut won’t run away from us anywhere.

Baba Yaga, clasping her hands:

My darling, my bird! Come back! Kuzenka and I cleaned everything up and gathered the harvest! We will live together with Domovoy and it will be okay!


Well, okay, so be it. Come on, my granny, let's try to live together!

Brownie: Guys, how good it is to be friends, right?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: And for you and for our guests we will sing a song

“Guests have come to us, dear ones have come”

Baba Yaga: Kuzenka, let’s invite everyone to have some tea?

Kuzya: Necessarily! And drink tea and eat pancakes!

Baba Yaga:

And to you guys (bows)

And to you, Autumn (bows)

Thank you for helping me find Kuzenka and clean up the garden! Now I will have happiness in my home!

Come to visit!

(leave the hall)


Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

Return to the autumn forest.

There are still things waiting for me.

Goodbye, kids!

(Hands out apples)

Here are apples for you, like honey,

For jam, for compote.

Eat them and get better

Get some vitamins.

Inna Tsukova
Scenario for the holiday “Autumn Miracles with Baba Yaga”

Autumn miracles with Scarecrow and Baba Yaga





Flocks of birds fly away

Less sun and heat.

The leaves are falling off the maples,

Means golden autumn

She came to our native land.

1 child:

In autumn there are

Clear days.

The leaves are fluttering

Like moths.

2 child:

Cobweb threads

They sparkle on the bushes.

It pours onto the path

Yellow leaf fall.

3 child:

Yellow leaves

They lead a round dance.

Falling on the bumps

Dry swamps.

4 child:

On flowers, on herbs.

And to the bottom of the ditch,

Covering everything around

A lush, golden carpet.

5 child:

They're spinning and flying everywhere

golden leaves

And envelop the garden

Like fox fur.

Song « Autumn has knocked on our door»

« Autumn, autumn has come»

Do you love fairy tales? (children's answers.)

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Your fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking on our door

Let's tell the guest: “Come in!”.

The Garden Scarecrow appears, walking around the hall and waving hands: "Shoo, shoo". The phonogram sounds "Caw of Crows". The Scarecrow holds a broom in his hands.


Shoo! Shoo! Damn crow! Shoo. ABOUT! (to the audience) Hello! What are you doing here? A? Strangers in the garden! Gotcha! Why are you silent? I'm asking you?

What are you doing here? A! After all, I'm on public service I am performing a particularly important task. I'm protecting this garden! Or maybe you are on some kind of excursion? A!

Well, why are you smiling? Okay, don't be shy. It’s me who looks so menacing.

I see that you came to our garden without malicious intentions. Make yourself comfortable. To be honest, I'm bored alone. Apart from the crows and some residents of the nearby forest, no one looks here at this time. Everyone forgot about me. About me here They say: “He doesn’t take it himself and doesn’t give it to the crow.”

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Scarecrow, and my last name is Ogorodnoye. Scarecrow Garden.

Phonogram "Caw of Crows".

Scarecrow: Well, here you go again. Shoo. shoo! Guys, help me, shout louder: “Shoo-shoo!” Thanks for the help! We got into the habit of flying into our garden. Here I am for you! Let's fly away! You know, friends, many fairy tales, songs, proverbs, and riddles have been written about the inhabitants of our garden.

For example:

Quickly collect the red-cheeked one in a bowl. (radish).

The tall kids lay down in the garden bed, all the kids are great and call them. (cucumbers).

The chubby brothers huddle in the house, their name is not bad at all. (peas).

What can you tell us about the inhabitants of our garden?

Wear masks.

Children read poems about vegetables.

1. I'm so pretty

Little green boy.

If only I want -

I'll treat everyone to peas!

2. You will be very pleased.

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber -

Everyone will like it, of course!

3. I am a ruddy radish,

I bow to you very low.

Why praise yourself?

I'm already known to everyone.

4. A story about me not long:

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice

And bite the carrot -

Then you will be, my friend,

Strong, strong, dexterous!

5. They say I’m bitter, they say I’m unsweetened!

I am growing with a green arrow in the garden bed.

I am the most useful, I give you my word!

Eat green onions and you will be healthy.

6. I am round and strong,

Dark red sides

Young beets, so sweet!

I'm good for lunch, borscht, and vinaigrette!

7. The garden bed is empty without me,

And my name is... cabbage.

8. I am a potato - a sight for sore eyes,

I am a potato - delicious!

Crash-ma-lis-ta! Yes, once-a-ris-ta!

Without me - no, no,

Lunch won't work!

9. Children have been loving for a long time,

Delicious, sweet... tomato.

10. Respected by the people, I grow in the garden.

Sweet and strong - I’m called... a turnip.

11. Sometimes I’m hot, sometimes I’m sweet,

You need to know my habits.

And in the kitchen - the head of spices!

I'm healthy and delicious... pepper.

12. Well, I’m a trotter,

He fell on his side.

Everyone in the world knows me,

I am useful... zucchini

Scarecrow: Thank you, well done! Fine to you: if you want, go for a walk, if you want, sit, lie down, run. And I always stand in one place. Do you think it’s easy to spin around like that and guard the garden? Maybe you can try it? I will give you this opportunity. Who wants?

A game "Scarecrow"

Runs out to Russian folk music

The hut is on chicken legs and dancing. Baba Yaga runs into the hall behind her, holding her side, and threatens her.

Baba Yaga:

Wait a minute, hut!

I’ll catch up, even though I’m an old lady!

You, hut, don’t contradict,

Let me come in and lie down on the stove!

The hut gracefully waves its hand and runs away from Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga shakes her head and turns to face the children.


Good afternoon, grandma!

Baba Yaga:

What a good day it is, isn't it?

The hut and I are not on good terms:

I'm pummeling, she's clucking!

We run through the forest all day

And we scare the poor birds.

He sits down on a chair and grieves.


Yes, it's a mess! Guys, do we need a bad mood? (Children answer). Of course, we love to smile and enjoy life. Let's cheer up grandma.

Dance with umbrellas "Drip, drop, drop"

Baba Yaga:

But children are not my orders! And my hut too. There she is, she does what she wants.

The hut looks out from behind the door and shows a “pinocchio” with its hands.

Presenter: Yes, grandma, you need an owner to hold the house in your hands.

Baba Yaga: Master? Well, of course, a house owner! (Rejoices).

Grandma needs a brownie,

May he always live with me!

After all, it’s okay to live together handy:

Both pleasant and not boring.

(Looks at the Presenter).

Where can I get it?


Guys, what do you think, if he is a brownie, where should he live? (Children answer).

Look for him, Baba Yaga, in some house.

Baba Yaga sits on a broom and flies away, the Hut follows her.

Kuzya the brownie runs in to the music.


Where am I?

Presenter: Guys, who do you think came to us?

(Children answer and greet Kuzya).

What happened to you?


We, as it struck twelve,

My brother and I came out from behind the stove.

I am Kuzma, and he is Nafanya,

That's my whole company.

Nathanya and I slept together,

We see that our house has been broken,

Only the stove remains,

A poker and a candle.

Although it was bitter, brothers,

But I decided to get down to business.

I took a broom to sweep

And she carries me.

Just waved and they flew.

We've been on the road for a long time,

But where did they sit?

Baba Yaga appears to the music and approaches Kuza.

Baba Yaga:

Darling, killer whale, where have you gone? Cousin, son, the house is waiting for you, but I can’t catch him, help!


Stand up, hut, in front of me,

Like a leaf before the grass!

Kuzya goes to the hut and looks inside.

Kuzya: I didn’t chalk the floor, I didn’t scrub the table...

Pots are broken, pans are not washed...

For you, Baba Yaga, the broom is crying!

(Looks behind the house.)

The vegetables have not been collected, the bushes have not been plucked. Everything is overgrown with weeds...

And they also They are going to celebrate the Autumn Festival. So much to do... So much to do...

Presenter: Don’t swear, Kuzenka, we will help you collect the harvest.

A game "Vegetables fruits".

Kuzya draws attention to the leaves that lie near the central wall of the hall.

Kuzya: And how many leaves attacked.

Take Baba Yaga a broom and sweep them away as quickly as possible.


Kuzenka, the guys and I will collect the leaves and help both you and Yaga.

Dance with leaves

Kuzya: Well done boys. You're doing a good job.

Why isn’t everyone else helping us harvest the crops?

A game "Collect the potatoes".

Two teams of four people participate. Each team is given 4 hoops, 2 buckets, 4 potatoes, and a watering can. At the leader’s signal, the first participant runs "plows the ground"(lays out hoops, second "plants potatoes"(puts potatoes inside the hoop, third "waters"(runs around each hoop with a watering can, the fourth "Harvest the harvest" collects potatoes in a bucket.”

Baba Yaga:

Oh, happiness has arrived.

How together everyone got down to business!


I’m a brownie, and brownies bring happiness to the house!


Well, now everything is in order. So where autumn got lost?

Appears to the music Autumn. She comes in to sad music and cries.


Hello, golden autumn, why are you crying?


How can I not cry? That's why I autumn.

I bring rain, slush, dampness.

Nobody is happy with me.


The guys and I are glad to see you. After all so beautiful in autumn, the trees are so elegant, and how many delicious gifts you bring us. Let us sing you a song and make you happy.

Song Rain

Autumn: Thank you. Let me play with you. Let me see if you know what grows in the garden?

Is cabbage growing in the garden? - Yes!

Does a tomato always turn red? - Yes!

Are the onions turning green in the garden? - Yes!

Are potatoes ripening in the garden? - Yes!

And on the grass, like on a pillow,

Is the green frog growing? - No!

Do you have any sweet peppers in your garden? - Yes!

And the zucchini grows in the garden? - Yes!

Are the carrots lined up in a row? - Yes!

Does chocolate grow in the garden beds? - No!

Are dill, beans, peas growing? - Yes!

Growing up a big and angry bulldog? - No.

Autumn: Well done! He looks back towards Baba Yaga's house.

I see you have already harvested the harvest.

Autumn: It's over autumn holiday,

I think it lifted everyone's spirits.

And for a good performance

A treat has been prepared for everyone.


I had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys.

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

What to do? Things are waiting.

Goodbye, kids!

"The Tricks of Baba Yaga"

(for children of senior preschool age)

Goals and objectives :

  • Through theatrical activities, develop the child’s interests and abilities, creativity and imagination, feel and understand the world around him more subtly.
  • Adapt the child to social relationships between people.
  • Form an idea of ​​positive and negative actions and behavior.
  • Correctly evaluate yourself and others; see the good and bad in the characters of familiar fairy tales.
  • Develop aesthetic and musical taste
  • Create conditions for the development of integrative personal qualities every child.


  • Decoration autumn forest
  • Costumes for characters.
  • A hut on chicken legs
  • Fairy Oven

Attributes: 2 autumn leaves for each child; DMI – spoons, ratchets; basket with mushrooms; a basket of apples; white and blue scarves; rope 2m; fake pies




Baba Yaga (can be performed by a child)





Swan geese

The curtain is closed. The teacher comes out in front of the curtain

Lead teacher:

You are better artists

You won't find it in the world

Even though they are not uncles

Even though they are not aunts...

Who is the most talented in the world?

Well, of course, these are our children!


The curtain opens. On the central wall there is a decoration of an autumn forest.

Entrance of children with dance “Across the Field” (composition by L. Kustova)


We cannot live in the world without miracles

They meet us everywhere.

Magic, autumn and fairytale forest

He invites us to visit him.

The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

He will throw leaves at our feet.

This time is so beautiful

Miracle Autumn has come to us again.

The song “Miracle Autumn” is performed sl. and music M.V. Sidorova

On a sunny, bright autumn day

A leaf torn by the wind is spinning.

Leaves are falling all around,

Covering the earth with a golden carpet.

The song-dance “Autumn Leaves” is performed. and music M.V. Sidorova

The curtain closes, the scenery changes


We found ourselves in a wonderful forest

There are many different miracles in it.

On the autumn holiday we are waiting for a guest.

Let us invite Autumn to our garden!

Children: Come visit us, Autumn, we ask you very much.

Autumn enters the hall. Dancing and spinning in front of the curtain.


Did you call me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends.

Today I flew over the field,

And saw off flocks of birds in the sky.

There the birds flashed in the distance

And at parting they told me a fairy tale...

Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you

Again the fairy tale enters the house

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted,

Here heroes come to life, miracles soar around.

I love the fairy tale very much, and I give it to you.

And here in Rus'

The stories are very good!

The show begins

A fairy tale comes to visit us!

About geese-swans,

and about different people.

this old fairy tale

Everyone is happy to listen

We offer a fairy tale

A new way for you!

In some kingdom

In some state

Once upon a time there lived Masha and Vanya

So their parents went to the market,

And Mashenka was punished:

“Look after Vanya,

The Geese Swans took Vanyusha and brought him to the hut on chicken legs where Baba Yaga lived.

Baba Yaga comes out.

Baba Yaga's song "Lonely Old Lady" is performed

Baba Yaga: (addresses the audience)

Well, why are you sitting?

Don't tremble, don't squeak?

Or haven't you read fairy tales?

Have you heard about me?

You know me, I'm glad!

I need to tell you soon

What's for grandma today?

The geese brought Vanyusha.

Before you eat,

I want to have fun!

Leshy! Aw! Come here

Show your prowess!

Leshy come out dancing

A comic dance of Leshy with spoons and rattles is performed.Rus. adv. chalk.

Goblin: Grandma! We can barely stand on our feet,

We've been wanting to have dinner for a long time!

B.Ya. : Have you lit the stove?

Did you apply water?

Goblin : I don't want to work, grandma.

B.Ya.: Where are my swans-geese?

The geese come out singing

The song of the geese is performed.

B.Ya.: You are following Vanya here.

(addressing Leshi) And we'll go get some firewood.

Baba Yaga leaves with Leshimi. The geese sit down next to Vanya.

1st Goose: Guard him while I look for the worm

Or I’ll peck at a delicious snail right outside the gate! (leaves)

2nd Goose:

I've worked up an appetite!

From the hostess it will fly!

And she will praise me

He'll treat you to delicious porridge! (thinks)

I'll be gone for five minutes

Nibble some fresh grass!

Masha comes out singing

"Masha's Song" is performed

Masha: Here’s a hut, I see my brother

Dear Vanya, I’m so glad.

Vania : Let's run away quickly, Masha,

To our dear home, to our village.

Masha and Vanya run away

Autumn: Masha and Vanya ran

They suddenly saw the hedgehog.

The Hedgehog comes out with mushrooms on his back and in a basket.

"The Hedgehog's Autumn Song" is performed

Hedgehog is scared of children


Hedgehog, dear, wait!

How can we get home?


Run along that path,

Pick forest apples,

Take milk from the river,

And there are pies at the stove.

Apple tree, river and stove

They will protect you from enemies!


We will complete all tasks

Let's run. Goodbye!

Children run away


Masha and Vanya ran along the edge of the forest.

And Baba Yaga returned to the hut.


Where is my delicious Vanyushka?

Apparently he fell asleep in the hut.

Looks into the hut.

B.Ya. :

Where is the boy?

Where is Geese?

(Searches, finds, leads Geese)

You'll get it from Yagushi!

What, you decided to laugh? Parasites!


Your jokes are too much!

Where did they hide the boy?

1st Goose:

He was here, I swear by his wing,

Or I'm not the White Goose!

2nd Goose:

He was here, I swear by his tail,

Or I'm not a Gray Goose!


Robbed! Deceived! They snuck out from under our noses!

I just can't find the words

And I’m shaking with anger!

Get on the road quickly

And give me back the boy!

Music "Flight of the Geese"

Autumn :

The children are tired of walking through the forest,

Then they met an apple tree on their way.

The Yablonka song and dance is performed.

Apple tree:

Masha, Vanya, help,

Pick my apples

Free the branches... ( children pick)

Music is heard. "Flight of the Geese"

Hide, children, hurry up

Among the apple branches.

Geese fly by

Masha: The geese didn’t notice us

Vanya: Let them fly to their grandmother!

Apple tree:

Take apples on the go

They will also help you.

Masha and Vanya leave


It's hard for kids to walk through the forest,

Suddenly they met a river on their way.

The round dance “Tell us, little river” is performed with blue and white scarves


Milk spilled

Ran far away.

Masha, Vanya, help,

Return the streams to me.

Children return scarves to the river. I can hear the music. "Flight of the Geese"

Hide here now

The geese won't notice you!

The river covers the children with scarves, geese fly past.

Masha: The geese didn’t notice us.

Vanya: Let them fly to their grandmother!


I'll give you some milk

On a happy path.

The children are leaving

And the Geese returned home to the hut.

B.Ya.: Haven’t you caught up yet?

Have you really lost it?

Geese: We circled, we flew,

We looked with all our eyes.

Someone helps children

And he hides them from us.


I will punish you, Geese,

I'll tie everyone up with ropes


I'll put it straight in the oven!

I’ll just add some firewood,

(goes to get firewood)

The goblins come out.

1st Leshy: Today there are geese for dinner at Grandma’s

And tomorrow grandma will get to us.

2nd Leshy: I don’t want to end up in her oven.

Let's look for new friends!

1st Leshy: Come on!

The devils leave. Magpies fly in

1st Magpie: What a scandal!

What a scandal!

Our forest has never seen anything like this.

2nd forty:

Baba Yaga tied the Geese.

We need to save them quickly!

Magpies together:

We won't let you die

We will free you now!

Magpies untying the geese


Tired of being evil

We don’t want to serve Yaga.

We'll go to the village to live,

There is grain and a warm house.


Yes, yes, yes, let's fly from here.

You feel bad here, you feel bad here.

fly away

Baba Yaga comes out and looks for Geese.


My servants fled.

There is no boyfriend or girlfriend.

I'm completely hungry.

Well, who am I going to eat now?

I'll fly after you,

Maybe I'll find the boy.


Everyone ran away from Baba Yaga.

They didn't say goodbye to her.

Lo and behold, the stove is standing on the green edge.

She bakes pies and cheesecakes herself.

Performing "Stove Song".

Geese are flying


Hide us, stove, quickly

From the evil geese chase

Children hiding behind the stove


Forgive us guys

We were evil once.

Tired of being evil

We don’t want to serve Yaga.

We want to be friends with you.


Come in, we invite you,

We treat you to pies.

The pies turned out magical.

Their filling is medicinal

Bite them quickly

You will immediately become kinder.

Baba Yaga arrives.


They forgot me again

We were not treated to a pie.

That's why I was angry

That I live in the forest alone.

Have pity on me, old one.

I won't be harmful anymore.

And I won't be angry anymore.

Can I make friends with you?


We forgive you, Yaga.

Come to us, we invite you.


Louder, music, play,

Gather everyone for the dance.

They perform the dance “Grandma Yozhka” comp. Novikova and Sukhanova


Well, it's time to say goodbye,

We take everyone to our home.

I promise to meet you

With you in a fairy tale, but in a different one.

The artists bow

From that time on, they all lived without troubles for many years.

I’m sorry to upset you, the fairy tale needs to end,

And for the fact that you tried, listened and smiled,

I thank you very much and I will give you gifts -

The apple tree brought her gifts for the children.

(Apples are brought out.)

The miracle stove surprised me and gave me sweet buns

(Buns are taken out of the oven.)

Well, and the river - sweet tea, drink it, and remember Autumn!

A Russian folk melody sounds.

The children leave the hall.

Name: Scenario of autumn entertainment for children middle group"The Tricks of Baba Yaga"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, themed parties, Middle group (4-5 years old)

Position: music director first qualification category
Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 162" of general developmental type
Location: Altai region Barnaul city

"The Tricks of Baba Yaga"
Scenario of autumn entertainment for children of the middle group


Squirrels (girls)

Bunnies (boys)

Target: Creating a joyful, festive mood in children.
- to form in children an idea of ​​autumn as a time of year;
- develop speed, agility, fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements, coherent speech of children;

— cultivate love for the season “Autumn”, instill respect for each other.

Equipment: projector, slides of the autumn forest, leaves according to the number of children, oak and maple leaves cut into pieces, a plume made of cellophane ribbons, a basket with treats.

Children enter to the song “Leaf, leaf, leaf fall” (words and music by S. Rand), line up in a semicircle.

Leading. Autumn has come,

How beautiful is her outfit.

Like in a friendly round dance,

Leaves are flying in the wind.

Children recite poems.

Child 1. There are few leaves on the trees.

On the ground there is no turning around.

A quilt made from scraps

Autumn is sewing goodbye. (S. Ostrovsky)

Child 2. Golden leaves are falling and flying,

Golden leaves cover the garden.

Child 3.

Golden autumn has come to visit us. (E. Blaginina)

Children perform the song “Autumn” by I. Kishko, then sit on chairs.

Leading. Autumn - let's invite the beauty to visit!

Children. Autumn is a beauty, come and visit us?

Baba Yaga enters to the music.

Baba Yaga. I hear they are waiting for autumn here,

They call me a beauty.

I'm the beauty here,

Have you been waiting for me, friends?

Leading. You're confusing something, Yaga,

Your beauty is long gone.

All you have left is your hump,

Yes, two teeth, or a fang?!

Baba Yaga. You decided to make me angry

I can take revenge.

(casts a spell) Chufir, mufir,

Sleep come,

Golden autumn forever sleep.

Your autumn will not come,

Your kindergarten will not find it.

She is in a restless sleep,

She sleeps alone in my forest.

Leading. You Yaga don't joke like that

Let go of our autumn.

Yaga. I offer a test

If you complete the task,

I will reward you

I'll let autumn go.

Leading. Do you agree, children?

Children. Yes.

There is an attraction called “Collect a Leaf”.
Two children participate in the game. On one tray lies Maple Leaf glasses, on the other an oak leaf. The leaves are cut into pieces. On command, children collect leaves from the pieces while listening to music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaf from scattered particles.
Baba Yaga. Who has a maple leaf?
That mimic artist -
Does not say anything,
He will depict everything with a gesture... (sour lemon, thorn, fluff, etc.)
(The child who assembled the maple leaf from parts completes the task.)
Baba Yaga. Who has an oak leaf -
Speak without hesitation:
Our Christmas tree has pinched needles.
(The child who assembled a rowan leaf from parts completes the task).

Baba Yaga. Well, you completed the task,

If you go into the autumn forest, you will find sleeping autumn.

But she's fast asleep, you can't wake her up!

Leading. Oh, and the cunning Yaga,

The poker is crying for you!

(To children.) Let’s not waste time,

We'll go to the autumn forest,

Let's find sweet autumn,

We will save you from the evil spell of Yaga.

Baba Yaga leaves unnoticed. Children with music of their choice music director move in a round dance step.

Leading. Look on the path

How many painted leaves,

We will collect leaves

Let's go dance with them .

Children perform the dance “Dance with Leaves” (Collection “Dance, baby, issue 1. T. Suvorova). (Then sit on the chairs)

Slide (autumn forest)

Leading. We've finally arrived

We found the autumn forest.

Just look

It's not gold at all

It's gloomy and sad here

Where are the colors of autumn?

Where did they go?

Or have they never been to the forest at all?!

Slush enters to the music.

Slush. Well, what a disgrace

Where does golden autumn wander?

My time has long come,

Cold, dampness to catch up.

I won't wait for her anymore.

We need to call for rain.

Leading. Slush, wait

Don't call for rain yet!

Our autumn is in trouble,

Yaga put her to sleep with a spell.

Now she sleeps in the forest,

That’s why it doesn’t bring beauty everywhere.

Slush. Let's not waste time,

We need to save autumn.

Hey, forest dwellers, hurry up,

Help me wake up Autumn.

2 squirrels run out.

Squirrel 1. We are playful squirrels,

Frolic laughter.

Squirrel 2. We heard about the trouble

They have come to your aid.

Squirrel 1. To dispel the spell of sleep,

We must sing and dance loudly.

Squirrel 2. Squirrels, come all over here,

Start a merry dance.

Girls perform the squirrel dance (music and movements chosen by the music director).

Squirrel 1. Wow, how fun they danced

And a little tired.

Leading. Only Autumn has not come,

The spell of evil has not broken.

And here the bunnies are running,

They sing a cheerful song.

Boys perform the dance “Hares Do Exercises” lyrics and music by A. Chugaikina

Leading. Oh, what a perky dance,

You arranged for us

Thank you bunnies

Only our Autumn sleeps,

We'll wake her up

Let's sing her a song

We'll start a round dance.

The children perform the song “Autumn Round Dance” by E. Kuchiryai, then Autumn appears and yawns.

Autumn. Oh, how long I slept.

Apparently tired.

Slush. Baba Yaga has bewitched you

That's why you dozed off for so long,

And by the way, the time has come

Dampness, autumn rain.

And your forest has not yet become colorful,

Hurry up, decorate the trees quickly!

Autumn casts a spell with magical music (music chosen by the music director). An image of a forest appears on the projector (slide 2).

Leading. Look how beautiful it is

How many painted leaves,

Variegated, red, gold.

We will celebrate the Autumn Festival,

I invite you to dance.

Children perform the dance “Clockwork Dance” words, music, composition of movements by A. Chugaikina.

Slush. You can call for rain,

Come out everyone and play.

The musical game “Autumn Rain” is being held, words and music by T. Lezbak

The presenter chooses the driver (Rain), in his hands is a plume made of cellophane ribbons.

Children sing:"Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

The rain is drizzling.

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

He tells us:

Rain: “Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip

It’s autumn rain, I’m in a bad mood!”

Children:“We’ll make you laugh, we want to play with you.”

The rain catches up with the children, whoever touches the sultan becomes the driver (Rain), after the game the children sit on the chairs.

Leading. Dear Autumn,

Sit down on the stump and relax.

And the children will read poetry to you.

Children read poetry.

Child 1. There are many golden leaves on the paths,
We will make a nice bouquet out of them,
We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table,
Golden autumn has come to visit us. (E. Blaginina)

Child 2. Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Now it's just like new!

All ruddy and golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait! ( V. Berestov)

Child 3. A crow screams in the sky:

There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!

And it was very simple:

Autumn has settled in it. (E. Intulov)

Autumn. Thank you, friends,

For dancing, poetry, songs,

I have prepared a treat for you

A basket of forest treats.

Gives the basket to the teacher; the basket contains apples or hazelnuts.

Well, it's time to hit the road

Decorate gardens and fields.

Goodbye friends!

Slush. I'll stay here

I'll water the forest with rain,

So that a treat for the guys,

IN next year collect.

Leading. And it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Let's get back on our feet, say goodbye to Slush and walk along the path to kindergarten.

The children say goodbye to the slush, then, to the tune of “Autumn has come” by S. Nasaulenko, at the choice of the music director, they go to the group.

Khlystova Natalya Viktorovna, Bogacheva Anna Vladimirovna
Educational institution:"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution" Kindergarten No. 13 "Alyonushka" Belovo
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2016-11-22 Scenario for the autumn holiday in the middle group “Baba Yaga’s Cafe” Khlystova Natalya Viktorovna, Bogacheva Anna Vladimirovna Scenario of an event dedicated to the autumn holiday in kindergarten, for teachers and music directors.

View certificate of publication

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the middle group “Baba Yaga’s Cafe”

Children enter the hall with autumn leaves in their hands.

The sun is too warm
The time for gold has come.
Yellow leaves are flying,
Soon the garden will be bare.
The birds gathered in flocks,
The animals have gone into hibernation,
Whose friends will we not ask?
Came to us, guys,

Children: Autumn!

Leading: I suggest you dance with our beautiful leaves!

Dance: “Autumn, give us colors” music and lyrics : O. Osipova
At the end of the dance, the children squat down (leaves in their hands). A janitor comes out with a broom .

Street cleaner:
Oh, there's a lot of work,
How many leaves have fallen!
I'm in a hurry to sweep,
I'm putting things in order!
I sweep, sweep, sweep,
I'll sweep up the leaves from the path!
(The janitor sweeps with a broom, the children - the leaves “fly away” onto the chairs.)

Street cleaner:
I swept all the paths,
Oh, I'm tired, I'm off to bed.
The janitor sits aside. A child runs out as the breeze.

I am the autumn breeze
I'm flying, my path is long,
I'm flying around the world,
I blow up all the leaves.

Phonogram “The Sound of the Wind”
A child like a breeze runs through the hall, improvising the characteristic dance movements of the image of the wind. The leaf children “fly out” to the middle of the hall. The breeze flies away. The janitor comes out.

Street cleaner:
It's a mess, really.
All the leaves have scattered!
I'll take the broom
I'll collect the leaves again.
I sweep, sweep, sweep,
I'll sweep up the leaves from the path!
The janitor sweeps with a broom, the children's leaves “fly away” onto their chairs. Breeze appears.
Street cleaner:
Oh, you naughty leaves,
Bright and painted!
So that they don’t dare to fly away,
I must catch you all!

Children throw the leaves up (imitate leaf fall), run away to their chairs, leaving the leaves on the carpet.

Street cleaner:
We offer dads, moms,
We'll play a little
Leaves in baskets
Who's quick to collect!
The janitor moves away unnoticed.

Leading: Let's play a game “Who will collect the leaves in the basket faster?”
(The game is played by two to four adults. Children can act as helpers, for example, holding a basket into which the parent will quickly put leaves. The competition may be accompanied by light background music at a moving pace. .)

Presenter: I hear someone coming towards us, probably Autumn.Baba Yaga appears to the music.

Baba Yaga: From, what!!! Made a lot of noise!!! Hello, you are welcome! They showed up without getting dusty, my dears! (Realizes himself) Oh…! Why am I saying this?! Hello, please come in and make yourself comfortable, I’m very glad to see you. I repaired my house, and I opened a cafe in it. And the word went out in the forest: Business lady - that’s me! I was waiting for you all to visit, I baked fly agarics. It’s an amazing time. The holiday is now in the yard. So, you are mine, I’ve been waiting for you! Oh, I forgot to say the most important thing that my cafe is not simple - it’s autumn, and Queen Autumn herself is in a hurry to visit us, bringing us gifts. And you guys, girls and boys. Do you know anything about autumn?

Leading: Listen to Baba Yaga's poems about this amazing time of year.

Children read poetry, Yaga listens .
1 child
If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
This time of year is called autumn.

2 child
Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
Nowadays he is completely like new.
All ruddy and golden.
Where are you going, leaf? Wait.

3 child
In the autumn garden,
By the path
Aspen claps
In the palms.
That's why,
That week,
Her palms turned red.

4 child
It's raining down the street,
Wet road
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.

5 child
Like autumn mushrooms
We carry umbrellas
Because in the yard
Autumn has come.

Yaga: I understood everything about autumn. It's cold, the leaves are falling, it's raining. And why should we be happy?

Leading: You can enjoy any time of year and notice the beauty of nature. Nature is especially beautiful in autumn.

Yaga: Autumn is such a sad time of year, even if you cry! Autumn has arrived. Just think! Well, it will pass. We lived without her, and we will live again!

Leading: You, Yaga, are wrong. Autumn is rich in the harvest of vegetables and fruits. The weather in autumn is changeable. If the sun is in the sky, it illuminates the golden and crimson leaves of the trees so beautifully. The soul becomes joyful and cheerful. Listen to what a wonderful song our children know about autumn.

Song: “This is Autumn” music and lyrics by E. Gomonova

Yaga: good song, I really liked it!

Autumn enters the hall to the music, holding a basket.
I'm glad that you have me
Children, respect
Dances, poems,
Greet us with songs!

Song: “Autumn is a dear guest” music. etc. Oliferova.

I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for the holiday
I brought a basket with riddles for the holiday!
Listen to the riddles, my favorite guys!
Autumn takes leaves from the basket - riddles, and tells them to the children.

1. I emerge from the garden bed, I grow up smartly.

Eat me up guysI'm sorry... (carrot)

2. The hedgehog was surprised in the field:“Here’s a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”

And the little bunny devoured the delicious... (cabbage) with a crunch.

3. He warms his side in the sun, dgives us tomato juice,

People have loved it for a long time,red, ripe... (tomato)

4. Im a pod, beloved home xgood for the brothers in it!

Every brother is green and smooth,Each ball is tasty and sweet. (peas)

Autumn: Well done! All the riddles have been solved! I propose to dance my favorite dance “Rowanushka”.

Yaga: Can I come with you?

Autumn: Of course you can!

Girls' dance: "Rowan kerchiefs - red scarves" .

Yaga: Eat, help yourself - the fly agarics are fresh, I just picked them. I just caught the little frogs from the swamp this morning. Well, take it... Why don't you like my treat?

Autumn. (looks) These are fly agarics, toadstools and frogs...your treat? Well, who meets you like that?

Yaga:But I need helpers in my cafe. So, who will set the table for me and serve clients?

Autumn:So you need Baba Yaga waiters. I can just help you with this! (addresses the children). Guys, now I’ll teach you how to set a table in a cafe. For this we need 2 teams of 7 people. Each table has baskets containing something that you should beautifully lay out on the table. Everyone runs, takes (tablecloth, plate, spoon, fork, knife, mug, food) one item and beautifully places it on the table, then returns to the end of the team. Music is playing. coming game "Waiters" . After the game, the tables are put back in place, and part of the table setting is also removed.

Autumn:Well, Yagusya, you already have assistant waiters. Everyone knows that in the fall all people and forest animals make supplies for the winter. Are you, Yagusenka, ready for winter?

Baba Yaga:Of course, I always have a couple of tasty, juicy fly agarics in stock. Simply delicious.

Autumn:Well, that's not the point. They're inedible. Really, guys? I saw a vegetable garden nearby; it probably produced a good harvest.

Game: "Harvest"

Baba Yaga:Yes, a good harvest has ripened. I wish I could have so many fruits and vegetables in my cafe to serve on the table. Eh, now I’d like to fry some potatoes, but with fly agaric mushrooms.....

Autumn:Well, again you are Baba Yaga with your fly agarics. Remember that they are not edible. I have a magic umbrella. Let's play transformation!
Autumn is playing"Magic Umbrella" .

Baba Yaga: Here you go!!! Rain in autumn - not too much good weather!! (angrily) He will wet all of me, Yagusya, my beauty.

All nature is happy with the rain. The boys and I love watching the rain.
The wind carried the rain cloud far, far away. How many mushrooms grew in the forest after the rain!