Basic approaches to the study of control systems briefly. Modern approaches to the study of control systems. Choosing an organizational management structure

Medicinal plants for diseases of the genitourinary system are a natural, effective and very popular method of therapy. Herbs are needed for tissue regeneration, reducing inflammation, removing toxins from the body, restoring organ functions, and relieving pain symptoms.

In the human body, all organs of the genitourinary system are in close interaction, so problems in the functioning of, for example, the kidneys immediately lead to dysfunction of the bladder, and vice versa. This led to A complex approach to treatment, which is simultaneously carried out using medications and folk herbal remedies, such as decoctions and tinctures of various herbs. Herbal infusions are often used to prevent diseases.


Due to significant differences in the genitourinary systems of men and women, the symptoms of diseases for each of them have radically different manifestations:

  • men are characterized by the presence of pronounced symptoms in the form of cutting pain and difficulty urinating;
  • For women, the disease almost always occurs without symptoms, leading to chronic stages.

Diseases and their specificity

Due to the difference in the structure of the urinary system, diseases also vary. For example, men most often get sick:

  • urethritis - inflammation of the urethra, which depends on its length and, accordingly, greater susceptibility to infections;
  • prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland, an exclusively male organ.

Women suffer most from:

  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, which is associated with the size of the urethra (wide and short), convenient for microbes to enter it;
  • pyelonephritis – inflammation of the renal pelvis, as a result of the rapid spread of infection.

Basically, the causative agent of diseases is infection, and women are the most vulnerable, “thanks” to the structure of their body.

The root cause of most pathologies is a simple lack of hygiene. Diseases can also develop due to hypothermia. One should not exclude another route of transmission of infection - through sexual contact, which is also not uncommon today.

For fast and effective treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to begin therapy as soon as possible. After all, the advanced form of the disease takes over more and more organs, complicating recovery and leading to disastrous consequences.

Benefits of herbal medicine

Herbal remedies have a mild effect on the human body. Their contraindications and side effects are insignificant compared to medicines, even from natural ingredients.

Herbs for the treatment of the genitourinary system contain useful elements in the form of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for healing and treatment. Decoction, tea and infusion are prepared at home from natural raw materials according to simple recipes, and do not require much time or special technology.

All medicinal plants are accessible and inexpensive, and if you wish, you can grow them yourself or collect them in natural conditions.

List of effective medicinal plants

Nature has not skimped on medicinal herbs that can help solve problems with the genitourinary organs. All of them have been familiar for a long time, and have received well-deserved recognition among the population, who often use traditional methods in treatment. Any doctor will confirm the success of herbal medicine carried out in combination with drug treatment. We list the most successful plants and their areas of application:

  1. It is used to cleanse the urinary tract of bacteria. It has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect with stimulation of diuresis. Recommended in the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis.
  2. Urolithiasis is cured with the help of cherry stalks, which have a diuretic effect. The basis for this therapy is urolithiasis and menstrual bleeding. In case of heavy discharge during menstruation, cherries are used as a hemostatic agent. It is also good for preventive purposes.
  3. When diagnosing inflammation of the ovaries, field grass is prescribed. The herb itself and the fruits, which have diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, are successfully used to stimulate male sexual function and normalize the female menstrual cycle.
  4. Shepherd's purse grass stops kidney, pulmonary, uterine, and gastrointestinal bleeding. This property of the plant is especially important in the preparation of home remedies to relieve menopause.
  5. Remedies from knotweed increase diuresis, prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract, and relieve intoxication. The herb helps get rid of excess chlorine with sodium ions during urination, which is beneficial for filtration and resorption processes in the kidneys.
  6. The diuretic properties of kidney tea have long been known. Chlorides, urea, and uric acid are excreted along with urine. This is an effective natural medicine for anyone diagnosed with bladder inflammation, kidney stones, acute or chronic kidney inflammation.
  7. Horsetail, famous for its diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, is used to prepare drugs for removing lead. It is also able to protect against stones in the genitourinary system, because it contains silicic acids, which do not allow mineral components to crystallize in the urine.
  8. Not without the ubiquity, the flowers of which have valuable properties - anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative, analgesic, which has been successfully used for many years. With its help, women restore the menstrual cycle, relieve pain during menstruation, treat “female” diseases and chronic diseases of the urinary tract.
  9. - diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic and astringent, help treat the kidneys and bladder in acute and chronic cases. They also help prevent bedwetting and remove kidney stones.
  10. It is an excellent diuretic. This medicinal herb is recommended for kidney stones. Treats ascites and relieves swelling.
  11. The anti-inflammatory property helps flax to be in demand in herbal medicine. The seeds of the plant are used to detect kidney disease, bladder problems, and symptoms indicating urolithiasis.
  12. Urolithiasis is not a problem with decoctions and infusions of dandelion root, with excellent diuretic and antispasmodic properties.
  13. Plantain helps prevent urinary incontinence. The herb is also prescribed if there is an inflammatory process in the bladder, as it is an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic natural remedy.
  14. Dill occupies a place of honor in folk medicine, especially in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. It is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and disinfectant. For a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system, dried dill or its seeds are usually used in the preparation of decoctions. Almost all diseases of the kidneys and bladder are treated with decoctions. How to prepare a simple but very effective remedy yourself, quickly and cheaply:
  • take a liter of water with two tablespoons of fresh or dried plant;
  • pour in the raw materials, bring to a boil;
  • cool, strain.

Take a glass three times a day before meals. If you have oncology of any organ, it is recommended to include the plant in your daily diet.

A course of herbal medicine lasts on average two to three weeks. A longer period, up to two months, is required for the use of herbs for kidney and bladder diseases. Natural formulations are not used as independent treatment, but are part of the healing process, together with medications, complementing them and enhancing their effectiveness. It is worth taking into account that herbal compositions do not have “addictive” properties. However, a break between courses is necessary, otherwise their success will be significantly reduced.

Do not overdo it with diuretics, which are not recommended to be taken for more than ten days. In the process of herbal medicine with the use of infusions and decoctions, special attention is paid to the regularity, timeliness of urination and its volume. The fluid removed from the body sometimes contains pus, which is quite natural with herbal therapy. The course of application of medicinal herbal preparations depends on the following factors:

  • the disease itself;
  • the set goal to achieve which herbal medicine is used;
  • desired result.

No less attention is paid to preparing for herbal therapy.

Diuretics flush out a useful element – ​​potassium – from the body. And it is of great importance for the normal functioning of all vital organs. Active removal of fluid leads to an imbalance in water balance, which also harms the body.

To avoid unwanted and harmful effects of herbal treatments, which have, in addition to positive aspects Also negative ones, in the form of the problems listed above, you should take care of making up for losses using the following actions:

  • It is necessary to drink up to two liters of clean water every day;
  • enrich your diet with foods high in potassium.

You need to add pumpkin and bananas to the menu, baked potato, fruits and vegetables, fermented milk, lean meats and fish, and exclude from it foods that are particularly fatty, salty and spicy.

Of course, herbal medicine has proven its right to exist. However, do not forget that in order not to cause harm to health, herbs should be used only in accordance with the prescriptions of specialists. Self-medication with folk remedies, as well as with medications, can have undesirable consequences instead of the expected benefits.

good cleaning the genitourinary system(as well as joints) gives microbiological breakfast from soaked for 5 days rice, lasting up to 2 months. It has been established that boiled rice helps to draw out from our connective tissue (ligaments, joints, etc.) everything that has been deposited and made this tissue inelastic. As a rule, after this procedure the flexibility of the joints increases.
Pour 2 spoons into a 0.5-liter jar rice, fill with water and leave for a day. The next day, rinse the rice in the first jar, pour 2 tablespoons of rice into the second jar and fill both with water, and so on up to 5 jars. When the rice in the 1st jar has been soaked for 5 days, cook it and eat it without anything. Avoid water and food for 4 hours. Don’t be alarmed when the urine looks like dirty jelly, this is the genitourinary system being cleansed. Continue breakfast on soaked rice for 2 months, moving the jars one by one, washing them and sending them to cook for morning porridge. Yours creaking knees and elbows will become surprisingly silent and elastic. If someone is suffering mine, adenoma, you can add tea with the addition of ground rice on rice cleansing days ginger Add 70-100 mg of ground ginger to a glass of tea. When mastopathy Additionally, apply a compress of chilled tea with ginger for 15-20 minutes to the tumor site on the chest. This method is recommended by the wise science of macrobiotics.
Salt-free rice diet– one of the ancient oriental remedies that have an effective cleansing effect. Any rice is good, even broken rice.

2nd method of rice diet: Take 1-2 tbsp per serving. spoons of cereal. Soak the rice in a small amount of tap water for 8-10 hours, usually in the evening. After 8-10 hours, drain the water, add fresh water and put on fire. It boils, hold for a few seconds and remove from heat, drain in a colander, rinse, add water again, put on fire, bring to a boil, rinse and repeat twice more. After 4 boils, the rice will be completely boiled and will lose gluten, which is not needed. Now you can eat it. This is a portion for breakfast; you can eat and drink only 4 hours after such breakfast. And such a diet without a break for 45-60 days. The most intensive removal of salts and waste from the body will begin after 30 days from the start of the rice diet and will continue for another 4 months after the end of the course. Malaise, headaches, and heart failure may occur - potassium has left the body with waste products and its deficiency affects it. Without quitting your diet, you need to replenish it.

Potatoes, cereals, raisins, dried apricots contain potassium. Most millet is rich in it. It is better to heat it in a frying pan over high heat, but so that the millet does not change color. The porridge should be thick, cook over low heat at the rate of 1 part cereal to 2 parts water, do not add milk, but salt and sugar, please. But you can eat it with milk and jam. Eating this porridge is good for any cardiac dysfunction; in this case, 1-2 tbsp is enough. spoons, but daily.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a polyetiological disease associated with various factors. A key role in its development belongs to microorganisms (especially Escherichia coli). In this case, the kidneys and bladder are more affected, leading to pathologies such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. Diseases can take an acute or chronic course. In adult men, such pathologies arise against the background of various sexually transmitted infections.

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    Types of diseases

    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused mostly by gram-negative microflora; in 80% of cases, the cause is E. coli. In men, this group of diseases occurs much less frequently than in women, which is due to the anatomical features of the structure.

    Pathogens can affect the following organs:

    • The urethra with the development of a disease such as urethritis.
    • Bladder – cystitis.
    • Prostate gland – prostatitis.
    • Kidneys – pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

    These diseases most often occur in an acute form, especially if they are caused by E. coli. When infected with other pathogens, the tendency to chronicity is much higher. With chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, and gonorrheal infection, the initial symptoms can be very mild, so patients rarely see a doctor, which is why the disease takes a chronic course, leading to serious complications in both the urinary and reproductive systems of men.

    Depending on the pathogen, specific and nonspecific lesions are distinguished. In the first case, the cause is various sexually transmitted diseases, in the second - opportunistic microorganisms (Escherichia coli).

    The mechanism of occurrence of pathology

    Infection enters and spreads into the urinary tract in several ways. The most common is the passage of bacteria from the anus to the nearby urethra. Already at this stage, a man may develop urethritis and prostatitis.

    Subsequently, along the wall of the urethra, the infection enters the bladder, causing its inflammation - cystitis.

    The mucous membrane of the genitourinary system contains special defense mechanisms against bacteria, so pathology does not always occur. The infection can transit several departments at once and not lead to illness. The last point is the kidneys, where it can cause a variety of diseases, the most common of which is pyelonephritis.

    Another way of infection is through its introduction from other foci into the urinary system through the blood or lymph. This method is more typical for a disease such as glomerulonephritis.


    Entry of the pathogen into the body is not prerequisite for the disease to appear: for this to happen, certain predisposing factors must be present:

    • Decreased immune system due to various acute and chronic diseases.
    • Urolithiasis, which is often accompanied by urinary tract infections.
    • Frequent hypothermia (this is due to the seasonality of the pathology - the cold season).
    • Impaired urine outflow with benign hyperplasia and inflammation of the prostate gland.
    • Promiscuous sex life.
    • Application of various medicines, especially antibiotics.

    In children, urinary tract infections can occur as a result of congenital developmental abnormalities associated with impaired nervous regulation of motor skills. This leads to the formation of reflux and stagnation of urine.

    Dr. Komarovsky identifies the main cause of UTIs in infants as hypothermia associated with prolonged wearing of diapers. Children in the first year of life are more prone to various diseases, since the immune system is poorly developed. In the first months, the child uses the mother’s protection received from milk.

    In children preschool age inflammation occurs after playing in the sandbox, since there is a large number of bacteria in this place, and they come into direct contact with infected sand. Girls especially often suffer from this.

    Manifestations of urethritis

    The main ones are urinary disorders. The release of urine is accompanied by subjective sensations in the form of:

    • burning;
    • itching;
    • pain;
    • frequent urge to urinate.

    Various discharges appear - serous, purulent, mucous. Symptoms will also vary depending on the pathogen. With urethritis caused by opportunistic flora, the manifestations will be pronounced, the discharge will be purulent or mucous. The burning and itching is intense.

    Specific infections previously also had characteristic and typical symptoms. Today, all practicing doctors note that diseases such as mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia are sluggish in nature and have scant symptoms. This makes diagnosis very difficult. In such situations, patients may be bothered by whitish discharge and migrating urinary disorders. Burning sensations, itching and pain are mild.

    Symptoms of cystitis

    It appears much less frequently than in women, but they have a higher tendency to chronicize the process.

    The disease begins suddenly - with. Urine is released in small portions, causing... Pain appears in the suprapubic region, body temperature may rise to +37...+38 degrees.

    Inflammation of the bladder - changes in the wall

    Frequent urination is also observed at night. The urine becomes cloudy, and microscopic examination may reveal blood cell content.

    In the chronic course of the disease, UTI manifests itself in periods of exacerbation and remission. Patients have minor concerns, the temperature does not exceed +37 degrees or does not rise at all.

    Signs of pyelonephritis

    characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature to +38...+39 degrees, but there are cases without hyperthermia. A nagging dull pain appears in the lumbar region.

    The urine becomes cloudy, the protein content and the number of leukocytes increase, and hematuria is observed (). In a clinical blood test, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases and neutrophilic leukocytosis is noted.

    Urination is impaired, frequent urges appear, which become painful, urine is released in small portions due to spasm of the urinary tract.

    The inflammatory process leads to intoxication, resulting in severe headache, severe weakness, and vomiting and diarrhea.

    Kidney with pyelonephritis

    You can check for pyelonephritis yourself by slightly tapping the lower back (), after which the pain intensifies.

    The chronic course of the disease may not manifest itself externally; sometimes there may be mild back pain. In clinical urine analysis, similar changes, expressed to a lesser extent, are observed. Ultrasound examination reveals disturbances of the pyelocaliceal system, which intensify over time.


    The basis of treatment for urinary tract infections is the prescription of antibacterial agents. In this way, the etiological factor is affected and the disease is completely eliminated. The following groups of antibiotics are used:

    • For urethritis, Ceftriaxone is prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously. Doxycycline and Azithromycin in the form of tablets or injections can also be used.
    • For uncomplicated cystitis, nitrofuran preparations are prescribed - Furagin, Furomag. You can use 3 g of Fosfomycin once. Azithromycin and Nitroxoline are also prescribed.
    • For pyelonephritis, antibiotics must be used intravenously or intramuscularly - Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ceftriaxone.

    In case of an acute process, drugs are prescribed empirically, medications are used wide range actions to capture the maximum number of microorganisms. It is ideal to carry out a bacteriological culture before antibacterial treatment, after which certain medications are prescribed, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.

    The patient's condition threatens serious complications, so antibiotics are initially prescribed depending on the clinical manifestations. After receiving the laboratory test result, therapy is adjusted.


    In case of severe intoxication, it is necessary to prescribe intravenous solutions to cleanse the blood of the products of the inflammatory reaction:

    • Reasorbilact.
    • Reopoliglyukin.
    • Saline.
    • Glucose solution.
    • Poliglyukin.

    This therapy is more often used for pyelonephritis, since this disease causes a strong release of toxic substances into the blood.

    Symptomatic therapy

    To eliminate pain, painkillers are prescribed - Analgin, Dexalgin. Urinary disorders in the form of frequent urges are eliminated by using antispasmodics - No-Shpa, Baralgin, Spazmalgin.

    At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used - Nimesil, Ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid.

    In parallel with antibacterial therapy, probiotics are prescribed to normalize intestinal activity.


    Urinary tract infectionstreated by using folk remedies. For this purpose, herbs and medicinal plant mixtures are used. The following remedies are most effective:

    • Horsetail herb has antispasmodic, diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Indicated for all types of UTI.
    • Bearberry leaf is a powerful remedy for inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Relieves inflammation, spasm and reduces dysuria.
    • Birch buds have an antibacterial and antispasmodic effect.
    • Parsley and fennel seeds have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    These medicinal plants are used both independently and as a collection. At home, prepare an infusion: add 1 tbsp to 0.2 liters of boiling water. l. herbs or mixtures. It is better to do this in a water bath. For bearberry, the cooking time is 30 minutes, for other plants – 15.

    The resulting solution is filtered and consumed 1/3 cup 3 times.

    Pharmaceutical herbal remedies

    Of the ready-made medicines in the pharmacy, you can purchase drugs such as Urolesan, Canephron, Trinephron, Uroton, etc.

    Urolesan is produced in capsules and tablets. It contains a complex of essential oils and an extract from plants that have diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Take 20 drops for sugar 3 times a day or 1 capsule three times a day.

    Canephron is used for inflammatory processes of the urinary tract. It has the same indications as Urolesan. The drug is most widely used for acute and chronic cystitis.

    These drugs are prescribed by doctors for UTIs, as they significantly improve the effect of the main therapy and reduce the risk of complications.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are not the most pleasant of diseases and cause extreme discomfort, so it is not surprising that UTI sufferers want to get rid of the infection as quickly as possible. Prompt treatment is also important to prevent further development of UTIs, which can develop into more serious conditions. Sometimes UTIs go away on their own within four to five days. There are also several home treatments for UTIs, but for the fastest and most effective treatment, we strongly recommend that you seek help from a urologist.

Attention: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. Before using any methods, consult a urologist.


Medical Treatment for UTIs

    Recognize the symptoms. Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a fairly common and unpleasant disease that causes extreme discomfort. UTIs include an upper urinary tract infection (kidneys and ureters), a lower urinary tract infection (bladder and urethra), or both.

    Know the differences between the symptoms of an upper and lower urinary tract infection. Different infections present different symptoms. Analyze your symptoms so that you can clearly describe them when you go to see your urologist. Symptoms of lower urinary tract infections include needing to urinate more frequently, cloudy or bloody urine, back pain, very foul-smelling urine, and feeling unwell.

    Know when to ask for medical care. 25-40% of mild cases of UTI go away on their own, but this is not a reason to avoid going to the doctor. You may be at risk if you do not seek medical help promptly. Many people have complications with UTIs - remember this. If you develop a UTI, fever, or other symptoms worsen, you should make an appointment with your doctor right away.

    Take a course of antibiotics. Since a UTI is a bacterial infection, a doctor-prescribed course of antibiotics is the quickest and most effective way treatment of urinary tract infections. Antibiotics are especially recommended for women who suffer from frequent UTIs. Long courses of antibiotics will help prevent the infection from recurring.

    Complete your course of antibiotics. Take a one to seven day course of antibiotics as directed by your doctor. Most women receive a prescription for a 3-5 day course. Men may need a course of antibiotics for 7–14 days. Although the symptoms of a UTI usually go away after three days of starting antibiotics, the urethral infection itself usually doesn't go away until the fifth day. For men it may take longer.

    Be aware of possible complications. Severe UTIs can cause serious complications that can lead to kidney failure or toxemia (blood poisoning). They are quite rare and usually affect people with existing health problems, such as diabetics. If you have a weakened immune system, you are more susceptible to complications and infections.

    Home Remedies

    1. Drink plenty of water. Antibiotics are the only thing that truly cures UTIs, but given the fact that UTIs often go away on their own after a few days, there are things you can do to ease symptoms and prevent reinfection. The simplest of these is drinking large quantity water throughout the day, about a glass of water per hour.

      Drink cranberry juice. Drinking cranberry juice is often listed as a home remedy for UTIs. Although there is not enough evidence that cranberry juice actually fights infection, it can prevent it. If UTIs recur, take a high-cranberry supplement. Just like with water, drinking plenty of fluids helps cleanse your system.

      Take vitamin C. Consuming vitamin C when UTI symptoms first appear will help stop the infection in its early stages. Vitamin C restores the acid balance of urine, fighting harmful bacteria in the bladder, and also helps strengthen the immune system.

      Avoid consuming irritants. Some of the foods we eat can be irritants, the effects of which are magnified if you have a UTI. The most harmful are caffeine and alcohol. Not only do they irritate the bladder, but they also lead to dehydration, which makes it harder to flush bacteria out of the urinary tract.

    • Get rest and drink plenty of water.
    • Do not have sex while being treated for a UTI. You may introduce new bacteria and reduce your chances of a full recovery.
    • Take ibuprofen along with other medications for pain relief.
    • Drink plenty of water and take medications prescribed by your doctor.
    • Do not use lotions or massage oils as lubricants unless they are specifically designed for that purpose. The chemical ingredients in these products can cause UTIs.
    • Use a heating pad to reduce discomfort. Although a heating pad will not cure a UTI, it can relieve the symptoms of the infection. The heating pad should be warm, but not hot, and should be applied to the lower abdomen to relieve pain, pressure, and other discomfort associated with a UTI.
    • Cranberry juice and pills will temporarily relieve the pain, but your condition may worsen afterward. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water (240 ml) and drink; After an hour, drink a glass of water with a slice of lemon. Alternate drinks every hour until your bladder pain subsides.


    • If you do not notice a significant improvement in your symptoms within 24 to 36 hours of starting to use home remedies to treat a UTI, seek medical attention immediately.
    • Even if home remedies help relieve most of the symptoms of the infection, we still recommend that you take a urine test to check your body for any remaining bacteria.
    • Even the mildest cases of UTI can develop into fatal kidney infections if left untreated.
    • Be careful with cranberry juice - it is very acidic, and acidic foods and drinks can irritate an already sore bladder.
    • It is better to drink cranberry juice for prevention. With a urinary tract infection in the acute stage, it can only worsen the situation.

    What you will need

    • Cranberry juice
    • Vitamin C
    • Supplements of goldenseal, acidophilus, bearberry, echinacea, or nettle
    • Cotton underwear
    • Loose pants and shorts
    • Antibiotics

    Article information

    This article was co-authored by Lacy Windham, MD. Dr. Windham is a board-certified OB/GYN in Tennessee. She completed her residency at West Virginia Medical School in 2010, where she received the Most Outstanding Resident Award.

SECTION 1. Databases. Theory of economic information systems.

Systems, their properties and classification. Research approaches

systems System model. Modeling.

Systems, their properties and classification.

The state of a system is the set of essential properties that the system possesses at each moment in time.

A property is understood as a side of an object that determines its difference from other objects or its similarity to them and manifests itself when interacting with other objects.

A characteristic is something that reflects some property of the system.

What properties of systems are known.

From the definition of “system” it follows that the main property of the system is integrity, unity, achieved through certain relationships and interactions of the system elements and manifested in the emergence of new properties that the system elements do not possess. This property emergence(from English emerge - to arise, appear).

  1. Emergence is the degree of irreducibility of the properties of a system to the properties of the elements of which it consists.
  2. Emergence is a property of systems that causes the emergence of new properties and qualities that are not inherent in the elements that make up the system.

Emergence is the opposite principle of reductionism, which states that a whole can be studied by dividing it into parts and then, by determining their properties, determining the properties of the whole.

The property of emergence is close to the property of system integrity. However, they cannot be identified.

Integrity system means that each element of the system contributes to the implementation of the target function of the system.

Integrity and emergence are integrative properties of the system.

The presence of integrative properties is one of the most important features of the system. Integrity is manifested in the fact that the system has its own pattern of functionality, its own purpose.

Organization- a complex property of systems, consisting in the presence of structure and functioning (behavior). An indispensable part of systems is their components, namely those structural formations that make up the whole and without which it is not possible.

Functionality- this is the manifestation of certain properties (functions) when interacting with the external environment. Here the goal (purpose of the system) is defined as the desired end result.

Structurality- this is the orderliness of the system, a certain set and arrangement of elements with connections between them. There is a relationship between the function and structure of a system, as between the philosophical categories of content and form. A change in content (functions) entails a change in form (structure), but also vice versa.

Important property of the system is the presence of behavior - actions, changes, functioning, etc.

Systems can be classified by purpose.

Among the technical and organizational systems there are:




In production systems, processes for obtaining certain products or services are implemented. They, in turn, are divided into material-energy ones, in which the transformation of the natural environment or raw materials into the final product of a material or energy nature, or the transportation of such products is carried out; and information - for collecting, transmitting and converting information and providing information services.

The purpose of control systems is to organize and manage material, energy and information processes.

Servicing systems are engaged in maintaining the specified limits of performance of production and control systems.

Approaches to systems research

Dialectical approach to research. The basic law of this teaching is the law of unity and struggle of opposites, and fundamental principle- the principle of universal connections between phenomena. This means that to study any subject it is necessary to consider all its aspects and connections. At the same time, development, as a general process, goes through periodically repeating steps, but each time more high level and all this is done in a spiral. Spiral movement ensures the constant accumulation of knowledge and the achievement of new levels of development over time. In addition to the law of unity and struggle of opposites of dialectics, in the course of cognition one should be guided by such laws as the transition of quantity into quality, the negation of negation, implementing in research the principles of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical, identifying different-quality connections in an object and their interactions.

Process approach to research. He views management as the continuous implementation of a set of certain interrelated activities and general management functions. Moreover, the execution of each job and general management functions are also considered here in the form of a process, i.e. as a set of interconnected continuously performed actions that transform some inputs of resources, information, etc. into the corresponding outputs, results.

Situational approach to research. The main fundamental feature of the approach under consideration is the situation, i.e. specific circumstances that influence the control system at the given point in time. By studying the current situation, one can better understand both the causes that determined it and the impacts that will be more conducive to achieving the goals of CS research in specific conditions and circumstances.

Functional approach to research. Closely related to the dialectical approach is the functional approach. Its essence consists in considering the studied control system or its constituent elements only from the standpoint external environment. In this case, the studied control system is presented in the form of a “black box”. This allows us to consider the relationship of the system with other systems and the external environment in an abstract way, without delving into the processes occurring directly in the system under study.

Reflexive approach to research. From the word reflection (feedback or self-knowledge, understanding of one’s actions and actions). Nothing else is clear and it’s too complicated and too much. But in a nutshell, we have a function for the behavior of the external environment and a function for the behavior of the object. An object interacts with the environment, and then, according to its behavioral function, somehow changes or does something; in parallel, some changes occur in the environment according to its behavioral function. Something like this..

Systematic approach to research. The systems approach, being inextricably linked with the fundamental ideas of dialectics and the dialectical approach, at the same time has its own essence and acts as a separate methodological approach. It assumes that an object is studied as an integral set of its constituent subsystems, elements, and in all the diversity of identified properties and connections within the object, as well as between the object and the external environment.

System model

Model- this is a simplified likeness of an object that reproduces the properties and characteristics of the original object that interest us.

Example: The “black box” model is a model of a system, which is a structure with known output and input parameters and an unknown internal structure.

Static models are invariant with respect to time. They serve to describe processes and phenomena that are independent of time.

Example: Globe.

Dynamic models serve to describe changes in processes and objects over time.

Example: Starry sky in the Planetarium.

Conceptual model- an abstract model that defines the structure of the modeled system, the properties of its elements and cause-and-effect relationships inherent in the system and essential for achieving the goal of modeling.

Example: Enterprise information system architecture.

Topological models allow you to represent the system in the form of graphs.

Example: Connection diagram (system structure), state diagram (relationships between various states of the system with the probabilities of their occurrence), etc.

Formalization- display of the system using symbols of any formal language.

Formalization procedure includes:
1) introduction of terms of initial concepts, as well as terms of basic relations between these concepts,
2) introduction of variables and rules for constructing corresponding formulas based on them,
3) introduction of initial provable formulas (axioms),
4) the introduction of rules of logical inference, allowing from axioms to obtain provable formulas (theorems) derived from them.

Example: Differential equations, block diagrams, transfer functions, graphs, etc.

Information model- a set of information characterizing the essential properties and states of the system, as well as communication with the outside world, allows, by feeding the model information about changes in input quantities, to simulate possible states of the system.

Information models are divided into descriptive (created in natural language) and formal (created in formal language: formulas, tables, graphs, maps, diagrams, etc.).

Example: Enterprise information model, database model

Logical-linguistic model- a model in which the representation of knowledge is based on taking into account the objects of the subject area, the relationships between them and the use of linguistic means.

Example: semantic networks and frame networks.

Semantic model- representation of concepts in the form of a graph, in the vertices of which concepts are located, in the terminal vertices - elementary concepts, and arcs represent relationships between concepts.

Example: semantic network (a way of representing knowledge in the form of a directed graph in which vertices correspond to semantic units of language or speech, and arcs correspond to properties or relationships between them).


1) The art of constructing true or false (according to physical nature) models of systems.

2) A set of actions to create a model of a real system, the subsequent goal of which is to study the nature of the system, the possibilities of its structural development or predict behavior.

Motion simulation

The process of moving model coordinates aimed at obtaining adequate results.

Models of systems can have different physical natures. Computers and related software are the most adaptive physical objects that can be the basis for building models.

Information and its properties. Classification and coding of information. Properties of information units. The concept of the subject area. Information Systems. Sign systems. Classification of information systems users. Economic indicators.

Information and its properties.

Information is conscious information about the world around us, which is the object of storage, transformation, transmission and use.

Information Properties

1. Objectivity of information . Objective - existing outside and independently of human consciousness. Information is a reflection of the external objective world. Information is objective if it does not depend on the methods of its recording, anyone’s opinion, or judgment.
Example. The message “It’s warm outside” carries subjective information, while the message “It’s 22°C outside” carries objective information, but with an accuracy that depends on the error of the measuring instrument.
Objective information can be obtained using working sensors and measuring instruments. Reflected in a person’s consciousness, information can be distorted (to a greater or lesser extent) depending on the opinion, judgment, experience, knowledge of a particular subject, and thus cease to be objective.

2. Reliability of information . Information is reliable if it reflects the true state of affairs. Objective information is always reliable, but reliable information can be both objective and subjective. Reliable information helps us make the right decision. Information may be inaccurate for the following reasons:

· intentional distortion (misinformation) or unintentional distortion of a subjective property;

· distortion as a result of interference (“damaged phone”) and insufficiently accurate means of fixing it.

3. Completeness of information . Information can be called complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions. Incomplete information may lead to an erroneous conclusion or decision.

4. Accuracy of information is determined by the degree of its proximity to the real state of the object, process, phenomenon, etc.

5. Relevance of information - importance for the present time, topicality, urgency. Only timely information received can be useful.

6. Usefulness (value) of information . Utility can be assessed in relation to the needs of its specific consumers and is assessed by those tasks that can be solved with its help.

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