Paronite PON (A) for general use.  Paronit PON-B, PMB and others Download the certificate of conformity for paronite gaskets

Pa-ro-nit- fox-to-howl ma-te-ri-al, pre-designated for the preparation of the germ-me-ti-zi-ru-yu-shchih pro-classes doc. Pa-ro-nit presents itself as a pressed-with-bath re-si-new mixture into which as-de-s-howling wool is introduced -But. Diversity of pa-ro-ni-ta fer-ro-nit to-pol-ni-tel-but ar-mi-ru-et-sha-metal-ches-koy mesh-coy. An important property of the pa-ro-ni-ta is its high-thermos-toy bone, which allows it to be used in motion -ha-te-lyah internal combustion.

Pro-iz-vodst-vo pa-ro-ni-ta It comes in the form of sheets up to 6 mm thick. He can easily handle the work - chopping and cutting. From it, you can quite easily cut out the layout of a complex con-fi-gu-ra-tion. Pro-treasures from pa-ro-ni-ta are used in paradise-o-ns with a temperate, tropical and cold climate Ma-that at a temperature of the environment not lower than -60 °C. This ma-te-ri-al is not a cor-ro-zi-on-but-active element in working with alu-mi-ni -e-you-mi ano-di-ro-van-ny-mi alloy, la-tunya and galvanized steel with chro-mat-pass-si-vi-ro-va -no-no. For pa-ro-ni-ta and from-go-to-production from it, the requirements of GOS-Ta 481-80 are obligatory -tel-ny-mi. The weight of the pa-ro-ni-ta varies depending on the thickness of the sheet, and the density varies from 1 .8 to 2.0 g/cm 3 .

Ka-honest fox-howling pa-ro-nit It’s easy to understand: when a sheet is bent, it shouldn’t break or crack. We ga-ran-ti-ru-eat that all types of pa-ro-ni-ta, put-la-e-my Kom-pa-ni-ey "As-bes-t-prom-snab" answers stan-dar-there ka-honest and have all the un-about-ho-di-my ser-ti-fi-ka-you.

Once-but-view-nos-ti pa-ro-ni-ta:

Pa-ro-nit PON-B general-purpose

Pa-ro-nit PON-B represents the fox-howling ma-te-ri-al, from-go-to-len-ny on pa-ro-ni-to-vyh val-tsakh from sme-si vo-lo-kon hri-zo-ti-lo-vo-go as-be-s-ta, sin-te-ti-ches-ko-go ka-u-chu-ka, on-pol-ni-th-lei and vul-ka-ni-zi-ru-yu-shchey group. You-let-ka-et-sya in the form of sheets and pro-kla-dok.

The thickness of the sheets is from 0.4 to 5.0 mm with a density from 1.8 to 2.0 g/cm 3 .

Area of ​​application for PON-B pa-ro-ni-ta:

In the form of packings of various sizes and configurations for sealing flat connectors of non-moving components one type: “smooth” with a pressure of the working environment of no more than 4 MPa; "shin-groove", "you-stup-vpa-di-na" so-su-dov and ap-pa-ra-tov, na-so-sov, ar-ma-tu-ry, tru-bop-ro -vo-dov, com-press-so-drov, dvi-ga-te-lay of internal combustion and other ag-re-ga-tov, work-bo-ta- existing in different environments.

Pressure, MPa Working environment
-50 to +450 6,1 Dry neutral and inert gases. Fresh re-heated water, saturated and re-heated steam
-50 to +100 1,0 Air
-40 to +200 2,5 Aqueous solutions of salts, liquid and gas-based am-mi-mak, alcohol
+200 2,5 Heavy and light oil-heat-ro-duc-you
-182 0,25 Liquid acid and nitrogen

About GOST 481-80.

Pa-ro-nit PMB mas-lo-ben-zos-toy-kiy

Pa-ro-nit PMB represents the fox-howling ma-te-ri-al, made from the pa-ro-ni-to-vyh-shafts. tsakh from sme-si vo-lo-kon hri-zo-til-as-be-s-ta, sin-te-ti-ches-ko-ka-u-chu-ka, on-pol-ni-those -ley and vul-ka-ni-zi-ru-yu-shchi groups.

Ex-plu-ta-tion temperature, °C Pressure, MPa Working environment
from 300 3,0
-40 to +100 2,0
from -40 to +50 10,0 Ras-so-ly
+490 6,4 Coke gas
+150 5,0

About GOST 481-80.

Pa-ro-nit PMB graph-fi-ti-ro-van-ny

Pa-ro-nit gra-fi-ti-zi-ro-van-nyy represents the fox-to-howl ma-te-ri-al, from-go-to-len-ny on pa-ro-ni-to-vyh-tsakh from sme-si vo-lo-kon hri-zo-ti-lo-vo-go as-be-s-ta, sin-te-ti-ches-ko -go ka-u-chu-ka, on-pol-ni-th-lei and vul-ka-ni-zi-ru-yu-shchey group.

The thickness of the sheets is from 0.4 to 5.0 mm with a density from 1.5 to 2.0 g/cm 3 .

Area of ​​application of PMB pa-ro-ni-ta:

Pro-laying of various sizes and configurations for sealing flat connectors of non-moving connections niy with the pressure of the working environment no more than 4 MPa, so-su-dov and ap-pa-ra-tov, na-so-sov, ar-ma-tu- ry, pipe-bop-ro-vo-dov, com-press-so-drov, internal combustion engine and other ag-re-ga-tov , working in different environments.

Ex-plu-ta-tion temperature, °C Pressure, MPa Working environment
from 300 3,0 Heavy and light oil-heat-products, oil fractions, melted wax
-40 to +100 2,0 Liquefied and gaseous coals C1-C5
from -40 to +50 10,0 Ras-so-ly
+490 6,4 Coke gas
+150 5,0 Gas-forming acid and nitrogen

About TU 2575-208-00149363-2002.

Pa-ro-nit PA ar-mi-ro-van-ny

Pa-ro-nit ar-mi-ro-van-nyy represents the fox-to-howl ma-te-ri-al, from-go-to-len-ny on pa-ro-ni- to-vyh val-tsakh from sme-si vo-lo-kon hri-zo-ti-lo-vo-go as-be-s-ta, na-tu-ral-no-go ka-u-chu-ka , half-nor-those-lei and vul-ka-niz-zu-yu-shchey groups.

The thickness of the sheets is from 0.8 to 2.0 mm with a density from 1.9 to 2.5 g/cm 3 .

Area of ​​application ar-mi-ro-van-no-go pa-ro-ni-ta:

Pro-laying of various sizes and configurations for sealing flat connectors of non-moving connections niy with the pressure of the working environment no more than 4 MPa, so-su-dov and ap-pa-ra-tov, na-so-sov, ar-ma-tu- ry, pipe-bop-ro-vo-dov, com-press-so-drov, internal combustion engine and other ag-re-ga-tov , working in different environments.

Ex-plu-ta-tion temperature, °C Pressure, MPa Working environment
+450 10,0 Fresh, re-heated water, saturated and re-heated steam
+250 7,5 Neutral inert dry gases, air
+400 7,5 Heavy and light oil-heat-products, oil fractions

About GOST 481-80.

Pa-ro-nit PE electro-lyzer

Pa-ro-nit electric-li-zer-presents the fox-howling ma-te-ri-al, from-go-to-len-ny on pa-ro -n-to-vykh val-tsah from the mixture vo-lo-kon hri-zo-til-as-be-s-ta, sin-te-ti-ches-ko-go ka-u-chu-ka , na-pol-ni-te-ley and vul-ka-ni-zi-ru-yu-shchi group.

The thickness of the sheets is from 1.0 to 5.0 mm with a density of 1.6 - 2.0 g/cm 3 .

Area of ​​use of electricity:

In honor of the pro-kla-doch-no-go ma-te-ri-a-la for compacting co-bi-ra-e-mys into a battery of cells, in electrically-li-ze-rah and for electrically isolating cells from each other.
Mini-small pressure, not-about-ho-di-mine for germ-ma-ti-za-tion of connection - 10 MPa for electric-li-ze ditch operating under a pressure of 0.02 MPa, and 30 MPa for electric ditch operating under pressure -le-ni-em 1 MPa. It is also used for sealing non-moving joints of vessels, ap-pa-ra-tov, na-so- owls ar-ma-tu-ry and trumpet-bop-ro-vo-dov.

About GOST 481-80.

Pa-ro-nit PC

Pa-ro-ni-ti PC (sour-lo-tos-toy-kiy) from-go-tav-li-va-et-sya according to GOST 481-80 in the form of sheets thick from 1.0 mm to 3.0 mm of different sizes from ready-made flax on rollers from a mixture, the mixture includes composite lumps -on-nen-you (vo-lok-na hri-zo-ti-lo-vo-go as-be-s-ta, sin-te-ti-ches-ky ka-u-chuk, on-pol- no vul-ka-ni-zi-ru-yu-shchi group, etc.).

Pa-ro-nit PC is highly resistant to aggressive media such as acid, alkali, oxides, nit-pink, organic ras-tre-ri-te-li and other ag-res-sive gases.

Pa-ro-nit PC is used as a seal-nya-yu-schi-go and pro-kla-doch-no-go ma-te-ri-a-la, does not lose its ha-rak-te-ris-ti-ki in the conditions of the region of the north, in the paradise-o-nahs, tro-pi-ches-ko- go and sub-tro-pi-ches-ko-go kli-ma-ta, used in combinations of the “tenon-groove”, “fall-in” type di-na-you-stup", "smooth-kie", Na-so-sy, com-press-so-ry, trumpet-bop-ro-vo-dy, ar-ma-tu-ra, etc.

Paronitis general purpose brand PON (A) is made in accordance with GOST 481-80 from a rubber mixture based on synthetic or natural rubber with the addition of chrysotile asbestos fibers and modifying additives.

Paronite PON (A) is used for the manufacture of gaskets that seal permanent flat connections mechanisms and apparatus. When the paronite gaskets are correctly installed in the sealed assembly, complete tightness of the sealed connection is ensured. The material is produced in the form of sheets with a thickness of 2.0 to 6.0 mm, with dimensions from 500x500 mm to 1500x3000 mm. By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, it is possible to produce gaskets according to approved regulatory documents customer.

Paronite PON (A) is the most common gasket and sealing material. It is easy to machine: cutting and chopping. The yield strength of paronite is 320 MPa. At this pressure level, the material begins to “flow”, filling all leaks, sealing the connection. When choosing a paronite sheet, you should correctly determine its required thickness. The thinner the sheet, the more effective the sealing. But on the other hand, the thickness of the paronite should be sufficient to fill the connecting lock - “tenon-groove”, “recess-protrusion”, etc.

Paronite and products made from it can be used in cold, temperate and tropical climates.

Operating conditions, scope of application of paronite PON GOST 481-80

Physico-mechanical properties of PON paronite according to GOST

* - the value is indicated for paronitis 2 mm and thinner.


Paronite PON (A) or gaskets made from it are accepted in batches at the manufacturing plant by section technical control. Visual control 100% of products are exposed. Acceptance is carried out according to the standards established by the Interstate Standard, or according to a standard agreed with the customer. For compliance with mechanical and physical properties Products are checked randomly, in quantities of several pieces per batch.

Each batch of PON (A) paronite is accompanied by a quality certificate enclosing the results of acceptance tests.

manufacturer's warranty

Subject to the conditions of transportation and storage in accordance with GOST 481-80, the manufacturer sets guarantee period storage of general purpose paronite grade PON (A) and gaskets made from it - two years from the date of manufacture of the products.

(General purpose paronite)

PON gaskets- These are gaskets for general purpose.

Paronite gasket for flange connections

Paronite gaskets PON for flange connections they are used in accordance with GOST 15180-86.

Most common paronite gaskets PON-B are made by cutting on presses, as well as cutting with a plotter or circular scissors.

PON gaskets used as a sealing material in pipelines transporting substances such as steam, water, air, aqueous solutions salts, dry, neutral and inert gases, alcohols, liquid and gaseous ammonia, liquid oxygen, nitrogen, light and heavy petroleum products.

The ambient temperature ranges from -50˚С to +450˚С.

We also produce PMB paronite gaskets (oil and petrol resistant paronite).

You can wholesale PON paronite gaskets by ordering on our website.

You can find out the cost of the sealing gasket or leave a request by contacting us by email.
We provide large volumes of supplies in a short time.
Finished products are in stock.

We make gaskets from paronite , fluoroplastic and rubber according to your sample to order.

Delivery across Russia!

Gaskets made of paronite PON
- paronite PON - B (General Purpose Paronite), GOST 481-80
= 2 ÷ 4 mm
Guaranteed shelf life = 2 years
Certificate/passport (on request)
Price/price list (on request)

We supply products - gaskets for flanges in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia and other cities of Russia: Abakan, Barnaul, Gorno-Altaisk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Kyzyl, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk , Chita, South Sakhalin.

Buy our products wholesale.
Delivery from Krasnoyarsk throughout Russia!

Characteristics of PON paronitis

Brand name and designation


Working environment

Maximum allowed

Connection type

pressure, MPa (kgf/m 2)


General purpose paronite PON

Fresh superheated water, saturated and superheated steam, air, dry neutral and inert gases

From -50
up to +450

For fixed joints of the “smooth” type with a working fluid pressure of no more than 4 MPa
(40 kgf/cm 2)

Aqueous solutions of salts, liquid and gaseous ammonia, alcohols

From -40
up to +200

“tenon-groove”, “protrusion-valley” of vessels, apparatus, pumps, fittings, pipelines, compressors, internal combustion engines and other units

Liquid oxygen and nitrogen

Heavy and light oil products

Specifications and Dimensions



Conditional pressure
(kgf/cm 2)

Nar. dia

Int. dia


Weight 1000 pieces (kg)
no more

We're standing.
1 PC.

Paronite gasket
DN 15, RU 10-40
15 10 ÷ 40 50 20 2 7 price by
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DN 20, RU 10-40
20 10 ÷ 40 60 25 2 9 price by
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25 10 ÷ 40 69 29 2 13 price by
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Du 32, Ru 10-40
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DN 200, RU 10-16
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DN 250, RU 10-16
250 10 ÷ 16 327 264 2 120 price by
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DN 250, RU 10-16
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DN 300, RU 10-16
300 10 ÷ 16 376
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DN 300, RU 10-16
300 10 ÷ 16 376
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DN 400, RU 10-16
400 10 ÷ 16 487
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DN 500, RU 10-16
500 10 ÷ 16 592
528 2 210
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Paronite gasket
DN 100, RU 25-40
100 25 ÷ 40 166 106 2 52 price by
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DN 125, RU 25-40
125 25 ÷ 40 191 132 2 61 price by
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DN 150, RU 25-40
150 25 ÷ 40 222 161 2 75 price by
Paronite gasket
DN 150, RU 25-40
150 25 ÷ 40 222 161 3 - price by