Sad to send a copy. Useful phrases for business correspondence. Adding a recipient's address

In Microsoft Outlook, you can specify that for all messages you send, an automatic Bcc (Bcc) will be sent to other distribution lists or users.

One scenario in which this rule is useful is when replying to all group members to reply to incoming messages Email, such as a technical support center. When one group member replies to a message, other group members automatically receive a copy of the reply, keeping all outgoing messages up to date.

client rules

Create a rule

Now, every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or groups that are specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or groups do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to all recipients of the message.

Disable a rule

    In the Mail view, on the tab home click the button rules > Manage Rules and Alerts.

    On the tab in the section Rule

    Click the button OK.

Rules and Alerts.

Advice: For more information about how to quickly disable this rule for individual messages, see the next section ("").

Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

If you want the flexibility to turn off automatic new copy rules based on a single message without having to navigate through the dialog box rules and alerts, you can use the categories feature in Outlook, along with a rule.


First, you need to create a rule to automatically send blind carbon copy (CC) for all email messages you send.

This specific rule is called client rules. Client rules run only on the computer on which it is created and run only if Outlook is running. If you were to send an email using an email account on another computer, the rule would not run from that computer so that it would be generated on that computer. This same rule must be created on each computer that plans to use it.

Create a rule

Now every time you send a message, be it a new message, forward a message or reply, people or distribution lists specified in the rule will be automatically added as copy recipients. The names of people or distribution lists do not appear in the Cc line of the compose message, but those names will appear to everyone who receives the message.

Disable a rule

To prevent a copy from being sent automatically, you must first disable the rule.

    In Mail in the menu Service click the button Rules and Alerts.

    On the tab Email Rules In chapter Rule uncheck the box corresponding to the rule you created.

    Click the button OK.

    You can now send a message without automatically sending a copy to other people or mailing lists. The rule will be inactive until it is re-enabled in the dialog box Rules and Alerts.


Use a category to disable automatic CC for individual messages

If you want to disable the new automatic Send CC rule for individual messages without calling the dialog box Rules and Alerts, you can set the rule to a category that is available in Office Outlook 2007.

Modify the rule you created earlier so that when you add the specified category to a message, the rule does not automatically send a copy.

Whenever you want to disable the auto-cc rule for a message, apply a category to it.

Advice: You can use a keyboard shortcut if you specified it when creating the category.

When you send a message, the auto-copy rule will not apply.

A question letter is one of the most common types of official email correspondence. Despite their simplicity, it is question letters that create a lot of difficulties for both the sender and the recipient.

Mistakes when writing question letters

1. A question hanging in the air.

The problem with this question is that it is asked to someone unknown, for what purpose and in connection with what.

For example: “Will you accept a family of three?” This was the first letter. Even the addressee of this letter could not adequately answer this question letter. The fact is that some time ago the addressee posted an advertisement on several resources that the employer was ready to provide work in his specialty with the provision of housing. There were different conditions for different vacancies. When a month later a letter arrives with such a question without any preamble, you don’t even want to answer it. Why such an employee? Even if he is a genius in his field, in his letter he showed himself at his worst.

2. A question burdened with unnecessary details.

If you are asking a question in the context of previous correspondence, then in the body of the letter it is enough to refer to the previous letter, and not burden it with unnecessary details.

For example: “You said that you can make a translation remotely. You can also send an electronic copy. And they told me that... How much does a notarized translation of a birth certificate or marriage certificate from Ukrainian into Russian cost?” In this case, it was possible to get by with one sentence or phrase: “You said that it is possible to make a translation remotely. How much does a notarized translation of a birth certificate or marriage certificate from Ukrainian into Russian cost?”

3.A question taken out of the context of previous correspondence.

Very often the work process requires various clarifications, clarifications, and solutions to problems that arise along the way. In such cases, clarifying questions are used. But it happens that some people ask such questions every time in a new letter, without saving the correspondence history. This greatly complicates the response process and the recipient’s life. Every time he is forced to rummage through his mailbox and look for previous letters and his answers to them. Keep previous correspondence on each project or issue.

How to write a question letter correctly?

1. Address the recipient by name. If the letter is addressed to a team, contact the person in charge.

Dear Sergey Anatolyevich!

2. Set the context. What was the reason for writing and why are you addressing the addressee specifically?

During our personal meeting, we discussed possible topics for the issue for Victory Day and settled on life stories veterans.

3. State the problem. Briefly formulate the essence of the problem.

However, during personal communication, I was able to collect interesting material from the memories of children of the war.

4. Ask a question. Formulate it as briefly and clearly as possible. The better the question is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be.

Can we include an article about children of war in the issue?

5. Thank you for your help.

I would be grateful for your quick response.

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magician_roman in The concept of "blind copy", learning not to do stupid things

Surprisingly, many people, when they need to send an email to several people at once, simply list the addresses in the "To" field, this is normal when this email is addressed to your colleagues or friends, but when sending letters to a group of clients, you are thus showing everyone addresses of other recipients, essentially revealing your address base.

All your clients need to do is forward this letter to your competitor and your contacts will immediately leak.

It’s strange, but many far from stupid people are surprised to learn that if you need to send a letter to many recipients so that they do not know about each other, then there is a “Bcc” field for this.

For example, for it will look like this:

And so once again briefly:indicated the addresses in “to” - everyone can see to whom you sent the letters, indicated in “blind carbon copy” - everyone thinks that the letter is only for him.

And each recipient will receive a letter where in the “to” field there will be just his address . For other programs, if you can't find where to BCC, ask someone to show you. Another small point, you must specify one address in the “to” field; most programs or mail servers will not allow you to send a letter without this parameter.

And so when we're talking about about sending out offers, news to a group of your clients - here the practice of using blind copy is unambiguous, you must hide your address base. An interesting point about sending a letter to your colleagues, here it is recommended to act according to the situation, for example, sending a letter with a request to send suggestions (for example, to improve customer service) and if each colleague sees that other people have received the same letter, then most likely they will not respond - will rely on others, which means you need to use a hidden copy. If this order is carried out, then, for example, indicating your colleague’s boss will simply work wonders, and your order will be carried out.

A separate issue with suppliers. On the one hand, indicating all recipients in the copy should show the supplier that you have a choice and he should offer you good prices. On the other hand, the manager who received your letter, seeing that it was sent not only to him, will most likely treat your request “coolly”. Personally, in my opinion, I think that in the case of suppliers it is necessary to use a hidden copy, at least to protect trade secrets, but more likely to good relations with the supplier manager.

You can read a recent case of a specialist’s mistake, when all recipients saw other recipients: Smacks to everyone in this chat, there were really respectable people there - directors, but still many received spam in response.

Well, as always, discussion in the comments is welcome.