Personal exhibitions of children's works are organized. Personal exhibition as a form of presentation of a child’s achievements. You can also ride on the wings of the Eagle


Personal exhibitions in kindergarten »

“Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to remain an artist,

coming out of childhood».

Pablo Picasso

Many children achieve significant success by studying in various studios and clubs. children's creativity as within the walls kindergarten, and in institutions additional education. And some spend whole hours doing what they love at home. For those who are passionate about artistic activities in our kindergarten there is a tradition to hold personal exhibitions of our students.

Positive emotions form the basis of children's mental health and emotional well-being. And since drawing is the source Have a good mood child, then one should maintain and develop interest in fine arts with such personal exhibitions. After all, every child sees this world differently.

Why did it appear this form work?

Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of children preschool age, and its results are presented, as a rule, in the form exhibitions.

The degree of active participation of the child in presenting his artistic achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for preschool children.

Personal exhibition is a type of artistic Exhibitions, which involves introducing viewers to the works of one author, and is accompanied by his comments.

Draw, little artist,

Don't skimp on paper!

Draw thawed patches in the forest,

Kitten on the heap

And there are cranes in the sky!

Dipping narrow brushes

And in the sun and lilac,

Draw, draw tirelessly

This is a peaceful day.

In our kindergarten art studio organized "Young Artist", in whose work much attention is paid to the development of the child as an individual with his individual abilities. I, as the head of the art studio, try to help every child self-realization: let him feel success, even if small, so that he feels confidence, strength and desire to create. Helping children discover themselves and notice their hidden talents in everyone personal exhibitions of children's creativity.

They create conditions for children’s self-realization in the process of artistic creativity, help improve drawing techniques, develop responsiveness and emotional support of children towards each other, and celebrate the child’s own progress.

In our kindergarten personal exhibitions are carried out for many years and each exhibition discovers more and more new talents of our students.

Many children are naturally gifted. Some of them have good example before their eyes - these are their gifted parents who love to paint pictures in their free time, take their children to museums and exhibitions, watch video drawing lessons on the Internet with your children and try to paint pictures with your children using these video lessons.

Each child is unique as an artist and sees the world in his own way. In my practice there was personal exhibition twin sisters Masha and Sveta Konovalov, who painted the same thing in completely different ways.

There was experience in conducting Exhibitions, where dad Nikolai Mikhailovich Degtyarenko and his daughter Evelina painted on the same topic. It was very interesting to look at the paintings of the father and daughter, to feel their attitude towards what was drawn.

Most recently in our preschool institution passed exhibition works of the young artist preparatory group Motyshen Maya – 6 years old.

From a young age, Maya loves to draw and is proud of her mother, an artist. From an early age she dreams of seeing the Ephel Tower and loves to draw it. Maya also loves to draw blooming trees and flowers.

Most of all, Maya loves to watch video tutorials on drawing and paint with gouache and acrylic paints on the theme of paintings by great artists.

Its wonderful the exhibition decorated our kindergarten, filled it with bright colors. We wish Maya creative success in developing her talent, and we, teachers and parents, will always near: we will guide, advise, teach, show.

Teacher of the highest qualification

MBDOU "38 "Crane" Pyatigorsk,

Stavropol region

On March 18, according to the tradition of the Guessing group, the grand opening of a personal exhibition of artistic works by Anastasia Galagan took place. We present to your attention a mini interview taken from the little artist:

Marina Evgenievna (M.E.) - head of the Art Studio: Nastya, I know that you love to draw and sculpt, but what are your favorite art materials?
Nastya: I like to draw with watercolors, pastels, wax crayons, and markers. I like to sculpt from salt dough, plastic, and clay.

M.E.: What do you like to depict most in your works?
N.: I love to draw nature, people, I especially like to draw portraits of friends and family. I have a lot of self-portraits. I also come up with different stories: funny and sad, I sketch them like a comic book, or make illustrations for them.

M.E.: During our classes in the art studio, music is often played, does it help you in your work or hinder you?
N.: Music really helps me to fantasize, it inspires me.
(com. M.E. - Nastya studies piano at a music school, she easily recognizes many pieces of music played in class, names the author and theme of the passage being played).
M.E.: What is your favorite book?
N.: I like books that help me learn something new and interesting. These are encyclopedias, books about animals with beautiful photographs.
M.E.: Anastasia, what is your favorite color?
N.: I love all colors, and I especially love the color that I came up with myself, it’s called “rainbow”.

On April 19, a joyful event happened at the Guessing group - the opening of a personal exhibition. Not an ordinary opening, but a double one, because... two young talents immediately presented their achievements to the general public.
Arina Sukhankina brought to the attention of the audience artwork, Kamilla Sapegina surprised everyone with her talent as a sculptor.
In a solemn, friendly atmosphere, the girls talked about their works. Arina introduced me to different drawing techniques - drawing in cells, mirror reflection, and introduced me to the techniques of working in mixed media, when using several art materials to create a complete image.

Arina also spoke about the method of working using the torn paper appliqué technique. Arina attends a drawing club at the Central Temporary Residence Center. There, children, like real artists, make preliminary sketches before creating a large composition in order to then choose the best option from them. Arina’s favorite work presented at the exhibition is “Spring Bouquet”.

Camilla, presenting her creative works,

introduced guests to unconventional modeling techniques, such as: plasticineography, mosaic of plasticine balls, spirals, three-dimensional composition.

Guests of the exhibition found out what Camilla’s favorite cartoon is – “Smeshariki”. She blinded all the characters herself. The children looked at the work with delight and great interest and asked questions. The most memorable work for children was “Rainbow”.

Guests of the exhibition, big and small, were surprised by the extraordinary embodiment of seemingly ordinary subjects in creative works ah, the young artist Arina, and the subtle, elegant, multi-colored plasticity of Camilla’s mini-sculptures.

A child's drawing is a dream,
A child's drawing is movement,
Children's drawing is a game
Real life display

Children's drawing is a myth
Dream, fairy tale pages,
Child's drawing - he is alive, he is smart,
It sparkles with the joy of color...

Keep children's drawings
Not in the corners, not here and there,
Better yet, put it in a frame,
Give them to your friends.

Decorate the walls of your house with them,
Watch them the whole family,
Keep it carefully and tenderly
Like photographs of children...

Years go by, children grow up,
Now it’s the grandchildren’s turn,
A child’s drawing will illuminate with joy
For a moment, being happy will take you back to childhood.

Rainbow of creativity

MADO "Kindergarten No. 56", Berezniki, Perm region

Personal exhibition of a child

like a form joint activities children, teacher and parents

Det sky garden no. 56

Prepared by: Atamanova Tatyana

Nikolaevna, higher education teacher

qualification category


“Every child is an artist.

The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.”

Pablo Picasso

Rainbow of creativity

Personal exhibition This

an effective form that creates conditions for the child’s versatile self-discovery, helping him develop his own potential.

Purpose of the event identifying the most gifted children and creating conditions for their self-realization.

Preparation for a personal exhibition,

we conditionally divided into four stages:

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

First stage (preparatory)

  • Selection together with the child and his parents of drawings for the exhibition;
  • The definition of the topic is formulated taking into account the storylines of the selected works.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Second stage (organizational)

  • Choosing a form for the child to present his drawings;
  • Selection of literary material

(if these are poems, then memorize them);

  • Design and placement of children's creative works in the designated place;
  • Organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children;
  • P selection of musical accompaniment.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Third stage (presentation)

  • Grand opening of the exhibition;
  • Introduction of the author and the theme of the exhibition;
  • Presentation by the child of his drawings;
  • The author's answers to questions from curious viewers (children and adults).

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Fourth stage (final)

  • Statements of the audience’s attitude towards the author’s works;
  • The child-author’s assessment of his pre d goals and, if desired, plans for the future in this type of activity;
  • Summarizing the child’s self-esteem and the children’s statements by the teacher (summarizing the results of the exhibition) and awarding a diploma to the participant of the personal exhibition ;
  • A child’s selection of drawings from an exhibition in a portfolio .

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Problems that it helps to solve

this form of work:

  • The child’s disclosure of himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers;
  • Gaining experience in presenting your achievements;
  • Acquiring skills and abilities in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition;
  • Implementation of the child’s opportunity to become an equal subject in the formation of materials for his portfolio.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

Personal exhibition -

This is the point from which the child will take a step to achieve new goals.

For child spectators, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for some, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity.

Kindergarten No. 56

Rainbow of creativity

I will draw! I will draw Rejoicing in every drawing as if it were a miracle!

And at ten years old, and at seven, and at five All children love to draw. And everyone will boldly draw Everything that interests him. Everything is interesting: Far space, near forest, Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dancing... Let's draw everything! If only there were colors Yes, a sheet of paper is on the table, Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

Kindergarten No. 56

Karina Bochkareva


Rainbow of creativity

I look at the drawing and proudly tell you:

“Meet my family. Dad, mom, brother and I are here."

Kindergarten No. 56

"Morning in the Family"

“My room after renovation”

Rainbow of creativity

On March 8th I will paint my mother’s portrait: My mom is a queen better than mom not in the world!

Kindergarten No. 56

"I am a little white snowdrop

I’ll bring it for mom”

“It’s good that you’re nearby, mom!”

"My mother is a queen"

Rainbow of creativity

You are smart, beautiful, friendly, kind, I really, really love that you are my sister!

Kindergarten No. 56

“The bunny was jumping through the forest, I was resting in the clearing"

Portrait of sister Nastya

Rainbow of creativity

“I need to get involved in sports, exercise every day, I need to train and not listen to laziness”

Kindergarten No. 56

"Brother Denis on skis"

"Figure skater"

Certificate of participation

6th All-Russian competition children's drawing"Vitamins for health"

Center for Identification and Support of Gifted Children and Talented Youth


"Vitamins for health"

“We will eat fruits - delicious products"

"He has excellent taste, His name is watermelon"

Rainbow of creativity

There is no more beautiful performance in theaters,

And it’s simply called ballet

Kindergarten No. 56

« Katya and I alerin s »

Portrait of Katya's friend

Rainbow of creativity

My Berezniki, green star, My land is birch and poplar!

Kindergarten No. 56

Construction "Bridge over the Kama"

Origami « Ship "Jung Kama"

Application “Birch Alley”

“Berezniki in autumn. My house"

"Autumn forest",

"Animals of our forest"

"City in the evening"

Rainbow of creativity

But the space tourist - The spacesuit is silver like the stars!

Kindergarten No. 56

"The whole family

on a space journey »

"Rocket flies to the moon"

Rainbow of creativity

Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other one like it!

Kindergarten No. 56

Ecological leaflet

“Feed the birds!”

"Dove of peace"

"The bullfinches have arrived"

City Winner environmental competition"Our merry Yeralash"

Topic “Ecology through the eyes of art” Nomination “Poster”


Vasilyeva T.N. How to develop and support a child’s giftedness Handbook of an educational psychologist. Kindergarten – 2016.

Afonkina Yu.A. Filatova O.V. Organization of work of preschool educational institutions with talented preschoolers. Publishing house "Teacher Volgograd" - 2016.

Skvortsova V. O. Intelligence + creativity: development of creative abilities of preschoolers Publishing house "Phoenix" - 2009.

Alekseeva N.V. Development of gifted children. Program, planning, lesson notes, psychological support Publisher: "Uchitel" - 2014.

Davydova G.N. Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Part 1. Publishing house "Scriptorium" - 2007.

Davydova G.N. “Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten” Part 2. Publishing house “Scriptorium” - 2013.”


Brief summary of the article: This note covers the rules for organizing a personal exhibition as a presentation of a student’s achievements, the need to use this form in studio work, the conditions necessary for organizing an exhibition, tasks, stages, recommendations for preparing for a performance.

Personal exhibition as a form of presentation of student achievements
A personal exhibition is the point from which the student will take a step to achieve new goals. For children, spectators, this is an opportunity to see their friend from a different point of view, and for some, an incentive to try themselves in this type of activity. This is a great opportunity for a child to show their achievements and hidden talents.
For those who are passionate about visual arts in our Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Additional Education for Children at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth in Krasnodar since 2013 in anticipation of municipal exhibition creative works of children "City of Masters" was held new form presentations of achievements. This is an exhibition of the 7-year-old student of the “Art Workshop” association Bogdan Krutikov with his presentation.

The need to use this form of work
Artistic and creative activity is one of the main activities of students junior schoolchildren age, but its results are presented, as a rule, only in the form of exhibitions.
The degree of active participation of the child in presenting his artistic achievements is limited due to the complexity of this form of work for children of this age. What does the presentation of a personal exhibition involve? Presentation of a personal exhibition is a type of art exhibition, which involves introducing viewers to the works of one author, and accompanied by his comments.

Conditions necessary for holding a personal exhibition
- the child’s interest in visual arts and the availability of his works.
- the desire not only to show your achievements, but also to talk about them.
- interest on the part of parents and teachers in holding this event.
-availability of demonstration space in the Center environment.

Problems that this form of work helps to solve
- the child’s disclosure of himself as an individual in the eyes of his peers.
- gaining experience in presenting your achievements;
- acquiring skills and abilities in building communication with peers and adults who are participants in the exhibition.

Organization of a personal exhibition
The first stage is preparatory
- selection of drawings for the exhibition together with the child and his parents.
- the choice of a general topic is formed based on thematically selected works.

The second stage is organizational
- choosing a form for presenting your work.
- selection of literary material (if required).
- registration and placement of works in the designated place.

The third stage is presentation
-grand opening of the exhibition.
- introduction of the author and the theme of the exhibition.
- presentation of their work to students.
- the author’s answers to questions from curious viewers (children and adults).

The fourth stage is the final stage
- a story by a pupil - the author of his presentation. If desired, plans for the future in this type of activity.
- generalization of the student’s self-esteem and the statements of the children by the teacher (summarizing the results of the exhibition).
- presentation of a diploma of a participant in a personal exhibition to replenish the treasury of his achievements.
- selection of drawings from the exhibition for the child’s portfolio.
- registration and placement of children's works in the designated place.
- organization of space for comfortable viewing of the exhibition by children.
- selection of musical accompaniment may be expected.

Recommendations for preparing for a speech
- the author must come up with a title for his exhibition;
- tells during what period of time he completed his work;
- the student independently talks about what he wanted to show using artistic materials;
- broadcasts techniques for performing work;
- the child explains the technology for performing each work, names the type (graphics, painting) and genre of each work (landscape, still life, portrait);
- it is possible to “enter the picture” (viewers are invited to imagine that they are inside the picture and tell what could happen there next);
- the student shows his favorite work and talks about it;
- it is possible to tell the author’s fairy tale;
- reading poetry on the topic of work;
- the author shares what he liked most about preparing for the exhibition, which was difficult.
1.Vereshchagina V.A. “Non-standard forms of lesson organization.” Krasnodar, 1993,
With. 10.
2. Kaygorodtseva M.V. “Methodological work in the system of additional education”, Volgograd, 2009.
3. Register of educational resources of Russia,


Krutikov Bogdan Sergeevich was born on March 19, 2005 in Krasnodar. Mom – Krutikova Olga Olegovna - medical worker, dad - Sergey Alexandrovich Krutikov - designer. Bogdan attended MOUDOU No. 230, loved to draw, and at the age of 6 years (2011) he was enrolled in MBOUDOD TsRTDU in the “Art Workshop” association. Currently studying in the 2nd grade of MBOU gymnasium No. 87. Krasnodar and is a student of the 3rd year of study at the Art Workshop association.

Personal exhibition
Krutikova Bogdana “Fantasy”
On March 12, 2013, a personal exhibition of a 7-year-old student of the association entitled “Fantasy” opened at the “Art Workshop” association. The exhibition presents 32 graphic and painting works completed by the author during his studies at the association. Presented here: creative projects“UNESCO Monuments”, “Illustrations for favorite fairy tales”, compositions, still lifes, landscapes. Present at the exhibition a large number of guests: Head of the Western Intracity District of Krasnodar, funds mass media(TV “Krasnodar +”), director of MBOUDOD TsRTDU, deputy. directors, numerous guests, parents studying in the Art Workshop association. A report from the personal exhibition was shown on the Krasnodar + channel.

- laureate of the 1st degree of the All-Russian competition “I would join the fire department” (2012);
- 1st degree diploma winner of the regional competition “Rescue Service-01” (2012);
- 3rd degree diploma student municipal stage regional competition "Rescue Service 01";
- Diploma winner of the municipal exhibition “City of Masters” (2012, 2013);
- participant grand opening municipal exhibition “City of Masters”, as the smallest participant (2012).
- participant in the UNEP international competition dedicated to the year of ecology (the work “Life in a Drop” was presented), (Geneva, 2013);
- author of the personal exhibition “Fantasy” (2013).

Compiled by: teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 67,

Zhgun Natalya Anatolevna

Preschool age is the most important stage in the artistic and aesthetic development of a child’s personality. The artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is understood as the process of purposefully cultivating a sense of beauty, developing the ability to perceive and feel beauty, both in art and in everyday life.

artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; music perception, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children’s initiative in various types of activities. Based on this, it was determined target work - creating optimal conditions for the formation of independence and initiative of preschool children in the process of productive activity.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

· formation of aesthetic perception and evaluation of things and phenomena by children of senior preschool age;

· development of creative personal capabilities in children of senior preschool age;

· creating conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials, tools and techniques;

· development of artistic creativity in children of senior preschool age;

· expanding children's horizons, developing intelligence and rational-logical thinking.

Taking as a basis the principles of federal state standards preschool education: assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations; in our preschool educational institution, personal exhibitions of young artists are successfully held, which give children the opportunity to express themselves in creative activities.

A personal exhibition is a way of active interaction between participants educational process, an individual demonstration of creative skills, it is carried out with the aim of creating conditions for creative self-expression of preschoolers.

Such forms of creative activity help children learn from each other, increase self-esteem and develop independence.

The organization of personal exhibitions occurs in stages.

Stage 1 - joint planning, discussion of the exhibition theme, which allows you to create a positive mood for joint work.

Stage 2 - production of exhibition exhibits - paintings. This stage is the most favorable moment for the development of co-creation between children, teachers and parents. Paintings can be made both at home in the family and in the process educational activities DOW. The technique and theme of the paintings are chosen by the child.

Stage 3 - exhibition design, presentation of creative works. Exhibitions can be staged in a group room, a studio, or any other convenient location. At this stage, the results of creativity of children and adults are clearly visible, which evokes a feeling of pride in the child and encourages the desire to talk about their work.

Stage 4 - summing up the results of the creative event: presentation of the exhibition, which takes place in a free form, rewarding, encouraging participants.

Thus, the organization of personal creative exhibitions creates optimal conditions for the formation of independence and initiative of preschool children in the process of productive activity.



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Development of independence and initiative in preschool children through the organization of personal exhibitions in preschool educational institutions Zhgun Natalya Anatolyevna teacher MBDOU d/s No. 67 first qualification category

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children's initiative in various types of activities.

The goal of the work is to create optimal conditions for the formation of independence and initiative of preschool children in the process of productive activity. Artem Dmitrenko, 6 years old Daria Litvinenko, 6 years old

Objectives: formation of aesthetic perception and evaluation of things and phenomena by children of senior preschool age; development of creative capabilities in children of senior preschool age; creating conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials, tools and techniques; development of artistic creativity in children of senior preschool age; broadening the horizons of children.


Stages of work

Results Young artists became winners of all-Russian distance competitions of drawings and creativity: II place of the IV international competition “Children-Talents” in the nomination “Drawing Competition. We draw according to fairy tales of the world” (Kiktev Nikita); III place in the All-Russian competition “Rassudariki”, nomination “Drawing” (Kiktev Nikita) 2014; I place All-Russian distance competition “First Rainbow” (Khirya Karina); 1st place in the VIII international competition within the framework of the festival of international all-Russian and distance competitions “Talents of Russia”, nomination “Drawing” (Kornienko Masha) 2014; II place All-Russian competition"Creativity of smart guys and smart girls." Alina Osyka, 6 years old Kirill Pikalov, 6 years old Ekaterina Borovaya, 6 years old

Personal exhibition of the young artist Khirya Karina In the city of Taganrog, generous with talented and creative people, kindergarten No. 78 hosted a personal exhibition of six-year-old artist Karina Hirya. The work of the young artist is distinguished by her original style of painting. It demonstrates interesting compositional and color solutions. Karina came up with the name of her first exhibition herself, “The Country of Flowerland” - it became the decoration of the studio visual arts. Karina is already working on creating a new exhibition called “City of Lights,” which she will dedicate to her hometown of Taganrog.

Personal exhibition of Nikita Kiktev Nikita loves to draw. Animals, landscapes, fairy-tale heroes live in his paintings, drawn with pencils, pastels, and gouache.

Prospects Organization of personal exhibitions of preschool children in the library and school. Publication of the achievements of preschool children in the media. Organization of creative meetings with professional artists. Organization of master classes for young artists. Shutova Valeria, 5 years old Alexandra Nekhonoshina, 6 years old Anna Kostromina, 5 years old

Thank you for your attention! Zhgun Natalya Anatolevna [email protected] Nina Kutovaya, 6 years old Sofya Terentyeva, 6 years old Alexandra Nekhonoshina, 5 years old