Plan of lesson notes for doctor and veterinarian. Summary of educational activities for introducing older preschoolers to the profession of a veterinarian. lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic. Game “Funny Counting”

Municipal educational institution "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 41"
Extracurricular activity
as part of events
V primary school on career guidance
Prepared the event:
primary school teacher
Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 41"
Gorbunova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Extracurricular activity scenario
Profession "Veterinarian"
expanding students' understanding of the variety of specialties in this profession.
introduce children to the profession of veterinarian;
give general information about the content of labor of this profession;
generate motivation and interest in work activities;
to form a respectful attitude towards working people;
develop intellectual and creative capabilities;
show ways of self-knowledge to determine your inclinations in the professional field.
Equipment and methodological support: computer, projector, screen, cards, presentation, poster.
I. Organizing time. - Guys! Today we will learn a lot of interesting things, we will solve riddles, remember proverbs, fairy tales, and recite poems. First, let's get ready for good work.II. Psychological mood. - Everyone please stand in a circle. Hold hands and let's greet each other. Everyone turned to each other and smiled at each other. Turn to me, everyone, smile at me too. III. Progress of the event.
1. Guessing riddles about professions.
- Guess the riddles.
1) Tell me who is so delicious
prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)
2) He runs the show, knows all the scenes by heart. He teaches how to play a role. What should you call him, friends? (Director)
3) This doctor is not just a doctor, He treats people’s eyes, Even if you see poorly, You can see everything with glasses. (Ophthalmologist)
4) A glass eye will point, click once - and we will remember you. (Photographer)
5) He protects nature, drives away poachers, and in winter he welcomes forest animals to visit the feeders. (Jaeger)
6) They put two dexterous hands on the heels on the shoes. And the heels on the heels are also the work of these hands. (Shoemaker)
7) He puts the bricks in a row,
He is building a kindergarten for the children.
Not a miner or a driver,
He will build us a house... Builder
8) He calculates precisely, so that everything is strong and durable. Without his calculations, the work will fall apart!
Know, baby, take an example,
Factory he ... Engineer
9) Who is on duty on the road all day long in the rain and snow? Who has a stern voice, even though he is a kind person?
Who instantly turns on the flashing light and bravely rushes in pursuit? (Inspector)
2. Determining the topic of an extracurricular activity.
- Guess the name of our event. To do this from initial letters guess the word.
- What word did you come up with? (Professions)
3. Competition “Guess the profession”
Who makes and sells medicines in the pharmacy?
Children's doctor?
Airline driver?
Who will give us a book to read?
Who bakes bread in the bakery?
Will the letter be delivered to our home?
Who will cook the broth for us?
Who will teach you everything, teach you how to count and write?
4. Guess the riddles:
1. Our dog has a fever
Cute little dog, don't cry.
Your doctor will cure you
Good doctor - veterinarian
2. A doctor, but not for children, but for birds and animals. He has a special gift, This doctor is... a veterinarian
5. Student presentation.
A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals. The word veterinarian in Latin means one who treats livestock.
A doctor is a doctor for humans, a veterinarian is a doctor for humanity.
6. Teacher's story
Veterinary medicine has a very ancient history, and the profession of a doctor who heals animals is most likely one of the most humane in the world. It is the healers of “silent creatures” who must have special, almost absolute kindness and compassion. Because our younger brothers cannot talk about their illnesses or be indignant if treatment fails.
History of the profession
The first veterinarians appeared in pastoral tribes several thousand years ago. Already at that time, some herbs, such as wormwood, were used to treat animals.
In ancient states they understood how necessary the profession of a veterinarian was, and they greatly valued such people.
Ancient Egypt. In Ancient Egypt there was educational institution, called the House of Life. Medicinal papyri found during excavations described recipes for preparing medicines for bulls, sheep, pigs, goats, and geese.
Ancient Greece. In ancient Greece there were horse doctors. They were called hippiaters.
Ancient India. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. Here the priests treated animals.
Ancient Rus'. They have long treated cattle in Rus'. The first written mention of horse doctors can be read in Novgorod scribe books of the 15th century. In the 17th century, the stable department created stables where horses belonging to the royal family and its associates were treated.
Emperor of Russia Peter I
The emergence of veterinary medicine in Russia as a science is associated with the name of Peter the Great. It was during his reign that the first veterinary schools were opened and books on veterinary medicine began to be published.
King Louis XV of France
Veterinary medicine became a science and profession in the modern sense 250 years ago.
In 1761, King Louis XV of France, concerned about diseases in cattle, proposed the founding of a veterinary school in Lyon.
The first veterinary clinicians in Russia were Y. K. Kaidanov, P. I. Lukin, G. M. Prozorov, I. I. Ravich, X. G. Bunge7. Competition "Guess"
- Look at the photos on the slides and guess where veterinarians work:
(children guess where veterinarians work)
- in veterinary clinics,
- at veterinary stations,
- in food markets,
- at poultry markets,
- in zoos,
- in animal hospitals,
- at agricultural enterprises.
8. Teacher's story.
What professional qualities The veterinarian must have:
- accuracy;
- discipline;
- responsibility;
- forethought;
- punctuality, pedantry;
- ability to switch from one activity to another;
- ability to plan your activities over time;
- switchability of attention (the ability to quickly switch attention from one object to another or from one activity to another).
What human qualities The veterinarian must have:
- developed observation skills,
- memory,
- logical thinking,
- patience,
- friendly attitude towards animals.
The list of animals that must be examined by a veterinarian includes:
- horses,
- cattle,
- small cattle,
- pigs,
- rabbits,
- Domestic bird,
- camels,
- dogs, cats, mice, decorative animals, etc.
What veterinarians study:
Veterinarians study the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and microbiology of animals. In addition to general disciplines veterinarian must know private - private physiology (for example, dogs), diseases of bees and fish, as well as veterinary and sanitary examination of animal raw materials (skin, fur, meat, milk, fish, etc.) August 31 - Veterinarian Day
In 2011, a new professional holiday was established in Russia for the first time - Veterinarian Day.
But it was announced not by secular authorities, but by Patriarch Kirill. Therefore, the holiday of “Aibolit” is celebrated on August 31 - the Day of the Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus, who have long been prayed for in Rus' for the protection and healing of livestock...
9. Sketch based on the work of K.I. Chukovsky’s “Aibolit” Presenter: - Good Doctor Aibolit! He sits under a tree. Come to him for treatment, a cow, a she-wolf, a bug, a worm, and a bear! Good Doctor Aibolit will heal, heal everyone! And the fox came to Aibolit:
Fox: - Oh, I was bitten by a wasp! Presenter: - And the watchdog came to Aibolit. Barbos: - The chicken pecked me on the nose! Presenter: - And the hare came running and screamed.
Hare: -Ay, ah! My little bunny got hit by a tram! My little bunny, my boy Got hit by a tram! He was running along the path, And his legs were cut, And now he’s sick and lame, My little bunny! Presenter: - And Aibolit said.
Aibolit: - No problem! Bring him here! I'll sew him new legs, He'll run along the path again. Presenter: - And they brought him a bunny, So sick and lame. And the doctor sewed on his legs, And the bunny jumps again. And with him the mother hare also went to dance, and she laughed and screamed. The hare: - Well, thank you, Aibolit!
10. Competition “Continue the phrase”
- The tractor is driven by ... the tractor driver. - The electric train ... the driver. - The walls were painted ... by the painter. - The board was planed by ... the carpenter. - The light was installed in the house by ... the fitter. - In the mine, ... the miner is working. - In the hot forge ... the blacksmith. - Who knows everything - Well done!
11. Competition “Say the proverb”
Who does not work shall not eat.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness... spoils him.
Don’t teach by idleness, but teach... by handicraft.
More action - less... words.
To live without anything is only heaven... to smoke.
You can’t even take a fish out of the pond without difficulty.
12. Working with cards.
- Guys, there are cards in front of you. Each card has a word written on it. You need to make a sentence from these words and explain this statement.
A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.
IV. Result of the event. - Guys, our interesting event has come to an end. In order to find your favorite thing, you need not only to know a lot about professions. You need to listen to yourself, to your inner state, what your soul is about. I think when you grow up, you will choose a profession that you like and will love it. It will make you happy, but remember, any of them is necessary and important, no matter where you work and no matter what you do, you will bring joy and benefit to people.
V. Reflection.- What new have you learned about the profession of Veterinarian?
- What qualities should a veterinarian have?
- Guys, what did you like about the event?


  • To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals and a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about their surroundings in games. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets;
  • Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children, skills in improvising figurative movements;
  • To create a creative atmosphere in the process of musical and theatrical performance based on musical works, as another aspect of art and a way of self-expression, with the help of which he can become a direct creator.

Progress of the event:

On the TV there is an inscription “Sphere TV”, r.p. Novospasskoe. The music screensaver of Novospassky television plays. The screen opens, and the presenter is a child.

Leading: Hello! Today an important event took place in our village - a clinic for pets with an operating unit was opened. Guests present at the opening were: regional governor Sergei Ivanovich Morozov (showing a portrait), head of the Novospassky district Alexander Sergeevich Vrazhnov (showing a portrait) and many others. I met them chief physician- veterinarian Tatyana. Meet her, she is our guest. Dear Tatyana, tell us about yourself and your profession.

Doctor Tatyana (D.T.): I was born in Novospassk and graduated from school here. I have loved animals since childhood. At the institute I learned how to treat them. I am a doctor who treats animals. My profession is called veterinarian. Yes, what can I say about it, I’d rather sing, and then I’ll show you everything.

N1: Song “Veterinarian” (music by Victoria Ilyina) – sung by D.T.

D.T.: I invite everyone to my clinic, where my patients are waiting for me.

N2: Song “Machine”"(song by the group "Wizards of the Yard" - a group of children sings, driving a large children's car along an improvised road. At the end of the song, the children with the car remain on the edge of the road.

N3 Dance of the Dogs (musicBrainSectionfeat– Dance of small dogs). The dogs dance on the same path.

(After the song, the car drives quickly along the path and, as it were, “runs over” the dogs, they fall. The children from the car pick up one of the dogs and, to the sound of an ambulance siren, lead her to Dr. Tatyana).

Reb.(children): Doctor, Tanya, help!

D.T.: What happened, tell me?

Reb.: Our dogs didn’t know the rules
And they danced on the roadway.
They got carried away with the dance -
Here, out of nowhere -
The car was passing quickly
And one of the dogs was injured.
He can't step on his paw!
Barks pitifully and whines.

D.T.: Place the dog on the couch,
Hold the paw with your hands.
Yes... I urgently need to put a cast on my leg,
So that she could run along the paths.
(Puts on a “plaster” - puts on some kind of tube).
Well, that's it - ready!
Come back in a week!

Reb. Well, thank you, Dr. Tanya,
We'll bring her if necessary! (leave)

D.T. Well, does the moral sound to you -
On the roadway - do not dance or play!
And I will continue my story.
In life it happens like this:
Children and animals quarrel.
It happened once
The cats put on a show of their beauty.

N4 Song: “Two Cats” (music by A. Oleinikov, lyrics by A. Churkin).

(At the end of the song they meow and shake their arms)

D.T.: The boys heard the scream.
They raised the cats from the ground.
We saw paws covered in blood
And they ran to the clinic.
(children perform movements according to the text by D.T.)

Reb.: Dr. Tanya help!

D.T.: What happened, tell me?

Reb.: The cats quarreled!
They tore all their paws and noses bloody!

D.T.: Well... I'll examine them now.
Yes...I see your wounds and abrasions.
Let's apply the medicine (solution) to the paws and nose.
Be patient, friends! It hurts, but it's not a wasp sting!
And here's a lesson for all the little animals -
Sharp claws will not solve the problem! (Cats leave).

D.T.: Our children love animals and really want them to live at home. They bought such a vocal parrot for Petya. All he knew was to sing songs.
One day Petya went for a walk.
He decided to take the parrot with him.
They were playing in the street
They sang songs and shouted. (Peter and the parrot perform movements according to the text. At the end of the song, the parrot’s voice becomes hoarse, he serves)

N 5: “Parrot’s Song” (G. Trofimov, song from the film “Mama”)

I conquered the globe
Onlookers are running after me
And I'm walking in plain sight
Smart and handsome.
I'll tell you a secret,
How to be young for a hundred years -
Dance from the heart in the morning
And sing like a nightingale!
Never really get angry
Spin around important birds
And you should always – yes, yes! –
Do everything wisely!
I serve as an example for everyone,
I always look after myself
And everyone says:
“His outfit is beautiful!”
Anyone is completely smitten
Seeing how built I am,
I love you very much
I praise myself.
I am a great artist
Subtle parodist,
Became famous
Where I've been.

Peter: Why have you fallen and are lying there?
And you don’t voice at all...
Well, get up and fly!
(the parrot turns its head and flaps its wings exhaustedly)
Yes... Apparently it’s time to go to the doctor.

Peter: Doctor, Tanya, help!
Check out the parrot!

D.T.:(listens, shakes his head in amazement,
He asks to say “A” - the parrot wheezes - he laments again)
Yes, it looks like bird flu
It will take a long time to treat the parrot.
We'll give you the injection right away.
And then we’ll send you to the hospital!
And, to you, owners of birds, cats and dogs
Follow doctors' recommendations in full!
Always get your vaccinations on time! (Peter and the parrot leave).

D.T.: And now my story continues.
We are going to another family.
There's a girl Masha for her birthday
We bought a beautiful hamster to everyone’s surprise!
The hamster was fed by Masha
And cake and even porridge!
He puffed up like a ball.
And he lies there and just cries.
Mashenka didn’t think twice, friends!
She takes the hamster to the doctor.

Masha: Hello, doctor, help!

D.T.: What happened, Masha, tell me!

Masha: We celebrated my birthday,
We ate cake together and drank milk.

D.T.: I see...Cake...
Is it possible for a hamster?
The stomach may hurt a lot.
Drink the potion now and then
We will undergo outpatient treatment.
Masha! The hamster will delight you for a long time and live with you,
If you don't feed him anything!

D.T.: This is how my working days go
They give Dr. Tanya joy.
I try to help all the animals in the world!
And you just love them, children!

N 6: Anthem of Veterinarians. Exit of all participants of the holiday.

Anthem of veterinarians (text).

This is not a dream, this is dawn
Birds singing in the green silence,
The smell of meadows and sunlight,
This is the melody of our soul.
Chorus: We will preserve everything that nature has given us
Our little brothers are children of the earth
They will be by your side forever,
Just extend your kind hands to them
get over the trouble

The wind of the forests, the dust of the fields
The living planet Earth breathes
Thousands of eyes of loved ones, children
She looks at you with hope.

Compiled by: Bulavinova Elena Vasilievna

Voronezh region

Vorobyovsky district

s-z "Vorobievsky"

MKOU "Poselkovaya Secondary School"

Primary classes

Extracurricular event “All work is good!”

3rd grade

Explanatory note.

An extracurricular activity is held in 3rd grade, studying under the “School of Russia” program. The purpose of the event is to introduce students to various professions, development of interest in work activity, creative abilities, initial career guidance, education of hard work, responsibility, development of dexterity, ingenuity. Students are first given homework: compile a dictionary of professions and draw pictures for them.

Event plan.

1. Reading poetry by students (montage)

2. The teacher's word.

3. Messages from students.

4. Poems about professions.

5. Riddles about professions.

6. Competition for the restoration of sayings and proverbs.

7. Performing ditties.

8. Competition for matching subjects and professions.

9. Competition "Pilot"

10. Competition "Interview"

11. Competition "Detective"

12. Competition "Announcer"

13. Competition "Artist"

14. Competition "Builder"

15. Final word from the teacher.

Extracurricular activity

Matinee about professions in 3rd grade

“All works are good!”

Goal: introducing students to various professions, developing interest in work, creative abilities, nurturing hard work, responsibility, developing dexterity and ingenuity.

Equipment: quote posters

“All professions are good, all are honorable, if you master the skill perfectly” (M. Kalinin)

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the roughest, rises to creativity.” (M. Gorky)

proverbs, student drawings, black box, task cards, computer, projector.

Progress of the matinee.

1 student.

In a world of diverse words,

What shines, burns and burns, -

Gold, steel, diamond, -

There is no more sacred word: “labor”!

2 student.

Everything we drink with a full cup,

In the past, created by labor:

All the contentment of our life,

Everything that makes every home beautiful.

3 student.

The new lamp is a victorious light,

Running engines, trains,

Monoplane flight without a trace, -

Everything is a legacy of labor!

4 student.

The table you're sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife,
And every nail
And every house
And every slice of bread -
All this was created by labor,
But it didn’t fall from the sky!
5 student.

For everything that was created for us,
We are grateful to the people
The time will come, the hour will come -
And we will work.
6 student.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Who should I work with then?

What to do?

Teacher: This question arises when a person becomes an adult. He needs to master some profession in order to be useful to his family and society. Already now many of you dream of being someone. Today our matinee is dedicated to professions.

Everything that surrounds us is created by the labor of people.

Any object, thing, unit, tool, production technology - everything connects us with various professions, of which there are thousands in the world. The word profession meansmain occupation,labor activity of a person who has a lot of special knowledge, skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience. This means that in order to consider oneself as belonging to a particular profession, one must undergo special training, master a lot of theoretical knowledge, and gain experience.

How many professions surround us?

1 student: Early in the morning I wake up in a house thatbuilt not only by builders. People from more than a dozen professions took part in its creation - from an architect to a painter.

Student 2: My sleep is interrupted by an alarm clock - a few more professions. We open our eyes, and the world of things and objects presents itself to us as Business Cards professions: dishes, clothes, books, food - everything in our house was made by people of hundreds of professions.

Student 3: I go outside, and this world expands to enormous proportions. We travel by transport, go to school, use tools in our studies and work.

4th student: In the evening, at my service is a world of other professions that provide the opportunity to touch art: actors, announcers, artists, musicians, composers, photographers.

Student 5: In the modern world, the number of professions is growing and they are all useful, necessary and important for a person. The world is changing, and some professions are disappearing as unnecessary, others are being improved. For example, boots have long been sewn not by hand, but by machine, loaders at the port are armed with cranes, and a baker does not knead the dough with his hands - there is an automatic machine for this.

Teacher: Let’s check your homework, in which you had to create a dictionary of professions.

(Students come out with letters of the alphabet and drawings of professions for this letter, stand in alphabetical order and name the invented professions)


Yes, there are many craftsmen in the world,

Tell poems about them, children.

1st student

A mason builds houses

The dress is the work of a tailor.

But it's a tailor's job

There is nowhere without warm shelter.

2nd student

The mason would be naked

If only skillful hands

Didn't make it in time

An apron, and a jacket, and trousers.

3rd student

Baker to shoemaker on time

He instructs me to sew the boots.

Well, a shoemaker without bread

Will he sew and sharpen a lot?

4th student

So it turns out that way,

Everything we do is necessary.

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly.

5th student

Crow, cow, puppy and peacock

He will accept and cure everyone

Animal doctor.

6th student

White sawdust is flying,Flying from under the saw:This is what the carpenter doesWindows and floors.
7th student.

In a store, at a marketAnd finally at the buffetEverywhere, wherever you go,The salesperson greets you.8th student

So that pines, lindens, spruce

They didn’t get sick, they turned green,

To new forests

Rising to the skies

Them to the sound and hubbub of birds

A forester friend is guarding.

9th student.

The turner bent over

A smart machine.

Thin chips

Runs like a stream.

10th student.

The teacher generously teaches us that

What you really need in life:

Patience, reading, counting and writing

And loyalty to one’s native homeland.

11th student

A savior where there is trouble,
He will always come to the rescue.
And there is no reason to doubt:
Rescue is a job for men.

12th student

A scientist looks through a microscope,
Apparently he is conducting experiments.
He doesn't care about boredom -

All in work, all in science.

13th student

If suddenly something bad happens,
Something will catch fire somewhere,
A fireman is urgently needed there.
It will pay off, that's for sure.

14th student

Every day he goes to sea
And he catches fish with nets.
Catches both in winter and summer
- A fisherman's job is in this.

15th student

Chauffeur job

Difficult and complex

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere!...


Now be careful

Don't forget to name your profession!

(Riddles about professions)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers

They sell us...(sellers)

I'm glad to get dressed

Both an artist and a deputy.

I sew deftly with my needle -

It's not for nothing that I...(tailor)

We must fight fire with fire

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

People really need us,

So who are we? - ... (firemen)

He looks like a captain

But the ship is led by the steppe.

He argues with the wave stubbornly,

Only with a golden wave. (combiner)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod -

Paints a picture from life... (artist)

He protects nature

Drives away poachers

And in winter at the feeders

Forest animals are waiting for you to visit. (forester)

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

She carries out her service in secret,

The cows have known her for a long time,

Always greeted with a moo

And for her hard work

All the milk is given to her. (milkmaid)

Fun job

Envy from the heart!

Whistle when you're hunting

Yes, wave your wand! (police officer)

They put dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes.

And heels -

Also the work of these hands. (shoemaker)

We teach children

Love nature

Respect old people. (teacher)

The earth awaits his work,

The dawn will barely light its rays.

In the spring he will comb the fields,

When autumn comes, he will cut his hair. (gardener)

With a heavy bag he walks around the area,

He puts letters in our mailbox... (postman)

Every resident in the house knows -

This house was built by... (builder)

This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors. (hairdresser)

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

What's that funny fellow called? (clown)

Teacher: Well done guys!

People have always respected hard work, passion, and the pursuit of excellence. This is probably why they came up with many proverbs and sayings.

Competition for knowledge of sayings and proverbs - restore the proverbs.

If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on...

A. tractor B. bench

B. stoves D. roof

Don't sit idly by, it won't happen...

A. money B. boredom

B. work D. troubles

He who doesn't work doesn't...

A. swims B. rides

B. drinks D. eats

A small thing is better than a big one...

A. idleness B. inaction

B. wealth D. pleasure

The eyes are afraid, and the hands...

A. knitting B. making

B. work D. wash

Finished the job - go for a walk...

A. boldly B. quickly

B. fun D. joyfully

Time for business, time for fun...

A. minute B. second

B. hour D. year

Teacher: Now let’s sing ditties.

I tell everyone I know,

What I want to beastronomer.

I don't like to sleep at night,

It's better to study the stars.

I love in front of the whole class

Answer in class.

This experience will be useful -

I wantartistbecome!

If, Petya, you then

you willdeputy,

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

Have pity on me, mommy,

Let me skip school!

Well, son, there you aredirector,

You must be there!

I decided there was no point

Boxing -

I willdentist,

Everyone is afraid of him.

Vovka boasts to the guys,

What will he becomelawyer.

And not yet a lawyer,

He hits everyone.

BescoutI want

After all, I am resourceful and brave.

Mom hid the sweets

I scouted out where - and ate it!

I willhaircut master

And I will take revenge on Lariska -

I'll cut my hair like a boy,

And then I’ll forgive you.

I go to gymnastics

I only eat once a week.

I'll tell you a secret:

I want to becomemodel.

Teacher: A person of any profession needs tools and instruments. Name the professions that need these items.

(Hammer, soldering iron, saw, scissors, ruler, microscope, binoculars, camera, syringe).

Teacher:What do you children want to become?
Answer us quickly!
- I want to be a driver.
Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet.
There is no better one in the world.

I want to become a great doctor.
I will treat everyone with medicine.
Very tasty, like candy.
I ate it - there are no diseases!

I don't like colors.
I dream of becoming an artist.
Order me a portrait.
I can handle it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, don’t argue,
I want to become the first in sports.
It's a trifle for me to score a goal,
I play for Spartak!

I want to become a pianist.
A wonderful artist.
Music has been with me since childhood,
I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming faster
Children's teacher.
Sing, walk, play with them.
Celebrate birthdays.
In chorus:
All professions are wonderful.
All professions are important.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need them!

Teacher: Now we’ll see what your hands can do. We will hold competitions.

1 competition "Pilot". Which one of you guys wants to become a pilot? Come out. Your task is to quickly make a paper airplane and fly it as far as possible.

(Students come out and complete the task).

2 competition. "Interview"

Two students are invited: one is a journalist, the other is a person of a given profession. The “journalist” asks questions, and another student answers them, talking about his profession, but does not name it. You need to guess what profession we are talking about.

3 competition. "Detective"

Two participants. One is blindfolded, the other hides an object in the classroom. The “detective” needs to find this item. Students help with the guiding words “hot and cold.”

4 competition. "Speaker"

Several students participate. You need to quickly and correctly read the fairy tale

1 student.

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big.
Grandfather went to pick turnips. He pulls, he pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

Grandfather called grandma. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip, they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out!


Professions. Vet.
To consolidate children’s knowledge about the professions and work activities of people of different professions;

Introduce new profession- vet;

To evoke an emotional response in children, pride in people of different professions;

Help expand your vocabulary.

During the event we read “Who to be?”, then he came to visit

Aibolit, played with children using poetry:

“Hello, guys - animals!

Come to me for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And bugs and a worm,

Both the bunny and the puppy;

Squirrel, clumsy bear,

Bird, cat and monkey.

Who is in pain?

Why does it hurt and how long has it been hurting?

(The children shake their heads negatively, Aibolit examines the children).

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone,

Good Doctor Aibolit.

It’s not without reason, it’s not without reason,

My name is veterinarian!

I deftly adjusted my shoulder

To the cheerful grasshopper,

I cured tummies

To the unfortunate hippos.

Now I'll look through my glasses

On the tips of the tongues.

You are healthy?

Children: We are healthy!

Aibolit: Well then, don’t be lazy,

Don't yawn, pull yourself up

Get ready to warm up!

To always be healthy,

Not only do you have to do sports,

Also eat right.

I'm pleased with the inspection

None of the animals are sick!

You don't need a veterinarian

Live a fun and friendly life!

Who does Aibolit treat?

What is another name for Aibolit? (vet)

What does a veterinarian do?

Why is he called the good doctor?

Yes, guys, we all have animals at home. What animals live with you? And if trouble happens to our four-legged friend, he gets sick, you and I know who to turn to - to the veterinarian. And he will tell us what to do and what to do. Guys, did you notice how our Aibolit was dressed?

Who else have you seen in such clothes?

Introducing children to the tools used by a veterinarian.

I want to introduce you to the tools that any doctor uses, no matter who he treats, people or animals.

(Takes out a tool, shows it, names it and says what it is for).

Lesson summary:

Educator: - So, guys, who is treating us?

Who treats animals? Let's repeat the name of this profession in unison.

Doctor: - Come on, guys, tell me,

Help me figure it out,

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

For colds and sore throats

We are being saved...

Children: Vitamins!

Doctor: Vitamins are life.

Everyone needs to be friends with them,

Consume vitamins

And increase your health!

(Hands out vitamins to children).

Summary of the lesson “Getting to know the profession”

This was my first open lesson, now I already see my mistakes, which I will try to correct in the coming years!

Summary of the integrated lesson

on the topic: “Introduction to the profession of a teacher”

for pre-school children

(Cognition, Labor, Communication).

Educator: Podkorytova M.V.

MBDOU PGO "D/S No. 49"

1. Expand children’s knowledge about the variety of professions based on a generalization of characteristic labor processes and labor results.

2. Develop the ability to relate tools of labor, the performance of the labor process with the name of the profession.

3. Develop imagination and logical thinking.


The responding child takes the items needed by the teacher from another suitcase and talks briefly about the teacher’s profession (plasticine, doll)

Educator: Well done, guys! We completed the tasks! You all move on to the next round! Now let's find out if our viewers are such smart people?

(Questions to the audience. For a complete answer - an order (yellow, for an incomplete answer - a medal (green).)

Blitz poll: guys, are you with us now? preparatory group and the teacher is here with you, and where will you be in a year (at school) And who will study with you? (teacher) Guys, what is the difference between a teacher and an educator? (teacher teaches, teacher educates) There are tables in the kindergarten, but at school? (desks) It's a break in kindergarten, and at school? (Change) Do you carry toys to kindergarten, and to school? (textbooks) Your mother brings you things to kindergarten, and what will you wear to school? (in the briefcase)

Educator: Guys, we are so great! Let's see what task Dunno has come up with for us this time!

The teacher takes out a piece of paper from the suitcase: “I see, I see, the guys did it! And now a new task! In a secret color, visible only to the teacher, I wrote on a piece of paper many different professions, and you guys have to name who does what!”

Educator: Well, let's get started! Whoever gives the most answers will move on to the next round (3 professions each)

Doctor - what is he doing? What is the builder doing? What does the seamstress do?

What is the artist doing? What is the cook doing? What is the painter doing?

What does a carpenter do? What is the janitor doing? What does the seller do?

Educator: Urrrra! you did it again! And we're all moving on to the second round!

And now, guys, musical break!

All the guys come out in a circle, the music “Box of Pencils” plays. They do physical exercises.

Educator: And now, with renewed vigor, let’s begin our TV game! Game with the audience: “What if it hadn’t happened.” (questions are asked using a ball: throw the ball - question)

If there were no sellers, then...

If there were no drivers, then...

If there were no doctors, then...

If there were no wipers, then

If there were no cooks, then...

If there were no hairdressers, then...

If there were no composers, then...

If there were no teachers, then...

If there were no teachers, then...

Educator: Well done to our audience! Well told!

Soooo, we still have assignments left from Dunno!

The participant who best tells you about a profession that you have known since early childhood will move on to the next stage!

In the morning, saying goodbye to my mother,

We boldly go to kindergarten.

And mothers calmly, without drama,

They leave their treasure in the garden.

Here's someone you can trust

A creation of love and warmth,

You can even check-

There is a spark of happiness in our eyes.

It's just a matter of a smile,

What he gives with his soul without crooking.

Educator: Guys, who did you tell such a wonderful poem about?

Children from the audience: about the teacher!

Educator: Guys, how nice! Such kind words!

Educator: Let's listen to the next participant

We were greeted in the garden with affection,

Kindness and warmth,

In the evening we read fairy tales.

Kindergarten is our good home!

They taught us order,

Beauty and purity,

Early morning exercise

Together we all stood up!


Third participant:

And we love very dearly

their teachers,

We will remember for a long time

Their faces are tender!

We will never forget

Our dear kindergarten,

We will come to visit you

We are in both summer and winter!

(Kirill R.)

Educator: Guys, what tender and touching poems! Of course, of course, you all advance to the next round!

Educator: Guys, now the most important task, what qualities do you think a teacher should have?

Children participants: The teacher must have such qualities as wisdom, patience, kindness, responsiveness, the teacher must love children, respect (children from the tracks come up with)

Educator: You said everything correctly, and now a tricky question! we have already talked to you about next year your teacher will meet you! Do you know what things you need to take with you to school? I offer you the following task! We need to determine which things we can take with us to kindergarten and which ones to school!

(two children from the audience)

in front of them: notebook, ruler, textbook, plasticine, doll, coloring book, pen, briefcase

Educator: Urrrraaah! you did it!

Educator: I arranged a game for you today because I love you all very much! And I’m sad when you quarrel, when you can’t find a common language with each other, today we all had one common creative task: learn to communicate with each other, understand, cope with tasks together and never, ever quarrel! I am glad to come to kindergarten every morning, I am glad to raise such wonderful, mischievous children! I am a little sad that in a year you will leave kindergarten, but I am happy that you will become wonderful students and learn a lot of new and interesting things!

Educator: Now let's see which of our participants won today! Oh, wow, you all answered the questions correctly and you all won together! Urrrraaah! You are declared Smarties and Smarties!

Have you guys drawn pictures of “What would you like to be when you grow up? "Let's tell you about your dreams.

Children approach the drawings and 3-4 people talk about their dreams

Educator: I think that when you grow up, you will become real professionals and choose a profession to your liking.

Video with Dunno

Guys, you learned a lot of new and interesting things today, but, unfortunately, I couldn’t come to you! Guys, please tell me, did you like our show? What did you like most? What interesting things did you learn on the show?

Goal: To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals and a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about their surroundings in games. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets.



GBOU school No. 1357 Preschool division No. 9

Summary of GCD for familiarization

older children preschool age

with the profession of veterinarian.

Goal: To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals and a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about their surroundings in games. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets.


Educator: Guys, a guest will come to us today, and who is he, tell me by guessing the riddle:

He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes,

Bandages wounds

African monkey.

And anyone will confirm to us:

Is this the doctor? (Aibolit)

Aibolit enters in a white robe.

Aibolit: Hello, guys. I was passing by and decided to come visit you and see if my help was needed here.

Educator: We all read the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, and who remembers who the doctor treated?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, animals.

Aibolit: Yes, guys, I love animals very much and that’s why I decided to become not a human doctor, but a doctor for animals.

Educator: Does anyone know the name of the doctor who treats animals?


Aibolit: That's right, my profession is called a veterinarian. Domestic animals cannot, like wild animals, take care of their own health. That's why the veterinarian helps them. If you have a cat or dog at home, you have probably consulted a veterinarian more than once.

Educator: the clinic where animals are treated is called a veterinary hospital.

Aibolit: A veterinarian not only treats sick pets, he gives them various preventive vaccinations, cleans their ears, trims their nails - in general, he monitors whether your pet is well maintained, whether it moves enough, what its appetite is.

Educator: But if your cat or dog is sick, veterinarians, like ordinary doctors, examine your furry friend, give him medicine, and in severe cases, perform surgical operations.

Aibolit: Guys, do you like animals? Do you want to become a veterinarian?

Children: yes

Aibolit: Now I’ll check how ready you are to work. Let's play the game "What does a veterinarian need?" There are various items on the table; you need to select only those that, in your opinion, may be useful in treating animals.

Well done! Nobody was wrong!

Educator: Children, a veterinarian, or in other words, a veterinarian can cure both a small fish and a huge bear. He needs to know and be able to do a lot. But most importantly, the veterinarian must be very kind and must love animals.

Aibolit: Guys, now you know what my work is. If you remember, I came to you to offer my help in treating sick animals. Bring your pets quickly, I will examine them and give them treatment.

Role-playing game “Animal Hospital”.

At the end of the game, reading the poem:

If your cat

My leg hurts a little

If your dog

The side was damaged in a fight,

Without wasting time,

To heal them

Urgently to the veterinarian

Bring your pets.

He will x-ray his paw,

He will sew up the dog's wound -

And the animals certainly

Everything will heal and pass.

Summing up: What profession did you get acquainted with? What should a veterinarian know and be able to do? What character qualities should you have?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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