Action plan for adaptation of a new employee. Personnel adaptation program - measures for personnel adaptation. Principles for grouping training-adaptation programs by levels for tools, technologies and competencies


Theoretical aspects of personnel adaptation

1 Essence, concept and tasks of personnel adaptation

2 Management of personnel adaptation in the organization

3 Planning and development of an adaptation program

Analysis of personnel adaptation at LLC DC "Vertical"

1 Organizational and personnel characteristics of LLC DC "Vertical"

2 Analysis of personnel adaptation management at LLC DC "Vertical"

3 Development of a personnel adaptation program at LLC DC "Vertical"





In the modern world, the question of forming an ideal staffing structure in an organization is quite acute. The problem of competent personnel selection comes first, since employees are the main value of any company. The work of the HR department in personnel adaptation plays a major role in finding and retaining valuable personnel.

In a general sense, adaptation is the process of an employee’s adaptation to the conditions of the external and internal environment.

Adaptation is a necessary element of personnel management. However, so far in Russia insufficient attention has been paid to this process. In many companies there is no very concept of adaptation; there is only primitive competition and the law of survival. This is especially true for companies that emerged as former state corporations, as well as various industrial enterprises. Despite excellent foreign experience, Russian enterprises have an extremely difficult time accepting such changes. However, in recent years there have been trends towards the popularization of HR work in organizations, which means that personnel adaptation technologies will be increasingly used.

A competent adaptation policy at an enterprise allows you to reduce staff turnover, retain young people who do not have work experience in positions, improve continuity and form a personnel reserve. All this is necessary to improve work efficiency at all levels - personal, group and the organization as a whole.

In addition, onboarding management allows you to reduce the time spent training a new employee and turning him into a professional.

Adaptation is not only determined by the social side, as is most often implied. One should also remember such aspects as the body’s psychophysical reactions to changes in the external environment, mastering a new type of activity, and orientation in the spatial-geographical environment. In addition, the new employee will have to adapt to the requirements of the organization, its customs, rules and principles.

The theoretical basis for studying the adaptation process is the work of domestic authors.

The purpose of the study is to develop an adaptation program for the personnel of DC Vertical LLC.

The objectives of the study are:

reveal the concept of “adaptation” and its essence;

study types and directions of adaptation;

characterize the features of adaptation management;

identify the features of personnel management in LLC DC “Vertical”;

develop a personnel adaptation program for LLC DC "Vertical"..

The object of the study is LLC DC "Vertical", and the subject of the study is the process of personnel adaptation.

Methods used in the work: analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison.

The information base for the study is the organizational documents of the enterprise, observation materials, professional websites for specialists of personnel departments, and the website of LLC DC "Vertical"..

1. Theoretical aspects of personnel adaptation

1 Essence, concept and tasks of personnel adaptation

To fully understand the essence of adaptation, it is necessary to define the concept itself.

Adaptation is the connection of a new employee to the work process.

In a general sense, adaptation is the reaction of a subject to a change in the conditions of his life, which counteracts an actual or possible decrease in its effectiveness, and this reaction can be purposefully controlled.

And also: this is the process of learning the threads of power, the process of achieving doctrines adopted in the organization, the process of learning, realizing what is important in this organization or its divisions (Edgar Stein).

In most cases, the result of adaptation is a kind of middle ground between the poles: the new employee begins to work and fits into the team as a whole, but he does not work with the full dedication expected upon hiring; he makes both friends and enemies among his colleagues, yes and in business communications crashes happen.

Adaptation has two sides:

A set of internal psychological processes within which a person unaccustoms to his previous work and gets used to a new one, complete adaptation (assimilation) to the environment, identification of personal interests and goals with general ones (identification).

A set of organizational activities that take place under the control of the personnel service and make it easier for a new employee to master new job functions, knowledge and skills, assimilate rules and standards of behavior, and adapt to working conditions and the social environment.

There are four types of adaptation:

Psychophysiological - a person’s adaptation to unusual conditions, work and rest regimes at the place of work.

Psychophysiological adaptation does not present any particular difficulties. It proceeds quickly and largely depends on a person’s health, his natural reactions, as well as on the characteristics of these conditions themselves. However, most accidents occur in the first days of work precisely due to lack of work.

Socio-psychological - joining the work team, mastering the values ​​of corporate culture.

It can be associated with considerable difficulties (deceived expectations of quick success due to underestimation of obstacles; overestimation of the importance of theoretical knowledge and instructions and underestimation of the importance of live human communication, practical experience, etc.).

Social and organizational - the employee’s adaptation to new conditions, including administrative, legal, socio-economic, and managerial aspects.

Professional - the employee’s active mastery of operations, movements in accordance with job responsibilities, technological process, and labor standards.

A person’s ability to adapt is determined by the ability to foresee the main negative factors that he may encounter and the ability to quickly respond to them.

It is customary to distinguish between primary adaptation (for people without work experience) and secondary adaptation (for experienced workers), which usually proceeds faster and does not require special assistance from the manager.

Adaptation classification:

According to the subject-object relationship:

active - when an individual seeks to influence the environment in order to change it (including those norms, values, forms of interaction and activity that he must master);

passive - when he does not strive for such influence and change.

By impact on the employee:

progressive - has a beneficial effect on the employee;

regressive - passive adaptation to an environment with negative content (for example, with low work discipline).

By level:



Two more types of adaptation can also be distinguished:

employee adaptation to a new position;

employee adaptation to demotion.

By directions:



The last classification criterion is decisive for a broader subclassification. It can be most clearly presented in the form of a diagram (Appendix B).

The adaptation process can be divided into four stages.

Stage 1. Assessing the beginner’s level of preparedness is necessary to develop the most effective program adaptation. If an employee has not only special training, but also experience working in similar departments of other companies, his adaptation period will be minimal. However, it should be remembered that even in these cases, the organization may have unusual options for solving problems already known to it.

Finding yourself in new organization, a newcomer finds himself in a situation that is unfamiliar to him, since he is not yet familiar with the structure, external environment and personnel of the new place of work. In this case, adaptation involves familiarization with the organization’s production, as well as the inclusion of a newcomer in communication networks, familiarity with the personnel and norms of behavior inherent in a given enterprise.

Stage 3. Effective adaptation.

The essence of this stage is the newcomer’s adaptation to his status and is determined by his entry into interpersonal relationships with colleagues. At this stage, it is important to give the newcomer the opportunity to take an active part in the affairs of the organization, applying the knowledge acquired about the enterprise. It is important for staff to provide support to the newcomer and evaluate performance at this stage.

Stage 4. Operation.

Functioning is the last stage in the adaptation process; it is characterized by gradual overcoming of problems and the beginning of a period of stable work. In the case of an uncontrolled adaptation process, this stage occurs after a year of work. But if the adaptation process is regulated, then the transition to this stage can be reduced to 2-3 months. What will be beneficial both to the enterprise and to the employee himself.

The success of adaptation is due to:

high initial level of experience, knowledge and skills;

interest in the organization and new work, the presence of perspective;

possessing the necessary volitional and psychological qualities (persistence, composure, patience, etc.);

timely help from others, especially the manager;

the ability to anticipate difficulties and respond to unexpected situations in a timely manner, etc.

Signs of successful adaptation are:

mastering the necessary professional knowledge and skills;

the emergence of interest in the organization and work, which begins to play an increasingly significant role in life, and a feeling of connection with the profession, satisfaction;

strict compliance with labor discipline requirements;

desire for improvement;

good relationships in the team, a sense of psychological comfort.

At the same time, adaptation is associated with considerable difficulties:

prejudice and negative attitude at first from others (especially the manager);

the need to perform new duties, often in unusual conditions (in the absence of the necessary experience and skills and the unsuitability of many previous ones), therefore significant exposure to stress;

discrepancy between ideas and reality (dissatisfaction with the organization’s capabilities, disappointed expectations, etc.);

indifferent attitude of the new team;

the difficulty of breaking old ties and getting used to new norms.

Adaptation of a person to a position and organization involves:

achieving performance indicators as quickly as possible;

getting used to the team, the company, its informal structure;

mastering the basic requirements of corporate culture and rules of conduct;

reducing the company's start-up costs;

reducing the anxiety and uncertainty experienced by the newcomer;

reducing staff turnover;

saving time for your immediate supervisor and colleagues;

developing a positive attitude towards responsibilities in a new employee, helping him develop real expectations and job satisfaction.

The tasks of a unit or specialist in adaptation management in the field of organizing the technology of this process are to organize: seminars, courses on various adaptation issues; conducting individual conversations between a manager, mentor and employee; intensive short-term courses for new managers; special training courses for mentors; using the method of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks performed by a beginner; carrying out one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team; preparing replacements during personnel rotation; holding special events in the team role playing games to unite employees.

The principal goals of adaptation can be summarized as follows:

reduction of start-up costs, since the new employee does not know his job well workplace, it works less efficiently and requires additional costs; reducing the level of concern and uncertainty among new employees;

reduction in turnover work force, since if newcomers feel uncomfortable in their new job and unnecessary, they may react to this by quitting;

saving time for the manager and employees, since the work carried out according to the program helps save the time of each of them;

development of a positive attitude towards work and job satisfaction.

The mechanism for managing the adaptation process provides for solving three major problems:

Structural consolidation of adaptation management functions in the organization's management system.

Organization of technology for the adaptation process.

Organization of information support for the adaptation process.

In addition to adapting a person to work, today the opposite is also necessary - adapting work to a person, which presupposes:

organization of workplaces in accordance with ergonomic requirements;

flexible regulation of the rhythm and duration of working hours in accordance with individual characteristics of people;

building the structure of the organization (division), distribution labor functions and specific tasks, based on the personal abilities of employees;

individualization of the incentive system.

Thus, adaptation is a rather long and labor-intensive process of bringing a new person and organization closer together. The main results of this process are cost reduction (lower adaptation costs than searching for new employees), reduction in staff turnover (which is expressed in the rapid discovery of common interests between the organization and the employee) and time savings.

1.2 Management of personnel adaptation in the organization

Managing the adaptation process is an active influence on the factors that predetermine its progress, timing, reduction of adverse consequences, etc.

To develop measures that positively influence adaptation, it is necessary to know the subjective characteristics of the worker, as well as factors of the working environment and their influence on the adaptation process.

It is important to take into account the capabilities of the enterprise and the limitations in changing the worker’s skills, as well as the differences between the new and previous places of work, and the characteristics of the profession, because they can become a barrier to the implementation of an effective adaptation policy. and will also help reduce financial costs and allow the company to develop the necessary qualities and characteristics in the employee.

The tasks of a unit or adaptation management specialist in the field of organizing the technology of the adaptation process, according to Kibanov, are:

organization of seminars and courses on various adaptation issues;

conducting individual conversations between a manager and mentor and a new employee;

intensive short-term courses for new managers;

special training courses for mentors;

using the method of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks performed by a beginner;

carrying out one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

preparation of replacements during personnel rotation;

Conducting special role-playing games in the team to unite employees.

Specific tasks of such management:

accelerating the achievement of acceptable performance indicators;

facilitating entry into the team;

reducing feelings of anxiety and self-doubt;

reducing staff turnover;

saving the time of others on help and advice;

increased job satisfaction;

achievement resulting from overall cost savings.

At domestic enterprises, adaptation issues are dealt with by individual employees from different departments. These are HR inspectors, line managers or work colleagues. Their main goal is to make the process of adaptation and adaptation of young workers to the enterprise as short and painless as possible. Carrying out the processes of both primary and secondary adaptation does not differ in any significant features, i.e. All events are similar to each other and look like this. The adaptation process directly begins in the HR department during admission and employment. The HR department inspector holds a short conversation in which he introduces in general terms the enterprise, department or workshop where the newcomer will work. Then he escorts the new employee to his workplace and introduces him to his immediate supervisor. And he, in turn, gets acquainted with the team, with work colleagues, with the workplace. At his discretion, the manager can assign a mentor from among more experienced and senior employees to the newcomer. As a rule, for another month, the manager holds periodic conversations with the new employee, asking about the difficulties that he faces, his successes, and gives a systematic assessment of the work. The HR department does not monitor the progress of the adaptation process. Some organizations issue special brochures describing a particular type of production, workplace, profession or position.

The number and requirements for employees are described in the staffing table. When hiring, an employment contract is filled out. The average annual number of employees is 14 people.

To achieve these goals in organizations, it is advisable to have specialists in existing personnel management units or an independent unit for managing personnel adaptation. Line managers are directly involved in the adaptation process.

The functions of this unit should be focused on employees who need help with career guidance and reorientation. A special training and education course is organized for new employees, designed to quickly and efficiently adapt them to the style and methods of work in the organization or department.

When considering adaptation methods, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between natural, or uncontrolled, adaptation and controlled adaptation, which takes place under control. In the first case, methods are used under the general name “how to fit into new team And new job" In the second case, professional methods are used.

The adaptation process is organized as follows:

Initial conversation with the HR manager. Adaptation must begin before conclusion employment contract: a person has the right to know where he is going to work. He needs to be told about the goals and values ​​of the organization, culture and traditions, job responsibilities and motivation system, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of his work.

Preparing the team for the arrival of a new employee. Explain to the staff the purpose of the vacancy and why preference was given to this particular candidate.

Getting to know management, colleagues and the company as a whole. It’s okay if the first day is not a working day in the full sense of the word: let it be an introductory one.

Informing about the nuances of work using the booklet “First steps in the company.” It can contain all the information that a newcomer may need: the mission and history of the company, the goods produced or services provided, internal regulations and rules, culture and traditions, a dictionary of specific terms.

Setting goals and objectives for the probationary period. A clear definition of the functions and tasks of the employee for the probationary period, reporting forms, criteria for assessing the success of the work and the amount of monetary compensation.

Appointment of a mentor. When choosing a mentor, it is important to take into account his personal characteristics, attitude to the organization and to work. It is he who will convey to the newcomer his perception of the company and work in it.

Conducting adaptation training. It is organized with the purpose of introducing a group of newcomers to each other, providing mutual support, answering questions and receiving feedback. .

3 Planning and development of an adaptation program

The adaptation program is a set of specific actions that need to be performed by the employee responsible for adaptation. In various textbooks there are different synonyms for adaptation programs - they are also called orientation programs or simply orientation.

When working to adapt new employees, the HR manager must use a specially designed program.

The adaptation program is divided into general and specialized. The overall adaptation program concerns the entire organization and addresses the following issues:

General introduction to the organization: welcome speech; development trends, goals, priorities, problems of the enterprise; traditions; norms; products and their consumers; activities; organization; structure; communications; information about senior management, internal relations.

Remuneration in the organization.

Additional benefits, types of insurance, severance pay; sickness benefits, family illnesses, maternity benefits; pension amount; on-the-job training opportunities.

Occupational health and safety: precautions; fire safety and control regulations; rules of conduct in case of accidents; healthcare and places of first aid.

Relations between workers and trade unions; terms and conditions of employment; assignment, movement, promotion; employee rights and obligations; implementation of trade union decisions; discipline and penalties.

Household service: food; rest rooms; other household services.

After implementation general program adaptation a specialized adaptation program is carried out. It covers issues related specifically to a department or workplace. This program is typically delivered by line managers or mentors.

This program includes the following:

Functions of the unit: goals and priorities; organization, structure and functions; relationships with other departments.

Duties and responsibilities; a detailed description of the current work and expected results; an explanation of why this particular work is important, how it relates to other types of work in the department and in the enterprise as a whole; working hours and schedule; requirements for the quality of work performed.

Rules and regulations: rules specific only to a given type of work or a given unit; safety regulations; relations with employees of other departments; nutrition; smoking in the workplace; personal telephone conversations during working hours.

Inspection of the unit: location of the fire alarm button, entrances and exits; smoking areas; first aid places.

Presentation to department employees.

This program can be used for both primary and secondary adaptation.

The manager’s assessment of the newcomer’s work in the first period is the feedback mechanism that will allow the employee to begin the process of “taking inventory” of corporate values. It is very important that the manager explains to the new employee the rules of work, job evaluation schemes, the procedure for intra-organizational communication, the principles of work organization and other parameters that are important so that the new person does not feel uncomfortable due to their violation. It is advisable to interview the new hire during the first week and after one month of work. Analyze the problems that arose. Offer several options for resolving difficult situations faced by a new employee, which would help him understand the specifics of his organization.

Since the adaptation of young workers who do not yet have professional experience differs in that it consists not only in assimilation of information about the organization, but also in learning the work itself, the adaptation program must necessarily include training. Older employees have special adaptation needs. They also need training and their needs are somewhat similar to those of younger workers, but they often find it more difficult to fit into the team.

The manager ensures the development of adaptation programs, monitoring their implementation, organizing the preparation of necessary documents, and assessing the results of passing probationary period.

The HR manager introduces the newcomer to the company; together with his immediate superior, draws up a plan for personal and professional development, together with the supervisor provides feedback, informing the employee of the dynamics and direction of his real and preferred changes. The personnel officer also provides psychological support to the employee in the process of mastering professional skills, promotes smooth integration into the team, and coordination of personal values ​​and principles with the norms of corporate culture.

A curator (mentor) helps a newcomer master technologies, understand the specifics and dynamics of business processes in his field professional activity.

The training manager organizes both a general development system for employees recently working in the company, and an individual program aimed at developing personal and professional qualities and skills (the need for which is determined for each person by his supervisor or immediate supervisor).

Possible mistakes in organizing personnel adaptation:

Excessively large amount of information in the first days at work.

Lack of information booklets and leaflets.

Neglect of written documentation of the processes of the adaptation period and probationary period.

Overloading mentors, distracting them from their main work.

Lack of control over the adaptation process by the personnel service.

Thus, throughout the entire onboarding process, special attention should be paid to the role of each individual employee. This is necessary in order to avoid the emergence of hidden conflicts in time through constant monitoring.

Also an important factor is the correct assessment of the adaptation results. Despite the subjectivity in making decisions, the assessment allows you to correlate the effort and time spent with the result.

2. Analysis of personnel adaptation at LLC DC "VERTICAL"

2.1 Organizational and personnel characteristics of LLC DC "Vertical"

Limited Liability Company DC "Vertical" is created and operates in accordance with the Civil Code Russian Federation And Federal law Russian Federation “On limited liability companies”. The company has been operating in the sun protection systems market for more than 11 years, having a stable position in its consumer niche. The organization is the official representative of the Amigo group company. The location of the company is Orenburg, st. Energetikov, 7e. Director - Nizov Rem Yurievich.

The company's main activity is the production of sun protection systems and wholesale trade materials, components and equipment for the production of blinds various types and configurations. An innovative approach to developing the range and promoting products allows the company and its partners to firmly maintain a leading position in the Orenburg market.

The company produces sun protection systems: awnings, systems for winter gardens, vertical blinds, horizontal blinds, pleated blinds, roller blinds, panel blinds, Roman cornices, wicker wood, wooden blinds, vertical and horizontal blinds.

The organization operates on the basis of a certificate and license. Constituent documents of the company are the memorandum of association and the articles of association.

The goals of the Company's activities are to expand the market for goods and services and generate profit.

DC "Vertical" provides services for the sale and installation of sun protection systems. The main area of ​​work is the production of blinds. The company produces various types of blinds, including horizontal, vertical, roller and multi-linear.

External and internal systems are produced.

Internal systems:

horizontal blinds:






vertical blinds:





External systems:

protective roller shutters

sun screens

horizontal blinds.

Preliminary measurements and installation of the product are also carried out.

LLC DC "Vertical" occupies one of the leading positions in the sun protection systems market, being the official representative of the Moscow company Amigo group, actively interacting with other companies and dealers. The company strives to expand production and increase the number of manufactured products. The production of textile products is carried out in the light of the latest fashion trends. The company is working to increase the attractiveness of the company by improving the quality of service. A professional, close-knit team has been created that has common interests in business.

Now LLC DC "Vertical" is faced with the task of increasing production capacity, for this purpose, the premises are being reorganized to open a new workshop. This will help the company service orders faster and actively strengthen its position in the actively developing sun protection systems market.

LLC DC "Vertical" is currently a company headed by director Nizov R.Yu.

The management of the organization also includes:

general manager;

assistant general manager;

Development Manager;

Chief Accountant;

warehouse manager;

HR Specialist.

The company has a workshop, a main office, and a warehouse. In the main office, work with clients, planning activities, and monitoring the work of the workshop take place. Blinds are assembled in the workshop. Components and fabrics from the warehouse arrive at the workshop. Finished products from the workshop through the office are delivered to consumers. The main office houses the accounting department and the general manager. The accounting department manages the financial affairs of the enterprise, the general manager controls the work of other departments and works with clients. The general manager has an assistant. The director oversees the work of the entire enterprise.

It should be noted that the structure of the management organization at LLC DC "Vertical" is optimal for a company with a small staff and a narrow-profile production, since the control levers are concentrated in the hands of one person, which allows you to quickly respond to changes in market conditions, to be more mobile in solving decisive issues, effectively carry out the function of control and motivation.

To ensure the activities of the Company, the authorized capital is 32,000 rubles.

The company employs 14 people. Of these, 8 have higher education, 6 have specialized secondary education. Staff turnover in the accounting and management department is low. The assembly shop has the highest turnover. Over the past six months, 7 people have changed there. Not all of them worked until the end of the probationary period. 1 person has been working in the workshop for more than a year. 1 three months, two are on probation.

The role of the HR service in DC Vertical LLC is performed by a HR specialist.

The HR specialist must:

keep records of the personnel of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical", draw up the established personnel documentation;

carry out registration of admission, transfer and dismissal of employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical" in accordance with labor legislation, regulations, instructions, orders;

create and maintain personal files of employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical", promptly make changes to them related to work activities;

study the movement of personnel and the reasons for their turnover, take part in the development of measures to eliminate them;

fill out, record and store work books, calculate work experience, issue certificates of labor activity employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical";

keep records in work books on incentives and awards for employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical";

draw up the documents necessary to assign pensions to employees of the structural unit of DC Vertical LLC, as well as to families who have lost their breadwinner;

maintain a current archive of personal files and prepare documents upon expiration of the established storage periods for submission to the archive;

draw up sick leave for employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical";

keep records of the provision of vacations to employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical", exercise control over the preparation and compliance with annual vacation schedules;

monitor the condition labor discipline in the relevant structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical" and compliance by its employees with internal labor regulations;

keep records of violations of labor discipline;

ensure the preparation of established reporting on work with personnel;

keep records of medical examinations of employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical";

enter the information of employees of the structural unit of LLC DC "Vertical" into the electronic database and keep it up to date.

The HR specialist has the right:

) report to the management of the structural unit about all identified deficiencies within their competence;

) make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description.

The HR specialist is responsible for:

) poor quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by this Job Description;

) disclosure of confidential information.

Payment for labor is made on a piece-rate basis for blind assemblers; this helps to pay an amount adequate to the effort expended and the results obtained. Payment is made at a rate of 150 rubles. for 1 sq. m. For other employees, time-based wages are paid. At the enterprise, the accounting department deals with issues of wages; the 1C:Enterprise software system is used, which allows automating accounting and tax accounting.

Table 2. Characteristics of personnel.

So, the table shows that the majority of the staff are workers under 30 years of age, most of whom have been working in the organization for less than 2 years. The ratio of workers by quality of education is approximately the same

2.2 Analysis of personnel adaptation management at LLC DC "Vertical"

adaptation staff personnel

The fundamental principles of social and personnel work of DC Vertical LLC are:

intensive nature of formation and use human resources, obtaining the highest performance from employees, ensuring the effective organization of their work and safety, and continuous improvement of their qualifications;

creating the necessary conditions for effective

professional and personal development of personnel in order to ensure their functioning at a high level in the conditions of industry reform;

practical implementation of the principles of social partnership and mutual responsibility of the parties in relations between employer representatives and employee representatives;

social development of the team

taking into account the interests of all workers in order to improve the standard of living of workers and members of their families; creation of a system of social and labor rights and guarantees that shape the consciousness of corporate affiliation and the attractiveness of society;

improving work with veterans and youth of the company

in order to ensure personnel renewal in combination with their continuity, achieving positive personnel stability, preserving traditions;

constant dynamic development of the personnel management system that meets the strategic and current goals of the Company, based on the development of progressive effective systems of personnel motivation (material and non-material), optimization and redistribution of human resources within the Company, taking into account the set goals and objectives.

In personnel policy, enterprises pay primarily attention to the professional and personal skills of employees. Depending on the type of work, workers with appropriate skills are selected. Work experience also matters. But on the other hand, the company strives to give a chance and opportunity to prove themselves to young workers without work experience.

During the interview, the specialist presents all the requirements to the new employee. Also, at this stage, the employee learns about his rights and responsibilities, studies the job description and signs the necessary documents. A probationary period of 3 months begins.

During the probationary period, work is carried out in the field. So, the manager introduces the employee to his place of work and main responsibilities. He also tells the newcomer about other departments, the location of offices, and the relationships between departments and employees. The manager gives the new employee a general idea of ​​his responsibilities and how to perform them. Next, a circle of unique mentors is determined for the employee. This cannot be called mentoring in the full sense, because... no contracts are signed, there is no liability of the parties. Mentors only help the newcomer decide on the work he has to do. This happens in the form of oral consultations, using your own examples.

The work of a new employee usually begins immediately with the execution functional responsibilities, time for detailed study they are not given.

The work process of the enterprise and each department is explained. The newcomer receives maximum support from the team. Thus, employees can help a newcomer in performing his duties.

The socio-psychological side of adaptation manifests itself in the organization mass events. For example, it is customary to celebrate employee birthdays, where all employees are invited. There are customs for collecting Money as a gift or everyone buys it themselves. This tradition of celebrating birthdays is very useful in terms of informal communication among employees.

However, the turnover rate among newcomers is quite high, especially in the production department. Few people work for more than 2-3 months, this is primarily due to unfavorable working conditions for beginners and not very high wages.

2.3 Development of a personnel adaptation program at LLC DC “Vertical”

Taking into account the peculiarities of the enterprise’s activities and the high turnover among newcomers, a special personnel adaptation program should be provided. Its goal should be to improve working conditions, as well as to adapt to the production process as quickly and efficiently as possible. Before implementing a personnel adaptation program, the HR department should brief and train department heads. It is necessary to tell them about the necessary activities, responsibilities, methods of control and evaluation.

The adaptation program should be composed of 2 subprograms, general and individual, and contain the following points:

Initial familiarization of the employee with LLC DC "Vertical". At this stage, the HR department employee should familiarize the newcomer with the activities of DC Vertical LLC in general. To do this, it is necessary to create a special booklet - a guideline, which will indicate all divisions, the history and successes of the enterprise, accepted norms and rules, code of conduct, etc. This information booklet should inspire the employee to achieve high goals.

Then follows in general outline tell the newcomer about working conditions, more specifically - about wages, bonuses, requirements, regime, management procedure, sanctions. This will allow the new employee to draw up an express plan for his future

activities in the department. These operations will take one day.

Introducing the employee to his immediate superior.

On at this stage An employee of the personnel department must introduce the newcomer to his immediate superior.

The immediate superior should conduct a personal conversation in which he should talk about the team, its traditions and customs, work standards, and relationships. You also need to tell the employee what his responsibilities are, what and where he can use it, how to look for the necessary information, and who to contact for help. It is advisable to make written recommendations for work specifically for him, provide a job description, and familiarize him with the working documentation.

This conversation should take place on the second day and become a guide for the beginner in his activities.

Introducing an employee to the team.

A good result can be achieved by preparing the team itself to hire a new employee. It is necessary to explain why the newcomer is being recruited. It is necessary to limit the range of issues that can be discussed with a newcomer in the first days. This will allow you to control the flow of negative information.

Then the immediate supervisor should introduce the newcomer to the team. It is best if this is a small “presentation”, at which the boss will tell general information about the new employee: name and age, work experience, character traits, marital status, as well as functional responsibilities in the workplace. The latter will allow you to avoid “throwing off” someone else’s responsibilities onto the newcomer.

For a beginner, this point will provide an opportunity, at the very beginning of work, to understand the team’s attitude towards him and to learn the standard reactions of team members to a new situation.


Definition of a mentor.

The functions of the mentor will be to teach the newcomer basic operations in the workplace and the specifics of his activities. Also demo on by example performing work actions. The mentor tells the newcomer about the specifics of his activities and explains the process of the department. New employee can ask any questions he is interested in related to the activities of the enterprise. At the end of the probationary period, the mentor should be given an incentive bonus and his work should be made public so that in the future mentoring will become an honorable thing for employees.

Solving organizational issues.

This item should include a tour of the organization, familiarization with other departments and their functions, organization of the workspace, introducing the newcomer to office equipment, production machines, and a computer. It is also necessary to allow the employee to arrange his personal space in accordance with his preferences.

For new employees in the production department, at this stage it is necessary to provide instructions on how to work in the assembly shop, as well as to explain in detail the entire production process, its main stages, explaining each of them in detail.

Here you should also talk about etiquette, corporate rules and standards.

Introduction to the position.

The induction should be handled by the mentor. He should tell the points again job description, methods of work, requirements, deadlines, reporting procedures.

Induction should begin on the second or third day after the newcomer’s arrival in the organization. In fact, this process can take weeks or even months.

Every day, the immediate supervisor should ask the new employee about the past day, problems, questions, comments and concerns. This will ensure the presence of stable feedback for timely elimination of errors. Such daily dialogues can be repeated throughout the first month; subsequently, their frequency can be reduced to weekly communication (until the end of the trial period).


Consolidation should begin with 3 - 4 weeks of work. At this time, the mentor moves away from the new employee, stimulating him to work independently and autonomously. The results of this work should be constantly taken into account so that in the future, after the end of the trial period, the effectiveness of adaptation can be assessed.

The mentor and immediate supervisor should also note any manifestations of socialization, activity, initiative and reactions. This data may be useful in the future for organizing work with a new employee. It is important morally and... if possible, financially reward the employee for positive actions and new ideas. This motivates the employee to participate in activities with great interest, actively absorb new information, and given that insufficient financial incentives are the main reason for high staff turnover in the production department, it will help solve this problem. Also, stimulating new ideas in an employee can help improve and rationalize the production process, because a newcomer can notice those things or aspects of the enterprise’s activities that other employees are already accustomed to and did not pay attention to.

For those new to the production department, it is important at this stage to learn their responsibilities in detail and have full knowledge of all stages of the production process.

Assessing the effectiveness of adaptation.

At this stage (after 3 months, at the end of the probationary period), a decision is made on further actions: either the employee remains in his position or he is fired.

The assessment is based on observation of the newcomer by the mentor and immediate superior, as well as the results of the subject’s work over time. Based on the identified data, the manager makes a decision.

After the first 2-3 weeks, the immediate supervisor should develop a personal development program for the employee. By this time, the new employee will have demonstrated his character traits, which should be taken into account when drawing up a development program. It may include items such as training and advanced training, a possible career path, priority areas that a newcomer could best cope with and prove themselves.

When drawing up a personnel adaptation program, you should take into account the specifics of work in commercial organization. Its main features:

Constant changes in the market. A new employee must be ready to make decisions quickly and efficiently, actively use available information, and quickly respond to changes. The employee must be prepared for highly dynamic work. All this is dictated by the specifics of the work of a commercial organization in the market in conditions of increased competition.

Constant update. The employee must be ready to receive new information, and it is important for the employee to develop the ability to adequately perceive new information, actively expand their knowledge and be able to quickly adapt to new methods of work, or work with new programs or equipment.

Professional competence, impartiality, integrity. In addition, great importance should be paid to the formation of impartiality and integrity in the employee.

Personal improvement. The desire for personal improvement of a civil servant is an indicator of his dedication and readiness to work in the company. This character trait must be cultivated in an employee from his first days of work at DC Vertical LLC. The skill will best be learned if the new employee can see personal improvement activities from his manager and mentor, as well as from his colleagues.

This program is designed to be used during a trial period, which lasts 3 months.

The costs of implementing an adaptation program consist of the following items:

Incentive bonus for the mentor.

An incentive increase to a mentor’s salary can range from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for 3 months, which depends on the mentor’s position and salary.

Rewarding a new employee for success. From 3000 to 4500 rubles for 3 months. And also 100 rubles for new ideas related to changing and rationalizing the production process.

When put into effect, the program will take about 3 weeks - the time required to draw up instructions and regulations, as well as familiarize management with the new conditions and responsibilities.

In terms of effectiveness, the program will surpass the current policy of the HR department, because contains all the necessary adaptation elements that are under constant control. This will allow you to significantly reduce the adaptation period for a new employee and, accordingly, will speed up his entry into full functioning, and will also allow you to more fully control the entire adaptation process and make changes if necessary. Moreover, this program promotes the manifestation of personal qualities, innovation and leadership.

Thus, the proposed personnel adaptation program at DC Vertical LLC may become effective way increasing the productivity of employees and their managers.


So, the adaptation of personnel in an organization is a system-forming link in the overall personnel policy. Adaptation is the adaptation of an employee to new working conditions.

There are several types of adaptation:

psychophysiological adaptation - the employee’s adaptation to the work and rest regime, work activity, etc.;

socio-psychological adaptation - the employee’s adaptation to the customs and traditions of the organization, getting to know the team;

social and organizational adaptation - adaptation of an employee to the requirements, rules, economic and legal conditions;

professional adaptation - adaptation to the content of work, job responsibilities, etc.

The adaptation process consists of several stages:

Assessing the level of employee preparedness - compliance with the requirements of the organization and position.

Orientation - familiarization with the basic elements and units of the organization.

Effective adaptation - introduction to the position and work.

Functioning is the beginning of independent performance of duties.

Participants such as the HR manager, department head, and work colleagues should be involved in the adaptation process.

The role of adaptation is to improve the performance of a new employee in the shortest possible time with the least cost to the organization. This is done through the use of various methods - trainings, presentations, mentoring, etc.

Features of the adaptation process at LLC DC "Vertical" are spontaneity, poor controllability, and insufficient control of the process. This is due to the lack of an effective adaptation program that could become universal for all departments or contain elements necessary for each department separately.

The personnel adaptation program developed and recommended for use generally characterizes the operations necessary in the adaptation process. Its use would allow new employees to more successfully “merge” into the work and the team.

The proposed program contains several new trends for LLC DC "Vertical" - for example, financial incentives for mentors and newcomers for fresh ideas.


Belyatsky N.P. Personnel management: a textbook for universities / N.P. Belyatsky. - Minsk: Modern School, 2008. - 448 p.

Vikhansky O. S. Management: Textbook / O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 2003. - 528 p.

Ivanova-Shvets L.N. Personnel management: educational and methodological complex / L.N. Ivanova-Shvets, A.A. Korsakova, S.L. Tarasova. - M.: ed. EAOI Center, 2008. - 200 p.

Kabushkin N. L. Fundamentals of management: tutorial/ N.I. Kabushkin. - 5th ed., stereotype. - Mn.: New knowledge, 200. - 323 p.

Kibanov A. Concepts of the organization’s personnel policy strategy / A. Kibanov // Personnel officer. Personnel management. - 2008. - No. 10.

Kibanov A. Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: a textbook for universities / A. Ya. Kibanov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 304 p.

Kibanov A. Ya. Personnel management of an organization: textbook. allowance / A. Ya. Kibanov, I. B. Durakova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Exam, 2005. - 416 p.

Kozlova L. A. Handbook on personnel management / L. A. Kozlova, L. E. Samuilova, D. N. Roshchin, S. V. Tarasova. - M.: Alfino, 2009. - 52 p.

Lukyanov O. How to help a newcomer enter the team and adapt to work / O. Lukyanov // Human Potential Management. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 166 - 182.

Makarova I.K. Personnel management: visual educational materials: textbook. manual / I. K. Makarova. - M.: IMPE im. A. S. Griboedova, 2006. - 98 p.

Orlovsky Yu. P. Personnel records management: practical work. allowance / Yu. P. Orlovsky, D. L. Kuznetsov, I. Ya. Belitskaya, Yu. S. Koryakina. - M.: Contract, 2008. - 396 p.

Paratnova O. Successful adaptation: criteria and pitfalls / O. Paratnova // Human Potential Management. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 198 - 203.

Platov V.Ya. Modern management technologies / V.Ya. Platov. - M.: Delo, - 2006. - 384 p.

Pugachev V.P. Personnel management: workshop / V.P. Pugachev. - M.: Aspect-Press, 2006. - 316 p.

Semenov N.I. Personnel management: a textbook for universities / N.I. Semenov. - Chelyabinsk: UrSEI ATiSO, 2006. - 120 p.

Tyshchenko A. I. Legal support of professional activities: textbook / A. I. Tyshchenko. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. - 252 p.

Udaltsova M.V. Sociology and psychology of management: textbook. manual for universities / M. V. Udaltsova, L. K. Averchenko. - Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2001. - 320 s.

Personnel management: theory and practice / ed. V. R. Vesnina. - M.: KNORUS, 2009. - 42 p.

Personnel management / ed. Bazarova T.Yu., Eremina B.L. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY, 2002. - 560 p.

Charter of Design Center Vertical LLC

Staffing of Design Center Vertical LLC

Appendix A

Staffing list of LLC DC "Vertical"

Position (profession)

Number of units



5000 rubles

Financial group


3800 rubles


Sales Manager

3800 rubles

A development manager

3800 rubles

HR Specialist

The idea is this: to write a manual, regulations for work related to the adaptation of personnel in the company. All you have to do is analyze the article, adapt it to your company, or use what you see fit.

Application area

This Regulation defines:

  • the place of the personnel adaptation process in the Company’s business process system;
  • general approaches to organizing the personnel adaptation process;
  • a unified procedure for all structural divisions of the Company for adapting a company employee to a new professional and social environment when hired or transferred to a new position;
  • composition of programs and tools aimed at effectively organizing, conducting and monitoring the employee’s process of getting used to the workplace.

General provisions

The personnel adaptation system includes a set of measures that ensure the organizational, socio-psychological and professional adaptation of the employee in new conditions, and provides an organizational chart for the effective implementation of these measures. Personnel adaptation is a mandatory procedure performed when an employee enters an organization or position, aimed at his speedy and effective adaptation to new conditions of production activity.

The objectives of personnel training are:

  • increasing employee efficiency, accelerating the process of reaching the required level of productivity;
  • reducing the number of possible errors associated with commissioning;
  • creating a positive image of the Company, reducing the stress of the first days of work;
  • reduction of staff turnover.

Key elements of the personnel habituation system

Webinar “Welcome!”

Regular online presentation providing initial familiarization of the employee with general information about the Company, with its history, products, services, structure and culture.

Induction Matrix

Developed based on generalization better experience a set of training programs and materials for a specific group of positions.

Workplace habituation program

A structured action plan that helps the employee adapt to the team, and determines what and in what sequence the employee will learn, and what duties he begins to perform first.

Mentoring system

A set of procedures for selecting from among experienced workers and appointing a mentor to provide comprehensive assistance to a newcomer who has begun work. professional development in a new position, in a new company, during the period of his training.

Goals of the mentoring system:

  • ensure the speedy adaptation of a newcomer to a new workplace and the achievement of optimal performance indicators for the position held;
  • optimize the Company’s costs for recruiting and training personnel;
  • reduce staff turnover by reducing the number of employees who left the company during and immediately after the probationary period;
  • optimize the time spent by department heads on training and assessing new employees.

HR support

A system of interaction between an HR partner and an employee, aimed at providing socio-psychological support to the employee and organizational support for the adaptation program.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the adaptation process

  • Performed at a specified frequency or within a specified time frame;
  • Procedures for monitoring the completion of internships;
  • Measurements and evaluations of the results shown by the newcomer;
  • Receiving feedback from the employee.

Current control is a periodic check of the implementation of the activities provided for in the Adaptation Program. Performed by the HR partner at least 2 times in the first month and 1 time in subsequent months of the adaptation period.

Evaluation of results - conditions and procedures that provide clear and understandable criteria for the employee and a procedure for assessing the employee’s completion of adaptation measures.

Feedback - Tools and procedures that ensure documentation of employee satisfaction with the quality of adaptation, identification and analysis of the causes of problems in the processes of personnel adaptation.

Organizational diagram of the habituation process

Head of the Human Resources Department

Implements general management concept, content of personnel adaptation processes, development and implementation standard programs adaptation and tools for monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of adaptation procedures. Appoints an HR partner to oversee personnel onboarding processes. Responsible for the implementation of the assigned tasks by the personnel adaptation system.

Head of Personnel Training and Development Department

Manages the processes of developing training materials and organizing training events corporate level as part of adaptation programs. Responsible for methodological support adaptation programs.

Employee's immediate supervisor

Manages development individual program employee adaptation and adaptation. Develops tasks for the probationary period. Evaluates the results of the employee's completion of the adaptation program. Responsible for deciding whether an employee will complete the probationary period and whether he or she is ready to independently perform official duties. If necessary, makes a decision on the employee’s early completion of the probationary period.


Appointed by the immediate supervisor of the employee being adapted from among the employees of the unit approved to perform the functions of a mentor in accordance with the “Mentoring” regulations.

The main tasks of the mentor during the adaptation period are:

  • development of a section “Practical tasks and tests” to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee during the adaptation program;
  • training the adapted employee in the regular processes provided for the position;
  • developing the ability of an adaptable employee to independently and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to him for his position;
  • transferring to the adapted employee knowledge about the traditions and rules of conduct accepted in the Company;
  • developing a positive attitude towards work in new employees;
  • monitoring the employee’s implementation of the adaptation program, professional tasks, completing internships, performing tests, studying regulations and instructions;
  • informal discussion with the employee about his relationship with the team and other professional and social aspects of his activities;
  • participation in assessing the results of an employee’s completion of the adaptation program.

The mentor is responsible for ensuring that the employee being adapted achieves the established minimum threshold of performance in completing the adaptation program. If the position of the employee being adapted requires functional subordination to another manager, the employee’s immediate supervisor agrees with the functional manager on the candidacy of a mentor for training in the functional aspects of the position. Activities in the Adaptation Program must be planned taking into account the specific subordination of the employee, with responsibility for mentoring assigned. The procedure for selecting and appointing mentors, the rights, responsibilities and motivation of the mentor are determined in accordance with the “Mentoring” regulations.

HR partner assigned to a structural unit

Develops the “Training” section of the adaptation program. Provides assistance in the preparation of training materials and organizes employee participation in general corporate adaptation events. Carries out periodic monitoring and participates in evaluating the results of the employee’s completion of the adaptation program. Receives feedback and analyzes problems. Responsible for providing the necessary socio-psychological support to the adapting employee.

Person responsible for personnel records management in a structural unit

Prepares necessary documents for hiring personnel documents. Responsible for communicating local regulations to new employees and conducting safety training.

Adaptable worker

Study training materials, participate in training events, perform tasks and tests provided for in the adaptation program. Makes efforts to fully, efficiently master the knowledge and regular processes necessary for the proper performance of job duties. Actively interacts with his mentor and HR partner of his department. Seeks to build positive professional and personal relationships with colleagues.

Organization of the adaptation process

This section describes approaches to organization, typical composition and content of the adaptation process. The frequency or timing of individual activities, the responsibilities of participants, and other details are defined in Appendix 1 “Personnel Adaptation Procedure”

Structurally, the adaptation program includes three mandatory blocks:

  • Training activities and materials provided for this position;
  • Assignments and tests to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee during training;
  • Practical tasks for the adaptation period.

Primary and secondary adaptation. There are two types of personnel adaptation procedures:

  • Initial adaptation is carried out when hiring a new employee.
  • Secondary adaptation is performed when an employee is transferred to a new position, with or without a change of profession.
  • The type of adaptation is taken into account when developing an employee adaptation program.

Duration of the adaptation program and probationary period

The adaptation program is developed for the entire period of the probationary period provided for the position of the employee being adapted. The duration of the probationary period is determined by agreement of the parties when concluding an employment contract with an employee or when transferring an employee to a new position. The test period cannot exceed:

  • six months - for positions of managers and chief accountants of organizations (branches and other separate structural divisions) and their deputies;
  • three months - for other positions.

The period of temporary disability and other periods when the person was actually absent from work due to good reasons. The probationary period may be reduced, at the request of the immediate supervisor, to a duration of at least one month, subject to full completion of training and achievement of the established minimum performance threshold. Failure by an employee to achieve the minimum performance threshold established for the adaptation program or its stage may be grounds for dismissal of the employee before the expiration of the probationary period. In this case, the company administration must notify the employee of dismissal in writing no later than three days before the date of dismissal, indicating the results of completing the adaptation program and/or other reasons that served as the basis for recognizing this employee as having failed the test. Thus, the results of assessing the employee’s completion of the adaptation program are the basis for making a decision:

  • about the newcomer’s passing the probationary period (“passed the test”)
  • about the newcomer’s early completion of the probationary period (“passed the test ahead of schedule”)
  • about the newcomer’s unsatisfactory completion of the probationary period (“failed the test”)
  • The decision is made by the immediate supervisor
  • mandatory agreement with the mentor and HR partner.

Contents of the stages when working with a beginner


  • preparing a workplace for someone new to the company;
  • creating the necessary accounts;
  • setting up access rights provided for the position;
  • workplace equipment.

Mentor assignment:

  • appointment of a mentor for the functional aspects of the position (in case of double subordination);
  • development of a “New Employee Adaptation Program” according to the form ( Applications 2);
  • preparation of a package of training and handouts;
  • Preparation practical tasks and tests;
  • development of tasks for the probationary period.

Introduction to the organization:

  • registration of hiring/transfer to a new position;
  • familiarization with local regulations, instructions;
  • initial conversation about the company, familiarization with the basics of corporate culture (only for those who have joined the company);
  • introducing a newly hired specialist to the team;
  • Participation in the “Welcome” webinar (only for those who have joined the company).

Introduction to the position:

  • Organizational learning.

Installation activities:

  • Introduction to the target management system; terms and conditions of payment wages, bonuses and compensation payments;
  • Prospects for a newcomer in this position (material, career, professional);
  • Introducing the employee to the mentor;
  • Familiarization with the work plan for the period of adaptation;
  • Signing the Training Program.


  • Working hours, working conditions at the workplace;
  • Operating procedures and rules for handling office equipment;
  • List of functional responsibilities, regular processes for the position
  • Documentation regulating the employee’s activities;
  • Place and role of the unit in the Company;
  • A story about the team, its traditions and values;
  • Methods of communication within the team;

A story about the departments related to the activities of this position (their role in solving common problems, location, nature of the team, etc.):

  • Standards of interaction between departments;
  • Rules of conduct and appearance requirements;
  • Creating / changing a personal page.

Professional education:

  • training in regular processes;
  • assortment training;
  • review of regulatory documentation;
  • software training.

Current control

Current monitoring of the adaptable employee’s performance of professional tasks, internships, and tests. Periodic monitoring of employee completion of the adaptation program.

Evaluation of results, intermediate evaluation based on the results of each month:

  • passing tests;
  • performing a practical task.

Initial assessment based on the results of the first month of the Adaptation program:

  • making a decision on the termination or continuation of the probationary period;
  • assessment based on the results of training events;
  • conclusion on the results of passing the probationary period.

Placement of original induction programs with assessment of new employees, conclusions on completion of the probationary period and recommendations in the personal file.


Filling out the adaptable feedback questionnaire for completing the adaptation period (Appendix 3), transferring the completed questionnaire to the HR partner.

Filling out the newcomer's questionnaire (Appendix 4) by those who have completed the adaptation procedure, transferring the completed questionnaire to the HR partner.

The newcomer form must be filled out twice:

  • one month after hiring a newcomer;
  • one week before the end of the 3-month period of work in the Company.

If an employee is dismissed before the end of the specified period, the questionnaire is filled out at the time of dismissal.

If an employee is dismissed during the probationary period:

  • passing an interview at the Human Resources Department;
  • completion by the resigning employee of the Questionnaire (Appendix 5);
  • Analysis of the information received in order to find out the true reasons for dismissal.


  1. Procedure for getting used to the workplace
  2. New employee adjustment program. Standard form
  3. Feedback questionnaire for completing the adaptation period
  • What goals can be achieved with the help of personnel adaptation in the organization.
  • How to implement an adaptation system that will reduce staff turnover.
  • What stages does personnel adaptation include?
  • What methods are used to adapt employees.
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of an adaptation system.

Personnel adaptation is the acquisition of new stereotypes, skills, knowledge and habits that allow an employee to perform his job duties and functions as efficiently as possible. This process often involves the adaptation of new personnel.

At the same time, we should not forget that adaptation is sometimes necessary for older employees, especially during a change in the company’s technological cycle or due to any innovations.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation

Labor adaptation of personnel in an organization involves mutual adaptation of the enterprise and the employee, which is based on the systematic inclusion of the worker in the production process when new working and rest conditions arise. This means not only professional working conditions, but also psychophysiological, socio-psychological, organizational and administrative, economic, sanitary and hygienic, household and so on.

As a rule, professional adaptation is usually considered as the process of introducing an employee to work within a profession, which involves his inclusion in the production process, assimilation of working conditions and achievement of efficiency within these conditions.

However, one should not assume that adaptation implies exclusively mastery of a specialty. In addition to all of the above, this process involves the adaptation of a new employee to already established norms of behavior in the enterprise team, the establishment of trusting relationships with the team, which will increase labor efficiency, and so on. There are certain goals and objectives for personnel adaptation.

Goals of labor adaptation of personnel

  • reduction of costs at the start of work, because until a new employee gets used to the workplace, the efficiency of his work is low and requires additional costs;
  • reducing the feeling of uncertainty among newcomers;
  • eliminating staff turnover, because if new employees feel uncomfortable for a long time, most likely they will choose to quit;
  • the opportunity to save time for both employees and managers;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards their work activities on the part of employees, satisfaction from the work process.

Tasks of a specialist in managing personnel adaptation at an enterprise

  • conducting seminars and various courses for adaptation;
  • organizing individual conversations between superiors or mentors and new employees;
  • organizing short-term and intensive courses for top managers taking up their positions for the first time;
  • organizing and conducting specialized courses aimed at training mentors;
  • using the method of gradually increasing the complexity of tasks performed by a beginner;
  • timely execution of one-time assignments in order to establish contact between the team and the new employee;
  • preparation of replacements during personnel rotation;
  • organization of collective role-playing and training games aimed at team unity.

To provide information support for adaptation processes, it is necessary to collect and evaluate the main indicators of the level of adaptation and its duration. The accumulation and processing of information is carried out as part of the business assessment of personnel. In domestic organizations, for example, there is a problem with information support adaptation process due to the need to collect standard indicators of the level and duration of adaptation.

A competent manager will be able to draw certain conclusions about the team as a whole by assessing the adaptation process. You can learn how to build a competent adaptation system at.

An example of a staff adaptation program that will reduce turnover

Editorial staff of the magazine " CEO» developed step-by-step algorithm, which will help you organize the first days of a newbie’s work as efficiently as possible.

Main types of personnel adaptation

Primary adaptation involves the introduction of a newcomer who has no experience of work and communication in the workforce. As a rule, these are young professionals and graduates of specialized universities and colleges who have returned from their mother’s maternity leave. It is these candidates who go through the adaptation period quite difficult and do not begin to work effectively so quickly.

Secondary adaptation involves the introduction of a newcomer who already has work experience and knows how to properly organize communication in a work team. Such employees endure the entry process much easier. These could be people who changed positions within one company or moved to another city for a similar job.

What is a personnel adaptation system?

Within the framework of the “personnel adaptation” direction, it is worth understanding that a person will always strive for the standard, but will not always be able to achieve it. New employees should be treated similarly. No matter how hard they try to speed up integration into the team and the work process, there will still be an adaptation period. However, it depends on the manager’s literacy how long it will take: three to four months or one or two.

Managing personnel adaptation in an organization involves the development of a specific system. It is individual for each company and includes a program of activities that complement each other favorably and contribute to employee adaptation.

The personnel adaptation process may include:

  • welcome training for new employees;
  • mentoring system;
  • adaptation program;
  • adaptation plan for various job categories;
  • employee book;
  • assessment system based on the results of adaptation measures.

The mentoring system ensures the rapid transfer of working standards, knowledge and experience from “old-timers” to “newcomers”, without interrupting the production process. These relationships are regulated by the Regulations on Mentoring.

Within the framework of such a program, goals, objectives and deadlines are identified, as well as people responsible for the adaptation of personnel. The sequence is also set certain actions aimed at achieving program goals and objectives.

Adaptation plans for various positions are formed, as a rule, for company managers and key employees. Personal adaptation plans include special events, internships and other activities that help speed up the adaptation of staff.

A personal staff adaptation plan can be developed with an accuracy of one day. The employee book as part of the personnel adaptation plan includes basic information: a history of the enterprise, a layout of departments and offices, work process rules, and so on.

As a rule, after activities aimed at adapting personnel are completed, an assessment of the results is carried out. The assessment system allows you to make an informed decision about the inclusion of an employee in the staff, about his characteristics and skills, abilities and potential.

The personnel adaptation system will help newcomers to integrate into the work process as quickly as possible, join the staff and learn to fulfill the tasks and requirements of managers.

Main stages of personnel adaptation

The main stages of personnel adaptation begin to take shape outside the company’s walls. For example, hiring a person is already the beginning of a movement towards each other between the employee and the employer. The manager tries to choose a team member based on his ideas about his professional and personal qualities. At the same time, the applicant also determines the employer, and this choice, as a rule, is based on the desire to work at this particular enterprise. As part of personnel adaptation, the following stages can be distinguished.

Stage 1.Preliminary.

This stage of personnel adaptation begins with the emergence of interest between the employer and the applicant in relation to each other. This is expressed in the search for a job on the part of the candidate and in the decision to hire a new employee with a certain set of qualities on the part of the manager.

Stage 2.Active production.

This stage includes the direct adaptation of personnel within the production process. Here, employees not only understand their new role and new set of functions, but also strive to master all the nuances of the new job.

Stage 3.Active psychological.

Social and psychological adaptation of personnel occurs, of course, in parallel with labor adaptation. However, due to the fact that the performance of basic functions within the work process is accompanied by formal control, the psychological adaptation of personnel can be significantly delayed compared to labor.

Stage 4.Stable operation.

At this stage, the employee is finally included in the work process. Professional and organizational adaptation of personnel is completed when each employee begins to recognize himself as a part of all structural divisions of the company, when each newcomer becomes one of his own. If such completion does not happen, then in the future the unfinished adaptation of personnel will become a problem at the enterprise management level.

So, the success of personnel adaptation as a whole and each stage separately directly depends on the professional and personal qualities of the employee, the general climate in the work team and the efforts of the organization’s management. In order for the entire company to operate efficiently and all production processes to run smoothly, it is necessary to have an effective personnel adaptation system.

Personnel adaptation methods

There is no single methodology for personnel adaptation. It is important to understand that everything will depend on the situation and on the input parameters of a particular organization, on the methods used by management. However, in any case, personnel adaptation should be based on the mutual interests of the employee and the employer. Also, the personnel entry system must be comprehensive and targeted.

It is customary to distinguish six adaptation methods.

1. Method of informal support.

When applying this technique, the effectiveness of personnel adaptation increases only if certain measures are taken aimed at a specific goal. This method of personnel adaptation involves guiding the employee, which entails some temporary losses.

When a personnel adaptation plan is drawn up, the HR manager must clearly calculate the time required for its implementation. At the same time, every aspect of the introduction of a new employee is taken into account within the framework of the material incentive system. And the personnel officer is obliged to introduce the newcomer to the rest of the employees and the main nuances of the work.

2. Method of conducting events.

The HR manager organizes various corporate events where the new employee gets to know the rest of the staff personally. Such adaptation facilitates relationships within the team. When some time passes after the arrival of a new employee, an after-hours trip to a restaurant or a party in honor of the organization’s birthday is usually organized. If the enterprise is very large, then a small event may be organized for certain departments. At the same time, before attending a corporate event, the manager should give the newcomer some recommendations:

  • what clothes to choose, is humor appropriate;
  • how to choose a conversation topic and start a conversation;
  • whether it is worth making toasts at a specific event.

If it is customary for the company to conduct self-presentation, then it is necessary to help the new employee in its organization. Plus, you need to give him advice on who he should talk to during the holiday.

Adaptation of a new employee to the organization’s staff can be carried out as part of an event timed to coincide with the closing of the quarter or the achievement of any indicators in a given month. It is important to remember that before a corporate event, you need to introduce the newcomer to the rest of the staff in advance. Otherwise, instead of enjoying the holiday, the new employee will only experience stress.

3. Corporate PR method.

This method involves the compilation of a specific reference book, which lists the basic rules of behavior in the work collective. Each organization compiles its own individual list, which is based on the characteristics of its activities and the established model of personnel behavior. This list may include a dress code, working hours indicating breaks, regulations for the design of the workplace, and so on.

4. Team training.

This method is not used as often as others. For example, if the staff has long been a close-knit team, then when a newcomer arrives - a professional in his field, the attitude of the rest of the employees is clearly negative. Team trainings help eliminate this tension and enable the new manager to understand the existing system of relations in the work team.

As part of team training, each employee can show dissatisfaction with the newcomer. Before such an event, it is extremely important to conduct a briefing for all participants, where you need to tell them about the rules and regulations. Ideally, the result of such training is improved interpersonal relationships among employees.

This type of event can be a business game or a case method. As a rule, it is customary to invite experienced trainers to conduct such classes.

5. Methods of organizational adaptation.

An employee who comes to work must understand what will be required of his specialty. If he can learn the basic rules and competently builds communication with the rest of the staff, then adaptation will take place quite quickly and without problems. For example, if an employee goes on a business trip, he must collect information on how to buy a ticket, where to get money and what documentation to take with him. Once the employee has already become acquainted with the rest of the staff, questions of this kind will not cause any difficulties at all.

6. Instruction in departments.

This method of personnel adaptation involves providing the newcomer with all the necessary information about the basic requirements of each department. In any department there are certain rules that all personnel must follow.

All this needs to be written down and structured so that any employee can assimilate this information. If the staff does not perceive the requirements well, then this is fraught with certain consequences - the employee will spend too much time figuring out the nuances of the work process. This is why it is very important to create a policy log so that it is simple and understandable for all staff. The staff themselves need help.

The most fundamental requirements of the organization must be conveyed to the newcomer during the first briefing, and only then can the new employee independently try to get acquainted with other work attitudes formed in one or another department of the company.

Assessing personnel adaptation in a company: 3 approaches

Personnel adaptation can be not only a process, but also a result. If we analyze personnel adaptation in terms of the first aspect, then we're talking about about the effectiveness of the company’s use of various tools to create favorable working conditions for newcomers. If we talk about the result, we can say that a well-developed adaptation system is an effective way of management and makes it possible to obtain significant results, which are divided into objective and subjective.

Objective results usually include:

  • reducing the costs of finding new personnel;
  • reduction of employees who quit during the probationary period (according to at will or due to management decision);
  • reducing the time required for the activities of one employee to influence the competitiveness of the entire organization;
  • reducing the time spent by the rest of the staff on adaptation of newcomers, which allows employees to spend more time on performing their immediate duties.

Subjective results include an improvement in the climate in the organization, a loyal attitude on the part of the newcomer to his work and a desire to stay in the company for a long time, satisfaction with his activities in general.

If the organization has a well-organized personnel adaptation system and new employees quickly become motivated for success and long-term work, then such a newcomer is an excellent resource for the enterprise from the first days and his activities immediately have a positive impact on the company’s competitiveness.

The main task of personnel services at any enterprise is to develop systems for assessing the adaptation of personnel in the organization. There are some approaches that are typical for Russian companies when analyzing the effectiveness of personnel adaptation.

Approach 1. Evaluation through satisfaction.

To assess satisfaction, two criteria are used: “job satisfaction” and “organizational satisfaction with the employee.” Thanks to a special questionnaire, you can diagnose various difficulties that arise during the work process, find out the professional interests of the employee and the pace of formation of these interests. The result of the analysis of responses to the questionnaire will be three index indicators: “job satisfaction”, “interest in work” and “satisfaction with the profession”. The integral indicator of adaptability is a certain average value of all indices.

The main limitation within this methodology is the complexity of analyzing the satisfaction indicator, since it is quite subjective. Despite this feature, the degree of job satisfaction is actively used in modern companies as part of assessing the effectiveness of personnel adaptation. Moreover, this indicator is not only very important, but practically the most important. From a traditional point of view, an employee's degree of job satisfaction is a measure of his adaptability to the company. Moreover, the higher the degree of satisfaction of needs, the higher the level of direct adaptation in the internal environment of the organization.

Approach 2. Evaluation through the development of performance indicators.

Why is personnel adaptation needed? The efficiency of the work process depends on the degree of adaptation of each employee. Based on the idea that any work process can be expedient only when it is effective, experts began to use in practice assessing the effectiveness of personnel adaptation using two types of indicators: objective and subjective. In turn, objective indicators represent an assessment of the effectiveness of work activity, and they can be divided into groups based on belonging to any of the aspects: professional (compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the workplace), socio-psychological (degree of compliance of human behavior with norms and rules organization), psychophysiological (degree of fatigue, level of overload, stress).

Subjective indicators include the employee’s assessment of his relationships with the rest of the staff, his competence, and so on.

Approach 3. Integral system for assessing the effectiveness of adaptation programs.

When using such a system, not only is the main emphasis placed on identifying criteria for the effectiveness of the adaptation process, but also an analysis of the influence of these criteria on the processes that take place within the organization is carried out. In other words, this system helps determine the dependence of the results of personnel adaptation on the company’s activities, and vice versa.

It is worth noting that subjective performance criteria are similar to satisfaction criteria. But within the framework of the second approach, the assessment of adaptation effectiveness has a dual nature (both subjective indicators and objective ones). Thanks to objective criteria, we can conclude that the result of the adaptation process is measured by quantitative indicators and is clearly interpreted, and the subjective factor in assessing the satisfaction rate is somewhat reduced.

The integrated approach helps to highlight the mechanism of interaction between the main elements of personnel management tools (in this particular case, we are talking about adaptation) and the overall efficiency of the company (including competitiveness), which is quite transparent for modern managers. The main indicator of effective personnel adaptation is a comprehensive system for assessing this adaptation.

Improving personnel adaptation: development of a standard and program

In order to improve the adaptation process, the company is developing a standard and program for personnel adaptation. In addition, the position of adaptation specialist may be introduced.

The personnel adaptation standard is a detailed step-by-step adaptation process.

The job description of a personnel adaptation specialist describes his activities and the basic requirements for him. This document is compiled in certain sections: general provisions, goals and functions, additional information, rights and obligations, responsibility.

The personnel adaptation program consists of the following stages.

Stage 1.Familiarization with the main features of production, the study of communication networks and inclusion in them, familiarity with employees and corporate communication features, with corporate ethics, standards and rules.

Stage 2.Directly acquainting the newcomer with his functions and responsibilities.

The boss introduces new employees to the history of the company, personnel policy and basic rules, including working conditions. Its main functions and tasks are explained to the beginner.

Increased adaptation of personnel occurs through small lectures, excursions, and workshops (work at individual workplaces or with certain equipment). There must be instructions on occupational health and safety.

As part of the personnel adaptation program, the main issues should be reflected.

  1. A general idea of ​​the organization (main goals, priority areas, problematic issues, traditions and standards, products and their main consumers, stages of bringing them to consumers, description of activities, company structure and information about its leaders).
  2. Company policy ( personnel policy and recruitment process, directions vocational training and promotions qualification level, rules for the use of working time, features of the protection of trade secrets and important technical documentation).
  3. Wages and remuneration mechanisms (standards and forms of payment, payments for work on weekends and holidays, overtime payment).
  4. Additional benefits (payments for length of service, insurance, benefits for various reasons, training opportunities, a cafe equipped for staff and other company services for employees).
  5. Labor protection and compliance with safety regulations (where first aid is provided, basic safety measures, warnings about industrial hazards, industrial safety rules and rules of conduct in emergency situations).
  6. The employee and his relationship with the trade union (conditions and terms of employment, duration of the probationary period, rights and responsibilities of the employee, management and evaluation of work performed, main communication channels, discipline and disciplinary action, trade union regulations and so on).
  7. Economic factors (cost of equipment and labor, damage from absences, delays and industrial accidents).

After the general orientation program has been completed, a special program can be conducted, which may contain answers to more specialized and narrow questions.

  1. Functions of the department (main goals and priorities of the department, its organizational structure and main areas of activity, relationships with other departments, and so on).
  2. Job duties and responsibilities (description in detail of the work and the results expected from the current work, an explanation of how important this work is and how it relates to other types of work throughout the enterprise, basic standards for the quality of work performed and the basis for evaluation, length of the working day and its schedule , additional expectations).
  3. Reporting that is required (assistance and its main types, how it can be requested and in what situations, relationships with local and state legal authorities).
  4. Basic procedures, rules and regulations (rules that apply only to a specific type of work, basic behavior in the event of an emergency, compliance with safety regulations and methods of reporting accidents at work, hygiene standards, problematic issues related to theft and security, relationships with employees of other departments, basic rules of behavior in the workplace, time for breaks, use of equipment and conduct telephone conversations for personal purposes, control of violations, and so on).

Stage 3.Effective adaptation.

To increase the efficiency of staff adaptation, a mentor is assigned to the new employee. This method is very effective because it makes the entry process easier for newcomers, and also serves as a motivating factor for those team members who act as curators. A mentor can be either the immediate supervisor himself or an experienced department employee. He not only helps a newcomer quickly adapt to a new team and accept corporate culture company, but first of all, it is better to master your main responsibilities within the new position. Supervisors can be stimulated with various bonuses for managing such new students (this point may be reflected in a special Regulation on mentoring).

Stage 4.Functioning.

This stage is the final stage in the personnel adaptation process. Here production and interpersonal problems are gradually overcome and the process of stable work begins.

A person who performs the functions of a personnel adaptation specialist in a company must have an excellent knowledge of its organizational structure and all labor and ethical requirements. It is also important to have information about the psychological characteristics of primary and secondary adaptation of employees.

This person must know the basics of the psychology of this process, have the ability to inspire and persuade, and have the skills to recognize hidden problematic issues in the process of personnel adaptation.

Such a specialist must be able to quickly identify and resolve any conflict situation before it leads to the development of a crisis, the result of which will be the dismissal of a newcomer or a violation of labor discipline.

Also, this person must regularly monitor the process of personnel adaptation in the company, conduct explanatory work with newcomers, provide consulting assistance and give lectures.

Examples of personnel adaptation from the practice of Russian companies

Example 1. Kaspersky Lab. This company welcomes newcomers with gifts. On the very first day of work, a new employee discovers pleasant gifts on his desk: a diary with corporate symbols, a mug, a pen and a souvenir.

Example 2. PricewaterhouseCoopers. The head of the company invites a new employee to lunch at the organization's expense.

Example 3. Philips Electronics. Staff receives notification of the arrival of a new employee by e-mail; In addition, a similar announcement is posted on information stands.

Example 4. "Radisson-Slavyanskaya". According to the tradition of this company, the first day of work for a new employee is always Thursday. It is thanks to the two working days remaining in the week that the employee learns to navigate the hotel and gets up to speed on all matters, and from Monday he directly begins to perform his main duties.

In order for a new employee to quickly and effectively become a full-fledged part of the team, it is necessary to carry out certain actions and activities. The best option becomes the creation of a personnel adaptation program in the organization. It includes the basic steps that are taken to involve the employee in the process. In this case, priority is placed not only on his work responsibilities and production standards, but also on the psychological and social aspect. This is due to the fact that integration into a team is an important, and sometimes decisive, part of development.

Features of the organization's personnel adaptation program

The adaptation program is an induction plan. It is needed to establish a unified process for adapting to new conditions in all companies. Experts say that an employee finally “acclimatizes” only after a year of work in a new place.

The most difficult period is the first three months. This period coincides exactly with the probationary period. If the project is drawn up correctly, the period of “acclimatization” of personnel at the enterprise can be reduced to six months.

Structure of the onboarding program for new employees

Onboarding new employees consists of two parts:

10 days before the end of the probationary period, the employee’s report on the work done is sent to the HR department, and the manager and supervisor also provide information with an assessment of the work and the completion of assigned tasks by the new employee.

Purpose of the adaptation program

Adaptation programs in various companies are drawn up and implemented taking into account the specifics of a particular company.

The main goal is to ensure an attentive approach to a new employee, creating the most comfortable and at the same time effective conditions for taking up a position.

A personnel adaptation program is needed so that the organization has a seamless, proven procedure for hiring employees.

The main task of adaptation is to quickly and easily introduce a newcomer to the course of business, familiarize himself with the team and job responsibilities.

An induction plan helps minimize errors, reduces initial discomfort and increases the employee’s skill level from the very first days.

Responsible persons for preparing the adaptation program

The adaptation plan for new employees is drawn up by the hiring manager together with management. Often they only draw up a plan for the onboarding of a new employee; this relates more to the individual part of the program.

The project involves:

  • Supervisor;
  • HR specialist;
  • Curator;
  • Applicant for a vacant post.

The adaptation plan at the enterprise should be applied by:

  • Head of departments;
  • Head of directions;
  • Human Resources Department;
  • CEO;
  • Curator.

Result of the adaptation program

What does the implementation of a well-planned adaptation program provide:

  • minimizing costs during the period of involvement in the work process;
  • reduction in staff turnover by 10-20%;
  • saving time for management and ordinary specialists;
  • creating a sense of job satisfaction in the newcomer;
  • basis for creating employee commitment to the organization.

Stages of developing an adaptation program

The development of a personnel adaptation program involves going through the following stages:

  1. collecting information about vacancies, qualification requirements to candidates;
  2. study of the situation, condition, prospects for the development of the labor market, work educational institutions, cooking necessary for the enterprise professional staff, offers from employment services, labor exchanges, recruitment agencies;
  3. analysis of the current adaptation system in the organization, its effectiveness; familiarization with laws and regulatory documents regulating the adaptive process (provisions on the probationary period and adaptation of employees, internal instructions on mentoring, instructions on conducting interviews); development of adaptation measures, questionnaires for interviewing, interviews, selection of tools for psychological and professional testing, determination of the duration of the program (short-term, lasting up to 1 year, up to 3 years);
  4. selection of employee categories (young professionals, qualified personnel, middle managers, top managers), program structure, direct participants in the adaptation of a particular employee;
  5. meeting a new employee, collecting information;
  6. development of criteria for assessing success adaptive program and the possibility of its correction.

To assess the correctness of the program and subsequently evaluate its effectiveness, check whether the following activities were included in it:

1. The new employee is informed about the work schedule and start date;

  1. It is necessary to check the correctness of the new employee’s personal file and registration when hiring;
  2. instructions on safety, health and safety regulations, job responsibilities were communicated and signed, internal regulations, regulatory documents;
  3. familiarization with all team members, administration, all necessary information about the enterprise is provided;
  4. Have methods been developed to prevent conflict situations?

Important!!! Before drawing up an adaptation program, you must first talk with the new employee, then carefully read the resume and look at the employee’s portfolio.

Collect information about the level of training, work experience, education, preferences in working with clients, wishes for a work schedule, working conditions, amount and form of payment, and claims for career growth.

A newcomer joins the organization. It's stressful for him. Even if he has experience in a given profession, specialty or position, “the devil is in the details”: every organization has its own nuances that can ruin life and become an insurmountable obstacle on the path of a newcomer. This is where it can help us labor adaptation personnel. Adaptation is a complex and responsible task in personnel management. Stress factors are not only nuances in the content of work activity. The environment, the characteristics of the work team, and the operating mode change. Even if the work schedule is the same as at your previous job, you may have to travel longer and get up earlier, which undoubtedly takes some getting used to.

If you do not want to create a cycle of newcomers in your organization, constantly saying goodbye to the found candidates and re-organizing the search, submitting applications to hiring managers, you should take care of a well-built system for integrating new employees into the existing structure and relationships. Adaptation is a solution, an opportunity to change a stressful situation.

Thus, main goal adaptation as a human resource management tool is to reduce the organization’s costs:

  • starting ones, when a newly minted colleague does not work at full capacity due to lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, poor knowledge of business processes, organizational structure;
  • time expenditure of the manager and employees who, due to the illiterate organization of the process or its complete absence, are forced to constantly be distracted by training and consulting a newcomer (communication must be thoughtful);
  • related to high level staff turnover.

In addition, by properly adapting an employee, you help him:

  • quickly gain confidence in your abilities;
  • start enjoying work, which increases productivity;
  • join the work team, feel like a member of the team.

And finally, the organization’s employees also receive their bonus from participating in the adaptation process:

How to organize the process

Organization of management of career guidance and personnel adaptation may be entrusted to various structural units and officials, depending on the scale of your institution (enterprise): personnel department, personnel management service, personnel department, personnel manager, personnel specialist, etc.

The process of personnel adaptation should be set out in a local regulatory act, which may be called “Regulations on personnel adaptation”, “Instructions for the introduction of new employees”, “Regulations on passing the test when hiring”, etc.

This will be the main document that assigns information about the duties and responsibilities for the various stages of the adjustment period to the officials of the organization.

It is also necessary to determine which documents will be drawn up at each stage of the process, develop their forms and approve them, providing sample documents as appendices in the local regulatory act.

Consider whether and how you will reward employees who participate in the new employee engagement process. Perhaps for HR managers this work will be included in their job responsibilities, but for employees selected as mentors, you can establish bonuses for mentoring or provide measures non-material motivation. These provisions can be included both in local normative act, and develop an independent regulation on mentoring.

Of course, all officials involved in the involvement of new employees must be familiar with these documents upon signature.

Forms and types of adaptation

Adaptation may be required by an employee in various situations and to various factors, therefore there are several types:

  • professional adaptation of personnel: knowledge, skills and abilities of a certain area of ​​work are mastered;
  • psychophysiological: the employee gets used to new stress, both physical and psychological, masters the specifics of working conditions - the level of monotony, rhythm, noise, lighting, vibration, organization of the workplace;
  • socio-psychological adaptation: the employee becomes involved in the life of the team, gets acquainted with its traditions, values, and norms;
  • organizational and administrative: the newcomer gets acquainted with the organizational structure, the interaction of his unit with other units of the organization, understands his role in production process;
  • economic: familiarization with the organization’s remuneration system, the system of material and non-material motivation, getting used to the new level of income;
  • sanitary and hygienic: the employee masters the new requirements of production discipline, gets acquainted with the internal labor regulations, gets used to preparing the workplace in new conditions, and complying with the safety and labor protection requirements established at the given enterprise.

Adaptation of personnel at an enterprise can be carried out in the most various forms. Forms of personnel adaptation:

  • educational events in the form of lectures and seminars;
  • trainings;
  • individual sessions with a mentor or coach;
  • On-the-job training under the guidance of a mentor.

Some events can take place both within the organization’s walls and outside, for example at a recreation center.

Also, engagement activities can be carried out both by the organization’s employees and with the help of invited trainers and experts.

Adaptation of personnel in an organization using an example foreign experience will allow you to apply methods such as coaching, budding, job-shedding, secondment, distance learning(online course).

Adaptation control

Adaptation is a necessary process. During the period of adaptation, the employee must be under constant supervision by officials whose responsibilities include participation in this process.

This means that stages of personnel adaptation must be applied, each of which ends with an interim assessment. That is, the employee will act according to a certain program designed for a certain period.

Each stage is documented: written assignments, progress reports, and a mentor’s assessment. This technology will help if you come to the conclusion that the employee did not pass the test and decide to fire him on this basis.

In addition, the research program for the personnel adaptation system will be based on the data reflected in these documents. With the help of analytics, you will see how successfully your system functions, where and how it can be adjusted.

Remember that there are various categories employees who need to be involved and integrated into the existing structure of the company:

  • graduates of educational institutions entering the workforce for the first time;
  • employees who already have professional experience entering your organization;
  • employees of your organization transferred to another position;
  • women returning from maternity leave;
  • disabled workers;
  • employees who have completed advanced training courses, etc.

Personnel adaptation program, sample

Special opinion

For us, the adaptation process begins with an offer, where, in addition to the position, responsibilities and salary, we write about our traditions, some rules that we have adopted (for example, that it is customary for us to address everyone as “you”, regardless of status and age), clearly set goals for the probationary period and describe the motivation system in sufficient detail.

In the process of onboarding a new employee, we want to solve three problems:

  • make a final decision whether a person is suitable for us or not;
  • bring it to good efficiency for the maximum short term;
  • “infect” a person with the company, make it clear that he is welcome here and is ready to invest in his development and comfort.

To do this, when a new employee comes to us, for the first few hours a personnel specialist takes care of him - he gives him a tour of the office, introduces him to the people he will need on his first day, and to his immediate neighbors. On the first working day the employee receives detailed plan actions with checkpoints, presentation about the company and general corporate resources. At the end of the day, the HR specialist asks him about his impressions of the first day.

On the other hand, the manager loads the new employee with tasks and carefully observes how the employee copes with them, what questions he asks, and what level of instruction he needs.

In some departments we ask colleagues to go ahead big company for lunch and take the new employee with him so that he can get to know everyone faster. This is similar to the buddy practice adopted by some Western companies.

At the end of the first week, we collect short feedback from the manager, colleagues and the employee himself and, based on the results, we adjust something in the set of tasks, if necessary. Then we provide the same kind of feedback after a month of work, and a couple of weeks before the end of the probationary period we already fully collect all the information.

For less experienced employees, we additionally provide a mentor who helps them deal with new tasks.

At the World Gym network, we try to pay sufficient attention to the employee adaptation process. After all, as you know, the employee makes the decision to continue cooperation with the company in the first weeks. Therefore, the load in the initial period is as high as possible.

We have several onboarding programs for new employees in our network. First of all, welcome training is an introductory welcome training, the purpose of which is to introduce the history of the network, brand, and key network events. That is, this is such an emotional living story about the network. Here we talk about what opportunities employees have. For example, achieve the title of “Best Employee of the Best Club of the Network” and go to international convention World Gym international in Las Vegas.

Training can be considered another important stage in adaptation. This block is quite large and long-term. We pass on to the new employee knowledge and understanding of the Club’s fitness products, work technologies, communication standards, etc.

And one more point that is important in the adaptation process. This is the mandatory presence of a mentor nearby - a person who will support and guide the newcomer in these first stages. Not everyone is comfortable with the role of a mentor, so the choice must be very balanced.