Development plan work for results. Self-development plan: creating an effective program for changing yourself. Apple example

Many of us think about self-development at a certain stage of our lives, but at the same time we don’t know at all where is the best way to start our own change. To avoid such confusion, at the very beginning of the path of personal growth, you must first of all create a self-development plan that will help you calculate your own capabilities, as well as think through the necessary strategy for achieving results.

Where to begin? Your first steps

Before you create a plan for self-development, you first need to carefully analyze your life now: all its aspects, from work to personal life. This analysis helps to identify all the “gaps” in your life, and among other things, shows what needs to be changed in the near future. After this " medical examination" - start drawing up your plan.

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There is only one piece of advice here - a self-development plan is a purely individual thing, which the individual must draw up himself without anyone’s help. This does not mean that you cannot use individual fragments, but you should not copy it completely. Don’t forget, you adapt it to yourself, taking into account all the features of your character, as well as other traits of your personality.

When creating a self-development program for yourself, first of all, do not be afraid to experiment - decide on something new. It is not necessary to radically change everything at once, but it is necessary to build a gradual change. When creating a plan for personal self-development for the year, do not forget to also pay great attention to your creative development - this will make the abstinence period much easier for you, which will begin to appear some time after changing your behavior pattern.

Don't focus on one thing - develop comprehensively - let your knowledge deepen in different areas of activity with the same progress - this way you will have a significant advantage over other people.

Ten must-haves

Any individual self-development plan should include the following tasks that will help a person in his quest to become a better person. At first glance, these rules are simple, and their implementation does not carry any semantic meaning, but nevertheless, these ten whales will help deliver your “planet” to the desired destination, making a sphere out of its pie shape.

1. Desperate situation

Remember that the most terrible, deadly enemy for any representative of humanity is himself. Your secrets, past, previously made mistakes - all this will lie on your shoulders, creating a colossal burden on yourself. Let go of everything! Throw away everything that happened before, leaving for yourself only bright memories that will bring you nothing but joy, and then plunge headlong into the abyss of any work that interests you: it doesn’t matter whether it’s a simple hobby or another hobby, the main thing is to occupy yourself with it and soon you will you will see that all the problems that previously caused you trouble are simply forgotten;

2. Always say yes!

Of course, within reason. Remember the funny film where Jim Carrey’s character chose a similar behavior strategy for himself - he only said “yes” to all requests. By pursuing such a life policy, each of us can experience a lot of new and exciting things, because any self-development plan is aimed at this. Go to another city for a picnic - yes! Take a walk in the rain rubber boots with funny ducks - yes! You will see, your life will sparkle with new, bright colors that will help you overcome your complexes along with shyness. The only thing is, always stick to what is reasonable, not allowing yourself to be drawn into dangerous games or fraud;

3. There was a minus, but now it’s a plus

The personal self-development plan includes the ability to turn any shortcomings into the most expressive positive traits. Don't be afraid to admit to yourself that you are not perfect or perfect. Ideal people do not exist - it’s a myth, but why doesn’t each of us strive for it?

If you understand that too angry– welcome to the gym, where your anger will serve as an excellent source of additional energy during exercise. Love to gossip- write a book in which you can pour out your soul without fear for your reputation. The main thing is to try to direct yourself in the right direction, becoming a self-sufficient person;

4. Pavlov's method

Absolutely any self-development plan is based on developing habits that in the future will help you not even think about this or that action. Develop habits that will help you achieve any goals, while the automaticity of their actions will help you open your mind to everything new, because you no longer have to dwell on the old;

5. Renunciation

Forget about negativity forever. If certain situations or actions cause negative emotions in you, then eradicate them, and if this is not yet within your power, then try to avoid them.

A self-development plan is the necessary therapy that will teach you to see only positive qualities in everything. It is important not to confuse this with the worldview in pink glasses- these are completely different things. A person will see the situation as it is, but at the same time, he will strive to look for positive moments or lessons in it that will be useful in his life;

6. Looking in the mirror

Imagine yourself as the person you would like to be. Let it be illusoryly ideal - it all depends on the flight of human imagination. After seeing the picture, try to start behaving like this, at least for several hours a day, gradually increasing the time. You will see how people’s attitude towards you, and your attitude towards yourself, will change. Gradually, a person himself will begin to believe in certain traits of a fictional character, bringing him closer and closer to that ideal of aspiration;

7. Imagination is your greatest weapon.

A self-development plan requires, first of all, the ability to abstract yourself from life, giving free rein to your imagination. Dream of changing yourself, strive for it - dream about how you will change, and then the result will not keep you waiting, because all your thoughts will materialize. Don’t be shy about your flight of fancy - after all, at heart, each of us remains a child who dreams of recognition, success, and praise;

8. Failures

Only a certain stage - any example of a self-development plan requires accepting your own failures as a necessary step to success. Let failures be a life lesson that will help you avoid mistakes in the future. If you are mocked, then let these barbs only strengthen you - use them as your own armor, thus you will become invulnerable to insults, as well as defeats;

9. Catch a wave

Try to tune into their thought waves while talking with other people. During a conversation, put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor, make his thoughts your own, his beliefs - thus, a person trying on the “suit” of another, you can take a lot of useful things for yourself from the personal qualities of your interlocutor;

10. Calculate your strength

Don't take on too much, don't try to take on the whole load at once. Dose the loads on yourself - increasing them gradually, giving yourself time to rest - leave a few hours for yourself when you are not striving for self-development, but simply relax. If you do not devote enough time to rest, then severe fatigue will appear, which will bring all your efforts to a complete zero.

All these rules, or rather advice, will help any person who wants to change their life to carefully consider a self-development strategy in such a way as to avoid failures or at least minimize their damage. Thus, it will be an excellent tool to achieve your desired goal.

“Make your shortcomings your name, and then no one will ever be able to offend you.”

Tyrion Lannister

What to avoid when drawing up a development plan

When drawing up a plan for personal self-development, first of all, avoid imaginary goals, those that in fact are not specifically your goal, but just a desire to please simply others. Remember, this is just your life, you can’t pause it and then just click continue or rewind. Don’t listen to the advice of others about where you want to go - each of us knows much better what he needs, unlike others.

Listen to those who respect your choices and truly believe in you and your strengths. Surround yourself only with such people, and not with lying masks instead of faces. Give up activities that do not allow you to move forward, but on the contrary, pull you back. It could be a job you don’t like, your social circle - all this will nullify any self-development plan, any of your aspirations for the better. Avoid backbiting criticism from those who sit still all the time, not moving forward. They are extra ballast, which, apart from sadness and anger, will not bring you anything new. The main goal of such individuals is to prevent someone from becoming better than them, because then they will be behind everyone else.

Self-development plan for a year - four seasons to become better

No need to write it down detailed plans development for every month and day - you must do this yourself, but now you will be offered a layout of a personal growth plan, which is based on the four seasons of the year. Winter, spring, summer and autumn - these are the main blocks into which the individual self-development plan will be divided.

Why this particular choice of timing? Everything is very simple - the rhythm of life of each person is purely individual, which means it may differ from others - simply, he may not have time to do everything in one month, but at the same time he can easily make up for lost time in another. At the same time, you need to realize that everything indicated in this article is just a template. Everyone is free to change it for themselves as it will be convenient for them. There is no need to completely copy the work, you just need to take its idea. Take your idea, attach it to this template, add more detailed steps - the perfect development plan is ready, all you need to do is just follow it, without giving up under any circumstances.

So, your plan for the coming year, thanks to which change will begin to occur, looks like this:
  • Winter– preparing yourself, searching for like-minded people to find your destiny, summing up;
  • Spring– changing and organizing personal space, both at work and at home;
  • Summer– the goal is to change yourself, to become better;
  • Autumn– it’s time to start studying, as well as self-education.

Let's now look at each block separately.


The first - winter - includes at the same time an analysis of oneself, one’s life (successes or failures), but at the same time also summing up the results in December. Don’t be confused by the fact that this quarter has been divided for a while - your main goal now is to understand yourself: your desires, ideas and fears, so that you can then find like-minded people with whom you will begin to move up the curve. Society is also necessary so that there is no feeling of loneliness, loss, which, when felt, begins to give up and the fire in the eyes goes out.


Second quarter - spring - changes in the surrounding space. A self-development plan will bring results much faster if your usual environment is changed. Do some minor redecorating or just buy new sofa cushions. It doesn’t matter what or how, but you must change not only your inner, but also the real world around you. Throw away old things (just throw them away, don’t take them to the dacha) - with this method, a person on a subconscious level lets go of all his negativity, anger - remember, everything is in your power, the main thing is just to want it.


The third period - summer - transformation of oneself. During these three months, do what you have wanted for so long - change your hair color, haircut or clothing style. Don't be afraid of drastic changes - remember that everything can always be returned to First stage. Express yourself through your clothes - wear what you want and in the style you like. Become more confident in yourself and your abilities. The only point is that in the desire to surprise everyone, do not turn into a buffoon whose goal is simply to stand out through expressiveness. Just be yourself: do not change your aspirations and desires.


The fourth period is autumn - all training begins during this period. The self-development program involves attending various seminars and trainings - where trainers share experiences that can help others overcome difficulties. By attending such training events, each of you can discover something new: different ways and tools for achieving results.

This distribution is very convenient, because as mentioned earlier, it does not contain specific instructions - just the direction in which direction is best to move now. In this case, you choose the sequence of actions yourself, the main condition is not to go beyond the time frame this stage. Everyone independently chooses how to achieve the result and in what way, without wasting extra time on allocating the main time throughout the year.


In conclusion of the article, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that there are only specific and effective methods for constructing a personal development plan - there are only tips for its preparation. You should also not be afraid that you will have failures - this is normal. It will also be normal that at first you will not cope on time. Realize that such a self-development program is not a one-time stage, but a cyclical training that must be repeated regularly if you do not want to stop developing.

Don’t expect instant results - learn to enjoy even minor successes, because if not you, then who will believe in you? Free yourself from the oppression of minor problems, various mediocrities - they are not worth your attention, as well as your nerves. No technique will bring the desired success if a person constantly loses his fortitude from failures and criticism. Think about yourself, about why you started all this. . Strive for something new, study yourself, and ultimately accept yourself for who you are - all this is the key to a successful, self-confident person who has overcome internal fears and complexes.

Thanks to the rapid development of market relations and information technologies behind last years XX century the perception of development and its role in competitive advantage companies.

Personnel development is a qualitative change that helps to unlock the personal potential of each employee and increase their ability to bring greater impact to the organization and society.

Traditionally, personnel development involved a set of measures, including professional education, advanced training and retraining of workers. Forms of development implementation include rotation, career planning, reserve.

In modern dynamic conditions of functioning of organizations, the development of employees should be carried out systematically, purposefully and continuously and be aimed at timely training of employees to solve new problems, pursuing goals determined by the needs of the organization. In addition, development should be aimed at qualitative improvement of both professional and individual characteristics of employees (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3.

The implementation of the principle of continuity involves a transition from the “education for life” approach to the “life-long learning” approach. In 2002, a report by the European Commission defined lifelong learning as “a set of deliberate activities (both formal and non-formal) undertaken by actors on a continuous basis with the aim of improving their knowledge, skills and competencies within existing institutional capabilities.”

Continuing education is a process of personality formation, which involves the creation of educational systems that are open to people of any age and generation and accompany a person throughout his life, contribute to his constant development, involve him in the continuous process of mastering knowledge, skills, habits and ways of behavior.

The development process should include the design of the desired model of behavior, which should lead to the achievement of the organization's goals, as well as coaching - influencing personnel in order to increase the effectiveness of their behavior.

Personnel development can be general And professional.

Under general development refers to the formation and improvement of qualities in the organization’s employees that are not directly related to their professional activities. Under professional development understands the process of preparing employees to perform new production functions, occupying positions, solving new problems, aimed at overcoming the discrepancy between the requirements for the employee and the qualities real person, the process of filling the components of a person’s professional experience with new content. The professional development of an organization must be considered from two perspectives: from the perspective human factor(a person as a bearer and holder of professional experience) and from the position of formation and development of the organization’s personnel potential (development job structure organization, the need of which is related to the professional experience of personnel necessary to solve the problems facing the organization).

The structure of goals and objectives for personnel development is presented in Table. 5.8.

Table 5.8

Structure of goals and objectives for personnel development




Strategic Goals




and development


Deepening and expanding one's own security and personal stability. Personal potential development

Development of human resources, development of the team as an aspect of group management

Operational and tactical objectives

Improving professional knowledge and abilities. Traditional work with staff, their training

Orientation of employees towards a professional career within the organization. Development of personal creative potential

Personnel development in accordance with organizational changes - organizational development of employees

Main areas of personnel development are the following.

  • 1. Improving the quality of human resources, i.e. developing the necessary competencies of personnel that will allow them to master new forms of work; increasing work motivation; development of communication connections, teamwork skills, etc.
  • 2. Improvement organizational culture, which includes:
    • social and professional adaptation of personnel;
    • improving the psychological climate in the team;
    • analysis and adjustment of organizational culture in accordance with the directions of change.
  • 3. Improvement personnel policy And organizational structure personnel management, including:
    • search for new forms of organizing labor processes based on the principles of reengineering, total quality control, and the creation of quality working groups;
    • improving communication processes; implementation information systems and so on.

The need for professional development is determined by identifying the gap between the actual knowledge and skills of employees and those required to solve current and future problems, i.e. by identifying between existing and future competencies. The composition of key competencies is determined through an analysis of the organization’s activities, identifying problem areas and promising areas of development.

The development needs of an employee are determined using assessment procedures (certification, within the framework of the management by objectives method), based on the results of which a development program for a new employee is drawn up. This process also takes into account factors that influence the employee’s development needs: dynamics external environment, the emergence of new models of equipment and technology, changes in the strategy and structure of the organization, the need to develop new types of activities (Fig. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4.

Thus, personnel development is focused on the development of the organization’s personnel potential, in which the leading role belongs to the individual development of employees, which includes the following Aspects.

  • 1. Career and movement.
  • 2. Development goal (expected result).
  • 3. Key areas of development:
    • workplace development;
    • special assignments, projects;
    • learning from the experiences of others;
    • receiving feedback;
    • self-study;
    • trainings and seminars.
  • 4. Assessment of development results:
    • achieving development goals;
    • implementation of training plans;
    • rotation (internship).

The personnel development strategy is determined by the organization's strategy and is defined as a model of actions aimed at creating a set of requirements for the work of personnel to achieve the following organizational goals:

  • strategic goals of development and ensuring the competitiveness of the organization are a prerequisite for planning personnel development for a strategic perspective;
  • formation of a general development strategy for the organization - allows for assessment, analysis and selection of the necessary system of influencing personnel for its successful implementation in practice;
  • organization strategy – determines the production goals and objectives facing employees, on the basis of which personnel are assessed to determine the level of qualifications, production skills, abilities and capabilities of the organization’s employees;
  • organization development strategy - establishes the dynamics of requirements for personnel in terms of their development business qualities(Table 5.9).

Table 5.9

The relationship between business strategy and the organization’s personnel development strategy

Organization strategy

Requirements and features of the personnel development strategy

Strategy for ensuring maximum quality of the company's products

Employees in key positions and the team as a whole must have the highest level of professionalism and competence, allowing them to achieve the level of quality regardless of the costs of production and technological failures.

The personnel development strategy should be focused on improving the professional skills and qualifications of employees, including the development modern systems ensuring the quality of products

Strategy for innovative growth and development industrial enterprise

It involves the introduction of the most advanced technologies, requires from employees maximum flexibility, broad professional erudition, and readiness to accept new technologies and types of equipment.

The personnel development strategy should include professional training and retraining of personnel in terms of mastering advanced technologies and work methods and acquiring skills to work with the latest equipment and technology

Technical and technological strategy for the development of an industrial enterprise

Relies on the internal scientific and technical potential of the industrial enterprise. This strategy requires employees to have initiative, creativity, and active participation in ongoing research work.

The personnel development strategy is aimed at stimulating the creative activity of personnel and encouraging the desire to participate in modernization production processes enterprises

The purpose of personnel development is to increase their intellectual potential. Personnel development includes training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, professional adaptation, assessment, career planning, formation personnel reserve and staff rotation. New forms of personnel development also include distance learning employees, trainings for management level, creation of personnel development centers.

The organization's policy in the field of personnel development is presented in Fig. 5.5.

When planning personnel development, it is necessary for each professional group workers to determine a set of skills and abilities, assess the condition of the trainee, draw up appropriate learning programs(Fig. 5.6).

Personnel development planning includes the following stages.

1. Determination of development needs based on an analysis of the development needs of the organization’s personnel by identifying discrepancies between actual professional knowledge personnel and the knowledge they need to achieve organizational goals.

Wherein sources of information about professional development needs are:

  • individual development plans;
  • requests and wishes of the employees themselves;
  • organization development strategy.

Employee development plan should include:

  • assignments for a certain period aimed at moving to the next stage of job growth;
  • professional and personal development;
  • employee training plan in educational institutions;
  • career plan.
  • 2. Formation of the organization's development budget by preliminary estimating the costs of professional development over the next year and comparing the budget with the identified needs in order to determine training priorities.
  • 3. Defining professional development goals for each development program.
  • 4. Development of programs and selection of teaching methods.
  • 5. Assessing the effectiveness of development using tests to identify new knowledge, monitoring the work of employees, and assessing the effectiveness of the training program by the employees themselves.

Rice. 5.5.

Rice. 5.6.

An assessment of the impact of personnel development programs on increasing labor productivity and product quality can be determined using the formula

E = P × A × V × K–K× Z,

where P is the duration of the impact of programs on labor productivity (years); N – number of employees studying to develop their potential, people; V– cost assessment of differences in labor productivity of the best and average workers, den. units; TO– coefficient characterizing the effectiveness of employee development (performance growth, expressed in shares); Z – employee development costs, den. units

The effectiveness of investments in personnel development is assessed using the formula

For these purposes, the method of D. Kirkpatrick and D. Phillips can also be used (Table 5.10).

Table 5.10

Assessment of training effectiveness ( according to D. Kirkpatrick and D. Phillips)

Assessment level

Result type

Methods and methods of assessment

Reaction level

Opinion of participants: liked it or not. Positive attitude, Willingness to apply acquired knowledge. Increased team cohesion

Evaluation questionnaire at the end of the training.

Surveys of training participants made by company management

Level of acquired knowledge and skills

Obtaining specific knowledge (the so-called educational result). Increasing professional motivation. Overcoming persistent thinking patterns


Design work. Cases.

Digital measurements (the results of the pre-training questionnaire are compared with the results of the post-training questionnaire)

Level of Behavior Change

Systematic application of knowledge acquired during training in the workplace

Participant observation of the work of a trained employee in the workplace.

Collection of material for certification, containing a description of examples of effective and ineffective behavior in the performance of official duties.

Conducting specialized interviews. 360 degree assessment

Changes in company results

Changes in quality indicators:

  • increased customer satisfaction;
  • fame of the company (image);
  • improvement of the psychological climate;
  • reducing staff turnover.

Changes in quantitative indicators:

  • sales volume;
  • profitability ratio;
  • profit rates, etc.

Studying customer satisfaction using a customer questionnaire. Custom research of the company's image.

Personal observations of the company's management. Tracking staff turnover percentage.

Calculation of economic indicators

Return on Investment Rate

Return on investment in training

It is necessary to calculate the following financial ratios:

Expense ratio

for training one employee;

  • expenses for training one employee;
  • income in calculation

per employee per year

It is important to note that in the conditions of the information economy and knowledge economy, self-learning organizations are formed, i.e. organizations that, in the process of their main activities, not only solve the problems facing them, but also learn through solving these problems (Table 5.11).

Table 5.11

Differences between traditional and learning organizations

Learning organization

Self-learning organization


Retraining, advanced training, official instructions

Mentoring, delegation, communities of practice, action learning


Teachers or instructors hired from outside

Initially, personnel hired from outside, and then the employees of the enterprise themselves


As necessary at the request of managers, often during non-working hours

Constantly, during work, at meetings and conferences


Mainly technical skills

Technical skills, interpersonal skills, tacit knowledge sharing


Costs for training or advanced training

Costs are minimal

The main features of a self-learning organization are learning on its own based on real information, continuity of learning and knowledge exchange and management (Table 5.12).

Table 5.12

Stages of knowledge management


1. Definition of knowledge

What knowledge is critical to success?

2. Gathering knowledge

Acquiring existing knowledge, experience, techniques and qualifications

3. Choice of knowledge

Flow of collected, organized knowledge, assessment of its usefulness

4. Knowledge storage

Selected knowledge is classified and entered into organizational memory (human, on paper, electronically)

5. Knowledge distribution

Knowledge is extracted from corporate memory and becomes available for use

6. Application of knowledge

When completing tasks, solving problems, making decisions, searching for ideas and learning

7. Knowledge Creation

Identifies new knowledge through customer observation, feedback, causal analysis, benchmarking, experience, research, experimentation, creative thinking, data mining

8. Transformation into intellectual capital

Based on intellectual capital - new products and services that can be sold outside the enterprise

The main training methods used in the organization are presented in Appendix 7.

The principles of a self-learning organization are implemented by many organizations in the form of a corporate university, which is the training division of the organization. It aims to connect the theory and practice of training to business needs. Its main goal is to provide training at the right time and most effectively to the category of personnel who need it. The Corporate University solves the following problems:

  • provides the opportunity to learn on the job, transforming acquired knowledge and skills into work experience;
  • in its work it relies on corporate culture;
  • allows for innovative developments within the organization’s business;
  • Links training to the company's business strategy.

As an example, we can consider the experience of personnel development of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - Uraltrak LLC company.

Main directions of the enterprise's personnel policy implemented as part of the annual personnel program.

  • 1. Attracting highly qualified specialists.
  • 2. Targeted training.
  • 3. Advanced training.
  • 4. Attracting young specialists.
  • 5. Creation of a council of young professionals headed by the general director.

The company employs 18,025 people, including:

  • With higher education – 2580;
  • with postgraduate studies – 16;
  • with secondary special education – 3538;
  • with average general – 9062;
  • with incomplete secondary education – 2613.

For targeted training, the company closely cooperates with specialized specialists and higher education institutions. educational institutions. In 2002, 5,046 employees improved their professional level, of which:

  • 1) 3749 workers, with a plan of 2874 people:
    • got new profession – 409;
    • received a second profession – 422;
    • upgraded their qualifications – 2918.
  • 2) 1297 managers, specialists and employees:
    • acquired computer skills – 582;
    • improved their qualifications – 715.

In order for planning training activities to bring benefits not only to employees, but also to the company that invests money in it, training must be carried out systematically, i.e. include a full cycle of work, starting from identifying training needs and ending with performance assessment (Fig. 5.7).

Rice. 5.7.

The model is placed within the external environment of the organization and within the organization's strategy and personnel development strategy. Their boundaries are indicated by a dotted line rather than a solid line. This shows that the boundaries are permeable and overlap. The inner part reflects a systematic approach to learning.

Companies often neglect to identify training needs and, even more often, to evaluate the effectiveness of the training provided, implementing only an intermediate stage: they enter into contracts with external providers, spend considerable financial resources and send employees (often without their particular interest) to trainings, seminars, etc. This approach in most cases leads to unjustified expenditure of money and time and brings the organization little closer to achieving its strategic and tactical goals.

The main result of the implementation of a full cycle of work on personnel training and development is the organization of a continuous, self-reproducing training system, which:

  • increases the interest and motivation of company employees to learn and professional growth;
  • increases employee loyalty to the company;
  • improves the psychological climate in the team;
  • improves the quality of performance by employees labor functions;
  • brings transparency to the financing of training activities.

In Fig. Figure 5.8 presents a diagram of the learning business process, according to which the learning process is implemented systematically.

The need for training is formed at different levels. In other words, it can be determined by the employee, the organization

Rice. 5.8.

tion or both together. At the same time, each of the parties solves its own particular problems (Table 5.13).

Table 5.13

Opportunities that shape learning needs

For an employee

For the immediate supervisor

For HR department

  • Find out the manager's opinion about the effectiveness of your work
  • Get recognition for your successes
  • Discuss the problems of effective work
  • Discuss professional expectations, get advice (recommendations) on work
  • Communicate your own development interests
  • Identify facts and reasons for low employee performance
  • Find out the opinions of employees about their work and the factors influencing the efficiency and motivation of their work
  • Improve team working relationships
  • Determine staff potential, identify employee development needs

Provide a consistent, organized approach

to measuring and assessing staff potential, the validity of decisions on employee promotion

  • Increase employee motivation and commitment to the organization
  • Ensure smoothness in filling vacancies
  • Identify personnel development needs taking into account the organization’s development strategy

Within the HR department, there is a department (sector) for training and personnel development, which includes the following specialists: HR manager, responsible for identifying the training needs of employees and for organizing training events, internal trainers, responsible for assessing the effectiveness of training and conducting seminars and trainings for company employees.

  • Mironov V. Kirkpatrick training assessment: the test of time, 2009. URL:

For operational management It is no longer enough to obtain information about various aspects of the enterprise’s activities, analyze and evaluate its activities and develop, on their basis, directions for improving the enterprise’s activities. The next stage is the estimated profit management of the enterprise.

Estimated profit management methodology is a comprehensive system of measures to implement the main management functions, which includes the development of general objectives and specific goals for the enterprise, the drawing up of long-term and short-term profit plans, a periodic reporting system for each responsibility center and a procedure for verifying implementation management decisions and performance results.

7. Implementation of profit plans;

At the first stage of the budget management process, factors affecting the activities of the enterprise are identified and their impact on the results of work is assessed. During the examination, internal and external factors impacts, and also divides them into controlled and uncontrollable impacts in terms of time into short-term, medium-term and long-term.

The department focuses on solving two problems:

Impact on controllable factors;

Carrying out activities under conditions of uncontrollable factors that may affect the sustainability of the enterprise.

Thus, the problem of using the potential positive impact and reducing the potential negative impact on the enterprise is solved. Management must constantly assess and analyze factors in the economic environment, and all levels of management must be involved in the process of this analysis in order to cover the most complete amount of information.

A special point of the first stage of the budget management process is an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise’s activities, for the implementation of which almost all companies abroad resort to the help of independent auditors. During this analysis, strengths and weaknesses are classified according to the principle of their belonging to long-term or short-term potential.

TO strengths The activities of the enterprise include the following:

1. Qualification (quality) composition of employees;

2. Stable financial position;

3. Properly constructed, established and coordinated work of management structures.

The main weaknesses may be:

1. Not innovative and decisive enough marketing strategy enterprises;

2. High return percentage products sold due to its poor quality;

3. Insufficient focus on long-term social problems and etc.

The development of general objectives of the enterprise, which is the second stage of the budgetary profit management system, is the responsibility of the top management level, which carries out this activity based on the results of an assessment of influencing factors and an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. In the formulation of general goals, the “purpose” of the existence of a given organization is expressed in a generalized form. This is a kind of foundation on the basis of which the enterprise develops. The formulation of the main directions of development should be long-term in nature, i.e. This means that in the future the enterprise must carry out activities in accordance with the formulated objectives.

1. One of the main goals of the development of any Russian enterprise is to maintain high level its reputation for external partners. The external position of the enterprise must be characterized by high ethical qualities, honesty in the actions of all representatives of the enterprise with clients, high quality work and services performed, a real assessment of their capabilities.

2. Constantly increase sales volumes by expanding the range of products and penetrating new markets.

3. Through the release and sale of only high-quality products, strive to increase the number regular customers and clients.

4. Ensure the desired level of profit on the capital invested by shareholders, which will ultimately contribute to the expansion and more dynamic development of the enterprise.

5. Increasing the enterprise's contribution to the solution public programs, into the system of training and retraining of personnel, the purpose of which is to improve social and economic condition working.

6. Exercising positive and dynamic management activities, the effectiveness of which ultimately determines the competitiveness and prosperity of the enterprise.

The goal of the third stage of developing a profit planning and control program is to specify the general objectives of the enterprise and move from the area general information into the realm of specific planning data. This stage of work on plans will provide both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the goals of the enterprise for the coming future.

Specific goals are developed both for the main centers of responsibility and for the enterprise as a whole, and are taken into account when developing strategic and tactical profit plans. It defines such goals as expanding or narrowing the supply of goods and services, growth trends, profit volumes, profitability levels, pricing policies, cost reduction policies, mandatory cash levels, areas of research and human resources, labor productivity levels and other information. , supported by quantitative estimates of expected results.

The enterprise strategy includes the main directions, paths and tactical methods used in activities to achieve the goals and objectives of the enterprise. The strategy can be developed for the short and long term. The purpose of developing an enterprise strategy is to further search for the best ways to achieve set goals and objectives. To illustrate possible approaches to solving this problem, we offer a strategy option for large enterprises:

1. Strengthen your position in the market by increasing the competitiveness of products. Why:

a) conduct research work in the field of developing new types of products and improving the quality characteristics of manufactured products;

b) ensure the growth of employee qualifications;

c) achieve improved quality of control over the use of equipment;

d) develop a new marketing program that carefully studies the tastes and needs of consumers.

3. Increase production efficiency by:

a) improving the quality of labor and increasing worker productivity:

Improved product quality control;

Training and retraining of personnel;

Increasing the share of mechanized and automated labor;

b) use the latest models production equipment, expansion of computer security.

5. In order to increase the overall level of profitability in accordance with the set goals, you should:

a) strengthen positions in the market;

b) improve cost control at all levels and link production costs and other costs to gross output.

Executive instructions or guidelines for the implementation of the planning process should become the basis for the involvement of all levels of management in the planning process. They provide special instructions that the head of each responsibility center receives along with certain planning information, determined on the basis of the developed goals and objectives of the enterprise, and serve as the basis for the development of short-term and long term plans activities of your department. At this phase of developing a profit planning and control program important point is a clearly established system of information interaction in a given organization. In our opinion, these executive instructions should be appended to:

1. Report on the general goals of the enterprise;

2. Specific goals and objectives;

3. Summary of the overall strategy of the enterprise;

4. Factual data both for the enterprise and for the industry as a whole;

5. Economic statistics, including economic development projects;

6. A planned calendar that strictly defines the time limits for the development of profit plans for each responsibility center, as well as distributing responsibility for working on each section of profit plans;

7. Unified forms documents that are developed by the head of the profit planning and control program and will be used by everyone structural divisions enterprises.

All the considered stages of the estimated profit management methodology have the goal of creating a basis for the development of strategic and tactical profit plans. Each responsibility center draws up its own activity plans, which are approved by the management of the enterprise and summarized in general strategic and tactical profit plans.

The next step is the process of implementing the developed and approved plans, which is preceded by the procedure for distributing copies of the plans among the persons responsible for its implementation. Complete copies of the profit plan are provided to the management of the enterprise and chief specialists, middle and lower levels of management - only individual parts and sections of the plan that directly affect their type of activity. So, for example, the head of the sales department does not receive the entire profit plan, but only part of it, which is related to the activities of this department, namely: the sales plan, cost estimates, advertising cost estimates. Thus, the profit plan, on the one hand, represents a single integrated scheme of the activities of the entire enterprise, on the other hand, it must represent a system from which any responsibility center can identify estimates that reflect the specific activities of a given unit.

After the profit plan is distributed among all levels of management at the enterprise, meetings should be held on the implementation of the plan, various problems of implementing the enterprise’s activities in accordance with the developed profit plans should be discussed, in particular, special attention should be paid to the importance of a flexible approach to the implementation of the plan and the need for constant monitoring of activities. During these meetings, the entire management apparatus is covered and the range of their responsibilities and general planning tasks are communicated to managers at various levels. This procedure is very important for strengthening the relationship between different levels of management in the organization, for the implementation of current activities and control.

As ongoing activities to implement plans become necessary, it becomes necessary to provide periodic reports. They should be prepared monthly, but if necessary, some special reports can be compiled more frequently, in real time. They should include:

a) comparison of real, actual performance results with planned ones;

b) assessment of emerging deviations.

Reports on internal and external financial results are compiled separately.

External reports are divided into:

a) reports providing statistical information about the activities of the enterprise;

b) special reports on specific problems;

c) periodic reports on the implementation of plans.

The latter reflect the process of continuous internal control for results production activities. This information, which makes it possible to coordinate the work of individual responsibility centers, is presented in the form of reports. Reports are also used as a basis for control. Control reports consist of comparative analysis factual and budgetary activities and attempts to identify deviations.

Based on formal control reports, informal information, managers evaluate the action that should be taken: adjust current operations, revise operating budgets, revise or close a program.

The technological management process includes a number of procedures that are fixed in internal regulatory documents enterprises.

Management procedures are the basis for improving information subsystems and the management system as a whole.

Typically procedures include:

The circle of employees involved in the generation of accounting data;

Responsibility of employees for the accurate reflection of data in documents and records;

The procedure for employee relations in standard situations when maintaining records in primary documents and in the event of a deviation;

Technical means of control;

Control procedure;

System of primary documents and document flow.

As an example, we can consider one of these procedures used at a Russian enterprise. This is a system for monitoring the reliability of product accounting, as part of a single technological process management.

As noted in Western literature, the main factors influencing internal control systems are:

Activities and decisions of the board of directors, audit committee and senior management;

Performance and reward criteria;

Code of Conduct and Ethics;

Internal and external audit;


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act imposes the following requirements on the internal control system:

Authority - each employee is given certain powers of action and signing authority;

Documentation - all transactions, except fictitious ones, must be reflected in documents within the specified time frame, account and amount;

Security - ensuring the safety of valuables by limiting access to them;

Reconciliation - comparison of data from mutually controlling documents;

Valuation - the amounts reflected in the documents must be reviewed periodically to confirm them.

On Russian enterprises Recently, new elements of the internal control system for our country have also begun to appear - internal audit.

The internal audit service, formed in the management system, is aimed at strengthening the internal control system. The object of this service is management accounting, which constitutes a trade secret of an enterprise in a competitive environment. The service must exercise continuous on-farm control over the implementation of internal and external regulations.

Thus, the system of internal control and the formation of internal reports on financial results is an essential point, because it allows timely identification of deviations of actual results from planned ones and taking effective measures.

The last stage of implementing the methodology for planning and controlling profits directly follows from the previous one, because based on activity reports. Here, ongoing monitoring of results should be carried out, deviations of actual results from planned indicators should be identified, the causes of deviations that arise should be studied, and solutions to correct the current situation should be developed. It should be borne in mind that in the process of developing a plan it is impossible to foresee all the random factors that affect the activities of the enterprise, therefore it is operational control and current reports on the results of activities that reflect all moments of collision with circumstances not provided for in the plan. The plan is not an instruction to which the activities of the enterprise are rigidly tied, but is a set of general goals, the process of implementation of which is characterized by flexibility. It follows that all the phases of estimated profit management discussed above are in close relationship with each other and with the entire process of the enterprise’s activities.

Tourism is specific industry economy, which includes the activities of tourism enterprises to provide a range of tourism services and sell tourism goods in order to satisfy human needs that arise during his travel (trip).

A product of tourism as an industry national economy is the right to consume a certain type of service, while the services themselves are created in other sectors of the economy.

To illustrate possible approaches to solving this problem, we offer a strategy option for large enterprises:

1. Strengthen your position in the market by increasing the competitiveness of products.

2. Strive to ensure that the majority of financial transactions are carried out using own rather than borrowed funds.

3. Increase production efficiency.

4. Increase the competence of management personnel, for which a plan should be developed to improve the qualifications and quality of specialists.

5. In order to improve the overall level of profitability in accordance with the set goals.

The method of budgeted profit management is a systematic approach to planning, carried out at all stages of the organization’s activities, consisting of the following sequential stages:

1. Assessment of the main factors affecting the activities of the enterprise;

2. Determination of general goals and directions of development of the enterprise;

3. Development of specific goals and objectives of the activity;

4. Development of enterprise strategy;

5. Drawing up executive management instructions;

6. Development of strategic and tactical profit plans;

7. Implementation of profit plans;

8. Drawing up performance reports;

9. Review of performance results.

Personnel are the only resource for achieving the company's success. For this reason, the wisest choice for managers would be to invest in its development. Following this principle, many prefer one-time and loud trainings, but one-time training gives a one-time effect. Therefore, all famous companies, be it Apple or Samsung, choose system development personnel, working out development programs for the years ahead. They know for sure that an enterprise that knows how to train the specialists it needs, who fully meet the requirements, will be difficult to break.

In this article we will talk about the pillars on which personnel development management programs are built. Having understood this information, every HR specialist or manager will be able to prepare a powerful tool for effectively working with employees.

1. Synchronization with the company strategy

You can find many beautifully written, large and detailed employee development programs. But in practice, they do not produce results if they do not take into account the business strategy. When using such programs, the result does not live up to expectations, and sometimes is simply disappointing.

Employees and even line managers often have difficulty understanding what strategic goals are defined for the company's development. That's why they, like a swan, a crayfish and a pike, pull the organization into different sides. Synchronizing the personnel development strategy and the enterprise development strategy is where laying the foundation for a successful program begins.

Therefore, the very first step is to determine (for managers) the vector of the company’s development in order to integrate the development of the team into it.

The development movement can be different, for example, in a sales company there are often strategies for:

— development of a new market;
— expansion of sales channels;
— cost optimization;
— reducing the failure rate;
— strengthening the position in the direction major transactions;
— reducing turnover or attracting new specialists;
— strengthening long-term relationships with customers;
- increase turnover or profit by a certain amount of percent;
— increasing competitiveness;
- much more.

It doesn’t matter which enterprise development strategy is key for the future, it is important to think about how a personnel development program can support it and help promote it at the right time and in the right place.

2. Choosing the direction of the personnel development program

Having understood the strategic goals of the company, you can safely determine what problems need to be solved in order to redirect staff in the right direction.
There may be a lot of options, but the main thing is that this problem is related specifically to the organization’s strategy.

Top problems that most enterprises undertake to solve:

The need to expand staff and train a personnel reserve.

When specialists have been working successfully and efficiently for some time, sooner or later they are faced with a choice: to develop in this company or to go to the labor market in search of development. In order not to lose a valuable resource, it is necessary to think through their career or linear growth. This approach has been successfully used at McDonald's for a long time. All managers grow from ordinary specialists, so they know exactly the key to success in each position, which makes it possible to make the right management decisions.

Reduced uniqueness of frames.
For each key position, it is important to develop hot replacements in order to be prepared for various turns of fate. Only in this case, the loss of managers does not greatly affect the results of the divisions entrusted to them.

Maintaining or creating a corporate culture.
Even if an enterprise has produced highly qualified specialists who achieve results and earn good money, they can run away like water running through your fingers. The reason for this is the lack of corporate culture and, as a consequence, the lack of value of what the company provides. The consequences can be disloyal and “wrong” behavior, squabbles, and fragmented thinking. As a result, no matter how much the company gives, they will constantly devalue it and demand more. It takes years to develop corporate values, standards and implement a corporate culture, but it is worth it.

Training of new employees.
This issue is especially popular when it is planned to open a new line of business or simply sales. It is also relevant for maintaining current turnover, because, one way or another, the company loses a certain percentage of employees over the course of a year. And the most painless way out of these situations will be advance training of personnel. This helps to take the time to choose a suitable specialist, have time to instill all the values ​​and train within the company.

Knowledge retention.
A company takes a big risk if it develops valuable skills and important knowledge in only one employee. If he decides to say goodbye to his employer, then the development of the direction can be started from scratch. This strategy involves a program for transferring experience, technologizing processes, rotating personnel and creating instructions so that they can be easily reproduced by other people to achieve results.

Reducing the duration of transactions.
This indicator depends on:
— Adaptation of newcomers: who likes to get their first results for months?
— Return on investment in personnel: specialists will accomplish more in less time.
— Efficiency of business processes: downtime will be eliminated.

If the program is drawn up by HR, then in order to more accurately determine the key problems, it is necessary to consult with representatives of the departments with the help of which the strategy will be implemented.

3. Identifying staff development needs

Employees working at the enterprise have different levels of knowledge, competencies, abilities and skills, and have different potential. For the program to work effectively, it is necessary to determine the level of development and potential of each employee at the current time.

This will allow:
make more winning bets on the direction of development of a particular specialist;
define more precisely;
take a more thoughtful approach to calculating the cost of investments.

Level 1. As a rule, these are newcomers to the company or old people who have received a new position. Both of them have recently begun to master their activities.

They are characterized by high motivation and the desire to act. At the same time, they do not know much about the specifics new activity, are fully aware of this and act insecurely as a result. Awareness allows you to quickly absorb and apply new information. When a person manages to achieve the first results, he gradually moves to the second level.

Level 2. Such employees can already be called average. They have first experience (both negative and positive), but do not understand how to make the result stable. As a result, the motivation of the average person tends to zero.

It is important for management to understand that during this period the employee will either understand the matter and move on, or leave the company. Therefore, it is necessary for the middle peasants to provide maximum support, indicate the right way, help to understand what actions have a positive and negative impact on the result. When the results stabilize and the specialist works without failures for 3 to 6 months, fulfilling the plans, he moves to the next level.

Level 3. Motivation returns, the employee is satisfied with his results and can exceed his plans.

He feels confident at work, knows how to achieve his goal, and has a fully structured interaction with colleagues. It is important to understand that at the third level a specialist stops developing, because he has already done the maximum possible, studied all the intricacies of the craft in order to realize himself in this position. Often at this level “star fever” appears and a feeling of comfort arises. It is quite difficult to transfer an employee further from this level, because... this will force him to again leave the resulting comfort zone. But if you don’t push your colleague to the next step, he will soon become bored with his familiar activities, he will feel like an unrecognized genius and will begin to think about leaving.

Level 4. Stage of transition to a leadership position.

A specialist can be entrusted with managing a small project, transferred to another position (in case of linear growth) or made a mentor so that he can pass on his skills. Whatever direction of development is chosen next, this will be a new role for the employee and he will again return to the first level, starting to comprehend all the intricacies and hit the bumps.

Each employee goes through development levels step by step, and if he stays too long at any of the levels, then:

— HE is ineffective and it’s time to fire him for failure to fulfill goals and plans (in the event that he cannot stabilize the result or simply understand the specifics of the activity);
- YOU did not promptly push for further development, he got bored and is ready to quit (in the event that all indicators are achieved, but the specialist is still deprived of the opportunity to move and develop further).

In order to effectively organize development work, it is important to take these levels into account, because At each of them, a specialist needs different approaches to training, control, detailing, motivation, or, simply, management.

Development cannot be managed if you do not monitor indicators and set benchmarks. When a company has about 100 people, it’s already difficult to keep track of everyone.

To address this issue, many companies successfully use a skills matrix. It can be maintained individually for each employee or general across departments.

The matrix shows:
what skills and abilities are required to function in the position,
what level of mastery of these skills do employees currently have?

In order for it to help draw up an employee development plan, you need to:

1. Prepare a table in which you indicate department employees vertically and horizontally.

The list of competencies can be taken from job description, but then be sure to check it with the head of the department so that he can cross out unimportant details and highlight the key success factors.

2. Ask employees to evaluate themselves using this matrix. You can choose a simplified model and mark the existing skills with an “X” and the missing ones with a “0”. An improved model that reflects the level of mastery of a particular skill will be more visual.
For example, 0 – no knowledge, and 3 – the employee can teach his colleagues this skill.

3. The manager conducts an assessment of the skills of all employees of the department so that he can correct the real picture of what is happening and be able to draw conclusions for himself about the self-esteem of his subordinates.

4. Draw up an individual development plan and plan training based on this matrix. To do this, it is necessary to prioritize what is important to teach first, then unite people into groups: who needs specific knowledge and who knows it enough to teach it.

5. Constantly update the matrix by periodically monitoring knowledge.

4. Drawing up an enterprise curriculum

Personnel development plan for the enterprise must be holistic, all activities are planned and interconnected.

Understanding what layer of tasks needs to be solved individually by employees to implement the strategy of business owners, it remains to formulate a plan based on it. To do this, it is necessary to plan the sequence and frequency of training for the formed groups of employees, decide on the form and lecturers.

Motivation to learn
A training plan alone is not enough to achieve management's goals. To work effectively according to this plan, employees must be motivated to develop. The very fact of training is attractive to few people; the most important incentive is what the training will provide, how it will help in achieving the employee’s personal goal.

After all, what will people fight for without sparing themselves? Only for what they themselves passionately want. It remains to understand what people want in order to link a development program to this.

Development meetings
The most effective tool for employee growth and development is the systematic holding of individual development meetings. At such meetings, they analyze the goals that he would like to achieve within the enterprise (professional or career growth, increased earnings, etc.), jointly analyze the skills matrix and development plan, explaining how following these plans will help to quickly reach the goal.

For example, a seller wants to purchase his own home in order to become self-sufficient. At the meeting, you assess what is needed to achieve this goal:
1. Have a down payment.
2. Maintain a certain level of income for the bank to approve the mortgage.
3. Make reserves of funds to complete the transaction and meet the needs of primary improvement.

As a result of the analysis, you have the amount to be earned in a year and the level of monthly income to be achieved. All you have to do is determine what the employee currently lacks to achieve this goal. Let's say this seller needs to increase the number of monthly sales. The next step is an assessment using the skills matrix: what failures prevent the implementation of this plan. Next, the manager needs to present an individual development plan. Thus, the specialist will be seriously excited about this plan and will work on it with maximum efficiency.

The same is important to do with ambitious careerists. In any case, the enterprise needs a personnel reserve of managers, not to mention the opening of new lines of business, for which high-quality management is also important. By reviewing the matrix with a careerist and identifying what he lacks for further growth in his position, you can easily provide stable motivation and prepare a potential manager.

To develop the potential of people in an organization, it is important to make personnel career planning as transparent as possible. Having a holistic picture of their growth prospects, employees behave more responsibly and effectively, striving to meet the criteria known in advance and understanding that they are ready to invest in them.

Development meetings should be held periodically to keep staff motivated. At repeated meetings, the manager and subordinate discuss how far they have progressed in the planned plan, discuss what needs to be emphasized and determine further short-term goals. It is important to include such meetings in the personnel development management program and monitor the frequency of their holding.

5. Analysis of the effectiveness of the development program

How to evaluate how much the chosen development program has brought the company closer to target indicators? To do this, it is important to consider a system for assessing the effectiveness of the program.

6. Organization of mentoring work

Using the skills matrix, identify employees who have the necessary knowledge and experience.
Analyze the potential and individual goals each potential mentor from the resulting list. Perhaps some of them do not want to develop towards management at all; such people will have to be eliminated from the candidates.
Estimate necessary preparation for mentoring work: describe the tasks, choose forms of work (for example, conversations, seminars or on-the-job training).
Prepare a list of employees who need mentoring (a skills analysis matrix will also help with this).
Compose overall plan work of mentors (indicate the mentees, the mentors themselves, forms of training, terms, curators).
Create an individual work plan for mentors, specify in it the employees assigned to them and the types of work with them, as well as the deadlines for implementation.
Assess the appropriateness of the previously chosen (in point 5) method of assessing performance for this group of specialists, and adjust it if necessary.

7. Studying the provision of personnel reserve

To ensure that there are no disruptions to the implementation of the strategy during the year, it is necessary to think through the issue of personnel reserve in detail. To do this you have to go through the following steps:

Step 1. Create a list of positions that require a personnel reserve. At this step, the “places” of the highest staff turnover or the most “short-lived” positions are assessed. For example, in sales companies these are often specialists in making appointments for salespeople.

Step 2. Analyze the need for newcomers for new divisions, as well as for the expansion of existing departments.

Step 3. Create a list of candidates for the reserve from current employees of the company. For example, someone has long wanted linear growth or is simply bored, but has big potential; or perhaps someone is underperforming but is suspected to flourish in another position.

Step 4. Determine the list of competencies for the position for which reserve is required.

Step 5. Prepare a training program for the talent pool group and add it to the overall development plan of the company.

The plan for a personnel development management program in an organization will be complete if all 7 listed components are taken into account.

Thanks to well-thought-out development plans, all knowledge, skills and experience will always remain within the company.

This will ensure stable operations and minimize risks. Such companies are becoming more competitive in the labor market, because one of the key criteria for evaluating applicants is the opportunity for career or professional growth. If we talk about competitiveness in the market professional activity enterprises, then personnel development also plays a key role here.

Simply put, business ideas can be stolen, but creating a well-coordinated professional team will take years.

The main wealth of the company is “ human resources" A manager who is able to think in the long term understands that investments in personnel development are profitable. Investing wisely in employee training means ultimately getting a well-coordinated, motivated, competent team that will bring profit to the company.

In this article we will talk about the development of strategy and methods of personnel development, we will help you choose effective tools training.

Personnel training and development strategy

Training measures are aimed at creating a professional team dedicated to the company and increasing the productivity of each employee. This helps solve the problem of personnel turnover and save on training new employees. Labor productivity increases and along with it the company's profit.

Development is also beneficial for employees. It helps them:

  • identify your hidden professional capabilities;
  • make a good career;
  • quickly adapt to new business conditions, changing technologies and tools.

Personnel development in an organization is not a one-time event, but a constant “upgrading” of the business and personal qualities of employees. As part of this work, HR managers perform a set of actions. Let's briefly talk about the main ones.

Development of a personnel development strategy

At the strategy development stage, the manager must determine what results he wants to achieve from employees, what professional and personal qualities need to be developed.

On a note
The personnel development strategy can be situational and systemic. In the first case, it is tied to a specific business task (for example, increasing sales). This strategy is usually implemented through external training. With the systemic option, continuous training and development takes place within the company. Thanks to this strategy, employees improve a full range of skills and apply them in practice without interruption from work.

Personnel requirement planning

To calculate how many employees a company needs, HR specialists have to analyze a colossal amount of data: company plans, personnel training costs and wages, the level of “turnover”, the state of affairs in all departments (for example, shortage or excess of personnel), etc. Determining the need for the quantity and quality of personnel is a complex mathematical problem. It is solved in different ways, in particular, by attracting experts and using computer models.

Professional education

Specialists capable of moving a company forward do not come “out of nowhere”: they need to be created. Identifying promising personnel, selecting suitable training methods, investing in personnel development programs are the tasks of management and the HR department.

But investing in learning bears fruit only when the process is structured competently, step by step. You can pay a famous business coach for knowledge that will never be applied in practice - and all because, for example, the training did not meet the current tasks of the company and the needs of employees.

Professional training is implemented in several stages:

  1. Identifying staff training needs. It is necessary to determine the level of training of each employee and decide what skills he should develop and what results this will bring.
  2. Motivation. All efforts will be in vain if the employee does not want to learn. Conversely, when there is an incentive, the learning result is better. Motivation is increased by awareness of the practical benefits of development. When an employee is convinced that “upgrading” his professional skills will help him become more successful, he does not need coercion.
  3. Defining a learning approach. It can be internal (only the company’s forces are involved) and external (it involves outside organization). The choice depends on the goals. Thus, product specific training is often carried out within the company, and employees receive multidisciplinary training in training centers.
  4. Selection of methods and activities. They are varied: trainings, lectures, practical exercises, business games, case studies, etc.
  5. Organization of events, that is, the educational process itself.
  6. Control. During the training and following its results, employees undergo certification.

Retraining and advanced training of personnel

Giving employees professional skills is only half the battle: they need to be constantly updated. In the context of rapid technological progress, knowledge quickly becomes outdated. A manager looking to the future understands this and therefore tries to improve the qualifications of his staff: this is the only way to keep the company afloat and ahead of competitors.

On a note
Retraining is the acquisition of a second (usually related) profession. It is required, for example, when introducing new technologies or transferring an employee to another position. Advanced training is the improvement of knowledge and skills in an existing profession.

Business career planning

Career planning is an important part of the personnel development system. This benefits not only the employee, but the entire company. If an employee sees his prospects and has a clear plan for career advancement, his loyalty to the organization, job satisfaction, and therefore labor efficiency increases.

Personnel rotation

If career growth is moving up the career ladder, then rotation can be compared to moving in one plane. An employee moves to a new position, remaining at the same level of the hierarchy. In the personnel development management structure, personnel rotation helps:

  • create a personnel reserve (a specialist who can perform different functions, if necessary, will be able to replace a colleague);
  • quickly adapt employees;
  • level out conflict situations, etc.

Work with personnel reserve

The personnel reserve is employees who, if an urgent need arises, will be able to take on new positions without prior training. For example, if the head of a department is fired, he will quickly be replaced by a trained specialist. Creating a personnel reserve helps save time and money on staff training and helps improve the professional level of employees.

Organization of adaptation

When a newcomer is hired into a company, the HR manager must bring him up to speed and help him adapt to the corporate environment. The faster and more comfortable this process is, the higher the professional return, the lower the turnover rate, and the lower the costs of recruiting and training new personnel.

Formation of corporate culture

Corporate culture influences the company’s image, the attitude of staff to work, and determines the psychological climate in the organization. Its formation includes:

  • development of rules of conduct for employees;
  • prescribing mission and values;
  • brand creation;
  • team building activities (team building), etc.

Personnel training methods

Personnel development methods can be divided into directive, interactive and personal.

Directive methods

Directive methods are based on the interaction of the student with a mentor, instructor, teacher, trainer. Training is conducted in full-time. Among the directive methods the following can be distinguished:

  • Lectures. This method can train hundreds of people simultaneously, but the feedback is minimal and the transfer of knowledge is one-way.
  • Seminars. Here, the degree of activity of students is already higher, especially if practical classes are built with elements of a business game, brainstorming, case studies, etc.
  • Mentoring- a traditional method in which an experienced employee transfers knowledge to a newcomer.
  • Briefing. As with mentoring, training is carried out on-the-job. labor activity. The instructor introduces the new employee to the upcoming work.
  • Trainings. As a rule, they help develop certain competencies - negotiating, increasing sales efficiency, time management, etc.
  • Secondment- a relatively new method of professional development of personnel in Russia. An internship in another department or company helps you quickly gain new experience.

Interactive methods

Interactive methods require the active participation of personnel in training, with a large role given to modern technical capabilities. Thanks to the Internet today the following have become available:

  • distance learning;
  • online conferences and webinars;
  • video lessons.

Such methods often do not require the involvement of specialists (trainers, teachers); an employee can study at any convenient time and place. The video format promotes better absorption of information.

Personal methods

Personal methods are based on self-training of personnel. Here the task of motivation comes to the fore. Selfeducation employees should not be left to their own devices: it must take place under the guidance and control of HR specialists. Practicing different ways increasing motivation: round tables, regular discussion of the experience gained by the entire team, etc. It is necessary that the employee clearly understands all the advantages of independent education. In essence, rotation is also self-study.

Employee development tools

Each group of methods is characterized by special personnel development tools. There are many of them, but we will focus only on the most popular and effective solutions. They are the ones most often used by HR department specialists.


Corporate regulations are the charter of an enterprise, a document that sets out the rules of behavior of employees in the workplace, the norms of their relationships with colleagues, management and clients.

In the personnel development management system, the regulations solve the following tasks:

  • formation of a corporate culture, affirmation of the company’s values, its goals and mission;
  • maintaining discipline in the organization;
  • assistance in adaptation for newcomers.

Corporate portal

Corporate portals are created in order to facilitate the exchange of information within the company and automate some work processes. Their functionality includes:

  • storing and managing corporate data;
  • quickly find the necessary information;
  • publication of news, announcements, alerts.

From the point of view of enterprise personnel development, the corporate portal solves several problems:

  • helps employees adapt (thanks to quick orientation in the work environment, convenient search for the necessary data);
  • provides opportunities for self-learning;
  • promotes the dissemination of corporate culture;
  • makes it easier for HR managers to collect and analyze information about employees.

But the reality of most companies is that the functionality of corporate portals is used by no more than 15–20%. The reason is probably that this tool is not interactive enough, is not able to provide full feedback, and is subconsciously associated with purely operational functionality.

Corporate social network

Unlike a portal, a corporate social network is intended primarily for communication. It is aimed at ordinary employees and effectively solves their problems, so its attendance is much higher. The functionality of the tool combines the capabilities of regular social networks and a corporate portal:

  • personal pages of users;
  • contact database where information about each employee is stored;
  • self-publishing content;
  • ample opportunities for communication and information exchange (forums, chats, comments on posts);
  • creating and maintaining thematic groups;
  • news feeds;
  • reminders and alerts, etc.
  • increases staff loyalty to the company (employees who actively participate in the life of the organization demonstrate greater involvement);
  • forms a corporate culture and conveys its principles to every member of the team;
  • promotes team building;
  • helps newcomers adapt quickly;
  • stimulates employees to acquire knowledge and facilitates the learning process (due to a variety of information sources, quick access to them, as well as prompt feedback from colleagues);
  • provides opportunities for professional and personal growth (for example, in the process of joint discussion of business problems);
  • provides the HR manager with rich material for planning personnel development, analyzing the business and personal qualities of employees, and assessing the psychological climate in the company.

Successful business management is unthinkable without a competent personnel development strategy. Improving the professional level and personal qualities of employees requires the use of modern methods and tools. One of the effective solutions in management " human capital» - corporate social network.

Which social network for business should you prefer?

The IT development market offers many solutions for company personnel management. The founder of KSS LOQUI BUSINESS Dmitry Benz talks about the features of corporate social networks:

“Social networks and instant messengers eat up most of employees’ working time. Meanwhile, prohibitive measures on the part of management are ineffective in this regard. KSS developers figured out how to direct the activity of social network users in a useful direction and turn communication into a valuable personnel management tool.

A special feature of LOQUI BUSINESS is its convenient, “friendly” interface. The user navigates it easily, as in a regular social network, easily establishes contacts with colleagues, and finds news from the necessary departments of the company. New people quickly join the team. Managers do not need to be forced to visit the CSS: they themselves willingly take advantage of all its capabilities.

Navigation through LOQUI BUSINESS is facilitated by a tool such as the “circle”. It combines all important sections in one application: places, events, products, services, information about colleagues nearby. Each section is georeferenced. For example, on a business trip you can find out the address of the nearest company branch, client office, etc. “Circle” is accessible from any mobile device.

By the way, geo-referencing is a new trend in the development of corporate social networks, and so far this function is only available in LOQUI BUSINESS.”

P.S. Learn more about corporate opportunities social network LOQUI BUSINESS and view the demo version on the website.