The concept of acceptable working conditions. Working conditions. Why is a class set for workplaces in enterprises?

1. Working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and (or) danger are divided into four classes- optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous working conditions.

2. Optimal working conditions (1st class) are working conditions in which there is no exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on the employee or the levels of exposure of which do not exceed the levels established by standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions and accepted as safe for humans, and the prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of performance employee.

3. Acceptable working conditions (class 2) are working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the exposure levels of which do not exceed the levels established by the standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions, and the altered functional state of the worker’s body is restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next working day (shift).

4. Harmful working conditions (grade 3) are working conditions under which the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors exceed the levels established by the standards (hygienic standards) of working conditions, including:

1) subclass 3.1 (harmful conditions labor 1st degree) - working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, after exposure to which the altered functional state of the employee’s body is restored, as a rule, with a longer cessation than before the start of the next working day (shift) exposure to these factors, and the risk of health damage increases;

2) subclass 3.2(harmful working conditions of the 2nd degree) - working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure of which can cause persistent functional changes in the employee’s body, leading to the appearance and development of initial forms occupational diseases or occupational diseases of mild severity (without loss of professional ability) arising after prolonged exposure (fifteen years or more);

3) subclass 3.3(harmful working conditions of the 3rd degree) - working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure of which can cause persistent functional changes in the employee’s body, leading to the appearance and development of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity ( with loss of professional ability to work) during labor activity;

4) subclass 3.4(harmful working conditions of the 4th degree) - working conditions under which the employee is exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, the levels of exposure of which can lead to the appearance and development of severe forms of occupational diseases (with loss of general ability to work) during the period of work.

5. Hazardous working conditions (class 4) are working conditions in which an employee is exposed to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, the levels of exposure to which during the entire working day (shift) or part of it can create a threat to the life of the employee, and the consequences of exposure to these factors cause a high risk of developing an acute occupational disease during the working period.

6. If workers employed in workplaces with hazardous working conditions use effective personal protective equipment that has undergone mandatory certification in the manner established by the relevant technical regulations, the class (subclass) of working conditions may be reduced by the commission on the basis of the expert opinion of the organization conducting the special assessment of working conditions, one degree in accordance with the methodology approved federal body executive power, which carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of labor, in agreement with the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of organizing and implementing federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, and taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission on Regulation social and labor relations.

7. In agreement with the territorial body of the federal executive body exercising the functions of organizing and implementing federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, at the location of the relevant workplaces, it is allowed to reduce the class (subclass) of working conditions by more than one degree in accordance with the methodology specified in part 6 of this article.

8. Regarding jobs in organizations carrying out individual species activity, reduction of the class (subclass) of working conditions can be carried out in accordance with industry specifics approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of labor, in agreement with the federal executive body exercising the functions on the organization and implementation of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, and taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.

9. The criteria for classifying working conditions in the workplace are established as provided for in Part 3 of Article 8 of this Federal Law

The definition of “optimal working conditions” includes a list of such working aspects that directly or indirectly determine the state of health of a particular person and his standard of living, the quality of everyday life. This concept is considered by the current legislation of our country, in regulatory documents a division into categories and parameters has been established that allows a specific item to be assigned to a certain group workplace.

General provisions

Currently, in our country, optimal working conditions in the workplace can be classified taking into account existing factors in such a way that, based on the result, the object can be classified into one of four main groups:

  • optimal;
  • acceptable;
  • malicious;
  • dangerous.

The best for the best

Only people hired for a first-class position can count on creating optimal ones. They will not have to deal with unsafe or harmful factors. In some cases this is possible, but the impact of these aspects is minimized. The law allows the presence of a harmful factor within the limits of sanitation and hygiene standards declared by current legislation. At the same time, they analyze whether this poses a danger to a particular person. An employee can work in conditions where his performance is at its maximum, and an environment has been created to increase this indicator.

Of course, not all employed individuals within our country can count on creating optimal working conditions. Most professions do not allow working in such an environment; people are constantly faced with various hazards. But valuable workers at a certain group of enterprises (examples below) can work successfully precisely in such optimal conditions, when the entire surrounding space is created with the aim of achieving a comfortable state for them for a productive work process.

And with us it’s like everyone else. Or not?

Optimal, acceptable, labor - the opportunity to work in these categories is preferable in comparison with dangerous jobs. The majority of our fellow citizens are employed in enterprises where acceptable working conditions have been created for them. But harmful ones are a special case when you can already count on some privileges.

Harmful conditions are usually considered to be conditions that have a negative impact on the life activity of a particular individual, the level and state of his health. Harmful factors are destructive, their impact is strictly unfavorable. Over time, the organic systems of our body, under the influence of harmful factors, begin to function incorrectly, chronic pathologies worsen, and acute pathologies develop. Workers forced to work in such conditions live shorter lives than those who managed to find optimal working conditions.

Operating factors

To evaluate a specific workplace, it is necessary to analyze all the factors of the work environment. These are spoken of when analyzing various aspects that jointly influence each other and regulate both the vital activity of the human body and the state of its health. Currently, it is customary to talk about four main factors on the basis of which one can determine whether working conditions are optimal, acceptable, or whether they are harmful or even dangerous.

Let's start from the very beginning

The primary factor to be assessed is the economic and social conditions in which the individual worker finds himself. The status of an individual involved in solving problems in an enterprise is analyzed. At the same time, attention is paid to the postulates labor legislation and regulations related to organizational issues. Optimal working conditions presuppose decent pay, all others - in decreasing order of less and less. The better the environment will be, the better the quality of the environment and the safety of the employee. Social and economic aspects include preferential programs, guarantees, and compensation.

The second most important and priority of analysis is organizational factor, obliging to take into account the technical aspects of a particular workplace. Under its influence, material and material aspects of the work process are formed. This includes items used in work, employee tools, as well as features production processes and organization of work. At the same time, optimal working conditions presuppose well-functioning production and reasonable management, but all others require a gradual decrease in the quality level of these aspects.

What else is important?

When analyzing whether it is possible to say about a particular place that it is optimal, that the working conditions are created exactly like this, it is necessary to evaluate the natural aspects. Climate, geographical features of the area, geological and biological specifics - all these factors play a role. If the production is located in a human-friendly area, we can talk about optimal or acceptable working conditions, but, for example, for workers in the Far North and equivalent regions, one cannot count on this.

Finally, you need to analyze living conditions and management features within the workplace. Attention is paid to how consistent the surrounding spaces are with the ideas of sanitation and hygiene, what the living environment is like, and how the nutrition of workers is organized. A full analysis of all aspects of everyday life allows us to assess the quality of the place and the conditions that affect labor productivity.

Features of the classification system

It is customary to talk about three classes of working environment; for each of them, additional subgroups are identified. The most attractive option for employment is a safe environment. This is organized in the form of optimal conditions (for example, a programmer, if the company has properly designed the workplace) or acceptable ones. Even if work factors can negatively affect a worker, their impact is strictly minimized, so in general a person practically does not get tired if he follows the work regime.

At the same time, it should be noted that many companies officially provide employees with places with favorable working conditions, which in reality transform into acceptable, if not worse. This is due to rework and non-compliance with the standards specified in the documentation. If such a situation arises, you can contact the labor inspection. If an employee does not agree with the inclusion of his place of employment in a specific group of working conditions, it makes sense to seek help from government agencies responsible for protecting the rights of workers.

About the bad

A harmful work environment is one that can provoke pathologies, chronic malfunctions of the body, as well as temporary disruption of the activity of organs and systems. In harmful conditions, there is a chance of encountering pathologies that are caused by the work process, but it’s even worse for those who are already sick with something: existing diseases actively progress in such conditions.

The last category is traumatic. These are working conditions where the worker’s very life is at risk. In addition, health can be significantly affected. Risk accompanies only the working period of the day.

About sanitation

A classification of the conditions in which workers work is provided, taking into account hygienic aspects. At the same time, attention is paid to specific aspects of the work process. The main task of the employer is to minimize negative factors so that production aspects are friendly to the worker. In relation to this type of classification, optimal working conditions are those that allow the employee to maintain the existing level of health, as well as increase efficiency in the process of employment.

The acceptable category includes conditions where unsafe, downright harmful factors are present, but their impact on human health is relatively small and falls within the sanitary standards declared by law. The employee’s health and the level of his ability to work from day to day deteriorate towards the end of the employment period, but are fully restored by the beginning of a new day.

And about the sad

From a hygienic point of view, harmful workplaces are those where there is a sufficient variety of harmful factors, due to which the impact on human health is quite strong. Activities also have a negative impact on various life processes. In addition to the employee himself, there will be negative consequences on reproductive function, heredity, and genetic information transmitted to children.

Finally, the extreme category can include conditions when a person’s life activity is suppressed. In the workplace, people are under the influence of factors that are dangerous to them; there is a risk of injury and illness, and existing pathologies (in chronic form) are aggravated due to external conditions.

Work: better in comfort

Difficult to bring specific examples optimal working conditions. Within the same profession, some enterprises organize work in accordance with the above rules and regulations, while others neglect them. IN best conditions employees of modern large companies turn out to be, if employers understand the relationship between a person’s performance and the productivity of his working day.

It is believed that the most comfortable conditions in which people work office workers. But there are also limitations here: each person must have personal space, equipment, and lighting levels, otherwise the activity can lead to negative health consequences, including disorders of the musculoskeletal system, psyche, and visual system. On the other hand, by default, some professions cannot be in optimal working conditions, if these are, say, miners or firefighters who regularly face danger to life, or people involved in workplaces in the regions of the Far North.

Production factors

Taking these features into account allows us to divide everything into three large categories. These are physical, chemical and biological. The latter is usually understood as the need to contact with various microscopic life forms, protein preparations, cells, spores contained in the products and capable of surviving in such conditions. Chemical factors are poisonous compounds, both natural and synthetic.

Physical aspects of the work process - climate and related work characteristics. The level of humidity, temperature, electromagnetic environment, and air circulation are taken into account. When analyzing working conditions, attention is paid to whether workers are forced to work under the influence of ultraviolet or radio wave radiation, thermal or microwave radiation, etc., etc. In relation to the room, it is necessary to assess the level of dust, light, and noise levels in the space.

And about work

When assessing whether working conditions are optimal, it is necessary to analyze the degree of severity of the processes in which the employee is involved. To identify the characteristics of physical work, it is necessary to assess energy expenditure and the type of loads that the worker faces. Separate assessments are given to dynamics, and separately to statics. It is important to know the general level of muscle load. Under optimal conditions easy work, but with acceptable ones - average. Finally, the need to work hard forces one to classify the workplace as dangerous or harmful.

What does the term " safe conditions labor" and what are the responsibilities of the employer if class 1 UT is installed at the workplace? You will find answers to these questions in the article. Download and fill out the declaration of conformity form.

Read in the article:

What are safe working conditions?

Safe include optimal working conditions in which the impact of production factors cannot lead to a deterioration in the employee’s health, since it is within the established standards and does not cause an altered state of the body. At the same time, the possibility of developing an occupational disease or other health disorder, as well as affecting the health of future generations, is not allowed.

Safe working conditions in Art. 209 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

In X section Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the basic interpretations of terms on occupational safety are fixed. The term “safe working conditions” is established in. As mentioned above, these are optimal ES, in which VOPF do not affect the employee at all, or the level of exposure does not exceed the maximum permissible levels of sanitary and hygienic standards. In the Labor Code (LC) that preceded the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such conditions were called “normal”.

There are state established standards, within the minimum and maximum permissible levels, which allow, after laboratory studies and calculations, to make a decision on the safety of production conditions.

Working conditions class 1 – what does it mean?

Working conditions are divided into 4 classes according to the degree of harmfulness. The class is assigned based on the results of the SOUT.

Optimal conditions are classified as class 1. Its assignment indicates that there is no risk of occurrence at the workplace. However, it would be a mistake to believe that class 1 is a guarantee of absolute safety in the production environment. The employee works under conditions in which, while complying with the requirements of the rules technical operation, he will not worsen his health over the entire period of his working life. Whatever comfortable conditions labor, in the event that an employee consciously and constantly violates occupational safety and personal safety requirements, he will eventually experience an accident, or begin to develop an occupational disease.

Ensuring safe working conditions in production

In accordance with the provisions Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide safe conditions for workers. The employer's responsibilities are listed in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If an optimal or acceptable class was established at workplaces during a special assessment, it is necessary to submit a declaration of compliance with state regulatory OSH requirements. The declaration will confirm that the workplace is safe for the employee. If no accidents or other violations occur at the site within five years, another special assessment may not be carried out at this site. The declaration is submitted to the labor inspectorate at the location of the organization.

Under optimal conditions, workers should be given special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment, as well as dermatological protective equipment if the work involves mechanical impact or industrial pollution.

Workers with optimal working conditions who do not participate in production processes with exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors undergo only primary testing. That is, in the first month of work in the organization, they prepare for a knowledge test and pass an exam in the organization’s commission.

After this, periodic (annual) knowledge testing is not carried out. But workers should not be exempted from instructions. Basically, office personnel who use PCs and office equipment work in optimal conditions. In such a workplace there is always a risk of indirect electric shock. Therefore, the employee must recall occupational safety knowledge at least once every six months during an oral conversation and survey.


The level of deviation of the actual indicators of the working environment and the labor process from hygienic standards determines the classification of the harmfulness and danger of working conditions. There are four main classes of working conditions identified during ( special assessment working conditions): optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous.

Optimal working conditions (class 1) – conditions under which there are no harmful effects on the worker’s body and his proper performance is maintained. Standards for optimal working environment conditions are established for the microclimate of production areas and workload factors. Other factors are considered optimal if they do not cause harm or do not exceed the level of harm established for the safety of the population.

Acceptable working conditions (class 2) - assume the presence of a level of environmental factors not exceeding standard hygienic indicators for workplaces. The employee regains strength during the regulated rest or at the beginning of the next shift, his health does not deteriorate. Acceptable working conditions are generally considered safe.

Harmful working conditions (class 3) – characterized by the presence harmful factors that exceed hygienic standards and have a negative impact on the worker’s body and/or his offspring. In turn, harmful conditions, depending on the degree of exceeding hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the workers’ bodies, are conventionally divided into four degrees of harmfulness:

· 1st degree, class 3 (3.1) – working conditions under which the level of deviation of environmental factors and production processes from accepted standards causes functional deterioration, which occurs with prolonged (longer than the next shift) separation from harmful production factors, and increases the risk of injury health;

· 2 degree 3 class (3.2) – levels of harmful factors that provoke functional changes that lead to the development of occupationally caused diseases at the initial stage or in a mild form (without loss of professional ability).

· 3 degree 3 class (3.3) – characterized by such working environment factors, the impact of which leads to the development of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with possible loss professional ability to work) and the emergence of chronic pathologies.

· 4 degree 3 class (3.4) – working conditions that provoke the occurrence of severe forms of occupational diseases (with loss of general ability to work), an increase in morbidity and worsening the course of chronic pathologies.

Dangerous (extreme) working conditions - imply a level of working environment factors, the influence of which poses a threat to life during the work shift (or part of it), and also critically increases the risk of occupational injuries, even severe ones.

The listed classes of working conditions have the following additional insurance premium rates:

Working conditions are divided into 4 classes:
optimal acceptable harmful dangerous
(1st class) - such working conditions under which not only the health of workers is preserved, but also a high level of performance is ensured. Optimal standards are established for microclimatic parameters and labor process factors. For other factors, working conditions in which there are no unfavorable factors or do not exceed levels accepted as safe for the population are conditionally accepted as optimal.(2nd class) - working conditions characterized by such levels of factors in the working environment and the labor process that do not exceed established hygienic standards for workplaces. Regulated rest completely restores the functional state of the body. There is no negative impact on the health of workers and their offspring.(class 3) - working conditions characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the worker’s body and (or) his offspring.(extreme) working conditions (class 4) working conditions characterized by levels of production factors, the impact of which during a work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including severe forms.
Harmful working conditions, according to the degree of exceeding hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers, are divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness:
1st degree, 3rd class (3.1) - working conditions are characterized by such deviations in the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes, which are restored, as a rule, with a longer interruption of contact with harmful factors (than at the beginning of the next shift) and increase the risk of damage to health ;2 degree 3 class (3.2) - working conditions characterized by levels of harmful factors" leading to such functional changes that increase production-related morbidity and lead to the appearance of initial signs or mild forms of occupational diseases;3rd degree, 3rd class (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of harmful factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity during the period of working activity, an increase in production-related morbidity;4 degree 3 class (3.4) - working conditions under which severe forms of occupational diseases can occur, there is a significant increase in the number of chronic diseases and high levels morbidity with temporary disability.
When assessing the risk of injury, the following working conditions are classified:
Optimal Acceptable Dangerous
(class 1) - equipment and tools fully comply with standards and regulations. The required protective equipment is installed and in working order. Instructions, training and knowledge testing on occupational safety are provided(class 2) - damage and malfunctions of protective equipment do not lead to disruption of their protective functions (partial contamination of signal paint, loosening of individual fasteners, etc.)(class 3) - means of protecting working parts and gears (guards, interlocks, signaling devices, etc.) are missing, damaged or faulty. Missing or inconsistent established requirements labor safety instructions. No occupational safety training provided

A workplace is considered certified if there are no dangerous and harmful production factors at the workplace (or correspond to acceptable values), and the requirements for injury hazards are met.

When working conditions are assigned to class 3, the workplace is recognized as conditionally certified, indicating the corresponding class and degree of harm (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, as well as 3.0 for injury hazard) and making proposals to bring it into compliance with regulatory requirements for labor protection.

When working conditions are assigned to class 4, the workplace is recognized as uncertified and is subject to liquidation or re-equipment.

Work results certification commission organizations are formalized with a workplace certification protocol for working conditions. Attached to the protocol:

  • workplace certification cards for working conditions;
  • a summary statement of workplaces and the results of their certification for working conditions in the organization;
  • summary table of classes of working conditions;
  • action plan to improve and improve working conditions.

Workplace certification documents are materials strict reporting and are subject to storage for 45 years.

State control over compliance by employers with the “Procedure for Certification of Workplaces for Working Conditions” is carried out by the federal executive body authorized to carry out supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing standards labor law, and its territorial bodies ( state inspections labor in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).