The last piston fighter aircraft. Aircraft of the La series are some of the best fighters of the Great Patriotic War

In the distant thirties of the 20th century, the era of biplane fighters, which dominated the skies literally since the birth of aviation, ended, and the period of high-speed monoplane fighters began.

First mass fighter This type became the I-16:

The last one was the last piston fighter in the USSR (and probably in the whole world) LA-11. All fighters of this class, regardless of who developed them, have an amazing similarity and look alike almost like siblings. Moreover, even many of their foreign counterparts, surprisingly, have similar common features, but we’ll talk about them sometime next time.

A legitimate question arises - why and how did this happen? This is what I want to talk about in this brief historical review of USSR fighters with air-cooled radial engines...

My previous articles on historical topics:

If you look at the drawings or photographs of monoplane fighters of the 30-50s of the last century, you can see great amount different in design and appearance fighters of various designers - both domestic and foreign. The profiles of aircraft from the same designer are usually similar to one another, but aircraft from different designers have shapes and designs that are significantly different from one another. This is exactly the case for fighter aircraft with water-cooled engines. However, if from a long series of fighter designs we single out machines with air-cooled radial engines, then the picture immediately changes and they magically become similar to each other, like twin brothers, and not only in appearance, but also in layout and even internal structure.

Here are a few images of cars of this class known at one time:

The scale here is not very precisely observed, but basically corresponds to one another. The first two aircraft were designed by Polikarpov (I-16 and I-185), and the last two were designed by Lavochkin (LA-5 and LA-11)... With the exception of the size of the aircraft, everything else was made as if it were a carbon copy - they are all so similar.

If you build approximately the same line of cars with in-line water-cooled engines from the 30-40s, then there will be significantly more significant differences in appearance and internal design:

The first fighter was Polikarpov (I-17, 30s), then LaGG-3 and MiG-3 at the turn of the 30s-40s, and the last two were the Yak-1 and Yak-9 designed by Yakovlev. The location of air intakes, weapons, general layout and design - literally everything is different from designer to designer and from model to model.

For a long time, back in my school years, during classes at the Chisinau SUT, thoughts arose that all this was far from accidental and had to be explained by something. The different designs and different appearances of water-cooled fighters are completely intuitive. Used different materials, different engines, different weapons, etc., including different designers who made cars, as they say, to their own taste and color. But for fighters with radial air engines the picture is different. The weapons are different, the engines are less varied, but they are there, the designers are different, but the solutions they used are such that they seem to have borrowed ideas from each other.

The first thing that clarifies the situation is the design of the radial engine. At the dawn of aviation in 1910-1920, they were often used in aviation and had a wide variety of designs, including those with cylinders rotating with the propeller for better cooling... For example, the well-known Gnome-Ron engine.

Engine Gnome-Ron

Its cylinder block rotated together with the propeller for better cooling. It was used in many aircraft of the 1st World War, including on aircraft of Russian designers. But such exotic designs quickly disappeared from the scene. The historical ancestor of almost all radial motors with fixed cylinders was the Lawrance J-1 engine, created in the 20s of the 20th century, developed in the USA.

Lawrance J-1 engine

Its further development led to the emergence of a whole series of engines c common name Wright of various modifications.

Engine Wright-Whirlwind-R-790A

There were various modifications of it with 5, 7, 9 cylinders in one row, then two-row 14 and 18 cylinder versions appeared. A distant descendant of these models is the Soviet aircraft industry long-lived Soviet engine ASh-82.

Engine USSR ASh-82.

The design features, shape and dimensions of radial engines precisely determined the characteristic lobular and round shape of the hood of fighter aircraft of the 30s and 40s with air-cooled engines. Their peculiarity is that they provided greater power per unit weight, had more simple design than engines with a complex water cooling system, significantly greater reliability (at least foreign ones). For example, when bullets and shells hit a radial engine, it could often continue to work until landing, while a water-cooled inline engine overheated as soon as coolant leaked out through the hole and stopped. In addition, the radial engine provided good cover for the pilot, unlike the in-line engine, which had a significantly smaller cross-section.

I propose to look at the series of USSR fighters of the 30-40s in their historical sequence. Along the way, some more reasons for the strange similarity of fighters with radial engines will become clear. I won’t go too far into the past and will only consider monoplane fighters (biplanes are a separate topic and deserve a separate description). Undoubtedly, number one in this row will be the famous Polikarpov I-16 fighter, for which the no less famous pilot V. Chkalov opened the way to the sky. Its first flight was carried out on December 30, 1933. Its performance characteristics and its glorious history are not difficult to find on Wikipedia, so I won’t dwell on it too much.

I-16 during the war in Spain.

Over its long life since its creation, it had many modifications and was armed with from 2 to 4 machine guns or a pair of machine guns and a pair of automatic cannons. More than 10,000 aircraft of various modifications were produced. The last I-16s were withdrawn from service with the Spanish Air Force already in the 50s. Created in the design bureau of the famous aircraft designer Polikarpov, also known under the pseudonym “King of Fighters.” It must be said that in the 30s there were only two well-known aircraft designers, Polikarpov and Tupolev. The second developed bombers and heavy aircraft. The first died during the war at the age of 52, and the second lived a long life and developed many aircraft after the Victory in 1945, including civilian ones, which are known to everyone and are still flying. Their biographies are also easy to find online. Biography of Polikarpov N.N. Biography of Tupolev A.N.

It was these designers who determined the direction of development of the Soviet aircraft industry in the 30s and later. It was from their design bureau that most aircraft designers of the 40s came out. Let's remember this fact. We'll need it later. Both Mikoyan and Lavochkin began their engineering activities at the Design Bureau of N.N. Polikarpov.

The next, important stage in the development of fighters with radial engines was the I-180 fighter, during testing of which V. Chkalov tragically died. This largely determined the fate of N.N. Polikarpov, only a little later. What is important for you and me in this case is that, developed back in 1938, this aircraft was far superior in its characteristics to all other fighters of its time and even many German aircraft of 1941-1942, which cannot be said about other Soviet fighters of later releases. A little lower there will be a comparative table of performance characteristics of various fighters of that time and you can see for yourself.

The pinnacle of creativity N.N. Polikarpov is the next fighter after the I-180, the I-185. Developed and tested in 1941, even before the start of the war. Already in 1941 it reached a speed of more than 600 km/h. It was armed with either 2x7.62mm+2x12.7mm or three 20mm ShVAK cannons. It was superior in performance characteristics to literally all fighters that existed at that time and were developed much later, both Soviet and German

Various modifications of the I-185 in 1941-1943.

Unfortunately, this fighter was produced only in a limited series for military testing. We will leave the reasons for this fact beyond the scope of our discussion here. A huge number of books and articles have been written about this, where various versions and memories of eyewitnesses are discussed, but conspiracy theories are not my strong point.

For the I-185 M-71 fighter, recognized after military and government tests as the “best modern fighter” for the end of 1942 and beginning of 1943, N.N. Polikarpov was awarded the Stalin Prize 1st degree for 1943. This is the lower version in the picture above. Amazing plane. I’ve been wanting to build a copy of it for a long time, but I just can’t bring myself to do it - my respect for N.N. is very great. Polikarpov doesn’t want to make this copy hastily and haphazardly. N.N. died Polikarpov, the “King of Fighters,” an absolutely brilliant designer and student of the famous Russian aircraft designer I.I. Sikorsky in 1944 without completing his work on many projects. It is likely that the dark intrigues around his design bureau in 1940-1943 greatly accelerated his death.

So let's return to the topic of the review... About the similarity of all subsequent aircraft with air radial engines to the designs of N.N. Polikarpova. She really is. And it is determined not only by the design of the engine, which of course determines a lot. Compare, for example, the first production LA-5 with the latest modification I-185.

"Valery Chkalov" is one of the first variants of the LA-5.

It is very difficult to distinguish the latest version of the I-185 and the first LA-5 by appearance. I quote Wikipedia: “Lavochkin La-5 is a single-engine fighter created by OKB-21 under the leadership of S.A. Lavochkin in 1942 in Gorky.” Remember, I noted that Lavochkin worked at N.N. Design Bureau. Polikarpova? That's right - that's exactly what I mean. Even the engine on the penultimate model I-185 and on the first LA-5 is the same - M82. No - of course Lavochkin did not steal anything from N.N. Polikarpov, but the influence of the teacher on the student is undeniable. True, Lavochkin at 42 could not achieve the parameters of the I-185 in his LA-5 aircraft. The aircraft was a worthy opponent for the Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs, but in terms of its performance characteristics it was on par with them.

The further development of the LA-5 - the La-7 fighter, and then the LA-9, naturally in many ways repeat the original LA-5. Materials, engines, weapons have changed, performance characteristics have increased significantly, but the main generic characteristics of the LA-5 brother and the I-185 father are noticeable to everyone who wants to see and think.
Only in 1943, on the LA-5FN model with a forced engine, Lavochkin's design bureau managed to surpass the teacher's car in the most important performance characteristics parameter - speed - former boss N.N. Polikarpov I-185, which I-185 showed back in 1941, almost before the start of the war.

LA-7 fighter by I. Kozhedub.

Interesting fact: A.I. Pokryshkin, the first three times Hero of the USSR, according to some recollections of front-line soldiers, preferred the American Airacobra to all domestic aircraft (even the La-7), despite the fact that the La-7 was in many ways superior to it in its performance characteristics.
LA-9 fighter.

Lavochkin's last model developed during and released after the war was the LA-9.

And finally, the last piston fighter developed in the USSR as a long-range escort fighter - LA-11. It made its first flight in May 1947 and was mass-produced from 1947 to 1951.

Long-range escort fighter LA-11.

This aircraft worthily completed the entire line of machines discussed above from I-16 to LA-9 and is famous for the fact that it took part in the Chinese and Korean conflicts, where it successfully opposed American aircraft of that time. It marked the end of the era of piston aircraft that were in service with the USSR in the mid-50s.

The result of all of the above is that the amazing similarity of all the machines considered is due, on the one hand, to the similar designs of the best engines for their time, as well as design principles inherited from the “King of Fighters” N.N. Polikarpov, which of course does not in any way detract from the merits of Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin (or Simon Alterovich) himself - corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, major general of the aviation engineering service, four times laureate of the Stalin Prize, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Finally, I present the comparative table promised above, from which it is clearly visible how many years ahead of their time the I-180 and I-185 fighters were.

Thank you for your attention
Nikolay P.

PS: In preparing the article, illustrative materials were used from various sources on the Internet, including:

  • Materials from Wikipedia,
  • Materials from the site "Wing Palette"
  • Materials from the site "Corner of the Sky"
  • Several other sources available on the web
La-7, La-9, La-11. The last piston fighters of the USSR Yakubovich Nikolai Vasilievich

Airplane "130"

Airplane "130"

This all-metal machine (the only exception was the percale covering of the rudders and ailerons), which outwardly resembled the “126” aircraft, was also designed for the ASh-83 engine. Lightweight and reinforced shock-absorbing landing gear struts, previously intended for modification of the La-7 (aircraft “113”), were installed on it.

Its maximum speed was expected to reach 725 km/h at an altitude of 7,500 meters, its range was 1,450 km, and its ceiling was 10,500 meters. But the planned engine, as you already know, never arrived and was replaced by the battle-tested ASh-82FN. The first copy of the “130” fighter was built in January 1946 at plant No. 21. The next month the car was transported to Khimki, near Moscow, to plant No. 301, where by that time the Lavochkin Design Bureau had returned. Factory tests (led by engineer Baranovsky and pilot A.A. Popov), during which 30 flights were completed, were completed in May 1946.

On June 9, the aircraft was presented for state tests at the Air Force Research Institute. The leaders of the vehicle were engineer-pilot V.I. Alekseenko and test pilot A.G. Kubyshkin. The very first flights revealed serious defects related to the stability, controllability of the aircraft and its weapons. A month later, on July 8, the car was returned to OKB-301 and only 17 days later the tests continued, ending on October 10 with a positive result. During the tests, we lost almost a month and a half to replace the engine and fine-tune the weapons.

It should be noted that the Air Force Research Institute was engaged not only in testing, but also in refining the vehicle. In particular, from July 8 to July 27, the control system within its walls was improved, bringing the load on the control handle to normal levels. The Air Force Research and Testing Institute did what the OKB could not do. At the same time, on the recommendation of the future academician G.P. Svishchev, the nose of the center section profile was sharpened, significantly improving the spin properties of the aircraft.

Aircraft "130" during factory tests.

At the same time, engine cooling and the temperature of its cylinder heads were improved, which began to be within acceptable limits. The radio communication range has increased by replacing the metal antenna mast with a wooden one and lengthening it from 620 to 720 mm, as well as installing a keel mast with a height of 180 mm.

A. G. Proshakov, V. I. Khomyakov, A. G. Terentyev, Trofimov, A. P. Suprun, Heroes of the Soviet Union I. V. Timofeenko, V. G. Masich, as well as A. G. Kochetkov, Yu. A. Antipov, L. M. Kuvshinov and G. A. Sedov, who later received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the report on the results of state tests, the pilots noted:

“The cockpit equipment of the 130 aircraft is much better than on the production La-7. Availability of a radio compass, attitude indicator, remote compass and transponder allow you to pilot an aircraft in difficult weather conditions and successfully conduct combat work. The main control levers are convenient and easy to use. The lack of automatic propulsion system on the aircraft is a significant drawback for a modern fighter...

In terms of its dimensions, the cockpit is quite satisfactory for a fighter pilot, the seating position is comfortable and does not tire the pilot during a long flight... The visibility forward and to the sides is good, the rear view is hampered by the frame radio half-compass.

When taxiing, the plane behaves well, the crutch stopper works normally. Taking off on a 130 aircraft is similar to taking off a La-7. After liftoff and during climb, the aircraft's stability is quite sufficient.

The technique for performing aerobatic maneuvers on the 130 aircraft is the same as on the La-7. The aircraft is available to pilots of average qualification.

Due to the absence of slats, the unpleasant moment of their asynchronous release, which is reflected in the pilot’s handle and the behavior of the aircraft, has disappeared, which occurs on the La-7...

The plane parachutes to a speed of 170 km/h. A stall into a spin is prevented by a slight shudder of the aircraft. Entry into a spin is not sharp and without special labor can be warned by the pilot by giving a reverse foot. The behavior of the aircraft during the spin process is similar to the La-7 aircraft...

The aircraft dives steadily, without any tendency to drag or twist. The permissible dive speed of 700 km/h according to the instrument at the terminal is insufficient, it is necessary to increase it to 750 km/h... The aircraft can fly along the horizon with the stick thrown..."

The same document stated that in terms of range and flight duration in the most advantageous mode, the 130 aircraft had a significant advantage over the La-7, Yak-3 and Yak-9U. This range advantage of the 130 can be used to escort short-range bombers to their full range, provided fuel capacity is further increased.

In terms of the power of the fire salvo, the 130 aircraft had a significant superiority over the La-7, Yak-3 and Yak-9U. The "130" aircraft could carry out combat missions during the day to the practical limit, as well as in difficult weather conditions, but for night flights the aircraft did not have the necessary lighting equipment, which limited its combat use.

La-9 prototype - aircraft "130" - undergoing state tests.

"In an air battle," stated in the act based on the results of state tests, - in horizontal and vertical maneuvers at altitudes of 2000–6000 meters, the 130 and La-7 aircraft are equivalent. Over the course of 20–25 minutes of battle, they can come close to each other’s tail within the range of aimed fire...

In an air battle with the Yak-3 during a horizontal maneuver at altitudes of 3000–5000 meters, the latter had a slight advantage over the 130 aircraft. On left and right turns, the Yak-3 aircraft came into the tail of the “130” aircraft at a distance of 200–300 meters through 5–6 turns. In vertical maneuvers at altitudes of 3000–5000 meters, the Yak-3 aircraft also has an advantage over the 130 aircraft.

S. A. Lavochkin near the La-9 fighter.

"130th" had significantly best review from the cockpit in comparison not only with the La-7, but also with the German FW 190 and the American P-47 Thunderbolt fighter. At the same time, 117 defects of the aircraft, its equipment and weapons were revealed. Seventeen of them needed to be eliminated first.

The 130 fighter has little left of the La-7. First of all, the new aircraft was of all-metal construction, which reduced the weight of the airframe. The wing became single-spar, with torsionally resistant skin. The laminar profile of the wing with its improved interface with the fuselage, achieved with the help of fairings or, as they were then called, ferings, helped reduce drag.

Improved temperature conditions in the cockpit by sealing it and the compartment power plant, as well as adjusting the suction of air supplied to the motor from a special intake.

P-47 Thunderbolt fighter.

The all-metal design of the airframe made it possible to increase the number of gas tanks in the wing to five with a total capacity of 850 liters (on the prototype they held 825 liters).

The aircraft was equipped with four synchronized NS-23S cannons with 300 rounds of ammunition. It should be noted that the future La-9, equipped with some of the best guns, was rightfully considered the most armed piston fighter. The fire control was pneumoelectric, which allowed both separate firing from the two upper or two lower guns, and salvo firing from all barrels. On production vehicles, the PBP(V) sight, installed under the canopy, was replaced with the ASP-1N (factory designation “97-P”). This optical sight, developed at OKB-16, was a copy of the English MK-2D sight, used on fighter aircraft supplied to the USSR during the war. In the toe of the right half of the center section (in the plane of the extended right landing gear) a Firechald type 6 photo-machine gun was installed.

La-9 layout:

1 - propeller spinner; 2 - propeller VISH-105V-4; 3 - suction pipe; 4 - embrasures of NS-23S guns; 5 - air pressure receiver; 6 - engine ASh-82FN; 7 - engine cooling flap; 8 - NS-23S gun; 9 - pilot's seat; 10 - radio equipment; 11 - antenna mast; 12 - hatch of the pneumatic system fitting; 13 - rudder; 14 - rudder trimmer; 15 - elevator trimmer; 16 - elevator; 17 - niche doors for cleaning the crutch support; 18 - tail wheel; 19 - fuselage hatch; 20 - aileron trimmer; 21 - aileron; 22 - spar; 23 - shields of the main landing gear; 24 - wheel; 25 - stand; 26 - cartridge boxes; 27 - shields covering the wheel domes of the main landing gear.

The cockpit of the La-9 fighter.

Sight PBP(V).

PAU-1 photo-machine gun installed in the toe of the right half of the center section in the plane of the extended landing gear.

In 1946, the aircraft was put into serial production at Plant No. 21 under the designation product “48” (type “48”), and from December 20 the company began delivering them to the customer “on a combat basis.” On December 31, 1946, the military received the first 15 vehicles. In connection with the development of production of an all-metal aircraft, the enterprise had to completely rebuild its entire production and train new personnel. Yesterday's carpenters became woodworkers, fitters and riveters. The all-metal aircraft required the organization of the service of a chief metallurgist and a chief controller. A flight test station was separated from the airfield workshop, reporting directly to the chief controller.

The same thing happened in Ulan-Ud at plant No. 99.

In units, the fighter received the official designation La-9. The plant built the first four production vehicles in August of the same year, but only on December 20 did they begin to be delivered to the customer.

In February 1947, the first 30 vehicles with 6-series engines (150-hour service life) were sent for military testing to the 176th Guards IAP (commander - Lieutenant Colonel K.K. Kotelnikov), stationed in the Moscow region at the Teply Stan airfield. Today this is one of the districts of Moscow, and its residents do not even suspect that half a century ago their sky shook with the howl of aircraft engines, and training air battles took place over the airfield. Air battles conducted with MiG-9 jet fighters during military tests of the La-9 ended in December 1947 and showed that on the horizontal planes the La-9 came into the tail of the Migams on the second or third turn, but jet fighters, having great speed, quickly moved away from them.

In September of the same 1947, the Air Force Research Institute tested the VISH-107-RE reversible propeller on the La-9, which demonstrated a significant reduction in mileage. But this innovation never made it to the series.

In 1948, in the 176th IAP, they created aerobatic team, flying the La-9. It was headed by Hero of the Soviet Union S.A. Kumanichkin (later commander of the 176th IAP). This group demonstrated aerobatics at the air parade in Tushino in August 1948.

The transition of parts to these machines took place until mid-1951. Thus, the 19th Air Defense IAP, stationed at the Vaskovo airfield near Arkhangelsk, replaced the English Spitfire IX with La-9. One of the last in May 1951 to master new car 401st IAP 297th IAD.

Cannons of the La-9 aircraft.

NS-23 cannons installed on the left side.

NS-23 guns mounted on the starboard side.

Left side of the cockpit.

Pilot's instrument panel. Four cannon reloading levers are visible.

Antenna system La-9.

Unfortunately, the delivery of new aircraft to the customer was not without flight accidents. Thus, on February 23, 1948, aircraft No. 48210348 had to land on one leg in Gorky due to the jamming of the left landing gear release cylinder rod. A month later, on March 27, when landing aircraft No. 48990405 in Ulan-Ud with a strong side wind, the left support collapsed after a run. On April 25 (aircraft No. 48990413) and May 14, cases of brake system failure were noted on another aircraft.

And on June 9, 1949, an accident occurred due to the disconnection of the engine control rod with its subsequent stop.

A small number of La-9 and UTI La-9 were operated at the Bataysk, Borisoglebsk and Yeisk aviation schools until 1952. Moreover, graduates of these schools, after a short retraining, switched to MiG-15 jets.

During the operation of the La-9 and its training version UTI La-9 in 1949, a massive defect made itself felt - deformation of the 12th frame, which was a consequence of the overweight of the vehicle. Nevertheless, pilots praised the La-9 for its maneuverability and controllability. By mid-1951, the Air Force operated 640 La-9s, and the Air Defense Aviation - 245, but they did not participate in combat operations.

In May 1947, pilots A.G. Terentyev and K.F. Volyntsev conducted control tests of two production vehicles at the Air Force Research Institute, which confirmed the previously obtained characteristics, with the exception of range. With a flight weight of 3675 kg, 850 liters of fuel were poured into the first plane, and 825 liters of fuel into the second. The technical range (until the fuel is completely consumed) in the most favorable mode (altitude 1000 meters, indicated speed 381 km/h) was 1955 km with a flight duration of 5 hours 09 minutes, versus 1735 km and 4.5 hours for the experimental aircraft. The high-speed range when flying at an indicated speed of 430 km/h at an altitude of 6000 meters reached 1060 km with a duration of 3 hours 21 minutes.

La-9 was constantly improved. Only in 1948, 197 changes were introduced into its design, increasing the quality of the machine. One fighter was equipped with an automatic speed switch for the APSN-44 supercharger, introduced into the series already on the La-11.

Since 1947, La-9 could be found in units that were part of the 1st, 2nd, 4th (Poland), 9th (North Korea - Manchuria), 11th, 14th, 16th 1st and 17th (Romania) air armies, in the Moscow Military District. At the beginning of 1949, the 304th IAP (32nd IAD) rearmed from La-7 to La-9. They were also in China. For example, the 83rd mixed air corps at the Port Arthur base included the 351st IAP, armed with the La-9.

In 1946, the 132 fighter was built with a more powerful and high-altitude M-93 engine. This entailed the installation of a new oil cooler and suction pipe. The length of the car has increased. Its armament also consisted of four synchronized NS-23S cannons, and its take-off weight reached 3500 kg, which is almost 100 kg more than that of the La-9. It was expected that its speed would reach 740 km/h at an altitude of 6500 meters, but factory tests, begun on January 10, 1946, showed the complete unsuitability of the engine for flight, and in 1947 the ASh-82M, also an experienced one, was installed on the vehicle. But even with him, the plane remained in a single copy.

In the spring of 1949, the APPS-TsAGI device, designed to prevent high overloads and stalling, was tested on the La-9 and was recommended for installation on production vehicles.

The MiG-9 jet fighter was noticeably inferior in a training battle with the La-9, especially on turns.

Airplane "132".

Serial La-9 at the factory airfield.

During the acceptance flight on March 27, 1948, after landing on the run, aircraft No. 48990405 of plant No. 99 turned around. At the same time, the left landing gear could not withstand the load and collapsed.

In March 1951, lighting equipment for night flights was installed on the La-9, and oil tanks were replaced. By that time, there were 640 La-9s in the Air Force and 245 La-9s in the Air Defense Fighter Aviation.

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Aircraft “103” 2AM-37 In 1939, Tupolev’s group received the task of creating high-speed bomber, which would develop a speed comparable to that of a fighter. New bomber had to carry heavy bombs on an internal sling and drop them in a dive. Airplane

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MiG-21 E target aircraft In the mid-60s, specialists from the Mikoyan Design Bureau, together with scientists from the Kazan Aviation Institute, developed unmanned versions of the MiG-21 PF and MiG-21PFM fighters. The aircraft were intended to be used as targets for training in

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AIRPLANE “K” LaGG-3 at the Budovo airfield, Kalinin Front, 1942. Work on the creation of the future LaGG-3 apparently began at the end of 1938. Knowing perfectly well the capabilities of the domestic aviation industry, employees of the 1st Main Directorate of the NKOP V.P. .Gorbunov and

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UTI-2 training aircraft In July 1935, the I-16 type 4 fighter began to enter combat units of the Soviet Air Force. At the same time, it was decided to develop a two-seat training version of the I-16 to help pilots transition from old biplane fighters to

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Airplane “130” This all-metal machine (the only exception was the percale covering of the rudders and ailerons), which outwardly resembled the airplane “126”, was also designed for the ASh-83 engine. Lightweight and reinforced shock-absorbing landing gear struts were installed on it, previously

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Airplane “N” According to the assignment, the OKB-155 team was to create a fighter capable of reaching speeds of up to 810 km/h at an altitude of 7000 meters with a working air-jet engine for 15 minutes and 700 km/h without an accelerator. The plane had to rise to an altitude of 5000 meters in 5.5 minutes without a VRDK and

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Aircraft "302" Model of the glider "302" for research in the TsAGI wind tunnel. In 1940, NII-3 considered two proposals for the creation of missile interceptor aircraft with combined power plants, including a liquid propellant engine and two ramjet engines. The first one

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Airplane No. 5 To study swept wings, in parallel with German designers at the Design Bureau of M.R. Bisnovat, who settled at plant No. 293, in the spring of 1947 they began to develop experimental aircraft"5". The machine was intended to study aerodynamics

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Aircraft Er-2 2MB-100 Throughout the war, the domestic aviation industry was in dire need of a powerful high-altitude liquid-cooled engine, comparable in its characteristics to English and German engines. One of the ways to solve this problem at that time

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Aircraft Er-2 2M-30 By June 1, 1941, about 200 aviation diesel engines were built in the USSR, including up to 150 M-40 and M-40F by the Leningrad Kirov and Kharkov Tractor Plants, and up to 50 by the Moscow Region Plant No. 82 M-30. At the first stage, TB-7 aircraft began to be equipped with these engines.

Having entered the Great Patriotic War on fighters that were inferior in every way to German aircraft, the “Stalinist Falcons” ended the Second World War on the magnificent La-7 and Yak-3, superior not only to the Messers and Fokkers, but also to the Spitfires and Lightnings. " It was on the La-7 that the best Soviet ace Ivan Kozhedub fought, one of the first to shoot down a Me-262 jet and crash a pair of American Mustangs in the sky over Berlin.

The victorious end of the war and the transfer of the country “to a peaceful footing” allowed aircraft manufacturers to move from wooden structures to all-metal ones. This is how the last piston fighters of the USSR appeared - the “Flying Fortress killer” La-9, equipped with four 23-mm cannons, and the escort fighter La-11, distinguished by its enormous range, which had the opportunity to shoot down American reconnaissance aircraft that violated the Soviet border and fight in the skies of China and Korea.

In this book you will find comprehensive information about the latest propeller-engine fighters, which became the crown of development of piston aircraft in the USSR. Collector's edition on coated paper highest quality illustrated with hundreds of exclusive drawings and photographs.


In April 1943, in the full-scale wind tunnel T-104 of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), the La-5FN fighter, modified according to the recommendations of the institute’s specialists, was installed. It differed from its production counterparts in improved sealing of the hood and an oil cooler moved under the fuselage (behind the fifth frame). The location of the oil cooler in a profiled tunnel reduced its aerodynamic drag by half and increased the cooling efficiency, since the air flow through it increased by 25–30%. The results of the purges were encouraging: a chance to get an increase in maximum speed of 25–30 km/h, and a number of other, smaller improvements added another 10–15 km/h.

A little later, specialists from the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) recommended changing the design of the side flaps of the hood. The fact is that operating practice has shown that the M-82FN engine is less prone to overheating than the M-82F. It was possible to make the flaps smaller and move them upward from the surface of the wing, reducing the harmful disturbance of the air flow over the wing. In addition, they proposed restoring the NASA-230 aerodynamic profile on the center section (it was replaced during the transition from LaGG-3 to La-5) and improving the shape of the fairings between the wing and fuselage. These recommendations were not implemented on the La-5: significant alterations could slow down the pace of fighter production. This was the first step towards the future of La-7.

In the summer of 1943, the combined control of propeller pitch and engine gas was tested on La-5 No. 2124. The results were considered satisfactory, but the control automation required improvements. In November, these studies continued on the La-5F aircraft No. 39213956, and in the spring of next year on the La-5FN. But this innovation did not reach the production La-5; it was requested only for the La-7.

When fighter No. 39210109 rolled out of the plant’s assembly shop in August 1943, the experienced eye of aviators immediately noted the differences from the production aircraft. First of all, the suction pipe was moved from the top of the engine down, and the protruding “beard” of the oil cooler was placed between the third and fifth frames of the fuselage.

Additional shields were introduced that completely covered the retracted wheels of the main landing gear. In addition, the wing fairings where it meets the fuselage and the sealing of the aircraft were improved, the exhaust manifolds were replaced with individual pipes, and the hood was modified. The axial compensation of the elevator increased to 20%, reducing the load on the aircraft control stick, and the PBP-1 sight was replaced with the BB-1. The armament remains the same: two synchronized SP-20 cannons, and the cabin equipment has not changed.

In this form, the aircraft entered state tests at the Air Force Scientific Testing Institute (VVS Research Institute), which took place from September 30 to October 18, 1943. The leaders of the vehicle were engineer N.N. Borisov, pilots A.G. Kubyshkin and I.M. Dzyuba. P. M. Stefanovsky and A. G. Proshakov flew around the plane. According to the pilots, the fighter's piloting technique was no different from the serial La-5FN, but the visibility from the cockpit to the sides was deteriorated due to wear on the plexiglass of the side movable canopy flaps. This made landing and taking off from confined areas difficult. Moreover, the canopy, which opened to the side, made it difficult for the pilot to enter the cockpit, and emergency release with both hands turned out to be inconvenient. But forward visibility has been improved by moving the air intake under the hood, making aiming easier.

With a take-off weight of 3340 kg, the aircraft speed at the ground reached 580 km/h, and at the first altitude limit (2000 meters) - 630 km/h, the rate of climb at the ground was 19.3 m/s, the time of a single turn was reduced by 1–2 seconds . The altitude gain during a combat turn increased by almost 120 meters. Better cabin sealing and ventilation reduced the temperature in it to almost 30 degrees. This allowed pilots to confidently fight the latest versions of both the Me-109 and FV-190. At the same time, the fighter had many reserves.

Although the plane did not go into production, many technical solutions, embedded in it, migrated to the future La-7.

Following this, the Lavochkin Design Bureau, together with TsAGI, finalized another machine No. 39210206, which became the last step to the future La-7. The aircraft was distinguished by a completely sealed engine cowling, individual exhaust pipes, a rearranged center section and an oil cooler located behind the fifth frame of the fuselage. Testing of the machine, which actually became a flying laboratory where new technical solutions were tested at the Flight Research Institute (LII), began in January 1944, but its “life” was short-lived. On February 10, she suffered an accident. On that day, on a plane piloted by LII pilot N.V. Adamovich, a flame burst out from under the engine hood, and the tester had to leave the burning “flying laboratory” by parachute.

In general, aircraft No. 39210206 solved its problem, and on February 1, 1944, LII test pilot G. M. Shiyanov took into the air the improved La-5 “Etalon 1944” fighter from the factory airfield in Gorky. Unlike its predecessors, it was equipped with a VISH-105V-4 propeller with a “fly-resistant” profile of TsAGI V-4 blades, rotating at transonic speed. Instead of two SP-20 guns, they installed three synchronized UB-20s. The oil cooler, in accordance with TsAGI recommendations, as on machine No. 02–06, was placed under the fuselage, and the pipes that sucked in air to cool the oil were moved to the center section nose. The fairings between the wing and the fuselage were improved and the area of ​​the aerodynamic elevator compensator was increased by three percent. They installed individual pipes on all cylinders of the engine, and on its hood they reduced the number of various covers and reduced the size of the side flaps.

The main landing gear struts were shortened by 80 mm. The compressed air cylinder intended for starting the engine was moved back. A radio receiver and a transmitter with remote control, the antenna mast was removed. The latter gave a slight increase in speed, but reduced the radio range. There were other, smaller improvements. As a result, the weight empty plane decreased by 71 kg, and in flight - by 55 kg, but the alignment moved back, reducing the margin of longitudinal stability, which was especially affected when climbing.

In this form, the aircraft underwent state tests at the Air Force Research Institute from February 16, 1944. The vehicle's leaders were engineer V.I. Alekseenko and test pilot A.G. Kubyshkin. The tests had to be interrupted on February 20, when one of the connecting rods in the engine broke. The repairs took over two weeks, and on March 22, due to a manufacturing defect on the taxiing frame, the second frame collapsed. By that time, it was possible to make only nine flights, which showed that the maximum speed at the ground had increased to 597 km/h, at the first altitude limit (3250 meters) - to 670 km/h, and at the second - to 680 km/h. The vertical speed at the ground was 21 m/s. The ascent to a height of 4000 meters took 3.4 minutes.

It became easier to control the plane, with the exception of the rudder, the load from which was noticeably felt when the engine operating mode changed. Due to the lack of rudder trim, the pilot had to make significant efforts to keep the fighter from turning.

The temperature in the pilot's cabin, sometimes reaching 40 degrees, brought considerable inconvenience to the pilot. Due to poor ventilation, the presence of exhaust gases and the smell of burnt rubber were constantly felt in the cabin. But according to its data, the aircraft could be considered one of the best fighters.

The conclusions of the report on the results of state tests noted:

“Modified La-5 standard aircraft 1944.<…>in terms of maximum speed and climb rate, it is at the level of the best modern fighter aircraft in service with the spacecraft air force and foreign countries.”

The specialists of the Air Force Research Institute knew what to write, because not only Soviet combat vehicles passed through their hands, but also captured German ones, as well as aircraft coming from the UK and the USA.

The conclusion of the same report stated:

“Specified by the GOKO resolution No. 5404 dated March 15, 1944 for the improved La-5 maximum speed 685 km/h at an altitude of 6000 meters and flight weight 3250 kg<…>almost achieved.

Recommend the La-5 standard aircraft of 1944 (La-7) for mass production, as it has significant advantages in flight data over<…>La-5, with the elimination of the noted defects. Just like on a plane<…>experimental UB-20 cannons have been installed, the tests of which have not been completed at the Air Force Research Institute of Aviation, it is considered advisable to produce aircraft with serial weapons, i.e. two SP-20 cannons with 340 rounds of ammunition...”

The decision to launch serial production of the Etalon 1944 fighter, designated La-7, was made even before the report on the results of its state tests was approved. In February 1945, at plant No. 381, the first prototype of the La-7 (No. 3815758) was built with three synchronized B-20S cannons designed by M.E. Berezin with a total ammunition capacity of 440 rounds. In addition, the aircraft was equipped with an automatic control system that regulates the temperature of the engine cylinder heads, integrated propeller and throttle control, as well as an RPK-10 radio semi-compass.

In March, the vehicle arrived at the Air Force Research Institute, and based on the results of state tests, experts came to the conclusion that the guns and installations for them performed unsatisfactorily. Careless manufacturing of the aircraft and insufficient strength and rigidity of the engine hood covers were noted, which led to their swelling. The strength of the toes of the lower wing joining strips was also unsatisfactory, which is why they bent and broke along the rivet seam in flight. Compared to the La-7 “standard of 1944,” the plane flew 38 km/h slower.

La-7 layout:

1 - propeller VISH-105V-4; 2 - propeller spinner; 3 - hinged hood lid; 4 - engine ASh-82FN; 5 - exhaust pipes; 6 - SP-20 gun; 7 - cartridge box; 8 - sight PBP-1B; 9 - air pressure receiver; 10 - movable section of the cockpit canopy; 11 - pilot's seat; 12 - radio station; 13 - antenna mast; 14 - antenna keel mast; 15 - rudder; 16 - rudder trimmer; 17, 31 - aeronautical light; 18 - elevator; 19 - crutch support; 20 - compressed air cylinder; 21 - battery; 22 - oxygen cylinder; 23 - oil cooler; 24 - aircraft control stick; 25 - dashboard; 26 - left center section tank; 27 - landing flap; 28 - main landing gear; 29 - aileron; 30 - slat.

The act based on the results of its tests was approved on April 2, while the institute’s management decided to mothball the machine in order to use it to determine the characteristics necessary to test the flight test methodology.

According to the above-mentioned GKO resolution of March 15, the NKAP was ordered to switch to the production of a fighter, designated La-7, from May 1944, without slowing down the rate of delivery of combat vehicles. Plant No. 381 was the first to switch to serial production in May, fulfilling the order of the State Defense Committee on time. At the same time, the numbering of vehicles, which began with the La-5, continued.

In July 1944, Plant No. 381 presented La-7 No. 38102663 for control tests with similar B-20S guns, but with ammunition reduced to 390 rounds.

Specialists from the Air Force Research Institute, comparing this vehicle with the serial La-7, equipped with SP-20 guns, noted that it was equipped with a new suction system with air intake. With the landing gear extended, air entered the intake located above the hood and passed through the air filters, and with the landing gear retracted, through the suction pipes in the center section, the inlet parts of which had spool valves. In addition, they installed the RSIU-6M radio receiver, the RSI-3M-1 transmitter, the RPKO-10M radio semi-compass with a marker, and an electrical surge filter, which reduced the level of interference to radio equipment. Despite the fact that the ventilation system in the pilot's cabin was improved, the temperature in it still reached 57 degrees at +12 degrees outside. At the same time, the manufacturing quality of the aircraft remained low. The performance of the B-20S guns remained unsatisfactory. There was no tail wheel locking mechanism.

Specialists from the Air Force Research Institute also noted the low quality of the mixture of the ASh-82FN engine, especially when operating at the 2nd speed of the supercharger. The suction system did not provide the necessary engine boost (1100 mm Hg instead of the specified 1200 mm Hg). The range of two-way radio communication did not exceed 90 km instead of the required 120 km, and the radio compass worked reliably only at a distance of 100 km instead of the required 300 km.

The first tests on the La-7 of three synchronized B-20 cannons were carried out at the Air Force Research Institute only in June - July 1944. They showed that when shell casings were thrown into the air from the wing fairings, damage to its consoles and tail surfaces occurred. The vehicle was modified by ejecting the cartridges under the fuselage, and in September the tests at the Air Force Research Institute were repeated. Since the B-20 guns had not been tested by that time, the three-gun version was launched into mass production only in the summer of 1945.

Although the reliability of the B-20 gun left much to be desired, plant No. 381 produced 381 copies of the three-gun La-7. This weapon was only developed after the war, and it formed the basis of the defensive armament of the first series of bombers.

There were proposals to install batteries of three B. G. Shpitalny SSh-20 and Sh-23 cannons on the La-7. The first of them differed from ShVAK in its double-sided power supply and lighter weight. An aircraft with the SSh-20 was built, but the Air Force rejected these guns and stopped further work on the aircraft. As for the Sh-23 cannon, Shpitalny was late with it, since the NS-23 appeared earlier.

The La-7's armament was based on ShVAK cannons, with the exception of aircraft manufactured by Moscow aircraft plant No. 381 and a small series of plant No. 21. As noted above, firing of the B-20S cannons was not carried out during state tests of the La-7 prototype, and they began only in June 1944. Pilot I.A. Dobroskin from the Scientific Testing Site for Aviation Weapons (NIP AV), located in Noginsk near Moscow, completed only five flights under the program. The tests ended in failure on June 30, because the ejected cartridge case damaged the aircraft's stabilizer.

Nevertheless, the three-gun version was recommended for mass production in accordance with GKO order No. 6681 of October 10, 1944. The arms factory in Kovrov immediately began serial production of B-20 guns. Further tests were carried out on aircraft No. 38100358 from January 25 to February 7, 1945, and also ended unsuccessfully.

Looking ahead, I note that the tests of the three-point La-7 of plant No. 21 at the Air Force Research Institute in September - October 1945 were also difficult. Of the three aircraft of this enterprise (No. 45214414, 45214415, 45214416) that participated in the tests, none managed to achieve the required rate of 5000 rounds without failures. On the first fighter this figure was 3275 rounds, on the second - 3222, on the third - 3155.

In addition to the two- and three-point versions of the La-7 with ShVAK and B-20 cannons, respectively, other weapons were tested on some vehicles. For example, there was an experimental version with three synchronous Shpitalny SSh-20. This aircraft was produced by order of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry (NKAP). What was attractive about the SSh-20 was that it was lighter than the ShVAK, and also with double-sided belt feed, while the second salvo increased by one and a half times. But during flight tests, the military rejected this weapon, and testing of the vehicle was quickly stopped.

Later, they tried to install three 23 mm cannons, developed by the same designer, on the La-7, but after the appearance of the “126” aircraft (you will learn about this machine below), work in this direction was stopped. Taking this opportunity, I would like to note that the most successful weapons created with the participation of Shpitalny were the ShKAS machine gun and the ShVAK cannon, in which he was a co-author, and all his attempts to single-handedly create aviation weapons, according to available information, ended unsuccessfully.

Another attempt to strengthen the armament of the La-7 was the installation of NS-23 guns. The aircraft with them was tested from July 20 to July 31, 1945, but the results were also unsatisfactory. Repeated tests of the fighter, which took place from October 2 to October 10, 1945, became more successful. The NS-23 cannon, along with the B-20, was adopted for service, but not for the La-7.

Despite the defects noted above, the three-gun La-7s entered combat units. In particular, they were armed with the 304th Fighter Aviation Regiment (IAP) of the 32nd Fighter Aviation Division (IAD), stationed in Spassk-Dalniy (now Ussuriysk, 200 km from Vladivostok). Despite the fact that the fighters did not have attitude indicators, and the main flight instrument on the aircraft was the Pioneer turn and slip indicator, in 1948 the regiment began training in night flights.

Things were no better at plant No. 99. Aircraft No. 45992104 with SP-20 cannons was characterized by poor workmanship, high temperature in the pilot’s cabin (up to +50 degrees) and a lack of horizontal speed of 30–31 km/h.

Since June 1944, La-7 began to be developed at plant No. 21, where it received the designation type “45”. The enterprise completely switched to a new machine at the end of autumn 1944, which was associated with the development of new technological processes. At the same time, the production of La-7 began with the 1st series.

By order of the NKAP No. 393 of February 2, 1945, Lavochkin was transferred from plant No. 21 in Khimki near Moscow to plant No. 301.

In the fall of 1944, a most dangerous defect, characteristic not only of A. S. Yakovlev fighters, but also of the La-7, made itself felt. On October 22, in the 1st reserve air regiment (zap), stationed in Arzamas, during a training air battle on the plane (No. 45210622) of junior lieutenant Penkov, the left wing plane collapsed. This happened due to the breakdown of a fragment of the wing skin measuring 400x400 mm. Thanks to the pilot's resourcefulness, the landing had to be done at increased speed, otherwise the plane would flip over the wing.

A month later, in the same place, in Arzamas, on the plane (No. 45210609) of junior lieutenant Yakovlev, the right wing console collapsed, and two days later La-7 No. 45210968, piloted by Lieutenant Litvinov, found itself in a similar situation. This happened at an altitude of 3000 meters.

In November, the Air Force was forced to stop flying all La-7s from plant No. 21 until the NKAP provided them with a flight safety guarantee.

At the beginning of the La-7's operation, there were frequent cases of destruction of engine hoods and main wheel chambers. The La-7 disaster that occurred in April 1945 in one of the regiments of the 5th VA looks especially wild, when it turned out that at the factory, when installing the wing consoles, the connecting holes of the center section and consoles did not coincide, and the assembler solved this issue in his own way - installed the spar bolts using a sledgehammer...

For completeness, I will give an example of another, albeit not typical, flight accident. As a result, the industry had to urgently modify the machines.

There were plenty of problems with the quality of assembly of the machines; a lot of “surprises” were presented by the rush, and sometimes by the low qualifications of the workers. For example, in the same year, on February 14, test pilot of plant No. 21 A.V. Bolshakov had to fly to shoot guns. It was a simple and common thing, but something unexpected happened. As soon as the pilot pressed the combat button, the blades propeller scattered into different sides. The car, deprived of traction, suddenly went to the ground, and the pilot had no choice but to use a parachute. Later, at the crash site of the fighter, they found out that the cause of the accident was the installation on the plane of a synchronizer drive gear with a reduction of 9/16 instead of 11/16, apparently from an experimental engine (the ASh-82FN with such a reduction began to be mass-produced on August 3, 1945).

In May 1945, La-7 No. 45212225 with SP-20 cannons (total ammunition - 340 rounds) was presented for control tests at the Air Force Research Institute. At the beginning of June, an act was approved based on their results, from which it follows that the car did not achieve a speed of 28 km/h compared to the “1944 standard”. In short, the unsatisfactory manufacturing of the aircraft as a whole and the insufficient strength of the engine exhaust pipes were noted.

Two weeks later (in June 1945), La-7 No. 45213276 from the same plant entered control tests. The “fresh” fighter was different from machine No. 45210203, tested in October 1944. new system suction with dust filter and hydraulic damper control; All cracks were sealed. The ventilation of the pilot's cabin was changed with an air intake located in the lower part of the fuselage in front of the oil cooler. We installed additional locks on the center section flaps of the chassis and increased rigidity engine hoods. At the same time, the radio equipment was updated, replacing the receiver with RSI-4D, and the transmitter with RSI-3M-1. The rear part of the fuselage skin was strengthened, extending the boundary of the 6th layer of veneer from the 6th to the 9th frame.

At the same time, the aircraft’s speed increased, but still lagged behind the “1944 standard” by 14–13 km/h. In particular, large loads on the pedals from the elevator were noted, poor quality glazing; it was hot in the cabin, the exhaust pipes and other defects were destroyed.

On March 3, 1945, Lavochkin reported to the government that “By decision of the State Defense Committee, the take-off weight of the La-7 was approved at 3250 kg. According to the order of the NKAP, new units were introduced on the aircraft, RPK-10, suction filter, etc. As a result, the weight of the aircraft at plant No. 381 reaches 3320 kg. I have developed measures to reduce the weight of the aircraft by 70 kg.”

But, despite this, it was not possible to lighten the plane.

In the first half of 1945, Plant No. 381 NKAP successfully completed the production plan for La-7 fighters, completing it by 107.9% (684 aircraft were delivered instead of 634). In addition, 49 La-7s that arrived from plant No. 21 were assembled and flown, and 321 aircraft were repaired in military units, including 290 La-5s and La-7s and other machines. For this, the plant was awarded first place in the All-Union Socialist Competition of Aircraft Factories and was awarded the Challenge Red Banner of the State Defense Committee.

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, when they began to transfer the industry to the production of civilian products, the production of La-7 was gradually curtailed, limiting it in accordance with the instructions of the 1st Main Directorate of the NKAP to the 30th machine of the 73rd series.

On August 3, 1945, Aircraft Engine Plant No. 19 began producing the ASh-82FN with 11/16 reduction from the 5th series (with engine No. 8215001). Moreover, their service life was 150 hours. The main defects in it were eliminated, and the reliability of the motor, as subsequent tests and operation showed, was no longer in doubt. The production of aircraft with these engines at the Gorky plant began in the fall of 1945.

In the same 1945, a decree of the State Defense Committee was issued, and on November 14, a meeting was held at the NKAP on the issue of improving the quality of combat vehicles. P. A. Voronin, who spoke there, said that due to the main defect of the La-7 - high temperature in the cabin - Plant No. 21 made three modified vehicles and presented them to the Air Force Research Institute, but due to poor quality manufacturing, the customer returned them to Gorky. At the same time, the La-7UTI had to be modified.

Lavochkin described the condition of the La-7 in more detail. From the transcript of his speech it is clear that of the twelve defects recorded in the GKO decision, the most unpleasant of them was the high temperature in the pilot’s cockpit. The rest are small things, and nine of them, which required intervention from the designers, were promptly eliminated, including making the steering wheel lighter, reducing the load on the pedals.

The production plant also eliminated its defects, including non-synchronous deflection of the slats. The heat remained in the cabin, but it was only partially dealt with after studying the aircraft (once again) in the TsAGI wind tunnel. As is known, the thermal regime depends on the temperature of the outside air, oil and engine cylinder heads. The last two factors are constant, and the most that the industry could do was to ensure the cabin air temperature ranged from +15 to +30 degrees. Compared to the 50-degree heat during the war, this was significant progress.

In addition to the massive modification of the La-7, associated with the improvement temperature regime in the cockpit, began in the fall of 1945, as evidenced by the instruction of the chief engineer of the Red Army Air Force dated October 4: “Install cabin ventilation parts on aircraft produced by plant No. 21 up to number 45212901, by plant No. 99 up to number 45992501, according to bulletin No. 11/45 of plant No. 21 and on airplanes produced by plant No. 381 up to number 3818160, according to bulletin No. 26/e plant No. 381...

All improvements<…>carried out under the guidance of NKAP instructors using the repair network, technical personnel of the Air Armies and Air Force units of the Districts and NKAP brigades.”

In addition to eliminating production and design defects, at the beginning of 1945, MA devices (transceivers) began to be installed on aircraft, allowing them to determine their nationality. On the La-7 it was recommended to place them behind the pilot’s armored back between the 6th and 7th frames of aircraft from factory No. 381 and on a special shelf for Gorky aircraft.

Before the end of the war in Europe, factories produced a total of 3,977 La-7 fighters, 2,957 of them entered the Air Force (as of May 1, 1945) and 198 entered the Navy fighter aircraft.

The OKB-21 work plan for 1945 included the La-7 with M-71 and ASh-84 engines. The aircraft with the M-71 (with two 20 mm caliber guns) was built, but with the ASh-84, due to the lack of an engine, production was postponed to 1946. In the same year, brake parachutes were studied at the LII on the La-7, which found practical use only in the 1950s on aircraft with jet engines.

While the war was going on, people in our country often turned a blind eye to the quality of manufacturing of almost all types of equipment. It was impossible to do otherwise, since the authorities demanded a constant increase in the production of combat vehicles, and the technological level of production and the qualifications of specialists were extremely low.

If measures were taken to increase them, the supply of aircraft equipment would be significantly reduced. It should also be taken into account that the training of cadets in flight schools and colleges was also at an extremely low level. The flight time of the pilot assigned to the front barely exceeded 20 hours. Because of this, as well as the low discipline of the flight and technical personnel, the losses of aircraft during the war due to accidents and catastrophes were comparable to those in combat.

On January 16, 1946, the commander of the Red Army Air Force Novikov sent to I.V. Stalin memo on questions post-war development domestic aviation, where he revealed all these problems. I will not quote the document in full, I will only note what concerns the La-7:

"American combat aircraft those in service have up to 8, and the English ones have up to 7 automatic control devices.

...aircraft La-7<…>has automatic propeller speed, automatic supercharging, automatic mixture control, automatic ignition timing...

By the beginning of the operation on the Oder, in order to facilitate the control of group air combat, we used ultra-short wave American radio stations on forty La-7 aircraft. The result was brilliant: the almost complete absence of interference and the absence of the necessary adjustment of the radio station made radio communication as simple as telephone communications…»

I believe that what has been said is quite enough to understand how difficult it was for our pilots to fight compared to German and other foreigners.

Perhaps this note became one of the reasons for the decommissioning and decommissioning in the spring of that year of about 20,000 foreign and domestic aircraft, both obsolete and in need of major repairs. Among them were 748 La-7s of wooden construction, which demonstrated their superiority over German technology not in words, but in deeds.

But Novikov’s note not only did not benefit the Air Force, but also became the reason for the removal of him and a number of Air Force leaders who made a significant contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany from their positions.

OKB Lavochkin

It took OKB-301 only six months to create the aircraft “134” (La-9M), the future La-11.

In May 1947, test pilot A.G. Kochetkov took the car into the air for the first time. In 18 flights with a total duration of 12 hours 37 minutes, the maximum horizontal speeds and rate of climb at the nominal engine operating mode, technical range and flight duration were determined. On June 19, the first vehicle entered state testing at the Air Force Research Institute. Compared to the La-9, the 134 aircraft was equipped with three NS-23 cannons, reducing the ammunition load of the remaining guns to 225 rounds. The oil cooler was moved to the lower part of the engine hood and the capacity of the oil system was increased. Five days later, its backup “134D”, with a greater range, appeared at the Chkalovskaya airfield. The fuel supply on it was increased from 825 liters to 1100 liters, additional gas tanks were installed and two non-resettable tanks with a total capacity of 332 liters were installed.

An increase in the take-off weight of the aircraft required strengthening the landing gear and installing main wheels with a diameter of 660x120 mm with pneumatic tires high pressure. The tail wheel shock absorber was mounted on a linkage suspension.

The aircraft was equipped with navigation lights, an AFA-IM aerial camera for routine photography, and an automatic engine cylinder head temperature control system.

The increased flight duration when escorting bombers (over seven hours) required the installation of an additional oxygen tank.

Normal flight weight increased by 571 kg. Despite all the efforts of the aerodynamicists, with the same power of the power plant, it was not possible to meet the requirements set by the resolution of the Council of Ministers. The only exceptions were range and practical ceiling. Suffice it to say that the maximum speed at the ground was 25 km/h, and at an altitude of 6200 m - 6 km/h less than required.

During the testing period, which ended on July 24, both vehicles made 71 flights with a total duration of 59 hours and 13 minutes.

According to the test results, it was noted: In terms of the technique of performing aerobatic maneuvers, as well as in the behavior during aerobatics when fully loaded with fuel, the aircraft differs significantly from the production La-9. ...the turning speed is 20-40 km/h higher according to the instrument; In addition, when turning, the aircraft tends to increase its roll and angular speed. Turning time also increases. When performing a combat turn, the aircraft quickly reduces speed and tends to increase the roll.

Piloting a fighter when fully fueled is noticeably more difficult than the La-9 aircraft. As the fuel is used up, piloting becomes easier and with 400-600 liters of fuel remaining, the technique for performing aerobatic maneuvers, as well as the behavior of the aircraft during aerobatics, are similar to those for the production La-9.

The loads on the control stick from the elevators and ailerons are less than on the La-9 aircraft, but are within normal limits.

When fully loaded with fuel at flight speeds of 300-450 km/h according to the instrument, the aircraft has an insufficient margin of longitudinal stability. The aircraft's directional stability is sufficient.

The aircraft was given the name La-11 and serial production began at plant No. 21 under the designation “product 51”, continuing until 1951. In 1947 the plant produced 100 cars, and in 1948 the largest number was 650. In the same year, production was stopped, but in next year produced another 150 cars. In 1950, 150 and in 1951, 182 aircraft were delivered. A total of 1,182 vehicles were built.

Like its predecessor, the escort fighter was constantly improved. In 1948 alone, 210 changes were made to its design to improve its performance characteristics. The La-11 was supplied not only to combat units, but also to flight schools of the Air Force and Navy Aviation.

In July 1950, factory tests were completed, and on September 22, state tests of the La-11 in the photo reconnaissance version were completed. A rocking rig with an AFA-BA-40 camera was installed on the vehicle. In the same year, by order of the Air Force, 100 fighters were converted into reconnaissance aircraft. In the reconnaissance version with external tanks, the La-11 turned out to be overweight and lacked engine power. In 1951, they tried to increase the take-off power of the ASh-82FN to 2000 hp. But, as it turned out, to ensure reliable operation of the engine it was necessary to make significant changes to its design and further work was stopped. Although later, for passenger plane Il-14 created a modification of the ASh-82T with a take-off power of 1900 hp, but this was the limit. On one vehicle, which was tested at the Air Force Research Institute, an automatic supercharger speed switch was installed.

In 1950, 150 La-11s were retrofitted with RV-2 radio altimeters, MRP-48 marker radios and ARK-5 automatic radio compasses. Apparently, not all production vehicles that left the factory airfield were fully equipped with radio equipment.

Lavochkin fighters
La-5 La-5FN La-7 La-9
Year of issue 1942 1943 1944 1946 1947
Aircraft length, m 8.67 8.67 8.67 8.625 8.62
Wingspan, m 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
Wing area, m2 17.5 17.5 17.56 17.59 17.59
Specific load per wing, kg/m 2 192 181 200 208 226
Weights, kg
Takeoff weight 3360 3290 3310 3425 3730
Empty weight 2681 2706 2625 2638 2770
Power point
Motor M-82 M-82FN AS-82FN AS-82FN AS-82FN
Power, hp 1700 1850 1850 1850 1850
Flight data
Maximum speed, km/h near the ground 509/535 * 551/583 * 579/613 * 640 562
on high 580 634 661 690 674
m 6250 6250 6000 6250 6200
Climbing time 5 km, min 6.0/5.7 * 5.3/4.7 * 5.25/4.6 * 4.7 6.6
Turn time, sec 22 19-20 19 20-21 24-25
Practical ceiling, m 9500 10000 10450 10800 10250
Flight range**, km 660 590 570 1735 2535
Number of guns 2xShVAK 2xShVAK 2xShVAK 4xHC-23 3xHC-23

*Using 10-minute afterburner.
** At 90% of maximum speed.

Photo Description

La-11 on display at the Chinese Aviation Museum. There is no such exhibit in the Monino exposition anymore. Photo by A. Jurgenson


  • "History of aircraft designs in the USSR, 1938-1950." /V.B. Shavrov/
  • "Fighters La-9, La-11" /appendix to M-HOBBY No. 11/

Well, finally. The process has begun. One aircraft did receive an automatic supercharger speed changer :-)

Comparison of La-11 and P-47D-10-RE shows that with almost the same specific wing load and a significantly lower load on engine power, the domestic fighter was almost twice as light as the “American”, which indicates its more successful selection of propeller, better aerodynamics, and with a wing of comparable aspect ratio, and worse takeoff - landing characteristics. The P-47 take-off run length varied from 960 to 2000 meters depending on take-off weight, which required large airfields. The turbochargers also had their say, providing the Thunderbolt engine with greater altitude.

Due to the excessive take-off weight, the American was extremely inert. It gained altitude more slowly when the engine was running in combat mode, but in emergency mode the P-47 was faster. The time of a single turn was comparable to the La-11. However, the P-47 was not intended for maneuverable combat.

A few months before the start of flight tests of the experimental La-11, an American twin-engine fighter arrived at the Air Force Research Institute P-38L-1 Lightning. Flight tests, completed in April 1947, showed that, despite the heavy weight, almost twice the weight of the La-11, the American had a shorter range with external tanks. The other characteristics were also worse, with the exception of the turning radius and the service ceiling.

It should be noted that the La-11 fought in China and Korea, shooting down American planes. However, the La-11 never shot down a single B-29. “Superfortresses” usually flew for bombing at an altitude of 10,000 m. It took the La-11 26 minutes to reach this altitude, and at this altitude, the La-11 had a speed advantage of only 20 km/h. American bombers with a gentle dive easily escaped pursuit.

Comparison P-51D with the La-11 shows that with approximately the same specific wing load and higher thrust-to-weight ratio, the lighter La-11 had a slightly shorter range and maximum speed. This can be explained by the high drag of the ASh-82FN star-shaped motor. The La-11 also had a worse ceiling, which was apparently due to the lower altitude of the engine.

“Mustangs” of modification “D” came to the Soviet Union in small quantities during the Great Patriotic War, and some of them were flown by LII test pilots. It was not possible to fully determine the flight characteristics of the vehicles, but some conclusions were drawn. The heavier P-51D gained altitude more slowly and was less maneuverable up to 5000 meters. Above, the car seemed to have been replaced. Overall it was a good escort fighter, especially considering that long-range bombers flew at high altitudes. And in this respect it was somewhat superior to the La-11.