Practical exercises for the 10 finger method. Methodology for teaching blind ten-finger typing. What it is

To two pieces of advice:

  • waste your nerves on keyboard simulators like the notorious “Keyboard Solo”;
  • stick signatures on the keys.
Learning to touch-type on a keyboard using these methods is a mockery of yourself. Everyone who has tried Solo has slammed their fist on the keyboard in rage at least once, and almost no one ever made it to the end. And whoever tried to stick the inscriptions on the keys soon tore the stickers back, because without skill and without signatures it is impossible to type, but you have to move on with your life somehow.

What if I told you that there is an absurdly simple, one-step way to learn touch typing without those stupid restrictions?


Print out and place a diagram next to your keyboard showing which finger is supposed to press which key.


Stop yourself from pressing keys with the wrong fingers..

To you no need bring yourself to a nervous breakdown, again and again trying a hundred times without errors to type letter combinations at speed like “ololo loloo” and phrases like “Vladimir Vladimirovich Shakhidzhanyan is my mentor and teacher.”

To you no need nothing special to learn.

To you Can look at the keyboard as much as you like.

To you no need spend time on exercise.

Just start typing in this way everything that you have to type in everyday life and work - and after a while you will be typing touch-touch.

How and why it works

All you need to learn to touch type is to learn how to press the keys with your corresponding fingers. When this skill has not yet been consolidated, you have a desire to poke with your index fingers - it’s faster and more familiar. As long as you allow yourself to do this, the skill of pressing with the right fingers will never take hold.

If you do not make exceptions and press each key with strictly the corresponding finger, the skill will be fixed by itself in a relatively little time. This consolidation occurs at the level of motor skills, so memorizing the scheme is not required and most likely will not bring much benefit.

At first, your printing speed will drop significantly. There will be a painful desire to poke with your index finger and, possibly, irritation. Fight them and make no exceptions.

Depending on how much you type daily, it will take you anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get up to your previous typing speed, and then gradually increase from there.

You won’t stop looking at the keyboard right away or all at once, but that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that the skill will be consolidated and the speed of gain will increase. And the need to look at the keyboard will become less and less over time, until it disappears completely.

Choosing a mapping between fingers and keys

All schemes on the Internet offer this correspondence:

In this case, oddly enough, it is proposed to place hands normally:

Obviously, such a scheme (and the asymmetrical keyboard itself with shifting rows of keys) was invented by a man with a broken left wrist.

As I started typing, I quickly realized that putting my left little finger under my ring finger was unnatural and generally humiliating, so I chose the correspondence between fingers and keys in a way that was convenient for me:


Every time you start typing, use your index fingers to feel the marks on the F/A and J/O keys. These marks are designed to help you place your fingers on the keyboard correctly without looking at it.

Position the keyboard so that your hands on it are symmetrical relative to your body, and not offset to the left. The center of the main part of the keyboard is between the G/P and H/P keys.

Success story

It took me several months to be able to type while looking only at the screen. We are, of course, talking about months of everyday life, and not months of hard training.

And a few years later, clusterm gave me a Das Keyboard Ultimate keyboard with Cherry MX mechanics and no signatures on the keys for my birthday. This publication is written on it.

How to quickly learn to touch type with all 10 fingers? Review of programs and online keyboard simulators for teaching touch and fast ten-finger typing (typing).

There are even specialized courses for this purpose, and in the West it is one of the subjects in secondary schools.

The main advantages of the touch typing method:

1. Typing with all fingers reduces the number of errors.

2. All fingers are occupied, and each of them corresponds to a certain number of letters.

3. The work becomes completely mechanical - the desired letter is unmistakably struck by the finger with which one has been taught to strike it.

4. By mastering the blind ten-finger method and applying it in practice, people will save their health. They won’t have to look from the keyboard to the monitor and back dozens of times, their eyes won’t get tired, and their vision won’t deteriorate. Those trained will become less tired during the working day, as a result of which they will begin to do more work.

5. Using the blind ten-finger method, anyone can achieve a typing speed of 300-500 characters per minute. If we take into account a work team where all the people in it have mastered the blind ten-finger method, then they work 10% - 15% more efficiently. All letters, texts, balances, reports, notes, documents are prepared faster, better and more accurately.

6. When typing blindly, attention is not focused on the fact of typing, but only on expressing your thoughts (suggestions, conclusions, recommendations, conclusions) in the best possible way.

How to learn?

There are a lot of resources, including the already mentioned touch typing courses, online classes, and special programs. We will not dwell on the courses, but we will look at programs and online simulators.


In general, most of these programs are based on a similar methodology. First, the “student” studies the middle row of the keyboard - this is FYVAPROLJE, trying to get used to typing certain letters with the corresponding fingers. Here, as practice shows, the most difficult thing is to “move” the ring finger and, especially, the little finger. After mastering the middle row, the top and bottom rows are added. Learning may be accompanied by irritation because your fingers press the wrong keys, there are a lot of mistakes, etc. – this cannot be avoided. But you don’t need to be too upset - this is a fairly serious skill, and to acquire it, you need to work hard, don’t expect an easy “victory”.

SOLO on keyboard

The most famous program on the Runet for mastering the ten-finger touch typing method is SOLO on the keyboard. I will dwell on this keyboard simulator in more detail, since this is not just a program, but an extended training course. In addition to simply typing certain letters in SOLO, the keyboard contains detailed instructions, tips and many other materials that help you cope with irritation from mistakes, and help you not stop halfway.

The entire course consists of 100 exercises. Having completed all 100, you are guaranteed to type text with all 10 fingers, regardless of the keyboard - checked. Each exercise contains up to 6-7 tasks. In addition, after many exercises you will need to repeat one of the previous ones. At the beginning of each exercise there are anecdotes from the creators of the program, which are sure to cheer you up and help you relax a little. There are also numerous letters from people who have already completed SOLO, in which they describe the problems they encountered and what was the most difficult for them. You will find something of your own in them, and this will help you overcome difficulties. After completing the task, you are given a grade on a 5-point scale.

Stamina (Recommended)

This is a free keyboard trainer with a simple but fun interface. The author of this program is not devoid of a sense of humor and did not hesitate to express it in the program interface. Training is based on step-by-step completion of tasks with increasing complexity. For example, in the first task you will need to type the letters A and O in different combinations, then B and L will be added, etc. The tasks are completed to pleasant music. Also, various events in the program are accompanied by cool sounds, for example, when closing the program, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s phrase “I’ll be back” is heard. The program also has an entertaining toy, which, however, is not related to learning, but you can play with it.

Rapid Typing

A free application from Western developers that supports learning in Russian and English layouts. It has an attractive, user-friendly interface. Class statistics are kept to help you navigate the learning process. Below, as usual, is a diagram of the keyboard.


Not quite a standard keyboard trainer. The authors of the program talk about the extreme effectiveness of their method of mastering touch typing. Their website claims that after 5-15 hours of training you will be able to touch-type at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The technique is really different from the standard one. Here you are immediately asked to type text consisting of letters in all rows of the keyboard. In this case, the proposed strings for typing are generated by a special algorithm that generates phonetic related sequences of characters.

However, I think that this approach will be very difficult for beginners. Explanations about how to hold your hands, what fingers to press, etc. are in the program help, and are described quite clearly, but switching from two-finger “poking” at the keyboard to typing with all 10 fingers is not easy. At the same time, it is very difficult to study which finger is responsible for what, looking only at the keyboard model. I think there is a high probability that the student will simply abandon this matter until better times.

Fast Typing School

This keyboard simulator is designed for those who want to learn ten-finger touch typing on the keyboard. The simulator has various interesting sections:
1. step by step study keyboards "muscle memory";
2. the game “falling letters” helps to take your mind off learning the keyboard and develop your reaction;
3. typing - skill development;
4. touch printing - imitation of work on typewriter, strengthens and consolidates touch typing skills;
5. audio dictation - just like in school, a voice dictates a story and you need to type without errors at speed.

There are other programs of this kind, but I don’t think they are fundamentally different or better than those that we reviewed. This is quite enough.

Online keyboard simulators

Here we will look at 2 good online resources that are dedicated to mastering the touch typing method.

Keyboard solo online

Training is provided free of charge. However, if you want, you can transfer money to ErgoSOLO LLC in the amount of 150 rubles (this is the same amount as their “SOLO on the Keyboard” program costs). The learning process and methodology are no different from those presented in the program. Everything is very high quality and with care for the student. Here you can compete in the rankings with other “online soloists”, of which, by the way, there are already quite a few. Users who have paid for the course will have an asterisk next to their name. In general, both the SOLO keyboard program and the online course are what a beginner needs. I think this is the best option.

All 10 (Recommended)

Another new project, which promises to save us from the habit of pointing two fingers at the keyboard. At the beginning, you will have to take a test to check your typing speed. Then the exercises begin. Two courses are available – Russian and English. The training section provides detailed instructions and recommendations for completing tasks.

The basic rules of the game are simple. The game will select a random piece of text that you and your opponents must type exactly. As fast as possible. When you successfully type a text, your typewriter (always at the top of the list) moves forward. If a typo is made, you must correct it, otherwise there will be no promotion. Based on the results of the race, the winners will be determined and some parameters of the passage of the text will be shown - time, typing speed in characters per minute and the percentage of characters in which errors were made. The results of each race are saved in your personal statistics. For each completed text you are awarded a number of points depending on the length of the typed text.

Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer

The main goal of the Time Speed ​​Keyboard Trainer project is to provide the widest range of computer users with the opportunity to master typing (touch typing or ten-finger typing). We offer a series of courses for teaching touch typing, as well as developing its speed.

VerseQ online

This is an online version of the famous VerseQ keyboard trainer, but, unlike its offline counterpart, it allows you to study from anywhere in the world, participate in competitions, and share your successes with friends and acquaintances. You need the service if you want to quickly, easily and naturally learn touch typing. And if you are already a typing pro, then show off your skills to others!

More online keyboard trainers - the first championship of typewriting in Cyrillic


To all that has been said above, you can add the following. Anyone who works at a computer, and especially if they have to type a lot of text, needs to buy an ergonomic keyboard. It is also called separate because the keys for each hand are separated. In addition, the right and left blocks are at an angle to each other, which allows you to avoid bending your hand at the wrist when placing your hands in the initial position FYVA-OLJ. Working on such a keyboard, you will definitely be less tired, and this will increase the average typing speed and, accordingly, productivity.

I have already said that you should not hope to easily “conquer” the blind typing method. It's quite difficult, especially at the beginning. To complete, for example, SOLO on the keyboard, you will need to put in a lot of effort and patience. In addition, you will need to set aside special time for this. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of this; anyone who wants to will undoubtedly cope with this task. Good luck!



Methodology for teaching blind ten-finger typing


Work and entertainment related to the computer imply that we know how to work on a keyboard (typing) or at least know the location of the letters on it. Without this knowledge and certain skills, working on a PC is unproductive and tedious. Therefore, we are faced with the task of learning to type. Here we propose a technique for mastering the blind ten-finger method of working on a PC keyboard.

Quite naturally the question arises: how quickly can you learn to use the keyboard? Oddly enough, only you can answer this question yourself. It all depends on the amount of work put into it, age, gender, degree of finger development and your psychological characteristics. You also need to keep in mind that one only needs to confidently know where a certain sign is located, while the other needs to have professional skills. One thing is certain - it takes from one and a half to four hours to learn the keyboard. And you will already be able to type with a minimum speed using the ten-finger touch method.

Some of the most common operating systems and word processors in our country are Microsoft products (Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint), etc. Therefore, we will consider the keyboard layout and shortcut key combinations corresponding to these software products. However, in fairness, it should be noted that these control techniques are quite often universal relative to the products of other developers, and in some cases they were the pioneers.

This training program for the blind ten-finger method of working on a PC is designed for 2 years for professional course secretaries-referents.

The course program is attached.


Learning to use a PC keyboard involves several stages:

learning the layout;

developing initial skills of hitting the keys of letters and numbers;

consolidation and further improvement of acquired typing skills.

Consistent and, preferably, daily work The exercises outlined in this book will quickly lead you to your goal. And remember: relearning is always more difficult. Of course, at the initial stage of learning it may seem that touch typing with ten fingers is more difficult than with one or two fingers. But you can be sure that your efforts will pay off handsomely in the future. Usually a person writes with a fountain pen at a speed of 20..30 words per minute, and when typing at a speed of about 300 characters per minute - 50 or more words. Some people reach typing speeds of 500...600 characters per minute, which is more than 90 words.

Printing speed depends on many factors. These include the following points:

    correctly chosen workplace, taking into account all standards and recommendations (lighting, position of the monitor, keyboard, footrest, etc.);

    the position must be correct - you must sit straight, your shoulders relaxed and lowered, your hands should not touch the keyboard body. The fingers, being in the starting position, lightly touch the keys;

    the chair must have a rigid back or a lift-and-swivel mechanism, a special computer desk;

    The text you are working with is best positioned to your left. It is convenient to use a special device for it (a text stand);

    and others…

Failure to comply with these requirements leads to rapid fatigue, which will lead to strain in the hands and, accordingly, to a decrease in typing speed.


When working on a PC keyboard, a light touch of the key is enough to write. However, these should still be light strikes. They should be clear and abrupt. As you can imagine, the hits are hitting very hot keys. In this case, the fingers and hands should not be tense.

In the course of writing, it is necessary to strive for rhythm, that is, the strokes should follow one after another at approximately equal intervals in time. In the initial period of training, these gaps will be significant, and as your skill grows, they will decrease. When we talk about rhythm, it is necessary to keep in mind that as skills are acquired, there is a gradual transition from writing “letter by letter” to writing with syllables, and subsequently - with words and even entire phrases. Remember how you learned to read.

The fingers are located above the keys of the main position of the third row, and they should be given a rounded shape; you can imagine that you are holding a cylinder-shaped Christmas tree toy in each hand. Due to this, the fingers should be able to easily reach any key in their zone without moving the hand.

A jerky and clear strike on the keys without searching for them with your finger is not achieved immediately. So don't despair. You just have to work, and the skill will come to you.


ON PC KEYBOARD (Russian layout)

Learning cycles

The entire set of exercises, depending on the degree of achievement of the set goal - to learn to type “blindly” using the ten-finger method, can be divided into several cycles. At the end of each cycle, it is advisable to evaluate your results, that is, determine your printing speed.

Print speed

Printing speed is determined by its error-free operation. The guidelines here could be the following:

    “excellent” if no more than 1 error was made on one printed sheet;

    “good” - 2...3 errors;

    “satisfactory” - at 4…5.

Work on mistakes

Traditionally, work on errors is done as follows. An arbitrary text is taken and from it the letter that should have been printed and which was printed by mistake is printed. This way, one or two lines are printed.

Print speed rating

Printing speed can be assessed based on the following criteria:

10…20 characters per minute……………………………….. Level 1;

20…40 characters per minute……………………………….. Level 2;

40…60 characters per minute……………………………….. Level 3;

60…90 characters per minute……………………………….. Level 4;

90…120 characters per minute…..………………………….. Level 5;

120…150 characters per minute…………………………….. Level 6;

150…180 characters per minute…..………………………… Level 7;

180…240 characters per minute…..………………………… Level 8;

240…300 characters per minute…..………………………… Level 9;

more than 300 characters per minute…..…………………………10 level;


All keys on the keyboard can be divided into 4 types:

    alphanumeric and spacebar


    function keys

    special control keys

First cycle of exercises

(6 practical exercises)

Second cycle of exercises

The purpose of the second cycle of exercises is to study the writing of numbers and other characters located on the fourth row of the keyboard. It often happens that people who have self-taught themselves how to use a PC keyboard, having studied the letter group, consider the training complete. However, it is not. Working on PE involves much more frequent use of numbers and other symbols than it seems at first glance.

(3 practical exercises)

Third cycle of exercises

It is advisable to devote the following classes to consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills. To do this, select popular science or special texts that do not contain digital material. It is useful to write each paragraph several times in a row. Some exercises from this cycle are suggested.

(4 practical exercises)

Fourth cycle of exercises

This series of exercises aims to continue consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills when working on the keyboard and increase your writing speed by typing the most common letter combinations of the Russian language.

(6 practical lessons)


Function keys F 1…F 12 are designed to signal the execution of various special actions defined in the active program. During this exercise, you need to learn how to correctly move your hand from the starting position to the position for working with function keys and press the key with the corresponding finger.

To press any of the function keys, the hand is completely moved from the starting position to the starting position when each of the four fingers is over the key. Then the appropriate function key is pressed with the appropriate finger. The thumb does not take part in the work.

(2 practice exercises)


TO PC KEYBOARD (Latin layout)

At this stage of learning to work with the “blind” ten-finger method, you set yourself the goal of learning to type using the Latin keyboard layout.

First cycle of exercises

(13 practical exercises)


About ways to learn to use the keyboard

Now let's find out what the difference is in teaching the “blind” ten-finger method from a “sheet”, that is, using some printed manual, or using a keyboard simulator.

Some say that the “blind” ten-finger method must be learned using a textbook, others - that this requires a keyboard simulator. As usual, the truth is somewhere in the middle, since these two ways of learning complement each other. The reason is this: when you use a keyboard trainer for learning, you focus your attention on the monitor screen. As a result, you develop the habit of finding your actions reflected on the screen. When you teach from a sheet, the attention is focused on the text material and working on the keyboard, and the reflection on the screen is not the main thing.

So what does a person working on a PC need? The answer is simple: both skills are needed. When you retype text, you work from a sheet of paper, and when you think and create a document, you look at the monitor or out the window and type the fruits of your thoughts. As you can see, both are necessary. It should be noted that the second way of working becomes habitual for a person only after quite a significant amount of time both working at the computer and in the field of intellectual activity.

It should also be borne in mind that increasing the speed of working on the keyboard is also influenced by a change in activity strategy, which occurs when moving from one way of working to another. In this case, there is a change in the style of activity. During this period, the number of errors increases and a feeling of discomfort appears. So keep this in mind and don't worry. Just keep working and the errors will go away, and in the future you will feel quite comfortable at the computer.

About keyboard trainers

Currently developed for PC a large number of simulators for learning to operate the keyboard using the “blind” ten-finger method. Here are some of them.

SOLO ON KEYBOARD– this simulator offers you to perform 100 exercises using a special technique. The program has a Russian interface.

MILTON– a program for primary teaching of touch typing using the ten-finger method. The program allows you to measure printing speed and has a Russian interface.

STAMINA– keyboard trainer for Windows

BABYTYPE– beautiful gaming simulator. Multilingual keyboard layouts.

ALENKA– keyboard trainer with Russian interface. Not demanding on PC resources

TEMP - keyboard trainer with Russian and Latin interface. Not demanding on PC resources. It is one of the first simulators that began to be used with the advent of PCs in Russia.

learning to use the keyboard using the “blind” ten-finger method using the TEMP computer simulator

The course program is designed to provide professional typing skills for secretaries-assistants on a PC.

The course is divided into 2 years of study.

In the first year of study students become familiar with the PC keyboard and basic skills in working with computer simulators.

Work on the simulator is divided into three parts.

Each part is divided into several cycles.

PART 1: Basic keyboard skills (Russian layout)

First cycle of exercises

The purpose of working on the exercises of the first cycle is:

    remember the position of letters and become familiar with the location of numbers and other keyboard characters;

    develop the initial skills of hitting the letter keys with all ten fingers.

Second cycle of exercises

The purpose of the second cycle of exercises is to study the writing of numbers and other characters located on the fourth row of the keyboard.

PART 2: Improving printing techniques

First cycle of exercises

This series of exercises aims to continue consolidating the acquired knowledge and skills when working on the keyboard and increase writing speed by typing the most common letter combinations of the Russian language.

Second cycle of exercises

The purpose of the second cycle of exercises is to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills. For this purpose, special texts that do not contain digital material have been selected. After finishing each text, the machine produces results - the number of errors and the number of characters printed per minute, which allows the student and teacher to evaluate the work.

PART 3: Basic Keyboard Skills (Latin Layout)

At this stage of learning to work with the “blind” ten-finger method, the goal is to learn to type using the Latin keyboard layout.

First cycle of exercises

The purpose of working on the exercises of the first cycle of the Latin keyboard layout is:

    learn the arrangement of letters of the Latin layout and become familiar with the arrangement of other characters;

    improve the technique of hitting the keys when working with the “blind” ten-finger method;

    develop initial writing skills in the Latin layout

PART 4: Practice increasing speed

On at this stage The student, using the texts offered by the simulator, increases his speed and works to reduce the number of errors.


SECOND YEAR training is divided into several parts.

In the first part Students recall acquired skills by repeating parts 1 and 2 of the TEMP simulator program, thereby restoring their typing speed.

In the second part students are invited to familiarize themselves with and master work on other simulators - Virtuoso, Alenka and others in order to diversify their typing lessons.

In the third part it is proposed to use the “blind” ten-finger method when printing from the "sheet" that is, using some kind of printed manual. To do this, the student is asked to “fill” a certain number of printed texts with teaching aids(both in Russian and Latin).

An increase in the speed of working on the keyboard is also influenced by a change in activity strategy, which occurs when moving from one way of working to another. In this case, there is a change in the style of activity. During this period, the number of errors increases and a feeling of discomfort appears. You just need to keep working and the errors will go away, and later on the student will feel quite comfortable using the computer.

In the fourth parts The course students are asked to use the acquired skills to print specific official documents.


    Berezin B.I. School of typing – M.: graduate School, 1998.

    Dmitrievskaya E.I., Dmitrievsky N.N. Typewriting textbook. – M.: Higher School, 2000.

    Kuznetsova A.N. Wagenheim R.N. Teaching typing in vocational schools. – M.: Higher School, 1999

    Kuznetsova A.N. Methods of teaching typing and office work. – M.: Publishing house, 2009

    Podolsky I.N. Printing to PC. – St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2012


MBOU "City Gymnasium" of the city of Dimitrovgrad

"Ten Finger Blind"

computer printing method"

The methodological manual discusses various methods of teaching how to use the keyboard, issues of optimizing training in typing texts in various software products. The manual contains practical exercises, the implementation of which boils down to typing a specially selected text. These exercises help develop visual memory, attentiveness, coordination of movements and improve knowledge of the Russian language.


When working on a computer, you often fail to perform seemingly simple actions because you lack knowledge or skills. The computer and related information processing technologies are based on centuries of experience of the best minds of mankind. The picture is exactly the same with the seemingly simple activity of pressing a key in order to write words and sentences, first on the monitor screen, and then on a sheet of paper, if necessary.

Humanity has accumulated vast experience in how to write correctly and quickly on a typewriter. The speed of typing is simply amazing - world records reach 1000 characters per minute (to imagine what this is like, you can try to say the sentence “There is a lonely tree at the edge of the forest” 5 times in 10 seconds). Of course, to achieve such high results, special typewriters and special teaching methods are used.

Once upon a time, the ability to work on a typewriter was the lot of typist secretaries. Scientists, writers, intelligence officers and everyone who worked with a large volume of printed documents considered it a good idea to learn how to “write” on a typewriter as quickly as possible. Now the situation has changed. " Typewriter» in the form of a keyboard and word processor came to every home where there is a computer. However, this does not mean that everyone immediately learned how to quickly “write” on a computer - this requires certain knowledge and skills. Keyboarding can be defined as “keyboard culture.” What it is?

Keyboard culture - this is the level of special knowledge, skills and abilities that make it possible efficient use when working on a computer.

Conventionally, three levels can be distinguished.

1) First level– when a person knows the location and purpose of the keys on a computer keyboard, but presses the keys with one or two fingers.

2) Amateur level determined by the fact that the user has mastered the lowest level and knows the basics of the 10-finger touch typing method.

3) Professional level– when the user knows the purpose of the keys, their location and knows how to type text using the 10-finger touch method at a fairly high speed.

Strictly speaking, there are only two methods of writing on a computer keyboard (typewriter):

1) Ten-finger blind, when the user does not look at the keyboard and uses all fingers.

2) "Visual" a method where the user looks at the keyboard and uses those fingers that are comfortable (usually the index and middle).

This manual will help you, when mastering a Russian keyboard, learn the “blind” ten-finger method, which makes it possible to type with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard.

Let us determine what main points determine the keyboard culture of the third (professional) level:

Ø knowledge of the rules of landing and hand placement;

Ø knowledge of the rules for pressing keys and the zone of responsibility of fingers (that is, the keys that certain fingers must press);

Ø ability to type text at a speed comparable to the speed of writing with a pen or in accordance with certain standards.

The manual contains practical exercises, the implementation of which boils down to typing a specially selected text. These exercises help develop visual memory, attentiveness, coordination of movements and improve knowledge of the Russian language.


When working on a PC, it is very important to sit correctly.

Ø You need to sit freely, without tension, without slouching or leaning on the back of the chair.

Ø Place your feet directly on the floor, one next to the other, without stretching them or bending them (when long work while working on a computer, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to lean on the back of a chair to relieve fatigue and tension in the back muscles or stretch your legs, but it should be taken into account that the speed and accuracy of work is significantly reduced).

Ø The torso should be at a distance of 15-16 cm from the table.

Ø The height of the chair should be such that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is slightly less than straight.

Ø Shoulders are relaxed.

Ø Elbows lightly touch the body.

Ø The original from which you are typing is located on the left (if space allows, then in the front), well illuminated. It's better to use a music stand.

Ø Hands, forearms and elbow should be at the same level as the keyboard.


The sequence of placing hands and fingers on a PC keyboard.

Ø Bend your elbows and extend your hands forward, palms down.

Ø Bring your hands together, index fingers touching, thumbs pointing down.

Ø Lower the first two phalanges of your fingers down, bending them slightly.

Ø Spread your hands apart, leaving a distance of 4 cm between your index fingers.

Ø Place your hands on the keyboard (the left index finger will be on the A key, and the right index finger will be on the O key; these keys have a protrusion, which allows you to control the correct placement of your hands).

Starting position of fingers:

left hand – F Y V A;

right hand – O L D F;

The thumbs of both hands are bent over the spacebar.

If the recommendations are followed correctly, then all fingers will move to the main position, touching the middle of the keys assigned to them with their tips. When placing in the main position, the fingers should be slightly bent, as if the hand were holding a round object. The index fingers lightly touch the tips of the middle keys A and O, but do not rest on them.


The rhythm of typing is the alternation of strokes on the keys at regular intervals. The shorter the intervals between strokes, the faster the printing speed.

When working on the keyboard, you can distinguish two ways to press the keys:

Ø a jerky light strike on a key without holding it down to type one character;

Ø holding a key for a long time to type a repeated character or using it to change the action of the next key (the so-called prefix key).

Let us list the basic rules of recruitment.

Ø Push-kick - a clear, jerky and light jump of the finger to the key without the slightest pressure (fluency will not develop without it). If you hit the keys hard, you may develop a disease in your finger joints.

Ø The impact on all computer keys, regardless of their location, must be uniform and of the same force.

Ø Strokes on the keys should be rhythmic. The rhythmicity exercise is the best exercise that teaches your fingers to “read” the keyboard.

Ø When hitting keys that are not in the main position, the finger returns to its main place.

Ø When hitting a key, the fingers should not bend, and non-participating fingers should not rise from their places.

Ø When typing, raise the hand above the keyboard by about 1-2 cm, and then quickly and vigorously hit the desired key and return the finger to its original position.

From the first lessons, it is necessary to achieve independent finger movements: when one finger performs a strike, the others are relaxed. The finger muscles should act during the impact and relax immediately after it.

The requirements for a PC operator allow you to independently assess your skills:

Ø highest skill: errors no more than 0.5%, speed no less than 200 characters/min;

Ø average skill: errors no more than 1.0%, speed no less than 150 characters/min;

Ø low skill: errors no more than 2.0%, speed no less than 100 characters/min.

At the first stage, it is better to pronounce in your mind the letters that you are going to type. The normal typing speed at the initial stages of the learning process should be considered 50-70 characters per minute, later it increases, reaching 200-300 characters per minute. Each lesson must last at least 30 minutes.

Do not chase speed, pay special attention to error-free typing. It is easy to increase your typing speed during everyday work, after you have already mastered the keyboard in full.


Learning to type on a PC keyboard is carried out using a special method, the so-called blind ten-finger writing method. The blind teaching method appeared at the end of the last century and soon became widely accepted.

You can learn to type quickly and without errors only with a strict distribution of keyboard keys between all fingers. In this case, you should not look at the keyboard. Just as it is impossible to learn to drive a car by looking not at the road, but at the pedals and levers, it is impossible to learn to type touch-type by looking at the keyboard. At the same time, the keyboards are designed in such a way that they allow you to perform all the necessary operations: typing, editing and formatting texts using keyboard shortcuts without using a mouse, which significantly increases the speed of text processing.


All PCs, regardless operating system and brands, have a standard keyboard with alphabetic letters, numbers and symbols. The keyboard consists of four rows: the top row contains numbers and special characters, the rest contain letters and punctuation marks. In the center of the keyboard there are keys with letters that are most often repeated in texts; they are served by more developed and mobile fingers: index and middle.

The keyboard rows are arranged from bottom to top:

The 1st row is called the bottom row,

2nd – main,

3rd – top,

4th – digital.

Learning the keyboard starts from the second row. This row is called the main row because it contains the letters of the alphabet that are most often repeated in texts. From this row, located in the center of the keyboard, it is convenient to make movements with your fingers when striking while writing within the zone responsible for them.

The fingers on the main row keys are distributed as follows:

Ø left hand: little finger – f, ring finger – s, middle finger – v, index finger – a;

Ø right hand: index – o, middle – l, ring – d, little finger – g.

Letters not included in this list are located on the so-called additional keys of the second, main row of the keyboard.

Keys with the letters f y v a o l j are called the “primary position”.

The letter keys are distributed as follows:

Ø to the left index finger – a, p, k, e, m, i;

Ø to the right index – o, p, n, g, t, b;

Ø to the left middle – y, v, s;

Ø to the right middle – w, l, b;

Ø to the left nameless – c, s, h;

Ø to the right nameless – sch, d, yu;

Ø to the left little finger – th, f, i;

Ø to the right little finger – z, g, e, x, b.

Use the thumbs of both hands to press the spacebar.

On initial stage Printing training is carried out without regard to case. Cases, punctuation marks, numbers, auxiliary symbols - this is the next stage to which you can move on after mastering lower case. Practice shows that studying them takes no more than 5-10% of the time spent on learning the lower case of the keyboard.

Before you start mastering typing in Russian, pay attention to the following keys: Backspace, Delete, Enter, Space.

Ø The Backspace, Delete and Enter keys are pressed with the little finger of the right hand.

Ø The Space key is pressed with the thumb of the left or right (currently free) hand.

Learning the main row of the keyboard

At the first stage of learning the keyboard, it is necessary to learn the letters of the main row, develop automatic movements and achieve finger mobility. In this case, special attention should be paid to print quality.

As you remember, the main row of the keyboard includes the letters: f y v a r o l j e. You will notice that three letters from the main row (2nd row) have been added to the main position.

In this case, in the starting position, the index fingers should be above the a and o keys, respectively; on most keyboards, these keys have a protrusion that helps you find them blindly. All other fingers naturally end up in “their places.”

All movements are performed “blindly”; you should look at the text at this time.

Exercise 1.

ox ox ox howled two howled two

Exercise 2. Write each word on two lines.

lad oda lad oda lov dal lov dal

Exercise 3. Write each word on two lines.

oval gadfly oval gadfly water sting water sting lava bed lava bed conclusion argument conclusion argument

Exercise 4. Write each word on two lines.

glad heat glad heat dug era dug era aero swam aero swam pair to the right pair to the right true

Exercise 5. Write each word on two lines.

Exercise 6. Write each phrase in three lines.

really pleased fishing pleased

the water gave steam two gadflies

the ox got into the yard the ox was waiting for water

a pair of oxen disappeared and the waterfall was falling

water pipe broke water shaft broke

Verification work. Write each phrase three times in a column.

the wire fell into the basement of the supply line fell into the ditch

an otter fell into a ditch, a pair of oxen were waiting for water

the argument gave the right waterfall fell into the basement

the loss gave rise to a bustard getting into the basement

porcelain was lost twice water got into the yard

Grading criterion when performing test work:

Ø 1-2 mistakes – score “5”;

Ø 3 errors – “4”;

Ø 4 errors – “3);

Ø 5 errors or more – “2”.

Exploring the third row of the keyboard

The third (top) row of the keyboard includes the letters: y ts u ken g sh shch z x b.

Practicing finger movements on the keys top row produced from the main position: f y v a o l j.

Ø left hand: the index finger hits the keys k and e, the middle finger - y, the ring finger - c, the little finger - th;

Ø right hand: the index finger hits the keys n and g, the middle finger – sh, the ring finger – sh, the little finger – e, x, b.

Exercise 7. Write the words in three lines.

g (index) – goal hum mountain benefit

y (medium) – bow hurray ore pile

x (little finger) – ear stroke clap halva

k (index) – count code treasure cotton

w (medium) – ball seams soul screw

z (little finger) – call itching plant glow

ts (nameless) – tsok shop price censor

n (index) – our knife is a burden of illness

th (little finger) – sing iodine husky peace

sch (unnamed) – bream thick pike puppy

ъ (little finger) – entrance exit entrance

Exercise 8. Write each word on two lines.

dac dul give swarm choir time lion where already sing blow thick boa constrictor top goat worse sheep ocher coffee year varnish echo stew plow corner pond chlorine cartoon ocher flag ladle entrance penny bad head fence blizzard good long rustle fluff halva sleeve era weather bell magazine round dance harpoon gushed organs loon report cotton valve rainbow dried apricots cover corporal corner

Verification work. Write each phrase in three lines.

lush green onions in the garden

the harpoon hit the shark

entry to the road is prohibited

bountiful year for harvest

the road went into the grove

the bucket fell under the well cover

there was a mirror next to the new vase

the pedestrian turned the corner

the puppy untied his shoelace

the magazine was lying on the pulpit

shark swam in the ocean

Large hail recently fell

Learning the first row of the keyboard

The first (bottom) row of the keyboard includes the letters i h s m i t b u i (dot).

The keys of the bottom row are struck from the main position.

The load on the fingers is distributed as follows:

Ø left hand: the index finger hits the keys m and i, the middle finger - s, the ring finger - h, the little finger - i;

Ø right hand: the index finger hits the keys t and ь, the middle finger - b, the ring finger - yu, the little finger - . (dot).

Exercise 9. Write the words in three lines. Don't forget to put a period after each word.

m – mol. com. brand. hammer. s – juice. banner. hill pacifier.

b – score. beam. loaf. jar. and – ears. shooting gallery Tina. sofa.

I am a row. yoke. core. jaguar. h – than. trait. miracle. devils.

yu – yula. hook. skirt. young man b - reality. skiff. son-in-law accept.

t – rear. cabinet. pumpkin. comet.

Exercise 10. Write each word on one line.

side garden dream cheese dream fat moth sconce forehead com spruce may ball scrap com feast forehead was shooting gallery yard peace smoke row spinning top buck mor buck mayor bor my scourge poppy nose my base uncle frame haze meter fashion experience soot laughter march tara skirt laughter here cake tara tier here salt roofing silence caviar needle raisin watch roofing rook humor liter flaw life camp tract council brains plot point taiga point total focus mast judge suite luggage reeds quiet department bright book retinue switch gave cabinet bazaar bamboo balloon victory open knowledge sweater reeds flower truth write lime stage construction hygiene post office brochure practice customs internship

Exercise 11. Write each phrase in three lines.

students had an internship at the plant

Verification work. Read each sentence in turn and type it from memory, without looking at the monitor screen.

As you know, a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. But it seems that this statement is far from the truth. Almost every person purchasing vehicle, trying to somehow distinguish his steel horse from the crowd of his brothers. And if this person is also rich, then nothing limits his imagination.

Thus, the most expensive car at the moment is considered to be the one built to a special order by the Lincoln Continental Executive. This is the limousine of the American president. The length of the machine is 6.5 meters. This armored vehicle weighs 5.44 tons. Over 500 thousand dollars were spent on the development of Lincoln. The most expensive domestically produced car is the ZIS-115, which once belonged to Joseph Stalin. This armored vehicle was also built to special order. In 1990, at an auction in Vienna, it was bought by a Japanese collector who wished to remain anonymous. The car of the “father of all nations” was purchased for $2 million.

Currently, the most expensive production car is the Jaguar XJ 220. The price of this English semi-sports car is 402 thousand pounds sterling. By the way, it is also the fastest production car. During tests in Italy on June 21, 1992, it reached a speed of 349.21 km/h.

The most powerful Formula 1 sports car is the McLaren F16.1 (627 horsepower). It is capable of accelerating to a speed of 95.6 km/h in 3.2 seconds, well maximum speed This car was shown at competitions - 370 km/h.

Greetings, friends and colleagues! In today’s article I want to start a new series of materials devoted to the most important skills and abilities that every modern person needs to learn. Especially for those who work remotely via the Internet or build their own business on it.

I'll start with such a simple skill as touch typing with two hands. I’ll tell you what it is, how to learn to quickly type on the keyboard and what auxiliary tools exist for this.

I once understood the meaning and importance of the skill from a conversation with a successful Internet entrepreneur, sitting in a small Indonesian warung on the island of Bali.

Let me share with you my thoughts about its benefits, which you may not even know about.

Why learn to touch type with 10 fingers?

Surprisingly, I learned to touch-type with both hands back in college, trying to occupy myself with at least something useful during lessons. The fact is that I studied at an ordinary Russian college, where it was possible to enter for free, since my parents were not able to pay for my education, and I myself was not eager to strive for anything at that time, limiting myself to herd mentality.

Well, most of our teachers, I don’t know how it is in others educational institutions, put a big emphasis on our knowledge and training, because the main thing for them is to work out the training hours in order to earn money.

So, in pairs on one specialized subject, while the teacher played a browser game, we learned to type on keyboard simulators. Modern smartphones and unlimited internet It didn’t exist at that time, and college computers only had educational software and standard Windows games.

In general, I believe that this is one of the few important skills acquired during 4 years of study, which now helps me earn a lot of money, by Russian standards.

Save time

The first advantage of the two-handed touch typing method for me, of course, was the typing speed, which is increasing to this day. Typing haphazardly, it is hardly possible to develop this skill so systematically, since you have to constantly look at the monitor and keyboard.

Nowadays, we began to communicate more in writing and being able to type quickly is already a necessity. It happens that I communicate in social network with 10 - 20 people at once, which is impossible to do during live communication, since these are completely different people, including my employers, clients, friends and readers. Such a conversation in writing saves a lot of time.

Increased Productivity

The second advantage for me is that I began to keep up with my own thoughts when writing an article and communicating. When you have to write and communicate a lot, with a low typing speed you don’t always have time to type out what you just formulated in your head, and the thought gets lost. This happens even during a conversation, and we speak much faster than we type on a computer.

For this reason, in our course, where we teach people to write texts, formulate their thoughts correctly and earn 20 - 30 thousand rubles a month without leaving home, we pay special attention to training in correct typing on the keyboard.

Maintaining health and energy

The third and fourth advantages are the preservation of energy and health when working at the computer. There is no need to constantly switch attention from the monitor to the keyboard. Your eyes and neck become less tired, your productivity has increased, and the chance of damaging your eyesight and ruining your health has decreased.

Brain Development

I’ll finish with the fifth plus, the essence of which is that by training all the fingers of both hands, new neural connections are formed in the brain, which also affect our ability to think, learn and remember information.

Since childhood, our parents teach us new skills that affect our mental and physical development. But then, when we grow up, for some reason we stop developing these skills consciously, deciding that we already know how to do everything. I will talk about such “invisible” skills that need to be constantly developed, for example: the ability to ask questions, the ability to build relationships, etc., in this regular column.

If you want to always be in the know, . Let's learn them together.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

The main secret here is that you need to learn a simple technique developed by an American stenographer more than a hundred years ago, and then continuously train it. The technique involves using all 10 fingers correctly.

Correct placement of hands on the keyboard

The letters and symbols on the keyboard are arranged according to a special layout and divide it into 2 parts - for both hands. It is enough to understand and learn the correct placement of the fingers. Here's how they should be positioned.

In the following image, zones are highlighted in different colors, indicating which finger should press which button. In college, we always had this color reminder picture hanging next to our computers.

Learning to type correctly is a rather difficult process, it’s like learning to write again or learning to write with a different hand. I remember how my hands didn’t obey, my fingers couldn’t straighten and couldn’t reach the keys.

Tags for the blind

Ever wondered why there are small protrusions on the letters “A” and “O” on the keyboard? They are specially made so that you can place your fingers correctly without looking. Start typing when you feel them.

Pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys

I want to pay special attention to pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys (shift, ctrl, alt) when typing a capital letter or some symbol. According to the rules, you cannot press 2 keys at once with one hand. That is, when, for example, you type the exclamation mark “!” - these are the shift + 1 keys, you need to press “1” with your left little finger, and “shift” with your right little finger.

With a space you do the same thing: when you type a character with your left hand, put the subsequent space with your right and vice versa.

I understand that at first it will seem wildly inconvenient, but then the result will surprise you.

There's no need to rush

Don't try to type quickly right away, work on your technique. Try not to peek, you can even cover the keyboard with something. At first the speed will be very slow, but as the fingers “stretch” and muscle memory appears, it will begin to grow.

Workplace organization

I also recommend that you choose a comfortable workplace. This is important not only for mastering touch typing, but also for staying healthy and efficient. Here, read the article about how to organize a place to work and what can happen if you sit incorrectly (link will be later).

Constant practice

Well last tip- Never type incorrectly again! By spending a month or two (maybe more) starting from now on learning, you will save tens and hundreds of hours over the course of your life.

Training simulators

There are already dozens of different simulators on the Internet, some of them are free, some are paid.

Keyboard solo

SOLO on keyboard(best) - This is a very old machine that I used in college. The author is a famous psychologist and journalist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

You can install a program for your computer or study online. It is constantly updated and recently the developers made new version training.

It’s very cool that there are sequential lessons here that train all fingers separately. In total you need to complete 100 lessons.

In addition to the course for the Russian keyboard, there are also other languages. I'm currently taking English, since I also have to type a lot in Latin.

It has a good function - typing speed test.


Stamina is also a very good training program that allows you to learn the ten-finger typing method. The course is also based on step-by-step lessons.


VerseQ is a very simple simulator that adapts to the mistakes you make. There are no consistent lessons and no sense of achievement of some kind of goal, but in itself it is not bad.

VerseQ online- online version of VerseQ.

Analogues are worse

  • Bombina
  • RapidTyping
  • iQwer
  • Funny fingers
  • BabyType
  • Clavogons- the most popular in the game format.
  • All 10


It takes time to master this skill; it can take months to train until your fingers begin to obey and press the right keys automatically, without even thinking about where the right symbol is.

The basis of training, of course, is the correct key press, and not speed. Try not to make mistakes, type slowly but correctly.

All I can do is wish you success and hope that you won’t miss the next skill that I will discuss on the blog.

Leave your feedback on how you learned to type quickly and what programs you used. Bye!