Festive opening of the store. Opening ceremony How to make a grand opening

What to consider when organizing the opening ceremony, how to avoid mistakes and provide for several options for the development of events?


An opening ceremony is a formal event that marks the beginning, opening or launch of something new. It is important to carry it out without any hitches.

If a new plant or factory floor opens, the company’s managers not only want to celebrate another event in the life of their organization, but also plan to attract the attention of the public and the media to the enterprise.

If it starts new project, then its reputation will begin to form precisely with the opening ceremony, thanks to which it will be possible to attract sponsors and investors.

If it starts working new shop, then the opening ceremony primarily attracts customers. In addition, with such an event, owners inform their competitors how serious they are about continuing to compete for customers.

From the point of view of internal corporate activities, a well-organized opening ceremony is a reason for company employees to be proud of themselves. And this, in turn, raises corporate spirit, motivates employees to work better, etc.

However, if something goes wrong at such a large-scale and serious event, such an event risks remaining in the annals of history with a tarnished reputation.

“Whatever you call the boat, so it will float” - so, if you do not want to ruin the reputation of the “new corporate brainchild” in the bud, make every effort to avoid mistakes and provide for several options for the development of events at once.

Program and script

In order for the opening ceremony to go as smoothly and professionally as possible, you need to draw up an event program and a detailed script in advance (Example). Try to take into account as many details and nuances as possible. If there are many participants in the celebration, instruct everyone in advance. It is important that everyone knows their entrance time, their role and the moment to leave the stage.

Who opens the object

It seems logical that the head of the company - the hero of the occasion - should cut the ribbon or press the conventional “Start” button. But he rarely does it alone. Much more often, a famous politician, athlete, artist, public figure, etc. is invited to attract public attention.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account that the image of the invited person must correspond to the company’s brand values ​​and be logically linked to the direction of its activities. That is, it would be strange to invite Nikolai Valuev to the opening of the “Everything for Cutting and Sewing” store.

Don't forget that a well-known politician or any other public figure who is active in politics can have a positive or negative impact on the company's image. It all depends on how the public perceives the political views of the invited guest.

If you are the organizer of the opening ceremony, then keep in mind that the more famous the invited person and the higher his status, the more difficult it will be for you to find an equivalent replacement in the event of force majeure. And this often happens with media and high-ranking people due to their extreme busyness.

In addition, many celebrities sometimes have an impressive rider - a list of requirements that the organizers of the event must fulfill in order for the star to attend it. And even the absence of a rider is still fraught with additional difficulties for the organizers of an event with the participation of invited celebrity guests: increased security, allocation of accompanying persons, special accommodation, dressing room, food and transfers of the appropriate level, etc. And this is not to mention the colossal costs of fees.

However, when proper organization event, all efforts and expenses will pay off beyond measure when the company’s image soars to the skies, and therefore interest in it from the outside potential clients, partners and customers.

Who is hosting the opening ceremony?

The host of the opening ceremony is almost like a toastmaster at a wedding. The degree of interest of viewers and guests, including the press or television, depends on it. And even if your leader almost personally built the object being opened, you should not shift the responsibility of the leader onto him. Not only may he not have the abilities of a mass entertainer, but working as a presenter will not give him the opportunity to be a hospitable host and hero of the occasion: greet guests, accept congratulations, etc.

The best solution is to hire a professional presenter. In the case of organizing a budget version of the ceremony, think about who from your company’s team could cope with this difficult and specific task and not be offended by such a proposal (after all, this is already a social burden, and not the performance of direct work responsibilities). Do not forget that the best person to conduct the opening ceremony is the one who is well acquainted with the background and specifics of the object being opened, as well as with all the participants in the project.

Let's look at what options there may be for holding the opening ceremony.


To organize a classic red ribbon cutting ceremony, you will need a red ribbon and scissors with a tray. In this case, you need to take into account who will stand and where. Diagram 1 shows the opening ceremony with the cutting of the red ribbon with optimal organization of space.

Red satin ribbon

The ribbon can be of any color, including with an inscription on it. The most popular, of course, is a red ribbon 5 cm wide. The length of the ribbon is calculated based on the number of people who will cut it. If several people are involved in cutting, then you need to allocate 1 meter for each. If one person cuts the ribbon, 1.5 meters of ribbon is taken.


The elegance of a red satin ribbon can be lost if you cut it with kitchen or office scissors. For the red ribbon cutting ceremony, get yourself some golden scissors. At the same time, prepare as many pieces as there are people who will participate in the opening ceremony.

You can add gloss and solemnity to the ongoing event by carrying golden scissors not just in your hands, but on an elegant tray with a red pillow, on which a cut piece of satin ribbon will then lie (after cutting it should not fall to the ground).


Often the start of construction of an enterprise or building is marked by a symbolic laying of the first stone ceremony.

Traditionally, participants in such events are:

Enterprise management;

Representatives of authorities (local/federal);

Media representatives;

Business partners.

Besides the solution general issues The organizer of an event of this format will be required to ensure the participation of each of the listed groups. To do this, you need to prepare and send appropriate letters to relevant committees, invitations to business partners and journalists from publications of interest. In this way, information about the status of the participants can be collected, based on which the ceremony will need to be planned.

If investors are interested in the participation of the head of the region or other high-ranking speakers in the ceremony, the date of the event will depend on the schedule of officials.

Providing equipment and machinery

The laying of the first stone is a ceremony that is usually held on construction site future object. For the organizer of a special event, this means that, with a high degree of probability, there will be no conditions on site for a comfortable ceremony: sheltered from bad weather and a presentable place for gathering and staying of participants, stationary toilet rooms, electricity, etc.

In this case, the organizer will have to rent great amount relevant equipment, technology and structures: from tent structures with floors and heating and low-noise electric generators to chairs and microphones.

Organization of space

The layout of the space organization is one of the most important points in the preparation program for the ceremony of laying the first stone. Moreover, ideally, it is advisable to prepare two such schemes: a working one and one for guests.

Working diagram displays " overall plan": location on the territory of tent structures for the ceremony and service tents for catering, guest and technical arrivals, parking places for cars and buses, placement of generators and elements of the external design of the site - flagpoles, streamers, etc. This diagram is convenient to use in the process of preparing an event (Scheme 2).

Guest scheme displays a “close-up” of the ceremony site - as a rule, this is a large tent or canopy with explicit or symbolic internal zoning: a press zone, a welcome zone where arriving guests await the start of the event, a ceremony zone with a stage platform and, if the format involves seating, chairs placed in front of him for spectators. Such a scheme can be sent in advance to guests (or the appropriate protocol services) for review.

Having prepared plans for organizing the space at the site for the ceremonial laying of the first stone, do not forget that the organizer must also think through the movement of guests between objects on the site in advance. The route of movement of key guests is planned from the moment of their arrival at the event until the end of the ceremony.

What kind of stone are we laying?

Today, there are many companies that are ready to manufacture or decorate to order any stone for a symbolic bookmark, as well as a corresponding plaque according to an individual design, taking into account the company’s logo and style. If you are going to organize a special ceremony, then let every little thing be perfect, especially if this little thing is the main “hero” of the event.


Not always, despite the established name, a stone is laid. The action performed by the speakers - participants in the ceremony - is only a symbol of a new beginning, and this is often the installation of some art object or stele illustrating the profile of the future enterprise, the laying of a capsule, etc.

Alternatively, when construction begins, a time capsule is placed with a message for future generations.

The capsule can contain:

Object passport;

Photos of builders and management;

List of people with the help of whom the project was able to be realized;

Parting words from city authorities;

Parting words for future generations.


If we're talking about about the launch of production new products at a factory, the launch of a modernized unit, etc., then the launch or opening ceremony of production is more often used.


When the honorary participants of the ceremony press the symbolic “Start” button, the lines begin to move and the plant’s mechanisms begin to work. If the situation allows, the speakers put their signatures on the products that have just come off the assembly line.

If the opening ceremony takes place outdoors, it is possible to use other symbols: speakers planting trees, raising flags or opening a stele.

Regardless of the chosen option, every little detail must be proper appearance and 100% operability - be it the fabric covering the stele, the tray with scissors or the start button.

Firstly, because the guests of honor are in direct contact with these objects, and secondly, they get into the key frames of photographers and video reporters.


If you plan to hold an opening ceremony with the participation of media representatives, take care in advance to compile and send a press release about your event to the appropriate editorial offices.

It can also indicate not only the organizational details of the upcoming event (purpose, date, time, location of the event), but also the history of the company opening the facility, a list of team members most involved in the work on the project, and their “profiles,” additional information about the object of discovery - the history of creation, specifications, prospects, etc.

Even if the media is present at the opening ceremony, invite your corporate photographer or cameraman to the opening area. The media make stories based on their own goals and objectives - to attract a certain audience, increase their own citation rates, etc. It is important for you to preserve the epoch-making moment for your corporate history in the form that you consider best.

Don't rely on others - organize everything yourself.

Catering(English catering; from cater - “to supply provisions”) - industry Catering, associated with the provision of services at remote locations, including all enterprises and services that provide contract services for organizing catering for employees of companies and individuals on premises and on-site, as well as providing services for events for various purposes and retail sales finished culinary products. In practice, catering means not only food preparation and delivery, but also service, setting, table decoration, pouring and serving drinks to guests and similar services (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catering).

The opening day of a store is an important event that can be celebrated as part of an advertising campaign. By transforming it into a holiday show from which visitors can gain some benefit, you can build an initial customer base. How to competently organize and conduct the festive opening of a store in order to get the expected result from the event?

How to open a store correctly to immediately form a customer base

Where to begin

To open a store, an entrepreneur needs to carry out a number of preparatory activities. He needs to officially register the business, decide on a niche of activity, form an assortment of commercial products, find premises, renovate and decorate it, as well as purchase equipment and hire personnel for work.

The main goal of the store owner is to ensure trade turnover, the size of which allows him to cover the funds invested in the business and make a profit from the activity. This requires marketing strategies to attract the attention of potential customers. To implement them, you should take into account the costs of advertising campaign. In order for the costs to pay off, you should develop a promotion strategy suitable for a specific type of activity using available marketing tools.

Advertising at the planning stage

It is recommended to start an advertising campaign at the organizational stage during the construction of a store or when renovating a rented premises. Clients must be notified of the entrepreneur’s plans to open outlet. To do this, you can order a banner on which information about the opening date of the store and the type of products that will be offered to customers should be displayed. You can save money on advertising by placing an invitation to a gala event on the same banner, which will take place on the first day of operation of the outlet. Create excitement around the event and increase interest target audience, it is possible through advertising notifications about the distribution of gifts, holding drawings and issuing discount cards.

How to notify about an upcoming event

Decorating the entrance to the store

Immediately before opening a retail outlet, you can use printing advertising tools. Flyers and leaflets should be designed in the style of an invitation to a party in honor of the opening of the store. They need to be distributed in the central part of the city, in parks, markets, near the metro and at transport stops.

In residential areas of the city, it is necessary to post advertisements and place invitations in the mailboxes of residents. The same advertising move should be used in the area in which the store will be located, since people living nearby may immediately become regular customers. To carry out the distribution and posting of paper advertisements, it is necessary to attract people, since an entrepreneur is not able to cover all organizational areas of activity on his own. For this reason, in the budget of the business plan, it is necessary to include a cost item for remuneration of temporary employees.

The number of people who will attend the gala event depends on the number of invitations, flyers, leaflets, and posted advertisements produced and distributed. Not all of them will fall into the target audience category, but most of them have a chance of becoming regular visitors to the store.

Promoting the store after its opening

Inclusion of life-size puppets in the program

To achieve the maximum effect from the advertising campaign, it is necessary to continue it even after the opening of the outlet. It is recommended to distribute balloons with branded logos, discount flyers and leaflets in the first few weeks. You can also replenish your customer base by advertising on television, in social networks and in thematic online communities. A colorful sign with the name of the company, clearly reflecting the direction of its trading activities, will be an effective advertising tool.

Read also: How to open a tea and coffee shop from scratch

Decorating the store for the holiday show

Store opening notice

The ceremonial event dedicated to the opening of a new store should evoke positive emotions among its participants. Only in this case will it be remembered by visitors who will want to come to the store again and invite their relatives and friends to it. The event is a marketing ploy, the purpose of which is:

  • statement of the existence of a retail outlet;
  • notifying the public of the benefits they can receive by becoming a buyer;
  • work of impression;
  • formation of a base of initial clients;
  • launch of word of mouth.

The first step to achieving the goal set by the entrepreneur, focused on promoting his store, is its design. Most people, when evaluating any object, rely on internal sensations that are formed from visual perception. Therefore, it is important to beautifully design the entrance to the store and the sales area, taking into account its general style and corporate colors.

Decorating the entrance with arches of flowers and balloons will be spectacular and impressive. Colorful symbols reflecting brand affiliation can be used as decorative elements.


Balloons and flowers, decorated in various combinations at the entrance to the store and in its premises, create an atmosphere of celebration and unusualness.

An additional advertising move could be to print the store's logo and name on the balloons. By giving such a gift to each participant in the holiday show, you can expand public awareness of the existence of the outlet.

Each owner of a ball with a logo becomes a source of advertising and demonstrates the name of the store to others. Such marketing ploy is relevant not only at the stage of its opening, but also during the operation of the outlet. To increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to open an online store and promote the resource on the world wide web, so that when entering the name seen on the ball in the search bar, the user can get acquainted with the offered product range, make a purchase or find out the address of the location of an offline retail outlet.

Paper advertising

Flyers, leaflets and advertisements are considered one of the best methods of advertising, which does not require a lot of money. To prevent people from throwing away paper products, they should be made useful for them. To do this, marketers recommend starting the design of the advertising sheet with a notification about the possibility of receiving a discount, a valuable gift or participation in a drawing. Information about the name of the store, as well as its offers, is provided at the bottom of the advertising element.

The attention of a person who receives a flyer or leaflet should be drawn to the benefits that he can receive. An entrepreneur should include the cost of purchasing gifts in the advertising budget in advance.


You can create a store’s image by having a uniform uniform for all its employees. It should be made in colors that reflect the style of the company. An excellent solution would be to order the production of T-shirts, vests and headwear with the name of the store and its logo printed on them.


By ordering life-size puppets for a gala show, an entrepreneur gets the opportunity to attract the attention of people passing by.

This solution allows you to increase traffic to a retail outlet due to a non-target audience, which may include potential customers. Life-size puppets can be effectively used in any trading niche. They attract children's attention and motivate their parents to stop, check out the offer and enter the store. With the help of a creative advertising tool, you can quickly achieve the formation of a customer base, especially if the entrepreneur sells products intended for use by women and children.

Reading time: 8 minutes. Views 801 Published 09/16/2018

The opening of a retail outlet is accompanied by many preparatory activities. The entrepreneur's task is to register the business, interior design trading floor, search for employees and formation product range. At the time of launching a store, it is very important to choose the right marketing strategy, which will attract the first buyers. Informing potential customers about the imminent grand opening with various promotions allows you to increase traffic. To prepare a celebration, an entrepreneur needs to spend a fairly large amount Money, which will allow you to form an initial customer base. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how to hold a grand opening of a store, which will attract large customer traffic.

The grand opening of a store is the right start to an advertising campaign!

Opening a new store: preparation

To maximize traffic attraction to a new point of sale, you should develop an advertising strategy in advance. At the preparatory stage, it is very important to use all available marketing tools. In order to hold a large-scale event, a large budget will be required. In addition, it is very important to take into account the chosen direction of trading activity.

An advertising campaign should begin at the stage of construction of a retail outlet or renovation work.. For this purpose, you need to order a special banner where information about the opening date will be placed. In addition, here you need to place basic information about the direction of trade, which can arouse interest among potential clients. It is very important to indicate in the text about holding a gala event on the opening day of the store, where the first customers will be given gifts and discount cards. This step will “warm up” the interest of the target audience and increase the excitement around the project.

The next stage of preparatory work is the creation of promotional materials. You will need leaflets, flyers and advertising booklets. In order to cover the entire surrounding area, you will need to hire people who will distribute advertising materials. First of all, you need to organize the distribution of leaflets and booklets in central parks, squares and metro stops. It would be a good idea to organize posting of advertisements in the nearest residential area. The main task of the entrepreneur is to create a powerful news feed that will attract public attention to the opening outlet. Based on the above, we can conclude that the number of people who will come to the grand opening depends on the volumes of advertising materials produced and distributed.

It should also be noted that distributing advertising brochures and balloons with the store logo brings the desired effect not only at the time of opening, but also in the next few days. In order to engage the maximum volume of consumer audience, you will need to use all available resources. Order billboards, colorful signs, advertising banners, advertising on television and in thematic communities bring invaluable results. However, in order to use all of the above marketing channels, an entrepreneur needs to have a large budget. Only network outlets that have been operating for many years can afford such PR.

In order to achieve maximum effect, an entrepreneur needs to create “buzz” around his store.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of word of mouth. Every businessman must remember that it is the opinions and reviews of potential clients that are the key to creating a positive image.

At the opening stage, it is important to immediately attract a large number of clients

Festive decoration

Visual design shopping facility plays a significant role in preparing the event. The festive opening of the store should be memorable for every visitor and evoke positive emotions. In order to create a festive atmosphere, you will need to order special arches for the entrance, which will be decorated with flowers and balloons. When decorating the hall, you should take into account the style of the outlet and use only corporate colors.

Various symbols associated with the brand are used as decoration. Beginning entrepreneurs with a large advertising budget are advised to contact specialized agencies involved in organizing holidays. Employees of such agencies will take on the production of branded products, memorable installations and advertising materials. If you want to hold a holiday yourself, an entrepreneur should carefully study the procedure for holding such events. You can use the developments of competitors, large retail outlets, or advice from the Internet. It is very important that the selected ideas correspond to the format of the future outlet.

In order to create a festive atmosphere, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Order balloons and bouquets of fresh flowers to decorate the entrance area. Using balloons allows you to create a festive atmosphere and attract the attention of potential customers. The main advantage of this choice is the low cost of this product. Many advertising experts recommend that entrepreneurs order balloons with the name and logo of the store on them. This step will allow you to use another advertising tool. All people who receive balloons will become a “walking advertisement”, demonstrating the name of the store to others.
  2. Z Order flyers and leaflets. Printing is one of the best advertising methods, requiring minimum investment. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs underestimate the effectiveness of this tool. It should also be noted that when producing leaflets, the same mistake is often made. The point is that each flyer should have some benefit for the potential client. If the owner of the flyer can get a discount when making a purchase, then he will definitely visit the outlet. You need to prepare valuable gifts in advance for people who will present flyers when making a purchase.
  3. Order unified form for sellers, promoters and organizers. The use of a single form, stylized in the company’s corporate colors, can significantly increase the image of the outlet in the eyes of visitors. It is best to use branded T-shirts or vests with the logo and name of the store on them.
  4. Order life-size puppets. Using life-size puppets allows you to attract the attention of people passing by. This advertising tool allows you to engage non-target audiences and increase traffic. As practice shows, such dolls attract the attention of children, motivating their parents to visit the outlet. Entrepreneurs on a limited budget can rent life-size dolls for the opening day of a retail outlet. However, many advertising experts recommend ordering individual production of dolls made in accordance with the general style of the company. This step will allow you to use dolls to constantly attract customers.

The opening of a store should be a grand celebration with big amount guests

How to competently approach the organization of a holiday and attract new customers

After the “New Store Opening Soon” sign is hung on the door, the entrepreneur needs to begin creating a holiday program. People with unlimited budgets can invite famous artists to the holiday, which will significantly increase the growth of the audience. However, such actions can only be carried out by large retail chains and franchise stores. Young entrepreneurs are left to independently develop a holiday program, studying the experience of competitors.

It is very important to analyze all the mistakes of competitors, which can be highlighted as advantages of the new store. The issuance of free packages (with the name and address of the store), the availability of parking, discount cards, bonuses and discounts for large purchases - all these advantages need to be emphasized on the opening day of the outlet. Many entrepreneurs order advertising posters that highlight all of the above advantages. The presence of such posters allows you to leave a positive first impression and attract new customers.

High-quality organization and effective holding of the celebration allows you to create an image that will work to the benefit of the store. It is very important to allocate part of the budget in order to invite a musical group or fashion star. The invited guest should be interesting to every person attending such an event. In order to create a festive atmosphere, it is very important to choose the right musical accompaniment. It is best to order a DJ who will play popular tracks. In addition, every person who comes to the holiday must receive a savings or discount card. Distributing loyalty cards will ensure that most of their owners will return to make a repeat purchase.

Every holiday should include the distribution of holiday treats. It is best to organize a buffet with a variety of sweets, snacks and carbonated drinks. Here you need to take into account both the size of the advertising budget and the specifics of the chosen direction. Grocery stores, confectionery shops and bakeries can offer guests tastings of future products.

In addition, the holiday program should include:

  1. Competitions with drawings of valuable prizes and souvenirs are important for perfume shops and clothing stores.
  2. Lottery – relevant for outlets specializing in household appliances and electronics.
  3. Programs for children.

Raffles and lotteries are some of the most effective methods attracting public interest.

Every person attending such events wants to receive a valuable gift. Using this practice allows you to build trust with potential clients and receive positive feedback. When developing an event program and choosing prizes, it is very important to take into account the specifics of your business. Entrepreneurs who sell clothing can give customers various accessories (cufflinks, ties, gloves). Stores specializing in the sale of phones and other electronics can give cases and branded key fobs.

The organization of the store opening should be so competent that the guests of the holiday become your regular customers.

As practice shows, the organization of such events depends on the specifics of the created business. When preparing a celebration, you should definitely take into account the level of solvency of potential clients. Full-scale holidays, including various entertainment programs are advisable only when opening exclusive retail outlets that plan to operate both in the middle price segment and to present luxury products.

Conclusions (+ video)

Organizing a holiday in honor of the opening of a store is one of the most important events, requiring high responsibility from the performer. An incorrectly designed program can leave a negative impression on visitors. It is very important to develop various techniques that will allow you to additionally advertise the created outlet. Using all of the above advertising tools will create a large base of customers who will return repeatedly to make new purchases.

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