Presentation "Folklore - collective oral folk art. Small genres of folklore." Showforum presentation of oral folk art. Presentation “Oral folk art in the education of spiritual and moral qualities in young children. Work can

Elena Olesova
Presentation “Oral folk art in the education of spiritual and moral qualities in children younger age»

The purpose of my work is spiritually-moral development of the child’s personality by means of introducing him to the values ​​of Russian folk culture and development spiritually-moral traditions of Russian people.

Main goals spiritual and moral education:


expand knowledge about the world around us

improve speech;

enrich vocabulary


to form a respectful, merciful, attentive attitude towards others;

bring up love and respect for the Motherland (taking into account the regional component, one’s to the people, culture, shrines;

cultivate obedience, the desire to imitate good examples, to live according to conscience;

bring up humane attitude towards animals and nature.


develop Creative skills;

develop cognitive activity, the ability to communicate emotionally;

develop imagination and thinking;

develop interest in folklore.

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The relevance of the topic is that Russia is currently experiencing one of the difficult historical periods. And the greatest danger facing our society today is the destruction of the individual. Nowadays material values ​​dominate spiritual, therefore children ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism are distorted. Children distinguished by emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity. Forms of collective activity are gradually being lost.

Spiritual and moral education shapes personality, beneficial influencing all aspects and forms of a person’s relationship with peace: on his ethical and aesthetic development, worldview and formation of civic position, patriotic and family orientation, intellectual potential, emotional state and general physical and mental development.

In my work with young children age I use the following types of small genre:






National holidays;

Folk games;

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Texts have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries "maternal" folklore, lullabies. The rhythm of a lullaby is usually correlated with the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat of mother and child. You can clearly see in them that reverent attitude loving mother to a son or daughter, which is fixed in figurative, rhyming texts. They sing about everything that surrounds the baby in the first months and years of life. They sing about animals and birds that help the mother lull her baby to sleep. These short songs help the child learn about the world. They become the child’s first, and often unforgettable, lessons of care, patience, and kindness.

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In ancient times, people often turned to natural phenomena, called on the seasons, welcomed the sun, rain and much more. People believed that nature heard and understood them; they asked her for help and thanked her for her gifts. These appeals were carried out in verse, which later became known as chants.

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Verbal Russian folk art contains great poetic

values. Jokes and nursery rhymes have long been used to raising children, especially the little ones, in order to attract their attention, calm them down, cheer them up, and talk.

Processes in a baby’s life, such as dressing and bathing, require verbal accompaniment, and here Russian folk art is irreplaceable. From early childhood, the child responds to nursery rhymes and jokes.

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Proverbs and sayings called a pearl folk art. They affect not only the mind, but also the feelings of a person. The teachings contained in them are easy perceived and remembered. Proverbs addressed to children can reveal to them the rules of behavior and moral standards.

Proverbs and sayings are a rich source of cognitive and moral development children.

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Riddle is a particularly interesting form of folklore. The pedagogical value of riddles lies in the fact that they introduce joy "thinking", direct attention to objects and phenomena, encourage you to delve deeper into the meaning of verbal designations and objects.

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Introducing children on national holidays, which were part of the work and life of the Russian people, children get the opportunity to get acquainted with history people, with his way of life and folk wisdom. During the holidays, children not only perform songs, but also listen to works by Russian composers. It's very enriching childhood experience, expands the range of emotions. Children learn to understand shades emotions: dark and bright sadness, quiet and solemn joy.

For centuries folk games accompany everyday life children, produce vital quality: endurance, strength, agility, speed, instill honesty, justice and dignity.

Russians folk games are thousands of years old history:

they have survived to this day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions.

Besides saving folk gaming traditions have a great influence on character education, willpower, interest in folk art and develops physical culture. IN folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, competitive fervor; the movements are precise and imaginative, often accompanied by unexpected funny moments, tempting and beloved by children counting rhymes and nursery rhymes.

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In my work I pay special attention to fairy tales.

A fairy tale is an effective means of influencing a person

child. She teaches educates, warns, awakens high feelings, encourages action. Generosity, mutual assistance, and spiritual generosity stand out among the leading features of the Russian national character; these features are clearly represented in the actions of the main fairy-tale characters. Listening to fairy tales, children gradually and naturally comprehend the contradictory interaction of good and evil, happiness and misfortune, responsiveness and indifference.

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In my group I organized an exhibition of joint creative works according to Russian folk tales -“Kolobok, Kolobok! I will eat you!" Parents and children took an active part in exhibition: made beautiful crafts from plasticine, knitted fairy-tale characters, showed imagination in making.

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Folklore V different types educational activities.

I use it with children:

Modeling - we make pancakes, play with the nursery rhyme “Grandma, grandma baked pancakes. One for Varenka, one for Kolenka...

Drawing - draw rain, play with a nursery rhyme “It’s raining, it’s going to rain more, the grass will be thicker.”

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Construction - we build a house (teremok, I use finger gymnastics“There is a house in a clearing, but the path to it is closed. We open the gates, we invite you to this house.”

Staging Russians folk tales -"Kolobok" "Teremok" etc.

In physical raising children– awakening gymnastics “Kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kakushki, There are frogs in the reeds! We opened our eyes, We rubbed our ears - Po-tya-gush-ki. Po-cha-gush-ki. Po-cha-gush-ki."

I use it in special moments folk games: "By the Bear in the Forest", "Cat and

mice", "Loaf", "Carousel", "Sun and Rain".

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Created an artistic and speech corner in the group with elements oral folk

creativity: card index of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, desktop-printed

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In my work I use various forms of working with children:

Reading works of fiction;

Finger games;

Didactic games;

Board - printed games;

Dramatization games;

The use of multimedia technologies in the process of organized



Targeted walks.

Work in kindergarten should be continued in the family, so I use the following forms of work with parents:

Parent meetings;

Questioning parents;


Visual types of work: card index of nursery rhymes, exhibitions creative works on

Joint preparations for the holidays;

Joint learning of a piece oral folk art(rhymes,


Parental help kindergarten in the manufacture of attributes.

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Thank you for your attention!





St. Petersburg, 2010





  • What is folklore?
  • Proverbs Sayings Riddles Calls Fables Counting books Pestushki
  • Proverbs
  • Sayings
  • Puzzles
  • Calls
  • Tales
  • Counting books
  • Pestushki


A special kind of art - folklore.

Oral means transmission from mouth to mouth, that is, without writing down the text. A special feature of folklore is its collective authorship, which is why it is called folk art.


A short saying containing folk wisdom. Proverbs usually consist of two parts. Proverbs contain signs of poetic speech: rhythm, rhyme.

B Without a proverb there is no speech. To drink from a stream, you have to bend down. You're licking your elbow, but you won't bite it. On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow. Where someone is born, that’s where they come in handy. Chuzhbina is viburnum, homeland is raspberries.


Figurative statement. Usually this is part of a proverb or a stable combination of words. Unlike a proverb, it is not a complete judgment.

P chased two birds with one stone. R work carelessly. T pound the water in a mortar. U hitting two birds with one stone. P It really stings my eyes.

A cunning description of an object or phenomenon. The name comes from the word guess - think, reason. The riddle contains an artistic image that helps you find the correct answer.

A painted yoke hung across the river.

A lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground.


Children's songs - appeals to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, to animals and birds.

Rainbow-arc, don't let it rain. Come on, sunshine, bell.

Rain, rain harder, To make it more fun, My geese are at home, They are not afraid of thunder.


Funny folk poems for children, which contain nonsense, absurdity, and nonsense.

As the village passed by the peasant, suddenly the gate barked from under the dog. The club runs out with a boy in his hands, and behind him is a sheepskin coat with a woman on his shoulders. The village shouted: “The men are burning!” Sundresses in women are rushing to the fire.

Counting books

A counting rhyme is a small rhyme that is used to determine who is driving in the game.

T ara-bara It's time to go home. Milk the cows for you to drive.

He is zealous, long-maned, gallops through the fields, gallops through the fields. Whoever catches that horse plays tag with us.


Funny folk songs to entertain and amuse young children.

Okay, okay. Where were you? “At Grandma’s” What did you eat? "Porridge." What did you drink? “Brazhka”, Grandmother is good, Porridge is sweet.

We drove, we went to the city for nuts, over bumps, over bumps. Yes, bang into the hole! Squished forty flies!

  • Russian folk tales
  • Russian folk tales
  • About animals Magical-fantastic Household
  • About animals
  • Magical and fantastic
  • Household

An oral story about fictitious, unprecedented events.

Folk tales were performed by special storytellers - storytellers.

The tale consists of 3 main parts:

  • beginning (Once upon a time, in a certain kingdom...)
  • content of the tale

(main events of the tale)

  • ending (they live, they live, they make good, and I was there………..…)


  • The main character overcomes unusual trials.
  • Various miracles happen.
  • Wonderful Helpers (Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka,)
  • Magic objects with extraordinary properties (“living” water, self-assembled tablecloth, flying carpet, walking boots)
  • Dark forces, terrible monsters (Koshey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Dashing One-Eyed, Serpent Gorynych).
  • Mysterious mood.
  • Marya-morevna.
  • Morozko.
  • Princess Frog.
  • Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf.

about animals

  • Heroes are animals
  • Magic condition (animals talk, perform human actions)
  • The strong protect the weak
  • Fun mood
  • Fox - sister and gray wolf.
  • Cat and fox.
  • Man and bear.
  • Crane and heron.
  • Zayushkina's hut.
  • Heroes are ordinary people (soldier, man, worker, wife).
  • The action takes place in an ordinary life setting (in everyday life): in the house, on arable land, at a construction site, at work.
  • Various funny situations happen.
  • Bad character traits are ridiculed.
  • They admire the intelligence and resourcefulness of the main characters.
  • Fun mood.
  • Porridge from an axe.
  • Lutonyushka.
  • Barin and man.
  • The controversial wife.
  • Ivan the Fool.
  • Lazy wife.
  • check yourself

1. The words “Once upon a time...” in a fairy tale are:

  • ending the main content of the beginning
  • ending
  • main content
  • the beginning

2. In which fairy tales are the main characters ordinary people?

  • in magical household animals
  • in magical
  • household
  • about animals

3. Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf is a fairy tale

  • about animals magic household
  • about animals
  • magical
  • household
  • Russian folk songs
  • Calendar-ritual New Year's Maslenitsa spring Semitsko-Trinity stubble
  • Calendar-ritual
  • New Year's
  • Maslenitsa
  • spring
  • semitsko - trinity
  • stubble

Calendar-ritual songs are associated with traditional rituals, peasant labor and the seasons.

They accompanied the first plowing and harvesting of the last sheaf in the field, youth celebrations and Christmas or Trinity rites, christenings and weddings.

  • Kolyadovye
  • Spring
  • Maslenitsa
  • Semitsko-Trinity
  • Stubble

New Year's

Winter (New Year's) songs - carols. Caroling is a festive tour of houses on the eve of Christmas with the singing of carols, which glorified the owners of the house and contained wishes for happiness, wealth, and harvest.

Kolyada has arrived

On the eve of Christmas,

And God forbid that

Who is in this house?

God grant you

And living and being

And wealth!


The song is an invitation to a wide and generous Maslenitsa.

In songs, Maslenitsa is glorified, called upon to return, called by comic human names: Avdotyushka, Izotyevna, Akulina Savvishna.

Oh, yes, it’s Maslenitsa,

Oh, he's moving into the yard. Yes, it’s wide, it fits into the yard.

Yes, Maslenitsa, go quickly. Yes, wide one, go quickly.

Our dear Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotyevna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is rosy,

Long braid, scarlet ribbon!


The stoneflies called for spring, warmth and said goodbye to winter. They reminded that the time for field work was approaching, birds were flying and “bringing spring.”

They were not sung, but called, climbing onto hillocks and roofs.

Little crows On straw, Fly to us, Bring us a warm summer, Plow, harrow. Take away the cold winter from us, We are tired of winter: We have eaten all the bread.


Summer songs were performed during summer festivities, during the holiday week (Semik and Trinity).

In the Semitsko-Trinity songs, the central place is given to the birch tree - the main tree of the Slavs, a symbol of warmth and life.

A curly little birch, Curly, youthful, Under you, little birch, It’s not poppy blossoms, Under you, little birch, It’s not a fire that’s burning... Red girls stand in a round dance, It’s about you, little birch, They sing all the songs.

Autumn songs associated with the beginning, progress and end of the harvest. These songs glorified the harvest and thanked the women who went out into the fields and harvested the harvest.

Harvest songs were sung on vacation, when returning from the field, and while working.

Oh, and thank God,

That they reaped the grain, That they reaped the grain And put it in heaps, On the threshing floor in stacks, In bins in cages, And in the oven with pies.

  • check yourself

1. Carols are songs:

  • spring christmas stubble
  • spring
  • Christmas
  • stubble

2.Which tree is sung in the Semitic-Trinity songs?

  • linden aspen birch
  • aspen
  • birch

3. Harvest songs refer to

  • New Year's autumn spring
  • New Year's
  • autumn
  • spring

3. What songs were sung and sung while climbing the hills?

  • Semitsko-Trinity carols
  • carols
  • stoneflies
  • Semitic-Trinity
  • Epics
  • Epics
  • What are epics? Heroes of epics Features of the language (stylistics) “Bogatyr” dictionary Outdated words (archaisms) Art gallery
  • What are epics?
  • Heroes of epics
  • Features of the language (stylistics)
  • "Bogatyr" dictionary
  • Obsolete words (archaisms)
  • Art Gallery

Songs are tales about heroes - defenders of their homeland, folk heroes, composed in the 9th-13th centuries in Ancient Rus'. They were told by guslar storytellers who went from city to city. The epics were performed solemnly, slowly, in a sing-song manner.

The epic can be divided into three parts:

  • chorus
  • the beginning
  • ending

The main characters of the epics are Russian heroes. The main feature of epic heroes is love for their native land. The heroes of epics are distinguished by incredible strength, nobility, courage, military valor, and wisdom.

  • The most ancient epics

hero Svyatogor

  • Kyiv epics -

heroes Dobrynya Nikitich

and Alyosha Popovich.

  • Vladimir-Suzdal epics

hero Ilya Muromets.

  • Novgorod epics

heroes Sadko and Vasily Buslaevich


  • Repetitions (far, far away, a long time ago, fight and fight)
  • Hyperboles - exaggerations (... “put them up to a thousand”...)
  • Epithets are colorful definitions (glorious hero, violent head, burning tears, filthy monster, good horse).
  • Diminutive - affectionate suffixes (golovushka, dumushka, Aleshenka, Vasenka Buslaevich, Dobrynyushka)
  • Derogatory suffixes (Ugryumishche, Ignatische, Tsarishche Batuische, Ugarische)
  • Metaphors, comparisons (... “old age flew to me out of nowhere”...)
  • Quiver - a case for arrows.
  • Chainmail is an ancient military armor in the form of a shirt made of steel rings.
  • The club is an ancient weapon, a heavy club with a thickened end.
  • Sheath - a case for a sword or dagger.
  • A helmet is a military armor that protects the head.
  • Harness - accessory

for harness.

  • A shield is a rounded metal board that protects against arrows in battle.


  • Capital city - capital city
  • Straight road - straight road
  • The road is blocked - a road littered with dry trees (blocks)
  • Azure - blue, beautiful
  • Magnify - name or glorify
  • In particular - separately
  • Sing - glorify in song
  • Saffiano - made from thin and soft sheep leather, specially tanned and dyed in a bright color


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848 – 1926)


Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov (1844 – 1927)

Epic storyteller Nikita Bogdanov

Ilya Efimovich Repin (1844 – 1930)

Sadko in the underwater kingdom

  • check yourself

1. Epics belong to the genre

  • folklore author's work
  • folklore
  • original work

2.Where epics begin

  • beginning the chorus
  • the beginning
  • chorus

3. Type of heroic weapon - a stick with a thickening at the end

  • quiver club
  • quiver
  • club

3. Where is Sadko from?

  • Novgorod Kyiv
  • Novgorod

4. Outdated words

  • archaisms epithets
  • archaisms
  • epithets

4. Hero of the epics of the Kyiv cycle

  • Ilya Muromets Svyatogor
  • Ilya Muromets
  • Svyatogor

Communal government agency"Secondary School No. 10"

Government institution

"Department of Education of the Akimat of the Zhitikarinsky District"




Subject area: Primary classes.

Completed by: Rogacheva Vera Viktorovna

primary school teacher


2015 .






Nursery rhymes


oral folk art


Fairy tales

Tongue Twisters

Counting books

Counting book


A tall tale.


  • Who will you be?
  • Elizar.
  • Where are you going?
  • To the market.
  • What are you bringing?
  • Grosh.
  • What will you buy?
  • Crap.
  • Who will you eat with?
  • One.
  • Don't eat alone, don't eat alone.

Counting book


A tall tale.


Rain, rain, more!

The hay will be thicker!

  • Rain, rain, water!

The loaf will be delicious!

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


A village was driving past a man.

Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog.

A stick jumped out with a woman in her hand,

And let's bludgeon the horse on the guy.

The horse ate lard, and the man ate oats,

The horse got into the sleigh, and the man drove.

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


Tall tale


One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One two three four.

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -

The mice have run away!

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


The clock is walking around the yard A tail of unprecedented beauty. The legs are ankle-length. How vociferous. The sun is waking up!

Guess the genre of oral folk art.

Counting book


A tall tale.


Forty mice walked

They carried forty pennies,

Two smaller mice

They carried two pennies.

Guess the genre of oral folk art.



A tall tale.


You can't take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

What a delight these tales are!

Put the parts of the story in order.




What a miracle - such a miracle! On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a tree - golden domes. The cat Bayun walks along this tree: he goes up and starts a song, he goes down and tells fairy tales.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, they lived - there was a king and a queen.

After that they lived happily ever after.

Determine the type of fairy tale

Animal Tales

Everyday tales

Fairy tales

The Fox and the Ant.

Sivka - burka


check yourself

a) Fairy tales.

b) Folklore.

c) Proverbs.

a) Fables.

b) Nursery rhymes.

c) Counting books.

a) Fables.

b) Nursery rhymes.

c) Counting books.

c) Counting books.

b) Pure sayings.

a) Pestushki.

a) Fairy tale.

b) Sentence.

c) Proverb.

c) Fairy tale.

a) Fable.

b) Riddle.

c) Fairy tale.

a) Fable.

b) Riddle.

check yourself

1. Works created by the people and passed on from mouth to mouth are called:

b) Folklore.

2. Comic poems that accompany children’s games are called:

b) Nursery rhymes.

3. Poems of oral folk art in which the events described

could not happen in life are called:

a) Fables.

4. These rhyming lines can be used to work on pronunciation:

b) Pure sayings.

5. A short wise saying that instructs and teaches people is called:

c) Proverb.

6. A work of oral folk art, in which instead of the subject

or phenomena are described by their signs or actions, called:

b) Riddle.

7. Oral entertaining story about magical stories, events, adventures

people, animals, objects, is called:

c) Fairy tale.

  • V.K. Pavlenko, A.N. Sarzhanova Literary reading.

Textbook for 2nd grade secondary school. – Almaty: Atamura, 2013.

  • .
  • .








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Slide captions:

"Oral folk art" "Small genres of oral folk art"

Folklore Folklore - this word means the creativity of any people, which is passed on from generation to generation. Folklore is proverbs, songs, fairy tales, ditties, riddles, nursery rhymes, fables, sayings, jokes, petes.

Lullabies Bye-bye, my kitten Sleep, go to sleep, my child... Here under your back - A soft feather bed. On top of the feather bed - a clean sheet. Here are white pillows under your ears, a down blanket and a scarf on top... Bye-bye, my kitten, Sleep, sleep, my child!

Nursery rhymes There goes a horned goat, There goes a butted goat, With its legs - stomp, stomp, With its eyes - clap, clap. - Anyone who doesn’t eat porridge or drink milk - I’ll gore, I’ll gore, I’ll gore. This finger is grandma, This finger is grandfather, This finger is mom, This finger is dad, This finger is me, that's the whole family!

Jokes And frets, frets, frets, Let's go to the backside. We sold carrots and bought a cow. And the cow and the cat are milked little by little! Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden, there is a dog running. The legs are thin, the sides are ringing, and the tail is a squiggle, her name is Zhuchka.

Pestushki Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Why do you get up early, Don’t let the kids sleep? - You legs, legs! Where are you running? - I’ll run through the forest and pick you some berries: black blueberries, alu strawberries.

Calls Ladybug, Fly to the sky, Your children are eating candy there. One for everyone, but not one for you. Ladybug, fly to the sky, Bring us bread Black and white, Just not burnt. Bucket sun, come out from behind the bald spot. Sit on a tree stump and walk all day.

Fables A hare sits on a birch tree and reads a book aloud. A bear flew to him, listened, sighed. The goat has two frogs in its beard, a bear sits on its back, holding its ears.

Sayings Moth-vitilek, Bring us the breeze: From the gate to the turn Drive the boat into the stream. The sun warmed up, Summer commanded: To plunge three times, To dive through, To get out from under the water.

Counting books One, two, three, four, five, Let's play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers - Just go and lead me! A squirrel rode on a cart, Handing out nuts to everyone: To those who are two, to those who are three - Get out of the circle!

Draw Rose or Mimosa Eagle or Tails

Riddles Knock, knock - they don’t tell you to be bored. They go and go, and everything is just there. (Watch) I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Elegant, funny, on New Year I'm in charge. (Christmas tree)

Descriptive riddles Tail with a fluffy arch, Do you know this animal? Answer: The cat jumps across the field - hides its ears, stands up like a pillar - its ears stick up. Answer: Hare.

Proverbs There is no distance for friendship. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. Money can't buy intelligence. The strong will defeat one, knowing a thousand.

Sayings The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. For a mother, a child up to a hundred years old is a child. Happiness and work live side by side. Seven times measure cut once.

Russian folk tale A fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art that has fantastic content and is based on a solid realistic basis. Types of fairy tales: about animals, magical, everyday.

Tales about animals “Fox and crane” “Winter quarters of animals” “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

Fairy tales "Flying ship" "Geese swans" "Sivka Burka"

Household tales "Porridge from an axe" "Husband and wife" "How a man dined at the master's"

Bylinas Bylinas are Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of heroes. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event or a remarkable episode of Russian history. Russian folk epics: "Dobrynya and Alyosha" "Dobrynya and the Serpent" "Ilya-Muromets and Kalin-Tsar" "Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber" etc.

Slide 1

Completed by students of grade 8 “A” MOBU “Secondary School No. 73” Korotkova Maria Khaibulina Elena

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Russian fun

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Russian National Costume

Slide 5

Russian folk songs
Today is Saturday for us, You can love with money, And tomorrow is Sunday. Nuts hurt my teeth. You are my lady, you are my lady, You are my lady, you are my lady, Ah, the resurrection. Ahh the teeth hurt. Recently my friend Vanyusha came to see me, Raisins make my lips sweet, My friend Vanyusha brought three pockets. You can't kiss your sweetheart. You are my lady, you are my lady, you are my lady, you are my lady, Ah friend Vanyusha brought it. Oh, and kissing. The first pocket is with money, You can’t kiss your sweetheart, The second pocket is with nuts. You can only hug, You are my lady, you are my lady, You are my lady, you are my lady, And with nuts. Ah, hug, Third pocket with raisins, You are my lady, you are my lady, Third pocket with raisins, Ah, hug. You are my lady, you are my lady, A-and with raisins.

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Russian folk dances

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Russian folk holidays and rituals
Maslenitsa Begins 56 days before Easter. The oldest truly folk holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. Maslenitsa week fell during the cheese-free week before the start of Lent. “Rampant”, “wide”, “abundant” Maslenitsa is the favorite winter holiday of the Russian people. Every day Maslenitsa week distinguished by its traditional rituals and entertainment.

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Easter Celebrated on the first Sunday after the March full moon following the spring equinox (between April 4 and May 7). The great twelfth holiday of the church calendar is Bright Sunday of Christ. Christian Easter commemorates the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his death on the cross and miraculous resurrection. Includes Easter Matins, religious procession, blessing of eggs and Easter cakes in the church, preparation of cottage cheese Easter, family meal, commemoration of the departed. The ancient custom of children and youth making protective rounds of houses and collecting treats was preserved.

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Ivan Kupala June 24 / July 7 One of the holidays of the ancient agricultural calendar, when the summer solstice and the highest flowering of nature are celebrated. According to the church calendar, this is a holiday in honor of the birth of St. John the Baptist.

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Elijah's day July 20 / August 2 Day of remembrance of the Old Testament prophet Elijah. In the popular imagination, Elijah the Prophet controlled the fertility of the earth, was the ruler of thunderstorms, lightning and rain. On Elijah’s day, the peasants did not work on the land and performed protective rituals to avoid the prophet’s punishment.

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Transfiguration (Apple Savior) August 6/19 Great Twelfth Feast Orthodox Church Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. The popular name of the holiday is associated with the ripening of apples on this day, which parishioners carried to church to bless, after which they were allowed to eat. From this day they began to collect apples, and treated the sick and poor with Spasov apples.

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Nativity of Christ December 25/January 7 The great twelfth holiday of the Christian church, when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. According to the peasant calendar, it marked the onset of Christmastide and the beginning of the growth of daylight hours.

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The presentation on the topic “Folk Art” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: History. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 35 slide(s).

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Teacher of fine arts and art at the Bogdanovskaya school Sinebryukhova T.V.

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Story artistic culture Any nation has a certain conditional beginning, from which threads stretch into the future. Russian art also has such a starting point: from the significant year 988 - the Baptism of Rus' - the intensive development of architecture, painting, literature, and music began. But let’s ask ourselves: what place artistic creativity occupied in earlier eras? Have those erased over time from the memory of the people? artistic images that were born in the depths of a pre-Christian civilization that has sunk into oblivion? What do we know today about the spiritual culture that formed generations of people who were able to wholeheartedly accept the Christian doctrine and the complex system of Orthodox church art that follows from it?

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The pre-Christian period in the history of Slavic culture can be called mythological. Myth is one of the ways to comprehend the surrounding reality, a set of symbolic ideas about the world. According to ancient beliefs, human life seems to be included in the endless whirlpool of nature, which does not have a higher spiritual meaning. People naively believed that without their participation the sun would not rise, the beneficial warmth would not come, and the long-awaited rain would not fall. Therefore, the basis of the cultural life of the mythological era became a ritual - a theatrical performance in which word, gesture, dance, and music were woven together. IN modern science this synthesis was called “primitive artistic syncretism.”

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Mythological ideas about the structure of the universe inevitably gave rise to pagan religion. The ancient Slavs came up with many gods. They, the inhabitants of the “pathetic huts,” had to, in conquering their living space, seek protection from the sun, water, trees, stones, real and fantastic animals, symbolic images of which in the form of bronze, clay, stone, and wooden idols were scattered throughout all Slavic lands. They personified the formidable forces of nature, beyond the control of human will, alien to mercy. Modern scientist B.A. Rybakov identified the following periodization in the history of the most ancient Slavic beliefs: Initially, the Slavs offered services to ghouls and beregins (that is, they made sacrifices). Then they began to serve the meal to Rhoda and the women in labor (also making a sacrifice). Subsequently, the Slavs began to pray mainly to Perun (while maintaining faith in other gods). From these lines it becomes obvious that the Slavs already, at an early stage of their development, felt the presence in the world around them of the action of two opposite principles - good and evil. The bereginii brought good to people (from the word “to protect”, “to protect”). The evil principle is spirits, vampires, ghouls, werewolves that harm humans. They formed conspiracies against them and wore amulets - amulets.

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With the development of druzhina military affairs, the cult of the god Perun arose - the lord of thunder, lightning, and military operations. Other deities were also revered - the god of the Sun-luminary Hore, the giver of heavenly blessings Dazhd-God, the sower god and heavenly messenger Simargl, the god of the wind and air elements Stribog, the goddess of fertility, the mother of cheese, the earth Makosh (Mokosh), etc. There were also lower mythological creatures , sometimes extremely harmful deities for humans - the goblin and the merman, the brownie and the bannik, the mermaid and the kikimora, as well as terrible creatures that bring grief, death, and illness to people - Mara, Morena, Likho, Koschey, Baba Yaga. They “communicated” with the pagan gods in specially designated religious buildings - temples. The Slavic gods did not have “biographies”; their appearance was very vague. Often the same deity was revered differently in different tribes. Therefore, today scientists find it difficult to determine the “name” of a particular image.

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The antinomy of good and evil, felt so early by our ancestors, had a decisive influence on the formation Slavic mythology. The natural opposition of life and death, happiness and unhappiness entailed more complex symbolism, a duality of images. For example, the basis of many proverbs, sayings, rituals, and omens that have survived to this day is the opposition between “right” and “left.” Over time, this resulted in the idea of ​​Truth in heaven and Falsehood on earth. The combination of “top” and “bottom” also had a global cosmic meaning. The binary symbolism “friend” - “stranger” was very significant. For example, people related by blood were considered “friends”, all others were considered “strangers” (the eternal hostility of the stepmother to the stepdaughter). Or the home was “one’s own”, while the forest was a sign of a hostile, “alien” principle (contrasting the child with Baba Yaga). Examples of “binary” thinking can be continued if we turn to one of the most striking phenomena of mythological artistic culture - the Russian folk tale, especially the fairy tale.

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This ancient genre of oral folk art has its own characteristics. A fairy tale begins with the infliction of some kind of damage or harm (kidnapping, expulsion, etc.) or with the desire to have something (for example, the king sends his son for the firebird). Next, a miracle occurs - the hero’s meeting with an assistant or a wizard who makes it easier to achieve the goal (remember that in Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” the main character’s miraculous meeting with the wizard Finn takes place). The story has its own climax - the hero's duel with evil forces (Nightingale the Robber, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, etc.). Fairy tales often contain motifs of the kinship between people and animals, and talk about the marriage of a person with a totemic creature (for example, with the Frog Princess). As a rule, these texts bear the imprint of a kind and optimistic view of the world, form a sense of justice, confidence in the triumph of a just cause, the victory of good over evil - after all, fairy-tale stories end with a happy ending.

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AND I. Bilibin. Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor

AND I. Bilibin. Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber.

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At the same time, it is obvious that fairy tales capture the moral principles of the life of a pagan Slav. For the sake of the goal fairy tale hero ready to break any laws, overcome any obstacles by force, cunning, deception, without thinking too much about the cost of the shed blood of his opponents. In the imaginary mythological picture of the life of a pagan Slav, the human personality was not of particular value.

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And the main evidence of the spiritual and creative talent of the ancient Slavs, their striving for beauty and harmony is folk song - an invaluable asset of Russian national culture. Researchers call the most ancient examples of musical folklore ritual. These songs were part of rituals dedicated either to a certain time of year or to a vital event (the birth of a child, a wedding, etc.). In accordance with this, ritual folklore is divided into calendar and family folklore.

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The content of the calendar songs is closely related to the work of the Slavic farmer, who loved his land and prayed to the gods to send a good harvest. For centuries, farmers performed the same rituals corresponding to folk calendar: winter, spring, summer, autumn. On each holiday, certain rituals were performed and songs dedicated to this holiday were sung. The purpose of these actions was one - to promote the well-being of the peasants. The cycle of calendar rituals began in winter. According to the old style, December 25 was considered “the turning of the sun for summer.” On this day a series of happy Holidays, during which it was customary to carol - dress up in “carnival” clothes (turned-out sheepskin coats, straw, etc.) and walk around neighbors’ yards, begging for gifts. Caroling appeared as a rite of honor of the pagan god Kolyada. Over time, they forgot who Kolyada was, but the ritual itself was preserved in Christian times; it is still found in villages today. As a rule, they sing carols on Christmastide from the Nativity of Christ (December 25, old style) to Epiphany (January 6, old style) and sing songs.

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Round dance songs are among the most ancient. Round dances were held in the villages throughout almost the entire year - on Christmastide, and on Maslenitsa, and after Easter. Perhaps the most common were round dance games, when a plot was played out simultaneously with the movement. When playing, the round dance participants stood in a circle, within which one or more “artists” performed simple plays in person. Round dances and processions were common, when participants in pairs or groups, moving at a measured pace, walked around the village. However, any movement of young people always turns into dancing, which is what happened in dance round dances, the fiery and daring character of which the Russian people defined with the words “chain”, “comb”, “braiding and unbraiding of the fence”.

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On the eve of Christmas and Epiphany, round dances and round dances were replaced by the singing of so-called sub-dish songs. This meant that the time had come for Christmas fortune-telling, mysterious miracles full of expectation. Fortune telling was different, funny and serious at the same time. Most often, fortune telling was done using water, which was poured into a bowl, then small things were dropped into it, covered with a scarf and... they began to sing a dish song, the words of which seemed to predict fate. One of the oldest subbread songs is the famous “Bread Glory”, which has repeatedly attracted the attention of Russian composers. On Christmas Eve evenings, gatherings (gatherings, get-togethers, sup-gatherings, conversations, evenings, parties) were especially often held in villages. They were attended by boys and girls who had reached marriageable age, i.e. 14-16 years. At gatherings they sang songs, performed round dances, and danced. Often, for fun, they dressed up in animal skins and staged performances that ridiculed lazy, careless, stingy or too timid people.

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Since time immemorial, the rituals of Maslenitsa - farewell to winter - have been known in Rus'. In the Christian calendar, Maslenitsa coincided with the last week before Lent. It is called meat fasting, since on these days the church charter prescribes to prepare for the fasting period and abstain from eating meat. During the Maslenitsa period, the spirit of celebration, entertainment, and reckless prowess reigned in people's lives. In accordance with ancient views, peasants glorified the sun, spring, and the onset of warmth. They believed that with their songs they helped the sun “move in a circle” and bring the arrival of spring days closer. Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name and ritual meaning: Monday - meeting Maslenitsa, Tuesday - flirting, Wednesday - delicacies, Thursday - revelry, wide Maslenitsa, Friday - mother-in-law's pancakes, Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings, Sunday - farewell to Maslenitsa. On the last day of the holiday, people asked each other for forgiveness, and according to Christian custom, Sunday itself was called “forgiven.” The fun on Maslenitsa was widespread. People rode troikas and sleds down the icy mountains, played taking snow towns, and had fist fights. The colorful, carefree Maslenitsa was a symbol of prosperity, joy, and a well-fed life. Therefore, all week people visited each other, ate pancakes, pies, eggs. Maslenitsa songs were either bright, rosy, or sad, as if expressing regret that the wonderful holiday had passed so quickly. On the day of farewell, the straw effigy of Maslenitsa was taken out of the village and burned amid joyful cries and cheerful singing. This is how the end of winter was celebrated.

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In the old days, springtime was lured with springtime songs. The spring rituals themselves began on the day of the vernal equinox - March 22, when the earth was freed from snow. In ancient times, people believed that spring was brought by birds that flew from distant lands when the weather warmed up. Therefore, many rituals were associated with images of birds: they were baked from dough, sculpted from clay and straw, raised to the sky and at the same time performed stoneflies, conjuring the sun. In the rituals of the Trinity and Semik holidays, ancient pagan and Christian images are surprisingly organically intertwined. Semik - the seventh Thursday after the first spring full moon (i.e. after Easter) was considered a holiday of the earth, fertility, and the continuation of the human race. Previously, Semitic week was called mermaid week and its symbol was a young birch tree. On Rusal Week we went to graves and commemorated our ancestors. It is no coincidence that parents are still remembered on the Saturday before Trinity (parents' Saturday). The Semitic week ended with the day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost). On this day (the fiftieth since the Ascension of Christ) they celebrated a great event in the history of Christianity - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Pre-Christian Semitic rituals were performed under decorated birch trees and were accompanied by the singing of ritual songs. The girls wove wreaths and threw them into the water, told fortunes, and danced in circles. Semitsk songs sang nature, the future harvest, happiness and love.

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IN summer period year, the main rituals were associated with the day of Ivan Kupala. Kupala is the name of the ancient deity Yarila the sun, whose birth was celebrated on the last day of the summer solstice - June 24. In Christian times, the name of John the Baptist was added to the name, and the holiday itself became popularly known as Midsummer's Day. People believed that on Midsummer's Day all vegetation began to bloom wildly, and at night, once a year, a fern flower bloomed. And at this time a great evil spirit flies and rages over the earth, sorcerers and sorcerers, werewolves and brownies, goblins and mermaids rule. They threaten to destroy the human race, and the only salvation from devilish obsessions is... fire. And on Kupala night they burned ritual bonfires all over Rus', jumped over them, swam in rivers and lakes, painted crosses on their houses and gates. Therefore, Kupala songs are mysterious and mystical and differ from other ritual melodies in their somewhat gloomy character, severity, and solemnity.

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Birth, marriage, death are natural for any person. In Ancient Rus', these events gave rise to a huge area of ​​musical folklore, beautiful in its artistic merits - family songs. They knew no geographical or social barriers and were loved in all layers of the Russian population, in villages and cities. Weddings in Rus' took place at a certain time of the year, free from urgent peasant affairs. Usually after the autumn harvest, before Christmas, on Maslenitsa, on Krasnaya Gorka (a week after Easter).

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The ritual actions of a Russian wedding were unusual. This is a kind of performance in which there are no spectators, everyone is a participant, everyone has their own role. The ceremony began with matchmaking in the bride's house. Here the main role was played by matchmakers, in a playful, allegorical form praising the virtues of the groom, his hard work and wealth. During the matchmaking, they ate, drank, and sang drinking songs. After the viewing and collusion (when they shook hands, agreeing on the size of the dowry and the costs of the wedding), there was a bachelorette party - the most lyrical part of the wedding ceremony. At the bachelorette party, the bride cried and said goodbye to her family and friends. Many sincere songs were heard here, giving way to playful reproaches (friends reproached the bride for leaving them) and leisurely majestic ones. On the wedding day, the groom “bought” the bride and the newlyweds went to church to get married. This was followed by a multi-day lavish wedding feast, filled with songs, dances, round dances, and games. The melodies replaced one another, but strictly in accordance with unwritten rules ritual, i.e. always in place. The songs were different, and yet among them, a genre of folk art that stands out in terms of expressiveness is a wedding lament. The bride usually wailed, saying goodbye to her father and mother, to her dear friends, to her carefree time. After all, she had an unknown life ahead of her in someone else’s house and how. usually hard work.

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Lamentations for the dead were very ancient. The funeral rituals of pre-Christian times reflected views on the afterlife as a continuation of earthly life in another world. Therefore, they tried to provide the deceased with everything necessary; warriors, for example, were buried with weapons. True, no one was in a hurry to leave this land. People believed that by mourning the dead, they were postponing the moment of their own death. The texts of funeral laments for loved ones are very expressive. The emotional side of the lament songs was extremely intense and sometimes ecstatic. The laments were distinguished by high artistic beauty and had the character of a melodic recitative. First, the main part of the text was pronounced in a quick conversation at almost the same pitch. At the end of the phrase there followed a sad “fall” of the melody down a third or fourth. It seemed that crying conveyed either melancholy or excited speech, interspersed with sobs... Golosheniya can be considered the most ancient form of solo female lyricism. Golosheniya is usually based on a short chant, which was repeated and varied throughout the entire story about the deceased.

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Laments were a special, independent type of folk art, possessing a highly developed system of means of expression. This is evidenced by such a poetically perfect monument as Yaroslavna’s cry from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”: Yaroslavna cries early in Putivl on her visor, saying? “Bright and thrice bright sun! For everyone you are warm and wonderful. Why, sir, did you extend your hot rays onto my dear warriors? In a waterless field did thirst bend their bows? Have they filled their quivers with grief?” (Translation by D. S. Likhachev)

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Boyan is a great ancient Russian storyteller, a very real historical figure. This legendary singer was the founder of the ancient Russian singing school and laid the foundations of the heroic epic. The musical and poetic genius of the Russian people was embodied with particular force in the genre of epics. An epic (or antiquity) tells about what “was”: about the most important moments state life, about historical events, about mighty heroes. True, historical reality in epics was always refracted as if through the prism of poetry. In addition, the epic had very strong elements of fairy tales, legends, and fantasy. At the center of the events of the epic is the main character, who finds himself in the most unusual situations. He fights hordes of enemies, shows miracles of courage and at the same time sets an example of high morality, defending justice.

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Epic tales are born telling about the struggle against the Horde yoke, telling about new travelers, about the emergence of the Cossacks on the Dnieper, Don and Volga. Bylinas were sung all over Rus', and they were as ancient as ritual songs. This does not mean that there were no other, later genres in musical folklore. For example, in the XV-XVI centuries. a plangent song was born and was initially performed exclusively by women. These songs usually talked about love, marriage, infidelity of lovers, and the difficult fate of women. In terms of the richness of images, the power of emotions and the beauty of music, the lingering song has no equal. The range of topics influencing the content of lyrical songs is unusually wide. Family life, marriage, love, jealousy, death - all this became the subject of musical comprehension. There were no discoveries in the themes of lyrical songs; many “plots” had previously been encountered in ritual genres. However, in the lyrical song a new, special musical world was formed, as if conveying the vast expanses of Rus' and the depth of feelings of the Russian people. The melodies of lyrical songs are unique; they are distinguished by their great length, wide breathing, and intonation expressiveness. It is with lyrical lingering songs that the flowering of the famous Russian polyphony begins in folk art! Elements of polyphony can be found in other, earlier genres, but in lyrical peon choral folk polyphony reaches its peak.

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Since the 15th century the birth of new types of folk singing is combined with the rethinking of old ones. Among them is a special kind of folk epic - historical songs. Many of them are dedicated to great events in the history of our state, for example the Battle of Kulikovo. Unlike epics, there is no place for fantasy or fiction in historical songs. The heroes of historical songs, as well as the events sung about in them, are real. The earliest historical songs are dedicated to the events of the reign of Ivan the Terrible (about the capture of Kazan, about the conquest of Siberia by Ermak, etc.). The historical song reached its greatest flowering in the 17th century, when a sharp change in cultural guidelines occurred and the usual medieval norms of life were broken. Recordings of songs from that time have reached us only in 18th-century versions, so many tunes that existed in the oral tradition should be considered irretrievably lost. And yet, folk memory has brought to us many beautiful ancient songs. And in the 19th century. folk art became the great force that helped Russian music create its priceless classics. “The people create music, and we, artists, only arrange it,” said M.I. Glinka. His words are not a tribute to fashion, but a frank recognition of the merits of Russian folk music and the genius of its many unknown creators.

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

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Slide captions:

"Oral folk art" "Small genres of oral folk art"

Folklore Folklore - this word means the creativity of any people, which is passed on from generation to generation. Folklore is proverbs, songs, fairy tales, ditties, riddles, nursery rhymes, fables, sayings, jokes, petes.

Lullabies Bye-bye, my kitten Sleep, go to sleep, my child... Here under your back - A soft feather bed. On top of the feather bed - a clean sheet. Here are white pillows under your ears, a down blanket and a scarf on top... Bye-bye, my kitten, Sleep, sleep, my child!

Nursery rhymes There goes a horned goat, There goes a butted goat, With its legs - stomp, stomp, With its eyes - clap, clap. - Anyone who doesn’t eat porridge or drink milk - I’ll gore, I’ll gore, I’ll gore. This finger is grandma, This finger is grandfather, This finger is mom, This finger is dad, This finger is me, that's the whole family!

Jokes And frets, frets, frets, Let's go to the backside. We sold carrots and bought a cow. And the cow and the cat are milked little by little! Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden, there is a dog running. The legs are thin, the sides are ringing, and the tail is a squiggle, her name is Zhuchka.

Pestushki Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Why do you get up early, Don’t let the kids sleep? - You legs, legs! Where are you running? - I’ll run through the forest and pick you some berries: black blueberries, alu strawberries.

Calls Ladybug, Fly to the sky, Your children are eating candy there. One for everyone, but not one for you. Ladybug, fly to the sky, Bring us bread Black and white, Just not burnt. Bucket sun, come out from behind the bald spot. Sit on a tree stump and walk all day.

Fables A hare sits on a birch tree and reads a book aloud. A bear flew to him, listened, sighed. The goat has two frogs in its beard, a bear sits on its back, holding its ears.

Sayings Moth-vitilek, Bring us the breeze: From the gate to the turn Drive the boat into the stream. The sun warmed up, Summer commanded: To plunge three times, To dive through, To get out from under the water.

Counting books One, two, three, four, five, Let's play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers - Just go and lead me! A squirrel rode on a cart, Handing out nuts to everyone: To those who are two, to those who are three - Get out of the circle!

Draw Rose or Mimosa Eagle or Tails

Riddles Knock, knock - they don’t tell you to be bored. They go and go, and everything is just there. (Watch) I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Dressy, funny, I’m in charge for the New Year. (Christmas tree)

Descriptive riddles Tail with a fluffy arch, Do you know this animal? Answer: The cat jumps across the field - hides its ears, stands up like a pillar - its ears stick up. Answer: Hare.

Proverbs There is no distance for friendship. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. Money can't buy intelligence. The strong will defeat one, knowing a thousand.

Sayings The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it. For a mother, a child up to a hundred years old is a child. Happiness and work live side by side. Seven times measure cut once.

Russian folk tale A fairy tale is a genre of oral folk art that has fantastic content and is based on a solid realistic basis. Types of fairy tales: about animals, magical, everyday.

Tales about animals “Fox and crane” “Winter quarters of animals” “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

Fairy tales "Flying ship" "Geese swans" "Sivka Burka"

Household tales "Porridge from an axe" "Husband and wife" "How a man dined at the master's"

Bylinas Bylinas are Russian folk epic songs about the exploits of heroes. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event or a remarkable episode of Russian history. Russian folk epics: "Dobrynya and Alyosha" "Dobrynya and the Serpent" "Ilya-Muromets and Kalin-Tsar" "Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber" etc.

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