Presentation on Russian literature. Literary presentations - on Russian and foreign literature on lesson topics, download for free. Download free presentations for literature lessons

Literature is one of the most important humanities disciplines, which allows a person to significantly improve his education. The main purpose of presentations on literature is to interest students in the material so that they read works of literature voluntarily and with great interest. All of our presentations will make it easy to make each lesson fun and interesting for students, and many slides and additional information will allow you to more fully cover each topic.

Presentations on literature are made in PowerPoint, here you will find a large assortment presentations on literature that can be downloaded absolutely free. To do this, just select the desired presentation and click on the “download” button. It is also possible to view all the contents of the selected work, look through each slide to decide whether it is suitable for you. Thanks to a convenient search for all presentations, you can easily find the topic that interests you.

Presentations about literature: theory of literature, teaching literature, literature lessons, literature projects, literature assignments, literature games, literature quizzes, literary themes, literary images, military literature, literature Patriotic War, writers.

Presentations on the history of literature: literary movements, ancient literature, literature of the Middle Ages, literature of the 18th century, literature of the 19th century, literature of the 20th century, Silver Age, poetry of the Silver Age, date calendar.

Presentations about literary reading : learning to read.

Presentations about books: history of the book, creation of the book, book series, children's books, religious books, magazines, children's magazines, libraries, digital library, journalism.

Presentations about fairy tales: heroes of fairy tales, folk tales, Russian folk tales, games based on fairy tales, quiz based on fairy tales.

Presentations about poetry: poets, poems, poems about nature, poems about war, riddles.

Presentations about text: types of text, text analysis, speech styles, genres, folklore, myths and legends, means of expression, documents, paperwork, writing, essay, essay on a picture, essay-reasoning, essay topics, essay on the seasons, list of references.

Presentations about A: Andersen, Andreev, Astafiev, Akhmatova.

Presentations about B: Bazhov, Barto, Blok, Bryusov, Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita, Bunin.

Presentations about B.

Presentations about G: Gogol, biography of Gogol, works of Gogol, Dead Souls, The Inspector General, Taras Bulba, Homer, Goncharov, Oblomov, Gorky, Griboedov, Woe from Wit.

Presentations about D: Derzhavin, Defoe, Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, Dragunsky.

Presentations about E-J: Yesenin, Yesenin’s biography, Yesenin’s poems, Zhukovsky.

Presentations about: Zoshchenko.

Presentations about I.

Presentations about K: Karamzin, Korolenko, Krylov, Kuprin.

Presentations about L: Lermontov, biography of Lermontov, creativity of Lermontov, poems by Lermontov, Hero of Our Time, Leskov.

Presentations about M: Mandelstam, Marshak, Mayakovsky, Mikhalkov.

Presentations about N: Nekrasov, biography of Nekrasov, works of Nekrasov, Nosov.

Presentations about O: Ostrovsky, plays by Ostrovsky.

Presentations about P: Pasternak, Paustovsky, Platonov, Prishvin, Pushkin, Pushkin’s biography, Pushkin’s family, Pushkin at the Lyceum, Pushkin in St. Petersburg, Pushkin’s work, Pushkin about love, Pushkin’s poems, Eugene Onegin, Pushkin’s stories, The Captain’s Daughter, Pushkin’s fairy tales.

Presentations about R: Rasputin, Rubtsov.

Presentations about C: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Solzhenitsyn.

Presentations about T: Tvardovsky, Tolstoy, Tolstoy’s biography, Tolstoy’s stories, War and Peace, After the Ball, A.K. Tolstoy, A.N. Tolstoy, Tukay, Turgenev, Turgenev’s prose, Tyutchev.

Presentations about UV: Fet.

Presentations about X.

Presentations about C-Ch: Tsvetaeva, Chekhov, biography of Chekhov, stories of Chekhov, Cherny, Chukovsky.

Presentations about Sh-Ya: Shevchenko, Shakespeare, Sholokhov, Shukshin.

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Literary genera and genres (theory of literary criticism)


A literary genus is a group of literary works distinguished according to a number of unified characteristics.

Lyrics are a type of literature that reflects life by depicting individual states, thoughts, feelings, impressions and experiences of a person. A characteristic feature is poetic speech, rhythm, lack of plot, and small size.

An epic is a coherent story about certain events that are as close to objectivity as possible. Epic is characterized by the reproduction of an action unfolding in space and time. A specific feature of the epic is that the author (or narrator) himself reports events and their details as something past and remembered, simultaneously resorting to descriptions of the setting of the action and the appearance of the characters, and sometimes to reasoning. The epic narrative is told on behalf of the narrator, a kind of intermediary between the person depicted and the listener (reader).

Drama is a type of literature that reflects life in the actions (actions and experiences) of people. Intended for performance on stage. The action is shown through the conflict that lies at the center of the dramatic work, which determines all the structural elements of dramatic action. A dramatic conflict, reflecting specific historical and universal contradictions, revealing the essence of time, social relations, is embodied in the behavior and actions of the characters, and, above all, in dialogues, monologues, and remarks.

Lyroepic is one of the four types of literature in the traditional classification. In lyric epic works, the reader observes and evaluates the artistic world from the outside as a plot narrative, but at the same time the events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment from the narrator.

EPIC GENRES Fable Short story Epic Novella Fairy tale Tale Myth Novel Legend Epic Essay

Epic (ancient Greek “word, narrative” + “I create”) is a generic designation for large epic and similar works: An extensive narrative in verse or prose about outstanding national historical events. A complex, long history of something, including a number of major events. A novel is a work in which the narrative is focused on the fate of an individual in the process of its formation and development. According to Belinsky's definition, a novel is an “epic of private life” (for example, “Oblomov” by A. Goncharov, “Fathers and Sons” by I. Turgenev). The story is a “middle” genre of epic literature. In volume, as a rule, it is smaller than a novel, but larger than a short story or short story. If in a novel the center of gravity lies in the holistic action, in the actual and psychological movement of the plot, then in a story the main gravity is often transferred to the static components of the work - positions, mental states, landscapes, descriptions, etc. (eg "Steppe"). A short story is a small prose genre comparable in volume to a short story (which sometimes gives rise to their identification - there is a point of view on the short story as a type of story), but differs from it in its sharp centripetal plot, often paradoxical, lack of descriptiveness and compositional rigor (for example. , stories by A. Chekhov, N. Gogol, “Dark Forests” by I. Bunin). The story is a small epic genre form fiction- a prose work that is small in terms of the volume of life phenomena depicted, and hence in terms of the volume of text.

A fable is a poetic or prosaic literary work of a moralizing, satirical nature. At the end of the fable there is a short moralizing conclusion - the so-called morality. The characters are usually animals, plants, things. The fable ridicules the vices of people. Fable is one of the oldest literary genres. Epics (starinas) - heroic-patriotic songs and tales telling about the exploits of heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Rus' in the 9th-13th centuries; type of oral folk art, which is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence the popular name of the epic - “starina”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past). Literary fairy tale - epic genre: a fiction-oriented work, closely related to folk tale, but, unlike it, it belonged to a specific author, did not exist in oral form before publication and had no variants.

Myth is a legend that conveys people’s ideas about the world, man’s place in it, the origin of all things, about gods and heroes. Legend (from Middle Latin “reading”, “readable”, “collection of liturgical passages for daily services”) is one of the varieties of fabulous prose folklore. A written legend about some historical events or personalities. In a figurative sense, it refers to the events of the past, covered in glory, causing admiration, depicted in fairy tales, stories, etc. As a rule, it contains additional religious or social pathos. Essay - one of all varieties small form epic literature - a story, different from its other form, the short story, in the absence of a single, acute and quickly resolved conflict and in the greater development of the descriptive image. Both differences depend on the specific issues of the essay. Essay literature does not address the problems of developing the character of an individual in his conflicts with the established social environment, as is inherent in the short story (and novel), but the problems of the civil and moral state of the “environment” (usually embodied in individual individuals) - “moral descriptive” problems; it has great cognitive diversity. Essay literature usually combines features of fiction and journalism.

Search for truth

Epigram Poem Sonnet Romance Message Song (canticle) Ode Elegy LYRIC GENRES

1. Ode is a glorifying genre, a solemn lyrical poem glorifying a heroic feat. Goes back to the traditions of classicism. For example, the ode “Liberty”. 2. Elegy is a genre of romantic poetry, a poem permeated with sadness, sad reflection about life, fate, one’s dream. For example, “The daylight has gone out...”. 3. Message – an address to another person. A genre not associated with a specific tradition. Pushkin's messages are based on the connection of the personal principle with the social, civil principle. Its problems are broader than a specific life situation. For example, “To Chaadaev.” 4. Epigram - a satirical poem addressed to a specific person. For example, “on Vorontsov.” 5. Song - The genre goes back to the traditions of oral folk art. For example, “song of the Western Slavs”. 6. Romance - for example, “I’m here, Inesilya...”. 7. Sonnet - for example, “The stern Dante did not despise advice...”.


Drama (ancient Greek - deed, action) is one of the three types of literature, along with epic and lyric poetry, and belongs simultaneously to two types of art: literature and theater. Intended to be played on stage, drama formally differs from epic and lyric poetry in that the text in it is presented in the form of characters’ remarks and author’s remarks and, as a rule, is divided into actions and phenomena. Drama in one way or another refers to any literary work constructed in a dialogical form, including comedy, tragedy, drama (as a genre), farce, vaudeville, etc. Comedy (ancient Greek “song”) is a genre of artistic works characterized by a humorous or satirical approach, as well as a type of drama in which the moment of effective conflict or struggle between antagonistic characters is specifically resolved. Tragedy (ancient Greek literally - “song of a goat”) is a genre of fiction based on the development of events leading to a catastrophic outcome for the characters, often filled with pathos; a type of drama that is the opposite of comedy.


A ballad is a lyric-epic work, that is, a story told in poetic form, of a historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of a ballad is usually borrowed from folklore. Ballads are often set to music. Poem (ancient Greek ποίημα) is a poetic genre. A large epic work of poetry belonging to a specific author, a large poetic narrative form. Can be heroic, romantic, critical, satirical, etc.

I mainly create presentations for literature lessons, since they require a lot of illustrative material. I supplement the presentation with video and audio files, and often animate figures, creating simulators and tests. All this diversifies the literature lesson and instills interest in the children in our subject.

Since most of the presentations I created weigh a lot, for this reason I cannot publish most of them, even the most interesting ones, on the site, but some still “fit.”

You will find some presentations in the archive, since they have accompanying files in the folder: video and audio, without which the presentation will be incomplete.

In order not to take a “pig in a poke”, for many presentations I prefaced videos that demonstrate the presentation almost in its original form, since I myself don’t like to download something that I don’t need.

Very often I create presentations not for one lesson, but for a system of lessons for some work. This is what I did, for example, by topic "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", in 9th grade. Such a presentation is filled with various media materials: illustrations for the work, video clips, audio recordings. All this makes it possible to become more fully acquainted with the work being studied.

With such a presentation on the topic "Epics" you can get acquainted in the application to the work.

Using the program Power Point You can also create tests, game material for lessons, quizzes, and crosswords. Such tests are performed collectively, during the game in class. In this case, either the best expert is selected (who scored the most points), or the best team, if the game is played as a team game. I have created tests on the following topics: “Saltykov-Shchedrin “How one man fed two generals” , “Lermontov “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov” ,"Griboedov "Woe from Wit" , "Myths of Ancient Greece".

I also use it in elective courses in preparation for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam. Each presentation is devoted to one task of part A or B. First, theoretical material is given in the form of tables and definitions necessary for mastery. Each slide then presents one task. The guys choose the correct answer, in their opinion: 1, 2,3 or 4, by clicking an animated figure (circle, star or rectangle) “flies out”, the correct answer is written on it. If the guys answered incorrectly, I comment on the answer, correct the error, and write down the hint in the exam preparation notebook. Children who missed class can receive the presentation at home and work through the material on their own, albeit without the teacher’s commentary.

The presentation for the lesson can be made in the form of a game or a trip. This is what I did, for example, on the topic "Odyssey" for 6th grade. The guys travel along the map of Odysseus's wanderings, following hyperlinks. Each slide is dedicated to a specific stop of the hero. To move on, they must complete text knowledge tasks. In this way, knowledge of the text is tested, interest in literature lessons increases, and communication skills are developed.

I have wonderful filmstrips for literature lessons. But watching them now is no longer convenient: the equipment is cumbersome, I often simply forget about them, and you have to watch them in almost complete darkness. So I decided to make presentations based on them. Unfortunately, I can't scan them. Here is the result of my work on re-creating filmstrips. I saved the text and tried to preserve the design and pictures as much as possible.