Sample form of an agreement for the provision of paid educational services in the field of vocational education. Agreement on paid services in the field of education

2.4. The consumer has the right:

    contact the Contractor’s employees on questions related to the learning process in an educational institution;

    Receive complete and reliable information about the assessment of your knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the criteria for this assessment;

    Use the Contractor’s property necessary for the implementation educational process, during classes provided for by the schedule;

    Use additional educational services provided by the Contractor and not included in curriculum, on the basis of a separately concluded agreement;

    Take part in socio-cultural, recreational, etc. events organized by the Contractor.

3. Obligations of the Contractor

3.1. Enroll the Consumer who has fulfilled the requirements established by the Charter and other local regulations The executor of the conditions of acceptance, in _____________________________________________________________________________________.
(name of the Contractor)

3.2. Organize and ensure proper performance of the services provided for in section 1 of this agreement. Educational services are provided in accordance with _____________________________________________________________________________________
(State educational standard (specify document details) and/or curriculum, annual calendar educational schedule and class schedule and other local regulations developed by the Contractor)

3.3. Create the necessary conditions for the Consumer to master the chosen educational program.

3.4. Show respect for the personality of the Consumer, prevent physical and psychological violence, provide conditions for strengthening the moral, physical and psychological health, emotional well-being of the Consumer, taking into account his individual characteristics.

3.6. Replenish the course material completed during the Consumer’s absence from good reason, within the scope of services provided in accordance with Section 1 of this agreement.

4. Responsibilities of the Customer

4.1. Timely pay the fees for the services provided specified in Section 1 of this agreement.

4.2. When the Consumer enters educational institution and in the process of his training, provide everything in a timely manner Required documents.

4.3. Notify the Contractor of valid reasons for the Consumer’s absence from classes.

4.4. Show respect for the scientific, pedagogical, engineering, technical, administrative, economic, educational, support and other personnel of the Contractor.

4.5. Compensate for damage caused by the Consumer to the Contractor's property in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

4.6. Ensure that the Consumer attends classes according to the curriculum.

5. Responsibilities of the Consumer

5.1. Attend classes indicated in the curriculum.

5.2. Complete assignments to prepare for classes given by teaching staff Performer.

5.3. Comply with the requirements of the Contractor's Charter, Rules internal regulations and other local regulations, comply with academic discipline and generally accepted standards of behavior, in particular, to show respect for the scientific, pedagogical, engineering, technical, administrative, economic, educational support and other personnel of the Contractor and other students, and not to infringe on their honor and dignity.

5.4. Treat the Contractor's property with care.

6. Payment for services

6.1. The customer pays for the services provided for in this agreement ____________________________ in the amount of _________________________ rubles.
(specify payment period)

6.2. Payment is made no later than ____________________ in cash, by bank transfer, to the Contractor's bank account.
(Underline whatever applicable)

Payment for services is certified by the Contractor by providing the Customer with _____________________, confirming the Customer’s payment.
(specify document)

6.3. Payment for services provided for in this section may be changed by agreement of the parties, about which an addendum to this agreement is drawn up.

7. Grounds for amendment and termination of the contract

7.1. The conditions under which this agreement is concluded may be changed either by agreement of the parties or in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. This agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties.

7.3. The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract, subject to payment to the Contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.

The Consumer has the right to terminate this agreement at any time only with the written consent of the Customer, subject to the Customer paying the Contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.

7.4. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under the contract only if the Customer is fully compensated for losses.

8. Liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement

In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the parties of their obligations under this agreement, they bear responsibility under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other regulatory legal acts.

9. Duration of the contract and other conditions

This agreement comes into force from the date of its conclusion by the parties and is valid until "__"___________ 200___.

The agreement is drawn up in triplicate, equal legal force.

Executor Customer Consumer
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
(full name) (Full name / full name) (FULL NAME.)
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
(legal address) (residence address/legal address) (residence address)
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
(Bank details) (passport details /
Bank details)
(passport details)
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
(signature) (signature)

Certificate of state accreditation indicated if educational institution passed certification in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the agreement is signed by the head of a branch, deputy head of a legal entity or other official of a legal entity, then an additional document must be indicated regulating his powers in the field of concluding agreements for the provision of paid services. educational services(order, instruction, power of attorney), as well as the date and registration number of the document.

In the event that the Customer of paid educational services is an adult citizen who independently pays for his education, a bilateral agreement is concluded. Accordingly, section 1, clauses 2.2 and 2.3. Section 2 of the above agreement should be combined into one, sections 4.5 should also be combined into one. From clause 7.3. Paragraph 2 should be deleted.

The parties, at their discretion, have the right to supplement this section with other conditions.

This information, as a right of the Customer, can be included in the text of the agreement if a tripartite agreement is concluded.

An estimate may be drawn up for the provision of educational services provided for in this agreement, which becomes an integral part of the agreement.

The Agreement will be drawn up in two copies in cases where the Customer and the Contractor are the same person, as well as if the Customer is the legal representative of the Contractor.

If the Customer is the parent (legal representative) of the Consumer, then his (parent (legal representative)) full name, residence address, and passport details are indicated. If the Customer is an organization, institution, enterprise, i.e. If a tripartite agreement is drawn up, then the full name, legal address, and bank details of the organization, institution, or enterprise are indicated

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Sample form of an agreement for the provision of paid educational services in the field of vocational education

In pursuance of paragraph 16 of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2001 N 505 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 2003 N 181), I order:

1. Approve a sample form of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services by state and municipal educational institutions (Appendix No. 1), non-state educational organizations (Appendix No. 2), individual entrepreneur(Appendix 3).

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to First Deputy Minister V.A. Bolotova.

And about. Minister A. Kiselev

Appendix No. 1

Sample form of an agreement on the provision of paid additional educational services by state and municipal educational institutions

(hereinafter - the Consumer), on the other hand, concluded in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Education" and "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as the Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of education" dated 07/05/2001 N 505 (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/01/2003 N 181), this agreement is as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

The Contractor provides, and the Customer pays for, additional educational services, the name and quantity of which are defined in Appendix 1, which is an integral part of this agreement (in the Appendix, indicate the name of academic disciplines, forms of conducting classes and the number of training hours)*. The duration of training in accordance with the working curriculum (individually, in a group) is ______________________.

2. Responsibilities of the performer

The performer is obliged:

2.1. Organize and ensure proper performance of the services provided for in Section 1 of this agreement. Additional educational services are provided in accordance with the curriculum, annual academic calendar and class schedule developed by the Contractor.

2.2. Provide premises for conducting classes that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as equipment that meets the mandatory norms and rules for the educational process.

2.3. During the provision of additional educational services, show respect for the personality of the Consumer, protect him from all forms of physical and psychological violence, provide conditions for strengthening the moral, physical and psychological health, emotional well-being of the Consumer, taking into account his individual characteristics.

2.4. Save a place for the Consumer (in the system of additional educational services provided by a general education institution) in the event of his illness, treatment, quarantine, parental leave, vacations and other cases of absence from classes for valid reasons.

2.5. Notify the Customer about the inexpediency of providing the Consumer with educational services in the amount provided for in Section 1 of this agreement, due to his individual characteristics, which make it impossible or pedagogically inappropriate to provide these services.

3. Responsibilities of the customer

3.2. Upon admission of the Consumer to a general education institution and during the process of his education, promptly provide all the necessary documents provided for by the charter of the educational institution.

3.5. At the Contractor’s request, come for a conversation if the Contractor has complaints about the Consumer’s behavior or his attitude towards receiving additional educational services.

3.8. Provide the Consumer, at his own expense, with the items necessary for the proper fulfillment by the Contractor of his obligations to provide additional educational services, in quantities corresponding to the age and needs of the Consumer.

3.10. For a contract involving a Consumer under 14 years of age, ensure that the Consumer attends classes in accordance with the school schedule.

4. Responsibilities of the consumer

The consumer is obliged:

4.2. Complete assignments to prepare for classes given by teachers at a general education institution.

The Customer and the Consumer who have duly fulfilled their obligations under this agreement have a pre-emptive right to conclude an agreement for a new term after the expiration of this agreement.

5.3. The consumer has the right:

receive complete and reliable information about the assessment of their knowledge and the criteria for this assessment;

use the Contractor’s property necessary to ensure the educational process during classes provided for in the schedule.

7.4. In addition, the Contractor has the right to refuse to perform the contract if the Customer has violated the terms of payment for services under this contract _____________________________

________________________________________ __________________________________

indicate the period or quantity, or other conditions of delay, or repeatedly violates other obligations provided for in clause 3 of this agreement, which clearly makes it difficult for the Contractor to fulfill obligations and violates the rights and legitimate interests of students and employees of the Contractor.

7.5. If the Consumer, by his behavior, systematically violates the rights and legitimate interests of other students and employees of the Contractor, the class schedule or interferes with the normal implementation of the educational process. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract when, after __________________ warnings, the Consumer does not

indicate quantity

will eliminate these violations. The contract is considered terminated from the date of written notification by the Contractor to the Customer (Consumer) of refusal to perform the contract.

8. Liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations

by the certain agreement

* For the provision of services related to ensuring the maintenance of a student in an educational institution during the provision of additional educational services (catering, medical care, security, delivery of the student to the educational institution and home by the Contractor’s transport, etc.), a separate contract is drawn up.

Appendix No. 2

Sample form of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services by non-state educational organizations

(hereinafter - the Consumer), on the other hand, concluded in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” and “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education" dated 07/05/2001 N 505 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/01/2003 N 181), this agreement is as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

The Contractor provides, and the Customer pays for, educational services that meet _____ class not lower than state requirements educational standards(other documents temporarily replacing them, approved in accordance with the established procedure), _________________________________________________________________________ _______

indicate the level - basic general, intermediate (full) general

and the level of the general education program - primary general,

basic general, secondary (full) general

the name and quantity of which are defined in Appendix 1, which is an integral part of this agreement (in Appendix 1 indicate the name of the academic disciplines, the form of classes and the number of training hours)*. The duration of training in accordance with the working curriculum (individually, in a group) is ______________________.

2. Responsibilities of the performer

The performer is obliged:

2.1. Enroll the Consumer ____________________________, who has fulfilled the established conditions for admission, to _______________________________________________________.

name of the Contractor

2.2. Organize and ensure proper performance of the services provided for in section 1 of this agreement. Educational services are provided in accordance with the curriculum, annual academic calendar and class schedule developed by the Contractor.

2.3. Provide premises for conducting classes that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as equipment that meets the mandatory norms and rules for the educational process.

2.4. Show respect for the personality of the Consumer, protect him from all forms of physical and psychological violence, provide conditions for strengthening the moral, physical and psychological health, emotional well-being of the Consumer, taking into account his individual characteristics.

2.5. Ensure the issuance of ______________________________________________________________

indicate a document - certificate, state or other certificate

A consumer who has completed a full course of training and has successfully passed certification in a program corresponding to the level of _____________________ general education.

indicate level

2.6. Issue to the Consumer an appropriate document on the mastery of certain components of general education programs (per class, for mastered academic subjects) in the event of the Consumer leaving the educational organization before he completes training in full as provided for in this agreement.

2.7. Save a place for the Consumer in case of illness, treatment, quarantine, parental leave, vacations and in other cases of absence from classes for valid reasons (in case of payment for services provided for in Section 1 of this agreement).

2.8. Replenish the course material completed during the Consumer’s absence for a valid reason, within the scope of services provided in accordance with Section 1 of this agreement.

2.9. Notify the Customer about the inexpediency of providing the Consumer with educational services in the amount provided for in clause 1.2 of this agreement, due to his individual characteristics, which make it impossible or pedagogically inappropriate to provide these services.

Clause 2.9. refer to those non-state educational organizations that, in addition to educational services for basic general education programs, also provide additional educational services.

3. Responsibilities of the customer

3.1. Make timely payments for the services provided specified in Section 1 of this agreement.

3.2. When the Consumer enters an educational institution and during the process of his training, promptly provide all the necessary documents provided for by the charter of the non-state educational organization.

3.3. Immediately inform the Contractor's manager about changes in contact telephone number and place of residence.

3.4. Notify the Contractor's manager about valid reasons for the Consumer's absence from classes.

3.5. At the Contractor’s request, come for a conversation if the Contractor has any complaints about the Consumer’s behavior or his attitude towards receiving educational services.

3.6. Show respect to the teachers, administration and technical staff of the Contractor.

3.7. Compensate for damage caused by the Consumer to the Contractor's property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.8. Provide the Consumer, at his own expense, with the items necessary for the proper implementation of the educational process by the Contractor, in quantities corresponding to the age and needs of the Consumer.

3.9. In case of detection of a disease of the Consumer (according to the conclusion of health care institutions or medical personnel Contractor) release the Consumer from classes and take measures for his recovery.

3.10. For a contract involving a Consumer under 14 years of age, ensure that the Consumer attends classes in accordance with the school schedule.

4. Responsibilities of the consumer

(for a contract with a Consumer over 14 years of age)

The consumer is obliged:

4.1. Attend classes indicated in the curriculum.

4.2. Complete assignments to prepare for classes given by teachers of the educational organization.

4.3. Comply with academic discipline and generally accepted standards of behavior, in particular, show respect for teachers, administration and technical staff of the Contractor and other students, and do not infringe on their honor and dignity.

4.4. Treat the Contractor's property with care.

5. Rights of the performer, customer, consumer

5.1. The Contractor has the right to refuse to conclude a contract for a new term for the Customer and the Consumer upon expiration of this contract if the Customer or the Consumer during the period of its validity committed violations provided for by civil law and this contract and giving the Contractor the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract.

5.2. The Customer has the right to demand that the Contractor provide information:

on issues related to the organization and ensuring the proper execution of services provided for in Section 1 of this agreement, educational activities The contractor and prospects for its development;

about the performance, behavior, attitude of the Consumer to studies in general and in individual subjects of the curriculum.

5.3. The consumer has the right:

contact the Contractor’s employees on all issues related to the activities of the educational institution;

receive complete and reliable information about the assessment of their knowledge, skills, other educational achievements, as well as the criteria for this assessment;

use the Contractor's property necessary for the implementation of the educational process during classes provided for by the schedule; use additional educational services not included in the curriculum for a fee;

take part in socio-cultural, recreational, etc. events organized by the Contractor.

6.4. An estimate may be drawn up for the provision of educational services provided for in this agreement. Drawing up such an estimate at the request of the Consumer or Contractor is mandatory. In this case, the estimate becomes part of the contract.

7. Grounds for amendment and termination of the contract

7.1. The conditions under which this agreement is concluded may be changed either by agreement of the parties or in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. A consumer who has reached the age of 14 has the right to terminate this agreement at any time only with the written consent of the legal representatives, subject to payment to the Contractor for the actual expenses incurred and services provided up to the date of termination.

On behalf of the Consumer aged 6 to 14 years, the contract may be terminated by the Customer at any time, subject to the conditions specified in paragraph. 1 of this paragraph.

7.3. This agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties. At the initiative of one of the parties, the contract may be terminated on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

indicate the period or number of delays,

or other conditions of delay or

repeated other violations of obligations

provided for in clause 3 of this agreement, which clearly makes it difficult for the Contractor to fulfill its obligations and violates the rights and legitimate interests of students and employees of the Contractor.

7.4. If the Consumer, by his behavior, systematically violates the rights and legitimate interests of other students and employees of the Contractor, the class schedule or interferes with the normal implementation of the educational process, the Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract when, after warnings______________________________

indicate quantity

The Consumer will not eliminate these Violations.

8.1. In case of failure or improper fulfillment by the parties of their obligations under this agreement, they bear responsibility under civil law and legislation on the protection of consumer rights, under the conditions established by this legislation.

*1. For the provision of additional educational services by a non-state educational organization, appropriate changes are made to the subject of the agreement and a corresponding annex is drawn up, which is an integral part of this agreement. The application indicates the name and quantity of additional educational services, names of academic disciplines, forms of conducting classes and the number of teaching hours.

2. For the provision by a non-state educational organization (in addition to educational services) of paid social services related to providing conditions for the educational process (catering, medical care, security, delivery of students to the educational organization and home by transport, etc.) a separate agreement is concluded.

Appendix 3

Sample form of an agreement on the provision of paid educational services by an individual entrepreneur

(hereinafter - the Consumer), on the other hand, concluded in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Laws of the Russian Federation “On Education” and “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education" dated 07/05/2001 N 505 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/01/2003 N 181), this agreement is as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

The Contractor provides, and the Customer pays for, educational services, the name and quantity of which are defined in the appendix, which is an integral part of this agreement (in the appendix indicate the name of the academic disciplines, forms of conducting classes and the number of training hours). The duration of training in accordance with the working curriculum (individually, in a group) is _____________.

2. Responsibilities of the performer

The performer is obliged:

2.1. Organize and ensure proper execution of the services provided for in section 1 of this agreement in accordance with the curriculum and class schedule, which are an integral part of this agreement.

2.2. Provide premises for classes that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2.3. During the provision of educational services, show respect for the personality of the Consumer, protect him from all forms of physical and psychological violence, provide conditions for strengthening the moral, physical and psychological health, emotional well-being of the Consumer, taking into account his individual characteristics.

2.4. Notify the Customer about the inexpediency of providing the Consumer with educational services in the amount provided for in Section 1 of this agreement due to its individual characteristics, which make it impossible or pedagogically inappropriate to provide these services.

3. Responsibilities of the customer

3.1. Make timely payments for the services provided specified in Section 1 of this agreement.

3.2. Immediately inform the Contractor about changes in contact telephone number and place of residence.

3.3. Notify the Contractor of valid reasons for the Consumer’s absence from classes.

3.4. At the Contractor’s request, come for conversations if the Contractor has complaints about the Consumer’s behavior or his attitude towards receiving educational services.

3.5. Compensate for damage caused by the Consumer to the Contractor's property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.6. In the event of an illness that suddenly arises in the Consumer during classes, ensure his evacuation from the place of classes and take measures for his recovery.

3.7. For a contract involving a Consumer under 14 years of age, ensure that the Consumer attends classes in accordance with the school schedule.

4. Responsibilities of the consumer

(for a contract with a Consumer over 14 years of age)

The consumer is obliged:

4.1. Attend classes indicated in the curriculum.

4.2. Properly complete assignments to prepare for classes.

4.3. Comply with academic discipline and generally accepted standards of behavior, in particular, show respect for the Performer and other students, and do not infringe on their honor and dignity.

4.4. Treat the Contractor's property with care.

5. Rights of the performer, customer, consumer

5.1. The performer has the right:

refuse the Customer and the Consumer to enter into an agreement for a new term after the expiration of this agreement, if the Customer or the Consumer during the period of its validity committed violations provided for by civil law and this agreement and giving the Contractor the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the agreement;

at your choice, either fill the gaps in the student’s knowledge formed in connection with absence from classes for a valid reason, through additional classes within the scope of services provided in accordance with Section 1 of this agreement, or offset the cost of educational services not provided against payment for the next period .

5.2. The Customer has the right to demand that the Contractor provide information:

on issues related to the organization and ensuring the proper execution of services provided for in Section 1 of this agreement;

about the performance, behavior, attitude of the Consumer towards learning and his abilities in relation to learning in individual subjects of the curriculum.

The Customer and the Consumer, who have duly fulfilled their obligations under this agreement, have a preferential right to conclude an agreement for a new term after the expiration of this agreement, and in the event of a violation of this right by the Contractor, to compensation for losses caused in connection with this.

5.3. The consumer has the right:

contact the Contractor on all issues related to the provision of educational services under this agreement;

receive complete and reliable information about the assessment of their knowledge and the criteria for this assessment.

by bank transfer to the Contractor's bank account.

An estimate may be drawn up for the provision of educational services provided for in this agreement. Preparation of such estimates upon request

7. Grounds for amendment and termination of the contract

7.1. The conditions under which this agreement is concluded may be changed either by agreement of the parties or in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. A consumer who has reached the age of 14 has the right to terminate this agreement at any time only with the written consent of the legal representatives, subject to payment to the Contractor for the actual expenses incurred and services provided up to the date of termination.

On behalf of the Consumer aged 6 to 14 years, the contract may be terminated by the Customer at any time, subject to the conditions specified in paragraph. 1 of this paragraph.

7.3. This agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties. At the initiative of one of the parties, the contract may be terminated on the grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the Contractor has the right to refuse to perform the contract if the Customer has violated the terms of payment for services under this contract_________________________________

___________________________ __________________________________________________

indicate the period or quantity, or other conditions of delay, or repeated violation of other obligations provided for in clause 3 of this agreement,

which clearly makes it difficult to fulfill obligations

by the Contractor and violates the rights and legitimate interests of students and employees of the Contractor.

7.4. If the Consumer, by his behavior, systematically violates the rights and legitimate interests of other students and employees of the Contractor, the class schedule or interferes with the normal implementation of the educational process, the Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract when, after ________________________ warnings, the Consumer does not eliminate these violations.

indicate quantity

7.5. The contract is considered terminated from the date of written notification by the Contractor to the Customer (Consumer) of refusal to perform the contract.

8. Liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement

8.1. In case of failure or improper fulfillment by the parties of their obligations under this agreement, they bear responsibility under civil law and legislation on the protection of consumer rights under the conditions established by this legislation.

National Center for Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus, acting on the basis of power of attorney dated June 13, 2017 No. 01-15/84, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, on the one hand, and citizen ____

hereinafter referred to as the Customer, on the other hand, and ______________________________


represented by __________________________________________________________________________,

(last name, first name, patronymic (if any)

acting on the basis ______________________________________________________,

(charter or power of attorney, date and number of approval, issue, registration)

hereinafter referred to as the Payer, on the third party, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. The subject of the agreement is the provision of the following paid services in the field of education: additional education for adults according to the educational program of training courses (thematic seminar) on the topic “Objects of intellectual property in economic circulation.”

3. The cost of training is determined based on training costs, approved by the head of the Contractor and at the time of concluding this agreement, taking into account the 20% discount established by order of the director National Center legal information of the Republic of Belarus dated August 21, 2017 No. 66, is 72.00 rubles (seventy-two rubles 0 kopecks), including VAT 20% - 12.00 rubles (twelve rubles 0 kopecks).

4. Procedure for payment for training.

Payment for training on the basis of this agreement is carried out by the Payer to the current (settlement) account of the Contractor No. BY21AKBB36329000013970000000
at JSC "JSSB Belarusbank", Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 18, BIC AKBBBY2X, in the amount of 100% of the cost of training before the date of provision of services under this agreement in the amount of 72.00 rubles (seventy-two rubles 0 kopecks), including VAT 20% – 12.00 rubles (twelve rubles 0 kopecks).

Source of financing - _____________________________________.

5. Rights and obligations of the parties:

5.1. The performer has the right to independently determine the forms, methods and means of implementing the educational process;

5.2. The Contractor undertakes:

organize material and technical support for the educational process in accordance with established sanitary standards, rules and hygienic standards;

send an invoice to the Payer;

issue an electronic VAT invoice within the time limits and in the manner established by the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus;

5.3. The customer has the right to receive paid services in the field of education in accordance with paragraph 1 of this agreement;

5.4. The customer undertakes:

treat conscientiously the mastery of the content of the educational program;

comply with the requirements of the constituent documents, internal regulations, and other local regulatory legal acts of the Contractor;

treat the Contractor's property with care;

on the day of training, provide the Contractor with a copy of the payment order for payment for services under this agreement;

5.5. The Payer has the right to receive from the Contractor information about the results of the Customer’s training;

5.6. The payer undertakes to pay for training within the time limits established in paragraph 4 of this agreement.

6. Responsibility of the parties:

6.1. for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

6.2. in case of violation of the payment deadline provided for in paragraph 4 of this agreement, the Payer pays a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of overdue payments for each day of delay. The penalty is accrued from the next day after the payment deadline;

6.3. The Customer is liable to the Contractor for causing damage to the Contractor's property in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7. Additional terms agreements:

7.1. for payments provided for in paragraph 4 of this agreement, interest on the commercial loan provided in accordance with Article 770 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus is not charged and is not payable by the Contractor.

7.2. the fact of provision of services under this agreement is formalized by a certificate of acceptance of services provided, signed by the Parties within 3 (three) working days after the date of training. In case of failure by the Payer and the Customer to submit specified period an act of acceptance of services provided or a reasoned refusal to accept them, services are considered to have been provided properly, and the Contractor unilaterally draws up a corresponding act;

7.3. The Contractor has the right to reschedule the provision of services no later than 5 (five) working days before the start of the provision of services, notifying the Customer and the Payer.

8. Final provisions:

8.1. This agreement is drawn up in 3 (three) copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties;

8.2. the agreement comes into force from the day it is signed by the parties and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations;

8.3. the contract is amended and terminated in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

8.4. changes (additions) made are formalized additional agreements;

8.5. all disputes and disagreements under this agreement are resolved by the parties through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, in the manner established by law The Republic of Belarus.

9. Addresses, details and signatures of the parties:




National Center for Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus

Location: 220030, Minsk, st. Berson, 1a

Bank details: account BY21AKBB36329000013970000000

at OJSC “ASB Belarusbank”,

Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 18;

UNP 101331903

Deputy Director



(last name, first name, patronymic (if any)

Address: ____________________
Identity document (type, series (if available), number, date of issue, name government agency, its issuer, identification number
(in the presence of) _____________



(name of the legal entity)

Location: ________________


Bank details: ____________




Agreement on the provision of paid educational services in the field of vocational education in _________________________ _________________________ _________________________, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor” or “ Educational organization", on the basis of a license to carry out educational activities, registration No. _________________________ issued by _________________________ _________________________, represented by _________________________, acting on the basis of _________________________, on the one hand, _________________________, hereinafter referred to as “Customer”, “Student”, on the other hand, and together referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Contractor provides, and the Customer pays for, the provision of paid educational services to the Student on _________________________. 1.2. Training is carried out at the Educational Organization in _________________________. 1.3. The period for completing the educational program (duration of study) in accordance with _________________________ is _________________________. 1.4. In case of successful completion of the state final certification, the Student is issued _________________________, confirming receipt of professional education of the appropriate level and qualifications in _________________________. 1.5. In case of failure to pass the state final certification or receiving unsatisfactory results at the final certification, as well as in the case of mastering part of the educational program and (or) expulsion from the educational organization, the student is issued a certificate of training or the period of training. 2. Rights and obligations of the parties 2.1. The contractor in the field of educational activities: - independently determines the content of education, selects educational and methodological support, educational technologies for the educational programs it implements; - develops and adopts internal rules for students; - develops and approves educational programs; - carries out ongoing monitoring of students’ progress and intermediate certification, establishes their forms, frequency and procedure; - improves teaching methods, educational technologies; - conducts self-examination, ensures functioning internal system assessment of the quality of education; - creates the necessary conditions for protecting and promoting health, organizing nutrition for students and employees of educational organizations; - creates conditions for students to study physical culture and sports; - acquires or produces forms of documents on education and (or) qualifications; - promotes activities public associations students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students, carried out in an educational organization and not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation; - organizes scientific and methodological work, including holding scientific and methodological conferences and seminars; - _________________________. 2.2. The Contractor is obliged to: 2.2.1. Provide the Student with the provision of paid educational services in full in accordance with _________________________ and the terms of this agreement. 2.2.2. Carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation on education, including: - ensure the full implementation of educational programs, compliance of the quality of training of students with established requirements, compliance of the forms, means, methods of training and education with age, psychophysical characteristics, inclinations, abilities, interests and the needs of students; - create safe conditions training in accordance with established standards that ensure the life and health of students and employees of an educational organization; - respect the rights and freedoms of students, parents (legal representatives) of minor students, and employees of educational organizations. 2.2.3. The Contractor is obliged to provide the Customer with information containing information about the provision of paid educational services in the manner and volume that are provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and Federal law"On education in the Russian Federation". 2.2.4. _________________________. 2.3. The student has the right to: - training according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated training, within the limits of the educational program being mastered in the manner established by local regulations; - participation in the formation of the content of their professional education, subject to compliance with federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and higher education, educational standards in the manner established by local regulations (this right may be limited by the terms of the agreement on targeted training); - selection of optional (optional for a given level of education, profession, specialty or area of ​​training) and elective (mandatory) academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) from the list offered by the organization carrying out educational activities; - crediting by the Contractor, in the manner established by him, of the results of the Student’s mastering educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, additional educational programs in other organizations carrying out educational activities; - respect for human dignity, protection from all forms of physical and mental violence, personal insults, protection of life and health; - freedom of conscience, information, free expression of one’s own views and beliefs; - holidays in accordance with the academic calendar; - transfer to obtain education in another profession, specialty and (or) field of training, in another form of education in the manner established by the legislation on education and local regulations of the educational organization; - transition from paid education to free education in cases and in the manner provided federal body the executive branch, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education; - transfer to another educational organization implementing an educational program of the appropriate level, in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education; - restoration to receive education in an educational organization that implements basic professional educational programs, in the manner established by the legislation on education; - participation in the management of an educational organization in the manner established by its charter; - familiarization with the certificate of state registration, with a charter, with a license to carry out educational activities, with a certificate of state accreditation, with educational documentation, and other documents regulating the organization and implementation of educational activities in an educational organization; - appealing acts of an educational organization in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; - free use of library and information resources, educational, production, scientific base of the educational organization; - use, in the manner established by local regulations, of medical and health infrastructure, cultural objects and sports facilities of the educational organization; - development of one’s creative abilities and interests, including participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, shows, physical education events, sports events, including official sports competitions, and other public events; - participation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in scientific research, scientific and technical, experimental and innovation activity carried out by an educational organization, under the guidance of scientific and pedagogical workers of the educational organization; - direction for training and conducting scientific research on selected topics, internships, including as part of academic exchange, in other educational organizations and scientific organizations, including educational organizations of higher education and scientific organizations of foreign countries; - publishing your works in publications of educational organizations free of charge; - encouragement for success in educational, physical education, sports, social, scientific, scientific and technical, creative, experimental and innovative activities; - combining education with work without compromising the development of the educational program or the implementation of the individual curriculum; - obtaining information from an educational organization about the employment situation of the population of the Russian Federation in the professions, specialties and areas of training they are mastering; - _________________________. 2.4. The student is obliged to: - conscientiously master the educational program, carry out the individual curriculum, including attending training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, independently prepare for classes, carry out tasks given by teaching staff within the framework of the educational program; - comply with the requirements of the charter of the educational organization, internal regulations, rules of residence in dormitories and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities; - take care of maintaining and strengthening one’s health, strive for moral, spiritual and physical development and self-improvement; - respect the honor and dignity of other students and employees of the educational organization, do not create obstacles to other students receiving education; - treat the property of the educational organization with care; - _________________________. 3. Payment for services 3.1. The total cost of educational services under this agreement is _________________________ rubles. An increase in the cost of educational services after the conclusion of this agreement is allowed taking into account the level of inflation provided for by the main characteristics of the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period. The Contractor has the right to reduce the cost of educational services under this agreement, taking into account covering the missing cost of paid educational services at the expense of own funds, including funds received from income-generating activities, voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities . The grounds and procedure for reducing the cost of paid educational services are established by local regulations and are brought to the attention of the Student. 3.2. Tuition fees are paid before the start of each period of study (semester, academic year). 3.3. The customer pays a fee for the first _________________________ in the amount of _________________________ rubles. no later than _________________________ from the date of conclusion of this agreement. 3.4. Payment for subsequent periods of study is made no later than _________________________ after the official end of the intermediate certification of the previous period of study. 3.5. Payment for educational services is carried out by _________________________. 3.6. Payment for services is certified by the Contractor by providing the Customer with the relevant financial document. 4. Responsibility of participants in educational relations 4.1. 3a failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, the Contractor and the Customer bear responsibility under this agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. The Contractor is responsible for improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, for the incomplete implementation of the educational program in accordance with the curriculum, the quality of education, the life and health of the Student in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. If a lack of paid educational services is detected, including their provision not in full, provided for by educational programs (part of the educational program), the Customer has the right, at his choice, to demand: - free provision of educational services; - proportionate reduction in the cost of paid educational services provided; - reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to eliminate deficiencies in the paid educational services provided on his own or by third parties. 4.4. If the Contractor violated the terms for the provision of paid educational services (the start and (or) end dates for the provision of paid educational services and (or) intermediate terms for the provision of paid educational services) or if during the provision of paid educational services it became obvious that they would not be carried out on time, The Customer has the right, at his own discretion: - to assign to the Contractor a new period during which the Contractor must begin providing paid educational services and (or) complete the provision of paid educational services; - entrust the provision of paid educational services to third parties at a reasonable price and demand reimbursement of expenses incurred from the Contractor; - demand a reduction in the cost of paid educational services; - terminate the contract. 4.5. The customer has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to him in connection with the violation of the start and (or) completion dates for the provision of paid educational services, as well as in connection with shortcomings of paid educational services. 4.6. For violation of the deadlines for payment for services provided, the Customer shall pay the Contractor a penalty in the amount of _________________________% of the debt amount for each day of delay. 4.7. For failure to comply with or violation of the Charter of the Educational Organization, internal regulations, rules of residence in the hostel and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities, measures may be taken against the Student disciplinary action - reprimand, reprimand, expulsion from the educational organization. It is not allowed to take disciplinary measures against the Student during his illness, vacation, academic leave, maternity leave or parental leave. 5. Grounds for termination of the contract 5.1. This agreement is terminated due to the Student’s expulsion from the Educational Organization in connection with receiving education (completion of training). 5.2. Educational relations may be terminated early in the following cases: 1) on the initiative of _________________________, including in the case of the Student’s transfer to continue mastering the educational program to another organization engaged in educational activities; 2) at the initiative of the Educational Organization in the event that a Student who has reached the age of fifteen years is subject to expulsion as a disciplinary measure, in the event of his failure to fulfill his obligations under a professional educational program to conscientiously master such an educational program and implement the curriculum, as well as in the event of a violation of order admission to an educational organization, which, through the fault of the Student, resulted in his illegal enrollment in the educational organization; 3) due to circumstances beyond the control of _________________________ and the Educational Organization, including in the event of liquidation of the Educational Organization. 5.3. This agreement can be terminated by the Contractor unilaterally in case of delay in payment of the cost of educational services, as well as in the event that proper fulfillment of the obligation to provide paid educational services becomes impossible due to the actions (inaction) of the Student. 5.4. The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill this contract, subject to payment to the Contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him. 5.5. The Customer has the right to refuse to fulfill this agreement and demand full compensation for losses if the shortcomings of paid educational services are not eliminated by the Contractor within a reasonable time. The customer also has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract if he discovers a significant deficiency in the paid educational services provided or other significant deviations from the terms of this contract. 5.6. Early termination of educational relations on the initiative of _________________________ does not entail the emergence of any additional, including material, obligations of the Student to the Educational Organization. 5.7. In case of early termination of educational relations, this agreement is terminated on the basis of the administrative act of the Contractor on the expulsion of the Student from the Educational organization. The rights and obligations of the Student provided for by the legislation on education and local regulations of the Educational organization terminate from the date of his expulsion from the Educational organization. 5.8. In case of early termination of educational relations, the Educational Organization, within three days after issuing the administrative act on the Student’s expulsion, issues him a certificate of education in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. 6. Dispute resolution procedure 6.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise during the execution of this agreement will, if possible, be resolved through negotiations between the Parties. 6.2. If the Parties do not reach an agreement, disputes will be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 7. Final provisions 7.1. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force - one for each of the Parties. 7.2. All changes and additions to this agreement are formalized by additional agreements of the Parties in writing, which are an integral part of this agreement. 7.3. Statements, notices, notifications, demands or other legally significant messages with which the agreement associates civil law consequences for the Parties to this agreement, entail such consequences for this person from the moment the corresponding message is delivered to the Party or its representative. Legally significant messages are subject to transmission by: The message is considered delivered even in cases where it was received by the Party to whom it was sent, but due to circumstances depending on it, was not delivered to it or the Party did not familiarize itself with it. 7.4. In all other respects that are not provided for in this agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 8. Details and signatures of the parties Contractor: _________________________ _________________________ M.P. Customer: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________