Examples of public buildings projects. Download ready-made projects (drawings) AutoCAD. Our guarantees, advantages

Plan- this is an image of a section of a building, dissected by an imaginary horizontal plane passing at a certain level (Fig. 10.3.1).

According to GOST 21.501 - 93, this plane should be located at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor or 1 m from the depicted level for industrial buildings. For residential and public buildings, an imaginary cutting plane is located within the door and window openings of each floor.

The building plan gives an idea of ​​its configuration and size, reveals the shape and location of individual rooms, window and door openings, main walls, columns, stairs, and partitions. The outlines of the building elements (walls, piers, pillars, partitions, etc.) included in the section and located below or above the secant plane are drawn onto the plan.

As a rule, invisible structural elements are not shown on plans. But if it is impossible to show this element as visible in other drawings, it is depicted with strokes on the plan. In this case, the depicted element can be located both below the cutting plane (niche for heating radiators) and above it (mezzanine) (Fig. 10.3.2). Building plans usually show sanitary equipment (baths, toilets, sinks, etc.). If the building uses stove heating, then the location of the stoves, as well as smoke and ventilation ducts, is indicated on the plan. These channels are also depicted on plans of buildings with central heating.

Sanitary equipment is drawn on the building plan on the same scale as the building plan; the dimensions of the most common sanitary equipment, as well as kitchen stoves according to GOST 21.205-93, are given in Fig. 10.3.3.

Floor plans of residential and public buildings sometimes show the placement of furniture or other equipment (Fig. 10.3.4, a). The plan of industrial buildings can show the placement of technological equipment that influences the design solution. The outlines of the equipment are drawn to scale (sometimes indicating dimensions) and outlined with thin lines. The name of the equipment is indicated in the legend, the positions of which correspond to the numbers marked on the plan.

The layout plan for technological equipment can be given separately (Fig. 10.3.4, b). In this case, the contours of the plan are drawn with thin lines 0.2-0.3 mm thick, and the contours of the equipment with lines 0.6 mm thick. Detailed dimensions, graphic symbols and inscriptions related to the construction part are not given on this plan. On plans of industrial buildings, solid lines 0.4-0.6 mm thick depict normal and narrow gauge rail tracks.

Crane tracks, overhead cranes, beam cranes, underground channels intended for power supply lines, sanitary pipelines, etc., the ceiling with removable slabs are drawn with dashed lines (Fig. 10.3.5). If necessary, indicate the operating area of ​​the crane. All these images can be accompanied by explanatory notes.

The plans of household premises of industrial buildings show the location of cabinets, hangers, benches and other equipment (Fig. 10.3.6).

If platforms and mezzanines in industrial buildings are located at a height of more than 2 m from the floor level, they are shown by intersecting dashed lines (see Fig. 10.3.5) with two dots.

Extensions to an industrial building may not be shown on the main plan, limiting oneself to drawing break lines (see Fig. 10.3.5). Built-in and attached auxiliary premises, platforms, mezzanines and some sections of industrial buildings can be depicted schematically on the plan, but then separate drawings are made for these elements of the plan, most often on a larger scale, and a link to these drawings is given on the main plan (see Fig. 10.3.6).

If the floor plans differ from each other only in the arrangement of individual sections of the external walls, you should draw a plan for one floor, and only along its perimeter should place plans (ribbons) of any different sections of the walls. When there are two-tier windows in the room, the main plan shows the openings of the lower tier. Plans for sections of walls with openings of the second tier are placed along the perimeter of the main plan in the form of separate ribbons (Fig. 10.3.7). When executing plans for civil and industrial buildings on a small scale, complex areas should be depicted in fragments. A fragment is a separate section of any part of the plan, made on a larger scale and with a greater degree of detail. All necessary dimensions and designations are applied on it. On the plan drawings, the place that will later be given on the fragment should be indicated by a curly brace. At the image from which the fragment is taken out, and next to it, the name assigned to the fragment is applied according to the type “Plan fragment 1” (Fig. 10.3.8). The inscription on the plan may indicate the sheet on which it is located: “Fragment of plan 1, sheet 7.” In sections of plans that are detailed in fragments, private dimensions are not indicated. In such cases, they are limited to the main and anchor ones.

Individual sections of plans that cannot be shown in sufficient detail on a small scale and that are not included in the fragment drawings are shown in detail; reference markings should be given to them on the plans (Fig. 10.3.9). For residential (premises) buildings of both industrial and non-industrial construction, plans of individual sections made on a larger scale can be drawn.

Plans for sectional houses are long and drawn on a small scale, so they are supplemented with drawings of sectional plans.

The residential section consists of several apartments with different numbers of living rooms located near the staircase. Depending on the position of the section on the building plan, it has an appropriate name and marking. The outermost section is called the end section and is marked T.

The intermediate section is called an ordinary section and is marked P. Types of apartments, differing in area size, are marked A and B. The number of living rooms is indicated by numbers. Thus, the end section, consisting of one one-room apartment and three two-room apartments, will have the following marking: T-1A , 2B, 2B, 2B.

In Fig. 10.3.10, and the plan of a typical floor of a five-story residential building is shown. The main purpose of the plan is to give a general idea of ​​the shape and size of the house, the number of sections, the layout of apartments and the technical and economic characteristics of apartments and sections. In Fig. 10.3.10b shows section T-1A, 2B, 2B, 2B.

For buildings assembled from large elements (panels, large blocks), plans can be drawn up in the form of layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated structures.

Typically wall panels are delivered to construction site with installed window and door units. In this case, the dimensions of the panels and openings are not indicated on the plan.

It is allowed to depict panels schematically as rectangles (Fig. 10.3.11).

In Fig. 10.3.11, and the plan of a typical floor of a large-panel building is shown.

The plan of a panel residential building is shown in Fig. 10.3.11, b.

On the plan of such buildings, abbreviated or full brands of panels are given (H - external wall panels, B - internal, P - partitions), floor numbers, node brands, distance between coordination axes.

An example of a graphic design of the layout is given in Fig. 10.3.11, c.

When starting to draw a plan, you should remember that the image of the building plan must be positioned with the long side along the sheet. The side of the plan corresponding to the main facade of the building is recommended to be turned towards the bottom edge of the sheet. The building plan on the sheet should be located, if possible, in the same way as on the general plan. It is not allowed to draw a mirror image of the plan relative to its position on the general plan. Building plans are placed on the sheet in ascending order of floor numbering from bottom to top or from left to right.

When determining the composition of the various elements of the building plan, one should take into account the applied dimensions and marking of the coordination axes. Therefore, the plan drawing should be located approximately 75-80 mm from the sheet frame. In specific cases, these dimensions may vary.

After determining the location of the plan on the sheet and its scale, they begin drawing.

1. Coordination axes are drawn, first longitudinal, then transverse (Fig. 10.3.12, a). These axes are conventional geometric lines. They serve to link the building to the construction coordination grid and benchmarks master plan, as well as to determine the position of load-bearing structures, since these axes are drawn only along main walls and columns. In some cases, they may not coincide with the symmetry axes of the walls.

In Fig. 10.3.13 shows an example of the layout of the second floor of a residential building.

The coordination axes of buildings and structures are drawn in dash-dot lines with long strokes 0.3-0.4 mm thick. It is allowed, after tracing the drawing, to leave the axes only at the intersections of the walls. On the plans, the alignment axes are taken beyond the contour of the walls and walls

kick. To mark axes on the side of a building with a large number of them, Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, etc. are used. Most often, a larger number of axes run across the building.

To mark the axes on the side of the building with fewer of them, use the letters of the Russian alphabet A, B, C, etc. As a rule, axes running along the building are marked with letters. In this case, it is not recommended to use the letters: Ё, 3, И, О, ​​X, Ц, Ш, Ш, ы, ь, Ъ. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet for marking the axes, it is allowed to continue marking with double letters like AA, BB, etc. .d. The axes of elements located between the alignment axes of the main load-bearing structures may be marked with the fraction B/1, B/2, 1/1, 2/1, etc.

In this case, the numerator indicates the designation of the previous coordination axis, and the denominator indicates the serial number of the additional axis within the area between adjacent coordination axes (Fig. 10,3,14). Such elements are half-timbered columns, built-in structures, and installed equipment.

To designate the coordination axes of block sections of residential buildings, the index “c” is used (Fig. 10.3.15, a).

On the plans of residential buildings composed of block sections, designations are applied to the extreme coordination axes of the block sections without an index (Fig. 10.3.15, b).

Marking begins from left to right and from bottom to top. Gaps in serial numbering and alphabet when using letter designations are not allowed. Typically, marking circles (their diameter is 6-12 mm) are located on the left and bottom sides of buildings (Fig. 10.3.16). If the location of the axes on the right and upper sides of the plan does not coincide with the breakdown of the axes on the left and lower sides, then the coordination axes are marked on all sides of the plan or on those two sides where the axes do not coincide (Fig. 10.3.17).

In the image of an element linked to several coordination axes, these axes indicate:

  • when the number of coordination axes is no more than three - as shown in Fig. 10.3.18;
  • when the number of coordination axes is three or more - as shown in Fig. 10.3.19.
  • if it is necessary to orient the coordination axis to which a given element is attached in relation to the neighboring axis, the direction is indicated by an arrow (Fig. 10.3.20).

2. Draw thin lines (0.3-0.4 mm thick) the contours of the longitudinal and transverse external and internal main walls and columns (see Fig. 10.3.12, b).

Capital external and internal walls, columns and other structural elements are tied to coordination axes, i.e. determine the distances from the internal or external plane of the wall or the geometric axis of the element to the coordination axis of the building.

In buildings with load-bearing longitudinal and transverse walls, the binding is carried out in accordance with the following instructions.

In external load-bearing walls, the coordination axis passes from the internal plane of the walls at a distance equal to half the nominal thickness of the internal load-bearing wall (Fig. 10.3.21, Fig. 10.3.22, a), a multiple of the module or its half. In brick walls, this distance is most often taken equal to 200 mm, or equal to the module, i.e. 100 mm. It is allowed to draw coordination axes along the internal plane of the external walls (Fig. 10.3.22, d). If the floor elements rest on the outer wall along its entire thickness, the modular coordination axis is aligned with the outer edge of the wall (Fig. 10.3.22, c).

In the internal walls, the geometric axis of symmetry is combined with the coordination axis (see Fig. 10.3,21). Deviations from this rule are allowed for the walls of staircases and for walls with ventilation ducts.

In external self-supporting and curtain walls, their inner edge is often aligned with the coordination axis (see Fig. 10.3.22, d), but if the floor panels or coverings partially enter the wall or completely cover it, then the coordination alignment axis is aligned with the outer edges of the covering or ceilings (Fig. 10.3.22, d).

When supporting beams of purlins or trusses on the internal pilasters of external walls, the inner edge of the wall is taken to be the edge of the pilaster at the level of the upper part of the wall (Fig. 10.3.22р b). In brick walls, it is possible to adjust the binding value taking into account the size of the brick.

In frame buildings, the geometric center of the section of the column of the inner row coincides with the intersection of the modular coordination axes (Fig. 10.3.23, Fig. 10.3.24).

In the outer rows of columns of frame buildings, the coordination axis can pass through:

  • along the outer edge of the column, if the crossbar, beam or truss overlaps the column;
  • at a distance equal to half the thickness of the internal column, if the crossbars rest on the consoles of the columns or the floor panels rest on the consoles of the crossbars;
  • at a distance that is a multiple of the module or half of it from the outer edge of the columns in a one-story building with heavy crane loads (see Fig. 10.3.24).

Modular alignment axes, perpendicular to the direction of the columns of the outer row, should be combined with the geometric axis of the columns.

3. Draw the contours of the partitions with thin lines (Fig. 10.3.12, c). Attention should be paid to the difference in the connection of external and internal main walls and main walls and partitions (Fig. 10.3.25, a, b, c).

4. Lay out the window and door openings and outline the contours of the main walls and partitions with lines of appropriate thickness (see Table 9.5.2).

The symbol for window and door openings with and without filling is depicted in accordance with GOST 21.501-93. When drawing a plan on a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 if there are quarters of them in the openings conventional image given on the drawing.

Quarter- this is a protrusion in the upper and side parts of the openings of brick walls, which reduces airflow and facilitates the fastening of boxes (Fig. 10.3.26, a-c).

When choosing the thickness of the outline lines, it should be taken into account that non-load-bearing structures, in particular, the contours of partitions, are outlined with lines of less thickness than load-bearing main walls and columns.

5. Draw symbols stairs, sanitary and other equipment, and also indicate the direction of opening doors (Fig. 10.3.12, d). On the plans of industrial buildings, the axes of rail tracks and monorails are marked.

When making drawings of building plans, the graphic designation of furnaces or sanitary equipment should be drawn on the scale adopted for the given plan.

6. Apply extension, dimension lines and marking circles (Fig. 10.3.12, f).

The first dimension line, both inside and outside the plan dimensions, should be located no closer than 10 mm from the outline of the drawing. However, due to the fact that marks of various building elements are often placed in front of the first dimension line behind the plan dimensions, this distance is increased to 14-21 mm or more. Subsequent dimension lines are spaced at least 7 mm apart. Dimensions that exceed the plan dimensions are most often applied in the form of three or more dimensional “chains” (see Fig. 9.5.5). The marking circles of the coordination axes are placed at a distance of 4 mm from the last dimension line.

7. Enter the required dimensions, brands of axles and other elements (see Fig. 10.3.13). The plan dimensions indicate the dimensions of the premises, the thickness of the walls, partitions, the connection of internal walls to the coordination axes, partitions to the internal and external walls or to the coordination axes. The dimensions of openings in internal walls, in brick partitions, as well as their connection to the contour of the walls or to the coordination axes are indicated. The dimensions of the doorways in the partitions are not shown on the plan. The dimensions of holes in walls and partitions and their alignment are also indicated, or a reference is made to the corresponding drawings. On the plans of industrial buildings, the slopes of the floors, the dimensions and alignment of the channels, trays and drains installed in the floor structure are indicated.

Behind the plan dimensions, usually in the first chain, counting from the outline of the plan, there are dimensions indicating the width of window and door openings, piers and protruding parts of the building, linking them to the axes. The second chain contains the size between the axes of the main walls and columns. In the third chain, the size is set between the coordination axes of the outer outer walls. If the openings are located identically on two opposite facades of the building, it is allowed to apply dimensions only on the left and lower sides of the plan. In all other cases, dimensions are placed on all sides of the plan. On plans of industrial buildings, when the same size is repeated many times, you can indicate it only once on each side of the building, and instead of other dimensional numbers, give the total size between the extreme elements in the form of the product of the number of repetitions by the repeating size (see Fig. 9.5.6 ). The plans of industrial buildings also indicate the types of gate and door openings (in circles with a diameter of 5-6 mm), brands of lintels and transoms, numbers of partition schemes, etc. If the area of ​​the premises is indicated on the plan, then it is better to place the figure for its size in the corner of the drawing of each room, preferably in the lower right, and underline it. The areas of premises are most often shown on plans of civil buildings.

When drawing plans for buildings made of large blocks or panels, the number of dimensions outside the outline of the plan, as a rule, decreases. Most often, only the dimensions between all coordination axes and between the extreme axes are indicated (Fig. 10.3.12, a, b). The position of window and door openings is shown in more detail on the block or panel layout diagrams.

When drawing up a plan drawing, the numbers and letters of the axle marks and the numbers indicating the area of ​​the premises or their markings should be written in a larger font than the dimensional ones.

8. Carry out the necessary inscriptions (see Fig. 10.3.13).

On the plans of industrial buildings, the name of the premises or technological areas is written, indicating the category of production according to explosion, explosion and fire hazards. It is allowed to place the names of premises and categories of production in explication with the numbering of premises on the plan in circles with a diameter of 6-8 mm. The name of the premises may also be indicated on the drawings of civil building plans. An inscription is made above the plan drawing. For industrial buildings this will be an indication of the floor level production premises or sites like “Plan at elevation. 2.350". The word “mark” is written in abbreviation.

For civil buildings, in the inscription you can write the name of the floor like “Plan of the 1st floor”, or “Plan of the 3rd floor in axes 3-7”. For multi-storey buildings, plan drawings are drawn up separately for each floor. But if a number of floors have the same layout, then draw a plan of one of them, and the inscription indicates all the floors that have a similar layout. For example, “Plan of the 2nd and 3rd floors.” If the building is one-story, then the floor is not indicated. The inscription is not underlined.

In the main inscription, the name of the plans is written as “Plan of the technical underground”.

9. Designate the secant planes of the sections (see Fig. 10.3.13). Horizontal traces of imaginary section planes are also drawn on the plans, which are then used to construct images of sections of the building. These marks are thick open strokes (1 mm thick) with arrows (Fig. 10.3.27). If necessary, the imaginary plane of the section can be depicted with a thick dash-dotted line.

The direction of the arrows, i.e. The direction of view is recommended to be taken from bottom to top or from right to left. However, if necessary, you can choose another direction. Thick strokes with arrows should not go through the outline of the plan or come close to it. Depending on the position of the dimensional chains and the workload of the drawing, they can be located near the outline of the plan or behind the outermost dimensional chain (see Fig. 10.3.13). Cutting along two or more cutting planes should be avoided. The secant planes of the sections are designated by letters of the Russian alphabet or numbers.

Drawings of floor plans are accompanied by specifications for structural elements (carpentry, etc.); specifications of wardrobe equipment; explication of premises (and in the explication for residential and public buildings, the column “Production category for explosion, explosion and fire hazard” is excluded); statements of finishing of premises, in which the number of columns is determined by the presence of interior elements to be finished; list of gate openings and lintels, etc. The shape and dimensions of the tables are shown in Fig. 10.3.28 and fig. 10.3.29.

If necessary, special-purpose plans can also be implemented. Thus, for structural elements of industrial buildings (Fig. 10.3.30), wall installation plans are drawn.

Installation plans should show:

  • coordination axes of the building, the distances between them and between the extreme axes;
  • structural elements of a building with reference to coordination axes or structures and markings;
  • window and door openings;
  • stairs within a floor (schematically);
  • designations of cutting planes of nodes and fragments;
  • floor marks (if the floors are located on the same level, they are not marked);
  • the thickness of walls and partitions, their connection to coordination axes or to the surfaces of nearby structures.

For buildings made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made.

Masonry plans must contain:

  • dimensions of window and door openings, partitions, linking them to alignment axes or to building structures;
  • cross-section of columns, pillars and other elements;
  • location and marking of jumpers;
  • holes, channels, niches, grooves, chimneys, ventilation ducts, openings for ventilation ducts (on the attic plan) with reference to the coordination axes or structures of the building.

On masonry plans of buildings, reinforced sections of walls or piers are also indicated or reference is made to reinforcement drawings. For complex sections of the plan, fragments should be developed. Window and door blocks or diagrams for filling openings are marked on the plans of public buildings.

The name and area of ​​the premises are indicated on the plan. If the size of the image does not allow making an inscription on the drawing, then the rooms are numbered, and their names and areas are given in an explanation that can be combined with the list of finishing of the premises. Marking numbers are placed in circles with a diameter of 6-8 mm. On the plans of public buildings, lintels are marked by the type and number of elements included in the lintel, as well as by their location in the cross-section. Data on marked jumpers is given in the statements.

If necessary (due to the strong saturation of the image), the jumper plan can be done separately.

Separate plans can be drawn for residential and public buildings finishing works. This plan indicates the area of ​​the premises, brands of window and door units, built-in wardrobes, mezzanines, etc. with an installation or masonry floor plan, and for public buildings - with a schematic floor plan. With simple finishing methods, these plans can be combined. The plan drawings are accompanied by a room finishing sheet.

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TP in accordance with Decree No. 87 of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” consists of 12 volumes (text and graphic parts):

  1. "PZ"
  2. "Site Organization Scheme"
  3. "Architectural solutions"
  4. “Constructive and space-planning solutions”
  5. “Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks”
  6. "POS"
  7. “Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of objects”
  8. "Environmental protection"
  9. "Ensuring fire safety"
  10. “Ensuring access for people with disabilities”
  11. “Estimate for construction of facilities”
  12. “Other types of documentation in cases provided for by the Federal Law”

Advantages of TP:

  1. Versatility.
  2. Saving money on a small budget.
  3. A ready-made standard design significantly reduces design time.

Its cost, in contrast to the price of individual development, does not exceed that indicated in the estimate. Personal works, created taking into account all the “whims” of the client, are valued more expensive. Those who prefer non-standard ideas are better off abandoning the same type of development. It will not be suitable for clients with specific soil conditions on the site. The choice of TP is beneficial if there is a permit for the construction of a structure and there is a rush for its construction.

Regulatory framework, site adaptation

TPs are created according to Federal law No. 368, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1159 of 2016, which approved the rules and performance criteria (positive assessment by experts, estimate within the cost of a similar facility, identical construction area). If the conditions are met, re-use of TP is permitted.

Reasonable changes to documents are allowed to adapt the site (examination will only be required for sections on foundations and engineering surveys).

Important questions

  1. What does examination of a finished project mean? ?

This means that the TP must receive a positive assessment from licensed government or independent organizations for compliance with the requirements of Russian laws. Additional expertise is needed when localizing a TP.

  1. How are TPs used outside of Russia?

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If you are planning to create your own project “from scratch” in AutoCAD, then we recommend that you first go through (author: Alexey Merkulov). Here you can download a ready-made project that is being carried out in the course (download an example of a cottage.dwg). This file will help you when doing practical tasks(everything is there required sizes, and you can also use the template itself as a basis!)

Download TOP-10 AutoCAD projects.

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2) Business center: plans, facades, building characteristics. Download the finished AutoCAD project.

Rice. 2 - Free projects in AutoCAD "Business Center".

3) Monolithic 16-story building (thesis project in AutoCAD). Download the project of a residential building in AutoCAD.

Rice. 3 - Ready project in AutoCAD " 16-storey monolithic building".

Rice. 4 - AutoCAD diploma project "16-storey monolithic building".

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Rice. 5 - Finished drawings of the AutoCAD project "Reconstruction of the existing administration building."

Rice. 6 - House projects AutoCAD. Download diploma "".

Rice. 7 - House project in AutoCAD download "Reconstruction of the existing administration building".

Rice. 8 - AutoCAD projects/drawings. Download diploma "Reconstruction of the existing administration building".

Rice. 9 - Typical project in AutoCAD. Economic calculation

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Rice. 10 - AutoCAD project "Sports complex"

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7) Cottage in AutoCAD: course work. Download the AutoCAD project.

Rice. 12 - Free AutoCAD projects. Coursework "Cottage"

8) Projects of 6 cottages in *.DWG format. Download AutoCAD drawings.

Rice. 13 - Cottages in AutoCAD. Ready-made dwg projects.

9) Classic cottage with a beautiful facade. Download the finished AutoCAD project.

Rice. 14 - House projects in AutoCAD. Download ready-made drawings.

Rice. 15 - House in AutoCAD. Cottage "classic".

10) 3D project of a cottage in AutoCAD. Download AutoCAD House for free.

Rice. 16 - Download AutoCAD house plans.

11) 5-storey house in AutoCAD (3D model). Download the finished AutoCAD project.

Rice. 17 - Download a 3D model of a house in AutoCAD.

Useful links to ready-made AutoCAD projects.

Ready-made AutoCAD projects in large quantities can be found on the website

Types of public building design

Designing public buildings is a labor-intensive process that requires the involvement of many specialists.

Over the years, architects and engineers have gained extensive experience and knowledge in the following areas:

  • Commercial real estate design
  • Design of administrative buildings
  • Design of office buildings
  • Design of sports facilities
  • School design
  • Design of clinics
  • Hotel design
  • Museum design
  • Theater design
  • Restaurant design

Creating a project for any of the listed objects requires compliance with certain requirements, norms and rules at each stage of design.

Stages and features of designing public buildings

Before starting to create a residential building project, the length of time people will stay in the building is determined. Taking this factor into account, the technical specifications include the functionality and interconnection of the premises of the future construction site and begin phased design.

Stage 1. Technical specifications

The first stage is the creation and analysis terms of reference. A competent technical specification is the first step towards bringing the project idea to life.

Stage 2. Draft design

At this step, the architects and designers of the ESK-Project company develop the concept of the building and formulate appearance. After agreeing on the sketch, engineers begin designing a residential building and creating documentation for obtaining a building permit.

Stage 3. Design documentation

Project documentation - the process of creating this package of documents is important not only for design decisions, but also legal registration. They are submitted to government agencies for approval.

Stage 4. Working documentation of the project.

Creation working documentation a process that includes requirements, norms and rules of legal acts, such as: GOST, SP, SNiP and SanPiN.

When designing public buildings, engineers create plans for the project and surrounding area, as well as specification drawings.

It is also important to consider when design work: zoning, indoor navigation and communication of premises, as well as security. Compliance with these factors will make public buildings comfortable for not only adults, but also children. A striking example - kindergarten, where the building is clearly divided into rooms and interconnected based on functionality, and is also provided with security systems.

ESK-Project architects and engineers recommend simultaneously designing and developing a design project. Well-developed construction and design projects will help avoid not only a lot of mistakes when installing utility networks, but also as soon as possible get a comfortable building ready for operation.