Attract people to the party. The nature of the place and the nature of the event must match. The most important thing is the bar, security and cleaning

"I shared my experience of organizing a night event in one of the lounge bars in Minsk. Now I will reflect on the Belarusian club industry as a whole.

There are not many good clubs in Minsk. The majority (80%) are clubs for a poorer and less demanding audience (for poor students, hard workers, schoolchildren and other wicked people).

I almost never went to such clubs. And if he looked in, he immediately left or stood stupidly embarrassed on the sidelines, because he felt uncomfortable in such establishments. The audience is drunk, ugly and rowdy.

About 20% of Minsk clubs are quite normal and pleasant establishments. Some even call themselves fashionable. More or less intelligent, wealthy people and beautiful girls relax in such establishments.

As time shows, either trash clubs or high-class clubs survive. Such clubs always have their own crowd, because... establishments position themselves very clearly. Institutions “for everyone” do not exist for a long time.

Entrance to most clubs is paid. This approach has always surprised me. Because in Minsk there are clubs where there is practically no attendance (10-15 people out of 500 possible), but entry is still paid.

There aren't many interesting parties going on every week. Most of them are monotonous. Foreign artists come on average 1-5 times a month.

An example of a poster for a typical Minsk party: theme such and such, DJ such and such, go-go and striptease (if you're lucky).

Plan for the perfect party
After thinking about it, I figured out how I could make some good money. Please be warned, these are my personal thoughts and financial assumptions.
First of all, you need to plan a whole series of parties. Those. negotiate with the club to rent a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday for a whole month or two.

The ideal option is to take a day off (Friday or Saturday). It is difficult to agree on days off, because it will be expensive and the owners of many establishments will not agree to this. Because good clubs are already packed with visitors on weekends (without any special parties).

Benefits of the party series:

1. It’s easier to attract sponsors. You invite all potential sponsors to the first party, if they like everything, the money is in your pocket. When I organized my first party, I found a good sponsor (operator mobile communications). He was ready to allocate $1000-1500 for all subsequent parties for the right to be the general sponsor.
2. There is an opportunity to form your own party (regular visitors). It's much easier to live with a party. Our parties turn into a brand and can be held in any establishments in the city. The party will follow us. + New establishments will cooperate on more favorable terms for us.

We've sorted out the series, now I suggest you think about the target audience. For example, I like: wealthy slackers, office plankton, intelligentsia and beautiful girls.

If you don’t know how to put together such a party, I recommend starting by attracting beautiful girls. They are the easiest to attract. Enough to lure favorable conditions relaxation (free drinks, invitations for friends, stupid money or something else).

After the party there will be colorful photos with crazy girls. We need to show these photos to wealthy guys and they will come to our next event.

I recommend inviting interesting guests to parties, who can be listed in the poster and who can interest potential visitors. Options: a foreign or respectable local artist, designer, outrageous personality or someone else.

Also, don’t forget about performance. For example, boob shows, freak shows, etc.
It is advisable to create a pleasant scandal at the first party. For example: girls fighting, guards kissing, or anything else of your choice.

Don't forget about free drink. The more drunk girls at the party, the better. This creates the holiday atmosphere we need.

After the party we receive respect from satisfied partygoers, positive feedback + beautiful pictures. All this together will bring us a larger audience with each subsequent party.

Poor People's Parties
Poor people also want to take a break from something, and they can make money from this desire. For such people, I suggest using the same party series model. You can try to do everything the same as I wrote above. The only significant difference is the party budget. A series of parties for the poor will cost you several times less. And the profit, in theory, will be lower.

Let’s assume that the capacity of the average Minsk club is 300 people.

To organize a normal party you will need $3000 (+- $500). If the average ticket price is $15, then the potential revenue for 1 event will be $4,500 (assuming 300 admission tickets are sold). In fact, you can earn $1,500 from each party. Also, do not forget that for a good event you can receive money from sponsors (approximately $500-1000).

Now let's figure out how much you can earn at parties for the poor. To organize a party you will need $1500 (+- $300). The cost of admission is $7. Projected revenue - $2100. Net profit - $600.

As a rule, poor people are more “gregarious” (they tend to hang out big company). Therefore, I predict that the attendance rate for poor people's parties will always be slightly higher.

A couple of tips for future organizers
1. Give invitations to respectable people and beautiful girls.
2. Don't skimp on promoters. Hire trusted people and pay decent money for their work.
3. At parties for the poor - do not serve free drinks at large quantities. Drunk and poor quickly turns into a potentially dangerous and violent visitor.
4. Hold auctions at parties. Sell ​​anything (within reason). Drunk and cheerful people always pay exorbitant prices.

The essence of the idea is that you can organize holidays in your educational institution. Anyone who has studied probably knows that there are holidays for students - Median, Freshman's Day, New Year etc.

Having collected the necessary information about the upcoming task, my friend and I began to prepare. We had to decide on the club where the party would take place, the program we would present there, and most importantly, how to attract students.

In order to receive more money, it was necessary to hold an official party for my university. To do this, you need to have your own person on the Council of Elders. Then it would be possible to collect money from the University (let me explain, if you organize a party through the Council of Elders, then it is considered official, and our faculty, through the Vice-Rector for educational work may provide us with financial support).

We decided not to waste time on trifles and organize a holiday for the entire university (more than 10 faculties). It would be possible to collect 5,000 rubles from each faculty.

To begin with, we promoted our group leader to the Council of Elders. How we made the election program and promoted it is a separate matter, we even had to shout at whoever needed it. As a result, we achieved our goal and our man ended up on the Council. I’ll say in advance that we didn’t receive a penny from university. Some people let us down, and the university seems to have laundered money on us.

Next, we agreed with the club about the holiday. We have done big mistake and agreed officially - 70,000 rubles (per night), although it was possible unofficially, and renting the club would have been much cheaper, about 30-40 thousand rubles. The first payment had to be made immediately, and this is half the amount. We got into debt, and for us, for students, this is not a small amount of money.

Second and most important step began the search for sponsors. We spent a lot of time and money on it. You could say it was unsuccessful. In the end, we only had two sponsors. The first one provided us with free posters and tickets to the party, and the second one sponsorship in the form of their products, which went towards prizes in competitions. Nobody gave me any real money.

The third step was to attract students to the party. Naturally, we attracted them with our program. In it we included a striptease, male and female, hosted by a well-known DJ in our city, and promised competitions. This was quite enough.

Three weeks before the party, we started selling tickets for 150 rubles, and also sold tables and sofas separately in the club. I note that the club accommodated about 700 people. Every evening we went around the entire university and put up posters advertising our party. During the day they were all shamelessly torn down (by competitors!). I won’t tell you how much nerves and effort it took us to prepare this party. The mere fact that it was normal to buy tickets only a week before the party drove us crazy (we had a lot of debt).

What happened in the club does not fit into any framework at all. We, as organizers, were responsible for everything. All the fights were on us, during the night (and the party lasted from 22:00 to 6:00), we had to call twice ambulance, and much more. Considering that the club seats 700 people, we had at least 1000 at the party, maybe more. It was not possible to calculate exactly, as well as the profit!!!

Much, of course, cannot be told, and I’ve forgotten how much, but the only thing is that only people who know how to control themselves can engage in this business. difficult situations. Now about income and expenses.

Expenses (prices are for 2006):
Club rent - 70,000 rubles.
Female striptease - 3000 rub.
Male striptease - 1500 rub. + booze
DJ - 6000 rub.
Security - 5000 rub.
Travel, payment cell phone and other expenses - about 5,000 rubles.
Total expenses: 90,500 rub.

Officially, 600 tickets were sold at 150 rubles, the rest
were sold at the entrance with prices ranging from 50 to 500 rubles.
Ticket distributors acted on their own terms. As a result, the income from tickets was about 135,000 rubles. It was impossible to count exactly, even after the party.
From the sale of tables and sofas - 3500 rubles.
The total income was 138,500 rubles.
Profit - 48,000 rubles.

How often have you thought about taking up an idea that could bring not only huge profits, but also pleasure? You probably had this thought, but there were no detailed and step-by-step actions. Today in the business market some successful people are engaged in such a topic as closed parties.

The essence of this idea is quite simple. This is the implementation of closed parties themselves with the provision of unique content for a certain contingent of society, be it rich teenagers, elite members of certain organizations, famous pop or film stars.

The organization and implementation of the business idea presented to your attention requires a solid investment of your energy, strength and Money. However, at the end you will get a good return on what you managed to invest.

Needless to say, people simply adore everything that is closed from prying eyes. There is a bit of intrigue here, because if you say to a person: “There will be a party there,” he will definitely say something like the words “clear” or “understood,” and if you tell people, “There will be a closed party,” they will immediately begin to find out what it is. the party, why it is closed, what will be there and who will be there. Thus, it turns out that “closed parties” influence people much more than ordinary “parties”.

Closed club party, organization

If such a concept as a “closed party” can carry various types of entertainment for different categories and masses of people, then the concept of a “special closed club party” makes it clear what kind of recreation is expected there. People love to relax and have fun in high-class, elite clubs, and therefore it is important to organize everything so that fans come to relax specifically at your place. And the better everything is organized, the more advertising there will be.

Where to get money to start own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In this article we have revealed the most current ways to obtain starting capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Closed club parties mean having a blast to the fullest. This means that it is important to take into account the main factors, that is, to find a suitable room for holding them and a professional, even better-known DJ who will keep all visitors in the dance rhythm. A bartender who knows how to masterfully serve all clients who approach him is also important. It is worth noting that the more professional your employees are, the better.

Holding private parties for women

Closed women's parties are a slightly different area. In this case, your main contingent is the fair sex. It’s immediately clear that young ladies come to such events not only to dance. Please note that at such parties there should be men who will entertain them.

Girls love the beautiful bodies of men, they look at them with pleasure. Therefore, dancers and waiters must be selected “high quality”, preferably even by a young beautiful woman.

Private parties for ladies are just one of the facets among specialized private parties. It is provided as an example only. "Theme" for organizing a special private party could be any the target audience or a hobby, interest, etc.

The profitability of such a business idea

Currently, a number of people mean clubs as a good break from the routine of life or other various problems. When running a business like this, it is important to take this into account. You must create the most comfortable conditions for your clients, only in this case you will not end up with visitors.

If we talk about payback, then with such a business you can get rich quite quickly. It is important, however, not to rest on what has already been achieved.

It may seem at first glance that hosting and organizing a club party is very easy and simple. What else do you need other than a crowd of people, preferably of the same age, fun music and various drinks? However, not everything is as simple as you might think. Organizing a club party is a real skill and a manifestation of all the leadership and organizational qualities of a person, and if you do not have them, then most likely you will not be able to organize a successful party.

Important points in organizing a club party

Very important points in holding any club party is the ability of the organizers to combine all the components and components into a single whole. Only then will your party be considered successful, memorable and truly enchanting. By the way, this is very difficult to achieve.

Whatever the theme of your club party, there should definitely be a disco. As you understand, in order to “ignite” people and encourage them to dance, the DJ must have considerable experience in holding such events. That is, a professional. Of course, the number of DJs directly depends on how many people you plan to invite to the party. Sometimes it can be hard for one DJ to cope on his own. Therefore, it is best to invite several DJs. In addition, they will be able to provide people with completely different musical styles.

If a DJ is experienced, then he can handle any situation, even the most difficult one. He will find the right solution that will ultimately make your party a real grand event.

Also, to hold a party you will need a stage and, most importantly, a stage and a hall with very high-quality, powerful lighting. As you yourself understand, the sound should also be on the highest level. After all, first of all, people will come to your night party to have fun, and not to listen to conversations at the next table.

You must definitely decide on the theme of your party. For example, today it is very possible to hold pajama parties, or retro parties, flirting parties and others - the flight of imagination is limitless.

What else needs to be taken care of

Naturally, your party should have a lot of different entertainment besides music. These can be all kinds of competitions, for example, for the best dance, or the most erotic movements.

But, in addition to everything we wrote about above, your guests should also not be left without drinks and food. Of course, we are not talking about some kind of restaurant menu with a lot of different dishes, but sandwiches and canapés should be present. Also keep in mind that not everyone at your club party drinks alcohol, so take care of them in advance and add non-alcoholic cocktails to the menu.

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