The products are advanced and can conquer the market. Horizontal diversification strategy. Conquering new markets and pseudo-innovations. Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float

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Purpose of the seminar

Consider a set of issues to conquer a market niche and take a leading position in the industry. Taking into account competition, pricing policy, availability foreign companies, creation of networks and branches, expansion of offer, achievement of logistics and business processes, creation and promotion of brands, compliance financial discipline And personnel policy. Assess lost profits and work on forecasting. The workshop focuses on analyzing the market and creating criteria for success.


1. Opportunities for conquering the market in modern Russia

Selection of development strategy and market strategy. Efficiency of using natural national advantages. Modern tendencies in development and marketing strategy.

2. Market analysis is the basis for capturing a market niche

Market share. Methods for determining market capacity. Saturation and saturated market.
Market conditions. Research on industry nomenclature and assortment. Methodology for determining industry nomenclature and assortment. Practical task.
Identifying the impact of competition. Types of competition. Methods for determining the influence of competition. Examples of designing customer and competitor cards. Identification of a group of leading firms in the market. Identification of real competitors and the degree of their influence. Identification technique pricing policy competitors. Practical task.

3. Creating conditions for conquering the market

Creation of a competitive product or service. Creation unique idea. Creation of new product qualities. Quality assessment by certificates and awards. Methods for assessing quality level. Optimization of price-quality ratio. Ways to improve quality.
Creation of reputation and business image of the company. Maintaining financial discipline. Taking into account trends in markup reduction. Accounting for lost profits due to competitors.

4. Ways to capture the market

A range of services is the basis for conquering the market. What is more important: price or level of service. Methods for determining the effectiveness of a service. Lending and new types of services.

New branches - new positions. Selection of regional branches. Assessing the need to create a new branch. Methodology for strengthening a company through an image sales center. Practical task.

Branding breakthrough. Stages of brand promotion. Creation of a private label – Private Labels. Franchising opportunities.

Advertising breakthrough. Taking Advantage outdoor advertising. Strengthening the role of Internet advertising. Methods for directly assessing advertising effectiveness. Repetition frequency selection and tactical advertising decisions. Aggressive advertising policy to make a breakthrough in business.

Supply expansion strategy. Networks of dealers and distributors. Expansion into regions. Expansion to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Expansion from other countries and foreign networks.

Changing the scope of activity. Diversification. Conquering market niches and markets. The emergence of new market niches in related industries.

Pricing policy to gain the market share of the leader. Determination of price formation tactics. Discounts and benefits. Capture market niches based on price. Changing the market due to competition and prices. A turning point and a change in personnel policy. Breaking stereotypes and setting yourself up for victory.

5. Criteria for achieving business success

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1.1. The meaning and process of strategic planning:

Organizational mission;

Organizational goals;

Organizational strategies;

Portfolio plan.

1.2. SWOT analysis

1.3. The relationship between an organization's strategic plan and its marketing plan.

1.4. Marketing planning.

The meaning and process of strategic planning

A modern tool for managing the development of an organization in the context of increasing changes in the external environment and associated uncertainty is the methodology strategic management. Using this methodology allows you to purposefully concentrate resources in the right direction. Strategy defines the boundaries of possible actions of organizations and management decisions made.

Organization strategy- This general plan actions that determine the priorities of strategic objectives, resources and the sequence of steps to achieve strategic goals. the main task strategy is to move the organization from its present state to management's desired future state.

Strategic decisions are more related to external rather than internal problems of the organization. These decisions mainly concern the issues of products produced and the choice of market segments. Strategic questions also include the following questions: what are the goals and objectives of the organization? Should an organization diversify its activities, if so, in what areas and to what extent? How to optimize manufacturing process and strengthen the organization’s position in the market?

The sources of an organization's problems today largely arise not within it, but in the external environment. Marketing is the boundary function between the organization and its external environment. Marketing- an element of strategic management that permeates all activities of the organization and is aimed at its adaptation to the external environment.

Objective task modern marketing is to overcome the contradiction between social conditions reproduction and a separate enterprise. One of the most important features of modern marketing is active influence on the environment as opposed to passive adaptation to it.

Marketing planning is of particular importance in this regard. Marketing plan is essential integral part general plan organizations. Therefore, it is important for managers and marketers to study strategic planning, its relationship with the marketing process, and the ability to develop appropriate plans.

The task of strategic planning is to ensure innovation and organizational change in sufficient volume to adequately respond to

changes in the external environment.

Strategic planning is the process of formulating the mission and goals of the organization, selecting specific strategies to identify and obtain the necessary resources and their allocation in order to ensure the effective operation of the organization in the future 1.

Successful use of strategic planning plays a key role in achieving alignment between short- and long-term goals. It balances financial indicators organizations with inevitable changes in markets, technology and competition, as well as changes in economic and even political factors. Therefore, in strategic planning, an important place is given to the analysis of the organization’s prospects, the task of which is to clarify those trends, dangers, opportunities, as well as individual emergency situations that can change existing trends. This analysis is complemented by an analysis of the competitive position. In Fig. Figure 1.1 presents the strategic planning process.


Rice. 1.1. Strategic Planning Process

The strategic planning process assumes that the organization constantly collects information about changes in its elements environment. This information is useful to better adapt the organization to ongoing changes through the strategic planning process. In this case, the strategic plan and all other plans of the organization are feasible within the framework of the environment. In the process of implementing plans, new information arises that may require subsequent adaptation of plans, so the process of adapting plans is continuous.

The outcome of the strategic planning process is a strategic plan. Figure 1.1 shows the four components of a strategic plan: mission, goals, strategies and portfolio plan. Let's look at each of these components.

Master new market sales or to expand the range of products produced are decisions that lead to companies increasing their profits and achieving greater production efficiency. This type of activity is called “diversification”. A number of diversification strategies can be found. Each of them involves unique methods and a special nature of change.

The most commonly used is the so-called horizontal diversification. There is an opinion that this is the most difficult way to develop an enterprise. Due to the introduction of new technologies into production that have not been used before, this scheme makes it possible to produce fundamentally new goods. There will be no problems with selling products, since it is carried out using an already created sales network. This means that there is no need to search for new suppliers and markets.

It is important for a company to attract investment and ensure maximum profit when selling goods. All this is necessary to establish efficient production.

Within the framework of horizontal diversification, there are two strategies, one of which is associated with the emergence of new products in the old market, and the second is associated with the conquest of a new market. The first is conventionally called “innovation strategy”, the second – “diversification”. If the company's new products have just entered the old market, then horizontal diversification can be used in three cases.

A company may strive to present a genuine innovation or to demonstrate a pseudo-innovation. Or it seeks to organize the production of goods that are already produced by competitors. “Pseudo-innovation” refers to many products that have been updated. If a company manufactures products that are manufactured by its competitors, this means that it wants to equalize its chances with the chances of other players.

Development of new markets

Due to the fact that the company does not want to be overly dependent on one specific sales market, it needs from time to time to realize itself in new forms of activity. The danger of depending on one market is that it may stop growing, and as a result, the company will suffer losses. Horizontal diversification allows the company to generate additional profits and profitably carry out financial investments. From time to time, companies look for new markets to sell their products.

To enter a new market, a company must begin to produce products that were previously not typical for it. Using a horizontal diversification strategy, a toothbrush company produces various household chemicals. It is important that the products that the company produces remain in demand by already won customers, and that new products find their place in the market. If this does not happen, the company will go bankrupt, since it will be forced to structure supplies from the very beginning and search for new buyers. Correctly assessing your prospects in a new market for goods and services becomes a means by which you can avoid problems.

Depending on the goals and means of achieving them, the following are distinguished: marketing strategies in the activities of enterprises.

1. Strategy for gaining market share or expanding it to certain indicators. It assumes the achievement of the planned indicators of the norm and mass of profit, which ensures the profitability and efficiency of production. Conquering a market share or its segment is carried out through the release and introduction to the market new products, formation of new needs among consumers, penetration into new areas of its application. Expanding the market share of traditional products in an environment where everyone commodity markets have already been divided, perhaps only by ousting a competitor from the market.

2. Innovation strategy. Creation of products that have no analogues on the market for their purpose, i.e. fundamentally new products focused on new needs (previously unknown).

3. Strategy of innovative imitation. Involves copying innovations developed by competitors, i.e. fundamentally new ideas embedded in new products.

4. Product differentiation strategy. Involves modification and improvement of traditional products produced by the company.

5. Strategy for reducing production costs. Aimed at increasing the competitiveness of a product: price competition, which involves introducing innovations that will ensure the sale of products at reduced prices.

The strategy for reducing production costs involves: reducing costs for R&D, advertising, and service; introduction of cost-effective equipment and new technologies; ensuring access to raw materials; orientation of the sales system to broad groups of consumers; control over a relatively high market share. This requires well-established technology and large production capacities.

It is typical that large companies specialize in innovations in production technology in order to reduce production costs or product differentiation, while small firms are more actively pursuing a policy of introducing innovations.

6. Waiting strategy. It is used when trends in the development of market conditions and consumer demand are not defined. In this case, the company prefers to refrain from introducing the product to the market and studies the actions of competitors. If stable demand arises, a large company in short time develops mass production and sales and suppresses the small innovator firm.

7. Consumer individualization strategy. Particularly widely used by equipment manufacturers industrial purposes, focused on individual orders of customers, as well as on the projects and specifications developed by them.

8. Diversification strategy. Involves inclusion in production program goods that do not have a direct connection with the previous field of activity of the enterprise.

9. Internationalization strategy. Involves the planned and systematic processing of foreign markets.

10. Cooperation strategy. It consists of mutually beneficial cooperation with other companies. One of the widespread forms of cooperation at the international level is joint ventures.

Methods for choosing a strategy. Portfolio analysis

To select a marketing strategy, special matrices have been developed that allow you to specify strategic decisions. Let's consider one of the most famous.

Matrix “market share – market growth”

(portfolio analysis)

Portfolio analysis, or the “market share – market growth” matrix, was developed by the American consulting firm Boston Consulting Group in the late 60s. This model is based on the concepts of life cycle and experience curve.

The company is described using a portfolio, i.e. as a set of so-called strategic production units (SPU). SPEs are independent areas of an enterprise’s activity that are characterized by a specific customer-related market task, products or groups of products that are clearly distinguishable from other SPEs, as well as a clearly defined range of clients. Different SPEs have different market chances and risks. Portfolio analysis is one of the widely used strategic planning tools.

The theoretical basis of the portfolio analysis model is:

1. Experience curve. As production volume and experience increase, resource costs per unit of output decrease. To reduce costs it is necessary to increase sales volumes. To do this, it is necessary to increase market share or select growing markets. Cost reduction is influenced by the following factors: with an increase in sales in units, the share decreases fixed costs in the cost of the product; constant repetition of labor processes leads to savings in living labor; when purchasing large quantities of raw materials, discounts from suppliers are possible; it becomes possible to use advanced technologies.

2. Concept life cycle product (described earlier).

3. PIMS - project - an empirical study of factors affecting the profitability of enterprises, and the reaction of profitability to changes market situation. The study was conducted in the 70s by the Institute for Strategic Planning (Cambridge, USA). During the project, 300 enterprises around the world were studied. As a result, a high market share was identified as a central value.

Of the many different concepts of portfolio analysis, the greatest practical use The models “market growth – market share” and “market attractiveness – competitive advantages” were obtained. Both concepts define the strategic position of the SPE using a two-coordinate matrix. SPEs occupying a similar strategic starting position in the matrix are combined into homogeneous aggregates. For them, it is possible to define basic patterns of action, the so-called normative strategies, which are used for target and strategic planning, as well as for the distribution of enterprise resources.

SPEs are located in a matrix consisting of four fields. The matrix is ​​formed by the following characteristics: market share and market growth (market share compared to the strongest competitor); different values ​​of SPE are reflected by different sizes of circles.

Based on their position in the matrix, there are four main types of SPEs, which are called the following: “question marks”, “stars”, “cash cows” and “lame ducks”.

1. “Question marks” – products that are in the implementation phase of the “life cycle”. They promise high growth rates but have a small market share. Therefore, through offensive strategies and large investments, the enterprise tries to achieve an increase in market share in order to be able to exploit the experience curve. Supporting these products is necessary because in the future there is a need for products that bring more profit. These SPEs require more financial costs than they bring in profits. Management must carefully examine whether expanding market share is feasible given the resources available.

2. “Stars” – SPEs that are in the growth phase of the “life cycle”. “Stars” bring a certain profit, which, however, goes towards strengthening their own position in the market. When growth rates slow or sales stagnate, “stars” turn into “cash cows.”

3. “Cash cows” are products that have reached the maturity stage. High market share results in great cost advantages. Due to high profits The income generated by these products can finance the growth of other SPEs.

4. Lame ducks refer to the phase of saturation and degeneration. They do not have a large market share or high growth rates. As long as they make a profit, it is recommended to invest it in “question marks” or “stars”. If there are concerns that these SPEs will fall into the loss zone, it makes sense to carry out a disinvestment strategy and exclude them from the enterprise’s portfolio over a certain period of time.

Advantages of the model: the ability to mentally structure and visually represent the strategic problems of an enterprise; suitability as a model for generating strategies (helps to draw management's attention to the future of the enterprise); ease of use; indicators: market share and growth rates are determined, as a rule, without much difficulty.

Disadvantages of the model: SPEs are assessed only according to two criteria; other factors, such as quality, marketing costs and investment intensity, are left unaddressed. Using a matrix of four fields, it is impossible to accurately evaluate products in the middle position, and in practice this is precisely what is needed most often.

Model: “market attractiveness – competitive advantages.”

This model is a development of the model described above (Fig. 26).

The determining factors in the model are the attractiveness of the market, which consists of the characteristics of the market, market quality, other conditions, and competitive advantages, which are determined by the relative position of the company in the market, product potential, research potential, as well as the qualifications of managers and employees.

Advantages of the model: differentiated assessment of SPE is possible.

Disadvantages of the model: determining the factors of the model requires large quantity information; There may be differences in the assessment of SPE by different users.

Self-test questions for Chapter 8

1. What does the marketing service organize at an enterprise?

2. What is the functional structure of the organization of the marketing service of an enterprise?

3. What is it? market structure organization of an enterprise marketing service?

4. What makes up the culture of an enterprise?

5. Where to start strategic planning in Russian conditions?

6. What is a marketing strategy?

7. What is the essence of a strategy to gain or expand market share?

8. What is the innovation strategy based on?

9. Which businesses most often use a consumer personalization strategy?

10. What are the names of strategic production units (SPEs) that are in the growth phase of the “life cycle” of a product and bring great profits?

Review questions for Chapter 8

1. What (who) is the enterprise’s marketing service researching?

2. What strategy is being developed by the enterprise marketing service?

3. What is the underlying principle? commodity structure organizing an enterprise marketing service?

4. What is the geographical structure of the enterprise marketing service organization?

5. How many sections does the enterprise marketing plan contain?

6. Which section of the enterprise marketing plan is the first?

7. What is a differentiation strategy?

8. What is the diversification strategy based on?

9. What is the name of a strategy that involves planned and systematic processing of foreign markets?

10. What are the advantages of the market growth-market share model?

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