The profession of a road worker falls into the hazardous category. Dangerous and harmful production factors affecting the repairman. Who cannot work in positions with VUT


Foundry work

cupola worker

Metal pourer

Liquid iron casting welder

Metal and alloy smelter

Welding work

Metal coating and painting

Repairman employed:

Working with lead



Grader elevator operator

Motor grader operator

Bulldozer driver





Loader driver

Excavator driver


Bin cleaner


Ore mining


Dredge sailor, dredge driver

Rocket launch operator

Steam ogtayshchik

Ore agglomeration

Hot sinter pourer

Extraction and processing of peat



Washing machine operator

Distillation operator

Extraction operator


Briquette press operator


Pipe crimper

Tool joint installer



Blast furnace production

Top blast furnace

Blast furnace plumber

Blast furnace hearth

Scale car driver



Filling machine operator


Block stuffer

Deoxidizer Melter

Steel pourer

Rolling production

Leaf cutter

Smolovar (pitch cooker)

Pipe production

Pipe calibrator on a press

Pipe blacksmith

Ferroalloy production

Ferroalloy furnace forge

Coke production





Melter, calciner


Harmful substances affecting the turner


According to GOST 12.0.003-74 “Dangerous and harmful production factors» psychophysiological hazardous and harmful production factors, according to the nature of their action, are divided into the following:

· Physical overload:

· Static;

· Dynamic;

· Neuropsychic overload:

· Mental stress;

· Overvoltage of analyzers;

· Monotony of work;

· Emotional overload.

Turning work belongs to the category of visual work of very high precision, therefore, a worker in this profession may experience overvoltage of the analyzers, in particular the visual ones.

We will consider psychophysiological factors in more detail in section 3.3 “Characteristics of the intensity of the labor process.”


Indicators Actual values Class
1.1 1.2 Physical dynamic load (kg. m): regional: load movement up to 1 m total load: load movement - from 1 to 5 m - more than 5 m
2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Weight of the load lifted and moved manually (kg): when alternating with other work constantly during the shift, the total weight for each hour of the shift: from the working surface from the floor 3.1
3.1 3.2 Stereotypical work movements (number) local load regional load
4.1 4.2 4.3 Static load (kgf x sec): one hand, two hands with the participation of the body and legs
Working posture standing 45%
Body tilts (number per shift)
7.1 7.2 Displacement in space (km) horizontally vertically 0,3
Final assessment of work severity 3.1

So, out of 10 indicators characterizing the severity of work, 6 belong to class 1; 3 indicators belong to class 2; 1 indicator for class 3.1. Consequently, the final assessment of the severity of the turner’s work process is class 3.1.


Indicators Class of working conditions
3.1 3.2 3.3
1. Intellectual loads
1.1 The content of the work +
1.2 Signal perception and evaluation +
1.3 Distribution of functions according to the degree of task complexity +
1.4 Nature of work performed +
2. Sensory loads
2.1 Duration of concentrated observation +
2.2 Signal density for 1 hour of operation +
2.3 Number of simultaneous observation objects +
2.4 The size of the object of discrimination during the duration of concentrated attention +
2.5 Work with optical instruments with a duration of concentrated observation +
2.6 Monitoring the video terminal screen +

Additional leave for hazardous working conditions: list of professions with harmful and dangerous conditions

Emotional stress

3.1 The degree of responsibility for the results of one’s own activities. Significance of the error. +
3.2 Risk level for own life +
3.3 Responsibility for the safety of others +
3.4 Number of conflict production situations per shift +
4. Monotonous loads
4.1 The number of elements required to implement a simple task or repetitive operations +
4.2 Duration of simple tasks or repetitive tasks +
4.3 Time for active actions +
4.4 Monotony of the production environment +

Operating mode

5.1 Actual working hours +
5.2 Shift work +
5.3 Availability of regulated breaks and their duration +
Number of indicators in each class
General assessment of work intensity +

So, out of 23 indicators characterizing labor intensity, 12 belong to class 1; 7 indicators belong to class 2; 2 indicators for class 3.1 and 2 indicators for class 3.2. Consequently, the final assessment of the severity of the turner’s labor process is class 2.


An assessment of the working conditions of a turner, taking into account the combined effect of all factors, is carried out on the basis of the results of measurements of individual factors and in accordance with paragraphs. 5.1 – 5.10 (R.2.2.2006-05), which take into account the effects of the summation of all indicators for combined action. The results of assessing harmful factors in the working environment and the labor process are included in Table. 7.

Table 7

Final table for assessing the employee’s working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger

Factors Class of working conditions
Optimal Acceptable Harmful Dangerous
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
Chemical +
Biological +
Aerosols PDF +
Acoustic Noise +
Infrasound +
Ultrasound air +
General vibration +
Local vibration +
Ultrasound contact +
Non-ionizing radiation +
Ionizing radiation +
Microclimate +
Lighting +
Difficulty of work +
Labor intensity +
General assessment of working conditions +


For his successful work, a turner needs hand-eye coordination, good eyesight, an accurate eye, spatial imagination, sustained attention, as well as technical thinking.

Working as a turner is contraindicated for people with visual impairments, disorders of the vestibular system, people suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and nervous systems, people with hypersensitive skin and asthmatics.

The following are considered occupational diseases of turners:

· arthritis,


· partial loss of vision,

Chronic fatigue

Based on physiological studies, it was found that the degree and depth of workers’ fatigue depends on the quantitative values ​​of the main factors of the labor process. For example, the endurance of the hand muscles to static force by the end of the shift decreases by 10-41% of the readings at the beginning of the shift.

The relationship between the magnitude of the static load and the number of cases of pathological disorders is expressed by the following formula : y=5.8*ln(x) – 43.5, where:

y – number of cases of pathological disorders at the end of the shift;

y = 5.8*ln(13600) – 43.5 = 11.7.

Consequently, 12 out of 100 people will be diagnosed with a pathological disorder at the end of the shift based on static load.

The amount of time a worker spends in an orthostatic position is almost directly related to the incidence of varicose veins in the legs. Regression analysis showed that an increase in the time of “labor orthostasis” by 1% corresponds to an increase in the incidence of varicose veins of the legs by 0.41%: y=0.41*x + 2.1.

y – probability of varicose veins, %.

x is the time workers are in an orthostatic position, % of the shift.

y=0.41*45 + 2.1 = 20.55%

Consequently, the probability of varicose veins with a given load on the musculoskeletal system will be 20.6%. This means that out of 100 people, 21 workers may develop this disease.


According to established standards, the employer is obliged to provide a turner, and the employee is obliged to use work time free protective clothing and personal protective equipment. Let's consider personal protective equipment intended for a turner, as well as their service life in Table 8.

Table 8

What refers to harmful working conditions?

List of industries, professions and jobs with difficult and harmful working conditions in which the use of women’s labor is prohibited

industries, professions and jobs with difficult and harmful working conditions, where the use of women’s labor is prohibited


Foundry work

cupola worker

Casting beater engaged in manual knocking

Charge loader in cupola furnaces and furnaces, busy loading the charge manually

Metal pourer

Liquid iron casting welder

Chopper working with pneumatic tools

Metal and alloy smelter

Workers engaged in hanging hot castings on a conveyor and servicing and repairing equipment in foundry tunnels

Welding work

Gas welder and electric welder of manual welding, working in closed containers (tanks, boilers, etc.), as well as on high-rise communication structures (towers, masts) over 10 meters and steeplejack work

Boiler rooms, cold stamping plants,

drawing and pressing works

Presser doing manual work Boilermaker

Engraver working with hand pneumatic tools

Forging and pressing and thermal works

Bandage worker engaged in hot work

A spring operator engaged in hot work when winding springs from wire with a diameter of over 10 mm

Roller busy rolling out rings while hot

Spring operator at hot metal processing

Metal coating and painting

A sealer engaged in sealing inside caisson tanks

A lead maker constantly engaged in lead plating using the hot method (not galvanic)

Mechanical and metalwork-assembly works

A pneumatic driller performing work with a pneumatic tool that transmits vibration to the worker’s hands

Repairman employed:

— setting up equipment in workshops and departments: hot rolling, pickling, enameling, insulation using organosilicon varnishes, lead coating in cable production;

— hot repairs of selenium and shoeing devices (equipment);

— setting up equipment in workshops and departments for the preparation and use of flint and organic varnishes and varnishes containing 40 percent or more of toluene, xylene;

— repair of equipment in closed fuel warehouses and oil facilities at thermal power plants, as well as repair of equipment in tunnels and heating chambers in heating networks;

— maintenance of water jacket furnaces in the production of non-ferrous metals and alloys;

— adjustment and repair of chill molds in a hot state;

— directly in the shops: milling, lubricating, forming, foundry, pipe-filling, blast-mixing and assembly shops in the production of lead batteries;

— repair of technological equipment at engine testing stations, running on leaded gasoline and located in boxes

Working with lead

Workers engaged in smelting, casting, rolling, drawing and stamping of lead products, as well as lead-plating of cables and soldering of lead-acid batteries


Armature worker engaged in manual installation of frames, manual bending machines and scissors

Asphalt concrete worker (asphalting worker, welder) engaged in manual work



A mason working on laying modular solid sand-lime bricks

Steel roofer

Caisson operator for servicing the lock apparatus (caisson operator-operator), caisson operator for excavation work (caisson operator-miner), caisson operator for plumbing work (caisson operator-fitter), caisson operator for electrical installation work (caisson operator-electrician)

Asphalt dispenser operator, pit driver

Grader elevator operator

Operator of mobile power plants, working at power plants with an internal combustion engine with a capacity of 150 hp. With. and more

Operator of concrete pumping units, operator of mobile bitumen melting units

Driver of single-bucket excavators, operator of rotary excavators (ditch diggers and trenchers)

Asphalt paver operator

Operator of asphalt concrete mixers (mobile)

Motor grader operator

Bulldozer driver

Operator of electric welding mobile units with internal combustion engine

Telecommunications installer - antenna operator busy working at heights

Steel and steel erector reinforced concrete structures when working at heights and steeplejack operations

A refractory worker engaged in hot repairs of furnaces and boiler furnaces

Workers engaged in punching holes (furrows, grooves, etc.) in concrete, reinforced concrete and stone (brick) structures manually and using pneumatic tools

Workers engaged in slab-breaking work, dismantling buildings and structures

Workers engaged in fastening structures and parts using a construction gun

Workers engaged in uprooting stumps

Lead solder (lead solder)

Plumber repairing a sewer network

Carpenter engaged in all types of carpentry work

Industrial reinforced concrete pipes

Pipelayer of industrial brick pipes


Open pit mining and the surface of existing mines and mines under construction, beneficiation, agglomeration, briquetting

General professions mining and horiocap ital works

Well driller, drilling machine operator, hole driller


Fire prevention and extinguishing worker

Delivery of fastening materials to the mine



Loader driver

Machine operator for drilling full-section mine shafts

Excavator driver

Tipper engaged in manual rolling and rolling away of trolleys


Handle-signalman engaged in manually feeding trolleys into cages

Waste waste worker working on burning waste heaps

Bin cleaner

Electrical mechanic (mechanic) on duty and for equipment repair, engaged in the maintenance and repair of equipment, mechanisms, water and air lines in mining operations

General enrichment professions, agglomerations,


A crusher engaged in crushing hot pitch in the production of alumina

A roaster engaged in the process of roasting raw materials and materials in the production of mercury

Workers and foremen of beneficiation and crushing and screening factories, mines, mines and metallurgical enterprises engaged in crushing, grinding, grinding and blending of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metal ores, fluorspar and coal, which generate dust containing 10% and more free silica when working manually

Workers employed in lead enrichment shops

Workers and craftsmen engaged in the enrichment of niobium (loparite) ores

Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes

Mining equipment installer

Surface miner

Ore mining

Fuel delivery man by boat (wood melter)


Dredge sailor, dredge driver

Rocket launch operator

Steam ogtayshchik

Ore agglomeration

Hot sinter pourer

Extraction and processing of peat



Operator of a machine for uprooting stumps, operator of a combine harvester for felling timber and placing it in shafts

Machine operator for cutting and loading wood

Washing machine operator

Peat mining machine operator, peat excavator operator

Machine operator for layer-by-layer extraction of sod peat

Peat worker engaged in felling trees, laying peat bricks

Briquetting, production of rock wax (ozokerite)

Distillation operator

Extraction operator


Briquette press operator

Mountain wax (ozokerite) pourer


Bomber at geophysical work

Installer of geodetic signs

Electrical mechanic (mechanic) on duty and in equipment repair, employed in the field


Production and production driller exploratory drilling oil and gas wells

Mechanical Rotary Well Driller, Mechanical Impact Well Driller, Manual Well Driller

Derrick erector, rig-welder, derrick-electrician

Well cementing operator, cementing unit operator, cement-sand mixing unit operator

Pipe crimper

Assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells (first), assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells (second), assistant driller for production and exploration drilling of oil and gas wells (third), assistant driller for mechanical rotary drilling wells (first), assistant driller of mechanical rotary well drilling (second), assistant driller of mechanical percussion well drilling (first), assistant driller of mechanical percussion well drilling (second), assistant driller of manual well drilling

Clay mortar preparer engaged in preparing mortar by hand

Repairman repairing drilling equipment

Drilling rig maintenance mechanic directly employed on drilling rigs

Tool joint installer

Electrician for drilling rig maintenance


Driller of a floating drilling unit at sea, well workover driller

Lift operator, washing unit operator, mobile steam dewaxing unit operator

Mobile compressor operator

Hydraulic fracturing operator, underground well repair operator

Well chemical treatment operator

Operator preparing wells for major and underground repairs

Assistant driller of a floating drilling unit at sea, assistant driller of a well workover

Workers and engineers constantly engaged in underground oil production

Mechanic for installation and repair of foundations of offshore drilling rigs and racks

A repairman engaged in the installation and maintenance of process equipment and repair of oilfield equipment

An electrician for the repair of electrical equipment and an electrician for the maintenance of electrical equipment engaged in the maintenance and repair of technological equipment


Common trades in iron and steel industry

Metal cutter working with pneumatic tools

Ladle worker working with molten metal

Metal heater engaged in work in methodical, chamber furnaces and wells of rolling and pipe production

Blast furnace production

Top blast furnace

Blast furnace plumber

Blast furnace hearth

Scale car driver



Filling machine operator


Block stuffer

Deoxidizer Melter

Open hearth furnace steelmaker's helper, electric furnace steelmaker's helper, direct iron reduction furnace steelmaker's helper, converter steelmaker's helper, electroslag remelting plant steelmaker's helper

Steel pourer

Converter steelmaker, open hearth furnace steelmaker, direct iron reduction furnace steelmaker, electroslag remelting plant steelmaker, electric furnace steelmaker

Rolling production

Hot rolling mill operator

Leaf cutter

Hot rolling mill operator's helper

Presser-stitcher of rail fastenings

Smolovar (pitch cooker)

Fitter-wire worker engaged in long-rolling production

Pipe production

Calibration mill rolling machine, hot pipe rolling mill rolling machine, furnace pipe welding mill rolling machine, cold pipe rolling mill rolling machine, pipe forming mill rolling machine

Pipe drawer employed in non-mechanized mills

Pipe calibrator on a press

Pipe blacksmith

Hot pipe rolling mill assistant, cold pipe rolling mill assistant

Ferroalloy production

Ferroalloy furnace forge

Vanadium pentoxide smelter, ferroalloy smelter

Workers engaged in the production of metal chromium and chromium-containing alloys using the aluminothermic method

Workers engaged in the smelting of silicon alloys in open arc furnaces

Coke production



Naphthalene crusher and packer

Workers directly involved in benzene production, hydrotreating and rectification


Repairman servicing coke oven batteries

Scrubber-pumper engaged in servicing the phenol unit in the coking products recovery shop


General professions in non-ferrous metallurgy

A pourer engaged in pouring bottom sections of anodes in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

An installer repairing bathtubs, engaged in drilling a recess for a cathode rod in the production of aluminum, silumin and silicon

Melter, calciner


Repairman, mechanic for repair of metallurgical and cement equipment, electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment and electrician for repair of electrical equipment, engaged in the maintenance and repair of metallurgical equipment in the main metallurgical shops

A charger working at the furnaces in the production of tin


In the name Russian Federation

Leninsky District Court of Tambov, consisting of:

presiding judge Fokina T.K.,

under secretary Gorbacheva E.A.,

having considered in open court civil case No. 2-1624/2010 on the claim of Lidiya Semenovna Leonidova against the State Administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Tambov for the inclusion of the period of work in the preferential length of service and the appointment of an early retirement pension,


05/05/2010 Leonidova L.S. applied to the Main Directorate of the Penal Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Tambov with an application to grant her an early retirement pension due to her employment in jobs with difficult working conditions. However, she was refused, since the defendant did not include the period of work from 02/01/1991 in her preferential length of service. to 11/14/1997 as a galvanizer at the Tambovapparat plant due to the lack of documentary evidence of the nature of the work performed, namely the lack of information about employment in work only on hanging and removing parts.

Leonidova L.S., not agreeing with the defendant’s arguments, filed a lawsuit against the Main Directorate of UPF in Tambov to include the period of work from 02/01/1991. to 11/14/1997 as a galvanizer at the Tambovapparat plant on preferential service, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension and assignment of an early labor pension from the date of application for this type of pension - from 05/05/2010.

At the court hearing Leonidova L.S. supported the claims, explaining that she worked as a galvanizer at the Tambovapparat plant from July 27, 1982. to 11/14/1997 However, the defendant did not include the period of her work from 02/01/1991. to 11/14/1997 But her functional responsibilities did not change both during the periods counted by the defendant and those not counted. Her responsibilities included electroplating electrical circuit boards in open baths. The work took place in difficult conditions and was done manually. She cleaned the boards and etched them with acid. The following acids were used: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric. There was a line of three baths, each with a capacity of 20 liters. The acid was obtained from the warehouse and poured into the baths. In sequential mode, I processed the board and etched it in each of the baths, and washed it with water in between. Then they were hung in drying cabinets. Copper, tin, and lead were applied to the boards. The boards were multilayered and each layer was treated in an acidic environment. The boards were lowered into the bathtubs on special brackets, but sometimes they broke, and everything had to be taken out by lowering them into the bathtub by hand. Worked in rubber gloves special clothing, headdress, mask and shoes. Three work robes were issued per year, since the caustic fumes corroded the fabric of the robes. Worked full time and full time working week, no downtime. She did not have unpaid leave, student leave, or parental leave during this period. For harmful working conditions, she received milk and lunch at the expense of the employer. Had extra leave.

The representative of the defendant, Kolpakova N.M., did not recognize the claims based on the arguments set out in the decision of the Main Directorate of the Penal Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Tambov to refuse the early assignment of an old-age pension to Leonidova L.S. from 05/12/2010 No. 168. She asked to dismiss the claim. Objecting to the claim, she explained at the court hearing that the plaintiff’s work with harmful working conditions according to List No. 2 during the disputed period is not documented, since there is no information about the nature of the work performed. In addition, if the plaintiff’s demands are satisfied, she will have the right to a pension only from 05/07/2010. – she reaches the age of 50 years.

Witness FULL NAME2 explained to the court that she worked with the plaintiff in the 8th galvanic shop of the Tambovapparat plant as a foreman of galvanizers, the plaintiff as a galvanizer. The brigade consisted of 22-24 people. They worked in two shifts. We performed manual degreasing and etching of electrical device circuit boards in acid. The baths had a volume of XXX liters. A small 20 liter bath was installed at each workplace for ease of work. After acid baths, the boards were washed manually. There were no automatic closed baths in the workshop. The work was carried out in a room in which the atmosphere was poisoned by acid fumes. The organization provided galvanizers with overalls, rubber aprons, gloves and shoes. Leave was granted more than to workers in other professions. Free lunch and milk were provided.

Witness FULL NAME3 showed to the court that she worked with the plaintiff in the same area in workshop No. 8 of the Tambovapparat plant. Performed manufacturing work printed circuit boards. The blanks were cleaned, copper, tin, and lead were applied to them. Etching was carried out in various acids: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric. Everything happened in manual mode. We worked full time, one week on 1st shift, then on 2nd shift. At the beginning there was a galvanic section of the shop, then it became a completely galvanizing shop. The work took place in hazardous conditions. They worked in special clothes and shoes. The head was protected with a cap or scarf, the face with a mask. We received free food during the working day and milk. Additional days were provided for vacation.

The court, having heard the parties, studied the case materials, and questioned witnesses, considers the claims to be satisfied.

In accordance with clause 2, part 1, article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001. No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, early labor pensions are assigned to women upon reaching the age of 50, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 10 years and have an insurance record of at least 20 years. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, a labor pension for women is assigned with a reduction in age provided for in Article 7 of this Federal Law, for one year for every 2 years of such work.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2002. No. 537, when early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons employed in jobs with difficult working conditions, List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10. At the same time, the time of execution was XXX.01.1992. work provided for in List No. 2 of industries, workshops, professions and positions, work in which gives the right to a state pension on preferential terms and in preferential amounts, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 22, 1956. No. 1173, is counted toward work experience that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, along with the work provided for in the 1991 List.

By virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 67 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court evaluates evidence according to its internal conviction, based on a comprehensive, complete, objective and direct examination of the evidence available in the case.

According to records in work book, Leonidova L.S. 07/27/1982 was hired as a 2nd category galvanizer in workshop No. 8 of the Tambovapparat plant. During the period 02/06/1985 -02/28/1985 worked as a manufacturer of mesh stencils for printed circuits in the same workshop, and from 03/01/1985. transferred by galvanist of the 3rd category of workshop No. 8 in order to bring the names of professions in accordance with the ETKS and the work performed. She worked in this position until her dismissal on November 14, 1997.

According to subparagraph “a”, paragraph 5 of section XV “Metalworking” of List No. 2 of industries, workshops, professions and positions, work in which gives the right to a state pension on preferential terms and in preferential amounts, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 08/22/1956. No. 1173, persons employed in the production of metal coating by electroplating as an electroplater are entitled to a state pension on preferential terms.

Based on List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991. No. 10 galvanizers have the right to early assignment of a labor pension (subsection 5 “Production of metal coating by galvanic method”, section XIV “Metalworking”, position code 2150500a-11629 “Galvanists (except for those employed only in hanging and removing parts, as well as in the automatic mode of closed baths” ).

The profession of “galvanist” was included in the 1969 ETKS list of professions in the production of metal coating by the galvanic method.

Subsequently, in connection with the clarification of the lists of professions, changes and additions were made to the ETKS; in 1986, the profession “galvanist” was renamed the profession “galvanist”. According to the ETKS, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999. No. 45 (with amendments and additions), this profession is listed as “galvanizer”.

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 1, 2003. No. 15 established the identity of the professions of workers provided for by the previously valid Lists No. 1 and 2, approved on 08/22/1956, as well as the List approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 01/26/1991. No. 10, the names of which, during the preparation of new issues of ETKS, were changed due to their dissonance or unified due to the identity of the nature of work in the profession with other names. For example, in subsection 5 of section XV of List No. 2, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 22, 1956, a number of worker professions were provided for in the production of metal coating by galvanic method ("oxidizer", "galvanist", "nickel plater", "passivator" ", "chrome plater", etc.), carrying out the galvanic process. Later, due to the identity of the nature of the work, all these professions were unified into one profession “galvanizer”, which is provided for in the ETKS (issue 2) and included in subsection 5 “Production of metal coating by galvanic method” of section XIV “Metalworking”, position 2150500a-11629 , List No. 2, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 dated January 26, 1991.

According to the list of professions ETKS, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 15, 1999. the name of the profession “galvanizer” is provided.

The court established that Leonidova L.S. in the period from 02/01/1991 to 11/14/1997 worked as a galvanizer at the Tambovapparat plant. Worked full time, no part-time jobs. I was not on unpaid leave, student leave, or parental leave. Performed work on electroplating in open baths of electrical device circuit boards using acids, manually. The automatic mode of closed baths did not work. The work was carried out using special equipment and clothing. Due to her employment in jobs with hazardous working conditions, the plaintiff was given additional days of vacation. On weekdays, she received free food and milk every day. These facts are confirmed by the evidence available in the case: testimony of witnesses interrogated at the court hearing, an entry in the work book, a certificate from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "OZ Apparat" dated May 20, 2010. No. 15.

Therefore, the court comes to the conclusion that Leonidova L.S. in the period from 02/01/1991 to 11/14/1997 performed work that meets the requirements of List No. 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 of January 26, 1991, in the position of a galvanizer (except for those employed only in hanging and removing parts, as well as in the automatic mode of closed baths.The defendant did not provide evidence to the contrary.

In accordance with paragraph 9 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation No. 25 of December 20, 2005. “On some issues that arose with the courts when considering cases related to the exercise by citizens of the right to labor pensions”, each pension dispute must be resolved by the court based on the specific circumstances of the case established at the court hearing (the nature and specificity, conditions of the work carried out by the plaintiff, performed by him functional responsibilities by position and profession, workload, etc.).

Thus, taking into account the length of service included in the Main Directorate of the UPF of the Russian Federation in Tambov with difficult and harmful working conditions and the controversial period counted as preferential length of service by the court, the length of service of L.S. Leonidova, which gives the right to an early retirement pension in old age, amounted to more than 10 years, therefore, by virtue of Art. 19 Federal Law “on labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, The court considers it is necessary to oblige the defendant to assign the plaintiff an old-age pension from the day she reaches the age of 50, that is, from May 7, 2010.

Guided by Art. Art. 194-198 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, court


Satisfy the claims of Lidiya Semenovna Leonidova.

Include Lidiya Semenovna Leonidova in the work experience, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension, in connection with working under harmful and difficult working conditions, period:

from 02/01/1991 to 11/14/1997 as a galvanizer at the Tambovapparat plant.

To oblige the State Administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Tambov to assign an early retirement pension to Lidiya Semenovna Leonidova in old age from 05/07/2010.

The decision can be appealed to the Tambov Regional Court within 10 days from the date the decision was made in final form.

List of professions recognized as hazardous to health in Russia

T.K. Fokina.

The reasoned court decision was made on June 22, 2010.

Judge. T.K. Fokina.

Right. Referee: T.K. Fokina.

Original document

Harmful working conditions list of professions

According to statistics, in Russia industrial production More than twelve million people work, almost half of them work in hazardous industries. Harmful conditions in enterprises are those conditions that can cause harm to health, reduce productivity and lead to the risk of poisoning. Diseases that arise during work may have consequences in the future, including consequences that include the risk of having unhealthy children.

Harmful factors of hazardous industries

Production factors considered harmful are divided into two types:

  1. Harmful factors at work;
  2. Harmful factors during the labor process.

In its turn, production harmful factors are divided into:

  1. Physical. These include high or low temperatures, dust, noisy production, and so on.
  2. Chemical. Factors of this type include inhalation of harmful substances or gas contamination.
  3. Biological. Biological factors include the risks of infection with various microorganisms and dangerous infections. As a rule, such professions include workers from the medical or veterinary field.

During the work process, harmful factors also arise. These include increased nervous or physical stress.

List of hazardous industries and professions

There are a lot of industries and professions with hazardous working conditions and their list is too huge to list in this article. However, you can still briefly look at it. The list of hazardous industries and professions was published in 1974 with subsequent amendments and additions until 1991.

Naturally, this list includes industries with difficult working conditions. This is a mountain work activity, in particular the extraction of salt, shale, mica, graphite, oil and coal, and various production in the field of metallurgy and coke-chemical works.

The list of hazardous industries and professions is official document that provides fringe benefits and compensation for workers in hazardous production.

Harmful industries

The list of hazardous industries is as long as list of professions in such industries. These include the following production enterprises:

  1. Cement;
  2. Stone foundry products;
  3. Reinforced concrete products;
  4. Thermal insulation materials;
  5. Soft roofing;
  6. Glass and glass products;
  7. Musical instruments;
  1. Textile and light industry;
  2. Food industry;
  3. Printing;
  4. Connection;
  5. Agriculture and national economy;

Transport companies:

  1. Railway;
  2. Automotive;
  3. River;
  4. Nautical.

Benefits and compensation preferred to workers in hazardous work

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following rights for workers in hazardous professions:

  1. Additional leave;
  2. Rest break, as well as a reduction in working hours;
  3. Personal protection, milk and therapeutic nutrition;
  4. Medical examination at the expense of the employer;
  5. Increased pension due to preferential length of service.

When making a choice in favor of a harmful profession, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Despite the benefits provided, it is worth remembering the harmful effects on your body and overall health.

A.V. Papkov


Subject to preliminary and (or) periodic medical examination

according to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia 302n dated April 12, 2011.

No. Name of the employee's profession (position) Number of men/women Name of the harmful production factor (according to the List of factors and workplace certification results) Points and frequency of medical care.

inspection by order 302n

Brief sanitary characteristics
Lead Counsel 1/1 adj.

List of professions with hazardous working conditions 2018

1 clause (once every 2 years)

Deputy general director on personnel management 1/1
Referent 1/1
Occupational Safety Specialist
Clerk 1/1
Chief Accountant 1/1 Work on reading, entering information, working in dialogue mode for a total of at least 50% of working time Working on a PC more than 50% of the time
Chief accountant's assistant 1/1
Economist 1/1
Senior accountant
Accountant 1/1
Forwarder 2/2 Work in organizations where there is contact with food products nutrition adj. 2 p. 15. (once a year) Work on purchasing and dispensing food products
A mechanic is a plumber with the duties of a worker assigned to comprehensive services and building renovation Aromatic hydrocarbons: (toluene, xylene) Local vibration Mixtures of hydrocarbons: white spirit Nitrogen inorganic compounds (ammonia, Nitric acid and others) adj. 1 clause 1.2.38. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 3.4.1. (once every 2 years) appendix 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) appendix 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) Episodic works (in summer period) related to painting of equipment, buildings and structures. Working with power tools and stepladders.
Loader performing the duties of a territory cleaner Reduced air temperature adj. 1 clause 3.8. (once every 2 years) Working in open areas winter period
Industrial cleaner office premises 4/4
Driver (workplace number according to certification card 29) Driving a car, refueling it, lubricants and coolants
Driver (workplace number according to certification cards 31) Driving land vehicles, category B Mixture of hydrocarbons: gasoline, oil, kerosene, mineral oils Nitrogen unlimited compounds Carbon oxide adj. 2 clause 27.3. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) Driving a passenger car, refueling it with fuel, lubricants and coolants.
Driver (workplace number according to certification card 32) Driving land vehicles, category B Mixture of hydrocarbons: gasoline, oil, kerosene, mineral oils Nitrogen unlimited compounds Carbon oxide Physical overload adj. 2 clause 27.3. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 4.1. (once a year) Driving a Gazelle car, refueling it with fuel, lubricants and coolants.
Driver (workplace number according to certification card 33) Driving land vehicles, category C Mixture of hydrocarbons: gasoline, oil, kerosene, mineral oils Nitrogen unlimited compounds Carbon oxide Physical overload adj. 2 clause 27.6. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 4.1. (once a year) Control by truck, refilling it with fuel, lubricants and coolants.
Tractor driver Work on direct control of vehicles (tractors and other self-propelled machines) Carbon oxide Mixture of hydrocarbons: gasoline, oil, kerosene, mineral oils Reduced air temperature Physical overload Nitrogen unlimited compounds Aliphatic aldehydes (saturated and unsaturated) adj. 2 clause 27.13. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 4.1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.2. (once a year) Management of special equipment (forklift), refueling it with fuel, lubricants and coolants. Staying in a forced working position (sitting)
Loader driver Work on direct control of ground vehicles (forklift) Local vibration General vibration Mixture of hydrocarbons: oil, kerosene, mineral oils Carbon oxide Physical overload Nitrogen unlimited compounds Reduced air temperature adj. 2 clause 27.14. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 3.4.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 3.4.2. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 4.1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 3.8. (once every 2 years) Management of special equipment, refueling it with fuel, lubricants and coolants, staying in a forced working position (sitting), working in an open area in winter
Logistics specialist performing the duties of an economist 1/1 Work on reading, entering information, working in dialogue mode for a total of at least 50% of working time adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) Working on a PC more than 50% of the time
Warehouse storekeeper 1/1 Synthetic detergents adj. 1 clause 1.3.3. (once every 2 years) Organization of storage and distribution of mineral oils, detergents. funds, rags, etc.
Plumber (workplace number according to certification card 39) Work at height Local vibration Nitrogen unlimited connections adj. 2 p. 1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 3.4.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 2 p. 25 (once a year) Electrical repair and inspection. hoists and lifting mechanisms, holding cargo (spare parts) at height Work related to the maintenance of water supply networks
Plumber (workplace number according to certification card 40) Local vibration Nitrogen unlimited connections adj. 1 clause 3.4.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 2 p. 25 (once a year) Work related to the maintenance of water supply networks
Electric and gas welder Work at height Welding aerosols: containing less than 20% manganese, iron oxides, aluminum and others, incl. in combination with gas components (ozone, nitrogen oxide and carbon) Nitrogen unlimited compounds Carbon oxide Metal aerosols Electric and magnetic field of industrial frequency (50Hz) adj. 2 p. 1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 2 p. 25 (once a year) Work in a safety belt at height, manual gas and electric welding parts, components and structures Work related to the maintenance of water supply networks
Cleaner production premises(workplace number according to certification card 43) 1/1 Halogens: Chlorine Synthetic detergents adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.3. (once every 2 years) Work where there is contact with detergents. means
Industrial premises cleaner (workplace number according to certification card 44) 1/1 Halogens: chlorine Synthetic detergents Hydrocarbon mixture: gasoline, petroleum, kerosene, mineral oils Dust carbon: other fossil coals with silica content up to 5% adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.3. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) Work where there is contact with detergents. means, cleaning the boiler room and garage
Cleaner of industrial and office premises (toilet) (workplace number according to certification card 42) 1/1 Halogens: Chlorine Synthetic detergents adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.3. (once every 2 years) Work where there is contact with detergents. means, cleaning the common toilet
Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Work at height Local vibration Electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz), electrostatic and permanent magnetic fields, work on maintenance and repair of existing electrical installations with a voltage of 42 V and above alternating current, as well as installation work adj. 2 p. 1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 3.4.1. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 2 clause 2. (1 time every 2 years)
Electrical engineer performing the duties of a communications electromechanic Work at height Electromagnetic field in the radio frequency range (10k Hz -300 GHz), electrostatic and permanent magnetic field, work on maintenance and repair of existing electrical installations with a voltage of 42 V and above alternating current, as well as installation work Local vibration adj. 2 p. 1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 2 clause 2. (1 time every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 3.4.1. (once every 2 years) Working in a safety harness at height, working with power tools, from stepladders
Chief Power Engineer Working at height Reduced air temperature adj. 2 p. 1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 3.8. (once every 2 years) Working in a safety harness at height, working with power tools, from stepladders
Operator (stoker) of a coal-fired boiler house, including those involved in ash removal Physical overload Thermal radiation Carbon dust: other fossil coals with silicon dioxide content up to 5% Carbon oxide adj. 1 clause 4.1. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 3.10. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.2.37. (once every 2 years) Tilts the body more than 100 times per shift, removes slag from the ash pan, loads coal into the furnace
Worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings Hydrocarbon mixtures: white spirit Aromatic hydrocarbons: (toluene, xylene) Hydrocarbon mixtures: gasoline, petroleum, kerosene, mineral oils appendix 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) adj. 1 clause 1.2.38. (once every 2 years) adj. 1 clause 1.3.5. (once a year) Occasional work in the summer associated with painting equipment, buildings and structures. Working with power tools, chainsaws, gas trimmers.

Developed by:

Occupational safety specialist E.I. Pavlov

Citizen N. appealed to the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Central region Chelyabinsk with an application for the appointment of an early preferential pension on the basis of clause 2 of clause 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001.

List No. 2 of industries, works, professions, positions that give the right to preferential pensions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated August 22, 1956. No. 1173, Section XIV “POWER STATIONS, ENERGY TRAINS, STEAM POWER FACILITIES FOR PRODUCTION PURPOSES” provides for mechanics and electricians on duty, mechanics and electricians for the repair and maintenance of equipment and automation in the workshops: boiler rooms, machine (thermal power), fuel supply and dust preparation.

Work experience under difficult working conditions, giving the right to early retirement, was 7 years 10 months 27 days. Total work experience 40 years. Work experience is calculated from the corresponding entries in the work book, which is the main document confirming work experience.

The Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Central District of Chelyabinsk did not count the period of work at CHPP-2 as a mechanic for the repair and maintenance of equipment and automation in the turbine and boiler shops, although Required documents were presented to them for calculating their pension.

The decision of the Administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Central District of Chelyabinsk was appealed to the Branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for Chelyabinsk region, however, the decision of the Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of the Central Region was left unchanged.

A month before the expiration of the general statute of limitations, N. contacted me. And on time. I have established that the special work experience does not include periods of work in the thermal automatic measurement shop as an electrician on duty for servicing equipment in the turbine shop, or as an electrician in the same workshop.

N. worked constantly full-time as an electrician on duty in the thermal automation and measurement shop for the repair and maintenance of automation equipment in the boiler and turbine departments, which is confirmed by the employment order, staffing schedules of the boiler-turbine department, from which it follows that the boiler and turbine departments were located in boiler-turbine shop, personal account data.

The Thermal Automation and Measurement Shop was engaged in the maintenance and repair of automation and measurement equipment in the boiler and turbine shops. From the staffing schedules of the thermal automation and measurement workshop, we can see the presence of automation sections in the boiler and turbine shops.

In accordance with job description responsibilities included ensuring the operation of equipment through timely detection of faults and their prompt elimination, as well as monitoring the operation of equipment measuring equipment parameters. Workplace The electrician on duty was located between the boiler and turbine shops, which are located in the same building.

Later N. was transferred as an electrician to the same workshop where he worked until his dismissal. His responsibilities included: repair of measuring instruments, assembly, inspection, regulation, testing, adjustment. Installation of measuring instruments and secondary instruments of electromagnetic, electrodynamic, ferrodynamic, differential transformer circuits, checking by scale divisions indicated by numbers, checking system balance, vibration, eliminating defects in the kinematics mechanism, electrical and measuring circuits, kinematics regulation, balancing, calibration and testing. Metalworking of parts, etc.

We filed a lawsuit to cancel the decision of the UPFR of the Central District of Chelyabinsk and assign a pension from the moment the application was submitted. The claim was granted. The UPFR of the Central District of Chelyabinsk appealed the court decision to the court of second instance, but the decision was left unchanged.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve as agreed with the Ministry social protection population of the Russian Federation and Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the attached explanation "On the procedure for applying Lists No. 1 and productions, works, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pensions, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10, and additions to these Lists approved by the Resolution Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated August 9, 1991 N 591".

Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation

G. Memekian

Registration N 503

Explanation dated February 25, 1994 No. 3
"On the procedure for applying Lists No. 1 and 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pensions, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 No. 10, and additions to these Lists, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated August 9, 1991 N 591"
(approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 1994 N 18)

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, explains:

According to List No. 1 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which entitles the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms, pensions should be assigned to:

10200000 II. Ore preparation, enrichment, agglomeration 1020000а a) Workers 1020000а - Workers of repair services engaged in the repair 1753в of equipment at the places of its installation in areas (workplaces) where the main workers, leading technological process, enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: Repairmen Foreman of duty mechanics Foreman of on-duty electricians Foreman on duty Electricians on duty Metallurgical equipment repairers Metallurgical and cement equipment repairmen Fitters (electrical fitters) On-duty electricians Repair and repair electricians service electrical equipment For electricians-repairers Electricians (electricians) on duty (for operation) Electricians (electricians) for installation and repair Electrical and gas welders Electrical welders for manual welding Electrical mechanics (fitters) on duty and for equipment repair - as mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, manual electric welders welding, engaged in the repair of equipment in places where it is installed in areas (workplaces) in the production of ore and sand enrichment during the extraction of non-ferrous, precious metals and diamonds, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1. III. Metallurgical production (ferrous metals) 10301000 1. Blast furnace production 1030100a a) Workers 1030100a - Slingers engaged in hot areas 18897 works - as slingers engaged in hot work 10303000 3. Rolling, wheel-rolling, bandage-rolling, fork-rolling, tin-rolling, o zinc and lead production. Production of rail fastenings, cutting and stripping of hot metal. Heat treatment. Production of calibrated metal. 1030300a a) Workers 1030300a - Neutralization operators employed in work 10386 with sulfuric acid - as neutralization operators employed in work with hydrochloric acid 1030300a - Regeneration operators employed in work with 10921 sulfuric acid - as regeneration operators employed in work with hydrochloric acid, 1030300a - Operators of metallurgical production cranes 13792 engaged in hot work areas, as well as servicing pickling, tinning, galvanizing units - as operators of metallurgical production cranes engaged in hot work 10700000 VII. Metallurgical production (non-ferrous metals) 10705000 5. Production of metal by smelting and electrothermal methods 1070500a a) Workers 1070500a - Workers listed in this subsection 17531 employed in the production of silicon by the electrothermal method, - as workers of the same professions employed in the production of metal by smelting and electrothermal methods 1070500b b) Managers and specialists 1070500b - Masters, senior craftsmen engaged in the production of silicon 23187 by the electrothermal method, - as masters, senior craftsmen engaged in the production of metals by smelting and electrothermal methods 10720000 17. Production of rare metals, calcium, magnesium and titanium by metallurgical and chemical-metallurgical methods methods 1072000a a) Workers 1072000a - Workers listed in this subsection, 17531 employed in the production of silicon by chemical-metallurgical methods, - as workers of the same professions employed in the production of rare metals, calcium, magnesium and titanium by metallurgical and chemical-metallurgical methods 1072000b b ) Managers and specialists 1072000b - Masters, senior craftsmen engaged in the production of 23187 silicon by chemical-metallurgical methods - as masters, senior craftsmen engaged in the production of rare metals, calcium, magnesium and titanium by metallurgical and chemical-metallurgical methods 10900000 IX. Production of explosives, initiating substances, gunpowders and ammunition equipment 10904000 4. Production of cotton cellulose, pyroxylin and colloxylin 10904000 - Workers, managers and specialists employed 17541 full time in the technological process of production of colloxylin and in the repair of equipment in this production - as workers, managers and specialists employed full time in the technological process and repair during the preparation of pyroxylin, hypochlorite solutions, boiling, washing, bleaching and drying 11000000 X. Processing of oil, gas, gas condensate, coal and oil shale 11,000,000 - Commodity operators engaged in servicing 16,085 ethyl mixing plants in the production of gasoline ethylation, - as operators of technological units engaged in production listed in paragraph 1 11100000 XI. Metalworking 11101000 1. Foundry production 1111010a a) Workers 1110100a - Foundry workers using the directional crystallization method 13394 - as foundry workers of metals and alloys 11101000 b) Managers and specialists 1110100b - Foreman, senior foremen at knockout areas 23428 casting - as site foreman, senior foremen melting, casting areas (pouring), chill-pouring, heat treatment of casting and trimming departments, spans and sections of foundry production 11104000 5. Other metalworking professions 1110400a a) Workers 1110100a - Pouring needle-platinum products 12166 - as pourers of lead-tin alloys 12200000 XXII. Work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, beryllium and rare earth elements 12202000 2. Work on research, transport, pilot industrial nuclear reactors, on their prototypes and critical assemblies, pulsed reactors, experimental thermonuclear installations and powerful isotope gamma irradiation installations with an irradiator activity of 5 x 10 curies and above. 12202000 - Workers, managers and specialists 17541 permanently and directly engaged in operational, repair, adjustment and experimental work in conditions of radiation hazard when working at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories, design and development organizations 12203000 3. Work in storage facilities and warehouses of radioactive substances 12203000 - Workers, managers and specialists constantly 17541 employed in conditions of radiation hazard in the acceptance, repacking, packaging, storage and delivery of radioactive substances and sources with an activity of more than 10 millicuries of radium-226 or an amount of radioactive substances equivalent in radiotoxicity when working at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories, design and development organizations and medical institutions 12100000 XXIII. General professions 12100000 - Hot tinkers 13417 - as soldering and hot tinkers engaged in soldering and tinning of products with solders containing lead, as well as solders containing harmful substances Hazard classes 1 and 2 or carcinogens According to List No. 2 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators with harmful working conditions, the employment of which entitles the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms, pensions should be assigned to: 20300000 II. Ore preparation, enrichment, agglomeration (agglomeration, briquetting, pelletizing), roasting of ores and non-metallic minerals 2030000a a) Workers 2030100a - Workers engaged in the maintenance and repair of 17531 instrumentation and automation directly at their installation sites in areas (workplaces) where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: Electrical mechanics on duty for the operation of instrumentation and automatic control installations Assistant mechanics for the repair of scales Mechanics for instrumentation and automation Mechanics for the repair of scales Mechanics for the repair of instrumentation and automation Electrical mechanics (mechanics) for the repair and installation of instrumentation and automatic control installations Electrical mechanics for the repair of thermotechnical control devices and automation of thermal processes - as mechanics for instrumentation and automation, engaged in the enrichment of ores and sands in the extraction of non-ferrous and precious metals, diamonds, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation directly at the places of their installation in areas (workplaces) where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1 20900000 VIII. Metallurgical production (non-ferrous metals) 20911000 9. Alumina production 2091100a a) Workers 2091100a - Operators - hydrometallurgists employed in 10187 thickeners - as operator operators - hydrometallurgists employed in autoclaves and agitators, classifiers, causticizers, decomposers, pulp preparation, filtration 2 0922000 18. Getting rare metals, calcium, magnesium and titanium by metallurgical and chemical-metallurgical methods 2092200a - Workers, managers and specialists 17541 listed in this subsection, employed in the production of silicon by the chemical-metallurgical method, - as workers, managers and specialists of the same professions and positions employed on the production of rare metals, calcium, magnesium and titanium by metallurgical and chemical-metallurgical methods 21400000 XIII. Power plants, energy trains, steam power farm 2140000a a) Workers 2140000a - Fuel supply operators, subject to the use of 14261 solid fuel 2140000a - Mechanics, electricians, electricians of all 18,455 types engaged in the maintenance and repair of fuel supply equipment, subject to the use of solid fuel, as well as measuring and automation instruments that ensure the operation of this equipment 2140000a - Electrical mechanics for the repair of high-voltage 19,923 bushings, engaged in work in existing ( under rated voltage) electrical installations with a voltage of 330 kV and above - as electric mechanics for the repair of switchgear equipment engaged in work in existing (under rated voltage) electrical installations with a voltage of 330 kV and above 2140000a - electric mechanics under transformer repair, 19923 engaged in work in operating (under rated voltage) electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above - as electric mechanics for the repair of switchgear equipment, engaged in work in operating (under rated voltage) electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above 2140000a - Electrical mechanics - for reinforcement workers engaged in 19,923 works in existing (under rated voltage) electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above - as electric mechanics for the repair of switchgear equipment, engaged in work in operating (under rated voltage) electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above 2140000a - for electric mechanics for the repair of equipment and 19923 equipment of power plants, substations, indoor and outdoor switchgears, engaged in work in existing (under rated voltage) electrical installations with a voltage of 330 kV and above, - as electricians for the repair of equipment of dividing devices, engaged in work in operating (under rated voltage) under rated voltage) electrical installations with voltage 330 kV and above 21500000 XIV. Metalworking 21505000 5. Production of metal coating by galvanic method 2150500a a) Workers Dimensional etching etchers - like galvanizers (except for those employed only in hanging and removing parts, as well as in the automatic mode of closed baths) 21700000 XVI. Production of electronic products and radio equipment 21705000 3. Production of radio components 2170100a a) Workers 2170500a - Cleaners, subject to cleaning ceramics 12255 22100000 XX. Light industry 22102000 1. Textile industry 22102000 General professions 2210200a a) Workers 2210200a - Steaming operators employed in the 10251 production of hosiery - as shapers of knitted products engaged in the formation of hosiery and gloves 22400000 XXII. Food industry 22415000 15. Primary processing of hides at meat processing plants and agricultural enterprises 2241500a a) Workers 2241500a - Dismantlers of stacks of hides 12238 - as pickers of hides 2241500a - Balers of hides 12238 - as pickers of hides 23300000 XXXII. Work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation and beryllium 23301000 1. Work on research, transport and pilot-industrial nuclear reactors and their prototypes 23301000 - Workers, managers and specialists constantly 1754a engaged in work on purifying process water from induced radioactivity and radioactive fragments, as well as repairing technological equipment of treatment devices in conditions of radiation hazard, preferential pensions are assigned when working at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories, design and development organizations 23305000 5. Work on accelerator installations, neutron generators with a neutron output of 10 neutrons per second and more 23305000 - Workers, managers and specialists who constantly work 1754d and directly work in conditions of radiation hazard when carrying out experimental and operational work, as well as workers and specialists engaged in equipment repair (for actually worked time), preferential pensions are assigned when working at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories , design and development organizations 23306000 6. Work on the burial and transportation of radioactive substances; work on decontamination, degassing and dust removal of work clothes and equipment contaminated with radioactive substances and beryllium 23306000 - Workers, managers and specialists permanently 17541 engaged in assembly, processing, loading, unloading, transportation, storage and disposal of radioactive waste and beryllium, as well as decontamination and degassing of equipment, premises, collection, repair and decontamination and dust removal of work clothes, workers of sanitary checkpoints (showers) preferential pensions are assigned when working at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories, design and development organizations 23200000 XXXIII. General professions 23200000 - Electric and gas welders, cutters, engaged in 19758 cutting and manual welding, - as electric and gas welders engaged in cutting and manual welding 23600000 XXXIV. Nuclear energy and industry 8. Work in conditions of radiation and beryllium hazards 23608000 - All employees of factories with a non-shop structure, 17541 production facilities, workshops, mines, mines, quarries, mine administrations as mines, control and acceptance inspection and military acceptance, employed part-time in underground conditions and in conditions of radiation or beryllium hazards in industries provided for

Every profession has a negative impact on human health to a certain extent. Most activities can lead to problems in psychophysical terms. Emotional and moral stress - all this only aggravates the resulting physical stress. But a number of specialties associated with negative physical, chemical and biological factors are classified as a special group. People working in such areas receive appropriate compensation for harm.

List of professions with hazardous working conditions

Occupations related to the industrial sector have a high destructive impact on humans. For example, the preparation of chemical mixtures, compositions, processing of raw materials, production of non-ferrous/ferrous metals - all this negatively affects physical health due to the chemical additives used. Professions related to medical and laboratory research, including the use of harmful reagents, cause no less damage to the human body.

Special conditions, observed in such industries, cannot fully reflect the negative impact. Therefore, public and private enterprises require material compensation for work performed (allowances, bonuses, allocation of funds for visiting boarding houses). Such areas of activity with harmful conditions include:

  • metallurgy (production and processing of metals);
  • chemical industry;
  • rubber processing;
  • military sphere;
  • professions of a protective or rescue nature.

Conditions under which strong psychophysical stress occurs can be considered no less harmful. For example, working with seriously ill people, prisoners, and developmentally disabled people can negatively affect the morale of employees. In particular, this applies to employees of drug treatment and oncology centers, psychiatric clinics, and specialized boarding houses for military personnel who have been in hot spots.

Harmful and dangerous working conditions - list of professions

Industries associated with chemical and biological exposure factors can be not only harmful, but also dangerous. Specialties associated with heavy physical activity pose no less of a threat to the human body. The most dangerous areas in the world include the following:

  1. Installation and repair of electrical networks.
  2. Shipbuilding, ship repair, mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing.
  3. Mining and processing of coal and rocks.
  4. Oil and gas industry.
  5. Extraction of hazardous chemical elements.
  6. Forestry work.

Some types of professions (for example, in chemical laboratories, in metal production shops) are prohibited to women. Direct effects on the body, decreased immunity can lead to problems with childbirth. In some cases, insufficient physical training is another contraindication to women working in production.

List of professions with especially harmful working conditions

The manufacture of explosives, ammunition, and work with radioactive elements and radiation sources are classified as particularly dangerous. They can cause irreparable harm to health. Particularly harmful is working with elements that can irradiate cells and lead to their mutation. This category also includes work at nuclear and thermal power plants.

List of harmful professions for early retirement

Receipt of an early pension is determined not only by the type of activity of the specialist, but also by the length of service. The retirement age is recalculated according to the following rules: for men one year full work counts for 2 years, for women 1 year harmful work counts for 2 years and 4 months. The above types of activities and the following types of production fall under these benefits:

  • glass, porcelain, earthenware;
  • printing, pulp and paper;
  • electrical;
  • construction;
  • transport.

Institutions involved in health monitoring and checking the safety of individual elements and sources also deserve special attention. They are also classified as dangerous and require a preferential pension due to their high harmfulness.