Manufacturing instructions for switching to eu. Instructions for labor protection when performing work on operational switching in distribution networks. Labor protection requirements before starting work

These instructions on labor protection when performing work on operational switching in distribution networks available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. The labor protection instruction is the main document establishing the rules of behavior when performing operational switching in distribution networks and safety requirements when performing this type of work.
1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed preliminary training are allowed to work on operational switching in distribution networks. medical checkup and having no contraindications to performing operational switching in distribution networks, having the appropriate electrical safety group.
1.3. After completing training and testing of knowledge, the employee receives the right to perform operational switching, formalized administrative document by enterprise.
1.4. An employee performing operational switching in distribution networks must:
— comply with the requirements of this instruction;
- immediately inform the immediate supervisor, and in his absence, the foreman about the accident that has occurred and about all the malfunctions of structures, equipment and protective devices noticed by him;
— remember personal responsibility for failure to comply with safety requirements;
- keep it clean and tidy workplace and equipment;
— ensure the safety of protective equipment, tools, devices, fire extinguishing equipment and occupational safety documentation at your workplace.
1.5. An employee performing operational switching in distribution networks must undergo:
targeted instruction immediately before work;
— repeated instructions at least once a month;
— emergency training at least once every 3 months;
— fire drills at least once every six months;
— testing knowledge of labor protection requirements when operating electrical installations at least once a year;
— testing the knowledge of PTE, PPB of officials and production instructions at least once every three years;
— medical examination at least once every two years when performing steeplejack work;
— unscheduled briefing or extraordinary knowledge testing in accordance with the rules for organizing work with personnel at enterprises and institutions of energy production;
- in case of an accident, he is obliged to provide first aid to the victim before arrival medical personnel.
1.6. IT IS PROHIBITED to work with faulty devices, tools and protective equipment.
1.7. Failure to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions for an employee performing operational switching in distribution networks is considered a violation of production discipline. For violation of the requirements of the instructions, he is responsible in accordance with current legislation. Russian Federation.
1.8. In the process of work, a person performing operational switching work in distribution networks may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:
— harmful production factor - a production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to illness;
— hazardous production factor - a production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to injury;
— the following dangerous and harmful production factors occur;
— increased voltage value of the electrical circuit;
— reduced air temperature in the working area when performing work outdoors;
- work at height.
1.9. To protect against exposure to hazardous and harmful factors Appropriate personal protective equipment must be used.
1.10. To protect against electric shock, it is necessary to use electrical protective equipment: dielectric gloves, boots, galoshes, carpets, stands, pads, caps, grounding devices, insulating rods and pliers, voltage indicators, plumbing tools with insulating handles, fencing devices, posters and safety signs.
1.11. Work in areas with low ambient temperatures should be done in warm overalls with time intervals for warming up.
1.12. When staying in rooms with operating technological equipment (except for control panels), as well as those participating in the maintenance and major repairs of overhead lines, they are required to wear a protective helmet to protect their heads from impacts from random objects.
1.13. When working at a height of 1.3 m or more above the ground, floor, or platform, a safety belt must be used.
1.14. The person performing operational switching work in distribution networks should be given free of charge: overalls, special footwear, namely a cotton suit, jacket and trousers with insulating lining, tarpaulin boots and boots, cotton mittens and personal protective equipment: safety helmet, voltage detector, suit made of fire-resistant material, resistant to electric arcs, heat-resistant gloves, dielectric gloves, dielectric galoshes, safety belt, heat-resistant helmet with protective face shield, heat-resistant balaclava, goggles, work suit made of fire-resistant material, resistant to electric arcs arcs (winter), warm cotton mittens.
1.15. The protective equipment and clothing used must comply with the standards and technical specifications for their production.
1.16. The following hygiene requirements must be observed:
- wash your hands with soap before eating;
— do not use gasoline, kerosene and various solvents for washing hands;
- eat food only in a specially designated place;
- use only potable water for drinking;
- keep workwear, safety shoes and personal protective equipment clean and stored in a specially designated place.
1.17. Strictly follow the rules internal regulations enterprises.
1.18. Smoking on the territory of the enterprise and in production premises is permitted in specially designated and equipped areas.
1.19. It is unacceptable to drink alcohol while working on the territory and premises of the enterprise, as well as appearing at work drunk.
1.20. In accordance with Federal law No. 181 of July 17, 1999, every employee has the right to:
— compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
— obtaining information about working conditions and labor protection in the workplace, about the existing risk of damage to health;
— a workplace that meets labor protection requirements;
— training in safe labor methods and techniques at the expense of the employer;
- an extraordinary medical examination in accordance with medical recommendations with retention of his place of work and average earnings for the duration of the examination;
— provision of personal and collective protective equipment at the expense of the employer;
— refusal to perform work in the event of a danger to his life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements;
— personal participation or participation through its representatives in consideration of issues related to ensuring safe conditions labor at his workplace, and in the investigation of an accident at work or occupational disease.
1.21. Guarantees of workers' right to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements:
- working conditions provided for employment contract, must comply with labor protection requirements;
- in the event that the employee is not provided with personal and collective protective equipment, the employer does not have the right to demand that the employee fulfill labor responsibilities;
— in the event of harm to the life and health of an employee while performing his job duties, compensation for said harm is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.22. An employee who violates or fails to comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions is considered as a violator of production discipline and may be subject to disciplinary liability, and depending on the consequences - even criminal; if the violation is related to causing material damage, then the culprit may be prosecuted financial liability according to established order.


2.1. Inspect and put in order the overalls. Sleeves and tails of overalls should be fastened with all buttons, and hair should be tucked under the helmet. Clothes must be tucked in so that there are no hanging ends. Shoes must be closed and low heeled. DO NOT roll up the sleeves of workwear.
2.2. Check:
— completeness and suitability of protective equipment and devices.
— absence of external damage (integrity of the varnish cover of insulating protective equipment);
— absence of punctures, cracks, ruptures in dielectric gloves and boots, integrity of the glasses of safety glasses);
— the integrity of the assembler’s claws and manholes must be checked welds, carbide studs and their tightening, integrity of the firmware of belts and buckles;
— date of the next test (expiration date is determined by the stamp).
2.3. Protective equipment, instruments, tools and accessories with defects or with an expired test period must be removed and reported to your immediate supervisor.
2.4. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the orders issued to the teams to carry out the work.


3.1. Check at the workplace the integrity of the protective grounding elements of the equipment, the absence of destruction of reinforced concrete supports, as well as the integrity of the insulators of switching devices.
3.2. It is PROHIBITED in electrical installations for people, machinery and lifting machines to approach energized, unfenced live parts at distances less than those indicated in the table.
3.3. When inspecting electrical installations above 1000 V, IT IS PROHIBITED to enter rooms or chambers that are not equipped with fences or barriers that prevent approaching live parts at distances less than those indicated in the table above.
3.4. DO NOT open fence doors or penetrate fences and barriers.
3.5. When performing work on live parts energized up to 1000V, it is necessary:
— protect other live parts located near the workplace that are energized and that may be accidentally touched;
— work in dielectric gloves;
- use tools with insulating handles (screwdrivers must have an insulated shaft).
3.6. It is PROHIBITED to work in clothes with short or rolled up sleeves, and also to use hacksaws, files, metal meters, etc.
3.7. It is PROHIBITED to make switches if its purpose and the order of the operation are unclear.
3.8. When switching switching devices on and off and applying portable grounding (PE), the following safety measures must be observed:
— on overhead lines that are disconnected for repair, install and then remove portable grounding connections and turn on the grounding blades available on the supports, two workers from among the operating personnel must: one with group IV (on overhead lines with voltages above 1000 V) or group III (on overhead lines voltage up to 1000 V), the second - having group III. It is allowed to use a second employee with group III from among the repair personnel, and on overhead lines feeding the consumer - from among the consumer. One worker with a group of operational personnel is allowed to disconnect the grounding knives;
— in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, at least two people must install portable grounding connections: one with group IV (from among the operating personnel), the other with group III;
— before installing portable groundings, the absence of voltage on live parts must be checked (the serviceability of the voltage indicator must be checked with a special device or on an existing installation);
— when installing the PZ, IT IS FORBIDDEN to touch the grounding connection;
— switching switching devices above 1000 V with manual drive must be done using dielectric gloves.
3.9. Before making switching, you should make sure that the selected connection and switching device are correct.
3.10. It is PROHIBITED to violate the blocking without permission.
3.11. Before turning off or on the disconnector, the separator must be carefully inspected and the technical condition determined.
3.12. If cracks on insulators and other damage are found on the listed switching devices, operations with them are PROHIBITED.
3.13. At the beginning of operations with the disconnector, a test movement is made with the drive lever in order to ensure that the rods are in good condition and that there are no swings or breakages of the insulators.
3.14. Switching on of disconnectors by manual drive is carried out quickly, but without impact at the end of the stroke. When an arc appears, the knives should not be retracted, since when the contacts diverge, the arc can lengthen and cause a short circuit. The switching operation must continue to completion in all cases.
3.15. Switching off the disconnectors should be done slowly and carefully.
3.16. If, at the moment the contacts diverge between them, a strong arc occurs, the disconnectors must be turned on immediately and until the reasons for the formation of the arc are determined, no operations are performed with them, except when the magnetizing and charging currents are turned off. Operations in these cases must be carried out quickly to ensure that the arc on the contacts goes out.
3.17. In case of a ground fault in electrical installations of 6-10 kV, approaching the detected fault location at a distance of less than 4 m in an indoor switchgear, as well as on an overhead line at least 10 m is allowed only for operational switching in order to free people caught under voltage and localize damage. In this case, you should use electrical protective equipment.
3.18. Removing and installing fuses must be done when the voltage is removed.
3.19. At the same time, other technical measures must be carried out (checking the absence of voltage, applying grounding, etc.).
3.20. Under voltage, but without load, it is allowed to remove and install fuses at connections whose circuit does not contain switching devices that allow voltage removal.
3.21. Voltage transformer fuses can be replaced under voltage and under load.
3.22. When removing and installing live fuses, the following protective equipment must be used:
- in electrical installations up to 1000 V - with insulating pliers or dielectric gloves and safety glasses;
- in electrical installations above 1000 V - with insulating pliers (rod) using dielectric gloves and safety glasses.
3.23. DO NOT use uncalibrated fuses. Fuses must be suitable for current and voltage.
3.24. In electrical installations up to 1000 V, the use of “control” lamps to check the absence of voltage is not allowed due to the risk of injury from an electric arc and glass fragments.
3.25. In electrical installations above 1000 V, voltage indicators must be used with dielectric gloves.


4.1. In the event of an emergency (accident, fire, natural disaster), you should immediately stop work and report the situation to higher operational personnel.
4.2. In urgent cases, the necessary switches should be made in the electrical installation, followed by notification of higher operational personnel.
4.3. In case of fire:
4.3.1. Notify everyone working in the production area and take measures to extinguish the fire. Burning parts of electrical installations and live electrical wiring should be extinguished with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.
4.3.2. Take measures to call your immediate supervisor or other officials to the scene of the fire.
4.3.3. Depending on the operational situation, the local operational firefighting plan should be followed.
4.4. In the event of an accident, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the influence of the traumatic factor, provide him with first aid and inform his immediate supervisor about the accident. Call an ambulance by calling 103.
4.5. When releasing the victim from the action of electric current, you must ensure that you yourself do not come into contact with a live part or under step voltage.
4.6. If possible, preserve the situation if this does not lead to an accident and/or injury to other people, or record it in photos or videos.


5.1. Introduce changes that occurred during the working day into the diagram and operational documentation.
5.2. After completing the work, it is necessary to tidy up the workplace. Place protective equipment in the designated places
5.3. Take off overalls, put them and other personal protective equipment in a closet for storage. work clothes.
5.4. Report the completion of work and all problems and malfunctions of the tools and equipment used during the work, as well as other violations of labor safety requirements to the immediate supervisor.

Thanks to Timofey for providing the instructions! =)

6.2.4. Operational switching in electrical installations

One of the most complex and important tasks, requiring a thorough knowledge of the power supply circuit of an electrical installation, is the production of operational switching. Switchings are made in connection with the preparation of workplaces for performing various types of work in an electrical installation (installation, commissioning, repair, etc.), to ensure reliable, economical and safe power supply to production and for a number of other reasons related to operational dispatch control in the power system.

When making operational switches, there must be a clear delineation of the responsibilities of all levels of operational dispatch personnel. Switchings are carried out by order or with the knowledge of higher operational personnel, in operational management or whose jurisdiction the electrical equipment is located. In accordance with the consumer's electrical energy In general, this may be an oral or telephone order with an entry in the operational journal.

By Order No. 266 of June 30, 2003, the Russian Ministry of Energy approved the Instructions for Switching in Electrical Installations, which determines the order and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V.

The instructions are drawn up in accordance with federal legislation, PTE of power plants and networks, and labor protection rules.

Based on the specified instructions, local instructions for switching operations must be developed at power plants, in electrical networks and at other facilities, taking into account the features of normal and repair circuits of electrical connections of electrical installations, the design and composition of switchgear equipment, the features of relay protection and automation devices, and the procedure for operational maintenance of these facilities. The instructions must reflect the features and order of switching during operational maintenance of electrical equipment.

The content of the switching order and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the superior operational personnel issuing it, taking into account the complexity of the task, the necessary coordination of the actions of the operational personnel and the consistency of changes in electrical installation diagrams. The order specifies the purpose of switching and the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection circuits with the required degree of detail determined by superior operational dispatch personnel.

At power plants and substations with constant duty of operational personnel, the switching executor is simultaneously given no more than one task for carrying out operational switching, containing the operations of one intended purpose.

When eliminating faults in electrical networks with a voltage of 10 kV and below, it is allowed to carry out the next tasks without first informing the dispatcher about the completion of previous tasks.

The dispatcher's order to switch is considered completed if the person who received the order informed the dispatcher about its implementation.

Operational switching must be performed by an employee from among the operational personnel who directly services electrical installations. Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocking devices or have faulty interlocking devices, must be carried out according to programs or switching forms.

To difficult switchings These include switching operations that require a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection devices. Lists of complex switchings, approved by the technical manager of the enterprise (organization), technical managers of the relevant JSC-energos and power facilities, must be stored at control centers, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

Switching form (regular) is an operational document that provides a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors (knives), operational current circuits, relay protection and automation devices, operations to check the absence of voltage, applying and removing portable groundings, hanging and removing posters, as well as necessary (according to conditions for personnel safety and equipment safety) inspection operations.

Standard switching form is an operational document that specifies a strict sequence of operations when performing repetitive complex switching in electrical installations for specific electrical connection diagrams and states of relay protection devices.

When making complex switchings, it is not allowed to replace forms or switching programs with any other documents.

The switching forms indicate the most important personnel check actions:

checking the absence of voltage before applying grounding (turning on grounding blades) to live parts;

checking on-site the switched-on position of the bus coupling switch before starting operations to transfer connections from one bus system to another;

on-site check of the open position of the switch, if the next operation is with disconnectors;

checking on site or using signaling devices the position of each switching device of the primary circuit after the operation has been performed by this device;

checking at the end of the switchings the compliance of the switching devices in the relay protection and automation circuits with the mode cards.

The instructions strictly regulate the rules and procedure for application, registration, storage and reporting when using switching forms. Each operation or action in the switching form is recorded under a serial number (Appendix 5). The switching forms themselves must be numbered. Used switching forms are stored in the prescribed manner for at least 10 days.

Along with the general provisions on switching, the instructions contain the requirements and procedure for making operational switching in relay protection and automation circuits, when eliminating technological violations, when commissioning new equipment and conducting tests. The sequence of operations with switches, disconnectors, separators and load switches, as well as with switching devices for connecting lines, transformers, synchronous compensators and generators is given. The switching procedure is considered when transferring connections from one bus system to another, when taking equipment out for repair and when putting it back into operation after repair, etc.

When describing switching in power distribution networks In addition to the specifics of performing switches and general instructions for their implementation, the sequence of operations when performing individual specific types of switches is given. It is necessary to know and strictly follow the sequence of performing these operations.

Appendix 6 shows, as an example, the sequence of main operations when putting a supply cable line out for repair, and Appendix 7 shows the sequence of main operations when putting it back into operation after repair.

Electricity consumers must have lists of complex switching operations, approved by the technical manager of the organization, which must be stored at control centers, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

Complex switchings should usually be performed by two workers, one of whom is a supervisor.

Switching in electrical installations of different control levels and different objects is carried out according to switching programs (standard programs).

Switching program (standard program) is an operational document that specifies a strict sequence of operations when switching in electrical installations of different control levels or different power facilities.

The switching program is approved by the head of the dispatch control, who is operationally subordinate to all switched equipment.

If there is only one employee from the operational staff on a shift, the supervisor may be an employee from the administrative and technical staff who knows the layout of the electrical installation, the rules for making switchings and is authorized to carry them out.

In emergency cases (accident, natural disaster), as well as during emergency response, it is allowed, in accordance with local instructions, to carry out switching operations without orders or without the knowledge of superior operational personnel, followed by notification and recording in the operational log.

Switching in an electrical installation is permitted to be carried out by operating personnel who know its layout, the location of equipment and relay protection devices, are trained in the rules for performing operations with switching devices and clearly understand the sequence of switching, and have passed the test of knowledge of the PTE, safety rules and instructions. Admission to operational work permitted after duplication at the workplace.

The list of employees allowed to carry out switching operations (indicating which electrical installations), as well as the list of administrative and technical personnel supervising the implementation of switching operations, is approved by the head of the enterprise (organization).

The list of employees who have the right to conduct operational negotiations is approved by the person responsible for electrical equipment and transmitted energy supply organization and sub-subscribers.

In accordance with PTEEP, switching programs and forms, which are operational documents, must establish the order and sequence of operations when carrying out switching in electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations and relay protection circuits.

Switching programs (standard programs) should be used by managers of operating personnel when making switching in electrical installations of different management levels and different power facilities. Workers directly performing switching operations are allowed to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented by switching forms.

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, switching is carried out:

without switching forms - for simple switchings and in the presence of operating interlocking devices that prevent incorrect operations with disconnectors and grounding blades during all switchings;

according to the switching form - in the absence of locking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

Without forms, but with a subsequent entry in the operational log, switching is carried out during emergency response.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up forms, but with an entry in the operational log.

When switching in electrical installations, PTEEP requires the following procedure to be observed:

the employee who received the switching task is obliged to repeat it, write it down in the operational journal and establish the order of upcoming operations using the operational diagram or layout diagram, and draw up a switching form, if required. Negotiations between operational personnel should be extremely concise and clear;

if switching is performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, using the operational connection diagram, to the second worker participating in the switching, the order and sequence of upcoming operations;

if there are any doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

After completing the switching task, you should make an entry about this in the operational log.

Operating personnel directly performing switching operations are prohibited from unauthorizedly disabling interlocks.

In accordance with the requirements of the PUE, all switchgear must be equipped with operational blocking of incorrect actions during switching in electrical installations, designed to prevent incorrect actions with disconnectors, grounding blades, separators and short circuiters.

Operational blocking should exclude:

voltage supply by a disconnector to the area electrical diagram, grounded by a switched-on ground electrode (grounding blade), as well as to a section of the electrical circuit separated from the switched-on ground electrodes only by a switch;

turning on the grounding switch in a section of the circuit that is not separated by a disconnector from other sections, which can be either energized or without voltage;

switching off and on the load current disconnector.

Operational interlocking should ensure that in a circuit with a series connection of a disconnector to a separator, the unloaded transformer is turned on by the disconnector, and turned off by the separator.

Unblocking is permitted only after checking on site the switched-off position and finding out the reason for the blocking failure with permission and under the guidance of workers authorized to do so by written order of the consumer responsible for the electrical equipment.

When switching in electrical installations, operations involving the application and removal of portable grounding almost always take place. Operating personnel performing operations with portable groundings must comply with the following instructions.

Portable grounding connections must be numbered throughout the entire electrical installation and stored in certain places designated for this purpose, the numbering of which must correspond to the number on the portable grounding connection.

To save time on recording when handing over duty, it is recommended to use a special stamp for recording portable groundings, affixed in the operational log, for example, as shown in Table. 6.2.

Table 6.2

Stamp for recording portable groundings and a record of their locations

Grounding connections No. 1, 2 are under repair.

Grounding No. 40 is installed in cell 15 on CL5.

When taking equipment out for repairs and grounding it, the stationary grounding blades are turned on first, and then (if necessary) portable grounding connections are applied. When putting equipment into operation after repair, first all portable grounding connections are removed and placed in storage areas, and then the stationary grounding blades are disconnected.

The switching form is filled out by the person on duty who received the order to carry it out. The form is signed by both workers who carried out the switching. The supervisor during switching operations is the senior in position. Responsibility for the correctness of switching in all cases rests with both workers who performed the operations.

Disabling and energizing a connection that has a switch in its circuit must be done using a switch.

It is allowed to turn off and on by separators, disconnectors, detachable contacts of switchgear (KRUN) connections:

neutrals of power transformers with voltage 110–220 kV;

grounding arc suppression reactors with a voltage of 6-35 kV in the absence of a ground fault in the network;

magnetizing current of power transformers with voltage 6-220 kV;

charging current and ground fault current of overhead and cable power lines;

charging current of bus systems, as well as charging current of connections in compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents of the energy supply organization.

In ring networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV, it is allowed to turn off equalizing currents up to 70 A with disconnectors and close the network into a ring if the voltage difference across the open contacts of the disconnectors is no more than 5% of the rated voltage.

It is allowed to switch off and switch on a load current of up to 15 A using three-pole disconnectors for outdoor installation at a voltage of 10 kV and below.

It is allowed to remotely switch off by disconnectors a faulty 220 kV switch, shunted by one switch or a chain of several switches from other connections of the bus system, if disconnecting the switch can lead to its destruction and de-energization of the substation.

The permissible values ​​of currents switched off and on by disconnectors must be determined by the regulatory and technical documents of the energy supply organization.

The procedure and conditions for performing operations for various electrical installations must be regulated by local regulations.

Switches are mainly used as switching devices for making operational switching (manual or automatic on and off). Switches with arc-extinguishing devices are designed to turn on or off sections in the circuit through which load current, no-load current or current flows. short circuit(KZ).

Disconnectors are also designed for manual or automatic switching on or off, but de-energized sections of the circuit; They are allowed to perform the following operations:

turning on and off the charging current (transient and alternating steady current through capacitors of all types) of the busbar and equipment of all voltage classes (except for the current of power capacitor batteries);

turning on and off voltage transformers, power transformer neutrals and arc suppression reactors with a rated voltage up to 35 kV inclusive in the absence of a phase-to-ground fault or resonance in the network;

turning on and off electromagnetic type voltage transformers with a rated voltage of 110 kV and above;

shunting and de-shunting switches that are switched on (from the drives of which the operating current is removed) together with the adjacent busbar.

When switching in electrical installations, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence, avoiding the slightest errors that could lead to emergency situations in the electrical installation and electrical injuries.

This can happen, for example, during operational switching in networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV due to non-compliance with a certain sequence of operations with disconnectors and switches. The consequences of erroneously turning on or off the current by disconnectors depend on which disconnectors (bus or line) are used. The first to be turned on, and the last to be turned off, are those disconnectors, the incorrect operation of which can lead to more serious consequences.

For example, the sequence of typical operations with switching devices when turning on and off overhead lines and cable connections should be as follows.


the open position of the switch is checked; the bus disconnector is turned on;

the line disconnector is turned on;

the switch turns on.


the switch turns off;

the line disconnector is turned off; The bus disconnector is switched off.

The sequence of operations in switchgear with withdrawable elements when connecting overhead lines and cable lines should be as follows.


checks whether the switch is turned off;

The circuit breaker trolley moves from the control to working position;

the switch turns on. Disable:

the switch turns off; checks whether the switch is turned off;

the trolley with the switch moves to the control or repair position.

Disabling sectional disconnectors that are not interlocked with sectional switches (or in the absence of the latter) is carried out after removing the load from the disconnected bus system and providing the disconnectors with a visible break not only from the supply connections, but also from the outgoing feeders.

Despite the fact that the procedure for performing operational switching in electrical installations has remained unchanged for many years and has been worked out in detail, the readiness and safety of its implementation is largely determined by the level of organization of such work, the completeness and quality of the regulatory operational dispatch documentation listed above, the degree of responsibility and professionalism of the operational personnel of electrical installations of consumers and energy supply organizations.




1.1. This instruction defines the order and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V.
1.2. The instructions are drawn up in accordance with federal legislation, regulations technical operation power plants and networks, labor protection rules.
1.3. Based on this Instruction, instructions for making switching operations (hereinafter referred to as the instructions of power enterprises) are developed at power plants and electrical networks, taking into account the features of normal and “repair” electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations, the design and composition of switchgear equipment, features of relay protection and automation devices, and the procedure for operational maintenance of these facilities . The instructions of energy enterprises reflect the features and switching order during operational maintenance of new series of electrical equipment, including: thyristor and brushless excitation systems of generators, thyristor starting devices of gas turbines, reversible brushless excitation systems of synchronous compensators, static compensators, controlled shunt reactors, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers .
1.4. This Instruction is used by personnel involved in the development, coordination and approval of energy enterprise instructions for switching in electrical installations, as well as operational and administrative and technical personnel involved in carrying out operational switching. The energy company's instructions for operational switching in electrical installations are located at the workplace of operational dispatch personnel.
1.5. The operational personnel of energy facilities, power systems, and integrated ones include: operational personnel - personnel who directly influence the controls of electrical installations and carry out management and maintenance of electrical installations on shift; operational and repair personnel - personnel with the right to directly influence the controls of electrical installations; operational managers (dispatchers) - personnel who provide operational management during shifts of work of the objects assigned to them (energy systems, electrical networks, power plants) and the personnel subordinate to them.
1.6. Operating personnel of power plants, substations, electrical networks and energy systems include:
shift supervisors of electrical shops of power plants;
power unit shift supervisors;
electricians on duty at power plants;
electricians on duty at substations;
personnel of operational field teams.
Operational and repair personnel of electrical networks include repair personnel with the right to perform switching operations in electrical installations. The operational managers on shift are:
dispatcher of the Unified Energy System (Russia), unified energy system, intersystem electrical networks;
power system manager;
dispatcher of an enterprise (district, site) of the electrical network;
shift supervisor (duty engineer) of the power plant.
During the shift, operational managers, carrying out operational management of the operation of power systems, power plants and electrical networks, supervise the work of operational personnel when performing switchovers in electrical installations.
1.7. Operational status electrical equipment(generators, transformers, synchronous compensators, switching devices, busbars, live parts, power lines, etc.) is determined by the position of the switching devices, with the help of which it is switched off or energized and put into operation. Equipment accepted for operation is in one of the following operational states:
in operation, including in automatic reserve, under voltage;
in reserve;
under repair;
in conservation.
1.8. The equipment is considered to be in operation if the switching devices in its circuit are turned on and a closed electrical circuit is formed or can be automatically formed between the power source and the electricity receiver. Valve arresters, coupling capacitors, voltage transformers, surge suppressors and other equipment that are rigidly (without disconnectors) connected to the power source and are energized are considered to be in operation.
1.9. Equipment is considered to be in automatic reserve if it is turned off only by switches or separators that have an automatic drive to turn on, and can be put into operation by the action of automatic devices.
1.10. Equipment is considered to be live if it is connected by switching devices to one voltage source ( power transformer at idle, a power line connected from the side of the substation that feeds it, etc.). An unexcited generator (or synchronous compensator) disconnected from the network, but continuing to rotate, with the field suppressor switched off, is considered to be energized.
1.11. Equipment is considered to be in reserve if it is turned off by switching devices and it is possible to put it back into operation using these switching devices.
1.12. Equipment is considered to be under repair if it is switched off by switching devices, fuses are removed or disconnected, grounded and prepared in accordance with the requirements of safety rules for repair work.
1.13. Each relay protection and automation device can be in the following state:
included (introduced) into work;
disconnected (taken out of operation);
shut down for maintenance.
1.14. A relay protection device is considered to be in operation if all output circuits, including the contacts of the output relays of this device, are connected to the control circuits of the turning on or off control electromagnets of the switching devices using overlays (blocks, keys).
1.15. A relay protection device is considered disabled if all output circuits, including the contacts of the output relays of this device, are disconnected by overlays (blocks, keys) from the turning on or off control electromagnets of the switching devices.
1.16. A relay protection device is considered disabled for maintenance (operational testing) if it cannot be put into operation due to a malfunction of the device itself or its circuits, as well as for carrying out preventive work on the device or its circuits.
1.17. Switching in the normal operating mode of an electrical installation when transferring equipment and relay protection devices from one state to another, as well as switching associated with changes in the operating modes of the equipment and relay protection devices, are carried out by operational personnel by order of the operational manager, under whose operational control this equipment and devices are located RZA.
1.18. In normal operating mode, operations with equipment and relay protection devices that are under the operational control of the dispatcher can be performed only after receiving his permission. Permission is given in general view, for example: “I authorize the shutdown of power unit No. 1”; “I authorize the commissioning of the second 110 kV busbar system,” etc. Having received permission to perform switching, the operational manager or operational personnel in whose operational control this equipment and relay protection devices are located, establishes the sequence of operations necessary in this case and gives the order to switch to the operational personnel of energy enterprises.
1.19. In power distribution networks with voltages up to 35 kV inclusive, in the absence of operational dispatch control, switching can be carried out by order of authorized administrative and technical personnel, who in this case perform the functions of a dispatcher. The list of electrical installations for which this switching procedure has been adopted is established by order of the enterprise. The admission of administrative and technical personnel to perform the duties of a dispatcher is carried out after testing their knowledge in the manner established by the management of the electrical network enterprise.
1.20. In urgent cases (if there is a clear danger to human life or the safety of equipment, an accident, a natural disaster, a fire, a technological disruption in the operation of an energy facility), the operational personnel of the energy enterprise are allowed to independently carry out the necessary switching of equipment in this case that is under operational control or operational management of superior operational dispatch personnel, without receiving orders or permission from the dispatcher, but with subsequent notification of all completed operations as soon as such an opportunity arises.
1.21. The following abbreviations and terms are used in the Instructions:
AB - automatic switch;
AVR - automatic switching on of reserve;
AGP - automatic damping of the magnetic field of a generator or synchronous compensator;
JSC-Energo - regional Joint-Stock Company energy and electrification;
Automatic reclosure - automatic reclosure;
APVT - automatic restart of the transformer;
ARV - automatic excitation regulator:
ARKT - automatic regulator of transformer transformation ratio;
ASDU - automated system dispatch control;
APCS - automated control system technological processes;
AT - autotransformer;
VL - overhead power line;
DZO - differential protection of the busbar;
ДЗШ - differential protection of busbars;
DFZ - differential phase protection;
DGR - arc suppression reactor;
EES - united energy system;
ZN - grounding blades of the disconnector;
KZ - short circuit;
CL - cable power line;
KRU - complete switchgear;
KRUN - complete switchgear for outdoor installation;
MTP - mast transformer substation;
MUT - turbine power control mechanism;
MES - intersystem electrical networks;
OB - bypass switch;
OVB - operational mobile team;
OD - separator;
ODS - operational dispatch service;
UES - unified electric power system;
PA - emergency automatics;
PES - electric networks enterprise;
RU - switchgear;
Relay protection and automation - relay protection and electrical automation;
RP - distribution point;
RPN - transformer voltage regulation switch under load;
RES - area of ​​electrical networks;
SV - sectional switch;
SN - own needs;
SDTU - dispatch and process control facilities;
SS - bus system;
TN - voltage transformer;
TP - transformer substation;
TS - telesignaling;
TSN - auxiliary transformer;
CT - current transformer;
TU - telecontrol;
Breaker failure protection device;
CDS - central dispatch service;
CPU - power center;
SHSV - bus connecting switch.
Switching form (usual) - an operational document that provides a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors (knives), operational current circuits, relay protection devices, emergency and regime automation, operations to check the absence of voltage, applying and removing portable groundings, hanging and removing posters, as well as necessary (for the safety of personnel and safety of equipment) inspection operations.
A standard switching form is an operational document that specifies a strict sequence of operations when performing repeated complex switching in electrical installations for specific electrical connection diagrams and states of relay protection devices. Switching program (standard program) is an operational document that specifies a strict sequence of operations during switching in electrical installations of different control levels or different power facilities. Remote control - control of a switching device from a control post (panel, console) remote to a safe distance. Local government- control of the switching device from a local button or control key located near the switching device.


2.1. Switching order
2.1.1. Before issuing an order to carry out switching, the operational manager is recommended to find out the state of the electrical installation circuit, the readiness of the operating personnel to carry out switching, the availability of a form (program) for switching, the presence of a supervisory person, etc. The dispatcher usually gives the order to switch directly to the operational manager of a lower level of management. The person receiving the switching order repeats the text to the one giving the order and writes it down in the operational journal. It is allowed to transfer an order to switch to the duty officer of an electrical installation, with whom direct communication has been disrupted, through the duty officer of another electrical installation, who writes the order in his operational journal or on a sound recording tape (if there is a sound recording of the negotiations), and then transmits the order to its destination.
2.1.2. In case of urgent need and in the absence of a power plant shift supervisor at the control panel, the power system dispatcher gives an order to perform a single operation on equipment (including relay protection and automation) under his operational control directly to the shift supervisor of the electrical shop or to the electrician on duty at the main (central) control panel (for example, about remote turning on or off of a circuit breaker, about switching in relay protection circuits, etc.). The specified operational personnel carries out the order of the dispatcher, reports this to the dispatcher who gave the order and the shift supervisor of the power plant.
2.1.3. The content of the switching order and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the superior operational personnel issuing it, taking into account the complexity of the task, the necessary coordination of the actions of the operational personnel and the consistency of changes in electrical installation diagrams. The order on switching indicates the purpose of switching and the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection circuits with the required degree of detail determined by higher operational dispatch personnel. When switching in relay protection and automation circuits, the names of the connections, relay protection devices (automation) and the operations that are performed are named.
2.1.4. The order to switch is given in a clear content, precise and as short as possible. The giver and receiver of the order clearly understand the sequence of execution of the intended operations and the admissibility of their implementation under security conditions, the state of the circuit, and the operating mode of the equipment and network. Operational personnel are not allowed to carry out orders that are unclear to them.
2.1.5. At power plants and substations with constant duty of operational personnel, the switching executor is simultaneously given no more than one task to carry out operational switching, containing operations for the same purpose.
2.1.6. In order to save time and rational use of transport, the OVB personnel servicing substations and distribution networks are allowed to simultaneously issue several switching tasks, indicating the order in which they should be completed. The number of tasks issued to one brigade is determined by the person giving the order. Tasks are recorded in the EOD operational log in the order in which they are completed. EOD personnel begin performing each next task after informing the dispatcher about the completion of the previous task and only after receiving his permission to perform the next task. When eliminating faults in electrical networks of 10 kV and below, it is allowed to carry out the next tasks without first informing the dispatcher about the completion of previous tasks.
2.1.7. The orders of the superior operational dispatch personnel on issues within their competence are mandatory for execution by the operational dispatch personnel subordinate to them. If the order of the superior operational dispatch personnel seems erroneous to the subordinate operational dispatch personnel, he immediately reports this to the person who gave the order. When the order is confirmed, the operational dispatch personnel carries it out. Orders of superior operational dispatch personnel containing violations of the requirements of safety rules, as well as orders that could lead to equipment damage, loss of MV power to a power plant, substation, or de-energization of category I consumers, are not allowed. The operational dispatch personnel report their refusal to carry out the order to the superior operational dispatch personnel who issued the order and the relevant administrative and technical manager, and also record it in the operational journal (indicating the reason for the refusal).
2.1.8. Switches on electrical equipment and in relay protection and automation devices that are under the operational control of superior operational dispatch personnel are made by his order, and those under his jurisdiction - with his permission.
2.1.9. The dispatcher's order to switch is considered fulfilled if the dispatcher is informed about it by the person who received the order.
2.1.10. If the equipment is under the operational control of superior operational personnel, then the time of obtaining permission for switching and the time of reporting the end of switching to the person who authorized them is recorded in the operational journal or on audio tape (if there is an audio recording of negotiations) similar to records of switching carried out on the orders of a superior operational personnel in whose operational control the equipment is located.
2.1.11. Superior operational dispatch personnel give permission for switching in general terms (without listing individual operations) after checking the possibility of their implementation according to the scheme, checking the operating mode of the equipment and carrying out the necessary regime measures.

2.2. Switching forms

2.2.1. Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocking devices or have faulty interlocking devices, are carried out according to programs and switching forms. Complex ones include switching that requires a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection devices, emergency and regime automation. When performing the sequence of operations specified in the programs and switching forms, the safety of operating and maintenance personnel is ensured and the occurrence or development of a malfunction in the operation of the electrical installation is prevented. Along with conventional switching forms, standard programs and standard switching forms are developed and used for repeated complex switchings. When performing complex switching operations, it is not allowed to replace forms or switching programs with any other operational documents.
2.2.2. For each power plant, substation and electrical installation of electrical distribution networks, lists of switching types performed using conventional switching forms, standard switching forms and programs are developed, as well as a list of switching types that can be performed without switching forms. Each list indicates the number of operational personnel involved in certain switches. Lists of complex switchings, approved by the technical managers of the relevant JSC-energos and power facilities, are stored at the control centers of JSC-energos and power facilities, central (main) control panels of electrical stations and substations.
Lists of complex switchings are revised when the circuit, equipment composition, protection and automation devices change.
2.2.3. The usual switching form is drawn up by the operational or operational-maintenance personnel who will carry out the switching, after recording the order in the operational journal. It is allowed to draw up a switching form in advance during the shift by the specified personnel.
2.2.4. Standard switching forms are developed in advance by the personnel of power enterprises in relation to complex switchings in the main electrical connection circuit of an electrical installation, in auxiliary circuits, and relay protection devices, taking into account the fact that switchings containing operations with secondary switching equipment in emergency system automation circuits are among the complex ones. Standard switching forms are signed at power plants by the heads of electrical shops and their deputies for relay protection and automation; at electrical network enterprises - by the heads of the ODS and the heads of local relay protection and automation services (MS RPA). Standard switching forms are agreed upon with the head of the ODS or CDS, under the operational management of which the equipment is located, and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.
2.2.5. Switching programs (standard programs) are used by operational managers when making switching in electrical installations of different management levels and different power facilities. The switching program is approved by the head of the dispatch control, who is operationally subordinate to all switched equipment. The level of detail of programs is taken to correspond to the level of dispatch control. Persons directly performing switching operations are permitted to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented by switching forms. Standard programs and switching forms are promptly adjusted in the event of changes in the main electrical connection diagram of electrical installations associated with the introduction of new equipment, replacement or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of switchgears, as well as the inclusion of new relay protection and automation devices or changes in electrical installations. With planned changes in the scheme and operating modes of the UES, power system and changes in relay protection and automation devices, the production services of integrated power systems and power systems, which manage the equipment and relay protection devices, make the necessary changes and additions in advance to standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels of operational management.
2.2.6. Switching forms, which are operational documents, establish the order and sequence of operations when carrying out switching in electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations and relay protection circuits. Switching forms (standard forms) are used by operational dispatch personnel who directly perform switching. The switching form (regular and standard) records all operations with switching devices and operational current circuits, operations with relay protection and automation devices (as well as with the power circuits of these devices), operations on turning on and off grounding blades, applying and removing portable groundings, equipment phasing operations, results of inspection of support-rod insulators (presence of cracks and chips) before operations with disconnectors, operations with telemechanics devices and others in a certain sequence of their implementation. The switching forms indicate the most important testing actions of personnel: checking the absence of voltage before applying grounding (turning on grounding blades) to live parts; checking on-site the switched-on position of the bus coupling switch before starting operations to transfer connections from one bus system to another; on-site check of the open position of the switch, if the next operation is with disconnectors; checking on site or using signaling devices the position of each switching device of the primary circuit after the operation has been performed by this device; checking at the end of the switchings the compliance of the switching devices in the relay protection and automation circuits with the mode cards. Each operation (or action) in the switching form is recorded under a serial number. Immediately before switching using a regular switching form, the correctness of the operations recorded in it is checked using an operational diagram (or layout diagram), which accurately reflects the actual position of the switching devices of the electrical installation at the time of verification. After checking, the switching form is signed by two persons - those performing the switching and those monitoring them. When switching is carried out by one person from the operational staff, the correctness of the switching form is controlled by the operational manager who gave the order for the switch, and his name is entered on the form. At power plants, when the shift supervisor of the electrical shop (as a supervisor) and the electrician on duty (as the one performing the operation) participate in switching operations, the inscription “I authorize switchings” is written on the switching form, signed by the shift supervisor of the power plant.
2.2.7. When using standard switching forms, the following conditions are met:
a) decision to apply standard form switching when performing specific operations is accepted by the person performing the switching and the controlling person;
b) on the standard switching form it is indicated for which connections, for which task and for which electrical installation circuit it can be used;
c) before starting switching, the standard switching form is checked against the operational diagram or layout diagram of the electrical installation by the supervisor. About checking the standard switching form and the correctness of the sequence of operations and verification actions set out in it, a record is made in the operational log after recording the dispatcher's order for switching, stating that the corresponding standard switching form has been checked, corresponds to the diagrams and switching in the sequence specified in it can be performed. It is allowed to make the specified entry in the standard switching form signed by the person performing the operations and the person controlling the switching data;
d) it is not allowed to use a standard switching form if the electrical installation diagram or the state of the relay protection devices does not correspond to the diagram for which the standard form was drawn up. Operational personnel are not allowed to make changes or additions to the standard switching form if it corresponds to the scheme and specifications;
e) if changes have occurred in the primary connection diagram or relay protection and automation circuits of an electrical installation that preclude the possibility of performing operations on individual items of the standard switching form, or errors are found in the standard switching form, the operating personnel of the power plant or substation makes an appropriate entry in the operational log and reports this to the persons who signed the standard switching form, or to the persons replacing them in their position, as well as to the operational manager. The use of a standard switching form in this case is not allowed and a regular switching form is drawn up;
f) in the case when, when using a standard switching form for carrying out the next operation, the issued electrical installation needs to receive an order from the dispatcher (for example, an order to turn on the grounding blades on the power line being disconnected), in the standard switching form, before recording this next operation, a note is made “Performed by order dispatcher."
2.2.8. In case of complex switching in electrical installations using conventional and standard switching forms, it is allowed to involve persons from among the employees of local relay protection and automation services assigned to these devices in performing individual operations in relay protection and automation circuits. The relay protection and automation service worker involved in the switching checks the correctness and order of the operations recorded in the switching form, signs the switching form as a participant in the switching and performs the next operations in the relay protection and automation circuits on the orders of the person performing the switching in the primary connection diagram. In this case, orders and messages about their implementation can be transmitted using means of communication.
2.2.9. Switching forms (regular and standard) are reporting documents and are strictly accounted for. Backup copies of both regular and standard operational switching forms issued to operational personnel are numbered. The numbers of all backup switching forms issued to operational personnel are recorded in the operational log. When turning in a shift, the numbers of the last used (filled out) forms are indicated. Used switching forms (including damaged ones) are stored in the order of their numbers. Used switching forms are stored for at least 10 days. The correctness of filling out, applying and maintaining reports on switching forms is periodically monitored by the management of the electrical department at power plants and operational personnel in electrical networks.

2.3. General provisions about switching

2.3.1. All switching at power plants and substations is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the energy companies.
2.3.2. Switching in an electrical installation is permitted to be performed by operating personnel who know its layout, the location of equipment and relay protection devices, are trained in the rules for performing operations with switching devices and clearly understand the sequence of switching, and have passed the test of knowledge of technical operating rules, safety rules and production instructions. Admission to operational work is permitted after duplication at the workplace. It is not allowed to perform switches (even individual operations) by persons who do not have the right to do so. The list of persons authorized to carry out switching operations (indicating which electrical installations), as well as the list of administrative and technical personnel supervising the implementation of switching operations, is approved by the head of the enterprise (organization).
2.3.3. The duty officer receives and issues a transfer order in the following order:
a) having received an order to switch, writes it down as a “draft”, repeats it from the recording and receives confirmation from the dispatcher that the order has been understood correctly;
b) records the task in the operational journal;
c) checks the sequence of operations using the operational diagram (layout diagram) and, if necessary, draws up a switching form or prepares a standard switching form for use. If there is a sound recording of the negotiations, the task is recorded in the operational journal in general form without listing the operations. The tape with the sound recording of the negotiations is stored for ten days from the date of the last recording, unless a request is received to extend the storage period. The purpose of the received order and the sequence of upcoming operations are explained to the second person if he is involved in participation in the switching. 2.3.4. Switching in electrical installations, with the exception of complex ones, can be carried out individually - with one person on duty per shift - or by two persons - with two people on duty per shift or as part of the internal control department. Complex switchings are performed by two persons, one of whom is a supervisor. All other switchings, if there is a working locking device, can be performed individually, regardless of the composition of the shift. When switching is carried out by two persons, the supervisor, as a rule, is the senior person, who, in addition to the functions of operational control, exercises control over the switching as a whole. In some cases, the direct execution of operations in accordance with the instructions of the energy enterprise may be assigned to a senior person. If there is one person from among the operational dispatch personnel on a shift, the controlling person may be a person from the administrative and technical personnel authorized to perform switching operations. Before switching begins, he gets acquainted with the operational scheme and makes an entry in the operational log. When more than two persons participate in switching, including an authorized person from the relay protection and automation service personnel, control over the correctness of switching is assigned to all persons participating in the switching. During switching, it is not allowed to change the distribution of responsibilities between switching participants established by the instructions of the power company. It is not allowed to start performing operations alone if two people are involved in switching. 2.3.5. Switching according to the switching forms is carried out in the following order: a) at the switching site, the personnel carefully checks the name of the connection and the name of the device on which the operation is to be carried out using the inscription, and their compliance with those indicated in the switching form. Switching from memory is not allowed without reading the inscription on the device; b) after making sure that the selected connection and device are correct, the controlling person reads out the contents of the operation or test action to be performed on the switching form; c) the person performing the operation repeats its contents and, having received permission from the controlling person, performs the operation. In case of excessive density of control devices on consoles and panels, the following procedure for performing the operation is recommended: the person performing the operation takes the control key (overlay, test block, etc.) and repeats the content of this operation; the controlling person makes sure that the control key (overlay, etc.) is selected correctly and the content of the operation being performed is understood, and then gives permission to carry it out; the person making the switch performs the operation. When performing switches, one person on duty reads out the contents of the upcoming operation from the switching form, and then it is carried out; d) immediately after performing individual operations or check actions, notes are made on the switching form about their completion in order to exclude the possibility of missing any operation; e) before the start and at the end of switching operations, the switching form indicates the date and time of the start and end of the operations. The used form is crossed out and placed in the folder of used switching forms. It is not allowed to change the switching sequence established in the form. If doubts arise about the correctness of the switching operations being carried out, the sequence of operations is checked according to the operational diagram or layout diagram; if necessary, an appropriate explanation is obtained from the operational manager who gave the order for the switch. 2.3.6. During switching, conversations that are not directly related to the task being performed are not allowed; Interruptions in switching if not necessary are also undesirable. During switching operations, it is not allowed to distract operating personnel to other issues or work that are not included in the scope of the operations performed. If during switching there was a forced break (for example, due to the elimination of technological violations), then interrupted switching is started only after checking the compliance of the switching form with the new state of the circuit. In this case, the execution of the last operation marked in the switching form is checked. If a discrepancy in the scheme is detected, a new form switching. 2.3.7. At the end of the switching, a record is made in the operational log about all operations with switching devices, changes in relay protection and automation circuits, turning on (turning off) grounding blades, applying (removing) portable groundings, indicating their numbers and locations. The procedure for recording, applying and removing groundings is specified in the appendix. 1. When carrying out operations on a switching form, the operational journal indicates the number of the switching form on which the operations were carried out, indicating the installed (removed) groundings, and a record is made of changes in the primary circuit of the electrical installation. In switching forms and entries in the operational log, the use of abbreviated names of equipment is allowed in accordance with the instructions of the power company. All changes in the electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations and in the circuits of relay protection and automation devices made during switching, as well as the installation locations of grounding, are reflected in the operational diagram or mnemonic diagram (layout diagram) upon completion of the switching. The procedure for maintaining an operational diagram and a layout diagram of electrical connections of power plants and substations is specified in the appendix. 2. The completion of switching is reported to the dispatcher who gave the order to switch. 2.3.8. The power company's instructions indicate a switching order that eliminates the occurrence of resonance in the 110 - 500 kV switchgear and high levels high-frequency switching overvoltages. It is not allowed to disconnect voltage transformers of the NKF series using disconnectors after the occurrence of a ferroresonant process, regardless of the type of drive (manual or remote controlled). It is not allowed to carry out scheduled switching by disconnectors of voltage transformers of 110 kV and above that are energized, if there are valve arresters of the RVMG type, as well as the RVS type, connected to the busbars or other connections of this switchgear, which have significant deviations of characteristics from the standard ones. 2.3.9. It is recommended to make scheduled switchings during off-peak hours. The start time of planned switchings in each specific case is determined by the dispatcher, whose operational control and operational authority is this equipment. It is not allowed to make scheduled switches during peak load hours and during a thunderstorm or hurricane, as well as to start switching half an hour before the end of the shift of operational dispatch personnel. Before complex switching operations planned at night, it is recommended to inspect the equipment of open switchgears in daytime(with journal entry). Switching can be carried out when the illumination at the workplace is sufficient to clearly determine the position of the switching devices and read the inscriptions on the equipment and switching devices. 2.4. Switching in relay protection and automation circuits 2.4.1. Operating personnel become familiar with the principles of operation of relay protection and automation devices, automated process control systems, PA, ASDU used in a given electrical installation, as well as with the purpose and location on panels of fuses and circuit breakers, test blocks and circuit breakers, switching and disconnecting devices, with the help of which switching is carried out in relay protection schemes. When switching in electrical installations, operating personnel promptly perform all necessary operations with relay protection and automation devices in accordance with the requirements of the power company’s instructions. 2.4.2. Power electrical equipment and power lines can be energized or in automatic reserve only with switched on relay protection against all types of damage. When out of service or malfunction individual species protection relay protection devices remaining in operation provide complete protection of electrical equipment, bus systems and power lines from all types of damage. If this condition is not met, then temporary high-speed protection is implemented or acceleration of backup protection is introduced, otherwise the connection is disabled. 2.4.3. If there are high-speed relay protections and breaker failure protection, all operations for switching on lines, busbars and equipment after repair or being without voltage, as well as switching with disconnectors and air circuit breakers, are carried out with these protections put into operation. It is not allowed to disable the differential protection of busbars when performing operations with busbar disconnectors and air circuit breakers that are energized. Before starting operations with bus disconnectors, the serviceability of the differential protection of the buses is checked (by measuring the unbalance current). When differential bus protection is disabled, operations with bus disconnectors and air circuit breakers of 110 kV and above (under voltage) are performed with accelerations introduced on the corresponding backup protections or with temporary protections enabled. If work in the differential protection circuits of the buses of node substations with voltages of 110 kV and above requires a short-term (up to 30 min) removal of this protection from operation, it is allowed not to turn on the acceleration of the backup protections for the period before its return to operation, but in this case, as a rule, no operations to turn on or off busbar disconnectors and energized air circuit breakers are performed within the coverage area of ​​this protection. During operations with bus disconnectors and air circuit breakers, roll-out trolleys of switchgear, automatic reclosure devices of busbars, automatic transfer switches of sectional and busbar connecting circuit breakers are switched off. 2.4.4. When changing the fixation of connections on bus systems, putting a circuit breaker into operation after completion of its repair, as well as in other cases related to switching in switchgear with voltages of 330 kV and higher, operations in the current circuits of differential protection of busbars and breaker failure protection are performed by the personnel of the relay protection and automation service. It is allowed to carry out these operations by operating personnel, provided that all switching is carried out using test blocks and according to standard switching forms. Operations in the secondary circuits of current and voltage transformers, including test units, are carried out with the removal of the corresponding relay protection devices (or their individual stages), which, due to the principle of operation and settings (settings), can operate falsely during the execution of these operations. 2.4.5. Before disconnecting the relay protection device acting on the start of the breaker failure, the start of the breaker failure is first disabled by this protection. The breaker failure protection overlay is switched to the “On” position after the protection that initiates the breaker failure is activated. 2.4.6. When removing power transformers for repair, personnel ensure that the neutral grounding “mode” of a given electrical installation or network section is maintained. The instructions of energy enterprises indicate the measures that are taken when turning off or turning on transformers. When transformers (autotransformers, shunt reactors) with a forced cooling system that do not have their own switches or are connected according to the “one and a half”, “4/3” scheme with subsequent switching on of the switches are taken out for repair, measures are taken to prevent their shutdown after the cooling system is turned off. transformer repair. 2.4.7. When performing operations with linear disconnectors of overhead power lines of 110 kV and above or when transferring them through a bypass switch for the duration of operations with linear disconnectors, as a rule, the automatic reclosure device of the line from the opposite side is taken out of operation. 2.4.8. For complex switching in relay protection and automation devices, persons from the relay personnel of the enterprise are involved. 2.5. Switchovers when eliminating technological violations 2.5.1. Elimination of technological violations in electrical installations is carried out in accordance with the instructions of energy enterprises, compiled on the basis of the instructions higher authority operational management. In case of fire, operating personnel act in accordance with the instructions of energy companies and the operational fire extinguishing plan. 2.5.2. Switchovers during the elimination of accidents and technological violations (incidents) are carried out in the same order and sequence as set out in this Instruction and the instructions of energy enterprises. In this case, deviations from the requirements of safety rules are not allowed. 2.5.3. When inspecting relay protection and alarm panels, note all triggered indicator relays (with chalk or other means) and transmitted signals about the activation of devices, write down which relay protection devices were triggered. Before switching on the equipment again, the signals are acknowledged and the indicator relay flags are raised. It is not allowed to restart switched off equipment without acknowledging the indicator relays. If it is impossible to acknowledge the signals, in the absence of actual signs of activation of the relay protection and automation devices and the conditions for their operation, the decision on the possibility of turning on the disabled equipment is made by the operational manager in whose control the disabled equipment is located. Operating personnel take readings from weapons of mass destruction devices, recording devices, and make an initial assessment of the correct operation of relay protection and automation devices. 2.5.4. When eliminating technological violations or to prevent them, it is allowed to make switches without using switching forms with subsequent entries in the operational log after eliminating the technological violation. 2.5.5. When eliminating technological violations in the event of a malfunction of operational blocking devices, failure of switches or other switching devices to turn off (turn on), operating personnel may be given permission to independently release the specified blocking devices after thoroughly checking the circuit and the correctness of the previous operations. Permission to release in these cases is given by the operational manager at the change of enterprise (power plant, electrical network). 2.5.6. When eliminating technological violations in the absence of communication with the dispatcher, operational personnel independently perform operations with switching devices and relay protection devices in cases provided for by the instructions of energy enterprises for eliminating technological violations. He reports the completed operations to the dispatcher, under whose operational control or operational control these devices and devices are located, as soon as communication is restored. 2.6. Switching during commissioning of new equipment and testing 2.6.1. The activation and operation of newly commissioned electrical installations and equipment, as well as special testing of equipment are carried out according to programs agreed upon with the relevant production services and approved by the head of the JSC-energo or enterprise, depending on the method of dispatch control of the equipment. The programs are drawn up in accordance with the regulations on the procedure for the development, coordination and approval of test programs for thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants , in energy systems, thermal and electrical networks. 2.6.2. Switching in electrical installations associated with switching on newly introduced equipment or special tests is carried out according to switching forms drawn up in accordance with approved programs, under the guidance of the operational manager of the enterprise or power system - depending on the nature of the tests. If special tests are carried out over two shifts or more, it is recommended to prepare switching forms in advance - before the start of the tests. 3. PERFORMANCE OF SWITCHES 3.1. Carrying out operations with switches, disconnectors, separators and load switches 3.1.1. Switching off and on the power supply and operation of a connection that has a switch in its circuit is carried out by a switch and, as a rule, remotely. In this case, the control key (button) of the switch is held in the “Disable” or “Enable” position until the alarm is activated, indicating the end of the operation (the corresponding signal lamp lights up, the signal lamp in the control key stops flashing, etc.). In the event of a refusal to turn off when the circuit breaker is remotely controlled, it is not allowed to turn it off by acting on the local control button, the drive latch or the core of the tripping electromagnet (to avoid an accident). To remove the circuit breaker for repair, in this case the corresponding section or section of the electrical installation is de-energized. Turning off such a switch locally is permissible only if absolutely necessary, for example, to relieve stress from the victim, if there are no other options. Switching on of 6 - 10 kV oil switches in switchgears that do not have a solid protective wall is done remotely or using remote control panels. In switchgears that have personnel protection against explosion of the switch, manual opening of the switch having a remote drive is performed by acting on the drive latch or the core of the tripping electromagnet. The oil switch is switched on manually quickly, when the control lever (steering wheel) is turned all the way, but without significant effort at the end of the control lever stroke. On circuit breakers with load-bearing and spring drives, measures are taken to prevent erroneous or spontaneous switching on of the circuit breaker (operating current is removed from the circuit breaker drive; the drive cranking lining and the automatic reclosure lining are switched to the neutral position; the closing springs are brought to the inoperative position by performing the operations “turn off - turn on - turn off "). 3.1.2. Switching on and off air circuit breakers of all types and voltage classes is performed remotely from the control panel. Switching off and on air switches during repair work is carried out remotely from the control panel or from the console of a mobile repair workshop after personnel have been removed to a safe distance or to shelter. 3.1.3. At the moment the switch is turned on, the readings of the ammeters and wattmeters of the connection being switched are monitored. When there is an inrush of current or power, indicating the presence of a short circuit or asynchronous switching on, which results in an asynchronous mode, the switch is turned off without waiting for it to be turned off by the relay protection. 3.1.4. To turn the switch on or off using a telemechanics device, the key symbol of the switch is set to the “Mismatch” position, and the lamp on the key neck lights up and lights up with a flashing light. By turning the general operation selection key, a command is sent to the device. The TU operation continues for 5 - 7 s after sending the executive impulse. The operation of switching the switch is considered completed after the receipt of notification information transmitted in the opposite direction by the vehicle device, and the signal lamp on the key neck goes out. If the TU operation is unsuccessful (the signal to switch the switch was not received, but the TU device has reached the ready state), a request is made, after which the TU operation is repeated. The TU operation of only one switch is performed at a time. Each subsequent operation is performed after the completion of the previous one. Before performing the TU operation, all switch position signals and alarm signals are acknowledged if they were received as a result of a technological violation in the electrical installation. If there are unacknowledged switch position signals, the TU command will not be successful. The switching devices of a telemechanized substation are transferred to “local control” before switching is performed by personnel directly at the substation itself. 3.1.5. When performing operations with disconnectors on a connection that is disconnected by a switch, the operating current is removed from the drive of this switch, and measures are taken to prevent the switch from turning on spontaneously. A poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the control key of the disconnected switch. Operations with disconnectors are permitted only if they are free of defects and damage. Before carrying out operations with 110 - 220 kV disconnectors, they are thoroughly inspected, including using binoculars. It is not allowed to operate with disconnectors whose insulators have defects in the form of cracks or scratches on the porcelain with a depth of more than 0.5 mm, or chips with a depth of more than 1 mm. Switching with 110 - 220 kV disconnectors using non-inventory (extended) manual drives is not allowed. All operations with disconnectors are carried out with high-speed relay protection and breaker failure protection installed. It is not recommended to perform operations with bus disconnectors of live connections, if during switching according to the form or switching program, these operations can be performed when the voltage from the bus disconnectors is removed by turning off the corresponding switch. Unauthorized persons (including maintenance personnel) are not allowed to remain in the hazardous area during switching operations. 3.1.6. Switching of the disconnectors is done quickly and decisively, but without impact at the end of the stroke. The started switching operation continues to completion in any case, even if an arc appears between the contacts. Opening the disconnectors is done slowly and carefully. First, you need to make a slight movement with the drive lever to make sure that there is no swinging or breakage of the insulators. If an arc occurs when the contacts diverge between them, the disconnector returns to the on position and until the cause of the arc is determined, no operations are performed with it. Looking at an electric arc is not recommended. The exception is the operation of disconnecting the magnetizing current of power transformers and the charging current of overhead and cable lines using disconnectors (separators). The disconnectors are turned off quickly in these cases to ensure that the arc is extinguished. In this case, the person performing the operation is located under a protective canopy to protect him from the effects of the electric arc. Operating personnel, before and after carrying out the operation with the disconnectors, make sure that the locking rods of the electromagnetic locking of the disconnectors are fixed in the hole of the drive shaft. 3.1.7. Operations of disconnecting single-pole disconnectors using operating rods are performed in the order that ensures the greatest safety for personnel. Regardless of the location of the disconnectors, the middle phase disconnector is always switched off first. For horizontal-rotary type disconnectors, the second disconnector is switched off, the blades of which diverge outward. The last one to turn off is the disconnector, the blades of which diverge into the inside of the three-phase group of disconnectors. When the disconnectors are arranged vertically (one above the other), the upper disconnector is switched off second, and the lower one is switched off third. The operations of switching on single-pole disconnectors are performed in the reverse order. 3.1.8. Disconnectors are allowed to perform the following operations: a) turning on and off the charging current of the busbar and equipment of all voltage classes (except for the current of power capacitor batteries). In this case, charging current is called transient and alternating steady current through containers of all types; b) turning on and off voltage transformers, power transformer neutrals and arc suppression reactors with a rated voltage up to 35 kV inclusive in the absence of a phase-to-ground fault or resonance in the network; c) turning on and off electromagnetic type voltage transformers with a rated voltage of 110 kV and above; d) bypassing and unshunting switches that are switched on (from the drives of which the operating current is removed) together with the adjacent busbar. 3.1.9. In ring networks of 6 - 10 kV, it is allowed to disconnect equalizing currents up to 70 A with disconnectors and close the network into a ring with a disconnector if the voltage difference at the time of operation at the substations supplying the sides of this disconnector is no more than 5%. It is allowed to turn off and turn on externally installed three-pole disconnectors at a voltage of 10 kV and below a load current of up to 15 A. It is allowed to remotely turn off by disconnectors a faulty switch of 220 kV and above, shunted by one switch or a chain of several switches of other connections of the bus system (quadrangle, one-and-a-half, etc. .p.), if disconnecting the circuit breaker can lead to its destruction or loss of power to the substation. 3.1.10. The permissible values ​​of currents switched off and on by disconnectors are determined on the basis of regulatory documents. The procedure and conditions for performing operations with disconnectors for specific electrical installations and types of electrical equipment are indicated in the instructions of energy enterprises. Disconnectors and separators of external and internal installations for disconnecting and switching on the charging currents of overhead and cable lines, as well as ground fault currents in distribution electrical networks with a voltage of 6 - 35 kV are used depending on the voltage, installation method and distances between the axes of the poles. 3.1.11. Operations with disconnectors in circuits containing switches with spring and load drives are carried out after taking measures to prevent their erroneous activation. 3.1. 12. When performing operations with disconnectors and separators of unloaded transformers (autotransformers), power transmission lines, busbars and connections, the following is observed: a) on connections 35 - 220 kV that have separators and disconnectors in the same circuit, disconnecting the magnetizing currents of transformers and charging currents of lines is performed remotely by separators, and switching on is performed by disconnectors with the separators previously turned on. Before turning off the magnetizing current of the transformer, it is recommended to set its on-load tap-changer to the position corresponding to the rated voltage. It is recommended to set the switch of the voltage booster transformer (series control transformer) to the position corresponding zero value additional EMF; b) turning off and turning on the magnetizing currents of power transformers 110 - 220 kV, which have incomplete neutral insulation and operate with an ungrounded neutral, regardless of the presence of arrester protection, is carried out after preliminary grounding of their neutral with a neutral disconnector or through a current-limiting reactor (or resistor); c) turning off and turning on unloaded transformers, to the neutral of which the arc suppression reactor is connected, in order to avoid the occurrence of overvoltages, is carried out after disconnecting the arc suppression reactor; d) phase-by-phase disconnection of an unloaded transformer is carried out in the manner specified in clause 3.1.7 of this Instruction; e) before turning on the neutral disconnector of 110 kV and above, the absence of voltage at the neutral terminal of the transformer is checked (with a voltage indicator of the appropriate class). In open-phase mode (phase failure), the grounding blade of the transformer is not allowed to be turned on. 3.1.13. For electrical installations where separators and disconnectors of 35 - 220 kV with blowing attachments are used, the instructions of power enterprises indicate the operations performed with the help of these devices. The operation of turning on separators or disconnectors with blowing attachments is performed without blowing as a normal operation of turning on separators and disconnectors. The operations of disconnecting disconnectors or separators with blowing attachments are performed in the following sequence: a) check the load at the connection, which should not exceed the maximum permissible for disconnecting by the device (checked with an ammeter); b) a pressure is created in the tank corresponding to the operating pressure of the apparatus; c) put on rubber (dielectric) gloves and boots; the staff is positioned under a protective visor; d) a shutdown operation is performed. 3.1.14. To avoid equipment failures (damage to the porcelain insulation of disconnectors, separators, air circuit breakers, etc.), it is not recommended to make scheduled switching in electrical installations at low ambient temperatures, as well as during sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature (more than 15 °C) with a transition through 0 °C. The minimum negative air temperature at which it is possible to carry out scheduled switching in electrical installations located in a particular climate zone is indicated in the instructions of the power company. 3.1.15. Load switches of conventional design of the VN and VNP series are allowed to perform operations of switching on and off load currents and equalizing currents, the value of which does not exceed the rated current of the device. 3.1.16. The load switch is turned on manually by quickly moving the drive handle from bottom to top until it stops. 3.1.17. Disabling the load switch using a manual drive is done by pressing the latch of the drive handle and moving the handle down until it stops. In this case, the speed of movement of the working knives is at least 3 - 4 m/s. The movement of the working knives at the end of the stroke is smooth, without hard blows. Before disconnecting the load switch, the current value in the disconnected circuit is checked, which does not exceed the rated current of the device. If there is no measuring device in the electrical circuit, the maximum possible current value in the circuit is measured in advance; The power company's instructions indicate that this current value cannot exceed the rated current of the device. 3.1.18. Using a VN series load switch, it is not allowed to supply voltage to lines, transformers and buses that have been disconnected by relay protection devices, without inspecting the equipment and eliminating the damage. 3.1.19. When operating switching devices, operating personnel are located in a safe area, determined taking into account local conditions, design features of the equipment, or as directed by the person controlling the switching. 3.2. Removing operational current from the drives of switching devices 3.2.1. Operations with switching devices having remote control , are carried out in the absence of a ground fault in the operational current circuits. If there is a ground fault in the operational current circuits, scheduled operations with switches are not permitted while the ground fault is being searched and eliminated. Operations with connection switches in the presence of a ground fault in the operational current circuits are allowed only in emergency situations. If in an emergency there is a need to perform operations with disconnectors, the operating current is removed from the drives of the disconnected switches of the corresponding connections by disconnecting the circuit breakers (or fuses) on both poles of the control circuits. 3.2.2. The removal of operational current from the drives of switching devices (disconnectors, separators, load switches) is carried out in cases provided for by safety rules. 3.2.3. To transfer connections from one bus system to another using a bus coupling switch, before performing operations with bus disconnectors, the operating current is removed from the drive and protection of the switched on bus coupling switch. The operating current is removed by automatic switches (or fuses) on both poles of the control and protection circuits (if there are separate automatic switches or fuses to power the operational protection circuits of the bus coupling switch, these circuit breakers are also turned off or the fuses are removed) before checking the position of the bus coupling switch at its installation site. 3.2.4. The operational current is removed from the drives of disconnectors that have remote control, if during the switching process it is necessary to rigidly fix these disconnectors in the on position. It is also recommended to disconnect the AC circuits of the drives of the specified disconnectors. 3.2.5. Before applying voltage to the line by turning on the disconnectors (separators) from the side of the substation, made according to a simplified scheme, from the other end of this line (where there is a switch), for this time the operating current is removed from the drive of the disconnected switch. 3.2.6. Before performing operations with disconnectors on a connection disconnected by a switch, the operating current is removed from the drive of this switch and measures are taken to prevent the switch from being turned on arbitrarily. 3.2.7. The need to remove the operational current from the drive of a switched-on switch before performing a shunting or de-shunting operation using the disconnectors of this switch is determined by the instructions of the power company. 3.2.8. During the phasing of the connection using the indirect method (at the terminals of the secondary windings of voltage transformers), before voltage is supplied through the phasing circuit, the operating current is removed from the drive of the disconnected switch separating the voltage sources. 3.3. Checking the positions of switching devices 3.3.1. Disabling and turning on connection disconnectors that have a switch in their circuit is performed after checking the off position of the switch at the place of its installation. 3.3.2. At substations with simplified circuits, before performing operations with disconnectors or separators on the high voltage side of the transformer, the disconnected position of the transformer switches on the medium and low voltage side is checked at the installation site of the switches. 3.3.3. In withdrawable switchgear, the movement of the circuit breaker trolley from the operating position to the control position, and vice versa, is carried out after checking the open position of the circuit breaker. 3.3.4. Checking the position of the switch at the installation site is carried out in phases: according to the mechanical indicator on the switch; by the position of the working contacts of switches with a visible break in the current circuit; according to the readings of pressure gauges at air switches. 3.3.5. Checking the positions of the switches using the signal lamps of the control keys and the readings of measuring instruments (ammeters, voltmeters) is allowed: when disconnecting the connection only with the switch (without subsequent operations with the disconnectors); when disconnecting the connection with a switch and performing operations with disconnectors using a remote drive; when switching on the load connection; when applying and removing voltage from the busbars. 3.3.6. After each operation of switching on or off disconnectors, separators, load switches, as well as stationary grounding knives, their actual position is checked visually. In this case, each phase of the switching device and grounding knives are checked separately, regardless of the actual position of the devices of other phases (position of other grounding knives) and the presence of mechanical connections between them. 3.4. Actions with operational blocking 3.4.1. Operational interlocking is considered as an additional means of preventing erroneous operations with switching devices and grounding blades during all switching in electrical installations. Interlocking of disconnectors with a switch is intended to prevent erroneous operations of switching on and off switches under load when the switch is in the on position. Blocking of grounding knives is intended to prevent the following erroneous operations: connecting grounding knives to live busbars and connection areas; switching energized disconnectors into sections, busbar systems, connection areas, grounded using grounding knives; supplying voltage with a switch to sections of busbars grounded using grounding blades; excitation of the generator with the grounding blades turned on. 3.4.2. For busbar disconnectors and grounding knives of busbars, a complete operational blocking is performed, preventing the switching on of the grounding knives on the busbars when the busbar disconnectors are switched on (at least one busbar disconnector) and the switching on of any of the busbar disconnectors when the grounding knives of the busbars are switched on. In electrical installations where the blocking is not complete (the busbar grounding knives are interlocked only with voltage transformer disconnectors and do not have blocking devices with busbar disconnectors of all connections of a given busbar system), the drives of the busbar grounding knives are locked with padlocks, the keys to which are located from operational personnel servicing the electrical installation. In this case, when the bus system is taken out for repair, the inclusion of grounding blades on the buses, as well as operations with bus disconnectors of connections taken out for repair, are carried out only after a thorough check of the electrical connection diagram in situ. 3.4.3. In linear disconnectors, the drives of the grounding knives towards the line have only a mechanical interlock with the drive of the main knives, which does not exclude the possibility of supplying voltage to the switched-on grounding knives from the opposite side of the line. To prevent erroneous actions by the operating personnel of the power enterprise, the operational manager, coordinating the execution of operations on both sides of the line, informs the operating personnel about the position of the main and grounding knives of the line disconnectors on the opposite side of the line each time before applying voltage to the line and before grounding it when taking it out for repairs. 3.4.4. During switching operations in electrical installations, all operational interlock devices are in operation. Locking locks in use are sealed. 3.4.5. In the event that the blocking does not allow the execution of any operation, the switching is stopped and the following is checked: whether the connection and switching device are selected correctly; the position of other switching devices, operations with which precede the operation being performed; presence of voltage in the blocking circuits and serviceability of the electromagnetic key; serviceability (checked visually) of the mechanical part of the switching device drive. If such a check does not establish the reason why the blocking does not allow the operation to be performed, this is reported to the operational manager who gave the order for the switch. 3.4.6. Operational and dispatch personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to disable safety interlocks without authorization. Unblocking is permitted only after checking on site the disconnected position of the circuit breaker and determining the reason for the failure of the blocking by permission and under the guidance of persons authorized to do so by written instructions at the power facility. In this case, release operations are entered into the switching form. If the need for release arises, and the operations were performed without a switching form, a switching form is drawn up with the release operations included in it. In emergency situations, permission to release is given by the operational manager at the shift of the enterprise (power plant, electrical network). 3.4.7. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, it is allowed to use a release key to open the doors of mesh fences of cells when working with current clamps, phasing equipment using the direct method and determining the degree of heating of contacts using insulating rods. The specified work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations. Permission to unlock the doors of mesh fences is issued by the operational manager. 3.4.8. All cases of unlocking of blocking devices are recorded in the operational log. 3.5. Sequence of operations with switching devices for connecting lines, transformers, synchronous compensators and generators 3.5.1. Operations with switching devices are performed in a sequence determined by the purpose of these devices and compliance with safety conditions for persons performing switching. The instructions of energy enterprises also indicate the verification actions that are performed by personnel during the switching process. The following is a sequence of operations with switching devices during switching in electrical installation diagrams, made mainly according to standard design solutions. In all other cases, the sequence of operations is determined by the instructions of the energy companies. 3.5.2. Sequence of typical operations with switching devices when turning on and off connections of overhead and cable lines: Turning on (Fig. 1): a) check the open position of the switch; b) the bus disconnector is turned on; c) the line disconnector is turned on; d) the switch turns on. Shutdown: a) the switch is turned off; b) the line disconnector is turned off; c) the bus disconnector is switched off. Rice. 1. Connection of a 10 kV line: 1 - bus disconnector; 2 - linear disconnector; 3 - switch 3.5.3. The sequence of operations in switchgear with withdrawable elements when switching on the connections of overhead and cable lines: Switching on: a) check whether the circuit breaker is turned off; b) the circuit breaker trolley moves from the control position to the operating position; c) the switch turns on. Shutdown: a) the switch is turned off; b) check whether the switch is turned off; c) the trolley with the switch moves to the control or repair position. Note. When disconnecting lines for work outside the switchgear (on the line), the trolley with the circuit breaker, as a rule, rolls out of the cabinet (repair position). If there is a blockage between the grounding blades and the cart with the switch, it is allowed to install the cart in the control position after turning on the grounding scabbard on the line. If there is no locking, and also if the switchgear cabinets are not equipped with stationary grounding blades, it is allowed to install the trolley in an intermediate position between the control and repair positions and lock it in this position. 3.5.4. The sequence of operations when turning on and off a three-winding transformer (autotransformer): Turning on: a) high-voltage busbar and transformer disconnectors are turned on; b) medium voltage busbar and transformer disconnectors are turned on; c) low voltage busbar and transformer disconnectors are turned on; d) switches are turned on on the high, medium and low voltage sides of the transformer. For some types of autotransformers that have insufficient dynamic stability during a short circuit on the high voltage side, the following sequence of turning on their switches is recommended: switches of medium, low, and then high voltage are turned on. Shutdown: a) switches are turned off on the low, medium and high voltage side of the transformer; b) transformer and low voltage bus disconnectors are turned off; c) transformer and medium voltage bus disconnectors are turned off; d) transformer and high voltage bus disconnectors are turned off. 3.5.5. When turning on or off an unloaded transformer with incomplete insulation of the neutral of the 110 kV winding by an air circuit breaker, the neutral is first grounded if it has been ungrounded, regardless of whether it is protected by a surge arrester or surge suppressor. 3.5.6. In power plants, the sequence of turning on and off transformers (autotransformers) connected to the power system depends on local conditions and must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the utility. 3.5.7. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when turning on and off transformer T1 at a two-transformer substation, performed according to a simplified scheme: Turning on transformer T1 (Fig. 2): a) switches the automatic control unit of transformer T1 to remote control; b) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely transferred to the position corresponding to its rated excitation mode; c) the off position of switch B1 is checked; d) the switch trolley B1 moves to the control position; the plug connectors of the secondary switching circuits are connected; e) check whether the disconnector of the arc suppression reactor DGR1 is turned off; e) check whether the short-circuiter KZ1 is disconnected; g) the disconnector in the neutral of transformer T1 is turned on; h) separator OD1 is turned on; i) the full-phase switching on of transformer T1 under voltage is checked; the grounding disconnector in its neutral is switched off; j) the ARCT of the operating transformer T2 switches from automatic to remote control; k) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to a position identical to the position of the on-load tap-changer of transformer T2; m) the trolley moves with switched off switch B1 of transformer T1 to the operating position; n) switch B1 and its automatic automatic recirculation switch are turned on; o) sectional switch CB is turned off; AVR SV is turned on; o) the ARCT of transformers T1 and T2 is switched from remote to automatic control ; p) the normal supply circuit for the auxiliary load at a voltage of 0.4 kV is restored; c) the disconnector of the arc suppression reactor DGR1 (configured to operate in normal capacitive current compensation mode) is turned on; t) the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned off, the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is configured to operate in the normal capacitive current compensation mode, and the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned on. Rice. 2. Section of the 110 kV network with a two-transformer walk-through substation, made according to a simplified scheme. Disconnection of transformer T1: a) transfer of power to the auxiliary load from transformer TSN1 to transformer TSN2; when the circuit breaker AB1 is turned off, the 0.4 kV switch is turned off towards the transformer TSN1; b) the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned off, the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is adjusted to compensate for the capacitive current of connections of the 1st and 2nd sections, the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned on; c) the disconnector of the arc suppression reactor DGR1 is turned off; d) the ARCT of transformers T1 and T2 is switched from automatic to remote control; e) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to a position identical to the position of the on-load tap-changer of transformer T2; f) the ATS of the sectional switch is turned off; CB turns on; g) the APVT and switch B1 of transformer T1 are turned off; h) the ARCT of the operating transformer T2 switches from remote to automatic control; i) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely transferred to the position corresponding to its rated excitation mode; j) the trolley moves with switch B1 turned off to the control or repair position, depending on the nature of the planned work; k) the grounding disconnector in the neutral of transformer T1 is turned on; l) separator OD1 in the circuit of transformer T1 is turned off. 3.5.8. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when turning off and on transformer T1 at a branch two-transformer substation, made according to a simplified scheme and connected to two passing parallel lines with double-sided power supply: Turning off transformer T1 (Fig. 3): a) is transferred at the branch substation B to the power supply of the own load needs from transformer TSN1 to transformer TSN2; b) the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned off, the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is adjusted to compensate for the capacitive current of connections of the 1st and 2nd sections, the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned on; c) the disconnector of the arc suppression reactor DGR1 is turned off; d) the ARCT of transformers T1 and T2 is switched from automatic to remote control; e) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to a position identical to the position of the on-load tap-changer of transformer T2; f) the ATS of the sectional switch is turned off; CB turns on; Rice. 3. A section of the 110 - 220 kV network with a simplified two-transformer substation, powered by two passing parallel lines with two-way power g) the APVT and switch B1 of transformer T1 are turned off; h) the ARCT of the T2 transformer remaining in operation switches from remote to automatic control; i) the trolley moves with switch B1 turned off to the repair or control position, depending on the nature of the planned work; j) the grounding switch is turned on in the neutral of transformer T1; k) switches on both sides of line L1 are turned off at supply substations A and B using telemechanics devices (or remotely manually) (in this case, the voltage is removed from line L1 and at the same time the magnetizing current of transformer T1 at substation B is turned off); l) is switched off at substation B separator OD1 of transformer T1; m) line L1 switches are switched on at substations A and B using telemechanics devices (or remotely manually). Turning on transformer T1: a) the trolley with switched-off switch B1 is moved to the operating position, the plug connectors of the secondary switching circuits are connected; b) check whether the disconnector of the arc suppression reactor DGR1 is turned off; c) check whether the short circuiter KZ1 is disconnected; d) the disconnector in the neutral of transformer T1 is turned on; e) switches on both sides of line L1 are turned off at supply substations A and B using telemechanics devices (or remotely manually); e) switched on at substation B separator OD1 of transformer T1; g) line L1 switches are turned on at supply substations A and B using telemechanics devices (or remotely manually); h) is turned off at substation B by the disconnector in the neutral of transformer T1 (if it was turned on); i) the ARKT of transformers T1 and T2 are switched to remote control; j) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to a position identical to the position of the on-load tap-changer of transformer T2; k) switch B1 and its automatic recirculating valve are turned on; l) the SV is turned off and the SV AVR is turned on; m) the ARCT of transformers T1 and T2 is switched from remote to automatic control; o) the normal supply circuit for the auxiliary load with a voltage of 0.4 kV is restored; n) the disconnector of the arc suppression reactor DGR1, configured to operate in the normal capacitive current compensation mode, is turned on; p) the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned off, the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is configured to operate in normal capacitive current compensation mode, and the arc suppression reactor disconnector DGR2 is turned on. Note. In both cases of turning off and on the transformer at the branch substation, operations with transverse differential protection of parallel lines and automatic devices at the branch substation are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of the power enterprises. 3.5.9. When automatically starting a synchronous compensator of the KSV series with machine excitation after preparing the water, oil and gas systems of the compensator for normal operation, the following sequence of operations and personnel actions is observed: a) the disabled position of the automation equipment is checked to start the compensator; b) the off position of the starting switch is checked and its disconnectors are turned on; c) the position of the operating switch is checked and the busbar disconnectors of the compensator are turned on; d) compensator voltage transformers are turned on; e) the exciter motor switch trolley is installed in the operating position; f) the exciter shunt regulator is set to the idle position; g) operational current is supplied to the automatic control circuits; the automatic start key sends an impulse to turn on the compensator; h) the sequence of starting operations is controlled by alarm devices and instruments: turning on the excitation unit, lubrication and water cooling system, starting switch, field suppression machine, turning on the operating switch after reducing the starting current and turning off the starting switch; i) the ARV and the excitation forcing device are turned on if they were turned off according to the principle of operation; j) the load is increased (the rate of increase in stator and rotor currents is not limited). 3.5.10. When stopping the synchronous compensator, the following sequence of operations and personnel actions is observed: a) the load on the compensator is completely removed; b) the ARV and the excitation forcing device are turned off, if this is necessary according to the principle of their operation; c) an impulse is sent to turn off the compensator using the automatic control key; d) shutdowns of the operating switch, exciter motor switch and AGP are controlled; e) the operating current is removed from the automatic control circuits of the compensator if the latter is supposed to be taken out for repair; f) the off position of the starting switch is checked and its disconnectors are turned off; g) the off position of the operating switch is checked and the busbar disconnectors of the compensator are turned off; h) the switched position of the exciter motor switch is checked and the switch trolley is rolled out from the switchgear cabinet. 3.5.11. When connecting the generator to the network using the method of precise synchronization, when the generator rotation speed is close to the nominal one, the following sequence of operations and personnel actions is observed: a) the off position of the generator switch is checked and its bus disconnectors are turned on to the bus system for which it operates; b) disconnectors and circuit breakers are turned on (fuses are installed) of the generator voltage transformers; c) the synchronization column and blocking against non-synchronous activations are turned on; d) check whether the shunt excitation rheostat is fully inserted. The field suppression machine is turned on, and the generator is excited to a voltage equal to the busbar voltage. Note. If there are thyristor, high-frequency or other excitation circuits, generator synchronization operations are performed in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise instructions; e) achieve by influencing the MUT key so that the frequency of the generator exceeds the frequency of the electrical network of the power system by the slip value controlled by the operator using the frequency meter needle. The pulse to turn on the generator switch is supplied when the frequencies, voltages and phase coincidences of the voltage vectors of the switched-on generator and the electrical network of the power system are equal, taking into account the time the switch is turned on. It is not allowed to apply a second pulse to turn on the switch if, when the first impulse was applied to turn it on, the generator did not turn on. The generator is de-energized and the switch is taken out for repair. After eliminating the cause of the failure, the switch is tested for switching on and off. 3.5.12. Connecting the generator to the network using the self-synchronization method is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the enterprise. 3.5.13. When a turbogenerator that operates with a turbine that has industrial steam extraction is disconnected from the network, in order to prevent acceleration of the turbine after unloading the generator from active and reactive loads, an order is given to close the valves and main steam valves of the turbine. Only after making sure that the steam supply to the turbine has completely stopped does the generator switch turn off. Then its full-phase shutdown is checked, and the AGP is turned off. AGP with deionic gratings is taken into account (AGP1 and operating principles similar to it are not capable of disconnecting currents of less than 10% of the rated current of the machine). 3.5.14. In case of partial-phase tripping of the generator circuit breaker (failure to disconnect two phases), de-excitation of the generator is not allowed; The AGP can be turned off only after the partial-phase mode has been eliminated. The instructions of energy enterprises indicate the sequence of actions of personnel to eliminate open-phase modes. 3.5.15. When disconnecting a turbogenerator-transformer unit from the network without a generator switch, the following sequence of operations and personnel actions is observed: a) the turbogenerator is unloaded under active and reactive loads to a value not less than the power consumed by the unit's auxiliary mechanisms; b) the power supply of the auxiliary bus section of the power unit is transferred to a backup source; the switches of the working transformer for the unit's own needs are turned off; c) the turbogenerator is completely unloaded under active and reactive loads; d) an order is given to stop the supply of steam to the turbine; the complete cessation of steam access to the turbine is checked; e) the block switch on the high voltage side is turned off; make sure that it is completely switched off; f) checking the compliance of the current in the rotor circuit with the required (according to the breaking capacity of the AGP) value; AGP is turned off; the exciter shunt regulator is fully inserted; g) the disconnectors on the high voltage side of the block are turned off; h) the bus disconnector is turned off (the switch trolleys in the switchgear cabinets are rolled out) of the working transformer for the unit’s own needs; i) circuit breakers are turned off (fuses are removed) and generator voltage transformer disconnectors. 3.5.16. All instructions for starting and stopping turbogenerators and hydrogenerators in the power company's instructions are given with specific numerical values ​​of the mode parameters (in amperes, volts, etc.). 3.6. Sequence of operations when turning on and off power lines 3.6.1. When turning on and off power lines equipped with automatic reclosure devices (three-phase or single-phase), actions with the latter, depending on their circuit and design, are carried out in accordance with the instructions of the power enterprises. This Instruction does not cover actions with automatic reclosure lines. 3.6.2. When disconnecting overhead and cable lines of dead-end power, the switch on the load side is turned off first, and the second on the supply side. Switching on is carried out in reverse order. 3.6.3. When disconnecting lines coming from power plants, the first, as a rule, is the circuit breaker on the power plant side, and the second is the circuit breaker on the power system side. Voltage is supplied to the line when it is turned on, as a rule, from the power system. Rice. 4. Diagram of paired cable lines located in different operational positions (line L1 is on, line L2 is off) 3. 6.4. Turning on or off one of the two paired lines while the other is turned off (Fig. 4) is performed in the usual manner provided for turning on and off a single line. 3.6.5. Turning on one of the paired cable lines, for example L2, while the other (L1) is in operation, regardless of the location of the line disconnectors of each line (in a common cell, in separate chambers, in a cell separated by special partitions) is usually performed after disconnecting the line, currently in work. To do this: a) switch B1 of the operating line L1 is turned off on the load side; b) switch B3 of the paired lines on the power side is turned off; c) line disconnectors are turned on on both sides of the switched line L2; d) switch B3 of the paired lines on the power side is turned on; d) switches B1 and B2 are turned on on the load side. 3.6.6. It is allowed to turn on or turn off one of the paired lines of 6 - 10 kV by line disconnectors without disconnecting the switch on the supply side with the permissible charging current of the line and only if there is remote control of the disconnector, as well as in the case when the line is equipped with a load switch with remote control. 3.6.7. Disabling one of the two paired lines, when both lines are in operation, is performed in the following sequence: a) the switches of both lines are turned off on the load side; b) the switch of the paired lines on the power side is turned off; c) line disconnectors are turned off on both sides of the line being disconnected; d) the switch of the paired lines on the power side is turned on; e) the switch of the line remaining in operation on the load side is turned on. 3.6.8. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when turning on and off a transit line that does not have switches at the intermediate substation: Turning on line L1 (see Fig. 2): At substation A: a) the line disconnector is turned on, and then the switch of line L1 (line L1 is tested with voltage ); b) the presence of voltage is checked at all input phases of line L1; c) line switch L1 is turned off and its position is checked; the operating current is removed from the switch drive. In the case of controlling the switches of substation A via technical specifications and turning on the line of one OVB, after testing the line with voltage, the operating current from the drive of the disconnected switch may not be removed. At substation B: a) make sure that there is no voltage at the input of line L1; b) the linear disconnector of line L1 is turned on - voltage is supplied to line L1. This operation is carried out in the manner specified in clause 3.1.10 of these Instructions. At substation A, operative current is supplied to the circuit breaker drive; line switch L1 turns on. Disconnection of line L1: At substation A, the circuit breaker and line disconnector of line L1 are turned off. At substation B, the line disconnector of line L1 is turned off. 3.6.9. The sequence of operations when turning on and off the transit line: Turning on line L1 (Fig. 5): At substation A: a) the grounding blades of the fork of bus disconnectors of line L1 are turned off; b) the grounding blades of line L1 are turned off. At substation B: a) the grounding blades of the fork of the bus disconnectors of line L1 are disconnected; b) the grounding blades of line L1 are turned off; c) the bus disconnector of line L1 is turned on to the corresponding bus system; d) the line disconnector of line L1 is turned on. Rice. 5. 110 kV transit line in the disconnected position At substation A: a) the bus disconnector of line L1 is turned on to the corresponding bus system; b) the line disconnector of line L1 is turned on; c) line switch L1 is turned on. At substation B, line switch L1 is turned on. Line L1 disconnection: At substation A, the line L1 circuit breaker is turned off. At substation B: a) line switch L1 is turned off; b) the line disconnector of line L1 is turned off; c) the bus disconnector of line L1 is turned off. At substation A: a) the line disconnector of line L1 is turned off; b) make sure that there is no voltage at the input of line L1; c) the grounding switch is turned on towards line L1; d) the bus disconnector of line L1 is turned off; e) make sure that there is no voltage at the fork of the bus disconnectors of line L1; f) the grounding switch is turned on towards the line switch L1. At substation B: a) make sure that there is no voltage at the input of line L1; b) the grounding switch is turned on towards line L1; c) make sure that there is no voltage at the fork of the bus disconnectors of line L1; d) the grounding switch is turned on towards the line switch L1. 3.6.10. The procedure for turning on and off transit lines of 110 - 220 kV and intersystem power transmission lines of 330 kV and above is established by the dispatch services of power systems, the control center (CDC) and is indicated in the instructions of power enterprises at the corresponding level of dispatch control. When turning on and off transit lines and intersystem power lines, the dispatcher is guided by the instructions of the power enterprises and takes into account the actual state of the network diagram and operating conditions of power plants at the moment, the reliability of power supply to individual substations and sections of the network in the event of supplying voltage to the line from them, the presence of high-speed protection on the line and other conditions. When turning on and off intersystem power lines, as a rule, security measures are first carried out: regulation of power flows along the lines, turning off (or turning on) emergency automatic devices (power plant unloading, automatic line overload limitation, etc.), as well as changing the trigger settings of automatic devices . 4. SWITCHING WHEN TRANSFERING CONNECTIONS FROM ONE BUS SYSTEM TO ANOTHER 4.1. When transferring connections from one bus system to another, the need and sequence of operations with bus protection and redundancy devices in the event of breaker failure is determined by the instructions of the power enterprises. 4.2. When transferring connections from one bus system to another and the need to check the synchronism of voltages in electrical installations where there are no synchronism control devices, the synchronism of the voltages of the bus systems and the transferred connections is confirmed by the dispatcher who gives the order for the transfer. 4.3. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when transferring all connections in operation from the working bus system to the backup one using the ShSV is as follows: a) make sure that there is no voltage on the backup bus system, as well as the absence of switched-on grounding blades and applied portable groundings; b) the settings on the SHSV protections are checked (they must correspond to the settings specified in the power company’s instructions for the “Testing” mode) and the protections are turned on with the effect of shutting down the SHSV; c) the bus switch is turned on and the presence of voltage on the backup bus system is checked; d) the operating current is removed from the drive and the ShSV protection; e) the automatic reclosure of the tires is turned off (if it is provided); f) check at the installation site whether the SSV is turned on; g) the bus disconnectors of all connections being transferred to the backup bus system are turned on; the switched position of the disconnectors is checked: h) the bus disconnectors of all transferable connections from the bus system being released are disconnected; the disconnected position of the disconnectors is checked; i) the power supply of the voltage circuits of protection, automation and measuring instruments is switched to the corresponding voltage transformer, if the power supply of the circuits is not switched automatically; j) operational current is supplied to the drive and protection ShSV; l) use an ammeter to make sure that there is no load on the shutdown switch and turn off the shutdown switch; l) make sure that there is no voltage on the released bus system; n) Automatic reclosure of tires is activated. Notes: 1. Hereinafter, for open switchgear with a large number of connections, the bus disconnectors of which have electric motor drives with remote control, it is allowed to transfer connections from one bus system to another one by one, individual connections. After the transfer, a visual check of the positions of the bus disconnectors of the transferred connections is carried out at their installation site. 2. The sequence of switching when putting bus systems into reserve in electrical installations with air circuit breakers and voltage transformers of the NKF series, where ferroresonance may occur, is indicated in the instructions of the power company. 4.4. Transferring connections from one bus system to another without a bus coupling switch is permitted provided that the backup bus system is not energized and all connections in operation are transferred to it. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when transferring connections: a) the readiness of the backup bus system to be switched on is checked by external inspection; b) make sure that there is no voltage on the backup bus system; c) the automatic reclosure of the tires is turned off (if it is provided); d) the bus disconnector of the connection, which is in operation and selected based on local conditions, is switched on to the backup bus system; e) the bus disconnectors of all other connections are switched on to the backup bus system; the position of the disconnectors is checked; f) the power supply of the voltage circuits of protection, automation and measuring instruments is switched to the corresponding voltage transformer, if the power is not switched automatically; g) the bus disconnectors of all transferred connections from the bus system being released are disconnected and the position of the disconnectors is checked; h) check with panel voltmeters that there is no voltage on the released bus system; i) Automatic reclosure of tires is activated. Note. Along with the external inspection, the backup bus system, if necessary, is tested with voltage supplied from an adjacent substation via one of the lines, which is first switched (with shutdown) to the bus system being tested. Immediately before testing the backup bus system with voltage, the DPS is switched off or the current circuits of the current transformers of the line through which voltage will be supplied to the buses are removed from the DPS circuit, and acceleration of backup protections is introduced at the adjacent substation. 4.5. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when transferring all connections in operation from one bus system to another using a bus-connecting switch in electrical installations with a fixed distribution of connections across bus systems: a) the bus switch is turned on (if it was turned off); b) the breaker failure protection and tire protection are transferred to the operating mode with a violation of fixation; c) the operating current is removed from the drive and the ShSV protection; d) automatic reclosure of tires is turned off (if it is provided); e) check on site whether the ShSV is turned on; f) the bus disconnectors of all transferred connections are turned on to the bus system that remains in operation, and the position of the disconnectors is checked; g) the bus disconnectors of all transferred connections from the bus system being released are disconnected; the position of the disconnectors is checked; h) the power supply of the voltage circuits of protection, automation and measuring instruments is switched to the voltage transformer of the bus system that remains in operation if the power is not switched automatically; i) operational current is supplied to the drive and protection ShSV; j) use an ammeter to verify that there is no load on the switching system, and turn it off; k) use voltmeters to verify that there is no voltage on the released bus system. 4.6. The transfer of part (two - three) connections from one bus system to another in electrical installations with a fixed distribution of connections can be carried out one by one, for individual connections. In this case, before each operation of disconnecting the bus disconnectors, it is checked whether the bus disconnectors connecting to another bus system are switched on. After performing the operation of switching on or off the busbar disconnectors, their position is checked. 4.7. Switching part of the connections from one bus system to another without a bus connecting switch when the bus systems operate separately is only possible with preliminary disconnection of the switched connections. When switching generators, they are synchronized. Voltage synchronism is checked when switching connections, where asynchronous voltages may appear after disconnection. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when switching a connection from one bus system to another without a bus connecting switch: a) checks the admissibility of the mode that will be established after disconnecting the connection to switch it to another bus system; b) the connection switch is turned off; c) the automatic reclosure of the tires is turned off; d) check on site whether the switching connection switch is turned off; e) the bus disconnector of the switched connection is turned off; the disconnector position is checked; f) the bus disconnector of the switched connection is switched on to the bus system to which it is transferred; the switched position of the disconnector is checked; g) the necessary operations are performed with relay protection devices, automation, and measuring instruments in accordance with the instructions of the power company’s instructions; h) synchronization is performed, if required, and the connection switch is turned on, the presence of a load is checked using an ammeter; i) if necessary, the busbar protection and breaker failure protection are switched off and brought into compliance with the primary connection diagram, the busbar protection is checked by the load current and put into operation, the busbar breaker failure and automatic reclosure are switched on. 4.8. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when transferring part or all connections from one bus system to another without a bus coupling switch in electrical installations, where some connections have two switches per circuit (Fig. 6) and there is a connection with remote control of bus disconnectors 1: 1 Connection, whose bus disconnectors are equipped with remote-controlled drives, hereinafter referred to as basic. The most common base connection is the bypass switch connection. Rice. 6. Diagram of a 220 kV electrical installation with two separately operating bus systems and part of the connections with two switches per circuit before performing operations to transfer connections from one bus system to another: a) the second switches of two to three connections are turned on, having two switches per circuit; b) the tire protection is switched to the operating mode “with violation of fixation”; c) the automatic reclosure of the tires is turned off; d) the bus disconnectors of the basic connection on both bus systems are turned on remotely from the control panel; e) the operating current is removed from the drives of bus disconnectors I and II of the basic connection bus systems; the switched position of bus disconnectors is checked at the place of their installation; f) the disconnectors of the connections being transferred to another bus system are switched on remotely or manually and the switched position of the disconnectors is checked; g) the bus disconnectors of the transferred connections are disconnected from the bus system to which they were connected before the switch; the position of the disconnectors is checked; h) the presence of voltage is checked on the relay protection devices and automation of transferred connections (or the voltage circuits are switched to the appropriate voltage transformer in case of manual switching); i) operational current is supplied to the drives of bus disconnectors I and II of the basic connection bus systems; j) the bus disconnectors of both basic connection bus systems are switched off remotely from the control panel; k) the second connection switches, which have two switches per circuit, are turned off according to the accepted fixation; l) breaker failure protection and busbar protection are turned off if new fixation of busbar connections is planned for a long time; n) the current and operational circuits of the transferred connections are switched to the corresponding busbar protection kits (if part of the connections were transferred from one bus system to another), the circuit breaker failure circuits are switched. The protection of the busbars by load current is checked and put into operation according to the normal scheme. The breaker failure and automatic reclosure of the busbars are turned on. 4.9. In electrical installations with one partitioned and backup bus system, transfer of connections from one bus section to another with a closed reactor connection between sections is carried out by switching connections from a section to a backup bus system, which is then connected using a busbar section to another bus section. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when transferring line L1, powered by the 1st bus section (Fig. 7), for power supply from the 2nd bus section: a) make sure that there is no voltage on the backup bus system; b) it is checked whether the protection of the ShSV of the 1st section is turned on with the settings in accordance with the instructions of the power company; c) the ShSV of the 1st section is turned on; the presence of voltage on the backup bus system is checked using voltmeters; d) a backup bus system is introduced into the coverage area of ​​the 1st section DZSh; e) the operating current is removed from the drive and protections of the ShSV of the 1st section; f) the switched-on position of the 1st section is checked on site; g) the bus disconnector of the transferred line L1 to the backup bus system is turned on; the position of the disconnector is checked; h) the bus disconnector of line L1 is disconnected from the 1st bus section; the position of the disconnector is checked; i) the voltage circuits of protection, automation and measuring instruments of line L1 are transferred to power supply from the voltage transformer of the backup bus system; j) the SSV of the 2nd section is turned on; the presence of load on the switch is checked using instruments; k) a backup bus system is introduced into the coverage area of ​​the 2nd section DZSh; l) the operating current is removed from the drive and protections of the ShSV of the 2nd section; n) operational current is supplied to the drive and protection of the ShSV 1st section; o) the shutdown switch of the 1st section is turned off; use instruments to verify that there is no load on it; Rice. 7. Diagram of a 10 kV electrical installation with the reactor connection between the sections turned on; before performing operations to transfer line L1 from the 1st bus section to the 2nd section, the DSB is turned off, the backup bus system is removed from the coverage area of ​​the DSB of the 1st section; the circuits of line L1 are transferred to the set of the 2nd section DSSH, the DSSH is checked under load and put into operation. 4.10. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when transferring all connections from one of the bus sections (for example, from the 2nd bus section) to a backup bus system without a bus coupling switch (the bus connection switch of the 2nd section is under repair) while maintaining the intersectional reactor connection in the circuits having a sectional reactor with two forks of bus disconnectors (Fig. 8): a) make sure that there is no voltage on the backup bus system; Rice. 8. Diagram of a 10 kV electrical installation before the start of operations to transfer all connections from the 2nd section to a backup bus system without a bus coupling switch while maintaining the intersectional reactor connection in operation b) check whether the protections on the 1st section SHSV are turned on with settings according to the instructions energy enterprises; c) the SSV of the 1st section is turned on (the backup bus system is tested with voltage from the 1st section of the buses); d) the shutdown switch of the 1st section is turned off; it is checked that there is no voltage on the backup bus system; e) the bus disconnector of the sectional switch is switched on from the side of the 2nd bus section to the backup bus system; the switched position of the disconnector is checked; f) the bus disconnectors of all working connections of the 2nd bus section are switched on to the backup bus system; the position of the disconnectors is checked; g) the bus disconnectors of all working connections from the 2nd bus section are disconnected, except for the bus disconnectors of the sectional switch, the disconnected position of the disconnectors is checked; h) the voltage circuits of protection, automation and measuring instruments powered from the voltage transformer of the 2nd bus section are transferred to power from the voltage transformer of the backup bus system; i) the bus disconnector of the sectional switch is disconnected from the 2nd bus section, the disconnected position of the disconnector is checked; j) check with voltmeters that there is no voltage on the 2nd section of the busbars. 4.11. It is not allowed in electrical installation circuits where bus sections are normally closed through an intersection reactor, shunting and de-shunting of an intersection reactor using forks of bus disconnectors. These operations are considered to be operations carried out under load. 5. SWITCHING WHEN PUTTING EQUIPMENT OUT FOR REPAIR AND WHEN PUTTING IT INTO OPERATION AFTER REPAIR 5.1. The sequence of operations and check actions of operating personnel when taking out for repair a bus system that is in a reserve state (ShSV is disabled): a) a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the ShSV control key; b) it is checked on site that the bus switch is turned off, its bus disconnector of the backup bus system is turned off; its disabled position is checked. If necessary, the bus disconnector of the working bus system ShSV is turned off and its disconnected position is checked; c) the fuses are removed (or the circuit breakers are turned off) on the low voltage side of the voltage transformer of the backup bus system, the cabinet where the fuses (circuit breakers) are installed is locked, and the poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung up; d) the bus disconnector of the voltage transformer of the backup bus system is turned off and the position of the disconnector is checked; e) it is checked whether the bus disconnectors of all connections from the bus system being taken out for repair are disconnected, and the drives of the disconnectors are locked. Posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are posted on the drives of disconnected disconnectors; f) make sure that there is no voltage on live parts where grounding should be applied. Grounding knives are turned on or portable groundings are applied where there are no stationary grounding knives; g) other technical measures are taken to ensure safe work (installation of fences, hanging of appropriate posters at the workplace). 5.2. Before putting the bus system into operation after repair, the operating personnel inspects the work site, checks in what position the bus connection disconnectors are located (left by the repair personnel) after the repair; makes sure that there are no people or foreign objects on the equipment. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when putting the bus system into operation: a) the grounding blades are disconnected and their disconnected position is checked (portable grounding connections are removed and placed in storage areas); b) check the insulation resistance of the busbars with a megohmmeter (if necessary); c) locks are removed from the bus disconnector drives, temporary fences and posters posted at the work site are removed. Permanent fences are installed if they were removed. Posters from control keys and drives of switching devices that were posted before the start of work are removed; d) the voltage transformer disconnector of the bus system being put into operation is turned on and fuses are installed (circuit breakers are turned on) on the low voltage side; e) the switched off position of the ShSV is checked and the switches of the ShSV are turned on; f) the settings on the ShSV protections are checked and the protections are turned on. Operating current is supplied to the ShSV drive if it has been turned off; g) SHSV is turned on; it is checked whether there is voltage on the bus system being tested; h) the normal electrical installation circuit is restored. 5.3. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when taking out for repair a switchgear section of the power plant's own needs: a) all switches and circuit breakers are turned off on the low voltage side of transformers powered by the switchgear section being taken out for repair. Their position is checked. Posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are hung on switches and circuit breakers; b) switches of connections powered from this section are turned off. Posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are posted on control keys; c) the ATS section is turned off; d) the switches of the working source (transformer or line) supplying the section are turned off; posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are posted on control keys of switches; it is checked that the power to the switches turning on electromagnets is turned off; e) the switched position of the switches is checked; the trolleys of switches of all connections through which it is possible to supply voltage to the work site (working and backup power sources, sectional switch, etc.) are moved to the repair position; f) the disconnector trolley for connecting the sectional switch is moved into the repair position; a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the doors of the cell; g) the voltage transformer trolley moves into the repair position; A poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the doors of the cell. In a stationary version, the voltage transformer is switched off by fuses (switches, circuit breakers) on the low voltage side and disconnectors on the high voltage side; h) the doors of switch cabinets and automatic shutters of compartments in connection cabinets of working and backup power sources, as well as those connections in the cabinets of which the disconnecting contacts may be energized, are locked. “Stop - tension” posters are hung on the doors of the cells. The duty officer keeps the keys to the locks and does not give them out during work. The application of grounding, fencing of the work site and hanging of posters are carried out depending on the specified work conditions in accordance with the requirements of safety rules. 5.4. Before putting the switchgear section into operation after repair, the operating personnel inspects the work site, making sure that there are no people or foreign objects on the equipment. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when putting a switchgear section into operation: a) the grounding blades are turned off, portable grounding connections are removed and placed in storage areas; b) check the insulation resistance of the busbars with a megohmmeter, if necessary; c) temporary workplace barriers and posters are removed. A permanent fence is installed (if it was removed). Posters are removed from the cells and control keys of switching devices; d) it is checked that the power to the switches turning on electromagnets is turned off; e) when the switching device is in the off position, the following are moved to the operating position: the trolley-disconnector for connecting the sectional switch; sectional switch trolley; switch trolleys for all connections put into operation and a backup power source; f) the voltage transformer trolley moves into the operating position (or, in a stationary version, the disconnectors are turned on; fuses are installed on the low voltage side of the voltage transformer). In the working position of the trolleys, the correctness of their fixation in the cabinet bodies and the reliability of the installation of plug connectors of the secondary switching circuits are checked; g) posters are removed from switch control keys; the switch of the working source feeding the section is turned on; the presence of voltage on the section buses is checked using instruments; h) the ATS section is turned on; i) switches of connections powered from this section of buses are turned on. 5.5. Due to insufficient visibility of equipment and connectors contact connections in switchgear cabinets, when performing operations with devices and preparing workplaces, personnel monitor the operation of switchgear interlocking devices. If any malfunctions are detected in the operation of the blocking devices, it acts in accordance with clause 3.4.5 of this Instruction. Unauthorized release of devices, unscrewing of removable parts of cabinets, or opening of automatic curtains covering live parts of the installation are not allowed. 5.6. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when a 6/0.4 kV transformer is taken out for repair for the power plant’s own needs: a) the minimum voltage protection of the transformer taken out for repair is turned off; b) the ATS of the backup transformer (backup power source) is turned off; c) the 6 kV switch and automatic switches of the backup power supply of the 0.4 kV auxiliary sections are turned on; the presence of load on the backup power source is checked using instruments; d) the 0.4 kV circuit breakers of the transformer being taken out for repair are turned off; posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are hung; e) the switch on the 6 kV side of the transformer is turned off; on the control key there is a poster “Do not turn on - people are working”; f) the position of the 0.4 kV transformer circuit breakers is checked and the circuit breakers are turned off; their drives are locked; posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are hung; g) the position of the 6 kV transformer switch is checked; the circuit breaker trolley moves to the repair position; lock the cabinet door; a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung; h) make sure there is no voltage; groundings are installed at the transformer terminals on the high and low voltage sides; the workplace is fenced; Posters are hung in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations. 5.7. After repair of a 6/0.4 kV transformer, the auxiliary needs of the power plant are put into operation after completion of the work and inspection by personnel of the work site. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when putting a transformer into operation: a) all groundings installed at the transformer connection are removed, portable groundings are placed in storage areas; b) temporary fences and posters are removed; permanent fences are installed; posters are removed from drives and control keys of switching devices; c) the off position of the transformer switch on the 6 kV side is checked; The circuit breaker trolley moves to the operating position. In the working position of the trolley, the correctness of its fixation in the cabinet body and the reliability of the installation of plug connectors of the secondary switching circuits are checked; d) the disconnected position of 0.4 kV circuit breakers is checked; switches are turned on and their position is checked; e) the 6 kV transformer switch is turned on; f) the 0.4 kV transformer circuit breakers are turned on; g) checking the presence of load on the transformer using instruments; h) circuit breakers and the backup power supply switch are turned off; i) the ATS of the backup power source is turned on; j) the transformer undervoltage protection is turned on. 5.8. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when taking a transformer (for example, T1) out for repair at a two-transformer substation (Fig. 9): a) the permissible load value on the transformer T2 remaining in operation is clarified if transformer T1 is disconnected; b) the substation's auxiliary power supply is transferred from transformer TSN1 to transformer TSN2 (automatic switch AB1 is turned off, and automatic switch AB1-2 is turned on); c) switch RB1 of transformer TSN1 is turned off, the handle of the switch is locked, the poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung up; d) it is checked whether there is a phase-to-ground fault in the 35 kV network, disconnector P1 DGR is turned off; disconnector P2 DGR is turned on; e) the ARCT of transformers T1 and T2 is switched from automatic to remote control; f) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to a position identical to the position of the on-load tap-changer of transformer T2; g) the 10 kV automatic transfer switch is switched off; this switch is turned on, the presence of a load on it is checked; h) SV 35 kV is turned on; the presence of a load on it is checked; i) switches B1 and B3 of transformer T1 are turned off, posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are hung on the control keys; Rice. 9. Diagram of a two-transformer 220 kV substation with a switch in the jumper and separators in the transformer circuits and normal operation j) the load value on transformer T2 is checked; k) the ARCT of transformer T2 switches from remote to automatic control; l) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to the position corresponding to its rated excitation mode; m) check whether switch B3 of transformer T1 is turned off; o) the grounding switch is turned on in the neutral of transformer T1; o) separators OD1 of transformer T1 are turned off (remotely), the full-phase shutdown of the separator knives is checked, and the separator drive is locked; a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the drive; p) it is checked whether switch B1 of transformer T1 is turned off, the trolley of switch B1 is moved to the repair position, the poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung up; c) gas and technological protections of transformer T1 are turned off; r) the transformer disconnector PT1 is turned off when switch B3 is turned off, the disconnector position is checked, the disconnector drive is locked; A poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the drive; y) make sure before applying grounding to the connection of transformer T1 that there is no voltage on current-carrying parts; depending on the nature of the work, grounding is applied on the side of the highest, medium and low voltages of transformer T1, as well as on the terminals of transformer TSN1. Fencing the work site and hanging posters is carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety regulations. 5.9. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when putting into operation after repair of transformer T1 at a two-transformer substation (see Fig. 9): a) inspect the work site, check for foreign objects on the equipment; b) all portable grounding connections installed at the connections of transformers T1 and TSN1 are removed and placed in storage areas; c) temporary fences and posters posted at the work site are removed; posters are removed from the drives and control keys of the switching devices of transformers T1 and TSN1; d) check whether the short circuiter KZ1 is disconnected; whether the disconnector in the neutral of transformer T1 is turned on; is the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 in the position corresponding to the rated excitation mode; whether the ARCT of transformer T1 has been switched to remote control; e) the switch trolley B1 moves to the control position; Plug connectors for secondary switching circuits are installed; f) gas and technological protection of transformer T1 are turned on; g) separator OD1 of transformer T1 is turned on; its full-phase activation is checked; h) the grounding disconnector in the neutral of transformer T1 is turned off; i) it is checked whether switch B3 is turned off, and the transformer disconnector PT1 of transformer T1 is turned on, the disconnector position is checked; j) it is checked whether switch B1 is turned off, and the trolley with the switch is rolled into the operating position; k) the ARCT of the operating transformer T2 switches from automatic to remote control; l) the on-load tap-changer of transformer T1 is remotely moved to a position identical to the position of the on-load tap-changer of transformer T2; n) switches B3 and B1 of transformer T1 are turned on; the load will turn; o) switch off the CB 35 kV; o) 10 kV CB is switched off; ATS SV 10 kV is switched on; p) the ARCT of transformers T1 and T2 is switched from remote to automatic control; c) switch RB1 of transformer TSN1 is turned on, the normal power supply circuit for the substation’s own needs is restored; r) it is checked whether there is a phase to ground fault in the 35 kV network, the disconnector P2 DGR is turned off; disconnector P1 DGR is turned on. 5.10. Sequence of operations and actions of personnel 1 when putting out power line L1 for repair with a one-and-a-half circuit of electrical connections with air circuit breakers (Fig. 10): 1 All actions of the operating personnel at both ends of the line are coordinated by the dispatcher and carried out on his orders. a) it is checked whether shutdown according to the load and switchgear circuit of line L1 is permissible; the necessary regime measures are carried out, including operations with emergency system automation devices, the line voltage circuits with switches V50, V51 are transferred from the NKF51 voltage transformer to the NKF52 voltage transformer; Rice. 10. Part of the 500 kV electrical installation diagram at the beginning of operations to remove for repair equipment connections connected according to the one-and-a-half diagram: RSh - bus disconnector; RL - linear disconnector b) switches B50 and B51 are turned off, the operating current is removed; make sure there is no load on the line; c) posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are hung on the switch control keys; d) the off position of switches B50 and B51 is checked on site; e) the linear disconnector RVL1 is turned off; its disabled position is checked; the disconnector drive is locked; the fuses are removed (the circuit breakers are turned off) in the control circuits of the RVL1 disconnector drive; the power circuits of the drive of the specified disconnector are switched off; f) the fuses are removed (switches and circuit breakers are turned off) from the low voltage windings of the NKF51 voltage transformer; g) permission from the dispatcher is requested to turn on the grounding knives of the RVL1 disconnector towards the line, check the absence of voltage on line L1, turn on the grounding knives at the RVL1 disconnectors towards the line; their switched position is checked; h) a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the drive of the RVL1 disconnector; i) the “Do not turn on - people are working” posters are removed from the control keys; switches B51 and B50 are turned on, the load current is checked using instruments. 5.11. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when putting into operation after repair the power line L1 (see Fig. 10): a) it is checked whether operations to turn on the line L1 are permissible, the necessary routine measures are carried out, including operations with emergency system automation devices; b) with the permission of the dispatcher, the grounding blades of the RVL1 disconnector are turned off on the side of line L1; their disabled position is checked; c) fuses are installed (switches and circuit breakers are turned on) on the side of the low voltage windings of the NKF51 voltage transformer; d) switches B50 and B51 are turned off; make sure there is no load current; e) posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are posted on switch control keys; f) the off position of switches B50 and B51 is checked on site; g) the poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is removed from the drive of the RVL1 disconnector; h) the lock is removed from the drive of the disconnector RVL1, fuses are installed (automatic switches are turned on) in the operational circuits of the drive of the disconnector; voltage is supplied to the power circuits of the disconnector drive; the RVL1 disconnector is turned on and its on position is checked; i) the “Do not turn on - people are working” posters are removed from the control keys; switches B51 and B50 are turned on, the load current is checked; j) the necessary routine measures are carried out, including with system automation devices, provided for by dispatch switching programs. 5.12. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when taking out the AT2 autotransformer for repair with a one-and-a-half circuit of electrical connections with air circuit breakers and electromagnetic voltage transformers (see Fig. 10): a) check the admissibility of disconnecting the AT2 autotransformer according to the load and switchgear circuit; b) the switches of the low and medium voltage windings of the AT2 autotransformer are turned off; make sure there is no load current; c) switches B50 and B52 are turned off; make sure there is no load current; d) posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are hung on the control keys of switches; e) the disconnected position of low and medium voltage switches is checked on site; the disconnectors on the low and medium voltage side of the AT2 autotransformer are turned off; posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are posted on the disconnector drives; e) check on site whether switches B50 and B52 are turned off; g) disconnectors RT50 and RT52 are turned off; their disabled position is checked; h) disconnector RVAT2 is turned off; its disconnected position is checked, the disconnector drive is locked; the fuses are removed (the circuit breakers are turned off) in the operational circuits of the drive of the disconnector RVAT2; the power circuits of the disconnector drive are turned off; a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is posted on the disconnector drive; i) make sure that there is no voltage on live parts; the grounding blades of the disconnector РВАТ2 are turned on towards the autotransformer AT2, their switched-on position is checked; j) the posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are removed from the control key of switch B52, 1 disconnector RT52 with switch B52 is unlocked; 1 If the switchgear is equipped with switches without capacitors extinguishing contact breaks (oil, SF6, etc.), then when NKF series voltage transformers are connected to the circuit nodes, unblocking the disconnectors with switches is not required, operational actions are performed in the usual sequence. k) switch B52 turns on; its switched-on position is checked in place; l) disconnector RT52 is turned on; its switched-on position is checked; n) the interlocking of the RT52 disconnector with the B52 switch is restored; o) the off position of the switch B50 is checked, the disconnector PT50 is turned on; its switched-on position is checked; o) the poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is removed from the control key; switch B50 turns on; The load current of switches B50 and B52 is checked. All subsequent operational actions upon completion of the AT2 autotransformer being taken out for repair are carried out in the usual manner, depending on the nature of the planned work and in accordance with the requirements of safety rules. 5.13. The sequence of operations and actions of personnel when putting into operation after repair of the AT2 autotransformer with an NKF series voltage transformer connected to the circuit node (see Fig. 10): a) the work site is inspected, it is checked whether there are any foreign objects on the equipment; b) the grounding blades are disconnected, all portable grounding connections are removed from the connection of the AT2 autotransformer and placed in storage areas; temporary fences and posters at the work site are removed; c) switch B50 is turned off; make sure there is no load current; on the control key there is a poster “Do not turn on - people are working”; d) the off position of switch B50 is checked; the PT50 disconnector is turned off, the disconnector position is checked; e) disconnector RT52 with switch B52 is unlocked, disconnector RT52 is turned off; its disabled position is checked; f) switch B52 is turned off, a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the control key; g) the interlocking of the RT52 disconnector with the B52 switch is restored; h) the off position of low and medium voltage switches is checked on site, the “Do not turn on - people are working” posters are removed from the disconnector drives; the disconnectors on the low and medium voltage side of the AT2 autotransformer are turned on; i) the drive of the disconnector RVAT2 is unlocked, fuses are installed (automatic switches are turned on) in the operational circuits of the drive of the disconnector; voltage is supplied to the power circuits of the disconnector drive; posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are removed; the PBAT2 disconnector is turned on, the switched-on position of the disconnector is checked; j) the off position of switches B50 and B52 is checked, the disconnectors PT50 and PT52 are turned on, the on position of the disconnectors is checked; k) the “Do not turn on - people are working” posters are removed from the control keys; switches B52 and B50 are turned on, the load on the switches is checked; l) posters are removed from switch control keys; The medium and low voltage switches of the AT2 autotransformer are turned on, and the load on the switches is checked. 6. METHODS OF OUTPUT FOR REPAIR AND COMMISSIONING AFTER REPAIR OF SWITCHES 6.1. The removal of connection switches for repair, depending on the electrical installation diagram, can be carried out: a) for any electrical installation diagram with one switch per circuit - by disconnecting the connection for the entire time of repair of the switch, if this is permissible according to the operating mode of the electrical installation and network; b) in a circuit with two bus systems and one switch per circuit - replacing the connection switch with a bus coupling switch; c) in a circuit with two workers and a bypass bus system with one switch per circuit - replacing the connection switch with a bypass switch; d) in a circuit with two switches per circuit, polygonal and one-and-a-half - by disconnecting the connection switch being removed for repair and removing it from the circuit using disconnectors; e) in the case of a bridge circuit with a switch and a repair jumper on the disconnectors for repairing a sectional switch - by putting into operation a jumper containing disconnectors and removing it from the circuit of the sectional switch using disconnectors in its circuit. 6.2. For each method of removing switches for repair, the sequence of switching in the main circuit and in relay protection and automation circuits is determined by the instructions of power enterprises. 6.3. The main groups of operations when replacing the connection switch with a bus coupling switch (Fig. 11): a) the primary connection diagram is prepared for switching: the SHSV protections are turned on with settings in accordance with the instructions of the power company, the SHSV is turned on; connections, except for the connection whose switch is taken out for repair, are transferred to one, for example, to a second bus system; SHSV remains on; b) the bus system, to which the connection with the circuit breaker being removed for repair, remains connected, is removed from the zone of operation of the DZSh; relay protection and automation devices are alternately taken out of operation and switched from the current transformers of the circuit breaker being taken out for repair to the ShSV current transformers; protections are checked by the load current and activated. Note. Transferring protection from the current transformers of the circuit breaker being removed for repair to the ShSV current transformers is not necessary if the ShSV protections can provide full protection for the connection. In this case, changes are made only to the bus protection circuit and the protection is checked by the load current; c) the connection and the circuit breaker being taken out for repair are disconnected and grounded in accordance with the requirements of safety rules; the connecting busbars are disconnected from the circuit breaker being taken out for repair (sometimes from the linear disconnectors of the connection); instead of the switch removed from the circuit, special jumpers are installed from a wire of the appropriate cross-section; Rice. 11. Scheme for replacing the connection switch with a bus coupling switch d) switches to SHSV the action of connection protections along operative current circuits; protections are being tested to disable the ShSV; e) is checked external inspection correct installation of jumpers (for phase matching); the bus connection disconnectors are switched on (if the line disconnectors are removed from the circuit) to the first bus system; The connection is put into operation by switching on the ShSV. 6.4. When the connection operates according to the diagram in Fig. 11, transfers of connections from one bus system to another are not allowed without corresponding switching in the current protection circuits. 6.5. Basic operations when putting into operation after repair a connection switch put into operation using the ShSV (see Fig. 11): a) the connection whose switch is put into operation is disconnected and grounded in accordance with the requirements of safety rules; the jumpers installed in place of the switch are removed, and the switch (and line disconnector) installed after repair is connected in the usual way; b) the action of the connection protections along the operating current circuits is switched to the circuit breaker being installed after repair, and the protections are tested to disconnect the circuit breaker; c) the correct connection of the busbar to the switching devices is checked by external inspection at the work site (for phase coincidence); portable grounding connections are removed, busbar and line disconnectors are switched on to the first busbar system; the connection is put into operation by turning on two switches in series (the one that came out of repair and the bus connecting switch); d) relay protection and automation devices are alternately taken out of operation and switched from the ShSV current transformers to the current transformers of the circuit breaker that has been repaired; the protections are checked by the load current and put into operation; e) the normal circuit of primary connections is restored with the distribution of connections across the buses according to the accepted fixation, the bus protection is switched to the operating mode with connections fixed. 6.6. Basic operations when taking out a connection switch for repair and replacing it with a bypass switch (Fig. 12): a) prepare a bypass switch circuit for testing the voltage of the bypass bus system from the working bus system to which the connection with the switch being taken out for repair is connected; b) the bypass switch is turned on with the “testing” settings on its protections, with the busbar protection introduced, switched on via the operational circuits to turn off the bypass switch, and the breaker failure protection start-up is turned on; the presence of voltage on the bypass bus system is checked; Rice. 12. Scheme for replacing the connection switch with a bypass switch; c) the bypass switch is turned off. The disconnected position of the bypass switch is checked and the connection disconnector, the switch of which is being taken out for repair, is switched on to the bypass bus system; d) are introduced using test blocks into the bus protection circuit of the current transformer circuit of the bypass switch as a connection switch; on the bypass switch protections the settings are set corresponding to the protection settings of the given connection; high-speed protections (DFZ, DZL, etc.) are disabled. ) on all sides of the protected connection; e) the bypass switch is turned on; the load current is checked, the connection switch that is being taken out for repair is turned off; make sure there is no load current; f) the bus protection is turned off, the necessary switching is performed in its circuits, the protection is checked by the load current and is put into operation; g) the current circuits of high-speed connection protections are switched to the current transformers of the bypass switch and operational circuits with an effect on the bypass switch; Load current protections are checked, the protections are put into operation and tested to disconnect the bypass switch and turn it on from the automatic reclosure; h) disconnectors are turned off on both sides of the circuit breaker being taken out for repair, the absence of voltage on it is checked and the grounding blades are turned on towards the circuit breaker. 6.7. The main groups of operations when putting into operation after repair a connection switch brought out for repair using a bypass switch (see Fig. 12): a) the grounding blades are turned off on both sides of the switch being put into operation; b) backup protections (or special, temporarily switched-on protections), suitably configured, are connected to the current transformers of the circuit breaker being put into operation, and are switched on to open the circuit breaker; c) testing the voltage of switch 1, which is put into operation, with the busbar disconnectors turned off; 1 Voltage testing of the switch is carried out if necessary. d) high-speed protections (DFZ, DZL, etc.) are turned off on all sides of the protected connection; e) connected using test blocks to the bus protection circuit of the current transformer circuit of the circuit breaker being put into operation; f) the open position of the circuit breaker being put into operation is checked, its bus disconnectors are turned on to the corresponding bus system (and the line disconnector, if it was disconnected); g) the switch being put into operation is turned on; the presence of load is checked; the bypass switch is turned off; the absence of load is checked; h) bus protection is turned off; the necessary switching is carried out in its circuits, the protection is checked by the load current and is put into operation; i) the high-speed protection of the connection is switched via current circuits to the current transformers of the switch put into operation with an effect via operational circuits on this switch. The protections are checked by the load current, the circuit breaker is put into operation and tested for tripping, turning it on from the automatic reclosure. The backup protections of the connection are checked by the load current and put into operation; temporary protections are disabled if they were enabled; j) the off position of the bypass switch is checked; the connection disconnector is disconnected from the bypass bus system (brought into line with the normal circuit). 6.8. The main groups of operations when taking a circuit breaker out for repair in a circuit with two working bus systems and two circuit breakers per circuit (Fig. 13): a) the connection switch being taken out for repair is turned off; make sure there is no load current; b) the disconnected position of the circuit breaker being taken out for repair is checked on site; its disconnectors are turned off on both sides, the disconnected position of the disconnectors is checked; c) the busbar protection is turned off, the current transformer circuits of the circuit breaker being removed for repair are removed from its circuit, the busbar protection is checked by the load current and put into operation; d) the connection protections are turned off one by one, their current circuits are disconnected from the current transformers of the circuit breaker being taken out for repair, the operational circuits of protection and automation are disconnected from the drive of the breaker being taken out for repair, while maintaining their effect on the paired switch that remains in operation; protections are checked by the load current and are put into operation, the automation devices are put into operation. Switching in relay protection and automation circuits is carried out using test blocks and overlays; e) check the circuit diagram for the absence of voltage; The grounding blades are turned on in the direction of the switch taken out for repair. Rice. 13. Electrical installation diagram with two working bus systems and two switches per circuit after the connection switch has been taken out for repair 6.9. The main groups of operations when putting into operation after repair of the connection switch in a circuit with two working bus systems and two switches per circuit (see Fig. 13): a) the grounding blades are turned off on both sides of the switch being put into operation; b) the switch being put into operation is tested by applying voltage with the bus disconnector switched off; c) the current and operational circuits of backup protection are connected, respectively, to the current transformers and the drive of the switch being put into operation; the presence of current in backup protection circuits is checked; The circuits from the current transformers of the circuit breaker being put into operation are connected to the busbar protection circuit. The listed protections are included in the work; d) the open position of the switch is checked; its bus and line disconnectors are turned on; e) the switch is turned on; the presence of load is checked; f) the bus protection, main and backup connection protections are turned off one by one, and the necessary switchings are performed in their circuits; load current protection is checked. Protections are activated. Automation devices are activated. 6.10. The main groups of operations when removing a circuit breaker for repair in a circuit with three circuit breakers for two connections (see. rice. 10) and in the quadrangle diagram (Fig. 14): a) the switch being taken out for repair is turned off; make sure there is no load; b) the disconnected position of the circuit breaker being taken out for repair is checked on site; disconnectors are turned off on both sides; c) relay protection and automation devices are turned off one by one, the current circuits of which are connected to the current transformers of the circuit breaker being taken out for repair, and the current protection and automation circuits from these current transformers are disconnected by test blocks; load current protection is checked and put into operation with an effect on the adjacent switches remaining in operation; the automation device is activated; In this case, false impacts on relay protection and automation devices remaining in operation are excluded; Rice. 14. 330 kV switchgear, made according to a quadrangle diagram, in normal operation mode d) using the diagram, verify that there is no voltage on the circuit breaker being removed for repair; the grounding blades are turned on towards the switch. 6.11. The main groups of operations when putting into operation after repairing a circuit breaker in a circuit with three circuit breakers for two connections and in a quadrangle circuit (secondary circuits of current transformers, excluded from the circuit together with the circuit breaker taken out for repair, are disconnected from the protection circuits and short-circuited by test blocks) - see. rice. 10 and 14: a) the grounding blades are turned off on both sides of the switch being put into operation (for example, switch B31 in a quadrangle diagram (see Fig. 14)); b) the protection of the stand panel is connected to the TT31 current transformers. Protections are configured and tested from an external current source. The action of the protection is checked by turning off the switch B31; c) testing the voltage of the switch being put into operation by remotely turning on the RL31 disconnector; d) the off position of switch B31 is checked on site; disconnector ШР31 is turned on; e) the start-up of the breaker failure failure, high-speed protection and automatic reclosure of line L1 are turned off, their current circuits are connected to the TT31 current transformers, the load current protection is checked; f) switch B31, which is put into operation, is turned on; switch B32, which is in the same circuit with it, is turned off; g) relay protection and automation devices are turned off one by one, the current circuits of which are connected to current transformers TT31, using test blocks they are connected to the specified current transformers, tested with load current and put into operation. The high-speed protection of line L1 is checked by the operating current, included in the protection operation and the start of the breaker failure. The protections mounted on the base panel are taken out of operation; h) switch B32 is turned on; i) the values ​​and directions of currents in current protection circuits are checked using a VAF device; j) automatic reclosure is activated with action on switch B31. 6.12. The main groups of operations when removing a sectional switch in a bridge circuit for repair in the presence of a repair jumper on the disconnectors (Fig. 15): a) acceleration of backup protection of lines L1 and L2 (on both sides) and autotransformers AT1 and AT2 is turned on; the protection of lines and autotransformers operating without a time delay is disabled; b) the current circuits for protecting lines and autotransformers are switched from current transformers installed in the sectional switch circuit to current transformers of the repair jumper; c) the circuit breakers are turned off (the fuses are removed) of the operating current of the sectional switch; d) the on-site position of the sectional switch is checked; the repair jumper disconnectors are switched on and their switched position is checked; e) automatic switches are turned on (fuses are installed) of the operating current of the sectional switch; the sectional switch is turned off; make sure there is no load current; e) are checked by the current load protection of lines L1 and L2 and autotransformers AT1 and AT2, operating without a time delay, and put into operation. The acceleration of backup protection of lines and autotransformers is removed from action; g) the disconnected position of the sectional switch is checked on site; the disconnectors on both sides are turned off; Rice. 15. 220 kV substation according to a bridge diagram with a sectional switch in the jumper and a repair jumper on the disconnectors: RL - linear disconnector h) make sure there is no voltage; the grounding blades are turned on towards the sectional switch; On the drives of disconnectors RP1, RP2, posters are hung “Do not turn on - people are working.” 6.13. The main groups of operations when putting into operation after repairing a sectional switch in a bridge circuit with a repair jumper on the disconnectors (see Fig. 15): a) the grounding blades are turned off on both sides of the sectional switch being put into operation; posters “Do not turn on - people are working” are removed from the drives of the disconnectors RP1, RP2 of the sectional switch; b) test the voltage of the sectional switch (if necessary). To do this, one of the lines is turned off, for example, line L2 on both sides: with switch B2 and the switch at the remote end of the line. The operating current is removed from the drives of line L2 switches (the circuit breakers are turned off or the fuses are removed). Make sure there is no voltage on line L2; disconnector RP2 and SV are turned on. Before applying voltage to the switch, the acceleration of backup protection of line L2 is turned on. Voltage is supplied to the section switch by turning on the switch at the remote end of line L2. After inspection, the sectional switch is turned off; the operating current is removed from its drive. Disconnector RP1 is turned on, the protection of lines and autotransformers operating without a time delay is turned off; c) the current protection circuits of lines L1, L2 and transformers T1, T2 are switched from the current transformers installed in the repair jumper to the current transformers of the sectional switch; Rice. 16. Part of the 220 kV electrical installation circuit with a combined design switch (bus coupling and bypass), used in normal mode as a bus coupling switch d) the protection of lines L1, L2 and transformers T1, T2, operating without a time delay, is put into operation, and acceleration of the backup ones is provided protection to normal mode; e) switches CB and B2 are turned on; the presence of load current is checked; f) the switched-on position of the CB is checked; disconnectors PP1 and PP2 are turned off. 6.14. The main groups of operations when switching a combined circuit breaker (bus coupling and bypass), usually used as a bus coupling switch, into bypass switch mode (Fig. 16): a) the presence of load current on the busbar is checked, the busbar is turned off. The switched-off position of the ShSV is checked on site; its bus disconnector is disconnected from the first bus system and the additional bus disconnector DShR from the second bus system; b) the ShSV protections are turned on (with “testing” settings), it is checked whether the breaker failure failure is disabled by the ShSV protections, the ShSV autorecloser is turned on; the ShSV is tested to be turned off by the protections and turned on by the automatic reclosure device; c) the automatic reclosure of the ShSV is turned off, the ShSV is turned off. The switched-off position of the ShSV is checked on site; its bus disconnector is switched on to the corresponding working system busbars and busbar disconnector for the bypass system.

January 16, 2016

The instructions determine the order and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000
The list of electrical installations for which this switching procedure has been adopted is established by order of the enterprise.

Instructions for switching in electrical installations. MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR SWITCHING IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS1. GENERAL PART 1. 1. This instruction defines the procedure and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1. V. 1. 2. The instructions are drawn up in accordance with federal legislation, rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks, and labor protection rules. Based on this Instruction, instructions for making switching operations (hereinafter referred to as the instructions of power enterprises) are developed at power plants and electrical networks, taking into account the features of normal and “repair” electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations, the design and composition of switchgear equipment, features of relay protection and automation devices, and the procedure for operational maintenance of these facilities . The instructions of energy enterprises reflect the features and switching order during operational maintenance of new series of electrical equipment, including: thyristor and brushless excitation systems of generators, thyristor starting devices of gas turbines, reversible brushless excitation systems of synchronous compensators, static compensators, controlled shunt reactors, SF6 and vacuum circuit breakers .

This Instruction is used by personnel involved in the development, coordination and approval of energy enterprise instructions for switching in electrical installations, as well as operational and administrative and technical personnel involved in carrying out operational switching. The energy company's instructions for operational switching in electrical installations are located at the workplace of operational dispatch personnel. The operational personnel of energy facilities, power systems, and integrated ones include: operational personnel - personnel who directly influence the controls of electrical installations and carry out management and maintenance of electrical installations on shift; operational and repair personnel - personnel with the right to directly influence the controls of electrical installations; operational managers (dispatchers) - personnel who provide operational management during shifts of work of the objects assigned to them (energy systems, electrical networks, power plants) and the personnel subordinate to them. The operational personnel of power plants, substations, electrical networks and energy systems include: shift supervisors of electrical shops of power plants; power unit shift supervisors; electricians on duty at power plants; electricians on duty at substations; staff operational and on-site brigades Operational and repair personnel of electrical networks include repair personnel with the right to perform switching operations in electrical installations. The operational managers on the shift are: dispatcher of the Unified Energy System (Russia), unified energy system, intersystem electrical networks; power system manager; dispatcher of an enterprise (district, site) of the electrical network; shift supervisor (duty engineer) of the power plant.

During the shift, operational managers, carrying out operational management of the operation of power systems, power plants and electrical networks, supervise the work of operational personnel when performing switchovers in electrical installations. The operational state of electrical equipment (generators, transformers, synchronous compensators, switching devices, busbars, live parts, power lines, etc.) is determined by the position of the switching devices, with the help of which it is switched off or energized and put into operation. The equipment accepted for operation is in one of the following operational states: in operation, including in automatic reserve, under voltage; in reserve; under repair; in conservation. The equipment is considered to be in operation if the switching devices in its circuit are turned on and a closed electrical circuit is formed or can be automatically formed between the power source and the electricity receiver. Valve arresters, coupling capacitors, voltage transformers, surge suppressors and other equipment that are rigidly (without disconnectors) connected to the power source and are energized are considered to be in operation. Equipment is considered to be in automatic reserve if it is turned off only by switches or separators that have an automatic drive to turn on, and can be put into operation by the action of automatic devices. Equipment is considered to be energized if it is connected by switching devices to one voltage source (no-load power transformer, power line connected from the side of the substation feeding it, etc.).

Instructions for switching in electrical installations.
The list of electrical installations for which this switching procedure has been adopted is established by order of the enterprise. Switching in the normal operating mode of an electrical installation during transfer Having received permission to perform switching, the operational personnel, without receiving an order or permission from the dispatcher.

An unexcited generator (or synchronous compensator) disconnected from the network, but continuing to rotate, with the field suppressor switched off, is considered to be energized. Equipment is considered to be in reserve if it is turned off by switching devices and it is possible to put it back into operation using these switching devices. Equipment is considered to be under repair if it is switched off by switching devices, fuses are removed or disconnected, grounded and prepared in accordance with the requirements of safety rules for repair work. Each relay protection and automation device can be in the following state: switched on (put into operation); disconnected (taken out of operation); shut down for maintenance. A relay protection device is considered to be in operation if all output circuits, including the contacts of the output relays of this device, are connected to the control circuits of the turning on or off control electromagnets of the switching devices using overlays (blocks, keys). A relay protection device is considered disabled if all output circuits, including the contacts of the output relays of this device, are disconnected by overlays (blocks, keys) from the turning on or off control electromagnets of the switching devices. A relay protection device is considered disabled for maintenance (operational testing) if it cannot be put into operation due to a malfunction of the device itself or its circuits, as well as for carrying out preventive work on the device or its circuits.

Switching in the normal operating mode of an electrical installation when transferring equipment and relay protection devices from one state to another, as well as switching associated with changes in the operating modes of the equipment and relay protection devices, are carried out by operational personnel by order of the operational manager, under whose operational control this equipment and devices are located RZA. In normal operating mode, operations with equipment and relay protection devices that are under the operational control of the dispatcher can be performed only after receiving his permission. Permission is given in a general form, for example: “I authorize the shutdown of power unit No. 1”; “I authorize the commissioning of the second busbar system 1. B,” etc. Having received permission to perform switching, the operational manager or operational personnel in whose operational control this equipment and relay protection devices are located, establishes the sequence of operations required in this case and gives order to switch to operational personnel of energy enterprises. In power distribution networks with voltages up to 3.V inclusive, in the absence of operational dispatch control, switching can be carried out by order of authorized administrative and technical personnel, performing in this case the functions of a dispatcher. The list of electrical installations for which this switching procedure has been adopted is established by order of the enterprise.

The admission of administrative and technical personnel to perform the duties of a dispatcher is carried out after testing their knowledge in the manner established by the management of the electrical network enterprise. In urgent cases (if there is a clear danger to human life or the safety of equipment, an accident, a natural disaster, a fire, a technological disruption in the operation of an energy facility), the operational personnel of the energy enterprise are allowed to independently carry out the necessary switching of equipment in this case that is under operational control or operational control of higher-level operational dispatch personnel, without receiving orders or permission from the dispatcher, but with subsequent notification of all completed operations as soon as such an opportunity arises.

We need this instruction "instructions for performing switching without instructions." Vasily Uchenik (145), voted 2 years ago. PTB when operating consumer electrical installations. Instructions for switching in electrical installations. From 153-34.20.505-2003. Moscow. "Publishing House NC ENAS ". The list of electrical installations for which such a procedure for performing switching has been adopted is established by an order for the enterprise. Order (instruction) for the enterprise in 7.1.15. In accordance with the instructions of the energy enterprise, the participation of OVB RES personnel in performing switchings in electrical installations of consumers is allowed (with registration relevant document).

Instructions for switching in electrical installations. MINISTRY. ENERGY SECTOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION APPROVED by order. Ministry of Energy of Russia from 3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SWITCHING IN ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONSSO. Moscow "Publishing House NC ENAS"2.

Instructions. on switching in electrical installations. M.: Publishing House NTs ENAS, 2. The instructions determine the order and. B and above. The instructions are compiled in accordance with. Based on this Instruction at power plants, c.

Relay protection and operational procedures. Instructions. approved and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 3. GENERAL PART1. 1. These instructions define the order and. B. 1. 2. The instructions are drawn up in accordance with federal legislation. Based. of this Instruction at power plants and electrical networks are being developed.

Relay protection and operational procedures. In the instructions. energy enterprises reflect the features and order of switching during operational. Real. The instructions are used by staff. Instructions. energy enterprises for operational switching in electrical installations is located at. To the operational personnel of energy facilities and energy systems. To the operational one. power plant personnel. Operational and repair personnel of electrical networks include repair personnel with the right to perform.

The operational managers on the shift are: Unified dispatcher. Russia), unified energy system, intersystem.

During the shift. operational managers, carrying out operational management of work. Operational. condition of electrical equipment (generators, transformers, synchronous.

Accepted in. operation of the equipment is in one of the following operational states. Equipment. is considered to be present. Valve. arresters, coupling capacitors, voltage transformers, surge suppressors and more. Equipment. is considered to be in automatic reserve if it is disabled only. Equipment. is considered to be live if it is connected by switching terminals.

Disconnected from. network, but an unexcited generator (or synchronous) continues to rotate. Equipment is considered to be in reserve if it is turned off by switching devices and is possible. Equipment is considered to be under repair if it is turned off by switching devices. Each relay protection and automation device may be in the state: included.

Relay protection device. is considered to be in operation if all output circuits, including contacts. Relay protection device. considered disabled. Relay protection device. is considered disabled for maintenance (operational). Switching in the normal operating mode of the electrical installation when transferring equipment and devices. Relay protection and automation are carried out.

RZA. 1. 1. 8. During normal operation, operations with equipment and. Relay protection and automation systems under the operational control of the dispatcher can.

Permission is given in general. I authorize the shutdown of power unit No. 1”; “I authorize the commissioning of the second team system. Relay protection, installs what is necessary in this case.

In power distribution networks with voltage up to 3. V inclusive. in the absence of operational dispatch control, switching can be carried out by order of the authorized person. Scroll. electrical installations for which such a switching procedure has been adopted is established by order. Admission of persons. administrative and technical personnel are assigned to perform the duties of a dispatcher. In urgent cases (in case of obvious danger. The following abbreviations and terms are adopted in the Instructions: AB - . AVR - automatic.

AGP - automatic. damping the magnetic field of a generator or synchronous compensator; JSC-energo-regional. APV - . automatic restart; APVT - . ARV - . automatic excitation regulator: ARKT - automatic. ASDU. - automated dispatch control system; APCS - . AT - . autotransformer; VL - air. SDC - . busbar differential protection; DZSH - .

DFZ - . differential phase protection; DGR - arc extinguishing. The EEC is united. energy system; ZN - grounding. KZ - short circuit; KL - cable.

KRU - complete. KRUN - complete distribution. MTP - mast. transformer substation; MUT - mechanism. MES - intersystem. OV - bypass. switch; OVB - .

OD - separator; ODS - . ECO - united. PA - emergency automatics; PES is an enterprise. RU - . Switchgear; Relay protection and relay protection. RP - . distribution point; RPN - switch. RES - district. electrical networks; SV - sectional. CH - own.

SDTU - means. dispatch and technological management; SS - bus system; TN - transformer. TP - . transformer substation; TS - . TSN - transformer. TT - transformer. TU - telecontrol; Level of failure - device. CDS - central.

CPU - center. - bus coupling switch. Switching form. Typical. switching form - operational. RZA. Switching program (standard program) - operational.

Remote control - control of the switching device. Local. management - management. ORGANIZATION AND ORDER. SHIFTING2. 1. Order on switching. The operational manager is advised before release. Order about. When switching, the dispatcher, as a rule, gives it directly to the operational one.

Receiving. the order to switch repeats the text to the person giving the order and writes it down. Allowed. transmitting the switching order to the electrical installation duty officer. In case of urgent need and in case of absence on the panel. RZA), which is under its operational management. The specified operating personnel performs.

Order about. switching is clear in content, precise and as concise as possible. The giver and receiver of the order clearly understand the sequence. Not allowed. execution by operational personnel of an order that is unclear to them. On the. power plants and substations with constant duty of operational personnel. To the EOD personnel. servicing substations and distribution networks, in order to save time and rationalize. The number of tasks issued to one brigade is determined by the person giving the order. Tasks are recorded in the operational log.

OVB in the order in which they are performed. To complete each next one. The EOD begins after informing the dispatcher about the completion of the previous task and only after that. When eliminated. damage in electrical networks 1.

In and below it is allowed to perform the next ones. Order from a superior. If. the order of the higher operational dispatch personnel is presented. Upon confirmation of the order, the operational dispatcher. Orders. superior operational dispatch personnel containing violations. MV power plant.

If the equipment is under operational control. Superior. Operational dispatch personnel give permission for switching in general. Switching forms. Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except. Complex switchings include switchings that require a strict sequence of operations with. When performing the specified in. Along with the usual switching forms for repeated complex switchings.

Not allowed. when making complex switchings, replacing forms or switching programs. For every power plant, substation and electrical installation.

Each list indicates. Lists of complex ones. switchings, approved by the technical managers of the relevant JSC-Energo. JSC-energy and power facilities. Lists of complex ones. switchings are revised when the circuit or equipment composition changes.

The usual switching form is drawn up by operational or. Allowed. drawing up a switching form in advance during the specified shift. Standard switching forms are developed in advance. Relay protection and automation, taking into account the fact that switching operations involve operations with secondary switching equipment in emergency system automation circuits.

Standard forms. switching orders are signed by supervisors at power plants. RZA. at electrical network enterprises - by the heads of the distribution network and the heads of local ones. RZA (MS RZA). Standard forms. SDS or CDS, under the operational management of which the equipment is located.

Switching programs (standard programs) are used by operational managers when... Program. switchings are approved by the head of the dispatch control. Degree. the level of detail of programs is taken to correspond to the control room level.

Persons. Those directly performing the switching are allowed to use programs. Typical. programs and switching forms are promptly adjusted when changes occur. RZA or. changes in electrical installations. With planned changes. IPS, energy systems, etc. Relay protection and automation production services united. RZA are paid in advance.

In switching forms, which are operational documents. RZA. Forms. switching (standard forms) are used by operational dispatch personnel. On the form. switchings (normal and typical), all operations are recorded. On forms. switching, the most important personnel check actions are indicated. Relay protection and regime cards. Every operation. (or action) in the switching form is recorded under a serial number. Directly. before performing switching according to the usual switching form, correctness.

After checking. the switching form is signed by two persons - the person performing the switching and. By doing. switching by one person from the operating staff; correct preparation. On the. power plants, with the participation of the electric shift supervisor in switching operations. I authorize switching” signed by the power plant shift supervisor. When using. standard switching forms comply with the following conditions: a) decision o.

About verification. a standard switching form and the correctness of the sequence stated in it.


  • GKD 34.35.507-96 Operational intercoms in electrical installations Vikonannya Rules (Document)
  • Standard of JSC SO UES. Rules for switching in electrical installations (Standard)
  • Instructions for testing and checking products used in electrical installations dated June 30, 2003 N 261 (Standard)
  • Educational posters - Electrical installations (Document)
  • Methodology - Checking the operation of protection up to 1000V in networks with a grounded neutral (IFN-200 device) (Document)
  • Electrical Safety Posters (Document)
  • Technological instructions for the production of processed cheese Nezhny (Standard)
  • Instructions for rationing fuel and energy resources expenses (Standard)
  • Standard series 5.407-11. Grounding and grounding of electrical installations (Document)
  • Tickets. Certification for electrical safety group III up to 1000V (Question)
  • Belyaeva E.N. How to calculate short circuit current (Document)
  • n1.doc


    _____________V.V. Ivanov



    for the production of switching in electrical installations


    1. The instructions are drawn up in accordance with the current Interindustry Rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations (MPOT), PTEESS RF, PTEEP, PUE and other directive documents.

    1.2. This instruction defines the order and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000V.

    1.3. Knowledge of these instructions is mandatory for electrical personnel all levels involved in the process of switching production, as well as associated with technical maintenance, repair, adjustment, testing of technological equipment. The scope of this manual is determined by job descriptions and requirements of tariff and qualification characteristics.

    1.4. Electrical personnel include:

    • operational staff- directly influencing the controls of electrical installations and performing maintenance of electrical installations during shifts in accordance with the approved duty schedule;

    • operational and repair personnel- repair personnel with the right to operational maintenance and direct influence on the controls of electrical installations;

    • administrative and technical staff with operational rights;

    • operational managers- carrying out operational management of the work of the objects assigned to them (electrical networks, electrical installations) and the personnel subordinate to him. The operational manager is the foreman of the electrical section.
    1.5. Administrative and technical personnel include heads of services and departments, deputies of these persons, engineers who are entrusted with administrative functions. The scope of knowledge of this instruction for them is set out in job descriptions.

    1.6. The operational state of electrical equipment is determined by the position of the switching devices, with the help of which it is switched off and switched on and off.

    The equipment may be in one of the following operational states:

    . at work, if the switching devices are turned on and a closed electrical circuit is formed between the power source and the electricity receiver;

    . under repair, if it is disconnected by switching devices or disconnected and prepared, in accordance with the requirements of the MPOT, for repair work;

    In reserve, if it is turned off by switching devices and it can be immediately put into operation;

    . in automatic reserve, if it is turned off by devices that have an automatic drive to turn on, and can be put into operation by the action of automatic devices;

    . energized if it is connected by switching devices to a voltage source, but is not in operation (power transformer at idle, etc.).

    1.7. Each relay protection and automation device (RPA) can be in the following state:

    A) included (introduced) into work;

    B) disconnected (taken out of operation);

    B) shut down for maintenance.

    1.8. Switching when transferring equipment and relay protection devices from one state to another, as well as switching associated with changes in the operational modes of operation of the equipment, must be carried out by operational personnel by order of the operational manager in whose control this equipment and relay protection devices are located.

    1.9. If there is a clear danger to human life or in order to preserve equipment, operating personnel are allowed to independently perform the necessary equipment shutdowns in this case without receiving an order or permission from the operational manager, but with subsequent notification of all operations performed.

    1.10. Electrical technical personnel are required to know the electrical installation diagrams of the serviced network section, the possible modes of their operation, the order and sequence of switching, as well as the rules for preparing workplaces, issuing permits and allowing crews to work.

    The admission of electrical technical personnel to perform the duties of an operational manager must be carried out in the manner established by the “Rules for working with personnel in electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation.”

    1.11. The rights, duties, responsibilities, operational subordination, as well as the relationships of personnel during switching operations are determined by this instruction and other applicable rules, regulations and instructions.
    2.1. Switching in switchgears can only be carried out by persons authorized for operational work, who know the circuits, the actual location of equipment, who are trained in the rules for performing operations with switching equipment, who clearly understand the sequence of switching, who have passed the test of knowledge of PTEESS RF, PTEEP, MPOT, PPB, instructions and duplication at work.

    Prohibited during switching operations, the presence in the switchgear of persons not taking part in operational switchings, for inclusion of persons who have the appropriate right to do so (internship,control functions, etc.).

    Prohibited carrying out switchings (even performing frombusiness transactions) to persons who do not have the right to do so.

    The right to carry out operational switching is formalized by an administrative document signed by the director of the enterprise.