Industrial railway Railway industry in Russia. Railway construction and railway transport in Russia

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Industrial railway transport

Organization of external and internal transportation of enterprises various forms The property is engaged in industrial transport. Predominant importance in transportation work industrial transport occupies railway (70-80% of the total volume).

Industrial railway transport, on the one hand, is an integral integral part production (technological transportation), and on the other hand, the most important link in the unified transport system of the Russian Federation (operations in the sphere of circulation).

Industrial railway transport provides for four main forms of servicing non-public railway tracks: railways, organizations of intersectoral industrial railway transport, sectoral united transport enterprises, transport workshops of the enterprise. Industrial railway transport is a transport and technological complex that ensures the systematic movement of objects, products and means of labor in the production process, as well as interaction with mainline railway transport. Together with other modes of transport and means of transportation, industrial railway transport implements technological connections within the enterprise, and is also used to ensure technological connections between enterprises and to move workers within the enterprise. It is divided into external and internal.

External industrial transport ensures that the enterprise receives raw materials, fuel, equipment and workpieces from mainline transport and transfers finished products to mainline transport.

Internal (or intra-production) industrial transport carries out technological transportation, moving objects of labor from one workplace to another within the boundaries of a workshop and from one workshop to another within the enterprise.

Operations performed by all types of industrial transport should be considered as constituent elements production process of the enterprise.

The total length of normal gauge railway tracks (1520 mm) for industrial transport exceeds the operational length of main roads. The total track length of individual enterprises in the metallurgical, chemical and coal mining industries is 300 kilometers or more.

The features of industrial railway transport engaged in a particular production are determined by the nature of this production. In the mining industry, for example, its operation depends on the depth of occurrence of minerals, the method of stripping operations, the mining equipment used, the stages of extraction, the length of trenches, etc. In ferrous metallurgy, transportation of ingots is carried out in molds on special carts, liquid iron - in regular or mixer type. The predominant nature of the movement is shunting, the transportation range is 2-5 km.

In addition to rail transport (broad and narrow gauge), industrial automobile and conveyor transport have become widespread.

Railroad industrial transport carries out a volume of transportation three times greater than mainline transport (approximately 3.0 billion tons per year). The length of communication routes of industrial railway transport is more than 95 thousand km, 60% of access roads have an average length of 1.5-2.5 km. The share of time spent by cars on industrial transport tracks in the total turnaround time of cars is 20-22%.

Railroad industrial transport in open-pit mines (quarries) operates on steep slopes, on temporary tracks, and with other technologies in the mining industry, its operation depends on the depth of mineral deposits, the method of stripping, the equipment used, slopes, trench lengths, etc. .

The freight load of this type of transport ranges from several thousand to 20 million tons per access road per year. Its paths are characterized by a large number of curved sections with a small radius (100 m or less). Industrial railways must withstand heavy loads at speeds of 8-15 km/h.

Diesel locomotives with a capacity from 150 to 4000 hp are mainly used on factory premises. s, but in mines and in some open-pit mining and processing plants, electric locomotives with a power of up to 2100 kW are used. To transport cargo from deep quarries (500 m or more), special electric trains or traction units have been created. Hybrid locomotives and traction units are being created that operate as diesel locomotives or electric locomotives (if contact networks are available). To transport some goods, specialized rolling stock is used, for example, cast iron carriers for liquid metal with a carrying capacity of up to 140 tons (and over long distances - up to 600 tons), slag carriers with a carrying capacity of 48 tons for molten slag at a temperature of 1400-1500 ° C, dump cars (dump cars) with a carrying capacity up to 200 tons, etc. Specialized rolling stock makes up approximately 70%.

Since there is no industrial transport centralized system management, in order to increase the efficiency of use of industrial railway transport, united enterprises were formed, and in large industrial hubs - inter-industry enterprises of industrial railway transport (IPZHT), serving cargo owners of different departments. Under market relations, PPZhT became independent joint-stock enterprises and firms. The Promzheldortrans concern was created, the length of the rail track is 5000 km. For better interaction between PPZhT, a cargo ownership association (GRASSO) has been created, which includes transport enterprises from various industries National economy. In the context of a decline in transportation volumes and competition, transport enterprises are merging and work is being carried out to coordinate their actions in the market transport services and tariff policy with mainline railway transport.

To ensure safety, operational control of train movement on the territory of the enterprise and communication with external transportation, various systems are widely used.

To increase the efficiency of use of industrial railway transport, united enterprises were formed, and in large industrial hubs - inter-industry enterprises serving cargo owners of different departments

Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods. Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. Software The gateway has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to the site is modern and quick way issuing a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train you need to either go electronic registration, or print your ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.Print e-ticket You can do so at any time before the train departs at the ticket office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and an original ID.

Industrial railway transport

"...Industrial railway transport is a complex of technical means and structures of non-public railway transport, providing transport services production processes and provision of transport services, as well as communication with other organizations and public transport..."


Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2001 N AN-47-r "On approval of the Instructions for the operation of railway crossings on industrial transport tracks"

Official terminology. 2012.

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Own industrial railway transport at an enterprise carrying out serious economic activity transportation of products, raw materials, production waste, etc. is not a luxury, but an urgent necessity. Today, the activities of industrial railway transport cover more than 10,000 enterprises of all industries.

The interaction of mainline railway and industrial transport consists in the transportation of goods from one economic facility to another, most often from a specific industrial organization to the station that is part of the Russian Railways structure. At the same time, the activities of industrial railway transport account for about 90% of the total freight transport carried out on railways common use.

Industrial railway transport at an enterprise in any industry has the same infrastructure as the railway transport of JSC Russian Railways, namely:

1) Access roads, the gauge of which is almost universally 1524 mm, and the length ranges from 100 m (for small enterprises) to over 400 km (for industrial giants);

2) Traction rolling stock - traction rolling stock includes:
locomotives, in most cases - diesel, since industrial access roads (non-public tracks) are not equipped with a contact network: diesel locomotives, traction modules, railcars;
cars of the most varied configurations: covered cars, gondola cars, hoppers, platforms, dump cars, tanks, refrigerators, etc.

3) Specialized service organizations whose competence includes such types of work as, maintenance and.

All work on industrial railway transport is regulated by the same regulatory and technical documents and instructions as work on public railway tracks.

They have enormous experience behind them on big hardware. That is why we are pleased to offer you the entire range of our products, starting from and ending with your railway facilities.

Our traction train - diesel locomotives ChME3, TEM-2 (7, 15, 18), TGM-4 (6, 23), etc., under the control of first-class drivers, will transport any of your cargo over any distance. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about or loading wagons - that too.

In addition, we will coordinate all possible issues with the relevant services of JSC Russian Railways, thus establishing interaction between mainline railway and industrial transport for your enterprise.