Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission sample. We carry out certification without errors

Many enterprises and organizations use periodic employee certification in their work. Different employees may be subject to such checks, regardless of their specialty, skill level and other parameters.

To carry out the procedure competently, it is involved special commission, the work of which is documented in a separate document.


The role of certification

Timely and regular testing of employees makes it possible to determine the extent of their vocational training, evaluate their theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills and abilities.

During the certification process, it is determined to what extent an employee corresponds to the position held at a given time.

If a non-compliance is detected, the enterprise administration can take measures aimed at solving this problem, for example, by demoting an employee, or sending him to advanced training or retraining courses. The option of dismissing those personnel representatives who have not passed certification is also not excluded.

Mandatory or voluntary

There are a number of specialists who undergo mandatory certification from time to time. These are mainly “state employees”:

  • doctors,
  • teachers,
  • some technical and other highly specialized workers.

Most of the employees working for commercial companies, are subject to inspections based on the desires and needs of the company’s administration.

Is it possible to refuse certification?

An employee has the right to refuse to undergo certification, but only if he does not belong to those categories of specialists who are required to pass this type control by law. However, we should not forget that the management of the enterprise may find a reason to dismiss such an employee.

Who should not be tested

There are certain groups of employees who cannot be tested for prof. suitability. These include:

  • pregnant workers,
  • those who have been working in their specialty for less than one year,
  • mothers caring for children under three years of age,
  • people on sick leave (exceeding a 14-day period),
  • full-time students.

All other employees, including those who have various scientific degrees, long experience and other credentials, can be subject to verification at any time.

Order of conduct

  1. In order to carry out certification of employees according to all the rules, the first thing the company issues is a corresponding order. It specifies the employees who will be checked.
  2. A commission is appointed by a separate order. It can include both company employees and outside experts.
  3. Next, a certification meeting is held, during which members of the commission study the materials provided by the specialists being tested and ask them questions about their specialty.
  4. Based on the results of the inspection, the commission makes a decision on each employee regarding his suitability for his position. This data is recorded in the employees’ certification sheets, and the entire process is recorded in the minutes of the meeting certification commission.

What is the protocol for?

The role of the document is extremely important. It accurately records the entire procedure of the meeting of the certification commission, which further limits the employer from unfounded claims from employees dissatisfied with the results of the inspection and regulatory structures. That is why the drafting of a document must be treated with the utmost care, without excluding the possibility that at some point it may become a legally significant document required for submission to the court.

Who draws up the document

A secretary is selected to take minutes. He may be on the commission, or may be outside it. In any case, this must be a person with a sufficient level of knowledge and education to correctly draw up this document.

Rules for drawing up minutes of a meeting of the certification commission

There is no unified sample protocol for the certification commission, so enterprises and organizations can write it in free form or according to a template developed within the company and approved in its accounting policies. The protocol must contain certain information:

  • the name of the organization whose employees are being tested,
  • information about the members of the certification commission,
  • and tested workers,
  • the result of control actions.

The list of questions asked during the certification process can be included directly in the protocol, or can be attached to the document as a separate appendix.

Rules for drawing up the protocol

You can keep the document by hand, or print it on a computer using a simple A4 sheet, or company letterhead.

Regardless of how exactly the protocol will be drawn up, it must contain the original signatures of all members of the commission, as well as the secretary who prepared it.

A protocol is drawn up in several copies: One for each of the stakeholders. After registration and endorsement, one copy is transferred for storage to the archive of the enterprise, which contains the time established for such documents.

  1. First, the full name of the document is written in the middle of the line, then the date of its preparation is indicated.
  2. After this, the form contains a link to the order that served as the basis for the certification of employees (its number and date) and the full name of the company.
  3. The next thing to note in the minutes is the items on the agenda. In this case, this is the certification of the company’s employees - here you need to indicate their last names, first names, patronymics, positions, as well as an assessment of their suitability for the positions held.
  4. Next, the certification results for each specific employee are entered into the protocol, and the fact of passing the test is also recorded.
  5. Finally, the protocol must be signed by the chairman, as well as by the members of the certification commission and the secretary, who thus certify that all the information included in it is correct.

The minutes of the meeting of the certification commission for compliance with the position held is the most important document, the correct execution of which determines the fate of the certification and the employees being certified. Let us consider in the material what requirements for form and content it must meet.

Employee certification

IN Labor Code In the Russian Federation, certification that confirms the employee’s inadequacy for the position held or the work performed is mentioned as a condition for his dismissal at the initiative of the employer (Clause 3, Part 1, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in general outline only for scientific workers and teaching staff (Article 336.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For most employees, certification for suitability for the position held is not regulated by law.

This means that the employer makes the decision on the need to conduct it independently. And only for certain categories of workers it is necessary to carry it out by virtue of the law (prosecutor workers, employees of the Investigative Committee, rescuers, aviation personnel, library workers, etc.).

Personnel certification is a verification by the employer professional qualities employees in order to identify the compliance of their qualifications with the positions held or the work performed. The following can be checked:

  • professional skills;
  • business qualities;
  • theoretical knowledge;
  • the ability to apply them in work practice.

Regulations on personnel certification

In order to be able to carry out certification in relation to employees for whom it is not mandatory, the organization first of all needs to develop and approve a regulation (or other document) on the procedure for conducting certification.

With this local normative act, providing for its conditions and regulating procedural issues, it is necessary to familiarize employees with signature.

The certification itself is a complex procedure that must comply with the procedure approved by the regulations. An important place in it is occupied by the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission for suitability for the position held.

After certification, if it is confirmed that the employee is not suitable for the position he occupies (the work performed) and he rejects another job offered by the employer, the employer has the right to begin the dismissal procedure established by Art. Art. 81, 84.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the employee objects to the dismissal and initiates a labor dispute in court, then a correctly drawn up protocol of the meeting of the certification commission can prove the employer is right, since it will confirm the objectivity of the certification results.

Certification Regulations: Protocol Section

It is advisable to describe in detail in the regulations the procedure for maintaining minutes of the meeting of the certification commission.

It is advisable to present its form there, as well as regulate the procedure for approving the protocol by members of the commission.

Usually one protocol is drawn up for each meeting of the commission.

In this case, it is better to enter data for each employee separately, since when their answers are written in continuous text, it is difficult to correctly determine whose answer is and evaluate it. Therefore, if a labor dispute arises, such a protocol may not be recognized as evidence that the employee’s qualifications do not correspond to the position held.

The minutes must contain mandatory details (name of the document, date and number of the minutes of the commission meeting, date and place of the meeting), as well as a list of those present, the agenda, headings for parts of the meeting, the decision made by the commission and recommendations for the employer.

It should be accompanied by lists questions asked with answers for each employee.

The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the certification commission.

Those being certified sign that they have read it.

The period during which such a protocol is stored is 15 years.

The protocol of the certification commission is a legal document containing information about the decision of the certification commission regarding the employee who has passed the certification. The protocol is the basis for conducting certification tests at an enterprise (organization). The protocol records information reflecting the employee verification process and its results.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a unified protocol form, therefore each organization develops a form that will be convenient for use and completion in each specific case. The basis for drawing up the protocol is the order to conduct certification.

Despite the fact that the document does not have a single form, it must still contain some data required for each case:

  • list of members of the certification commission, employees being certified, as well as persons invited to the meeting;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee undergoing certification, the position he holds, the name of the department in which he carries out his labor activity;
  • information provided by the certified person regarding work at the enterprise, a list of questions and brief answers to them;
  • the results of voting conducted by members of the certification commission regarding the professional qualities of the person being certified.

The minutes of the certification commission have a registration number corresponding to the serial number of the meeting from the beginning of the reporting year. The date of the protocol corresponds to the date of the commission meeting. The compiled protocol is signed by the chairman, participants and secretary of the certification commission.

This protocol is the main document when conducting certification tests in an organization, since it records all the information about the progress and results of employee testing.

There is no unified form for this document, therefore the form of the certification protocol, as well as the procedure for filling it out and execution, must be clearly stated in the regulations on the certification of employees.

Keeping minutes at a meeting of the commission is usually entrusted to the secretary or, by decision of the chairman, to one of its members.

As a rule, the following data is entered into it:

  1. date of the meeting and document number
  2. list of participants of the certification commission and employees invited to the meeting
  3. details of the certified employee (full name, position, department)
  4. a summary of the certified person’s message about the work in the position held, questions asked to him and answers to them
  5. voting results, the number of votes “for” and “against” a specific assessment of the work of the person being certified, as well as the decision of the commission on the suitability or non-compliance of the employee for the position held.

A properly executed protocol (without erasures or blots) is signed by the chairman and secretary of the certification commission, after which no changes or additions are allowed in it.

Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission

The protocol is the main document in the process of conducting certification activities at the enterprise, since it displays all the information about the progress and final results of employee verification.

Sample minutes of a meeting of the certification commission

There is no unified form for this document, which is why not only the form of the protocol, but also the procedure for its execution and completion must be included in the regulations on conducting employee certification activities.

At a commission meeting, the keeping of minutes is usually left to the secretary or one of the commission members (by decision of the chairman).

As a rule, the following data is entered into it:

  • Document number and date of the commission meeting.
  • List of employees who were invited to the meeting and list of commission participants.
  • Information about the certified employee (full name, department, position).
  • A brief summary of the certified employee’s message about his job, what position he occupies, questions asked to him and direct answers to them.
  • The final voting results, counting the number of votes “against” and “for” the employee’s performance assessment, as well as the commission’s decision on the employee’s inadequacy or suitability for the position held in the enterprise.
  • A correctly drawn up protocol (without blots or erasures) is signed by the secretary and the head of the commission, after which it is not allowed to make various additions or changes to it.

    The results of the employee’s certification (decision of the commission and voting results) are necessarily entered into his certification sheet.

    and then the protocol must be transferred for storage to the personnel department.

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    Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission (Sample of completion)

    certification meeting


    Chairman - I.I. Kukharevich.

    Secretary - O.S.Timovets.

    There are 6 commission members in total.

    Present: A.V.Zakrevsky, I.I.Kukharevich, N.I.Kuchura, P.P.Nikolaev, O.S.Timovets.

    Invited: Head of the contractual and claims work sector Vatrushkin G.V. legal consultant of category II Odintsov Yu.V.


    On the suitability of Yuri Vyacheslavovich Odintsov, legal consultant of category II, for the position held.

    Message from the head of the sector of contractual and claims work Vatrushkin G.V. about assessment practical activities Odintsova Yu.V. his professional, business and personal qualities.

    Message from legal consultant II category Odintsov Yu.V. about his work.

    Vatrushkina G.V. — Odintsov Yu.V. has proven itself qualified worker, performs its tasks efficiently and in a timely manner job responsibilities. Initiative and independent in solving assigned tasks. With his participation, new regulations on structural divisions organizations, job descriptions workers. For the period since the last certification Odintsov Yu.V. prepared documents and took part in court hearings in general and economic courts, as a result of which 108,560,890 rubles were recovered in favor of the organization. Activities of Odintsov Yu.V. in the process of agreeing on the terms of business contracts, it is aimed at minimizing the risks and responsibilities of the organization. Disciplined and balanced when resolving conflict situations.

    Odintsova Yu.V. — I completely agree with the description presented to me, I consider myself worthy of promotion.


    Questions for the supervisor of the person being certified:

    Nikolaev P.P. — Does Odintsov Yu.V. correspond? position held? What recommendations can you give regarding this employee?

    Answers from the supervisor of the person being certified:

    Vatrushkin G.V. — I think that Odintsov Yu.V. fully corresponds to the position held and can be included in the personnel reserve for a higher position.

    Questions for the person being certified:

    Zakrevsky A.V. — What points do you pay attention to first when agreeing on the terms of business contracts? What terms should be included in contracts to avoid negative consequences?

    Nikolaev P.P. — What actions need to be taken to collect accounts receivable?

    Assessor's answers:

    Odintsov Yu.V. — First of all, when agreeing on the terms of a draft agreement received from a counterparty, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the specified agreement complies with the requirements of the law, whether the conclusion of such a transaction is prohibited, whether all essential terms of the agreement are stipulated, what is the extent of the parties’ liability for violation of the terms of the agreement, whether the possibility of unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract in the event of a significant violation of the contract by the counterparty. If there is disagreement with the draft agreement, a protocol of disagreements is drawn up, which stipulates the desired conditions.

    Collection of receivables can be carried out pre-trial or in court. Initially, the documents on the basis of which the debt arose (agreement, consignment note, invoices, etc.), the reasons for the debt, are examined, the possibility of collecting the debt in pre-trial order is established, a claim is drawn up indicating the amounts of the principal debt and penalties. If necessary, documents are prepared for the court.

    Kukharevich I.I. — I consider it necessary to recognize Yu.V. Odintsov. appropriate for the position held and recommend including him in the personnel reserve for a higher position.

    1. Recognize Odintsov Yu.V. appropriate for the position held.

    Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission (filling sample)

    Chairman - A.S. Fadeev

    Secretary - S.A. Morozova

    Speaker - V.A. Alekseeva.

    1. LISTENED:

    Questions for the certified I.S. Kravtsov and the answers to them are attached. (Appendix No. 1 to this protocol).

    2. LISTENED:




    MINUTES of the meeting of the certification commission


    Chairman - A.S. Fadeev

    Secretary - S.A. Morozova

    Present: V.A. Alekseeva, E.N. Voronkova, N.N. Kolokolova, I.S. Kravtsov, K.S. Lazarev, O.E. Pavlova, M.V. Stogov


    1. On the certification of the chief legal adviser I.S. Kravtsova.

    Speaker - V.A. Alekseeva.

    3. On certification of logistics specialist O.E. Pavlova.

    1. LISTENED:

    M.V. Stogov: familiarized the commission members with the certification materials for the chief legal adviser I.S. Kravtsova.

    Questions for the certified I.S.

    Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission sample form

    Kravtsov and the answers to them are attached. (Appendix No. 1 to this protocol).

    V.A. Alekseeva: gave positive feedback on the performance of the chief legal adviser I.S. Kravtsov's job responsibilities.

    M.V. Stogov: suggested including I.S. Kravtsova in personnel reserve to a higher position.

    1. Chief Legal Adviser I.S. Kravtsov is suitable for his position.

    2. LISTENED:

    V.A. Alekseeva: familiarized the commission members with the certification materials for HR specialist N.N. Kolokolov.

    Questions for certified N.N. Kolokolova and the answers to them are attached (Appendix No. 2 to this protocol).


    E.N. Voronkova: suggested sending HR specialist N.N. Kolokolov for advanced training followed by re-certification.

    1. HR specialist N.N. Kolokolova is suitable for her position, subject to the recommendations of the certification commission.


    K.S. Lazarev: introduced the commission members to the certification materials for logistics specialist O.E. Pavlova.

    Questions for the certified O.E. Pavlova and her answers are attached (Appendix No. 3 to this protocol).


    M.V. Stogov: proposed to recognize the qualifications of logistics specialist O.E. Pavlova is insufficient to further perform the work assigned to her in accordance with the employment contract.



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  • Timely checking of employees for suitability for their positions allows you to optimize costs, resolve controversial issues during reorganization and staff reduction, and identify employees who do not correspond to their positions. Let's look at how to carry out such a check and use the results obtained.

    What the law says

    For most commercial organizations The law does not establish clear requirements for the timing and procedure for certifying employees for suitability for the position held. But there are also exceptions. For example, organizations that provide transportation services by rail(v. 13 Federal Law dated January 10, 2003 No. 17-FZ).

    In relation to state and municipal employees, as well as teachers, doctors and a number of other employees, verification is mandatory by law (for example, Article 48 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ).

    What is meant by the traditional employee certification system?

    This is a comprehensive assessment of the level of professional performance by an employee labor responsibilities. It is carried out by the commission in accordance with the regulations, which are reflected in the Regulations.

    Regulations on certification

    The procedure for certification of employees is established in the Regulations and other local acts.

    Local acts on this issue are adopted taking into account the trade union, if there is one at the enterprise.

    For state civil servants and a number of public sector employees, the Regulations were approved by separate orders of relevant departments.

    When developing the Regulations, in order to correctly carry out the entire procedure, it is necessary to include certain sections.

    Structure of the certification provision

    1. Objectives and goals of the event.

    • all essential workers;
    • internal and external part-time workers.

    Protocol of the certification commission

    Groups of employees for whom verification is not carried out.

    There are no such restrictions in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but, for example, in relation to civil servants, their knowledge and skills are not assessed if they:

    • have reached the age of 60;
    • have worked in their position for less than 12 months;
    • passed the qualifying exam less than a year ago;
    • are pregnant or on maternity leave.

    There are other restrictions on the range of certified employees. Not subject to testing:

    • young specialists while working in their field;
    • employees who do not require special knowledge and skills;
    • scientific workers who have held a position for less than two years.

    4. Dates.

    5. Certification commission.

    6. Persons responsible for preparation.

    7. The procedure for drawing up and approving schedules.

    8. Evaluation criteria.

    9. Procedure for carrying out the procedure.

    Based on the results of the entire procedure, the commission can make one of the following decisions:

    • corresponds;
    • corresponds; it is recommended to be included in the personnel reserve (or transferred to a higher position);
    • needs to undergo professional retraining or advanced training with re-certification;
    • does not correspond due to insufficient qualifications.

    After the certification of the organization’s employees, the commission must announce its result. The main document that reflects all the information about the person being certified, the verification process and the final result is the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission. At the same time, everyone who passed the certification must be familiarized with its results in person and against signature.

    Certain unified form is not provided for this document, therefore it is developed independently, after which the form and procedure for filling it out are entered into the organization. The protocol can be drawn up at, where all the necessary details are located. As a rule, one of the commission members is responsible for keeping minutes at a commission meeting, or a secretary is appointed.

    When drawing up a document, it is necessary to reflect the following data:

    • The document must have an appropriate title.
    • Date of the commission meeting and protocol number
    • Venue indicated.
    • A list of the certification commission is indicated, as well as a list of invited employees.
    • Personal information about the certified person - his full name, department and position must be indicated in accordance with the staffing table.
    • Must be reflected in in brief messages from the certified employee about his work, as well as the answers to the questions asked of him.
    • The result of the final voting of the commission, where all the votes “for” and “against” are indicated, and the final decision on the suitability or non-suitability of the position held at the enterprise is indicated. Including a decision on referral for additional training or retraining.

    The protocol must be drawn up correctly and not allow erasures or erasures, and must be signed by all members of the commission. The head of the commission is the last to sign. Further changes or additions to an already signed document are not permitted. The results of the employee’s certification (the voting result and the decision made) must be entered into the document, after which the protocol is transferred for storage to the personnel department.

    Sample and form of protocol of the certification commission

    There is no unified form for the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission for compliance with the position held by an employee; each organization independently develops the form of this document (with the exception of some industries for which certification forms are established by law, for example, in internal affairs bodies). The procedure for filling out and registering it must be prescribed in the Regulations on Certification of Workers. The secretary of the certification commission is responsible for keeping the minutes.

    Requirements for document execution

    The minutes of the meeting of the certification commission based on the certification results must contain the following mandatory details:

    • name of the legal entity;
    • Title of the document;
    • date and time of certification;
    • location of the meeting;
    • FULL NAME. persons present at the meeting;
    • information about employees who will undergo certification.

    The document should show:

    • agenda items;
    • part of the discussion;
    • summing up the meeting.

    The protocol is accompanied by a list of questions that were asked to employees and their answers. The document can indicate the recommendations of the members of the certification commission regarding:

    • appointment of employees to a higher position;
    • transfer to a lower position;
    • directions for additional training;
    • dismissal from a position (if the employee does not meet the qualification level).

    The employee certification protocol, a sample of which you will find below, can be written by hand or printed on a computer on an A4 sheet or letterhead organizations. The document must contain original signatures of all members of the certification commission and the secretary responsible for its execution. The protocol is drawn up in one or several copies (in accordance with the norms of the internal “Regulations on Certification”). The certification protocol is transferred for storage to the personnel department of the organization.

    Document structure

    The certification protocol for suitability for the position held is drawn up as follows:

    • At the top of the document its name, number and date of preparation are written.
    • Then you should indicate a link to the order that became the basis for the certification and the full name of the organization that conducted the testing of the working personnel.
    • After this, the issues on the agenda are listed.
    • Next, you must indicate your full name. and the position of all employees with certification results for each of them. An assessment of suitability for the positions held should also be provided here.

    The compiled minutes of the meeting of the certification commission must be signed by the chairman, secretary and all members of the commission. Thus, they certify the truthfulness of all information included in the document. Once the protocol has been approved, it is unacceptable to make changes or corrections to it. The final results of the certification are copied into the personal certification sheet of each employee, which is then transferred for storage to the HR department.

    Minutes of the meeting of the certification commission teaching staff can be compiled according to a similar model.

    Extract from the protocol

    The extract is made by an employee of the organization who is responsible for working with protocols. This could be a secretary, a human resources department inspector, a lawyer, the head of an organization, etc. The extract must be certified by the signature of an authorized employee and the seal of the organization. To obtain it, the interested party must submit a request in writing, indicating the reasons why he needs this document.