Calculation of costs for public bath services. How much does it cost to build a bathhouse: real calculation. Calculation of the cost of transport services

How good the frost is! Eh, hurry up and get on the sleigh!

You won't find our Russian bathhouse better in the world!

O. Levitsky

It has long been the custom that for Russian people, a bathhouse is a symbol of health and pleasure, an inexhaustible source of energy. But before you can enjoy the bathhouse, you will have to work hard - decide what to build it from, draw up a project, calculate the bathhouse so that the construction does not cost a pretty penny by purchasing unnecessary or superfluous materials.

Time will pass from desire to pleasure. And so that it does not drag on for years, in this article we will try to answer pressing questions that interest novice builders.

Choosing material for the bath

Having gone through possible options, most sauna lovers choose wood. And for good reason, because:

  • wood is an affordable material for construction;
  • wood is a breathable material with a healing and relaxing effect, it’s not for nothing that our ancestors built exclusively wooden baths, and they already knew a lot about them;
  • wooden buildings are easier to erect; you can do it yourself, with the help of family members and friends.

Both options are good, both have advantages and disadvantages, but still there are more advantages on the timber side:

  • buildings made of timber give minimal shrinkage;
  • timber is cheaper, so building a bathhouse will not cost much;
  • buildings made of timber are not limited in size and shape, they have various configurations;
  • It is much easier to build a bathhouse from timber than a log one;
  • there is no need to purchase a finished log house; it is recommended to simply buy material in order to avoid possible deformation of individual elements of the finished log house during storage and construction.

On a note! The strongest timber is made from coniferous species wood - cedar, pine, fir, spruce, so they are most suitable for building a bathhouse and are less susceptible to rotting and the influence of pests.

Less commonly used are deciduous species - birch and aspen. When calculating timber for a bathhouse, the type of wood also matters.

However, it doesn’t matter what you prefer, any species has its own values, it is important to remember: the quality of the bathhouse depends on the quality of the wood, so it must be well prepared and meet all standards during construction.

Wood preparation and storage

The best season for harvesting timber yourself is winter. The wood must be aged, only after this can the production of logs or beams begin. To prevent cracking, the bark must be immediately removed from a freshly cut tree. Logs are stored according to the following rules:

  • in bundles or stacked;
  • at a distance of at least 20 cm from the ground;
  • the gaps between rows are left within 10 cm, and between logs - within 5 cm.

How to calculate the amount of wood

So, the source material has been selected, the project has been drawn up or at least a sketch has been drawn, it’s time to start calculating the material for the bathhouse, taking into account some points:

  • bathhouse design - number of floors, number and dimensions of premises;
  • dimensions of the beam: its typical length is 6 m, the cross-section is usually 100 x 100 mm, 100 x 150 mm, 150 x 150 mm, 200 x 200 mm (if necessary, the parameters are changed from ordinary to individual).

There are two calculation formulas: one determines the quantity, the other calculates the volume. Choose the one that suits your situation and preferences.

  • We calculate the volume of material:

Thus, we have the volume of wood required for the construction of a bathhouse.

Sometimes craftsmen suggest taking into account the shrinkage of the material and adding 10–20% for reserve when purchasing wood. But it is not advisable to do this, since the reserve will remain in any case, because the calculation does not take into account door and window openings. Then why pay extra money?

Now attention! A fairly common mistake made by beginners is that instead of the length of the perimeter (the sum of all sides), they take into account the area (length x width), thus underestimating the result. What does this mean? Lack of bath material that will have to be purchased. And this, at a minimum, is extra transportation costs. It will be especially difficult for those who harvested wood themselves and did not plan to purchase it.

Advice! When purchasing timber, be sure to check the markings; it happens that the manufacturer indicates dimensions of 150 x 150, but its true size is 140 x 140.

  • We calculate the amount of timber for the bathhouse:

We get the desired result - the quantity (beams in pieces) of material for construction.

You can also use an online calculator, where you should enter:

  • building length and width;
  • timber size;
  • the height of each floor of the future bathhouse.

The answer will be in cubic meters, that is, the calculator will calculate the volume of timber for building a bathhouse. To convert into pieces (for many this is clearer), use the conversion tables.

Bathhouse made of foam blocks

Today this has become commonplace. This is due to the fact that this is an easy-to-use and inexpensive material, light in weight, easy to cut with a hacksaw, there are no difficulties with installation, which means that building a bathhouse with your own hands will not be difficult even for beginners.

Its advantages speak in favor of using foam blocks:

  • strength and reliability;
  • high sound and heat insulation and good fire safety;
  • versatility.

Among the disadvantages are low environmental friendliness and the formation of condensation in the pores, which is why the blocks can collapse in cold weather. Additional thermal insulation will be required. In addition, buildings made of foam blocks will not be hindered by finishing, without which they do not look very aesthetically pleasing. This is again a financial cost. Although, if you have a small budget, a bathhouse made of foam blocks will be a good option.

Even in the preparatory phase of construction, you need to calculate the foam block for the bathhouse, taking as a basis:

  • the height of the masonry and the total length of the external walls;
  • set of dimensions of interior partitions (minus door dimensions);
  • thickness of internal and external walls;
  • volume of defective products.

Often the latter is not taken into account. But in vain - the percentage of defects can be significant. Plus the specifics of installation. So 5-10% needs to be added when purchasing.

On a note! If the foam blocks for the bath were not made to private order, it means that they have the same length and differ only in thickness and height.

Therefore, we divide all bulkheads, screens, walls, fences, etc. into groups that will be built from identical foam block products, and we calculate the blocks for the bathhouse in each group:

  • calculate the total area (length of all surfaces x height);
  • We determine the dimensions of window and door openings.

The difference between these values ​​will be the area of ​​the masonry. Dividing the result by the area of ​​one block (knowing its length and width), we obtain the required number of foam blocks to build a bathhouse. When using blocks of small thickness, the masonry is made in 2 layers, which means the result is doubled.

Frame bath

This is a good alternative to log and brick buildings. The main advantages of frame baths are simple construction without pitfalls and low cost of building materials.

To quickly build a frame bathhouse, you need to correctly calculate the amount of materials. This is done individually depending on the layout of the future building. Attention should be paid to the frame, as the most expensive component of construction. You will need timber, since wood is unrivaled, lining, steam and waterproofing materials.

What can you profit from? Replace the timber with a 50 x 100 mm board and save about 40% of the costs; cover the external walls not with natural lining, but with plastic or corrugated sheets. Plus the cost of work, of course, if you build a bathhouse yourself.

The only condition for replacement is that the board must be exclusively first grade.

If the attic of the bathhouse is not used, then the mineral insulation is covered with substandard and used materials, which will also give good savings. You can reduce the cost of drains by making a sand-cement pavement around the entire perimeter. It would be enough. The columnar base is not afraid of waterlogging, and water from the bathhouse will calmly go into the ground without destroying the structure.

Consider all materials from the point of view of possible replacement and then you will reduce the cost of construction without sacrificing the excellent performance characteristics of the bathhouse.

Bath stove

The basis of good steam is a correctly selected sauna stove. Its power depends on the volume of the steam room, and if you don’t know how to calculate a stove for a bath, you can end up with an extra headache instead of taking a steam bath in comfort.

The furnace power must be calculated in the following sequence:

  1. Determine the volume of the steam room - width x length x height.
  2. Calculate possible heat loss by multiplying the total area of ​​doors, windows (if any), partitions by 1.2 (heat loss coefficient).
  3. We sum up the volume of the steam room and heat loss and get the required furnace power.

With correct calculation, you should take into account the materials from which the bathhouse is built, and the resulting power should be adjusted to standard coefficients. They are in building regulations. For example, for a log bathhouse without lining, K = 1.6, if the inside of the bathhouse is lined with clapboard, and even insulated, such a wall will not absorb heat, on the contrary, it will repel it, therefore K = 0.6.

When starting construction, first of all, calculate the size of the bathhouse, based on whether you are building a “little one” for yourself or planning to organize noisy bathhouse gatherings with friends.

In the first option, you will not need a dressing room, and in general, the bathhouse can be an extension to the house. Well, those who like company will have to spend money and calculate the basic parameters of the structure based on the maximum number of invitees. But that’s what’s good about a Russian bath - it will bring pleasure to everyone. And it will be relatively inexpensive if you build it yourself and correctly calculate construction costs.

For municipalities in which the level of physical accessibility of such services as hot and cold water supply is not high and reaches, for example, no more than 50%, it is topical issue providing the population with public bath services. Specialists of Administrations of such municipalities It will be necessary to calculate an economically justified tariff for the services of a one-time visit to a public bathhouse by the population, to compare the resulting cost per person with the solvency of the population. If the economically justified cost exceeds the allowable value, calculate and approve in the budget the amount of subsidies for the maintenance of a public bathhouse.

When performing these calculations, you must be guided by the following regulations and legal acts: methodological recommendations:

1. Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction, Architectural and Housing Policy No. 12 of November 11, 1998 “On approval of the methodology for calculating the solvency of the population for housing and communal services”

This resolution approved the form of reporting calculation of the cost of bathhouse services, which reflects the main natural and economic indicators. In this case, the natural indicator will be the passage of visitors (persons), the economic indicators will be cost items and the final economically justified cost of the service. The form of the reporting calculation is presented below in the text (Table 1).

Table 1. Form of reporting cost calculation (tariffs) for bathhouse services



Regulatory period

Natural indicators:

admission of paid visitors:




water consumed

fuel (electricity) consumed

thermal energy received from the outside (steam, hot water)


Full cost of a public bath service:

water supply

thermal energy

electricity (lighting)


repair and Maintenance, including:

major renovation

labor costs

social contributions

other direct expenses, total, including:

property insurance deductions

general running costs

Total operating costs

Non-operating expenses


removal of concrete waste

other costs, of which:

land lease


Total expenses at full cost (excluding VAT)

Cost of admission for one paid visitor (excluding VAT)

Cost of admission for one paid visitor (including VAT)

Total income from the provision of services at a reduced price, including:

income from other paid services

2. Order of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 191 dated August 22, 2000 “Recommendations for standardization material resources for the maintenance and repair of housing stock"

Due to the absence of a regulatory legal act approving the norms for the expenditure of material resources for baths, we recommend using this document, which approves recommendations for rationing the expenditure of material resources and the provision of cleaning equipment for sanitary maintenance of the housing stock. This document specifies the standards for the required material resources, as well as standard frequency performance of work (however, it is worth noting that it may not be suitable for all types of cleaning work in the bathhouse). For example, the following materials will be needed for cleaning floors (Table 2):

Table 2. Standard consumption of materials for cleaning floors

As for the frequency of work, if for housing the washing of staircases and flights is 1-2 times a month, then in a public bath the floors should be washed after each shift.

3. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 45 of November 15, 1999.

This document allows you to familiarize yourself with and select necessary list professions, choose the most suitable one qualification category specialists (depending on the types of work performed) to determine the staffing level and subsequent calculation of the wage fund for the bathhouse estimate

4. Industry tariff agreement in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation for 2014-2016, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, the All-Russian industry association of employers “Union of Utility Enterprises”, the All-Russian Trade Union of Essential Workers on 09.09.2013.

The industry tariff agreement establishes minimum size monthly tariff rate of 6,300 rubles. This monthly tariff rate must be used when calculating the wage fund for the bathhouse estimate.

5. Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation No. 11 of November 15, 1994 “On approval of recommendations for the standardization and remuneration of labor for workers in hotels, baths and laundry facilities and funeral services for the population”

This document establishes standards for the number of workers in baths, gives a complete description and description of the work performed by workers, describes job responsibilities workers.

Calculation of the economically justified cost of a one-time visit to a public bathhouse is the basis for receiving subsidies from the budget for the maintenance of the bathhouse. The volume of bathhouse subsidies is determined as the difference between the costs of the full cost of the bathhouse and the income received from the sale of public bathhouse services, sold at a preferential rate for the population.

The list of the above regulations can be used not only when calculating an economically justified tariff for the services of a one-time visit to a public bathhouse by the population, but also when preparing a business plan for the bathhouse.

Our company calculates economically justified tariffs for the services of a one-time visit to a public bathhouse by the population of municipalities, and also creates a business plan for the bathhouse, based on the above normative legal acts. Also, not only federal, but also regional regulatory documentation is used.

Online calculator for profiled and laminated timber designed to calculate the quantity and volume of lumber for the construction of houses, bathhouses and other buildings. The amount of inter-crown insulation, dowels, crowns, cost and anti-corrosion impregnation is automatically calculated based on the average value. For more accurate calculations, be sure to contact specialists in your region.

When filling out the data, pay attention to the additional information with the sign Additional Information

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of profiled timber compared to laminated veneer lumber, you should start with the basic concepts about the production of both.

Profiled timber is made from coniferous trees. In most cases it has standard sizes sections:

  • 100x100 mm is best suited for building a bathhouse or summer country house
  • 150x150 mm suitable for a good home
  • 200x200 mm for the construction of large wooden houses or cottages

If desired, you can individually order timber of a different section. Appearance The timber can have either a straight front side or a D-shaped one. A log of the required thickness is processed on planing and milling machines, after which it is ground on the required sides. The side of the beam that will be located inside the future house and may not require further finishing is usually subjected to high-quality sanding. For convenience and reliability of installation of a log house and for protection from cold and moisture, the profile most often comes with 1 or 2 tenons for a lightweight structure or a “comb” for a residential building. The finished log house must shrink for further completion of construction, usually this period is about 1 year. To reduce this period to several months, you can dry the timber in advance in special chambers.

To produce laminated veneer lumber, logs are sawn into boards, they are also called “lamellas”. The boards are cut and laid in drying chamber, where the soft drying process produces material with a moisture content of about 10%. Then the boards are planed again until required sizes, sorted, and then glued into timber using a hydraulic press. For gluing, special waterproof adhesive compositions are used. To make laminated timber resistant to rotting and significantly increase its strength, the boards are laid in a special way - each is laid opposite to the cross-section of the fibers of the neighboring one.

When assessing the strength of materials, it is necessary to recognize the best performance of laminated veneer lumber.

In profiled wood during the production process, the outer, stronger part of the wood is cut off to give the desired shape. Glued laminated timber due to the previously described method of laying boards and gluing them onto hydraulic press is more durable. As many people know, larch is the most durable and rot-resistant, but also the most expensive among conifers. Making profiled timber from it significantly increases the cost of construction. When producing laminated veneer lumber, it is possible to lay an external larch lamella before gluing, which has a slight effect on the increase in price.

When comparing the moisture content of the material and the shrinkage time, it has already been noted that laminated veneer lumber has a moisture content of about 10% and, accordingly, a short shrinkage time, which makes it possible to reduce the construction period of a house. Profiled timber has the natural moisture content of wood, and even drying it can reduce the moisture content only to 20%, so shrinkage cannot be avoided. When comparing shrinkage periods, we must not forget the fact that solid material, due to its greater massiveness, is practically not susceptible to cracking, but on laminated veneer lumber there is a possibility of small cracks occurring.

Because of technological features each type of timber may have different overall dimensions. The profile usually has a length of up to 6 meters, and a cross-section of 100x100, 150x150 and 200x200 mm. Manufacturing timber of a different section size (for example, with a step every 10 mm) can increase the amount of waste, which cannot but affect the price. The length of laminated veneer lumber can reach 12 meters, and the cross-section is usually made from 80 to 280 mm.

In terms of cost, solid timber is almost 2 times cheaper due to the less complex manufacturing process.

But taking into account only the cost of the finished log house, do not forget that finishing for facades when using laminated veneer lumber may not be required, and comparing them in price is a stretch. Everything will depend on the material chosen for finishing the house, its quantity and cost.

About environmental friendliness, profiled timber is not just a favorite, but rather a champion that preserves everything beneficial features such an excellent material as natural wood. For processing, you may only need special mixtures to protect against fire and rot, which the owner of the house can choose. In the production of laminated veneer lumber, adhesive compositions can be used, which are divided into several groups according to the degree of danger, and it is not a fact that the manufacturer did not decide to save on the cost of the glue.

In conclusion, we can say that each of the 2 types of timber considered has its undoubted advantages with a small number of disadvantages. And only the owner can decide what material to build the house from in order to continue living in it.

Below is a complete list of calculations performed with brief description each item. If you haven't found the answer to your question, you can contact us via feedback.

General information on the calculation results

  • About the total volume of timber
  • - Estimated amount of lumber in cubic meters.
  • About total wall area
  • - The area of ​​the outer side of the walls. Corresponds to the area of ​​the required insulation, if provided for by the project.
  • About total weight
  • - Weight of timber excluding insulation.
  • Number of crowns
  • - Number of rows of timber in one wall. Depends on the height of the walls and the size of the material used. Excluding gables.
  • Quantity of roll insulation for all crowns
  • - Equal to the total length of all beams.
  • Diameter and number of dowels in 1.5 meter increments
  • - This calculation is suitable only for lightly loaded timber buildings. For critical buildings, the calculation of dowels must be carried out by specialists in your region.
  • Amount of impregnation on both sides
  • - The calculated amount of protective impregnation of medium grades, covering the external and internal surfaces of all walls.
  • Approximate shrinkage (4%) of profiled timber
  • - Approximate shrinkage of walls made of profiled timber after 1 year, with an initial humidity of 20%. - Load without taking into account the weight of the roof and ceilings, with support on the entire surface of the lower crown. This parameter is necessary to select the strength characteristics of the foundation.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 248,600 rubles.
  • Net profit – 85,100 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 965,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 1 year.

Note: This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will compile detailed business plan saunas with calculations.

Description of service

This business plan discusses a sauna that provides services to the public. The building will be rented for a long term. It will be located in a residential building. In this case, you need to pay attention to organizational and legal aspects. The sauna must meet many requirements, and you will need to obtain quite a lot of permits in advance.

Market analysis

When studying the demand for business, you need to understand that a person’s needs for a variety of leisure activities largely depend on his financial capabilities. Yes, these are difficult times in the country and many people are having a hard time. Someone will say, why do you need a sauna if you can wash yourself at home? Here the question is different. Firstly, a sauna or bath has a number of therapeutic and prophylactic effects. Secondly, today young people are increasingly using just such forms of leisure. Why? They are attracted by an informal atmosphere and a limited circle of people.

If we talk about the demand for services, today saunas are more popular among Russians, not baths. Although the bathhouse is an original Russian tradition. This shift in interests was largely due to the “rejuvenation” of consumers. Today, sauna services are used by people aged 20 to 45 years. At the same time, both women and men love to visit it.

We have decided on the target category. Now you need to understand whether there is a place in the market and what the competition is in this segment. There is competition, as in any other promising type of business. According to Rosstat, the overwhelming number of baths and saunas today are in middle and large enterprises(more than ¾). Small businesses own only 12% of the country's baths and saunas.

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the main competitors will be:

  1. Large enterprises. In such cases, the organization usually provides wide range services. Saunas are also included. The cost in such establishments is usually quite high. But the quality of the services provided is at the level. It is possible to fight such giants. It is necessary to offer more favorable prices or, perhaps, hold some promotions or provide discounts. The quality must also be high. It is best to locate in the distance from such large leisure centers to avoid direct conflicts of interests.
  2. Small entrepreneurs. Such organizations do not cover a large segment of the market. It's quite easy to fight them. You need to find a place where there are no other saunas nearby. You can also fight small firms with the help of advertising. Prices in this case will not play a special role (within reasonable limits, of course).

Before creating your own sauna, you need to study the market structure of a particular city. It may be very different from the situation even in neighboring regions. Below is a list of cities with a population of over a million, arranged in descending order of the number of saunas per 100 thousand people.

It is important to conduct competent geomarketing research in order to most reliably assess your chances in a given niche and develop a strategy.

It should be noted that the cost in this service sector is set in a rather specific way. Entrepreneurs proceed from competitive parity, that is, they are based on each other’s prices.

SWOT analysis

When drawing up a business plan for a sauna, it is necessary to consider all sorts of factors that in one way or another can affect not only the amount of profit, but also its availability in general. It is customary to divide such factors into external and internal. It is impossible to control and correct external ones. But you can use them to your advantage (if they are opportunities) and avoid them (if they are threats). So to external factors in this case we can include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • Low level of fixed costs.
  • Increasing consumer demand for this service.
  • Increasing standard of living, increasing the relevance of the offer.
  • Offer of additional services.
  1. Threats:
  • Possible increase in competition.
  • A sharp change in consumer tastes.
  • High level of competition.
  • Quite serious initial costs.
  • High requirements for the premises used.
  • Quite heavy technological process at the beginning, associated with the need for redevelopment.

You can work with internal factors - eliminate negative ones and enhance the influence of positive ones. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • No need for highly qualified personnel.
  • Providing quality service.
  • Usage effective methods promotion.
  • Use of quality materials and designs.
  • Use of modern equipment.
  • In-depth market analysis.
  1. Weak sides:
  • The need for self-financing.
  • Lack of long-term strategy.
  • Lack of experience.
  • High level of risks.

Based on the identified working conditions, we can conclude that special attention should be paid to:

  1. Selecting a room and bringing it into appropriate shape.
  2. Development of a promotion strategy.
  3. Development of special offers.
  4. Choosing quality equipment.

Opportunity Assessment

The sauna will be open seven days a week. The largest influx occurs on weekends or in the afternoon. Therefore, the operating mode will be as follows:

Total: 96 hours per week, about 411 hours per month.

To operate, you will need 2 administrators. They will work 2 through 2. In order not to hire cleaners, you can delegate the cleaning of the premises to the administrator. This way, you can save money and not have to hire a lot of workers.

It is worth noting that there is seasonality in this type of business; you can combat it with the help of a system of promotions and discounts. In addition, in the evening people are more willing to go to the sauna. It makes sense to make prices different depending on time.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Organizational and legal form – or. If you plan to sell alcoholic products, then only the second option will do. Naturally, this will require an appropriate license. OKVED codes that may be needed:
  • 93.04 - Physical education and recreational activities;
  • 55.40 — Bar activities;
  • 52.11 — Retail in non-specialized stores mainly food products, including drinks and tobacco products;
  • 52.33 - Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes;
  • 52.33.1 - Retail trade in cosmetics and perfumery products, except soap;
  • 52.42.2 - Retail trade of underwear.

In each specific case, the set of codes will be different. It is worth considering what additional services the organization provides.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. To accept payment by bank transfer you need.
  3. According to the set of rules SP 54.13330.2011, it is prohibited to open baths, but not saunas, in residential buildings. Previously, they were prohibited (according to SNiP 31-01-2003), except for individual saunas located in apartments.
  4. When choosing the basement floor of a residential building as a premises, you need to be prepared to encounter many difficulties. Firstly, it’s better to immediately look for rent commercial real estate(that is, already translated, not residential).
  5. There must be a formal lease agreement;
  6. So, the appearance of saunas in homes is not prohibited. But they must comply with all existing norms and rules. The following requirements apply:
  • Satisfaction absolutely everyone SNiP standards (otherwise the organization will be closed).
  • The steam room should not occupy more than 24 m³;
  • The sauna must use a special factory-made stove for heating with an automatic shutdown when the temperature reaches 130 degrees and after eight hours continuous operation. This stove should not be located closer than 20 centimeters to the walls of the steam room. A fireproof heat-insulating shield must be installed above the stove.
  • The ventilation duct must be equipped with a fire-retarding valve.
  • The redevelopment project must be agreed upon with Housing Inspectorate, the Inspectorate of the State Architectural and Construction Supervision, the organization servicing the house (MC or HOA), the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the State Fire Service and the Office of Rospotrebnadzor.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy:

The cost will vary from 1,000 to 1,200 rubles depending on the day of the week and time of day. In the future, we will consider the average check as 1,100 rubles.

Promotion strategy:

  1. Signboard. It is worth hanging a bright and noticeable sign at the entrance. This will attract customers living nearby and passing by. Moreover, it should be clear that this is a sauna, and not something else (you can use an image of a person in a steam room, for example, or choose a suitable name).
  2. Registration in online catalogs. Here it is important to select the most visited sites and fill out the information as much as possible.
  3. It’s worth getting a group in contact or your own website.
  4. Contextual advertising is also perfect.
  5. You can use advertising on television, radio, and place information in local newspapers.

It is also worth considering holding promotions and drawings within the group. It is important to attract as many clients as possible. At the same time, you need to understand that only one company can be in the sauna at a time, so leaflets, for example, will not be effective.

There is one important rule: the more regular customers at the sauna better advertising, and the better the advertising, the higher the income.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

As for the workers. Administrators will perform the following responsibilities:

  • meet and see off clients;
  • provide them with the necessary bath accessories;
  • talk about the rules of behavior in the sauna;
  • show available premises;
  • charge for being in the sauna;
  • register clients by phone and online;
  • lead a group on a social network;
  • fill the site with up-to-date information;
  • clean the premises;
  • Monitor the serviceability of all available equipment.

Administrators' salaries will be fixed. total amount wages, insurance premiums and personal income tax will be 35,000 rubles per person. Total: 70,000 rubles – wage costs.

You need to dwell in more detail on the redevelopment and equipment. The figure below shows an approximate layout of the sauna.

To accommodate a steam room, relaxation room, massage room, shower room, premises for the administrator will need at least 100 m 2. When choosing a room, it is best to consider options with at least renovation. In any case, redevelopment will have to be done. Moreover, you must not forget to agree on it first. So, the cost of repairs and redevelopment will include:

  • the actual redevelopment;
  • repairs in accordance with existing standards;
  • bringing the premises into compliance with all Sanitary Regulations;
  • toilet and shower equipment.

The equipment will include:

  • the sauna itself (from 70,000 rubles);
  • infrared sauna (from 80,000 rubles);
  • cedar barrel (from 40,000 rubles);
  • jacuzzi (from 50,000 rubles).

If you wish, you can equip a swimming pool, but this will still cost at least 300,000 - 400,000 rubles.

The furniture includes:

  • massage table (from 15,000 rubles);
  • sofas;
  • tables;
  • chairs;
  • armchairs.

Techniques include:

  • laptop for administrator work (from 25,000 rubles);
  • TV (from 15,000 rubles);
  • audio system (from 10,000 rubles).

Organizational plan

Financial plan

Profit before tax will be equal to: 248,600 – 161,500 = 87,100 rubles.

Let's calculate the tax in all possible ways to determine the most profitable one:

  1. STS 6% of income: 248,600*0.06 = 14,916 rubles.
  2. STS 15% of (income - expenses): 87,100 * 0.15 = 13,065 rubles.
  3. To calculate UTII you can use online calculator by selecting the appropriate type of service. The tax for a quarter (3 months) will be about 6,000 rubles. Therefore, monthly payments will be 2,000 rubles.

The last option is the most profitable. It should be chosen in this case. Your situation may turn out differently, so it’s worth considering all possible options.

Tax: 2,000 rubles.

Net profit: 87,100 – 2,000 = 85,100 rubles.

Profitability: 85,100/248,600*100% = 34.23%.

You can significantly increase profitability by purchasing premises rather than renting them. At the same time, the initial costs and payback period will significantly increase. In our case, profitability would increase by about 15-25%.

Payback: 965,800/85,100 = 11.35. Therefore, this type of business will pay off in no less than a year.


When opening your own sauna, it is very important to determine possible risks. This is especially important because the initial investment in this type of business is quite significant. The most likely risks include:

  • Low sauna attendance. This will have a negative impact on the business as a whole. Reduces income and profitability. In more difficult situations There may be no income at all. The possibility of a loss-making enterprise cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it is very important to work out all the ways to promote your services. Attendance will depend on this. Saving on advertising in this case is absolutely not worth it.
  • Customer churn due to poor quality service. In this case, profitability, profitability, and business reputation may become negative. An entrepreneur must work with administrators, give them motivation, teach them how to communicate correctly with clients. It is best to hire people with experience. But the most important thing is to initially create a good sauna with excellent equipment. It is imperative to check the performance of all systems and correct faults in a timely manner.

By protecting yourself from these risks, an entrepreneur will certainly get a profitable and stable business. It is only important to be careful about your work.

An entrepreneur must remember four important rules when opening his own sauna:

  1. The services provided must in no way harm the health of clients.
  2. A successful business is possible only after everything Required documents will be issued. Don't forget about the license to sell alcohol, if you have one.
  3. An organization cannot provide illegal services to its clients. This is not only punishable by law, but also greatly affects the reputation of the establishment.
  4. It is imperative to maintain confidentiality regarding people visiting the sauna.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!