A story based on the picture of a bird feeder. Lesson in the senior group “Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Bird Feeder”. Compiling the story “Where the furniture came to us”

Olga Troyanskaya

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, productive, cognitive and research.

Goals: make up a story based on a picture, develop fine motor skills hands


Make up a story based on a picture, using existing knowledge about wintering birds;

Distinguish between winterers birds by appearance ; bring to the understanding that wintering birds can be helped, hanging out feeders.

Agree adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt a figure birds in a constructive way using different learned techniques: rolling plasticine between the palms, pulling small parts, connecting parts by pressing and smoothing the joints. Create an image in sculpting birds, conveying her pose; To develop children's ability to sculpt birds from plasticine and waste material. Develop constructive thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Planned results: expresses positive emotions when listening and telling, knows how to carry on a conversation, reasons, makes up a story based on a picture, actively participates in outdoor play, enthusiastically works with plasticine and waste material according to his own ideas.

Material for classes:

1. Painting of birds at a feeder.

2. Colored plasticine

3. Plastic containers

4. Feathers, stacks, cloth napkins, beads for the eyes.

5. Box cardboard small, braid, food in jars with cereal, seeds, a piece of bread, lard.

Organizing time.

The endless expanses of our northern region. The forests, rivers and lakes are beautiful. Different birds They fly to us in the spring and stay for the winter in this harsh region. The days in winter are short, the sun rarely appears, and the nights are long and frosty. At this time of year birds always suffer from hunger and cold. People take care of them and help them survive the winter.

Riddle about feeder.

What a table among the birches

Open air?

He treats in the cold

Birds with grain and bread.

Why a dining room for birds are called feeders?

Show paintings and conversation about them.

1. Where did you arrive? birds?

2. Who did it bird feeder?

3. What do you think is needed for construction? feeders?

4. Where did the children hang it? feeder?

Teacher's story.

Cold winter has arrived. Hungry birds in the forest. The children asked their grandfather to make bird feeder. They brought planks, a hammer, and nails. When the feeder was ready, the children hung it on a birch tree and poured feed: cereals, seeds, bread crumbs. The children hid behind the tree and began to watch. First on A sparrow flew to the feeder, then tits. Birds quickly pecked food.

Educator: And now you will wake up make up your own story based on the picture.

Creative task.

1. Invent story by analogy.

(children come up with their own stories similar to the teacher)

Educator: You made up interesting stories, and now I invite you to play a game « Bird catcher» .

2. Outdoor game « Bird catcher»

The players choose their names birds whose cry they can imitate, stand in a circle in the center of which - bird catcher blindfolded. Birds are walking, circling around bird catcher and pronounced in chant: in the forest in the woods on a green oak tree birds sing merrily. Oh! The bird catcher is coming! He will take us into captivity, birds fly away! The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop in place and the driver begins to look birds. The one he found imitates the cry birds which he chose. Birdcatcher guesses the name of the bird and the player's name. The player becomes bird catcher. Rules games: The player should not hide behind objects encountered on the way. Players must stop in place exactly when signaled.

(children sit down)

Educator: children, what can you make it from? feeder again?

(plastic bottle, boxes)

Educator: (the teacher shows different feeders)

look how you can do it feeder out of the box.

(the teacher makes a small feeder, offers to choose bird food that children will take birds for a walk) the teacher places on the manufactured bird feeder made from waste material and plasticine.

Educator: look at feeder My bird has already arrived. Do you want your birds to fly to the feeder and pecked at the treats.

(children independently choose the proposed material and make birds. Ready birds are placed on a feeder. Optionally, some children sculpt bird food).


1. What we're talking about made up a story?

2. What did we sculpt?

3. What game did you play?

Feeder brought out to show parents

During a lesson about the world around us, teacher Tatyana Ivanovna told her students:
— Winter this year is snowy and cold. You and I are sitting in warm houses, but the birds have a hard time. They will find a warm place under a roof for themselves, but getting food in a snowy winter is a problem. Let's help the birds, guys.
“Come on,” the first “B” made a noise. - How can I help them?
“We need to make feeders for the birds and don’t forget to pour millet, seeds or pieces of bread into them every day,” the teacher explained. “Then the birds will fly to your dining room every day to have breakfast.”
Vasya decided to make a bird feeder. I found a picture in a textbook - a wooden plank is nailed to a post, and a roof is made over it to prevent snow from falling. I found nails at home, took a shelf from an old bedside table and went into the yard to make a feeder. As soon as he started nailing the plank to the tree, neighbor Ivan Ivanovich came running.

“What are you doing, barbarian,” he began to scold Vasya. - The tree is alive, and you drive nails into it! What they only teach you at school!
“They teach you how to make feeders,” Vasya gloomily answers Ivan Ivanovich. “But we don’t have a post to nail a board in our yard.”
“Birds won’t fly to your feeder,” Ivan Ivanovich is still angry. – The board is slippery and polished. It will be uncomfortable for birds to sit on it.
Vasya is sad. There are so many different rules, it turns out. He thought it was easy to make a feeder. I thanked Ivan Ivanovich for his advice and went home to think about how to make a feeder. I found an advice in a children's magazine - to make a feeder out of a plastic bottle. I looked at the picture and did everything as written. I poured a couple of spoons of buckwheat porridge into the feeder and went to hang it up. He hung it on a branch, sat down on a bench, and sat quietly. Waiting for the birds to fly. The birds didn’t wait, but the namesake, the neighbor’s cat Vaska, came. He climbed up the tree trunk, stuck his head into the feeder and began to eat the porridge.
“This kind of feeder needs to be hung on a thin tree,” explained the cat’s owner, neighbor Maria Petrovna, to Vasya. “Otherwise any cat could get into it and scare away all the birds.” And the place you chose for the feeder is not the best, it’s crowded, there are cars driving by. There are no birds here either.
Vasya looked around - there wasn’t a single thin tree in the yard. I told Maria Petrovna thank you for the advice, became completely sad and went home to do my homework.
In the evening, Vasya’s mother Anya came home from work and saw that her son was sad. I started asking him what happened. And when she found out that it was all about the feeder, she told Vasya how her grandmother, as a child, taught her to hang a piece of unsalted lard for tits out the window. Vasya, of course, did not believe that the tit would fly straight to the window to peck the lard, he would not be afraid. And how will she know that food was hung here for her? But he listened to his mother and hung the lard skin outside the window. And he went to bed.
And the next morning Vasya began to get ready for school and heard someone knocking on the window. The titmouse has arrived! She saw that Vasya was looking at her, chirped and flew away. But Vasya was already sure that the titmouse would return and bring his friends with him. What a good dining room he made for birds!

Based on a series of narrative paintings


correctional and educational:

Teach children to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures;

Teach children to independently invent events preceding the events depicted;

correctional and developmental:

Clarify children's knowledge about wintering birds;

Develop the ability to construct your statement grammatically correctly;

correctional and educational:

To instill in children a caring attitude towards those who need it.

Equipment: a series of subject paintings “Feeding Trough” (Fig. 13-15), subject pictures depicting wintering birds (selected by a speech therapist).

Preliminary work: reading literary texts by M. Gorky “Sparrow” and I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov “In the den”, “On the forest road”. Games: “They fly away, they don’t fly away”, “Who spends the winter how?” Making bird feeders from scrap materials.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

Game “Find out by description”

Pugnacious, cheerful, daring, nimble (who?) - sparrow.

Yellow-breasted, cheerful, nimble (who?) - tit.

Red-breasted, lazy, sedentary (who?) - bullfinch.

White-sided chirper and thief (who?) - magpie.

Red-headed, in a black tailcoat, the tree healer is a woodpecker.

Black, with a powerful beak, glossy feathers, it croaks like a crow.

For each correct answer, the speech therapist displays the corresponding picture.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: What do these birds have in common? (Children's answers.) Today we will write a story about how to help birds in winter.

3. Writing a story.

The speech therapist invites the children to arrange the pictures from the “Feeding Trough” series in the desired sequence. Children look at the pictures and think about what to call the story. From the names proposed by the children, the most suitable one is selected, for example, “Feeder.”

Why did the children decide to make a feeder?

What did they need for this?

Where did the children hang the feeder?

Who happily flew to the feeder?

How should you care for birds in winter?

4. Physical education minute.

As the poem progresses, children perform appropriate movements.

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream

Snow falls on the ground.

All the fluffs are sliding from the sky -

Silver snowflakes.

Spinning over your head

A snow carousel.

Look at the snow -

Bullfinches with red breasts.

5. Children's stories.

The speech therapist asks the children to carefully look at the pictures again and think about how they will tell the story. And then he suggests starting his story with why the children decided to make a feeder.

Sample story written by children

A harsh winter has arrived. Tanya and Vanya went for a walk in the park. Sad titmice, sparrows and bullfinches sat on tree branches. They were cold and hungry. Tanya suggested that Vanya help the birds. And so the work began to boil: the boy took tools and building materials, and the girl began to help him. When the feeder was ready, the children returned to the park. Tanya handed Vanya a trough with food. Vanya hung it on a tree. Before the children had time to leave, they heard the joyful voices of birds and saw them at their feeder.

6. Game “Count the birds and feeders.”
A feeder made by children is on display.

The speech therapist gives the task to count the birds that fly to the feeder. The sparrow arrives first, then the tit, etc. Children count birds from one to ten. At the end of the game, the speech therapist tells the children that a swallow has also flown to the feeder. Children should note that a swallow cannot be at the feeder in winter because it is a migratory bird.

7. Summary of the lesson.

What was the story about?

What are the birds that stay for the winter called?

How can you help birds in winter?

After the lesson, the children, together with the speech therapist, get dressed, take their feeders made from scrap material, and go outside. On the street, children hang feeders around the area kindergarten and put food in them. In the future, children can conduct bird observations.

Lesson 13.

Compiling the story “Where the furniture came to us”

(based on reference pictures)


correctional and educational:

Teach children to compose a story using reference pictures and words;

correctional and developmental:

Expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic;

To develop in children the ability to select antonyms and prefixed verbs;

correctional and educational:

To develop in children the skill of self-control of speech.

Equipment: subject pictures: trees, saw, factory, carpenter, furniture store, buyer, furniture delivery van, house (selected by speech therapist).

Preliminary work: reading an excerpt from a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" (about joiners and carpenters). Games: “Who is doing what?” (professions: carpenter, joiner, cabinetmaker, lumberjack); “Master” (formation of adjectives from nouns); writing descriptive stories using a descriptive outline.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Reading a poem by S. Marshak. "Where did the table come from?"

Take a book and notebook,

Sit down at the table.

Could you tell me

Where did the table come from?

No wonder it smells like pine,

He came from the depths of the forest.

This table - a pine table -

He came to us from the forest.

He came from the depths of the forest -

He himself was once a pine tree.

Oozed from his shaft

Transparent resin...

But here's a hot saw

She went deep into his trunk.

He sighed and fell...

And in the sawmill above the river

He became a log, he became a plank.

Then in the carpentry workshop

Became a quadruped...

There is an inkwell on it,

There is a notebook on it.

We'll work on him during the day,

I will lay out the drawing on it,

When the time comes,

So that later according to the drawing

Build an airplane.

2. Announcement of the topic.

There's a knock on the door. They bring in an envelope. The speech therapist takes pictures out of it and puts them on the board. Then he turns to the children with the question: “Who do you think could send us this letter and what does he want to tell us?” After listening to the children’s answers, the speech therapist reads the return address. It turns out that the letter was sent by the factory workers who made the furniture that is in the office. They ask the children to compose a story using pictures about how everything happened, write it down and send it.

Today we will compose a story based on a series of paintings “Where the furniture came to us from.”

3. Conversation based on pictures.

What trees are furniture made from? (Oak, walnut, pine.)

Who cuts down trees to make furniture? (Lumberjacks.)

Where are trees cut into planks? (At the sawmill.)

What professions do people turn trees into furniture? (Lumberjacks, joiners, carpenters, cabinetmakers.)

What does each of them do?

What needs to be done to turn the boards into furniture? (Draw a drawing, cut out pieces of furniture, cover with paint and
varnish, dry, pack.)

Where is the finished furniture sent?

How does furniture come to our home?

What needs to be done to ensure that there are no fewer trees in the forest?

4. Game “Where do you need what?”

A sofa, armchairs, and coffee table are needed in... (living room).

A dining table and chairs are needed in... (dining room).

Kitchen set, wall cabinets in... (kitchen).

Hanger, mirror in... (hallway).

Bed, wardrobe in... (bedroom).

Children's furniture is needed in... (children's room).

5. Physical education minute .

6. Writing a story.

The speech therapist asks the children to remember everything they talked about in class and compose a story based on the pictures. It is better to compose a story in a chain, but at the same time the speech therapist makes sure that the children logically correctly connect the sentences with each other.

Sample story

A large oak tree grew in the forest. The lumberjacks decided that it would make beautiful furniture. They cut it down and sent it to the sawmill. At the sawmill, carpenters cut the wood into planks. The boards were delivered to the factory. Here the carpenters and cabinetmakers got to work. They sawed and assembled pieces of furniture, coated them with paint and varnish, packaged them and sent them to a furniture store. Buyers wanted to buy new furniture. At the store, the furniture was loaded into a van and delivered directly to the home. This is how the furniture came to us.

The speech therapist writes down the story compiled by the children. At the end of the lesson, the speech therapist and children put the letter in an envelope.

7. Children's stories.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Where is furniture made?

What professions do people work on making furniture?

How to protect the forest from destruction?

Lesson in senior group

“Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Bird Feeder.”

Types of children's activities:gaming, communicative, productive, educational and research.
Goals: make up a story based on a picture, develop fine motor skills.


Compose a story based on the picture, using existing knowledge about wintering birds;

Identify wintering birds by appearance; bring to the understanding that wintering birds can be helped by hanging feeders.

Agree adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt a bird figurine in a constructive way, using various learned techniques: rolling plasticine between the palms, pulling small parts, connecting parts by pressing and smoothing the joints. Create an image of a bird in sculpting, conveying its pose;To develop children’s ability to sculpt birds from plasticine and waste material.Develop constructive thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste.Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Planned results:expresses positive emotions when listening and telling stories, knows how to maintain a conversation, reasons, composes a story based on a picture, actively participates in outdoor play, enthusiastically works with plasticine and waste material according to his own design.

Materials for the lesson:

  1. Painting of birds on a feeder.
  2. Colored plasticine
  3. Plastic containers
  4. Feathers, stacks, cloth napkins, beads for the eyes.
  5. A small cardboard box, braid, food in jars with cereals, seeds, a piece of bread, lard.

Organizing time.

The endless expanses of our northern region. The forests, rivers and lakes are beautiful. Various birds They fly to us in the spring and stay for the winter in this harsh region. The days in winter are short, the sun rarely appears, and the nights are long and frosty. At this time of year, birds always suffer from hunger and cold. People take care of them and help them survive the winter.

Riddle about the feeder.

What a table among the birches

Open air?

He treats in the cold

Birds with grain and bread.

Why is a bird canteen called a bird feeder?

Show the picture and talk about it.

1.Where did the birds fly?

2. Who made the bird feeder?

3. What do you think is needed to build a feeder?

4. Where did the children hang the feeder?

Teacher's story.

Cold winter has arrived. The birds in the forest are hungry. The children asked their grandfather to make a bird feeder. They brought planks, a hammer, and nails. When the feeder was ready, the children hung it on a birch tree and poured in food: cereal, seeds, bread crumbs. The children hid behind the tree and began to watch. First, a sparrow flew to the feeder, then tits. The birds quickly pecked at the food.


Educator: Now you will compose your story based on the picture.

Creative task.

1. Come up with a story by analogy.

(children come up with their own stories similar to the teacher)

Educator: You have made up interesting stories, and now I invite you to play the game “Birdcatcher”.

2. Outdoor game “Birder catcher”

The players choose the names of the birds whose calls they can imitate, stand in a circle in the center of which is a blindfolded bird catcher. Birds walk, circle around the bird-catcher and chant: in the forest, in a small forest on a green oak tree, birds sing merrily. Oh! The bird catcher is coming! He will take us into captivity, birds fly away! The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop in place and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he found imitates the cry of the bird he chose. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The player becomes a bird catcher. Rules of the game: the player must not hide behind objects encountered on the way. Players must stop in place exactly when signaled.

(children sit down)

Educator: Children, what else can you make a feeder from?

(plastic bottle, box)

Educator: (the teacher shows different feeders)

Here's a look at how you can make a feeder out of a box.

(the teacher makes a small feeder, offers to choose bird food that the children will take out for the birds for a walk) the teacher places a bird made of waste material and plasticine on the made feeder.

Educator : Look, my bird has already flown to the feeder. Do you want your birds to also fly to the feeder and peck at the treats?

(children independently choose the proposed material and make birds. The finished birds are placed on a feeder. If desired, some children make bird food).


1. What were we writing the story about?

2. What did we sculpt?

3. What game did you play?

The feeder is brought out to show parents

Troyanskaya Olga Alexandrovna, teacher, MBDOU DSOV"Severyanochka" Russia, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Oktyabrsky district, village Priobye.

Topic: “Compiling the story “Feeding Trough” based on a series of plot paintings”

Goals: to teach children to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, to independently invent events preceding those depicted in the pictures; develop the ability to construct your statement grammatically correctly; consolidate the agreement of nouns with numerals, the correct use of the prepositions NA, B, IZ in speech; develop interhemispheric interaction and thinking; instill in children a caring attitude towards those who need it.

Equipment: a series of narrative paintings “Feeder”, subject pictures depicting wintering birds.

Preliminary work: reading literary texts by M. Gorky “Sparrow” and I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov “In the den”, “On the forest road”. Games: “They fly away, they don’t fly away”, “Who spends the winter how?” Making bird feeders from scrap materials.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizing time.

    Introduction to the topic.

    New topic.

    Physical education minute.


    Summary of the lesson.

Game "Ear-nose".

    With your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, grab the opposite ear. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.”

Game "Find out by description."

Pugnacious, cheerful, daring, nimble (who?)

Yellow-breasted, cheerful, nimble (who?)

Red-chested, lazy, sedentary (who?)

White-sided chirper and thief (who?)

Red-headed, in a black tailcoat, a tree healer.

Black, with a powerful beak, glossy feathers, croaks.

For each correct answer, the speech therapist displays the corresponding picture.

    What do these birds have in common?

    Today we will write a story about how to help birds in winter.

    Arrange the pictures in the correct order.

    Look at the pictures and think about what you could call the story.

From the names proposed by the children, the most suitable one is selected, for example, “Feeder.”

Vocabulary work.

    Explain the word: feeder, lack of food.

    Why did the children decide to make a feeder?

    What did they need for this?

    Where did the children hang the feeder?

    Who happily flew to the feeder?

    How should you care for birds in winter?

    What's happening in the first picture?

    Come up with names for the children.

    Where did Tanya and Vanya go for a walk?

    Who was sitting on the branches?

    What's their mood?

    What did the children decide to do?

    What's happening in the second picture?

    In the third picture?

    Are the birds happy at the feeder?

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream

Snow falls on the ground.

All the fluffs are sliding from the sky -

Silver snowflakes.

Spinning over your head

A snow carousel.
Look at the snow -
Bullfinches with red breasts.

    Look carefully at the pictures again and think about how you will tell the story.

    I propose to start my story with why the children decided to make a feeder.

    Game "Count the birds at the feeder."

    Count the birds that flew to the feeder (Two sparrows, three tits, five crows, four bullfinches).

    A swallow also flew to the feeder.

    Game "Dunno".

    Correct the errors in the letter sent by Dunno.

"Hello, friends. Today, while walking in the park, I saw how the children made a feeding trough. The feeder was hung V tree. The food was poured from feeders. The sparrow flew out on nest to eat bread crumbs. Tit sat down from tree, waiting for its turn to peck tasty food.”

    What was the story about?

    What are the birds that stay for the winter called?

    How can you help birds in winter?







    These are wintering birds.

    “How children helped the birds in winter” “Feeder”

    A box in which food is given. Lack of feed.

    Birds are hungry in winter. They don't have enough food.

    They needed building material and tools.

    The feeder was hung on a tree in the park.

    Sparrows, tits, and bullfinches flew to the feeder.

    Make feeders and feed birds.

    Tanya and Vanya went for a walk in the park. Sad titmice, sparrows and bullfinches sat on tree branches. They were cold and hungry. Tanya suggested that Vanya help the birds.

    And so the work began to boil: the boy took tools and building materials, and the girl began to help him.

    When the feeder was ready, the children returned to the park. Tanya handed Vanya a trough with food. Vanya hung it on a tree. Sparrows, tits, and bullfinches happily flew to the feeder.

As the poem progresses, children perform appropriate movements.

Sample story written by children

A harsh winter has arrived. Tanya and Vanya went for a walk in the park. Sad titmice, sparrows and bullfinches sat on tree branches. They were cold and hungry. Tanya suggested that Vanya help the birds. And so the work began to boil: the boy took tools and building materials, and the girl began to help him. When the feeder was ready, the children returned to the park. Tanya handed Vanya a trough with food. Vanya hung it on a tree. Before the children had time to leave, they heard the joyful voices of birds and saw them at their feeder.

    A swallow cannot be at the feeder in winter because it is a migratory bird.