Stories about animals of Svyatoslav sugar. Sea Tales Shipfly and Splasher

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Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov
Sea Tales


The whale was hunting for small fish.

Small fry swim in clouds in the ocean. The whale will come running, its mouth will open! - and my mouth is full. He will slam his mouth shut and strain the water through his mustache. All the small fry go down the throat. His throat is small.

As soon as the fish sees a whale, it goes straight to the shore. Keith follows her.

He ran away - right away! – and ran ashore.

It’s good that a whale is an animal and not a fish: it won’t die without water.

It lies on the sand like a black rock - neither here nor there. He sighs heavily: now wait for the water to come!

There are wolves along the shore.


They are looking for something to profit from. They see a mountain of meat. Barely moves.

They ran up. “Which side should I start with?” - they estimate.

A crab saw this from the water.

“End the whale! - thinks. “You need to rescue your own sea animal.”

Got out to the shore.

- Stop! - shouts to the wolves. - And I'm with you. There is enough whale for everyone. We'll wait and get started.

The wolves stopped.

– What to expect?

- How - what? Don’t you know: whales are eaten only during the moonlight. The higher the moon, the tastier the whale meat!

The wolves were surprised, but did not argue. A crab lives in the ocean with a whale. He, the bug-eyed one, knows better.

They settled on the shore around the whale, their muzzles up.

It’s already evening - we won’t have long to wait for the moon!

Keith lies there and sighs.

The moon came out from behind the mountain and crawled up the sky.

The wolves are sitting, silent, looking at the whale. They don’t notice that the water in the ocean is rising. They click their teeth with hunger. They look at the crab: isn’t it time to take on the whale?

The crab sits on its own, stroking its sides with its claws.

Suddenly the wolves sense that it has become wet to sit.

They ran to the mountain and didn’t take their eyes off the whale.

The moon rose above the wolves' heads.

The whale also sensed the water beneath it. He sighed, took a full lungful of air, and kicked his tail! Splashes in all directions.

The wolves are scattered.

The whale foams the water with its tail and drives a wave towards the wolves. Wolves - to the mountain.

The whale turned its head towards the sea, began to swirl with its tail and went, went! He swam to the depths, took in air, and disappeared. Only his tail was seen.

And the crab slowly - sideways, sideways - behind him.

The wolves came to their senses - no whale, no crab! We sat on the shore for a long time. They look up at the moon, then down at the water.

They don’t understand anything - they are a land people. How do they know that on the sea-ocean there are ebbs and flows!

And the higher the moon, the stronger the tides.


There lived a fly on a ship.

More than anything else, she loved to give advice.

The sailors are pulling the rope - the fly is right there!

- J-J-Live! One-z-zoom, one-z-zoom!

It buzzes until they drive it away.

A fly flew into the ship's kitchen - the galley. There is a cook, a cook, all in white, preparing compote.

A fly sat on the shelf where the salt stood and rang:

- Because I forgot, because I forgot! In vain, in vain!

The cook has had the raisins in place for a long time. He endured and endured until he slammed a towel. I didn't hit the fly, but the salt was in the compote - bang!

Fly out of the kitchen.

He sees a ship's dog catching its tail on the deck. She to him:

- S-z-behind, s-z-zinya, s-z-behind! With s-z-teeth, s-z-teeth!

The dog is on the fly. Missed - and overboard! They barely saved us.

And the fly is already sitting in the crack.

How to get rid of it, sticky?..

The ship arrived in a hot country. Has stopped. A fly crawled out of the crack.

- It's hot! It's scorching hot!

Sat on board in the shade. He sits and looks into the water.

Lo and behold, a short, wide fish emerges from the depths. The back is gray-green, there are four stripes on the sides.

The fly wanted to give the fish advice on how best to swim in the water. Did not make it. The fish took water into its mouth - and how it splashed into the fly!

Knocked her off the side. The fly flew head over heels into the water! While she was flying, she managed to buzz:

- It's creepy!

What’s creepy is unknown. Its splasher fish - hop! – swallowed.


Chilim swam between the stones and nibbled green bryozoans.

Chilim is a small crustacean, a mustachioed shrimp - like a fish, swims like a flea, jumps. Click his tail and he disappeared.

He floats, but in his head he says: “Don’t miss the ebb!”

I looked around - everything was calm.

A big-eyed goby lies on top of the mud, looking out for prey. The balanus crustacean is sleeping in the house, with its mustache outstretched. He has a nice house: a lime bottle with a lid. Another crab - a hermit - wanders along the bottom, dragging the house on itself. His house is stolen - a snail's shell.

No one is in a hurry to leave - it’s true that the tide won’t go out soon...

Suddenly he sees chilim: there are three brown balls at the bottom. Something is familiar, but he can’t remember what. He

end of introductory fragment

Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov

Sea Tales


The whale was hunting for small fish.

Small fry swim in clouds in the ocean. The whale will come running, its mouth will open! - and your mouth is full. He will slam his mouth shut and strain the water through his mustache. All the small fry go down the throat. His throat is small.

When a fish sees a whale, it goes straight to the shore. Keith follows her.

He ran away - right away! - and ran ashore.

It’s good that a whale is an animal and not a fish: it won’t die without water.

It lies on the sand like a black rock - neither here nor there. He sighs heavily: now wait for the water to come!

There are wolves along the shore.


They are looking for something to profit from. They see a mountain of meat. Barely moves.

They ran up. “Which side should I start with?” - they estimate.

A crab saw this from the water.

“End the whale! - thinks. “You need to rescue your own sea animal.”

Got out to the shore.

Stop! - shouts to the wolves. - And I'm with you. There is enough whale for everyone. We'll wait and get started.

The wolves stopped.

What to expect?

How - what? Don’t you know: whales are eaten only during the moonlight. The higher the moon, the tastier the whale meat!

The wolves were surprised, but did not argue. A crab lives in the ocean with a whale. He, the bug-eyed one, knows better.

They settled on the shore around the whale, their muzzles up.

It’s already evening - we won’t have long to wait for the moon!

Keith lies there and sighs.

The moon came out from behind the mountain and crawled up the sky.

The wolves are sitting, silent, looking at the whale. They don’t notice that the water in the ocean is rising. They click their teeth with hunger. They look at the crab: isn’t it time to take on the whale?

The crab sits on its own, stroking its sides with its claws.

Suddenly the wolves sense that it has become wet to sit.

They ran to the mountain and didn’t take their eyes off the whale.

The moon rose above the wolves' heads.

The whale also sensed the water beneath it. He sighed, took a full lungful of air, and kicked his tail! Splashes in all directions.

The wolves are scattered.

The whale foams the water with its tail and drives a wave towards the wolves. Wolves - to the mountain.

The whale turned its head towards the sea, began to swirl with its tail and went, went! He swam to the depths, took in air - and disappeared. Only his tail was seen.

And the crab slowly - sideways, sideways - behind him.

The wolves came to their senses - no whale, no crab! We sat on the shore for a long time. They look up at the moon, then down at the water.

They don’t understand anything - they are a land people. How do they know that on the sea-ocean there are ebbs and flows!

And the higher the moon, the stronger the tides.


There lived a fly on a ship.

More than anything else, she loved to give advice.

The sailors are pulling the rope - the fly is right there!

L-Live! One-z-zoom, one-z-zoom!

It buzzes until they drive it away.

A fly flew into the ship's kitchen - the galley. There is a cook there - a cook, all in white - preparing compote.

A fly sat on the shelf where the salt stood and rang:

Because s-z-z-z-forgot, because-z-z-zum! In vain, in vain!

The cook has had the raisins in place for a long time. He endured and endured until he slammed a towel. I didn't hit the fly, but the salt was in the compote - bang!

Fly out of the kitchen.

He sees a ship's dog catching its tail on the deck. She to him:

S-z-behind, s-z-zinya, s-z-behind! With s-z-teeth, s-z-teeth!

The dog is on the fly. Missed and went overboard! They barely saved us.

And the fly is already sitting in the crack.

How to get rid of it, sticky?..

The ship arrived in a hot country. Has stopped. A fly crawled out of the crack.

Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov

Sea Tales


The whale was hunting for small fish.

Small fry swim in clouds in the ocean. The whale will come running, its mouth will open! - and your mouth is full. He will slam his mouth shut and strain the water through his mustache. All the small fry go down the throat. His throat is small.

When a fish sees a whale, it goes straight to the shore. Keith follows her.

He ran away - right away! - and ran ashore.

It’s good that a whale is an animal and not a fish: it won’t die without water.

It lies on the sand like a black rock - neither here nor there. He sighs heavily: now wait for the water to come!

There are wolves along the shore.


They are looking for something to profit from. They see a mountain of meat. Barely moves.

They ran up. “Which side should I start with?” - they estimate.

A crab saw this from the water.

“End the whale! - thinks. “You need to rescue your own sea animal.”

Got out to the shore.

Stop! - shouts to the wolves. - And I'm with you. There is enough whale for everyone. We'll wait and get started.

The wolves stopped.

What to expect?

How - what? Don’t you know: whales are eaten only during the moonlight. The higher the moon, the tastier the whale meat!

The wolves were surprised, but did not argue. A crab lives in the ocean with a whale. He, the bug-eyed one, knows better.

They settled on the shore around the whale, their muzzles up.

It’s already evening - we won’t have long to wait for the moon!

Keith lies there and sighs.

The moon came out from behind the mountain and crawled up the sky.

The wolves are sitting, silent, looking at the whale. They don’t notice that the water in the ocean is rising. They click their teeth with hunger. They look at the crab: isn’t it time to take on the whale?

The crab sits on its own, stroking its sides with its claws.

Suddenly the wolves sense that it has become wet to sit.

They ran to the mountain and didn’t take their eyes off the whale.

The moon rose above the wolves' heads.

The whale also sensed the water beneath it. He sighed, took a full lungful of air, and kicked his tail! Splashes in all directions.

The wolves are scattered.

The whale foams the water with its tail and drives a wave towards the wolves. Wolves - to the mountain.

The whale turned its head towards the sea, began to swirl with its tail and went, went! He swam to the depths, took in air - and disappeared. Only his tail was seen.

And the crab slowly - sideways, sideways - behind him.

The wolves came to their senses - no whale, no crab! We sat on the shore for a long time. They look up at the moon, then down at the water.

They don’t understand anything - they are a land people. How do they know that on the sea-ocean there are ebbs and flows!

And the higher the moon, the stronger the tides.


There lived a fly on a ship.

More than anything else, she loved to give advice.

The sailors are pulling the rope - the fly is right there!

L-Live! One-z-zoom, one-z-zoom!

It buzzes until they drive it away.

A fly flew into the ship's kitchen - the galley. There is a cook there - a cook, all in white - preparing compote.

A fly sat on the shelf where the salt stood and rang:

Because s-z-z-z-forgot, because-z-z-zum! In vain, in vain!

The cook has had the raisins in place for a long time. He endured and endured until he slammed a towel. I didn't hit the fly, but the salt was in the compote - bang!

Fly out of the kitchen.

He sees a ship's dog catching its tail on the deck. She to him:

S-z-behind, s-z-zinya, s-z-behind! With s-z-teeth, s-z-teeth!

The dog is on the fly. Missed and went overboard! They barely saved us.

And the fly is already sitting in the crack.

How to get rid of it, sticky?..

The ship arrived in a hot country. Has stopped. A fly crawled out of the crack.

It's hot! It's scorching hot!

Sat on board in the shade. He sits and looks into the water.

Lo and behold, a short, wide fish emerges from the depths. The back is gray-green, there are four stripes on the sides.

The fly wanted to give the fish advice on how best to swim in the water. Did not make it. The fish took water into its mouth - and how it splashed into the fly!

Knocked her off the side. The fly flew head over heels into the water! While she was flying, she managed to buzz:

What's scary is unknown. Its splasher fish - hop! - swallowed.


Chilim swam between the stones and nibbled green bryozoans.

Chilim is a small crustacean, a mustachioed shrimp - like a fish, swims like a flea, jumps. Click his tail, and he disappeared.

He floats, but in his head he says: “Don’t miss the ebb!”

I looked around - everything was calm.

A big-eyed goby lies on top of the mud, looking out for prey. The balanus crustacean is sleeping in the house, with its mustache outstretched. He has a nice house: a lime bottle with a lid. Another crab - a hermit - wanders along the bottom, dragging the house on itself. His house is stolen - a snail's shell.

No one is in a hurry to leave - it’s true that the tide won’t go out soon...

Suddenly he sees chilim: there are three brown balls at the bottom. Something is familiar, but he can’t remember what. He's coming to them.

As soon as he swam up, the balls’ needles immediately stood up straight up. Let's jump back!

And the balls began to move and crawled along the bottom.

Funny crawling! They release yellow sucker legs between the needles. The leg will stretch out, stick to the pebble and pull the ball forward. Behind her is another.

Bah! Yes, these are sea urchins! How did he not recognize them before?

Chilim was amused. It flicks its tail and jumps around the hedgehogs.

“If only I could go out to sea before the tide goes out!”

I thought about it and forgot again.

And hedgehogs crawl over stones, leaving three paths behind them. They ate the greens from the stones as if they had taken them off with a knife.

They climbed onto a large boulder and were fiddling around at the very top.

I took a closer look at the chilim.

Ah ah ah! - I even jumped in horror. - Hedgehogs are chewing stones!

One rose up, and it became visible: the hedgehog had a mouth from below, with five white teeth in its mouth. The prickly ones are silent, scraping the stone with their teeth. I scraped out each hole for myself, lay down, spread out the needles and let’s spin around, drilling into the stone.

“Crazy! - Chilim decided. “They have nothing to do.”

The crawlers slowly retreat into the stone, as if they are drowning. Soft shell rock. The walls between the holes were torn down - it turned out to be a common pit for three.

“So many thorns, but they hide in the stone. Stupid! - Chilim thought.

I grabbed it - there was no water around. I missed the tide! He fluttered and thrashed. Jumps from stone to stone, gasping for breath.

“Here he is gone!”

With the last of his strength he jumped, turned over and fell into a hole with water - splash! He caught his breath and saw needles sticking out nearby. So it was he who pleased the hedgehogs! Well, how cunning: they didn’t dig the hole in vain! Now they are not afraid of the low tide.

“What about other sea inhabitants! - Chilim remembered. He stuck his head out of the hole. - Look, everyone is dead?

No matter how it is!

The goby buried itself in the wet mud. One tail sticks out. Balyanus hid in his bottle house and slammed the lid. The hermit crab climbed into the shell and plugged the entrance with its claw, like a cork.

Everyone has their own supply of water:

for a bull - in the silt,

at the balanus - in a bottle,

at the hermit's - in the shell.

Everyone is settled, everyone is waiting for the tide.


A rumor spread through the sea that a new fish had appeared in it.

Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov was born in Ukraine. Graduated from the Higher Naval School named after. Frunze (1944). For military services during the Great Patriotic War he was awarded many orders and medals. Until the end of the 50s he served in the Pacific Ocean and the Black Sea. Published since 1954

“I saw it, I can’t, I can’t help but tell it” - this is the mainspring of Sakharnov’s creativity. Starting with “The Green Fish,” he was attracted to books by their precise knowledge of marine realities, entertaining plots, variety of forms, freshness and originality of language. And this is not surprising: often the author was actually a participant in the events described. All of Sakharnov’s works are educational. Children will learn about where they live, what they eat, how they hide from danger, and the names of a huge number of marine inhabitants. In his sea fairy tales, the heroes - sea creatures - are also endowed with characters: among them there are good-natured people and villains, merry fellows and bores, sneaky people and klutzes. This is a special fusion of cognition and artistry in the traditions of Kipling and Bianchi.

It is logical that with the accumulation and development of marine themes in different genres (miniature, fairy tale, short story, story, essay, etc.), the author wanted to try to reflect this in a special form of a marine encyclopedia (“On the seas around the Earth. Children’s marine encyclopedia ", 1972). The book consists of a ship's round-the-world voyages from the Baltic through 19 seas and oceans to the Black Sea. Each chapter, named after one of the water spaces, includes a variety of headings; information about the history of geographical discoveries, about the structure of the ship and the most important marine instruments - radar, log, echo sounder, compass - alternates with “stories on the forecastle” and “sea lies”; Navigation maps with descriptions of the main sea directions are adjacent to quizzes that end each chapter. There is also a special maritime dictionary that provides an interpretation of specific maritime terms. The child can travel with the ship, and for some, this game, over time, will become a reality.

  • Sakharnov, S. Favorites. T. 1: stories and fairy tales / S. Sakharnov; rice. M. Belomlinsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1987. – 416 pp.: ill. ; portrait
    Young readers will meet their favorite characters from "Tales from a Traveling Suitcase", "Sea Tales" and many other works.
  • Sakharnov, S. Favorites. T. 2: stories and stories / S. Sakharnov; afterword O. Orlova; rice. M. Belomlinsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1987. – 463 pp.: ill.
    The words of Vitaly Bianchi “Write every day...” - for Sakharnov became the motto of his work. You have to write every day, otherwise you won’t have time to tell people what has already been revealed to you - a mysterious, complex, unfamiliar, exciting world.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. Legless cephalopods / Svyatoslav Sakharnov. - M.: Det. lit., 1968. – 33 p.: ill.
    Stories about the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​Japan: octopuses, cuttlefish, squid.
  • Sakharnov, S. White whales: travel and adventures / S. Sakharnov. – L.: Lenizdat, 1978. – 414 p.: ill.
    All the stories included in this book are about people who love the sea, its workers: divers, fishermen, research scientists.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. In the world of the dolphin and the octopus: stories about sea animals / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; artist G. Tselishchev. – M.: Malysh, 1987. -118 p.: ill.
    The author himself had to sail a lot on ships and dive under water, see strange fish and their neighbors - hedgehogs, crabs, wander around the islands, the rocky shores of which are dotted with dormant walruses and seals...

  • Sakharnov, S. Gak and Burtik in the Land of Idlers / S. Sakharnov; rice. Yu. Smolnikova. – L.: Det. lit., 1964. -78 p.: ill.
    The most exciting adventures of two master shipbuilders - Gak and Burtik - in the Land of Idlers.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. In the warm sea: Book - cutting down / S. Sakharnov; artist V.G. Nagaev. – M.: Bustard – Plus LLC, 2003. – 17 p.: ill.
    Colorfully illustrated stories about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. In the cold sea: book - cutting / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; artist V. G. Nagaev. – M.: Bustard – Plus, 2003. -17 p.: ill.
    How do penguins, whales, elephant seals, crabs and other sea animals live in the cold sea? You will learn about this from the stories.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. Dolphin Island / S. Sakharnov; rice. P. Paseeva. – M.: Det. lit., 1969. – 28 p.: ill.
    Stories about how scientists on the island study the life of dolphins.
  • Sakharnov, S. Friend Tembo / S. Sakharnov; rice. L. Tokmakova. – M.: Det. lit., 1976. – 24 p.: ill.
    Writer Svyatoslav Sakharnov and artist Lev Tokmakov traveled to Africa and saw everything there with their own eyes.

  • Sakharnov, S. History of the ship / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; artist G. Tselishchev. – M.: Malysh, 1990. – 127 p.: ill.
    The art of building sea vessels was born long and difficult. This book will tell you about the long journey that went from the first raft to the modern nuclear-powered ship.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. How I saved Magellan / S. Sakharnov; rice. Yu. Molokanova. – M.: Det. lit., 1967. -19 p.: ill.
    The Portuguese ship Magellan ran aground, a team of Soviet sailors rescued it, and the author was a cameraman on this team.
  • Sakharnov, S. How the Earth was discovered / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. A. Varshamova [and others]. – M.: Malysh, 1984. – 126 p.: ill.
    This book is about the fearless and the first. There were so many discoverers - some of them traveled on foot or rode horses, camels, others were sailors and sailed on ships, others flew on airplanes and airships. Sakharnov talks about discoveries made on ships.
  • Sakharnov, S. Leopard in a birdhouse: fairy tales / S. Sakharnov; rice. V. Pivovarova. – M.: Det. lit. , 1990. – 58 p.: ill.
    There is such a piece of glass: you point it at an object, and it seems to split into two. Every good fairy tale is like this piece of glass, and in this book - its heroes are not just a leopard and a turtle, they are also an old sailor who has visited many countries and a naive, helpless due to her extreme old age, but a wise, all-knowing teacher. It's so good that they met each other!
  • Sakharnov, S. Many different ships: fairy tales, stories, stories // S. Sakharnov; rice. Yu. Smolnikova. – L.: Det. lit., 1965. – 221 p.: ill.
    The collection includes stories about the sea, sea animals, how people work, and their courage. And, in general, this is a story about our life.

  • Sakharnov, S. Sea mysteries / Svyatoslav Sakharnov. – M.: Astrel: Ast, 2004. – 10 p.: ill.
    Short stories about the inhabitants of the seabed.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. Sea tales: album for coloring / S. V. Sakharnov; artist V. M. Kalinin. – L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1989. – 24 p. : ill.
    The book includes two fairy tales: “The Sea Rooster - Trigla” and “The Crab’s House.”
  • Sakharnov, S. Tales and stories / S. Sakharnov; afterword O. Orlova; artist A. Azemsha and M. Belomlinsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1983. – 350 pp.: ill.
    The book includes the best works of the writer: “Journey to the Trigla”, “Seacock Heads”, “House Under Water”, as well as stories about the life of animals in nature reserves of different countries.
  • Sakharnov, S. Underwater adventures / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. M. Belomlinsky; photo of the author [and others] – M.: Det. lit., 1972. – 239 p.: ill.
    What is this book about? Of course, about divers. Also about underwater houses and a sunken steamship. There is a trained dolphin, several octopuses and sea cucumbers crawling along the bottom. All sea animals. True, there is one cat, but she also lived under water. Or maybe there is something else in the book? For example, how good it is when a person loves his job. And how important it is to believe in yourself...
  • Sakharnov, S. Why does a whale have a big mouth: fairy tales and stories / S. Sakharnov; artist M. S. Belomlinsky. – L.: Lenizdat, 1987. – 365 p.
    This book by the famous Leningrad writer includes “Tales from a Traveling Suitcase”, the fairy tale “Huck and Burtik in the Land of Idlers”, a free retelling of the great Indian epic “Ramayana”, as well as stories about the sea, sailors and sea animals, written by the author during his travels.
  • Sakharnov, S. The colorful sea: fairy tales, stories, stories / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. N. Ustinova [and others]. – M.: Det. lit., 1974. – 237 p.: ill.
    You are holding in your hands the first marine underwater book for children! The author traveled a lot and saw everything with his own eyes. From his trips, Sakharnov brings back manuscripts, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, but all about the sea, about sailors. Read it, you'll like it!

  • Sakharnov, S. Ram and Rum / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. Yu. Smolnikova. – L.: Det. lit., 1968. – 71 p. : ill.
    Today, robots are familiar to us. But there was a time when people only dreamed of new achievements in technology. This book tells how workers assembled the first mechanical people and named them Ram and Rum.
  • Sakharnov, S. Stories and fairy tales / S. Sakharnov; rice. A. Azemshi. – M.: Det. lit., 1982. – 429 p. : ill.
    This book contains many sea stories and fairy tales. Sakharnov’s books are read not only by our children, they are read in Japan, India, Poland, Spain, young Germans and French, English and Czechs read them. They read and get to know our country, our people, learn about the World Ocean and about sailors: about famous sailors and ordinary sailors.
  • Sakharnov, S. Tales of lions and sailing ships / S. Sakharnov; rice. M. Belomlinsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1975. – 23 p.: ill.
    Incredible adventures await you that happened to a sailor named Steamboat and his friend Slip. You will learn about how forty naval policemen rescued forty sea robbers after a shipwreck and read many more interesting maritime stories.
  • Sakharnov, S. Elephants and inkwells: a fairy tale / S. Sakharnov; rice. M. Belomlinsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1978. – 23 p.: ill.
    Continuation of the adventures of the heroes of “Tales of Lions and Sailboats.” An old acquaintance, the pirate Blackbeard, also participates in them. Who is Mr. Bom? Read these fairy tales and you will find out everything.
  • Sakharnov, S. Elephants on the asphalt: stories about animals / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; artist B. Kyshtymov and E. Benjaminson; photo by the author. – M.: Det. lit., 1979. – 192 p. : ill.
    Stories about how animals live in nature reserves.
  • Sakharnov, S. Sunny boy: a story / S. Sakharnov; rice. N. Ustinova. – M.: Det. lit., 1970. – 126 pp.: ill.
    A six-year-old red-haired boy, Vovka, travels with his mother across the country to Kamchatka. Along the way, all sorts of funny adventures happen to him, and it turns out that he is not just red, but sunny.
  • Sakharnov, S. The best steamship: stories / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. Yu. Rakutina. - M.: Det. lit., 1961. – 21 p.: ill.
    This little book includes three stories about the sea and sailors.

  • Sakharnov, S. Only whales live there / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. V. Ravkina. – L.: Det. lit., 1966. – 77 p.: ill.
    According to the author, this is his first book about the Far East. There are no whales in it. Sakharnov wanted it to have interesting people, and for readers to fall in love with them too.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. Trepangolovy / S. Sakharnov; rice. D. Dobritsyna. – M.: Soviet Russia, 1968. – 93 p.: ill.
    This story is about ships, about underwater houses, about knobby sea cucumbers and shaky, color-changing octopuses. And most importantly - about people, about those who wander along the bottom, looking closely at fish, stones, who collect sea cucumbers in rope bags, examine sunken ships, search, make mistakes and find. This is a story about divers.
  • Sakharnov, S. V. Tsunami / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; rice. N. Ustinova. – M.: Children’s literature, 1971. – 31 p.: ill.
    What is a tsunami? These are the waves that are produced during underwater earthquakes. This is also a station on the Kuril Islands, where scientists and seismologists live.
  • Sakharnov, S. What I saw in India / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; artist R. Khalilov. – M.: Malysh, 1991. – .
    Once upon a time, in childhood, the author read a book about India. From it he understood that India has many forests, many animals, the country is very interesting, but also very poor. Sakharnov wanted to see everything with his own eyes and tell us.
  • Sakharnov, S. What I saw in Tanzania / Svyatoslav Sakharnov; artist A. Azemsha. – M.: Malysh, 1981. – .
    The book tells about a wonderful, exotic African republic - Tanzania: snow on the top of the huge Mount Kilimanjaro, a museum in Bagamoyo, herds of antelopes, lions and elephants... From this book you will find out who the “lined donkey” is! We don't have that!
  • Sakharnov, S. V. Maritime alphabet / Svyatoslav Sakharnov. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. House "Neva"; M.: Olma-Press, 2000. – 64 p.: ill.
    Marine terms in alphabetical order.

Chief librarian N. N. Trushova

Sakharnov Svyatoslav

Stories and fairy tales

Svyatoslav Vladimirovich SAKHARNOV

Stories and fairy tales



In the cold sea

In the warm sea


How a crab saved a whale from trouble

Ship fly and splasher

Chilim and three sliders

How the weasel learned to swim tail first

Sea rooster - trigla

Curious navagas

Cancer the scammer

Krabishkin's house

Green fish

Flounder and weasel

Why doesn't pike live in the sea?

What color is the sea


Lions and sailboats

Elephants and inkwells


The woman who lived in a bottle

Malejatovit and his dogs

Quat and spider Marawa

Stingy husband and wife

Magic spell

Bayami - good spirit

Kiboko Hugo - hippopotamus


Living houses

Sea under the clouds

Girl and fish

Wet Circus

Octopus City

Shot down seagull

Two radio operators

How to get the anchor

Crabs in gloves

Fish and bear

sea ​​ploughman

Octopus on a rock

Pirate Island


Polar waters

About penguins

The best ship

Two wheels in the air

Evil Knot

"Samovar" and Chaika

Captain of the Dorothea


Colorful sea

How I saved Magellan

Legless cephalopods

Dolphin Island


Girl and dolphin

Pilot Mashka

Plastic beetle




It was, I remember, twenty-five years ago. I went to the writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki - at that time we were doing a radio program “News from the Forest” - and met an unfamiliar sailor. Vitaly Valentinovich, looking at him slyly, says to me:

My next tormentor! I brought my first story. How do people manage to write their first stories so poorly?

I’m a little embarrassed: he’s a sailor after all, the uniform, the medal bars... But the sailor is not embarrassed. This is good. This means that he did not think to amaze the world with his first story. He understands who he came to and why. Vitaly Bianchi is an old and experienced writer. Many people listen to his advice.

We met. The sailor - Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov - came from the Pacific Ocean. We started talking, of course, about the sea. This was the time when people became especially serious about exploring the depths of the sea. We talked about underwater houses, about scuba divers, about the inhabitants of the seabed. We were both going underwater and had a lot to talk about.

Sakharnov told how one day the torpedo boat he commanded damaged its propellers. Instead of a diver, he went down to the propellers himself. He sank down and gasped: miracles are all around! In the land world in which we live, animals and birds move head first. What about underwater? The seahorse moves head up, the flounder swims on its side, and the ten-armed squid even tries to move its tail forward! Fairytale world. No one even has a shadow!

He was very surprised. I got out and wrote my first story. Out of surprise...

A year later we met again. And again at V.V. Bianchi.

This time Svyatoslav Vladimirovich returned from the Black Sea. He read to us a story about how he sank to the bottom with a mask and fins. The story was called "The Multi-Colored Sea". We liked her very much.

The first sea underwater book for children! - said Vitaly Valentinovich when the author finished reading. - We'll wait for it to be published.

This is how Svyatoslav Sakharnov became a writer.

Vitaly Valentinovich never received this book. It came out after his death.

Now S.V. Sakharnov already has several dozen books.

Sakharnov remembers the advice of V.V. Bianchi. The first of them: a writer must travel a lot and see everything with his own eyes. And he travels a lot. I visited the sea cucumber fishermen again in the Pacific Ocean. On the Black Sea I met with scientists studying the life of dolphins. I was on the shores of the Arctic Ocean with hunters of white whales - beluga whales. Together with the artist he traveled to the Kuril Islands. And they got caught in an earthquake there. There was a rumor that a giant wave - a tsunami - was about to wash onto the shore. The newcomers got scared and started running in all directions, but the artist and Sakharnov stayed behind. After the earthquake, a local fisherman comes up to them and says:

I'm surprised! Everyone is fleeing in all directions, but you stand still and only turn your heads to the sides.

This is how we work! - they answer.

What is the work? - asks the fisherman. - Scientists, or what? Or detectives?

No, I’m an artist, and he’s a writer...

To see for yourself, to experience for yourself - this is what writers and artists travel for.

I was with Sakharnov in Africa and India, and everywhere with us there were assistants - cameras and notebooks, and Sakharnov also had fins and a mask. "See everything with your own eyes..."

From his trips, Svyatoslav Vladimirovich brings manuscripts, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, but all about the sea, about sailors.

It’s not easy to write about sailors. Sailors are a special people. You need to live side by side with them for more than one year to understand everything. The sailors even speak in a special way. The sailor will not say “sailed”, he will say “went”. Everything “goes” for the sailors: the tide “goes”, the boat “goes”, the fish, when it starts to catch, also “goes”, the anchor, the chain creeps onto the deck - also “goes”. There are a lot of “marine” words in Sakharnov’s stories, and they are all in place, they all work. They help us understand divers when they raise sunken ships, learn about the hectic work of radio operators, and experience the worries and doubts of an old pilot guiding a barge along a capricious river.

In addition to sea stories, Sakharnov has written many fairy tales in recent years. He also has thick books for older children; There is one, absolutely amazing - "Along the seas around the Earth. Children's marine encyclopedia." He wrote it, one might say, all his life. I wrote it, released it, how a ship is launched, and now it lives its own destiny: it is published in different countries, travels to book exhibitions, and wins prizes in competitions with other books.

This is the happiness of a writer - to make such a book.

Sakharnov’s books are read not only by our children, they are read in Japan, India, Poland, Spain, young Germans and French, English and Czechs read them. They read and get to know our country, our people, learn about the World Ocean and about sailors: about famous sailors and ordinary sailors.

Everyone has seen the inscriptions on the banks or on the walls near bridges: “Do not drop anchors!” This is to ensure that the anchors do not damage the pipes and electrical cables laid along the bottom. But these words can be read differently: “Do not cast anchors ahead of time, do not change the sea, travel, work!”

Sakharnov is faithful to this order. There are many seas and countries on our planet. This means that new travels await the writer, and new interesting books await readers.

N. Sladkov




A walrus swims over the muddy bottom, digging through the mud with its fangs. I dug the bed, loosened it, let’s grind the clods with flippers.

You, walrus, just need to be a gardener!

The garden has nothing to do with it: I’m the one who pulls the shells out of the ground. Shells, they are delicious now!


Ice. There is a hole in the ice. Fish walk in the ravine.

The bear climbed into the ravine. It makes noise, pushes the water with its paws: boom - through the water - boom!

This is how he catches fish. It will stun the fish, hook it with its claws and into its mouth.

A herring is prowling the sea, poking its nose here and there.

What, herring, are you prowling the sea, who are you counting?

How many of them, little herring, do you have?

A little, a little. Sprat - one, herring - two, salam fish - three, blackback - four. And also - ivashi, sprats, anchovies. And there is more.

Eh, herring, you’ll never be able to count them!

A squirrel lies in the snow. The snow is white, the squirrel's fur is also white. Nobody will see him.

Only the mother seal will see it. Now she will crawl out of the hole and feed her son.

The halibut swam just above the bottom. I noticed a sandy place, hit the bottom, and froze. A cloud of sand rose and settled down like a blanket covering the halibut.

Lie. I guard the prey. Shhhhh! There's a gaping fish floating!

A beluga whale - a white whale - is swimming in the ice hole, breathing heavily.

Why, beluga whale, are you sighing?

Life is not easy. While you're chasing fish, you'll see that the ice will cover you with wormwood and you'll have nothing to breathe. If you start guarding the wormwood, the fish will leave. Phffff!

A sea otter emerged, turned over, lay down on the wave with its back, and crossed its paws on its stomach.

Why are you lying there, sea otter? Why did you fold your paws? What are you thinking about?

I’m not just lying down, I’m getting ready to have lunch. And I’m holding two sea urchins in the paws, I found them at the bottom. I'm wondering which one to start with?


An ice house is floating on the ocean. Full of people. Fomka the Skua sits at the top, seagulls perch below, and penguins near the water. Look how they stand - in rows, evenly, like sentries. No one in the water.