Breeding rabbits is profitable. Rabbit farming is a profitable business in meat and fur. Possible difficulties when raising rabbits and how to overcome them

Breeding rabbits as a business has long been popular among rural households, so novice entrepreneurs are wondering whether such production is profitable or not?

Rabbit farming as a business is profitable only if the entrepreneur takes into account possible risks, thought out a business plan in advance and offers products High Quality, explaining in detail to the consumer what the benefits of rabbit meat are and why it is so important to eat.

Statistics show that a rabbit business can bring quite a good profit, but you should not expect that big money will appear immediately after the sale of the first batch of the product. As a rule, payback is achieved in a period of two to four years, and in different local regions this period can vary significantly.


Foreign consumers have long understood the value of rabbit meat, which is why this product is in high demand on the Western market. In the United States of America, constant developments are being carried out, the goal of which is to obtain new breeds, the meat of which will bring even greater benefits to humans, while reducing the cost of the product to a minimum.

Several decades ago, Russia was actively developing rabbit breeding; the state supported farms as much as possible. However, already in the nineties, most of these farms went bankrupt and disappeared forever, the consumer lost purchasing power, and many organizations went bankrupt.

As a rule, the average citizen simply cannot afford the rabbit meat that is on the market, but the business is still starting a new stage, gradually the consumer will understand the value of this meat, and the increase in the number of farms providing similar products will normalize the cost and return interest .

Profitability today depends on many factors:

  1. Temperature conditions in which animals will be raised.
  2. Low labor productivity associated with their slow growth.
  3. Infectious diseases to which they are exposed if left untreated and untreated.

The prospects for breeding rabbits are determined by the fact that the animal is capable of reproducing offspring with high speed, due to which natural growth ensures an increase in production volumes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive features of entrepreneurship include:

  • Fast payback compared to other types of meat.
  • High profitability of this industrial process.
  • Obvious benefits for humans from the product.
  • Lots of opportunities available to a household owner.

Negative sides:

  1. Animals require constant care and attention - the cages must be kept perfectly clean; this is the only way to achieve population growth and high-quality meat.
  2. Rabbits are very shy and get used to a particular owner. The same person must handle the animals, otherwise there is a risk of the animal dying from fright.
  3. The rabbit population depends on human attention - if there is no water in the bowl, the mother rabbit can eat her own babies, jeopardizing the entire business.


A thousand individuals will fit on a standard summer cottage, while a separate branch in budget savings is occupied by the independent creation of conditions for the life of animals, including the manufacture of cages, drinking bowls and other necessary paraphernalia.

But before creating your own farm, it is important to determine the legal regulations entrepreneurial activity– this will help to avoid in the future huge amount problems and will allow the business to quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Note! Upon registration own enterprise farmers typically choose from two types of activities - this can be either individual entrepreneurship, and personal subsidiary farm. The form directly depends on the capabilities of the farmer and the goals he pursues.

Personal subsidiary farming involves reducing the cost of documentation and is chosen if the owner plans to sell the products within one region. In this case, control is carried out by local governments, and taxation tends to zero.

If you want to expand your own capabilities, then the best option becomes an individual entrepreneur. Here you will have to spend additional funds on paying taxes, preparing documentation for sales and storage, while the possibilities for selling the goods become an order of magnitude greater.

Where to begin?

Experienced experts say that the first step is to obtain necessary knowledge, allowing you to optimize the process, get greater profits and minimize production, advertising and costs.

The first step will be to study the characteristics of rabbits, the conditions of their keeping and nutrition, and their tolerance to climatic conditions. An important point will be the study of possible animal diseases, since such a risk remains even among entrepreneurs with extensive experience.

It is important to choose a breed in advance, become familiar with it distinctive features and study the additional needs of animals - this will save you a lot of problems in the future.

For animals, it is necessary to prepare a site and specialized cages that will be equipped with everything necessary.

Breed selection

One of key features The one that determines the benefit is the breed of the animal. The profitability of this process is directly related to the following points:

  • The quality of meat that the consumer will receive.
  • The rate at which each individual gains weight.
  • Accurate calculation of the amount of feed for each kilogram of animal weight.

Hybrid breeds of rabbits are very popular today, allowing for the highest possible quality of product, weight gain and increase in the number of rabbits in the family. It is necessary to select the right females that will bear offspring - the growth rate of the farm depends on this.

In Ukraine and Russia it is almost impossible to find centers that specifically engage in the selection of rabbits, so you will have to turn to a foreign manufacturer. At the same time, you can easily choose a suitable breed, especially since today there is a large choice, and the quality of the product will fully meet any, even the most serious, expectations.


Today, there are several systems that provide work and profit in rabbit farming. Among them the following can be noted:

  1. Cellular system.
  2. Aviary system.
  3. Semi-aviary system.

Despite the obvious convenience of each farming system, the main attention should be paid to the cellular system. Most farmers are confident that only in such conditions it is possible to obtain high-quality meat and ensure rapid reproduction of animals.

The rabbit breeding plan, based on keeping animals in cages, allows you to independently distribute the actions of the animals. This makes it much easier to ensure that animals are fed on time, to simplify the cleaning of cages and to send animals for mating.

It is important to think through the plan of a rabbit farm in advance - you should pay close attention to double cages in which the animals will feel comfortable. The animal houses themselves should be at a height of eighty centimeters from the ground.

Most quick way set up production - purchase ready-made cages for keeping animals. This way you will provide all the conditions for rabbits and avoid possible mistakes that beginners often make. If you wish and have the skill and knowledge, you can build the cells yourself.


You can avoid mistakes at the stage of purchasing animals by adhering to the following simple recommendations:

  • Close attention should be paid to the ears of animals - they should not have wounds or scabs. The presence of such damage indicates an unpleasant and dangerous disease that can harm the entire brood. Ear mites cause females to refuse to feed their young, which requires a lot of effort to raise the animals.
  • Animals for breeding must be selected from different litters - this is the only way you will get healthy offspring capable of full reproduction.
  • Pay attention to the appearance and health of the animal - only a full-fledged rabbit will be able to produce healthy offspring and will not jeopardize your business.
  • The weight of the animal should be normal; overweight individuals lose their ability to reproduce.
  • Choose the right rabbits from the mass of offers - an adult or pregnant animal may turn out to be sick and old, since an experienced farmer is unlikely to sell a healthy, full-fledged individual.


For successful development of the product, it is necessary to first secure a customer base among those individuals and organizations that will purchase meat on a regular basis.

Here it is possible to use all available resources - for starters, tell close relatives and friends about your product, who, in turn, will convey this information to their surroundings. At the same time, it is recommended to describe in detail the benefits of rabbit meat, discover its benefits and leave your contact information for further communication.

If you have all the necessary veterinary documents, you can make deliveries to restaurants. At the same time, the establishment will certainly determine whether such a purchase is profitable, so you should not inflate the price - be sure to pay attention to pricing policy competitors.

Pay attention to the products that remain after slaughter - it is recommended to preserve rabbit skins for subsequent sale, however, the cost of such sales is quite low.

Calculation of profitability and payback

If all conditions of care and maintenance are met at the maximum level, one female can give birth about ten times a year.

At the same time, the number of animals on farms of different sizes will be different, as will the profit:

It should be understood that approximately half of the profit will be regularly spent on production costs, which include:

  1. Purchasing feed for adequate nutrition of animals.
  2. Transport and meat transportation costs.
  3. Electricity costs.
  4. Wage for employees (if available).
  5. Cell content.
  6. Veterinary services, vaccinations.

Costs can be significantly reduced if you have the necessary skills - it is quite possible to independently create cages for keeping animals, care for them and vaccinate them.

Video: rabbit breeding as a business from A to Z.

Business plan

The schedule and plan for such a sale should be thought out in advance, so you will avoid a lot of troubles in the future.

A separate point is the peculiarities of a certain region - there may be unique prices, high competition and low purchasing power, and to calculate possible losses recommended in advance. Add to list initial costs The following should be included:

  • Acquisition of land on which it will be located farming. The choice should depend on the number of rabbits purchased; often the area is not large in area.
  • A separate financial cell is occupied by the registration and further maintenance of documentation for the sale of products.
  • Registration of a plot of land for the life of rabbits, creation of amenities.
  • Purchase of specialized inventory and equipment.
  • Materials for self-creation cells or the cells themselves with additional equipment.
  • Consumables.
  • Buying baby rabbits.

Costs can either increase or decrease depending on the region in which business activities are planned, the demand for products, and climatic conditions. The experience of the farmer is also important - if there are other animals on the farm, and the plot allows for the introduction of additional business, expenses are significantly reduced.

Creating a rabbit farm is a process that requires time and effort. With certain efforts and skills, you can make a big profit in a short period of time, while spending only a few hours a day on work. If desired and there are buyers, it is quite easy to expand production due to the fertility of rabbits.

Gradually, the consumer will understand how many positive qualities there are in rabbit meat. The vitamins of tender meat make the dish not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy, because this business very promising and can lead the farmer to new level in a short time.

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Everyone knows that rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also several kilograms of easily digestible and, most importantly, well-purchased meat. However, few people decide to implement rabbit breeding as a business, despite the fact that the sale of rabbit meat today is stable and has fairly large volumes.

Breeding rabbits in itself does not require the business owner to special effort, rabbits are unpretentious in food, are not afraid of frost, reproduce well, which is one of the most important conditions for making a profit - the more rabbits on the farm, the greater the income.

Of course, all the nuances of the question of how to breed rabbits should be included in a business plan for breeding rabbits, which will help you go through all the stages of organizing a business without the mistakes typical of novice entrepreneurs, and dispel all doubts as to whether this activity is profitable or not.

Breeding rabbits at home and industrial breeding of rabbits as a business differ only in scale, the cultivation technology remains unchanged, therefore, if you want to increase profits, just increase the number of animals.

The rabbit breeding business is undoubtedly more suitable for people living in rural areas, but residents of large cities are also not deprived of the opportunity to organize a rabbit business in summer cottages, or their own private sector farmsteads within the city.


The description of this project is step-by-step plan creating a farm specializing in rabbit breeding with a payback period of 1-2 years.
The essence and goals of the project:

Breeding rabbits at home requires the organization of a special farm (hereinafter referred to as the Farm) with the consistent development of the farm and has 4 main goals:

  1. implementation of a highly profitable agricultural business project;
  2. obtaining economic profit;
  3. creation of additional jobs in a separate locality;
  4. filling the meat market in a particular region and satisfying consumer needs for dietary rabbit meat and valuable natural fur.

Form of doing business: Peasant farm enterprise (peasant farm)

Type of taxation: Unified Agricultural Tax (Unified Agricultural Tax)

Project financing type: own funds, or a commercial loan from a bank

Required financial investments: 2,500,000 rubles

Expected average monthly income: 380,000 rubles

Expected average monthly profit: 150,000 rubles

Project payback period: 2 years

Interest rate included in calculations: 18% per annum

Investor income amount: 900,000 rubles

Repayment of borrowed funds and interest payments on investments will begin from the first month of project implementation.

Conditional project life cycle will be: 3 years

Total economic efficiency project during the conditional period life cycle: 2,000,000 rubles

Phased implementation of a rabbit breeding business

The implementation of the business plan will begin immediately after its acceptance by the customer, or after receiving loan funds.

Completion of the project is in 3 years.

The stages of project implementation and the timing of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1.

Project stagesDeadlines
start of the projectfrom 1 month 1 year to 12 month 3 years
getting a loanfrom 1 to 30 banking working days
registration of peasant farmsup to 30 calendar days
farm constructionup to 1 month
purchase and installation of equipment
up to 1 month
search for colleaguesup to 1 month
trainingup to 1 month
marketing campaign365 days
completion of the project24-36 month

General description of the project

Rabbit meat is actively used in the diet of both healthy people and in the diet of people suffering from various metabolic diseases, food allergies, etc. In terms of taste, rabbit meat successfully competes with beef, pork, and chicken - the main products on the Russian meat market. Consequently, consumers of these products are almost all categories of the country’s population, as well as:

  • meat processing plants for the production of canned food;
  • enterprises Catering(cafes, canteens, restaurants, etc.);
  • preventive and curative medical institutions.

In addition, the Farm will be a supplier of natural soft rabbit fur to enterprises involved in tailoring fur products, and fertilizers for agricultural enterprises engaged in growing fruit and vegetable crops.

In our country, rabbit breeding is assessed as a promising and highly profitable business, and therefore the question of whether it is profitable to breed rabbits should not be of interest to a novice entrepreneur. Rabbits are known for their high reproductive rate and rapid growth to the age and weight required for sale. And the availability of food for rabbits (grass, hay, green leaves, grain and other cereals, food waste) combined with ease of care increases the chances of success in implementing the proposed project.

Thanks to short term pregnancy (from 27 to 25 days), and the physiological characteristics of the rabbit’s body to combine the periods of lactation (milk production) and gestation (pregnancy), the female can bear offspring, which, upon reaching adulthood, can exceed her own weight by 50 or more times. Only poultry breeding can provide greater results.

Before opening a Farm, you need to learn all the intricacies of how to raise rabbits, determine which breeds of rabbits will be bred in terms of economic value. The classification of breeds (homogeneous groups similar in biological and economic characteristics - color, weight, exterior, life expectancy, etc.) is as follows:

Table No. 2

How to breed rabbits to get the most out of your business? Dilution ratio various directions The productivity of rabbits on the Farm will look like this:

Table No. 3

The breeding of these breeds of rabbits on the Farm is due to their high maturity, fertility, calm disposition, maternal qualities, undemanding care for them, and good characteristics at slaughter.

An important point in the implementation of the project is the choice of location for the construction of a farm for breeding rabbits and the availability of specialists in the locality to care for them. If there are none, then you should plan your time so that it is enough to care for the entire livestock. No special knowledge is required to perform auxiliary work, so workers, like livestock breeders, can be found at the local branch of the Employment Center.

In this way, the goal of increasing additional jobs will be achieved. In addition, in individual regions, employers in such cases may be provided with various tax benefits. A reduction in tax deductions and insurance premiums can also be achieved by hiring persons with limited physical abilities of the 3rd disability group who are able to perform work caring for rabbits.

The age of purchased rabbits listed in Table No. 3 of the breeds must be 2 months or older. Reaching sexual maturity for males is 4-6 months, for female rabbits - 3-5 months. Before purchasing young animals, you need to take care of purchasing cells.

The calculation of the area of ​​1 cage should be such as to, if possible, reduce the physical activity of the rabbit for greater weight gain due to the avoidance of calorie loss. Enough so that an adult rabbit can turn around freely.

The cages should be accompanied by plastic trays to facilitate the removal of waste products, and nurseries for grass and hay. Cages with lattice bottoms should not be used to avoid injury to rabbits' feet. Cages should not be located near central heating radiators or in drafts to avoid illness of the animals and damage to the fur on the skins.

The bedding in the cages should be straw from collective farm fields, or dry sawdust, which is supposed to be taken from the nearest sawmills. It is also planned to purchase automatic, mounted-type drinking devices and metal bowls with attachment to the cage for grain and legume feed.

Feeding rabbits at home is a responsible process. The main food for young animals is oatmeal, hay, mixed feed, and special mixtures for rabbits, which can be bought at wholesale pet supply stores. Rabbits need to be accustomed to new food in stages, gradually adding new additives to the old diet.

Small rabbits, as experienced rabbit breeders advise, should first be fed with oatmeal and mixed feed, and upon reaching puberty, add whole oats, dry buckwheat, peas, pearl barley, barley, wheat, and other grains and legumes. At the same time, you should always make sure that the rabbits have hay in the nursery, which is their main food.

In this case, it is imperative to ensure that the hay does not have at least the slightest smell of mold or ammonia, which is inherent in broken hay. The hay must also be checked for the presence of insects. Contaminated hay can cause diarrhea in rabbits, and a short time- lethal outcome.

Rabbits drink regular tap water (if it is available in a populated area) of proper quality), standing for some time, or filtered. You need to change your drink to fresh water every day. It is not recommended to give boiled water to rabbits. Rabbits drink little at home, but you should always monitor the presence of water in the drinking bowls.

From 2 months of age, rabbits can be given some vegetables, fruits, and green meadow grass - plantain, clover, dandelion stems, yarrow, nettle, sow thistle, and some other wild meadow plants. The grass needs to be picked clean, away from roads and populated areas. It is important that the grass is not wet; it needs to be dried a little before giving it to the animals, otherwise it can lead to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is better to start with carrots and sour apples, giving the rabbits new food in small portions. From 3-4 months you can introduce fiber-rich cabbage, beets, turnips, and turnips into the diet. Every rabbit must be present in the cage to wear down teeth and replenish the supply of minerals in the body. To encourage your rabbit or just give him a treat, you can give him a piece of white bread. Various vitamins can be added to food only on recommendation veterinarian. An overdose of vitamins is much worse for animals than a lack of them.

You can also add grated chalk to your rabbits' food to sharpen their teeth, or simply put a piece of chalk in a bowl of food. For the same purpose, you can give rabbits branches of fruit trees and shrubs. In addition to teeth, such daily procedures have a positive effect on the animals’ nervous system, their digestion and strengthening of bones. Actually, feeding rabbits at home is practically no different from feeding them when breeding them on an industrial scale.

Cleaning cages and changing bedding should be done 2-3 times a week; in sick individuals it is better to do this every other day. You need to clean the plastic litter tray every day. Rabbits are very clean and will wait until the last minute before going to the dirty toilet. This can lead to diseases of the nervous system, and as a result - damage to fur, weight loss, etc.

The amount of daily food is easy to calculate - a rabbit will never eat more than its body accepts. If by evening there is food left in the feeder, you need to reduce the portion; if by noon the bowl is empty, on the contrary, increase it. Yesterday's food should always be removed from the cage. It is better to carry out the feeding procedure at the same time. Despite the apparent difficulties, raising rabbits is not at all troublesome, you just have to get into the working rhythm and get used to the regime of caring for the animals.

Market and competitive environment analysis

The economic crisis in the country and the sanctions imposed against Russia have had a generally negative impact on the meat market. However, due to the program state support small and medium-sized businesses, recently there has been a tendency to increase the volume of meat production, including rabbit meat. Fortunately, this does not in any way affect the demand for meat and meat products, despite rising prices. In addition, there is even a significant decrease in the number of people willing to engage in agriculture and farming.

At the same time, more attention began to be paid to dietary and environmentally friendly natural products. In this regard, rabbit meat, due to its taste properties, selling price, and other parameters, is almost ideal for feeding the most demanding gourmets.

Russian rabbit breeding is represented mostly (over 80%) by private farms. Moreover, approximately 65% ​​of all rabbit farms are concentrated in the Ural region, from where they are supplied throughout the country. This makes rabbit breeding in other regions a very profitable activity.

Data on rabbit breeding in our country are presented in Table No. 4

The level of demand for rabbit meat in Russia is analyzed in Table No. 5

According to experts, small farms, such as the Farm in this project who will always be able to find retail and small wholesale buyers for their products.

Production plan

Equipment and inventory

Any rabbit farm must be properly equipped and have:

  1. 2-tier cages for rabbits – n pieces;
  2. 3-tier cells – n pieces;
  3. separate cages for female rabbits during pregnancy - n pieces;
  4. mangers for hay – n pieces;
  5. automatic drinkers – n pieces;
  6. gravity bunker feeders - n pieces;
  7. ventilation system;
  8. manure removal system;
  9. shovels, rakes, pitchforks - n pieces;
  10. buckets, shovels for pouring feed - n pieces.

Making cages yourself requires special carpentry and joinery skills; making them to order will cost many times more than purchasing ready-made ones in specialized stores.


The staff at the Farm is 6 people, combining several positions, whose main responsibilities include maintaining cleanliness and order at the facility during a full working day.

Worker caring for, feeding rabbits, cleaning and repairing cages, slaughterer – 5 people

Driver – 1 person

Marketing plan

To increase the demand for rabbit meat, skins, and fertilizers, it is necessary to carry out a set of special events that shape consumer opinion and stimulate an increase in demand. The vast majority of people associate rabbit meat as an exclusive product that is difficult to purchase. Little is known about the medicinal properties of the product.

Marketing strategy involves:

  • carrying out promotional activities in local professional educational institutions, preparing future specialists for the catering industry;
  • creation of appropriate infrastructure and decent working conditions;
  • concluding contracts for the supply of products with regular wholesale buyers;
  • organizing delivery of rabbit meat to your home when ordering over a certain weight of meat;
  • creation and promotion of your own Internet resource.


This study showed that despite the difficulty of implementing the project, the rather high risk, and high costs of organization, the project of organizing a business for breeding rabbits is a highly profitable and promising business.

Tips on how to make a cage with your own hands without much expense

(votes: 1, average: 5.00 out of 5)

Raising rabbits is a great idea for profitable business. Rabbits are endowed with good fertility and rapid maturity. One adult female rabbit can produce more than 25 rabbits per year. And this indicator suggests that an entrepreneur can receive the same amount of skins for further sale and 60 kilograms of dietary meat. ABOUT beneficial properties rabbit meat has been repeatedly mentioned by nutritionists.

Business Features

Planning a rabbit breeding farm should begin with an awareness of the positive and negative aspects that the future entrepreneur will encounter when building and developing a rabbit farm.

The positive points include:

  • rapid return on costs;
  • rapid reproduction of rabbits good conditions;
  • significant profitability of the idea;
  • small start-up capital for farming development;
  • minimal competition;
  • low tax rate.

Considering everything positive sides, we can consider that rabbit breeding as a business will be a good starting point for increasing your home capital.

Breeding rabbits as a business, profitable or not?

To engage in rabbit breeding, you need to take into account all the disadvantages and advantages of this business, correctly calculate the maximum profit, and draw up a business plan. Only in this case can you count on the successful development of the chosen direction. The work of breeding rabbits does not tolerate spontaneous decisions. A businessman must evaluate his strengths and capabilities and be prepared for some unforeseen moments in running a household.

Having finally decided on the type of business, you should not immediately invest huge amounts of money in a new enterprise, limiting yourself in terms of living expenses.

A well-drafted business plan will help you correctly distribute all primary expenses. Also, every entrepreneur can seek help from the state, which allocates for development Agriculture subsidies and grants. Additional funds will never be superfluous for the success of the business. Therefore, when the farm begins to make a profit, the owner will appreciate the advantage of the funds allocated from the state.

Drawing up a business plan

Costs of doing business:

  • designing animal cages - 40,000 rubles;
  • acquisition of young animals (count on a quantity of 100 heads) - 40,000 rubles. The price will vary depending on the region of residence and the breed of animals;
  • purchase of feed - up to 100,000 rubles;
  • related services (heating, plumbing, examination by a veterinarian) - 15,000 rubles per year.

Expected payback:

  • sales of meat from previously purchased individuals will bring about 2200 kilograms natural weight;
  • the sale of skins will entail additional revenue. The price of a skin depends on its quality and size;
  • rental of males for further reproduction is estimated at about 20,000 rubles.

Important: considering that it will be small rabbit farm, the business plan is drawn up with minimal investment, and approximately the expected profit can be predicted.

Options for registering activities

The next step to starting your business is choosing legal form farms. An entrepreneur can register his type of activity in two ways: as an individual entrepreneur or as a peasant farm. Registration in the form of a peasant farm is particularly advantageous. This is explained by the fact that tax benefits have now been introduced for farms.

This system has its downside. When you retire, you can only count on the minimum age benefit. Working as an individual entrepreneur, a businessman can count on a defined pension, as he paid taxes on time. Before registering your farm, consider which option is more profitable for you.

Individual entrepreneurs have great opportunities to sell their own products. This will give a chance to sell meat not only in the market, but also in large stores And shopping centers. The Unified Agricultural Tax form of taxation helps reduce the tax percentage, taking into account the constant sale of agricultural products. The tax amount is 6% of net income.

Peasant farm (peasant farm)

Peasant farms have the same advantages as individual entrepreneurs, but with one hallmark. It can be issued by a certain category of citizens who own business property and can carry out agricultural activities.

Peasant farms do not require any documents: charters, names and special agreements. Every person is able to register a peasant farm in his name and become its director, in a word, a full individual entrepreneur. The main advantage of peasant farms is the possibility of obtaining government subsidy and preferential tax rates.

IP (individual entrepreneur)

The IP form is most suitable for breeding rabbits.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to provide the tax office with:

  • passport and its copy;
  • application to open your own enterprise;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copy identification code taxpayer.

Important: To confirm your status, all these documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund.

Tax form for rabbit farming

The taxation system applies to all types economic activity, therefore for own business you should choose the most suitable option. One of the beneficial and convenient forms of taxation is the simplified regime. The tax in this case is calculated from the difference between costs and income. Tax percentage fluctuates from 6 to 15%, But no more than 25% from the sum.

Economic activity type code

IP needs to pay attention to the appearance OKVED activities. For a rabbit breeding business, the code is A.01.25.2, which involves raising animals on a farm. But there is a limitation in this paragraph: the sale of leather and skins of animals as a result of their illegal capture is not allowed.

Material and technical base

Breeding livestock will be convenient and profitable if the entire material and technical base, or at least its main part, is mechanized. The shad system is ideal for a rabbit breeding business. This design is a covered wooden or metal room with rabbit hutches inside.

Necessary sanitary requirements

There are special veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping rabbits. Their main requirement is that the animals must be kept clean. The appearance of individuals must be presentable. The premises must be periodically disinfected, and if insects and rodents are present, they must be destroyed. In case of illness or infection, you need to stock up on specially isolated cells.

Place for a mini farm

To build a mini-farm on your own territory, no additional permits are required. All an entrepreneur needs for this is material for construction and a certain area. The only problem is that the permissible distance from agricultural buildings to residential buildings is regulated.

Moments like this are under control. local authorities self-government. Therefore, before constructing a new building, find out whether it can be built in the planned location.

An excellent place for a mini-farm is on an elevated area or on an area with a slight slope.

Cages with pets should not be installed in low-lying areas, as they do not tolerate low humidity well. It is better to make the site for the farm concrete or fill it with gravel. The water supply system and storm drainage system must be adjusted.

On the mini-farm area 900 m 2 can be grown freely up to 900 heads. The overall picture of this project looks something like this:

  1. Premises for breeding rabbits - 400 m 2.
  2. Mini-workshop for processing or production of feed - 250 m 2.
  3. Building for storing equipment and other materials - 50 m2.
  4. Construction for a slaughterhouse with refrigerators - 50 m2.
  5. Manure collector - 40 m2.

Important: when planning premises for keeping rabbits and other buildings, you need to take into account the possibility of free access and access to the cages.

The length of the cage for adult heads can be up to 150 cm, width - 80 cm. The height of the front wall is approximately 65 cm, the back - up to 45 cm. To make it convenient for staff to remove manure from the cages, the floor in them must be made with a slight slope back.

The best material for durable cages is galvanized welded mesh with cells of 20 by 20 millimeters.

The cages must be divided into two identical compartments - the feeding and nesting compartments. Between the compartments there is a mesh with cells measuring 35 by 50 mm or 25 by 25 mm. To save space in the cages, feeders should be placed under the manger. This design will allow you to accommodate up to 70 cages, which will make it possible to raise up to 500 units of young animals in good conditions.

Feed shop

This name refers to a room for storing large quantities of concentrated feed stocks. Compound feed and grain mixtures should be enough to feed for 3 months. If the entrepreneur has the opportunity, the mini-workshop can be equipped with a compact grain crusher with a capacity of 500 kg/h. The premises can also be equipped with equipment for the production of feed.

In the feed shop, you can allocate a separate room for storing equipment, additional feeders, and building materials.

Where to buy feed

Many respectable manufacturing companies can offer ready-made feed for all types of animals at wholesale and retail prices. When purchasing a large batch of feed, ask the seller for a certificate for the products being sold.

This certification documents the quality and safety of the products presented. High-quality feed contains nutrients, vitamins, microelements and has all the valuable properties that are necessary for the nutrition of your animals.

How to save on feed

The main expense in a rabbit business is the purchase of feed. Buying compound feed for rabbits is very expensive, it is not always possible to grow grain, and cutting the nutritional allowance is fraught with poor weight and decreased productivity in animals. The only correct solution to reduce your own costs is to make your own feed.

For these purposes, you will need a powerful grain crusher and a feed granulator. By crushing and grinding, animal feed is prepared for several days. Grain waste is also added to this composition. This is where the savings come in, because grain waste is several times cheaper than buying mixed feed.

Important: Separately crushed grain is not very popular for rabbits, so it needs to be mixed with ready-made feed.

For a small number of heads (up to 40 pieces), you can prepare root crops, succulent grass and silage for the winter. For a livestock of 1000 or more, this procedure is useless. This will require a lot of time and the involvement of additional personnel. Hay can be used as preparation. They need to be stocked up in advance, and in winter this product will be an additional source of vitamins for animals.

A mechanized production process on the farm can save a lot of time. Automatic water supply will replace the labor-intensive manual delivery of buckets. A mini-tractor will not only be able to deliver food to the cages, but also take away the collected manure.

Slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment

For mass slaughter of animals on premises, it is necessary to provide refrigeration equipment. As an option - an extension to the main visit with refrigerators. The slaughterhouse has an equipped area for blood drainage. A special furnace for burning waste and illiquid goods is also installed in the room.

A well-thought-out system allows you not to be distracted from the main process. This means that the work process should not be interrupted by other activities - slaughter, cutting, packaging and freezing.

Manure collector

The manure collector is a cesspool with concrete barriers and an open top. The depth of this place should be up to 3 meters, choose any width and length. The location of the manure collector is at the very end of the territory, away from the main workshops, cages and premises for storing feed supplies.

As for odors, they should not spread throughout the entire area. You should always monitor the filling of the pit so that it can be raked out in a timely manner.

What breed of rabbits is it profitable to breed?

The main product of any mini-farm is meat, so you need to choose meat breeds. Downy, crossbred and others do not need to be bred if your goal is business profitability. Although you won’t see much difference in weight between rabbits of different breeds, the meat rabbit still grows faster and gains good weight. The most popular meat breeds are Californian, White New Zealand, and Red New Zealand.

Meat breeds

The advantages of meat breeds include their rapid growth, meatiness, early maturity, and fertility. Rabbits at three months of age reach 4 kg, given that the average daily gain is 45 grams. Giant rabbits at four months of age reach a weight of about 5 kg.

Important: for high-quality breeding of offspring, do not purchase young animals from dubious poultry markets. There are specialized agricultural exhibitions where the best specimens for breeding are presented. At such an event you can find regular suppliers with a product guarantee.


Keeping decorative rabbits has become fashionable among residents of apartments and houses. For this purpose, various dwarf breeds have been bred with an easy-going character and attractive appearance. appearance. For an entrepreneur who plans to breed only decorative types, it is worth assessing all the advantages of the activity and paying attention to some of the disadvantages. It is very important to calculate your capabilities in advance.

Business process: raising and feeding rabbits

The business process of breeding rabbits for meat includes solving several main problems:

  1. Organizing proper feeding of rabbits.
  2. Planned breeding of animals

Organization of feeding

The rabbit is a herbivore, but to get valuable meat, grass alone will not be enough. Lush grass and natural food make up only 20% of the diet. The remaining 80% is made up of other feed.

Exists a large number of diets for rabbits, but it is ideal to adhere to this scheme:

  • in the morning, rabbits feed on lush grass;
  • at lunchtime and in the evening, include feed and mixtures of grains in their diet;
  • drinking bowls must be filled at all times.

Rabbit breeding

The breeding process also has its own scheme, according to which the number of adult rabbits and males for mating is calculated. So, for example, you can get litters from each female rabbit 3 times a year. In a year, one female can expect to give birth to up to 24 rabbits. Therefore, for every 10 cells with females there should be 1 cell with two males. Although the number of cubs born may vary, and the death of the young cannot be accurately predicted. Here we need to take into account the factor of natural selection.

Technology and methods of breeding rabbits

As for the technological process of raising rabbits for meat as a business, it is considered simple. Specialists in this field offer various techniques, from ancient, grandfatherly, methods (retro) to assembly line techniques with quick results. And each method is effective in its own way. But 4 methods are considered the most popular:

  1. Cellular.
  2. Shadowy.
  3. Yamochny.

To understand their essence, you need to consider each method separately.

Keeping rabbits in a cage is a convenient method. In such structures it is easy to organize feeding, caring for animals and cleaning. To protect from wind and rain, the cages should be installed under a canopy. Living rabbits outdoors contributes to their health, increasing their resistance to various diseases and the quality of their fur.

But it must be taken into account that severe frosts can have a detrimental effect on animals. Treatment and prevention of colds can result in additional expense.

Shed method

This system is capable of increasing profits and brings good results in unlimited areas. Cages with animals are installed in dense rows in several tiers. The floors in the cage itself are designed with a slope, this simplifies cleaning in the cages due to their self-cleaning.

Placing cages close together saves time in distributing feed. The shed system in its essence is the same mini-farm with the same distribution of rabbits on both sides.

This system is called the acceleration method. Its principle is to raise a special type of animal that grows quickly and gains the required weight. The main point method - keeping animals in ideally clean spacious cages, regularly feeding them and supplying them with water. Rabbits must constantly eat and gain weight.

Another principle of this technique is late weaning of the cubs from the female rabbit. This method has gained popularity and is a success among rabbit breeding entrepreneurs.

Pit method

This technique is closer to the natural habitat of animals and has its pros and cons.

Advantages of the method:

  1. In a familiar environment, animals grow rapidly.
  2. It is possible to locate the farm in any area.
  3. There are almost no expenses required for the construction of pits.
  4. Cleaning holes requires a minimum of time.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  1. It is difficult to raise a large rabbit in such an environment.
  2. Inconvenient catching of animals for slaughter.
  3. There is no way to control mating.
  4. There is a risk of infection, which is detrimental to the offspring.

Ways of implementation

The main point of profit is the sale of meat and animal skins. For achievement good result you need to think through and consider all the ways. In other words, to achieve your goals and make a profit, you need to try not just one method, but all possible ones.

Own customer base

Acquaintances, friends, neighbors may fall into this category. It doesn't matter where they learn about your business, whether it's through word of mouth or an advertisement in a newspaper. The main thing for buyers is a favorable price and quality of products. And over time, there will be plenty of people willing to buy fresh rabbit meat from the mini-farm.

Sales of rabbit carcasses through restaurants

This idea is very attractive, but very difficult. Offers to sell carcasses to such establishments are often rejected. Agree, not every restaurant has rabbit dishes on its menu. Although there are such establishments where regular customers are gourmets who love unusual dishes. And if there is a diet food restaurant in your locality, then you can safely go to the administrator or chef and offer your products.

But in order to become a supplier of rabbit meat to reputable restaurants, an entrepreneur will need a conclusion from a veterinary service. The local sanitary and epidemiological station should also give an opinion on the quality of your products.

The shops

Establishments of this kind do not always sell rabbit meat. If they agree, they will require the appropriate documents, the preparation of which the businessman will spend a lot of time and Money. As an option, sales points can be organized to sell products.

Retail chains for selling prepared meat offer purchasing prices that are too low, which is unprofitable for your business. This sales method is suitable if production volumes exceed 6–7 tons of meat per year. In this case, you still need to think about selling the skins.

Additional sources of income

The owner of a farmland can make money not only by selling meat, but also by selling rabbit skins and droppings as fertilizer.

Selling skins is not always profitable if you live in a small region. Although there is always a buyer for every product, you need to find one. The skins must be in marketable condition and well cleaned.

You can offer your products to fur manufacturing enterprises or private ateliers. Demand for products generates large incomes, and if this does not exist, the entrepreneur will have to especially carefully advertise the valuable product and the medicinal properties of fur skins.

Organic fertilizers have always been valued in agriculture. Sales of such fertilizers in large quantities can bring significant profits. You can sell vermicompost obtained as a result of fermentation; it will become a real boon for summer residents. Highly concentrated liquid fertilizer is also readily purchased by gardening enthusiasts who seek to increase the productivity of their land.


Any farm must be equipped with certain tools. Farm equipment:

  • drinking bowls,
  • feeders,
  • cells,
  • trolleys,
  • buckets,
  • pallets,
  • grain crusher.

Income and expenses of a business raising rabbits

Raising rabbits on a farm proper organization production will bring significant income. Additional expenses will not be required if your property has its own territory and equipped premises required sizes. Bringing the premises into compliance with the requirements for keeping animals always involves additional costs.

Important: all costs for building cages, making feeders and purchasing the necessary equipment will be required only in the first year of doing business. In the second year there will be no such expenses, you will only have to pay tax, purchase feed and pay utility bills.

Rabbit farming as a business: advantages and disadvantages

Significant advantages of rabbit breeding include:

  • profit at any time of the year;
  • rapid growth of animals;
  • rabbit fertility;
  • low tax percentage;
  • minimum competition.

The disadvantages of the business are:

  • the need to prepare a package of documents for the sale of meat;
  • frequent diseases of young animals;
  • the need to comply with sanitary standards for keeping animals.

Breeding rabbits will bring its owner a good income, and a rabbit farming business will not require large investments. And if you set a goal for yourself, then you can become an entrepreneur yourself high level and have a business with constant profitability.

Rabbit breeding has been known to mankind since ancient times. Its relevance is not lost in the modern world: products obtained from this industry National economy, is extremely in demand in the market. It will be useful for novice rabbit breeders to learn the basics on which successful rabbit breeding is based, and what to do to make a rabbit farm profitable.

The goal of any livestock farming is to obtain the required products in the maximum possible quantities. Rabbit breeding has proven itself exclusively with the best side. The following reasons contributed to this:

  • unpretentiousness. Rabbit breeding does not require large economic costs;
  • productivity. The livestock is increasing at a rapid pace;
  • demand. Demand for rabbit meat and fur is stable and reliable.

Rabbit products:

  • meat. It is the main type of income. Experienced livestock breeders specialize in producing meat. Sold wholesale or retail. Especially popular in restaurants. The share of meat from the total weight of the animal is approximately 50%;
  • fur. Used in light industry as a material for elegant and warm clothing;
  • directly rabbits. Purebred individuals are valued as pets;
  • Rabbit excrement is considered an excellent fertilizer for many crops.

The profitability of rabbit farming is approximately 70%. This is a large indicator indicating a high probability of success for the enterprise. Many people know about the fertility of rabbits: a sexually mature female can give birth to up to 30 rabbits in a year, which guarantees quick payback business. Animals grow quickly: in 1 month the mass of an individual increases approximately 10 times. After just three months, the average rabbit weighs about 2.5 kilograms.

The choice of breed directly depends on the goals. However, most experienced farmers prefer universal breeds. Example: accelerated rabbits, gaining weight in just a couple of months.

How to start?

Before you start, you should take care of the legal and economic aspects of the enterprise. A business from scratch will require the following resources:

  • growing space. You will need a plot of land, the desired size of which is at least 15 acres. It is legally prohibited to grow near residential buildings;
  • electricity, water, heat. Like any other living species, rabbits require basic conditions to survive;
  • equipment: drinking places, food, cages, tools;
  • carnage. Necessary for direct production of products;
  • feed.

The listed resources are required for both a large enterprise and a mini-farm. Optionally, staff may be required if the novice rabbit breeder is not going to work alone.

The lion's share of expenses will be taken up by feed. It is recommended to acquire special warehouse with supplies for several months in advance. It is easier to purchase food in bulk: large quantities at a cheap price. Animals' favorite food is hay and grains. The experience of professionals has shown that rabbits do not like crushed cereals. It is best to make mixtures from different crops.

A small enterprise should start with 2-3 mini-farms, which will include 3 females and 1 male. If we take into account equipment and feed, then the final size starting capital will be approximately 120,000 rubles. Small business has low risks and requires modest investments.

Advice: 16 females is the ideal number for productive and profitable activities. As the event grows, you should reach this figure.

Thus, sample business plan will look like this.

Legal side of the issue

A rabbit farm can be opened in two organizational and legal forms: individual entrepreneur and private household plot. The comparison is given in the table below.

Which one to choose? Personal farming is suitable for small farms, since there is no tax burden. On the other hand, market agents and state enterprises are more willing to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs. In addition to individual entrepreneurs and private household plots, you can also create peasant farms. By the nature of its activities, a farm is no different from an individual entrepreneur. Two nuances of peasant farms as an organizational and legal form: legal uncertainty (vague rules of law) and the opportunity to receive support from the state. Bottom line: to participate in the market the best solution will be an individual entrepreneur, for a modest enterprise “for oneself” - a subsidiary plot.

How to buy?

A start-up business needs to take care of the sex ratio of individuals. In practice, the most common ratio is 1 male per 10 females. The sex is determined simply: put the rabbit on its back and pull the tail up. The presence of a tube-shaped process indicates a male; its absence indicates a female.

Where to buy animals? Private organizations are selling them. There is little point in going to a pet store - there is a high probability that they will not be there. General advice: look for suggestions from professional farmers. The Internet, newspaper advertisements and information from friends will help. There are dozens of rabbit farms in each region.

When purchasing, you should be guided by the following rules:

The correct choice of the initial stock has a decisive influence on future breeding. Next important point- breed of animal.

Choosing a breed

It all depends on the goals set by the beginning rabbit breeder. If the goal is meat production, then preference should be given to meat breeds, if fur, then to skin breeds.

Large quantities of meat are guaranteed from the following breeds:

The preferred method is cellular. If you have a large population, you can use shads, which are essentially a type of cage. Advantages of the cellular system:

  • feeding regulation;
  • planned matings;
  • light breeding work;
  • isolation of a sick animal.

It is the cellular method that provides maximum productivity. The meat and skins are of high quality and are valued on the market. In the CIS countries, professional rabbit breeders mainly use cages.

Rabbit farm: structure and features

A mini-farm is a system of cells that are combined into one structure. The net takes up little space and can accommodate a large number of animals. The approximate area of ​​the mini-farm is 2 m², which can accommodate up to 40 individuals.

Types of mini-farms:

  • decorative;
  • mini-dachas;
  • homestead;
  • industrial.

The most acceptable option for breeding is home gardens. Decorative ones are not used throughout the year, but large ones require considerable investment. Homestead mini-farms are economical and spacious. Depending on the number of tiers, single-tier and multi-tier farms are distinguished. The choice is based on the size of the enterprise.

The design of any mini-farm should include:

The construction of a rabbitry needs to be given close attention - the health of the rabbits and even the farmer’s maintenance costs depend on this. What types of rabbit hutches are there? In our article you will find drawings, tools and materials, photos + videos.

To increase efficiency, a hopper feeder will also be required. Its presence contributes to compliance with sanitary standards: feed is safely loaded once a week. A characteristic feature of rabbit mini-farms is good functionality and increased autonomy. Such qualities ensure a constant flow of products and minimal costs.

Despite the abundance of structures, the so-called Mikhailov farm has gained the greatest popularity. And not without reason. By now it is considered a classic. It is worth examining it in more detail.

Making a Mikhailov farm

The following components will be required for construction:

  • lumber. The wood is pre-treated with antifungal agents. The timber is purchased in regular sizes (20-40 mm);
  • plywood;
  • iron;
  • tools: hacksaw, jigsaw, drill, hammer, scissors, pliers;
  • nails;
  • net. Previously, metal mesh was used, now soft materials are popular, since rabbits can get hurt;
  • roof.

The Mikhailov farm is a structure consisting of 3 interconnected elements: upper and lower tiers and a stand. The upper section has a walking section, the lower section has a feeding trough and water. The upper tier is jigging and mother. In the uterine tier, the queen is crossed with a breeding male. Young animals are raised in the jigging chamber.

The cells have an area of ​​about 1.5 m². Each can accommodate up to 20 individuals. Mikhailov's farm is essentially multi-tiered shads. Most often, two-tier structures are used.

Characteristic features of Mikhailov's design:

  • autonomous cleaning. All animal waste goes directly into the garbage compartment without human intervention;
  • unlimited water and food. The system uses simple laws nature: food is supplied as it decreases due to gravity, and water is supplied due to the law of connected vessels;
  • heating system providing a constant and favorable temperature environment in winter;
  • complete satisfaction of animal instincts. The design resembles natural rabbit holes and holes;
  • functionality. Young animals can be moved to another compartment without harm to them.

The lifespan of the Mikhailov farm is approximately 20 years. This is almost twice as much as using traditional models.

Making a Mikhailov farm:

The finished mini-farm can be placed anywhere. It doesn't take up much space. Experienced rabbit breeders advise stirring the structure in the open air - this promotes the healthy development of the offspring. With this placement, you will have to take care of insulation - rabbits do not tolerate drafts well.

What can and cannot be fed to rabbits?

Without understanding the basics of feeding, healthy rabbits cannot be raised. From here you will learn what kinds of food there are for rabbits and how to feed long-eared rabbits correctly, you will find the norms and feeding regimes. And in you will learn what to feed rabbits is strictly prohibited.

Features of Mikhailov's technique

Igor Nikolaevich Mikhailov is a Russian rabbit breeder, whose rabbit breeding technique has become a standard and a textbook example. As a result of long experiments, Mikhailov managed to develop an acceleration technique that ensures maximum productivity. It has been proven in practice that the Mikhailovsky method significantly reduces the cost of caring for pets.

Legend of rabbit breeding - Igor Mikhailov

Characteristic features of the technique:

  • the need for a mini-farm. Without it, proper and successful breeding of animals is impossible;
  • ensuring communication between the young and the mother. The offspring are fed by the female for the first 3 months (traditionally it was only 3 weeks), after which they switch to regular food. Such long feeding from the mother ensures rapid growth and increased immunity;
  • waste products should not get into the feed. This is guaranteed by the design feature of the truss;
  • micraxel. The fur obtained as a result of using Mikhailov’s technique is highly valued in light industry.

As a result of using Mikhailov’s method, each rabbit breeder receives about 100 kilograms of meat and approximately 40 skins per year. Stable profits and a constant influx of clients are guaranteed.

Farm structure is the most important technological process, as a result of which the rabbit breeding business will pay off in the first year of operation. When choosing between different designs, a novice rabbit breeder should pay special attention to Mikhailov’s technique as a time-tested practice.

Video - Breeding rabbits on a farm