Regulations for advertising on facades. When is approval not required for placing an advertising sign? General provisions of the law on signs

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Registration and approval of outdoor advertising according to new rules

Resolution of the Moscow Government of December 25, 2013 N 902-PP happened.
(its text is a link to the resolution of the Moscow Government)


1. Now the responsibility for what A SIGN FALLS ON A PASSER-BY'S HEAD IN MOSCOW transferred from the city to the owner and/or manufacturer of the sign.
This is the result of the fact that government agencies now check the sign for compliance with the Rules and Requirements after installation, and not before. In additionsigns are not registered.

Previously, the quality of production and installation of outdoor advertising was controlled at specified intervals by special authorized organizations -now it's a matter of conscience and common sense owner and (or) sign manufacturer! We repeat - except for special cases of signs in territories included in ARCHITECTURAL AND ARTISTIC CONCEPT, the list of which was published in 4 stages.

note- the text specifically states “AND/OR” because it is not known exactly who the Law will reach at the hour of “X” (the sign falls) in the conditions of massive fly-by-night companies.
To the Sign Customer or to the Sign Manufacturer.
Maybe - no one.

2. So, PERMIT PROCEDURE in outdoor advertising in Moscow ALLEGEDLY cancelled.
More precisely - minimized.
But in reality this is not the case - the permits remain in all their glory, but now - With minimal liability allowing.

As it was - so it remains -

For everyone, up to one information installation!

Questions that are usually asked:approval of a design project for an information structure according to the new rules, approval of a design project for a sign, free approval of a design project for outdoor advertising, approval of a sign layout in the Moskomarkhitektura, how to correctly make a design project for a sign in accordance with the new rules of outdoor advertising, where to approve a sign design according to new rules, do you need permission for a sign, is there permission for signs according to the new rules, is it possible to hang a sign without permission, new rules for approving signs in Moscow, why coordinate a design project for a sign, order a design project for a sign in Moscow according to the new rules outdoor advertising, get an architectural and artistic concept for a street, a list of streets for which architectural and artistic concepts have been developed, my house is located on a street for which an architectural and artistic concept has been developed - what to do, do I need to register a sign now, you can hang a sign without registration, how to hang a sign without registration, PRICE OF A SIGN PROJECT FOR APPROVAL IN MOSCOW, MINIMUM PRICE, LOWEST PRICE OF A SIGN PROJECT FOR APPROVAL IN MOSCOW, approval of signs in the Moscow region.

Previously, until 2014, approval of outdoor advertising in Moscow was carried out like this...

Promotion this week!
Discount from 18.02 to 25.02
for a number of services 50%

Every entrepreneur knows that conducting business without navigation tools and information in a highly competitive environment is almost impossible. is one of the strongest engines of trade and services. It is used by executive authorities, municipal and government organizations, as well as large and small commercial enterprises. But according to current legislation, it is impossible to place elements of outdoor advertising, including information structures, without special permits. Approval of a sign is an integral procedure that allows you to subsequently avoid orders, fines and dismantling of information structures for illegal placement on the facade of a building. In Moscow, the registration procedure, as well as the requirements and rules for placing information structures, are described in a document specially created for these purposes.


regulates a fairly detailed set of rules describing all the requirements for various information structures (signs), three-dimensional letters, light boxes, consoles placed on the external facades of buildings and structures, roofs, gas stations, free-standing structures.

Without approval, a sign can be installed only in cases where it fully complies with the rules of the resolution, and also does not contradict the Architectural and artistic concepts of Moscow streets developed by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning. All requirements must be taken into account at the initial stage of outdoor advertising design.

All free-standing information structures, signs placed on the facades of retail and entertainment centers, theaters, cinemas, and circuses require mandatory registration with MosKomArchitecture.

Happens often controversial situations, when the sign seems to comply with the placement rules, but does not fulfill at least one of the points. Then there is a high probability of a visit from regulatory authorities, with subsequent fines for illegal placement of information structures of up to 500,000 rubles.
Resolution No. 902 is a very large and complex document. Organizations and entrepreneurs have a high risk of losing sight of something if they try to figure out approval issues on their own. And due to high workload, it is not always possible to study all the requirements in detail individually.

We value the time of our clients, therefore we are ready to assist at all stages of designing information structures - from consultation to production and installation of signs, carrying out turnkey order execution.

The Poster company provides services for the development of design projects and coordination of information structures (signs) placed on:

  • retail extensions;
  • external facades of buildings and structures;
  • cultural heritage sites, as well as buildings built before 1952 inclusive;
  • roofs;
  • shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters, circuses;

The preliminary cost of the turnkey sign approval work is shown in the table. The final cost is calculated individually for each specific case.

Stages of sign approval with MosKomArchitecture

Free consultation

inspection of the site, verification of architectural and artistic concepts, formation of possible solutions

Collection and preparation of documentation

Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, floor plan of the premises, confirmation property rights, power of attorney

Project design development

coordination of the project with the Customer, submission of a package of documents to MosKomArchitecture

Obtaining permission to install a sign

receiving notification of approval

An exhaustive list of bodies with which the approval procedure is carried out in certain cases:

  • Funds Department mass media and advertising in the city of Moscow;
  • Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow;
  • Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow;
  • Federal Security Service Russian Federation;
  • Control Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography for Moscow;
  • Department of City Property of the City of Moscow;
  • Federal Tax Service, as well as its territorial bodies, including in various districts of the capital;
  • State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow;
  • Moscow City Bureau of Technical Inventory.

Our extensive experience in producing and coordinating signs on the facade of a building will allow you to place your order as quickly as possible and with high quality and legalize your outdoor advertising, which will help in the future to avoid high costs of fines, as well as re-registration of information structures.

Is it necessary to register signs in Moscow now?

Is it necessary to register signs in the Moscow region now?

It is mandatory. Each city has adopted its own regulations and considers each request individually.

What are Moskomarkhitektura, in what cases should you apply?

The Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow - Moskomarkhitektura - is an executive body of the city of Moscow that ensures the implementation government regulation urban planning and architectural activities in the city.
The tasks of the Committee include:
Coordination urban planning activities, associated with the implementation by the city of Moscow of the functions of the capital of the Russian Federation, with the interconnected development of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region.
Organization of work in the field information support urban planning activities.

In complex and controversial cases regarding the placement of information structures, consultation with the ICA is recommended.

How to sign up for a consultation at Moskomarkhitektura?

No appointment is required for a preliminary consultation. Interaction with the population occurs on a first-come, first-served basis on visiting days - Monday and Thursday from 10:00–13:00.

What kind of signs can I hang?

What is 902 PP?

Government Decree No. 902-PP dated December 25, 2013 “ON THE PLACEMENT OF INFORMATION STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF MOSCOW” was developed and adopted in order to streamline the placement of information structures in the city of Moscow.
1. Rules for the placement and maintenance of information structures in the city of Moscow
2. Administrative regulations providing public services city ​​of Moscow "Coordination of the design project for placing a sign"

What is an album?

An album is the design of an individual design project for placing signs according to the rules section III 902 PP dated December 25, 2013 in PDF format.

What are concepts?

MKA develops and approves Architectural and artistic concepts appearance streets, highways and territories of the city of Moscow (Architectural and Artistic Concepts), on which signs are placed in accordance with the requirements of these Architectural and Artistic Concepts.

The program for the development of Architectural and artistic concepts includes a list of streets, highways and territories of the city of Moscow for which these concepts are being developed, as well as the timing of their development and approval.

Signs placed on the external surfaces of buildings, structures, structures of streets, highways and territories of the city of Moscow, in respect of which Architectural and Artistic Concepts have been approved, are subject to being brought into compliance with the requirements of the relevant Architectural and Artistic Concepts within two months from the date of their approval.

One month before the expiration date specified in 902 PP dated December 25, 2013, the association of administrative and technical inspections of the city of Moscow identifies signs that do not meet the requirements of the Architectural and Artistic Concepts and issues fines with the possibility of forced dismantling of these signs.

Is it possible to change the concept?

This issue is resolved within the framework of an individual consultation at the MCA with the provision of justification documents, which can be: a project for reconstructive work on the facade; discrepancy between the actual urban planning situation and the façade drawings published in the Concept; absence of signs on the facade if there are enterprises in this building.

What is Resolution 712 and what does it refer to?

How is approval going now, and within what time frame?

How much does registration cost?

What will I receive after approving the sign?

If I hang a sign in Moscow not according to 902 PP and not according to the concept, what are the consequences?

Who issues fines and removes signs?

If I hang a sign for 902 PP, where is the guarantee that it will not be removed from me? How to get paper?

No documents are provided regarding the compliance of signs with 902 PP. If in doubt, you can consult with the ICA, or interact with the Moscow OATI.

Do I need permission from the HOA if I hang a sign according to 902 PP?

In case of placing a sign according to 902 PP, the permission of the HOA is not required. Exception - placement of a roof structure: a protocol is required general meeting residents with a solution.

Is it necessary to do PKD?

902 PP dated December 25, 2013 states that information structures located in the city of Moscow must be safe, designed, manufactured and installed in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, building codes and regulations, state standards, requirements for structures and their placement, including on the external surfaces of buildings, structures, structures, and others established requirements, and also not to disturb the external architectural and artistic appearance of the city of Moscow and ensure that the aesthetic characteristics of information structures correspond to the style of the object on which they are located. The document proving these requirements in case of verification is the PKD.

What kind of signs can I hang? What should be written? Is it possible to make them light?

Information structures (signs) in the form of plates are placed on visible areas of flat sections of the facade, free from architectural elements, directly at the entrance (right or left) to a building, structure, structure or room, or on the entrance doors to the room in which an organization or individual entrepreneur is located (operates), information about which is contained in this information structure. These designs may have internal lighting.

For one organization or individual entrepreneur, one structure can be installed at one facility.

The distance from the ground level (floor of the entrance group) to the upper edge of the information structure (sign) should not exceed 2 m.

The sign is placed on a single horizontal axis with other similar information structures within the plane of the facade.

The permissible sign size is no more than 0.60 m in length; no more than 0.40 m in height.
At the same time, the height of letters and signs placed on this information structure (sign) should not exceed 0.10 m.

If several organizations and individual entrepreneurs are located in one facility, the total area of ​​information structures (signs) in the form of signs installed on the facades of the facility in front of one entrance should not exceed 2 square meters. m., the parameters (dimensions) of signs placed in front of one entrance must be identical and not exceed the dimensions established by the Rules, and the distance from the ground level (floor of the entrance group) to the upper edge of the information structure located on the most high level, should not exceed 2 m.

These signs can also be placed on the glazing of the storefront using the application method screen printing.
At the same time, the dimensions of these signs cannot exceed 0.30 m in length and 0.20 m in height.
Placing several signs on the glazing of shop windows is permitted provided that there is a distance between them of at least 0.15 m and the total number of these signs is no more than four.
Placement on window openings is not allowed.

The composition of the text part of the structures in both versions is developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Is it possible to make a flashing sign?

902 PP dated December 25, 2013, it is prohibited to place signs by displaying posters on dynamic image changing systems (roller systems, rotating panel systems - prismatrons, etc.) or using images shown on electronic media (screens, creeping lines, etc.). d.) (except for signs placed in the shop window).

Are pharmacy ticker crosses allowed now? Is it possible to hang crosses with exposed LEDs?

902 PP dated December 25, 2013, it is prohibited to place signs using an image displayed on electronic media (screens, ticker, etc.) (with the exception of signs placed in a shop window). The use of open diodes in static signs is not specified. However, the sign must meet the requirements: the illumination of the sign must have a non-flickering, dim light, and not create direct beams into the windows of residential premises.

Is it possible to hang banners or tickers now?

902 PP dated 12/25/2013 it is prohibited: - placement of signs by displaying posters on dynamic image changing systems (roller systems, rotating panel systems - prismatrons, etc.) or by using images shown on electronic media (screens, creeping lines and etc.) (except for signs placed in the shop window). - signs in the design of which banner fabric is used (with the exception of posters).

Do the requirements for signs in the Moscow region differ from those in Moscow? Where can I find the requirements?

The requirements in each city in the Moscow region are individual. In some cases they coincide with Moscow ones, in others they do not. Requirements are usually posted on the official websites of the administration.

How to hang signs if we are in new Moscow?

New Moscow is included in the territories covered by 902 PP dated December 25, 2013.

Is it possible to hang boxes now?

The designs of wall signs are: three-dimensional symbols (without the use of a substrate or with the use of a substrate), as well as light boxes, with the exception of signs placed on the facades of objects that are objects of cultural heritage, identified objects of cultural heritage or objects built before 1952 inclusive, as well as when placed on the roof of buildings: signs in these cases must be made of separate elements (letters, symbols, decorative elements, etc.).

The placement of information structures in the form of free-standing structures is allowed only if they are installed within the boundaries of the land plot on which the buildings, structures, structures are located, which are the location, implementation of the activities of an organization, an individual entrepreneur, information about which is contained in these information structures and to which specified buildings, structures, structures and land belong to the right of ownership or other property or obligatory right.

The appearance of information structures, in the form of free-standing structures, is determined in accordance with the sign placement design project, developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of the ICA.

We have a business center, how do we hang signs? Is registration required?

The placement of signs in the case of a building being designated as a “business center” or “non-residential” is not the basis for the development of an individual design project (with the exception of roof structures) and all signs on the facades are placed according to 902 PP dated December 25, 2013 and do not require registration.

The development and approval of a design project in MCA is carried out for the external surfaces of shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters, and circuses in the city.

We have shopping mall how to hang signs? Is registration required?

The placement of information structures on the external surfaces of shopping, entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters, circuses in the city of Moscow is carried out on the basis of a design project developed individually and agreed upon by the MCA in accordance with the requirements of 902 PP dated December 25, 2013.

We want a roof installation, where can we hang it? Where to coordinate? On what buildings?

I want to place the name on English language, what to do?

Use of trademarks and service marks in texts (inscriptions) placed on information structures (signs), including foreign languages, is carried out only subject to their preliminary registration in the prescribed manner on the territory of the Russian Federation or in cases provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to hang brackets, what sizes?

Cantilever structures are located in one horizontal plane of the facade, near arches, on the borders and external corners of buildings, structures, and structures.
The distance between cantilever structures cannot be less than 10 m.
The distance from ground level to the bottom edge of the cantilever structure must be at least 2.50 m
The cantilever structure should not be located more than 0.20 m from the edge of the facade, and its extreme point of the front side should not be more than 1 m from the plane of the facade. The height of the cantilever structure cannot exceed 1 m.
If there are wall structures on the façade of an object, cantilever structures are located with them on a single horizontal axis.

The maximum parameters (dimensions) of cantilever structures placed on the facades of objects that are objects of cultural heritage, identified objects of cultural heritage, as well as objects built before 1952 inclusive, should not exceed 0.50 m in height and 0.50 m in height width.

How many signs can I hang?

On the external surfaces of one building, structure, structure, an organization or individual entrepreneur has the right to install no more than one information structure of one of the following types:
- wall design
- cantilever design
- display design

Organizations, individual entrepreneurs engaged in providing services Catering, additionally has the right to place no more than one information structure containing information about the range of dishes, drinks and other food products offered when they provide the specified services, including indicating their weight/volume and price (menu), in the form of a wall structure.

The placement of information structures on the external surfaces of shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, theaters, and circuses in the city of Moscow is carried out on the basis of a design project developed and agreed upon by the MCA.

I'm in the basement, where should I hang the sign?

Wall structures are placed above the entrance or windows (showcases) of premises, on a single horizontal axis with other wall structures installed within the facade, at the level of the floor line between the first and second floors or below the specified line. If the premises are located in the basement or ground floors of objects and there is no possibility of placing information structures (signs) in accordance with the requirements at the level of the floor line between the first and second floors or below the specified line, signs can be placed above the windows of the basement or ground floor, but not lower than 0.60 m from ground level to the lower edge of the wall structure. In this case, the sign should not protrude from the plane of the facade by more than 0.10 m.

I'm on the second floor, where should I hang the sign?

Wall structures are placed above the entrance or windows (showcases) of premises, on a single horizontal axis with other wall structures installed within the facade, at the level of the floor line between the first and second floors or below the specified line.

I am in the yard, how can I hang a sign so that it can be seen from the entrance street?

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs place information structures on flat areas of the facade, free from architectural elements, exclusively within the area of ​​the external surfaces of the object corresponding to the physical dimensions of the premises occupied by these organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Accordingly, if, according to the floor plan of the BTI, the physical dimensions of the premises occupied by these organizations are the walls of the facade required for placing a sign, placement is possible taking into account the rules of 902 PP dated December 25, 2013.

We are in an extension, how to hang a sign?

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs place information structures on flat areas of the facade, free from architectural elements, exclusively within the area of ​​the external surfaces of the object corresponding to the physical dimensions of the premises occupied by these organizations, individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with rules 902 PP of December 25, 2013.

What can you hang in an arch?

Suspended structure (the structure of signs is placed in the pedestrian gallery space of buildings, structures, structures) and is placed on the basis of a developed design project and agreed upon by the MCA.

How to hang a sign next to a gas pipe?

If there are elements of gas supply and (or) drainage systems (drainpipes) on the external surfaces of a building, structure, structure at the location where the sign is placed, the placement of wall structures is carried out subject to ensuring the safety of the specified systems PUE “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations.” and installation rules 902 PP 12/25/2013. In case of conflicts between these documents, individual consultation with the ICA is required.

Is it possible to hang a sign on the gate at the entrance?

On enclosing structures (fences, barriers, fencing, railings, etc.): “In addition to the information structure specified in paragraph one of this paragraph, organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to place an information structure (sign) in the form of a sign on the enclosing structure ( fence) directly at the entrance to the land plot on which the building, structure, structure is located, which is the actual location and activity of the organization, individual entrepreneur, information about which is contained in this information structure and to which the specified building, structure, structure and land plot belong on the right of ownership or other property right.

The permissible sign size is no more than 0.60 m in length; no more than 0.40 m in height. At the same time, the height of letters and signs placed on this information structure (sign) should not exceed 0.10 m.

We are building an object, how to hang up a mandatory object certificate, what are the requirements?

I am selling an apartment, can I hang a banner about the sale, will there be any complaints?

What can be glued to a window display, what are the requirements?

In addition to the wall structure placed directly on the facades of buildings, structures, structures, it is allowed to place signs on the doors of the entrance areas, including by applying screen printing or other similar methods to the glazing of the doors. The maximum size of these signs should not exceed: height - 0.40 m; length - 0.30 m.

It is allowed to place information about promotional events (promotions) on the inside of the display case (no more than three lines of 0.15 m each).

We have an opening, is it possible to hang a temporary banner, what complaints might there be?

The placement of temporary structures is not provided. 902 PP dated December 25, 2013, the placement of signs using cardboard, fabric, banner fabric (except for posters) in Moscow is prohibited.

We want to hang flags, is it possible to do this? Is approval required?

902 PP dated December 25, 2013, the placement of signs using cardboard, fabric, banner fabric (except for posters) in Moscow is prohibited.

Is it possible to put a pillar at the entrance?

902 PP dated December 25, 2013, the placement of signs in the form of free-standing prefabricated (folding) structures - pillars - is prohibited.

We want to coordinate the entrance group, is this possible?

The approval of the input group occurs through the development of a working draft and is agreed upon not only in the MCA, but depending on the purpose and volume in other organizations. Produce construction works, affecting entrance groups, is possible only by obtaining official permission. In addition to standard organizations, in individual localities there may be special requirements. For example, in Moscow, you may need the consent of the metro administration if you plan to go even slightly beyond the façade of the building or expand the existing land plot of the entrance area.

We want to repaint the walls, is it possible? Is approval required?

Work on painting the facade is carried out on the basis of an agreed upon design of color solutions for building facades within the framework of Moscow Government Decree No. 114-PP dated March 28, 2012 “On color solutions for the facades of buildings, structures, and structures in the city of Moscow.”

We would like to draw a logo on the wall at the entrance, like in the Czech Republic, is it possible?

902 PP dated December 25, 2013, it is prohibited to place signs by directly applying decorative, artistic and (or) text images to the surface of the facade (by painting, stickers and other methods).

We would like to make wooden panels at the entrance, is it possible?

Fragmentary finishing and cladding is prohibited in Moscow. The use of wooden panels in Moscow is prohibited.

Can I hang a sign with a backing if everyone has letters, what are the requirements for a sign with a backing?

ICA recommends a single appearance information structures placed on one facade.
The maximum size of wall structures placed by organizations and individual entrepreneurs on the external surfaces of buildings, structures, structures should not exceed:
- height - 0.50 m, with the exception of placing a wall sign on the frieze;
- in length - 70 percent of the length of the facade corresponding to the premises occupied by these organizations and individual entrepreneurs, but not more than 15 m for a single structure.

Is it possible to hang a sign with external lighting - a spotlight?

Spotlights are not a sign illumination method; they are an element of architectural lighting for a building.

Electronic services

Full name of the service

Conditions for receiving services on the site

  • Who can apply for the service:

    Legal entities

    Individual entrepreneur

  • Cost of the service and payment procedure:

    The state fee for issuing a permit to install and operate an advertising structure without VAT is RUB 5,000.0.

    In accordance with paragraph 105 of part 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

  • List of required information:

    A document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative, in case of applying for public services of the applicant’s representative (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    The document can be drawn up in a free (arbitrary) form. The interests of applicants may be represented by other persons authorized by the applicant in the prescribed manner. Acceptance of requests for the provision of public services and other documents (information) necessary for the provision of public services from representatives authorized by the applicant, who are individuals, is not provided, with the exception of individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs.

    • Required
    • Available without return

    A design project for the advertising structure proposed for installation, approved by the applicant and agreed upon with the owner of the property to which the advertising structure is to be attached, including: 1. Design proposal (photomontage) of the location of the advertising structure (photomontage is performed in the form of a computer drawing of the structure on a photograph) . 2. Basic characteristics of the advertising structure (length, width, height, main materials of construction, shape of the structure, type of construction, lighting method). 3. Orthogonal drawing of the advertising structure (main view, left (right) view, top view - with a curved structure). 4. The location of the advertising structure indicating it on the map (map scale 1:10000). If the applicant makes a request regarding an advertising structure installed based on the results of bidding, in accordance with the scheme for placing advertising structures in the city of Moscow, the document will not be provided.

    Photos of the proposed installation location of the advertising structure (original, 3 pcs.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Photographs of the proposed installation location of the advertising structure in the following quantities: 1. At least two color photographs for advertising structures intended to be placed on a land plot or on a non-permanent facility. Photo recording must be made from two opposite sides at a distance of 150-180 meters from the structure. Photographic recording should reflect the existing urban planning situation and display the surrounding buildings. 2. At least three color photographs for advertising structures, which are supposed to be placed on a building, structure, or structure. The photograph must reflect the current urban planning situation in terms of visualization of the proposed location of the advertising structure, as well as all other structures located on the external surfaces of the building, structure, structure (if any). Photographic recording must be done to the left, right and center of the intended location of the structure, from a distance that allows you to photograph the entire advertising structure with reference to the building, structure, structure to which the advertising structure is attached. Photos must be submitted with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, maintaining contrast and color rendition. If the applicant makes a request regarding an advertising structure installed based on the results of bidding, in accordance with the scheme for placing advertising structures in the city of Moscow, the document will not be provided.
    • Required
    • Available without return

    A diagram is provided reflecting the boundaries of the safety corridor, determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52044-2003 " Outdoor advertising on highways and areas of urban and rural settlements. Are common technical requirements to outdoor advertising media. Rules for placement" (except for advertising structures placed on buildings, structures, structures, unfinished construction projects), certified by the owner of the advertising structure or the owner of the real estate to which the advertising structure is attached. If the applicant makes a request regarding the advertising structure installed based on the results bidding, in accordance with the layout of advertising structures in the city of Moscow, the document is not provided. A diagram of the proposed installation location of the advertising structure, reflecting the boundaries of the safety corridor, is drawn up by the applicant in free form, taking into account the requirements of GOST R 52044-2003 "Outdoor advertising on highways and urban areas rural settlements. General technical requirements for outdoor advertising media. Posting rules."

    • Required
    • Available without return
    The advertising design project must include: 1. the conclusion of the underground structures department of the State budgetary institution"Mosgorgeotrest" in the case of installation of an advertising structure on the territory of the city of Moscow with a foundation depth of more than 0.3 meters, with the exception of advertising structures installed based on the results of bidding in accordance with the scheme for placing advertising in the city of Moscow. 2. conclusion on the load-bearing capacity of the roof for the installation of a roof structure in the case of installation of a roof advertising structure.
    • Required
    • Available without return
    for structures that require an electrical installation.

    Conclusion of an expert organization on the compliance of the advertising design project with the requirements of technical regulations, building codes and rules (SNIP), Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), standards Unified system design documentation (ESKD) and other regulatory requirements (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return

    Conclusion of an expert organization on the compliance of the electrical installation project for an advertising structure with the requirements of technical regulations, SNIP, PUE, ESKD standards and other regulatory requirements. (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Provided for advertising structures that require an electrical installation.

    Results of an independent lighting engineering examination of an advertising design project (certified copy, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
    Available for designs requiring electronic technology change the image. The conclusion must contain calculations for compliance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings"

    A document confirming the authority of a person to act on behalf of the applicant or a representative of the applicant who is a legal entity, with the exception of applying for the provision of a public service of a person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity (in the case of applying for the provision of a public service of a person on behalf of an applicant who is a legal entity face) (original, 1 pc.)

    • Required
    • Available without return
  • Terms of service provision

    33 working days

    Suspension period: 60 working days

    The grounds for suspension of the provision of public services are:

    1. The need for approval by the Federal Security Service of Russia when placing advertising structures along travel routes and in places of permanent and temporary stay of state security facilities in the city of Moscow.

    Suspension period: 44 working days

    The grounds for suspending the provision of public services are:

  • performing wall cladding with composite specialized materials used in construction, cladding using aluminum, stainless steel, stone panels, both natural and artificially created;
  • installation of neon tubes, light boxes, and three-dimensional letters;
  • installation of signs of various technological complexity, as well as with eye-catching lighting;
  • use of innovative light-dynamic designs, original screens with video playback.

Types of advertising used on the facade

Light boxes

Today they are the most effective transmitters of information both during the day and at night. Their cost can vary from 6 to 12 thousand rubles and depends on the materials:

  • Aluminum is the most expensive due to its lightness, ease of processing, and long service life.
  • Specialized fabric for banners. Its advantage is good throughput light, low price, and efficiency.
  • Acrylic glass. Today this is the most popular and in demand material.


Placing advertising on the facade in the form of a sign looks attractive and is carried out with a focus on the psychological and motivational needs of clients. The main difficulty is that most landlords will not allow this type of advertising installation to be placed on the façade.

Volumetric letters

They are made from composite or, alternatively, acrylic glass. In addition, they use plastic. Unique or an option such as rotation perfectly attracts the attention of consumers. Often, a specialized light-accumulating film is glued to a banner or sign, which is a cheap option and has the required design. This type of advertising, placed on the facades of buildings, is quite effective and also inexpensive. The average price of one letter is 3000-4000 rubles.

Requirements for façade advertising

  • damage to architectural design;
  • excessive use of advertising elements;
  • disharmony in the dimensional parameters and color scheme of the previously placed advertising plan design;
  • installation of cantilever advertising at a distance of less than two and a half meters from the ground;
  • advertising on the facades of buildings of historical significance, at a distance of less than ten meters from memorial-type tables. In this version, it should be made from materials such as: stone and bronze, brass or wood, as well as stained glass;
  • the facade decor was blocked, namely such elements as: relief or cornice, column, as well as bay window and pilaster;
  • vibration and noise effects when placing advertising on a residential building.

Installation of any type of advertising requires approval from both the city government and municipal structures. Possibility of placement is regulated " Regulations on the procedure for issuing permits for the installation of advertising structures».

Requirements for approval of advertising placement on the facade

Coordination of advertising on the facade of the house is a mandatory step before placing advertising. According to the law, it is required to provide documentation that guarantees that the installation was carried out in compliance with safety requirements for people, environment. In addition, the documents confirm the absence of contradictions between the advertising design and the architectural composition of the facade.

Most innovative designs billboards have a highly complex electrical installation. Obtaining permission to place advertising is proof of its safe use and full compliance with all requirements and building regulations.

Bodies exercising control carry out inspections of permitting documentation on a regular basis, as well as compliance with installation techniques and rules for using advertising structures in the designated area.

Correct execution of all required documents when installing advertising signs or banners on the facades of a building is a guarantee of prosperity and successful business development. Permission to place advertising on the facades of buildings is not always required; its absence is permitted in cases where it is installed in windows, temporary or security banners and signs are used. This advertising plan is carried out personally. Advertising of any plan must contain the name of the company, its operating hours, and also indicate its location.

A little about the rules of approval

Outdoor advertising on buildings today is subject to mandatory approval in accordance with Government Resolution. In addition, permission to carry out installation is issued only after written consent has been obtained from the owner of the building. When installed on apartment building permission must be obtained at a meeting of apartment owners, and a positive decision must be given by 67% of the owners. Permission is obtained through the HOA and housing cooperatives. When submitted for consideration, the application must contain data on the exact dimensional parameters of the sign. The agreement provides for the placement of advertising for a certain period, equal to a period of up to three years, and contains requirements for placement.

If an advertising sign is placed on a residential building that belongs to the city, then an agreement will be required, which will be concluded with KUGI, which will indicate all the standards for placement. Given that the building is the property of both individuals and legal entities, it is necessary to complete the registration letter of guarantee or contractual obligations for the installation of advertising with a specified period of its operation. You should also obtain a copy of the certificate of ownership.

In order for the installation of advertising on the facade of a residential building to have effect and success, it is necessary to prepare documents in as soon as possible. The most simple option is to contact companies, mainly advertising ones. As a rule, advertising on the facade of buildings, informational signs are no exception, are mounted directly above the entrance door of the organization. They are based on specific data about the organization: a store or club, books or shoes, as well as other options. Trademarks or the presence of any other additional decorative elements will attract the attention of potential customers.

Required documents

For a full and legal installation of advertising, certain documents will be required: registration of any type of advertising object, as well as obtaining the required permitting document from the authorities local government, coordination of all details design solution. Advertising companies can speed up the process. All documents are initially sent to the SIRIiR State Administration, and are returned only after two months. Required package.