The craft does not ask for food or drink, but brings bread. A craft doesn’t ask for food or drink, but it brings bread. Proverb: with a craft you can travel all over the world

The craft does not ask for food or drink, but brings bread.

“The craft does not ask for food or drink, but brings bread.” in books

4.5. Everything you eat... and drink

From the book This Tasty and Healthy Life. Complete system of nutrition and cleansing of the body author Lamykin Oleg

VIII. What to eat and drink

From the book Medieval England. Time Traveler's Guide by Mortimer Ian

VIII. What to eat and drink The modern time traveler, emerging from the era of books about tasty and healthy food and supermarkets, tends to forget that in medieval England people still died of hunger. Wheat crop failures occurred in 1315–1317 (Great Famine), 1321–1323,

IX. What to eat and drink

From the book Elizabethan England: A Time Traveler's Guide by Mortimer Ian

IX. What to eat and drink Food was valuable in Elizabethan England, much more so than in the modern world. A flock of 180 sheep is worth more than the average house. Transport difficulties mean that food supplies are highly dependent on what is grown locally and what food is available.

The craft does not ask for bread...

From the book of Nature's beauty author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

The craft does not ask for bread... The forestry craft is not a yoke, it will not pull your shoulders. The craft does not ask for bread, but feeds itself. And that craft that knows how to make an oar. You cannot cut a straight arrow from a crooked tree. And not every tree is suitable for a spoon. We bent the elm arch, we will bend the willow one too. Cracks

“Now you will eat bread, then you will drink water”

From the book The Secrets of the Hittites author Zamarovsky Vojtech

“Now you will eat bread, then you will drink water” On the last Sunday in August 1915, the scientist’s gaze settled on the phrase: From all this, he understood only one “word”: a cuneiform sign, which in the Akkadian language was pronounced as NINDA and meant (or rather, could

From the book Fools, roads and other features of national driving author Geiko Yuri Vasilievich

WHAT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO EAT AND DRINK ON THE ROAD How does our safety on the road depend on what we chew or drink (not alcohol, of course) while driving? Such a question would never even occur to a Russian driver. There are drivers who like to do everything on a long road

And he, the rebellious one, asks for the storm, / As if there is peace in the storms!

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

And he, the rebellious one, asks for the storm, / As if there is peace in the storms! From the poem “Sail” (1832) by M, Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841). Allegorically: about a person who is looking for peace of mind in a life full of worries and anxieties, hoping in this way to fully realize himself

1.1.2. What to eat and drink?

From the book Child's Health and the Common Sense of His Relatives author

1.1.2. What to eat and drink? For many thousands of years, your ancestors ate approximately the same food, and those who could not digest this food became extinct long ago. Everyone food product contains certain proteins that are digested by others, also completely


From the book Starting Your Child's Life author Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich

WHAT TO EAT AND DRINK? For many thousands of years, your ancestors ate approximately the same food, and those who could not digest this food became extinct long ago. Think about where your great-great-grandfather got his oranges? Each food product contains certain proteins,

What to eat and drink

From the book Latte or cappuccino? 125 decisions that can change your life by Janes Hilley

What to Eat and Drink Here's how to perk up without gaining weight or leaving the cafeteria full

Have fun drinking

From the author's book

There is fun in drinking I usually move from the general to the specific in my research, but this time I’ll have to do the opposite, because the topic is too painful, excuse the tautology. The fact that “drinking in Rus' is fun” is not denied even by the most ardent

33. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. 34. To this they said to Him: Lord! always give us such bread.

author Lopukhin Alexander

33. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. 34. To this they said to Him: Lord! always give us such bread. The idea expressed in verse 32 is substantiated here by indicating that in general the bread of heaven (here the common thing of God) can only be that which

51. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; And the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

51. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; And the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. Here Christ expresses a new thought, even more incomprehensible and unacceptable for the Jews: I am the living Bread, i.e. having life in you and being able

58. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate manna and died: whoever eats this bread will live forever. 59. These things He spoke in the synagogue, teaching in Capernaum.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

58. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers ate manna and died: whoever eats this bread will live forever. 59. These things He spoke in the synagogue, teaching in Capernaum. Here is a summary of everything that has been said. This is. This is the quality of the bread that came down from heaven. He gives eternal life.B

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. And Jacob knew that there was grain in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, “What are you looking at?” 2. And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is bread in Egypt; go there and buy us bread from there, so that we may live and not die. 3. Ten brothers of Joseph went to buy grain in Egypt, 4. and Benjamin,

The craft does not ask for bread, but feeds it itself.

Craft is respected everywhere.

Craftsmanship is held in high esteem everywhere.

A bad craft is better than good theft.

By craft and trade. The craft is not without trade.

Not every craft is evil.

With craft, even the crippled will get bread.

Even though it's a censer, it still hits you with money.

Even if you smoke incense, just to get money.

Even with a chisel, he can fish for fish (Fomka was fooling the onlookers by fishing with a chisel, while his assistants were picking out his pockets).

The Lord commanded to feed from the earth.

Bipod - golden legs. Soshenka fry, golden horns!

Hold on to the pine tree, the crooked leg!

Hold on tight to your plow and harrow!

Love Andrevna (plow), you will have bread.

He who is lazy with his plow will have a bad year all year long.

The floor is wet, and the belly is full (Arkhangelsk fishermen).

There would be fish, but there would be bread (the same).

The sea is our field (same).

The yardstick makes things better. To know according to the master's standards.

You can't weave a bast without measure. And the coffin is made to measure.

The carpenter (employee) gets a penny, the contractor (employee) a ruble.

The auction is good, will the rebidding say anything?

Sing, feed, hire from the yard!

#Craft is a projectile

You can't pull the soup with your teeth. You can't grab a hedgehog with your bare hands.

If the tugs are bad, take care of them!

The mounted horse is not far away and is lucky.

You won't get far with a treated mare.

On a skinny horse, quickly move to the side.

On a good horse along the track, and on a bad horse on the side.

The one who has belt tugs is the one who has tugs, but we have basts and washcloths, but they rushed there (and you can’t fix belt ones on the road).

And he didn’t lubricate it, but he went.

A thin harness means an unhappy (not good) ride.

Bad tackle won't let you rest.

It's annoying for the horse, it's annoying for the tugs too.

It's annoying for the barge hauler - it's annoying for the strap too.

String-string on the straps (bad, fragile harness).

Those who can, go; but he can’t, he just crawls.

It is not the horse that rides (lucky), but the road (but the food, that is, a smooth road and a well-fed horse).

The ships are lowered and greased with lard.

It would be good to use this knife to put an old man on the stove (stupid).

You can ride this knife even if you're on horseback (without a saddle).

On this knife you can even ride or gallop.

The bad master used this saw.

Anyone whose instrument is too clean is a bad master (bad worker).

Sleeping long means living with debt. To sleep for a long time is a duty to sleep.

The sharper the ax, the more controversial the matter. The ax is the breadwinner.

You can go all over the world with an axe. The ax is the head of the whole thing.

The ax puts on, the ax puts on shoes.

Chips fly from the axe, taxes are paid.

If only God had not provided an axe, it would have been time to drown ourselves long ago.

Glue and plane for the carpenter are the fathers.

The sheep also jumps over the low spindle.

You cannot heat the sea with a nail (Shilom).

You can't pick the bast off a stone. You won't get rid of the demon with an amenem.

From the devil with a cross, and from a pig with a pestle.

The German has a tool for everything.

The sword is sharp, but there is no one to flog.

It would be a nice day, but there’s no one to hit. Without beating, without even eating.

author Fukuyama Francis

Why the doctrine of naturalistic fallacy is itself a fallacy

From the book Our Posthuman Future [Consequences of the Biotechnological Revolution] author Fukuyama Francis

Why the doctrine of the naturalistic fallacy is itself a fallacy The problem of cultural relativism forces us to think again whether we have not been too hasty in dismissing the idea that human rights are based on human nature: the existence of a single human nature, a common

4.5. Everything you eat... and drink

From the book This Tasty and Healthy Life. Complete system of nutrition and cleansing of the body author Lamykin Oleg

VIII. What to eat and drink

From the book Medieval England. Time Traveler's Guide by Mortimer Ian

VIII. What to eat and drink The modern time traveler, emerging from the era of books about tasty and healthy food and supermarkets, tends to forget that in medieval England people still died of hunger. Wheat crop failures occurred in 1315–1317 (Great Famine), 1321–1323,

IX. What to eat and drink

From the book Elizabethan England: A Time Traveler's Guide by Mortimer Ian

IX. What to eat and drink Food was valuable in Elizabethan England, much more so than in the modern world. A flock of 180 sheep is worth more than the average house. Transport difficulties mean that food supplies are highly dependent on what is grown locally and what food is available.

The craft does not ask for bread...

From the book of Nature's beauty author Sanzharovsky Anatoly Nikiforovich

The craft does not ask for bread... The forestry craft is not a yoke, it will not pull your shoulders. The craft does not ask for bread, but feeds itself. And that craft that knows how to make an oar. You cannot cut a straight arrow from a crooked tree. And not every tree is suitable for a spoon. We bent the elm arch, we will bend the willow one too. Cracks

From the book Fools, roads and other features of national driving author Geiko Yuri Vasilievich

WHAT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO EAT AND DRINK ON THE ROAD How does our safety on the road depend on what we chew or drink (not alcohol, of course) while driving? Such a question would never even occur to a Russian driver. There are drivers who like to do everything on a long road

And he, the rebellious one, asks for the storm, / As if there is peace in the storms!

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

And he, the rebellious one, asks for the storm, / As if there is peace in the storms! From the poem “Sail” (1832) by M, Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841). Allegorically: about a person who is looking for peace of mind in a life full of worries and anxieties, hoping in this way to fully realize himself

1.1.2. What to eat and drink?

From the book Child's Health and the Common Sense of His Relatives author

1.1.2. What to eat and drink? For many millennia, your ancestors ate approximately the same food, and those who could not digest this food became extinct long ago. Each food product contains certain proteins that are digested by others, also completely


From the book Starting Your Child's Life author Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich

WHAT TO EAT AND DRINK? For many thousands of years, your ancestors ate approximately the same food, and those who could not digest this food became extinct long ago. Think about where your great-great-grandfather got his oranges? Each food product contains certain proteins,

What to eat and drink

From the book Latte or cappuccino? 125 decisions that can change your life by Janes Hilley

What to Eat and Drink Here's how to perk up without gaining weight or leaving the cafeteria full

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 974 (31 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 401 (32 2001) author Zavtra Newspaper

Have fun drinking

From the author's book

There is fun in drinking I usually move from the general to the specific in my research, but this time I’ll have to do the opposite, because the topic is too painful, excuse the tautology. The fact that “drinking in Rus' is fun” is not denied even by the most ardent

Chapter two. That the very presence of a Christian is already a confession of faith

From the book of Words II. Spiritual awakening author Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Chapter two. About the fact that the very presence of a Christian is already a confession of faith - Geronda, is there any benefit from various protest movements on the part of Christians? - The very presence of a Christian is already a confession of faith. It is possible that someone would have helped more with prayer, but he

Last Saturday in the lives of more than a hundred students of vocational school No. 69 in the village of Uspenskoye, one of the five best institutions vocational education our region, a significant event took place.

Boys and girls - graduates of 2015 - received diplomas from this educational institution. These are cooks and hairdressers, general construction workers, electricians, agricultural tractor drivers, and auto mechanics. By the way, specialists in the profession “Electrician of electrical networks” were trained for the first time within the walls of the PU.
...There are no empty seats in the large hall of the school - here are the students, their teachers, masters and parents, for whom this day is probably the most hectic. Along the “starry” path, the heroes of the occasion come onto the stage - beautiful, grown-up and yet excited... children.
The boys and girls were congratulated by the acting head of the district G.K. Bakhilin, deputy heads T.N. Nikiforova and O.N. Brezgina, head of the education department T.V. Cherkesova, head of the State Public Institution “Uspensky Employment Center” R.M. Khevsokov , as well as chief engineers of the agricultural firms "Agrosakhar" and "Agrosakhar-2" P.A. Gorlov and S.P. Khnykin, assistant general director JSC "Uspensky Sugar Plant" I.I. Sled, Chairman of the District Council of War and Labor Veterans V.V. Aleksakin.
Warmly welcoming the boys and girls, the acting head of the district, G.K. Bakhilin, noted that the professions that they acquired today are in demand both in our region and in Russia as a whole. He promised the guys help in their future employment and wished all participants in the celebration professional growth, bon voyage, happiness and health. Gennady Klavdievich, together with the director of the school N.N. Belova, presented diplomas to the graduates of the group of auto mechanics.
All invitees directly took part in the graduation ceremony, which gave this event special significance: each leader warmly congratulated the boys and girls in a fatherly manner, wishing them success, happiness and peace!
Concluding the holiday, Natalya Nikolaevna Belova presented gratitude to the parents of the best students, as well as teachers and industrial training masters. Natalya Nikolaevna said warm words for the fruitful cooperation to the school’s social partners: LLC PPSO “Istok”, IP V.V. Bilenko, JSC “Uspensky Sugar Plant”, as well as LLC “Agrofirm “Agrosakhar” and LLC “Agrofirm “Agrosakhar-2” .
Then the boys and girls finished educational institution for good and excellent grades, according to a long-standing tradition, they swore an oath to become worthy masters of their craft and handed over to the second-year students a symbol of knowledge - an open book made of glass.
The mother of graduate N.A. Serkov addressed the teachers and industrial training masters with words of maternal gratitude. Natalya Anatolyevna wished health to the teachers, and to the graduates
good luck in the future for good mentors, professional excellence and peace above your head.
Photo by E. Merzlyakov.

The craft does not ask to drink or eat, but feeds itself.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what "The craft does not ask to drink, does not ask to eat, but feeds itself." in other dictionaries:

    Vasily Nikolaevich (1907 83), breeder, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974) and VASKhNIL (1964), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1966, 1977). He developed selection methods that made it possible to create high-yielding varieties of wheat (Mironovsky). Lenin's... ...Russian history

    CRAFT, old. craft cf. handicraft, handicraftsmanship, manual labor, work and skill by which bread is obtained; | the very occupation by which a person lives, his trade, which requires more bodily than mental work. Crafts behind you (behind your back) do not... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Not a pot pleaser, but a cook. Altyn's formulation of the dispute. Don’t teach by idleness, but teach by handicraft! What we eat is what we drink (about craft). Man is fed with bread alone, but not with craft alone. One job (one craft) does not feed. Walk the earth for crafts... ...

    He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep. Going into science endures torment. Without flour there is no science. Learn by rote, hammer, cram, cram from board to board. I learned to read and write, and I learned to sing and dance. Some by rumours, and some by warehouses... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    TO BE ABLE, to know, to understand, to comprehend; to be able, to be capable, to be proficient in something, to have a skill, to be learned something, to know what to do, to work, to be skilled in something. Can you read and write? I know how to read, but I can’t write. He can scribble, he can sing, dance,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Thick boards don't have holes (everything is better). To be a butt in the county and take dough. To go into the world (Around the world) and take dough. Walking around as beggars eats without pepper. Take half a ruble, take some canvas. Why are people sad when they cry at home? On a visit, and on a post-lunch basis... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people