The profitability of producing chain-link mesh using a manual machine. Production of chain-link mesh or how to write a successful business plan. How much can you earn by manufacturing chain-link mesh?

Is the chain-link mesh manufacturing business profitable? Construction materials are always in high demand. Equipment for weaving chain-link mesh is inexpensive, but allows you to earn a good income. It is used in the construction of various fences and when sifting bulk substances. This type of material is also used to create cages for animals.

The mesh is woven from low-carbon steel wire coated with a zinc or synthetic protective layer. In special cases it is made of stainless steel. A chain-link mesh machine ties spiral-shaped pieces of wire together into a single web. Depending on the type of cells, the mesh can be square or rhombic.

The finished material is rolled into rolls up to 10 m long. The height of the chain-link mesh ranges from 1 to 4 m, depending on the wishes of the clients. If the chain-link mesh is produced on a manual machine, the ends of the rolls are not bent. When producing material on an automatic machine, the ends of the web in a roll are fastened together. The sharp parts of the roll are usually covered plastic film or thick paper.

Where to start a chain-link mesh manufacturing business

Opening a small production workshop or a large factory may be a good idea profitable business. Making mesh is suitable for both beginners and experienced businessmen.

To organize a workshop, it is not necessary to rent a large premises. Another advantage of such production is the need for minimal initial capital. Of course, your profit is minimum investment will be small, but over time you can increase the scale of production.

The business plan for the production of mesh fabric also includes the stage of selecting premises for placing the machines. There are no special requirements for the workshop. This could be a warehouse or any other non-residential premises. The main thing is that all necessary communications are provided. Small quantities of material can be supplied to construction markets or directly to customers. For this purpose, you can place an ad in a newspaper or on the Internet. When starting a chain mesh business as a business, you must purchase a truck, as many buyers order delivery to their destination.

What equipment to choose for making chain-link mesh

After renting the premises, you need to make repairs in it and start purchasing equipment for the production of chain-link mesh. You can purchase both manual and fully automatic lines. The simplest manual machine for the production of chain-link mesh will cost 10 thousand. Semi-automatic machines cost from 50 thousand rubles. They consist of receiving, bending mechanisms and a work table. Such equipment makes it possible to produce chain-link mesh with diamond-shaped and large square cells. Average performance equipment is 250 m in 8 hours. To operate such a machine, you will need wire with a diameter of 1-3 mm.

When purchasing a manual machine for making chain-link mesh and small volumes of purchased raw materials, your starting investment will not exceed 100 thousand rubles. The payback of the business can begin on the first shift. If you decide to purchase automatic machines for the production of chain-link mesh and open a large workshop, you will need significant financial investments. Cost of automatic production line- at least 800 thousand rubles. If an automatic machine is installed, a larger area will be needed.

Chain-link mesh manufacturing technology

The technology for producing chain-link is quite simple. The receiving mechanism feeds wire, which is wound onto a drum. After this, it goes into a bending machine, where it is given the required spiral shape. At this stage, the cell sizes are determined. The wire spirals are divided into pieces of the required length, and the resulting pieces are crossed with each other. The final product is a chain-link mesh. To operate such a machine, 1 person is enough. He will not need skills in setting up and repairing equipment.

You can also buy a fully automatic machine for making material. In this case, the employee does not directly participate in production process, but only controls it. The chain-link mesh is made from wire with a cross-section of 1.5-2.5 mm, a coil of which costs about 20 thousand rubles. Wire without a protective coating is cheaper. Customers most often purchase cheaper unpainted meshes. The production of chain-link mesh from painted wire is made to order.

Manufacturing the product will require the work of at least 3 people. Manufacturers of large quantities of building materials usually do not work with customers directly. They can participate in various tenders for the supply of products arranged by large customers.

How much money do you need to start a chain-link mesh manufacturing business?

This point must be included in your business plan. Calculation of the initial investment shows that you will need 1-1.5 million rubles to purchase automatic machines for the production of chain-link mesh.

To pay employees, purchase wire and others running costs up to 1 million rubles per month. Thus, to open a large production workshop, you will need at least 2.5 million rubles. For an 8 hour work shift automatic line allows you to produce 500 m² of mesh.

How much can you earn by manufacturing chain-link mesh?

The wholesale price for the material is from 100 rubles. per m². The cost of the mesh is determined by its quality and cell size. When performing calculations based on average values, we can conclude that the average revenue is 1 million rubles per month.

The owner of the production workshop will receive net profit 2-3 years after the start of its work. Despite high competition, demand for products often exceeds supply. If there are sales channels and maximum workshop productivity, the payback period can be reduced to 1.5 years.

The profitability of the chain-link mesh production business is approaching 10%.

Which OKVED code must be specified for the manufacture of chain-link mesh?

When registering any line of business, the application must reflect the code, according to OKVED, of the line in which the entrepreneur will be engaged. To produce chain-link mesh, you will need to specify code 28.73, which corresponds to the production of various wire products. It also includes the production of chain-link.

What documents are needed to open

There are two options for registering a chain-link mesh manufacturing business:

  1. entity.

For the first option of subject registration entrepreneurial activity A minimum package of documents is provided, and the processing time for the application does not exceed 5 days. To the organ for state registration served:

  • statement;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty;
  • photocopy of the applicant's passport.

You will also need to open a bank account and register with the relevant government agencies.

This type of organizational and legal form is suitable for those who do not intend to set up large production and sell their products to large companies. Those who are preparing to work with legal entities and will expand their activities are best initially registered as a legal entity, while choosing the form of a limited liability company. To register you need:

  • application of the established form;
  • Company Charter;
  • The decision of the meeting of shareholders to register a limited liability company;
  • information about legal address(you can specify the address at the location of the company’s production facilities);
  • information (photocopies of passports) of the director and chief accountant.

As for individual entrepreneurs, it will be necessary to open a bank account and register with government agencies.

Which taxation system to choose for the manufacture of chain-link mesh

The best option when establishing this production would be to choose a simplified taxation system. It allows you to choose one of two payment methods:

  1. tax is paid in the amount of 6% of the income received;
  2. tax of 15% of net profit, i.e. income minus expenses. This is the most best option in the manufacture of chain-link. But in this case, it is mandatory to provide documents that confirm the expenses incurred by the entrepreneur in the manufacture of this product.

Do I need permission to open?

You do not need to obtain permission to manufacture chain-link; it is enough to have a certificate of state registration. However, this production is regulated by GOST 5336-80. It is not necessary to obtain a certificate, but in order to increase sales, you can undergo voluntary certification.

Several unique building materials are so widely used that the level of demand for them never falls. Chain-link mesh is a prime example of this.

This material is characterized by the concept of seasonality, but it still brings the owners a high and stable income. An equally important advantage is the following point: the start does not require a large volume financial investments, the size of the production machines is quite compact, and the finished mesh can be easily rolled into a roll, therefore, a huge production area is not required. To open a mini-workshop, only 300 thousand rubles are required.

Project Summary

Despite small size capital investments, the need to develop a business plan and one’s own development strategy has not been canceled.

Without the following actions, it is impossible to achieve success in any type of activity, including the production of chain-link mesh:

  • Analysis of the possible level of competition in the existing market.
  • Calculation of the size of capital investments.
  • Production order.
  • Conducting effective advertising campaign.
  • Calculation of the payback period of investments.

Analysis of the existing market and possible competitors

A consumption assessment showed that almost all of the manufactured mesh (90%) is purchased in order to equip a fence or other fencing on construction site, homestead and summer cottage, as well as for the manufacture of enclosures. The remaining 10% is necessary to meet the remaining construction needs, agriculture and mechanical engineering.

The price of the chain link is affected by:

  • cell size;
  • type of material used;
  • wire thickness;
  • roll size.

Before opening own production you should analyze the existing demand: approximate sales volume, demanded assortment, prices set at the wholesale construction base and in the retail store.

The main distribution channels include:

  • independent implementation;
  • sale through a retail store;
  • sales through a wholesale base;
  • direct implementation within an industrial enterprise.

Financial plan

It is difficult to determine the exact amount of costs, but the approximate amount of monthly expenses includes payment for:

  • wages - 20 thousand rubles;
  • rental payment - 30 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  • utility expenses - 5 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • outsourcing ( accounting services) - 5 thousand rubles;
  • other costs - 10 thousand rubles.

Production plan

The optimal organizational form for opening a mini-workshop is the status of an individual entrepreneur. But you need to choose a taxation system based on what target audience buyers will be targeted activities.

If the end consumers are individuals, then a simplified taxation system is suitable, and if organizations and enterprises, then a system that requires payment of VAT is needed.

The production of chain-link mesh is regulated by GOST 5336-80. Current legislature did not provide for obligations for the manufacturer in the form of confirmation of product quality by providing a certificate or declaration of conformity. But practice shows that voluntary certification makes a business successful.

The main expense is the purchase of machines necessary for production. Types and manufacturers can be sorted endlessly, but there are 2 main industrial options:

  • Semi-automatic. Such equipment must be maintained by an operator who controls the mesh manufacturing process. The main advantages include: compact dimensions, easy setup and operation, affordable cost (about 40 thousand rubles). The main disadvantage is the need manual labor, which includes bending the mesh, which can lead to asymmetry in cell sizes and other minor defects.
  • Auto. Such a machine is capable of ensuring a fully streamlined production process that does not require any human intervention. The main advantages include: high productivity, precise weaving, fast bending and a minimum of human intervention (loading the coil, removing the finished roll). The disadvantages include: higher cost (about 200 thousand rubles), expensive repairs and maintenance, special training personnel.

An example of the operation of semi-automatic equipment is shown in the following video:

Marketing strategy

Drawing up any business plan involves developing an effective advertising campaign. After all, it is the basis of a successful business start.

1-2 months before the official opening of the activity, information about the new production should be posted in the media mass media, as well as print leaflets and distribute them on the street to passers-by, or even better, post advertisements at public transport stops. The presence of bright and colorful signs is unusual for this type of activity, but if a person needs to purchase material, he will find your company without it.

Organizational plan

All you need to open such a business is to find a suitable place, purchase a machine and hire an employee who will monitor its operation: load the reel, program the process in accordance with the necessary parameters and start the machine.

Stage namePlanned time
Completing the registration procedure for a legal entity or individual entrepreneurJanuary 2016
Drawing up a business plan and developing a strategyJanuary 2016
Finding suitable premisesJanuary 2016
Purchase of a machine for mesh productionFebruary 2016
Recruitment of staffFebruary 2016
Conducting an advertising campaignJanuary-February 2016
Operator trainingFebruary 2016
Official openingMarch 2016

Payback period of investments

As was said at the very beginning, opening a mini-workshop requires about 300 thousand rubles. Now you need to figure out how feasible such investments are, and over what period of time they will pay off.

One machine is capable of producing about 50 m 2 /hour. If we take into account one-shift work and a five-day working week, then you get 8800 m 2 /month. Roll standard size equals 15 m2 (length 10 m, width 1.5 m). That is, the monthly production volume will be 586 rolls.

Sales prices:

  • retail - 750 rubles/roll (30% of total sales);
  • wholesale - 550 rubles/roll (70% of total sales).

Total income will be: (176 rolls * 750 rub.) + (410 rolls * 550 rub.) = 357,500 rub.

Now let's calculate the cost:

  • The production of chain-link requires uncoated low-carbon wire, galvanized or coated with a colored decorative polymer coating.
  • To produce 1 m 2 of mesh, you will need 0.62 kg of wire, the cost of 1 ton of which is 38 thousand rubles.
  • That is, to produce 1 roll you will need to spend: 0.62 kg * 15 m 2 * 38 rubles. = 353.40 rub.
  • Accordingly, the production of 586 rolls will cost 207,092.40 rubles.

Net profit amount: 357,500.00 - 207,092.40 = 150,407.60 rub.

After deducting wage costs, utility payments, rent, taxes, etc., approximately 40 thousand rubles will remain.

Based on this level of income, we can conclude that the mini-workshop will pay for itself in 6-8 months. One cannot help but mention seasonality - the demand for mesh increases from April to October.

If there is a permanent wholesale distribution or retail network, then you should think about increasing production capacity(one operator will be able to handle 3-4 automatic machines) and on expanding the range of products depending on demand needs.

  • Capital investments: 2,650,500 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 1,232,00 rubles,
  • Net profit: 113,606 rubles,
  • Payback: 2 years!

1. Business organization


This machine for the production of chain-link mesh (China) was chosen as the main equipment as part of our business plan for organizing the production of chain-link mesh.

Production characteristics of the machine:

Cost 1,450,000 rubles. However, there is a lot of other equipment on the market for weaving mesh with a more reasonable price range (for example, the ASU-174 machine). It should also be noted that equipment for manual weaving will cost less than automatic weaving. So a semi-automatic machine for weaving mesh, with a capacity of up to 150 sq.m. per work shift (cell 55*55) will cost only 34,000 rubles. (Price valid as of April 2015).

Number of staff

To operate the workshop during single-shift work, 4 people are enough

Job responsibilities:

  • Director: general management, sales of products, purchase of raw materials;
  • Shift supervisor: control over production technology, storekeeper functions, control over workers;
  • Workers: production.

2. Sales organization

The need for chain-link mesh is experienced as individuals, So legal entities(enterprises of all forms of ownership)

Products can be sold through the following channels:

  • through construction stores, hardware stores (the final buyer is individuals)
  • through wholesale companies, selling various rolled metal products (the final buyer is chain construction stores and industrial enterprises)
  • sales to industrial enterprises through participation in tenders.

3. Financial model

Capital Expenditures


Price, rub.

Basic equipment

Equipment delivery costs

Working capital(purchase of raw materials, monthly payroll, others)

Shop revenue

With a single-shift workshop and an 8-hour working day, the maximum output (minus the time for technical breaks and lunch breaks) per month (22 shifts) is 15,400 square meters of finished products.

The price depends on the size of the mesh cell and the material from which it is made, so Wholesale price for a mesh of galvanized wire with a mesh size of 35*35*2 start at 80 rubles per 1 square meter.

Name of product

Daily output, sq.m.

Cost, per 1 sq.m.

Output per shift, rub.

Monthly output/22 shifts

chain-link mesh 35*35*2 (galvanized)

Based on the price for 1 sq.m of mesh is 80 rubles and with a monthly output of 15,400 sq.m. monthly revenue is 1,232,000 rubles.

Cost price

To produce 1 square meter of chain-link with a mesh size of 35 mm * 35 mm, 1.5 kilograms of wire are needed.

In addition to wire, the cost includes electricity; consumption is 6 kW/hour or 48 hours per shift.

General expenses

Monthly expenses are 174 thousand rubles.

The expenses include the following items:

Profitability calculation

Payback calculation

According to the calculations, the payback period for the chain-link mesh production workshop is 2 years. If you can find sales markets, then the equipment can operate in 2 shifts and 30 days, then with this option the payback will occur much faster.

4. Organizational form

Best suited for a chain-link mesh production workshop organizational form: "Individual entrepreneur".

The most suitable form of taxation is the simplified taxation system (income minus expenses). Tax return for rent, once a year.

The following taxes are paid under this taxation system: profit tax 15%, unified social tax (32%) and income taxes (13%).

For the first test of your strength, you can pay attention to the production of chain-link mesh as a business. Let us briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of the project so that a novice entrepreneur can appreciate all the benefits and attractiveness of this idea.

Please note that building materials and any additional elements are increasingly in demand as new housing is being built everywhere. And products such as mesh are also used for fencing and landscaping. This makes it possible to easily find a sales market, which will allow you to recoup your investment in any case.

Product Features

For the most part, chain-link mesh is used to create fences and various enclosures. With their help, owners try to arrange space for enclosures, construction sites, vegetable gardens, etc. This material is also quite popular in the agricultural sector and certain areas of industry. It is used for sifting rocks, reinforcement of parts and building materials, for the purpose of protective functions, etc.

Thanks to this wide range application, the product is sold quickly enough, which is beneficial for the business owner. Another nice feature is that this product does not belong to the food products, therefore, the regulatory authorities require almost no requirements for the arrangement of the premises. special requirements, and the mesh itself can be stored for a long time without losing its quality.

Before organizing production, you must first understand what parameters the final product will have. The chain-link mesh has the following characteristics:

  • cell dimensions - for different purposes;
  • the wire itself can be of different quality, have a coating (ferrous or galvanized metal, polymers, stainless steel);
  • diameter of the material - the thicker, the stronger the fence;
  • length and width of solid rolls - different manufacturers offer their own options.

To make sure that there are buyers for your products, you should analyze the market at the preparation stage and find out which varieties are in greater demand, what competitors offer, at what cost, etc. This is the only way to guarantee high level sales

Business registration

First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). This is enough to run a small business. And only if you have decided that in the future you are going to seriously expand the enterprise and enter the national level, then the more preferable form of activity will be an LLC (legal entity).

It is advisable to choose a simplified taxation scheme and calculate in advance what percentage it will be more profitable to pay to the state. Various permits, licenses and certificates are not required for the production of chain-link mesh. But some entrepreneurs agree to voluntary certification of the product to prove it high quality and thereby gain more reliable and regular customers.

It is important that the products meet the parameters specified in GOST 5336-80. For the convenience of making payments, you need to open a bank account in the name of the company. If it is expected that, in addition to the owner, other people will work in the workshop, then they must register with the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund, and an employment contract is concluded with the employee.


Since products can be sold through retail or wholesale networks, the location of the workshop itself is not significant. It is advisable to choose a building so that you do not have to pay too high a rent, but it has all the required communications - electricity (industrial power) and ventilation.

It could even be a garage, and you will be making the mesh almost at home. But it is advisable to find a workshop on the outskirts of the city where there is a good electrical network.

The room size is about 20 square meters. m., since the dimensions of the equipment are not too large. The product itself is stored in a compact form and does not need special conditions. Before starting an activity, representatives of regulatory authorities are invited and they issue permission. It is important to comply with fire safety rules, which will be checked by a State Inspectorate employee.

Equipment selection

All technological process occurs on automatic or semi-automatic devices. In the first case, a person only needs to install a coil of wire and make certain settings cars. In the second case, you will have to make more efforts to control and correct the operation of the equipment.

Let us briefly describe the main difference when choosing each equipment option:

  1. Semi-automatic - requires the constant presence of an operator, but takes up little space. There are no particular difficulties in the work, and the price for the device is very low, which allows you to save not only on the area of ​​the rented premises, but also on initial costs ah when purchasing equipment. The only disadvantages include inaccuracy when bending the material and the need for constant correction of the mesh with human help. Due to this, the production speed drops significantly.
  2. Automatic devices are easier to operate and require minimal intervention from the operator. Thanks to the continuous process, it is possible to a short time produce large volumes of products. The product itself meets the specified requirements and is not defective. But the cost of such equipment can scare off a novice entrepreneur.

Whichever option you choose, make sure that the manufacturer or seller issues a technical passport for the equipment, operating instructions, and a service warranty for a certain period. If you purchase devices directly from the factory, then along with the purchase you can also receive a service for training employees to properly operate the device.

In addition to the main machine for making chain-link, you will also need racks for storing goods, a table for work and various improvised tools. For beginners, it is recommended to opt for semi-automatic equipment and, only after forming the main customer base, switch to more powerful and expensive devices.

Search for material

When purchasing raw materials, pay attention to the quality of the wire. It may differ in both diameter and material from which it is made, and also have additional coating. All this will ultimately be reflected not only in costs, but also in the prices of finished products, consumer demand and speed of implementation.

The wire is made of low carbon steel, has a polymer coating or can be galvanized. One of the important parameters is the amount of zinc per 1 square meter. m. With values ​​of 70-90 grams, the quality of the mesh is ensured for many years; it will not corrode for at least another 20 years. Simpler and cheaper wire has a coating with values ​​of no more than 10 g per 1 square meter. m. In this case, the operation will not last long, about two years.

The cost of the material in each case is significantly different, but the price of the finished product, as well as its quality, will be completely different. Before making the main purchase, focus on market analysis and make sure which product is easier and easier to sell, what people and construction companies need, what they are willing to pay for.

Production technology

This idea is considered simple enough to implement even for a beginner. But it is better to familiarize yourself in advance with the detailed mesh manufacturing process in order to understand how the machines work, what they do, what parameters to pay attention to when purchasing, and what is important for the end consumer. Therefore, we will briefly describe all the stages:

  • the wire unwinds and straightens;
  • the machine attaches it to the place where the spiral is wound and winds it onto the so-called auger;
  • then the edges of the material are cut off and the hook is bent;
  • using a special shaft and its rotation, the workpiece is pulled further and attached to the next spring;
  • this happens with each segment, which are superimposed on each other in the form of a grid according to the given parameters;
  • at the end of weaving, the wire is cut and the product is rolled into a compact roll;
  • The edges of the product are treated with machine oil and packaged.


If you do not plan to create large volumes of products, then you can work independently, without hiring assistants. And only with an increase in production capacity and after purchasing more than three devices, you may need people in the workshop.

The cost of the work of such employees is estimated to be low, since the entire process is quite simple and requires almost no human intervention. You also don’t need any special skills or knowledge, and a few days are enough to learn how to use the machine. That's why wage will turn out to be low. It is believed that one worker can simultaneously service 2-3 machines.

Sales of products

To generate income from your activities, you need to start looking for clients. For this purpose, various advertising and marketing strategies, but the easiest way is to conclude a sales agreement with retail or wholesale outlets:

  1. Construction hypermarkets.
  2. Warehouses.
  3. Small stores specializing in household goods.
  4. Wholesale suppliers, etc.

Start where it’s easier for you and, as your company grows and the volume of its products grows, expand your sales channels. So, you can enter into an agreement with construction companies, special organizations those engaged in the sale of metal goods, industrial companies that use chain-link mesh in the production process, etc. Such buyers will be regular and will purchase large quantities of goods at once.

After all, even if you start selling the mesh through Retail Stores, then the owners will quickly refuse products that no one buys and break the contract. To establish sales channels in short time you can hire an appropriate specialist.

You can download it here for free as a sample.


When drawing up a business plan, you need to immediately clarify the amount that will be required to implement the idea. But it is also desirable to approximately predict the rate of return of initial costs. Here are the averages.

Capital Investment Price, in rubles
1 Business registration 10 000
2 Equipment (semi-automatic machine) 40 000
3 Raw material base (1 ton of wire) 35 000
4 Room rental (per month) 15 000
5 Utilities (monthly) 3 000
6 Salary and taxes (per month) 50 000
Total: 153 000

The cost of one roll of finished mesh with a cell diameter of 55 mm is 333 rubles. The selling price of this product is 600 rubles. In a month, one operator is able to produce 480 rolls, that is, it brings in an income of 288 thousand. This means that after the first sales, all initial investments will be fully recouped. But you need to remember that this type of business is seasonal, because building materials are mainly purchased from April to October.

Video: production of chain-link mesh as a business idea.

Making a chain-link mesh with your own hands is relatively simple; you just need to master the basic principles of its production technology at home and have some skills in performing simple plumbing operations.


For suburban areas, without exaggeration, the ideal option for arranging an elegant and functional fence is a chain-link fence. You can install it yourself; it does not shade the garden, as solid types of fences do. And purely externally, mesh fencing looks more airy and bright. With proper installation, such a fence will serve for several decades without losing its original appearance. However, it usually does not require any care.

Also, independent weaving of chain-link can be considered as commercial activities. Such a business will not bring very high profits, since the cost of steel wire, which is required to make the mesh, is quite high. But if you periodically order a chain-link fence (for example, neighbors in a holiday village), a good addition to the basic salary will be guaranteed. You can make mesh in your free time and sell it at an affordable price.


The simplest device on which you can produce a mesh with the most popular cell sizes of 80 by 80, 60 by 60 and 45 by 45 millimeters is a design consisting of the following elements:

  • feed drum;
  • line segment ;
  • metal rollers;
  • bending machine.

An ordinary household bucket can serve as a drum. It will need to be turned upside down and placed on a wide wooden board, securing it with some kind of weight (this way we will protect it from falling during the process of weaving mesh products).

We will wind the wire onto this homemade feeding mechanism, and then we will feed it onto the channel with rollers installed on it (three of them will need to be mounted).

By changing the position of the middle roller you can control the force required to tension the steel material. For high-quality rotation of the rollers mounted on the bolts, it is recommended to install small-thick (from 1 to 1.5 millimeters) limit washers on them.

The bending machine is also made independently from thick-walled steel pipe. A spiral-shaped groove (about 4–5 millimeters) is cut into it at an angle of 45 degrees to the axis. The end of this groove (about five centimeters from the end of the pipe) is a round hole. The groove is necessary to accommodate a knife made of a hard alloy (for example, tool steel).

The pipe should be welded to a strong steel angle, which in turn is connected to a reliable base. When welding the angle and pipe, try not to close the groove. The knife will be secured in it either with a pin or with a regular screw. Adjustment of the machine support can be done without problems using washers.


Before starting production, you need to wipe it with machine oil (you can take the used composition) steel wire, used as feedstock. Some home craftsmen simplify this process using a special mechanism (they do it themselves, of course). Such a mechanism is simply a small box with an outlet and an inlet (their diameter should be slightly larger than the cross-section of the wire). A lubricant is poured into it, through which the material passes before it enters the bending machine.

The mesh manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  • the wire at its end is bent into a hook;
  • pull the resulting workpiece through the groove and connect it to the knife in the pipe;
  • They begin to rotate the device (usually a lever is installed on it to simplify this operation) until the original workpiece takes on the shape of a wave.

The wavy wire is then placed into pieces of the required length and wound onto an inverted bucket. Please note that a meter of wave-shaped chain link is obtained from 1.45 meters of straight steel wire. Individual pieces of mesh are joined to each other immediately before the process of stretching it. This procedure will be easier if you unscrew the outer wire. Then you can apply the ends of the mesh one to the other and secure them with the removed wire.

A chain-link fastened with a mesh can be mounted directly on a fence under construction (to posts made of reinforced concrete or other material that are dug in advance and securely fixed in the ground). It is recommended to install wooden slats on the posts. The chain-link is tensioned and secured to the slats using nails. The process of tensioning the mesh is simplified in cases where a tension beam or coupling is used (they are hooked onto some support - a wall, a tree, and then twisted with a strong rope).

Home craftsmen who have mastered the operation of making chain-link mesh with their own hands and have erected more than one reliable fence recommend painting the fence after installation. Moreover, they say that it is better to paint the mesh not with a roller, but with an ordinary brush. In this case, the quality of the layer application is higher - the paint penetrates the chain-link weaves without problems, and these places are very difficult to reach.


The described technology for self-production of chain-link is suitable in cases where it is planned to fencing relatively large areas of land. But if you need to make just a little mesh to build cages for domestic animals (geese, chickens, nutria, rabbits, etc.), you can make the mesh much simpler.

Take a plate of high rigidity with a width identical to that which the chain-link cells should have, and a thickness slightly greater than the thickness of the feedstock. You wind this same raw material (steel wire) onto a plate, heat it, and then wait until the material cools in air (no need to try to speed up the cooling process by using certain cooling devices).

After this, remove the wire from the plate. Moreover, you unbend each new turn in relation to the previous one at a ninety-degree angle. The resulting wire snake is screwed into another similar snake (you just need to connect the links of the two pieces together). The finished structure of the required geometric dimensions is obtained by stringing several blanks on top of each other.

To produce mesh in small volumes (according to the second method that we described), it is advisable to use relatively soft wire. It’s easier to wrap it around a plate, heat it, and then remove it. But even if you don’t have one in your household, feel free to use any steel material. In cases where hard or very springy wire is used, after removal from the plate its turns can be noticeably bent. This is not a problem. Take a hammer and lightly tap the product into the desired shape.

As you can see, making a chain-link mesh yourself is not difficult. Spend a little time, be smart, and save the money you planned to spend on purchasing fence material!