We create the world we live in. We all create the world we live in. Could our brain be a 3D virtual reality machine?

The subconscious mind passes information through unique filter programs: neurophysiological, social and personal.

Our consciousness receives only a small trickle from the general flow.

As a result, there is a big difference between what actually happens in the WORLD and what our experience of this WORLD is (i.e., our model of the world).

Let's look at each such filter.

Neurophysiological filter

These are vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste - the five well-known sensory channels through which we transform information in the world of physical phenomena.

For example, it is known that the human ear perceives sound waves whose frequency ranges from 20 to 20,000 per second. Sound waves whose vibration frequency lies beyond these limits are not perceived by the human ear. Although many animals perceive infra- and ultrasound.

This is not to say that we do not perceive other frequencies at all. After all, the beneficial or detrimental effects of ultra- and infrasound on humans have been proven.It would be more correct to say that a person does not consciously perceive waves that lie beyond physiological boundaries.

Human vision is capable of detecting waves ranging from 380 to 680 millimicrons. Waves that deviate more or less from these values ​​are not consciously perceived by the human eye.

Human sensitivity to touch also has limits; in addition, sensitivity depends on the location of contact.

I want to emphasize that a person has only conscious boundaries of perception. These boundaries are determined by the senses he uses in everyday life. Subconsciously, the possibilities of perception and knowledge of the surrounding world are limitless.

Many people already know the research of V.M. Bronnikova. He works with blind children and restores their ability to see, not with their eyes, but with their “brains.” That is for a short time, literally in twenty days, he opens up other channels of perception for them that are not used by people under normal conditions. He teaches not only sick children, but also completely healthy ones. What this man and his students create is amazing! Children with black blindfolds read any text, play chess, ride a bike, and move freely. At the same time, they reveal many other abilities.

I believe that a person does not simply perceive the physical world with his senses, but transforms the incomprehensible energy of Reality, Pure Energy, into something familiar. That is, it creates this mhj> of material things.

This first filter is given to us at birth and represents a phylogenetic program for perceiving and creating the physical world. This filter unites us human beings as members of a special species.

Social filter

A social filter is a set of factors that unite people into certain social groups: language, nationality, customs, rituals, history of the people and state, and others.

Social prescriptions help us to use all the accumulated experience of that social group to which we belong. But they also create restrictions: it will be difficult for us to understand a person from a different social group.

Experience shows that social restrictions can be easily overcome. This is evidenced by our ability to speak multiple languages.

Individual filter

This filter is formed gradually, as human individuality develops and becomes, that is, from the moment of our birth. These are our thoughts, emotions, character traits, habits, interests, likes and dislikes, ways of behavior, reactions to certain events, attitude towards ourselves, people close to us, people in general and many things in this World.

Our experiences create a unique personal story. They determine our lives.

Individual prescriptions are precisely the aspect of the subconscious program with which we have to work first.

As can be seen in the diagram, the neurophysiological apparatus, social and personal prescriptions together are the very subconscious program with the help of which the unique reality of each human being is created.

Moreover, the most accessible part of this program, which can easily be changed, is our personal history with its individual prescriptions.


1) we ourselves create the world in which we live;

2) we must take responsibility for our world;

3) there is inevitably a big difference between REALITY itself and our world (description of Reality);

4) the models of the WORLD created by each of us are different from each other. In other words, each person lives in his own world, different from any other;

5) we ourselves create the world in which we live (we create a model of the WORLD, a model of REALITY). We ourselves create our illnesses, situations with people, with work, with money and much more. And since we ourselves create our world, then, therefore, we can change it.

In other words, if we are not satisfied with something in our life, then we can change our life by identifying and eliminating the causes of a particular problem and creating something new; we can begin to live more fully and joyfully.

June 23rd, 2018

To understand what we are talking about, let’s think: what do we mean by the concept of “real”.

If “real” is something that can be touched and seen (everyday approach), then the world, of course, is real.

If it is something that can be detected/measured by instruments (scientific approach), then the answer is again: the world is real.

But if he is real, then where did he come from?

After all, to create something real, you need some kind of real creator, to create a creator, some other creator is needed, and so on along the chain. Either an ideal creator is needed, but then the question arises: how does the ideal create the real?

What explanations exist for the origin of our world?

Religion believes that the world was created by God, but does not explain where God himself came from.

Scientists believe that the world was formed as a result of the Big Bang, but they immediately add that their theories do not extend to the singularity that existed at the moment of the Big Bang and before it (if the concept “before it” is applicable here at all).

Transhumanists suggest that it is our task (or some other thinking matter) to develop enough to become a god and create this world. As in the joke:

Conversation between an atheist and a transhumanist

Atheist: There is no god.

Transhumanist: not yet.

But even if someone appears who will create our world, from the outside it will resemble a snake coiled in a ring, from whose mouth its own tail comes out, again without explanation of where the snake itself came from.

Is it possible to build a picture of the world in which a creator would not be required at all? Can. And below I will show how.

The simplest option is to assume that there is no world. And since he does not exist, then there is no need for a creator. This option corresponds to Occam's principle, according to which to explain something one does not need to add new entities unnecessarily, but it contradicts the fact that we exist and we observe this world.

Then another option: our world is a mathematical abstraction, i.e. formula/equation/algorithm/idea or something like that. It does not require either a creator or a material carrier.

Let's look at a simple example of mathematical abstraction.

In 1975, IBM researcher Benoit Mandelbrot used a computer to draw the set that was later named after him. This set is remarkable in that it is described using a fairly simple iterative algorithm for transforming points on the complex plane (the program text fits on one page), but despite the simplicity of the description, the corresponding object has infinitely complex structure. There are a lot of similar formulas and algorithms that have been discovered, and they are not all built on a plane. You can add a couple more coordinates to the plane, and get something similar to our space-time (by the way, from a mathematical point of view, time is described as imaginary space).

Let's imagine for a moment that our world is just a mathematical abstraction. Most likely, the formula, or whatever it is, that describes our world will be more complicated than the description of the Mandelbrot set (take, for example, the Schrödinger equation, which describes the behavior of just one quantum particle). We haven't discovered this formula yet, but Scientific research prove that our world lives according to certain laws, and these laws are observed quite strictly. This is an important point. Firstly, it speaks in favor of the fact that our world can really be a mathematical abstraction, and secondly, it is thanks to the action of laws that we exist in it. In the absence of laws, in chaos, intelligent beings cannot appear, since the main property of intelligent beings, as artificial intelligence experts say, is to discover patterns in the world and use them in their life. In the absence of laws, learning is impossible, memory is useless, and, in fact, attempts to form at least some structures, not to mention highly organized ones, will not be successful, because there are no laws by which they could appear.

So, let’s assume that a certain function describes space-time and certain objects in it, which over time are able to move around this space, form structures at all levels of organization, both passive and active (capable of collecting information about the world and using it to improve your ability to survive). Let's assume that this is just a function that is not embodied on any material medium, but which, nevertheless, describes completely “real” things. Next, if such a function exists, let us ask the question, who created it?

Who created the Mandelbrot set? In 1975, it was built using a computer by Benoit Mandelbrot. But before that, in 1905, his formula was described by Pierre Fatou. What happened before that? Before this, no one knew anything about him or even guessed. But this does not mean that it was not there at all. As an idea, it has always existed, and an idea is immaterial. Just as all mathematics, born from observations of the world around us, is immaterial. Thus, the question of the creator of the formula disappears by itself: for such things a creator is not required. There can only be a discoverer who is himself part of the world described by this formula.

Mathematicians have already tried to create mathematical abstractions that describe manifestations similar to those of our world. For example, A. Zaslavsky in his work “The Own Worlds of Dynamic Systems,” considering a general dynamic system as a chain of abstract events, shows that it has in its own world all the attributes of matter: matter and field.

If we accept that our world is just a mathematical abstraction, let's see how we can answer a few questions.

Does the above mean that our world is a matrix, in the sense as in the film of the same name? That is, does it represent virtual reality, which has a real medium, for example, a supercomputer, or a huge mass of computers connected to a network?

Quite possible. Provided that there is some external reality that is inaccessible to our perception. But then we can ask the question: how real is that external reality? If we live in the most external reality, then the answer will be: no, our world is not a matrix. The matrix needs a material carrier, but mathematical abstraction does not need it at all! And if virtual reality exists inside the world, then it is just a component of it, which contains either part of the information about the real world or information about the fictional world. The virtual reality that we have now learned to create on a computer has one important feature: in quantitative terms (for example, memory capacity, speed, number of simulated objects) it is finite. A mathematical object can be either finite or infinite. For example, the Mandelbrot set, as a mathematical object, is infinite. Whatever part of it we take, when we enlarge it we will discover increasingly finer details. But it can be recreated both in virtual reality and on a material medium. On a computer, it will turn into a finite set, limited by the number of pixels on the screen, or the number of memory cells in which its image is stored. Strictly speaking, this will already be a model of the Mandelbrot set, and not itself. You can draw it on paper. And although paper and ink have a finer structure than the size of the pixels on the screen, or the computer's memory cells, even with a slight increase in the drawing we will see that the picture is different from a mathematical object, and with an even greater increase we will see that it has nothing to do with it at all nothing in common. And this is also a model. Moreover, it is of low quality, please note, although it has a material carrier, in contrast to the ideally high-quality mathematical set of Mandelbrot, which does not have a material carrier!

Mandelbrot set

Mandelbrot set. Lecture 1 // Vladlen Timorin

Mandelbrot set. Lecture 2 // Vladlen Timorin

How many copies does our world exist in?

If we live in a nested world, it is entirely possible for there to be more than one instance. If we live in the outside world, this question is meaningless. Look at the Mandelbrot set. There can be as many images of it on a computer or drawings on paper as you like, but these are just models and not a real mathematical object. In this sense, we (or someone else) can create as many virtual realities as we want, reflecting our world, but these will only be incomplete models of it. To draw an analogy, the real Mandelbrot set, which the world learned about in 1975, has always existed as an abstraction, even when no one knew about it. Where did it exist and in what quantity? Nowhere and in no way. Well, maybe we can say about it, as a formula, that it exists in one copy (implying that if someone else discovered/wrote the same formula, it is still the same formula, and the quantity does not depend on this fact will double).

Are there other worlds?

Like mathematical objects, of course there are. Because there are as many formulas as you like. But they are in no way connected with our world, and it makes no sense to apply questions to them where they are located.

Can our world intersect with another? Is it possible to get from our world to another?
No. If this were possible, then the formula describing our world should include that other world, and if it includes it, then the other world is no longer another, but a part of ours (or ours is a part of another)

So what kind of world do we live in? Real or are we just a mathematical abstraction?
Unfortunately, due to Gödel's incompleteness theorem, this question cannot be answered. But the real world requires an explanation of where it came from, and the mathematical abstraction is self-sufficient, and therefore more plausible.

Are we living in virtual reality?

For us humans, with a limited number of neurons in the brain, and with limited opportunity perception, even artificially created virtual reality, provided its implementation is of sufficient quality, may turn out to be indistinguishable from the real world. What can we say about the world, of which we are a part and which, according to our knowledge of it, is quite delicately structured? Conducting physical experiments, we penetrate further into the depths of the structure of matter, and even now scientists assume that at small distances and short periods of time, space and time are quantized. This may be an argument in favor of a matrix and the nesting of our world in the external world, but it may also indicate that the mathematical abstraction that describes our world is discrete.

Mathematical abstraction is an information concept. What to do with the fact that the information interactions observed in our world do not occur without the participation of material carriers?

What we observe is “secondary” information, which is encoded in the properties of objects and in their relative position in space-time. Information interaction between objects occurs due to the fact that some objects encode others, and others read this information. Such a process requires the presence of at least two interacting objects that have “agreed” on how information will be encoded and how it should be interpreted. Without these two conditions, interaction ceases to be informational and degenerates into simple interaction. Further, if the objects themselves, their interaction with each other, as well as space-time itself are the result of a certain function, then we will come to the conclusion that there is also “primary” information that exists outside of space-time, and therefore has no material carrier. In our world it manifests itself, for example, in the form of world constants, but who knows, maybe there are worlds in which there is no information interaction at all, where chaos reigns. Similarly, we can talk about “tertiary” information. For example, for a gamer the characters in computer game will interact with each other informationally, although any programmer will say that this interaction is apparent, but in reality completely different processes occur at the level of signals in the computer.

In the everyday sense, this is exactly how we perceive reality. But let's think about whether a virtual character in virtual reality will feel a virtual button? Provided that this virtual reality is properly programmed and the virtual character has the same complex organization as a real man? If the activity of nerve cells is simulated down to individual neurotransmitter molecules, he will obviously experience the same sensations as a real person, and the sensations will be just as real for him despite its unreal nature. Due to Gödel's incompleteness theorem, a virtual character will not be able to prove that his reality is virtual. Even if we suggest the answer, it has no way of determining whether that information is true or false.

Just like ours. But regardless of whether our world turns out to be real or not, it will still remain as it is, with the same laws that were in effect before and with the same creatures (us) that inhabit it and are its components. Perhaps only our idea of ​​it will change, or at least we will begin to think more about how it works.

Shishkin Sergey

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training business communication

"We all create the world we live in"

And in our time - a time of all kinds of freedoms and democracy, people continue to seriously suffer from complexes. We are embarrassed to be misunderstood or seem eccentric. But at the same time, we want to appear better, to be leaders and masters of our lives.

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What makes communication interesting, vibrant and successful? How can you learn this?

In order to “resolve the struggle of opposites” in the right direction, learn to communicate easily and naturally, become the life of the party and independently manage your life, build harmonious relationships in society, the Institute of Continuing Education of Kazan University organized “Business Communication Training”. The event was attended by students of Kazan University. Kazan State Energy University, assistants to deputies, students of the banking school.

“Today, in the age of mobile phones and social networks, people often notice that they do not always know how to express their opinion, find a common language with a colleague, build business relationship. Even having a rich inner world, being an interesting person, you can experience difficulties in communication. After all, each person is a unique universe with their own views, goals, experiences and values. And everyone wants to feel important. Career success directly depends on the psychology of communication and the psychology of relationships that develop between people. This is one of the most powerful tools for building a career and your well-being. “Learning to communicate effectively means, first of all, being able to control the situation,” Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director of INO Irina Terentyeva addressed the audience. “There is a general strategy, a certain sequence of steps. It’s about calibrating, adjusting and leading.”

F The format of the training included not only a lecture by the teacher, but also a variety of role-playing games. The training participants acquired the skills of greeting a stranger, learned how to give compliments, as well as correctly accept them, criticize, and the art of conducting a conversation on the phone, debating and arguing. In exercises, for example, like “Goldfish,” the main goals were determined, and in the “Self-Presentation” game, they learned to succinctly talk about themselves for one minute, while not being themselves, but a partner in the game.

“Never interrupt the other person; don't look at your watch; show your interlocutor that you are listening to him; maintain eye contact; ask clarifying questions; make notes for yourself,” the training director shared the main recommendations.

A large block of training was devoted to nonverbal communication, in which characteristic gestures of confidence and uncertainty, irritation and disagreement, and aggression were described. Gender aspects of communicative behavior and their features were also considered.

« Criticism is an integral part business communications. You should not be very upset when you are criticized, because the subject of criticism is deeds and actions, and not a person’s personality. Criticism is a joint overcoming of difficulties and problems. I would like to focus your attention on the ability to correctly formulate your questions - this helps in many ways to achieve better mutual understanding in business communication,” emphasized Irina Terentyeva.

The ability to conduct a conversation is the key to all communication skills, and you can gain business communication skills here - at the Business Communication Training.

Based on feedback from the event, participants noted the “obvious need for such a training cycle”: “Thanks to the course, we gained basic skills and identified “ weak sides"in your own habits. We took a fresh look at things that seemed to have been mastered and known for a long time: manner of speech, gestures, the ability to conduct a dialogue.”

Trushova Anna. Koshurnikovskaya school No. 8, Koshurnikovo, Kuraginsky district, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia
Essay on English language with the translation. Nomination Our world.

The world where we live

Our world! How fine it is! How many riddles does it comprise. Our world gives us many possibilities, we should only see them and use in a right way. It is very important to live in the consent with others. Everyone sees the world differently, in his or her own way. Probably, the outlook of each person changes with the years. Our big world consists of a significant quantity of small worlds. For someone his city or village - is his world, small, but native. And it seems that the sense of his life is this city. All his experiences, memoirs are connected with it. And for someone its city, though it is large, seems to him very close. He likes to travel, visit other countries, look, how other people live, compare, expand his outlook. His world consists of this knowledge.

To study traditions and customs of other countries, their culture is fine. My dream is to visit France, Australia, Portugal and Venice. Perhaps when I become adult, I will visit not only these countries.

Visiting other countries is not simply viewing the sights of this country, and monuments of its culture. Certainly it is an important component in travelling, but traveling we can see all variety of the nature. Plants and animals that we see in the pictures, appear absolutely others when we see them in real life. Traveling gives us the opportunity to know, how our nature is various and beautiful.

Modern life is impossible without travel. Modern technologies let us travel more easily and comfortably. The whole world is open now. Technological progress has allowed us to overcome time and distance, see vast expansion of our planet.

The nature! People don`t understand how happy they can be, if they value it. When I am sad, I always go for a walk to the wood. In my opinion, the nature, with all its displays, is the finest thing that is on the earth. We can`t exist without it. We should be grateful to God that we have a chance to admire it. How powerful are the oceans, woods are boundless, lakes are fine, mountains are majestic! We should appreciate it.

In spite of the fact that everything is better for you in other countries: food, people, the nature, a climate and another, you must not forget about the Native land. May be a person doesn`t see all the beauty of its country, a city, village. Look at our world as it is fine. We should be grateful to God that we have a possibility to live in it.

Our world! How wonderful he is! How many mysteries does it contain? Our world gives us many opportunities, only we must see them and use them correctly. It is very important to live in harmony with others. Everyone sees the world differently, in their own way. Probably, every person’s worldview changes with age. Our Big world comprises large quantity little worlds. For some, his city or village is his world, small but dear. And it seems his whole meaning of life is in this city. All his experiences and memories are connected with him. And for some, his city, although it is large, seems cramped to him. He loves to travel, visit other countries, watch how other people live, compare, expand his horizons. His world is formed from this knowledge.

Studying the traditions and customs of other countries, their culture is wonderful. My dream is to visit France, Australia, Portugal and Venice. Maybe when I become an adult, I will visit more than just these countries.

Visiting other countries is not just viewing the sights of this country and its cultural monuments. Of course, this is an important component in travel, but while traveling, we can see all the diversity of nature. The plants and animals we see in pictures turn out to be completely different when we see them in real life. real life. Traveling makes us understand how diverse and beautiful our nature is.

Nature! People don't even realize how happy they can be when they see all her beauty. When I'm sad, I always go for a walk in the forest. In my opinion, nature, with all its manifestations, is the most beautiful thing on earth. We cannot exist without her. We should be grateful to God that we have the chance to admire her. Like a mighty ocean, endless forests, beautiful lakes, majestic mountains. We must appreciate all of this.

Despite what you may find better in other countries: food, people, nature, climate, etc., you should not forget about your homeland. It’s not for nothing that they say, it’s not the place that makes the person, but the person the place. Maybe a person just doesn’t see all the beauty of his country, city, village. Look at our world, how beautiful it is. We should be grateful to God that we have the opportunity to live on it.

When God created Time, he created it enough...

Let's talk, perhaps, today about haste... about the Vanity of the World in which you live.

The world that you created for yourself with your thoughts and feelings..A world from which you suffer and are sick..A world in which you are always lacking and lacking something...

Is the world around you so hectic? ..

Are his resources so small and is the lack of time of each person allotted to him for Happiness and Love so great? both small and large..

What does every day bring to you? Where does it start?

Remember how you get up and wake up...

Remember the first thought you put into your head.

Is she really that optimistic? Is she so life-affirming?

Have you ever thought that the first thought you get up in the morning is your task for the day?

Your program.. your compass?Have you noticed that a person who gets up joyful in the morning accomplishes more and looks better?

This is true.. this is the true state of affairs..Why can't everyone get up with a smile?

Don't get enough sleep?

Or do they not want to open their eyes because the World is not interesting to them?

The world brings him troubles starting early in the morning...

Meeting people who are unpleasant and having a job that depresses you?

Try to change the order of things.. change your Morning..

Perhaps you will see. that a lot of things will go wrong on this day..

Smile at yourself in the morning...Don't jump up immediately when the alarm clock rings...forgive him for the early call..just sorry..and feel your body..

Think about what good this day will bring...

Perhaps just a cup of morning coffee or tea...

feel how good this day is...and then get up...

Don't run, tying your shoelaces as you go... pBelieve me, you won't gain much by this haste...no more than 2-3 minutes..

If you walk with confidence and self-esteem, you will come to work in a good mood.

And you will start work or study not with your heart beating at a frantic rhythm... but calmly and thoughtfully...

And, for sure, you will get everything done faster..

Vanity and haste will not add anything to your affairs.They will only cause confusion and take your breath away...

Tell yourself - I will do everything RIGHT AND ON TIME!!!

And start working in the order that suits you..

And even if you are forced to change the order of things in the process of work, don’t worry and do everything calmly.

You will see that your confidence will transfer to the things you work with...everything will turn out exactly as it needs to for the business..

More trust in the flow of the event!!

More trust in the world definitely won't hurt you..

Take changes in events during the day not as an annoying obstacle, but as a hint..

Freely trust the flow of eventsand you will see a noticeable difference in the course of your business..

Things that need to be done a little later will move aside.

Urgent matters will stick out and strive for implementation.

Don't eat on the run.. trust your body..

If you need to drink or eat something, eat and drink...

Your affairs will leave you exactly as much time for lunch as you need.

Try to see the people you meet along the way as friends and sympathizers...

Look for pleasant traits in them and treat them with respect.

And you will receive help and support..