A collection of ideal social studies essays. Text of the Unified State Examination on choosing a profession. Vigdorova. Problems I once wrote for a newspaper

Hello Lyubov Mikhailovna. Please check my essay

(1) I once wrote an article for a newspaper that ended with these words. (2) “If I taught pedagogy at a university, at the very first lecture I would tell the students this: “Before it’s too late, take your documents and leave the pedagogical university. (3) Because the teacher's room
work knows no days off or vacations. (4) “It is truly one of the most difficult things that exist in the world, it requires your whole life without a trace.”
(5) Soon the editorial mail brought me a letter. “(6) I sent documents to the pedagogical university, but I read your article and took them away. (7) Why suffer all your life? (8) I’d rather be a journalist: there’s little work, but a lot of money.” (9) I did not answer this letter then. (10) I decided: it was written by a vulgar person. (11) Is it possible to explain to him that any work, if done well, requires all your mental strength? (12) But more and more letters came to the newspaper. (13) And I saw that the idea that there are easy professions is inherent in many.
(14) ...A five-year-old boy was dying of heart disease. (15) He was doomed; only surgery could save him. (16) The risk associated with the operation was so great that not a single doctor would undertake it. (17) One doctor volunteered to perform this operation. (18) They told him: it’s dangerous.
(19) No need. (20) Why should you risk it? (21) And he took a risk. (22) The boy is alive, and there is hope that he will be healthy. (23) What if it were a failure? (24) How to answer to the child’s mother? (25) How to live yourself, constantly encountering reproach in the eyes of others? (26) So isn’t it better to retreat and leave everything to chance?
(27) Medical is a very interesting institute. (28) But think carefully before applying there.
(29) Some schoolchildren think that being a lawyer is an easy profession. (ZO) Is it so
(31) Sometimes the matter is clear from the very first words. (32) The facts say that the person is guilty, and he himself also admits his guilt. (33) But it happens that a person who is not guilty of anything ends up in the dock. (34) He is slandered. (35) And the judge, the prosecutor, the defense attorney are obliged to weigh everything anew, and more than once: everything is much more complicated and confusing than it might seem at first glance. (3b) They compare the testimony of the defendant and witnesses, they search, they think. (37) They know that they have no right to make mistakes. (38) A mistake can cost a person his life.
(39) Or freedom. (40) A judicial worker, like a sapper, has no right to make mistakes...
(41) Do you want to go to law school? (42) Well, go ahead, this is a very interesting matter. (43) But how difficult it is if you do it for real!
(44) Everyone understands that the work of a miner is not easy work. (45) But there are people who think that the work of a journalist, for example, is very easy: a person travels a lot, sees a lot, and then talks about what he saw. (46) Do you want to become a journalist? (47) Excellent! (48) There are journalists who, if you offer them a difficult task, if you need to save them, stand up for them, they say: why should I do this? (49) But they are not journalists. (bO) A true journalist is not only where it is joyful and easy. (51) He is there where it is difficult, where there is no way out. (52) Journalism is a difficult matter.
(53) But is there an easy task in the world?
(54) Choosing a job that will become your life’s work is not easy. (55) Embers of vocations are scattered on the ground, says the legend. (56) Each ember can truly flare up only when it reaches its owner. (57) If a person picks up a coal that is not his own, the fire will barely flicker, or even go out completely. (58) For a long time people have been walking around the world, and everyone is looking for the fire that is destined for him. (59) Some lucky people recognize him immediately, others look for him all their lives and don’t find him; and there are many people in the world who try to fan the flames of others, but this does not bring them happiness. (bO) Only a person himself can guess his calling. (61) No one from the outside should decide for him. (62) For people who ask what to be, the most correct answer is this: be a person. (63) And know: easy work not in the world.
(64) I will forever remember the words of one Leningrad woman who survived the blockade. (65) She said: “I don’t expect easy things, I’m not afraid of difficult things...”
(66) There is such a word in the world: duty. (67) We say: duty of conscience, duty of service, medical duty, teacher’s duty. (68) But debt alone is not enough. (69) You must love a person and love your business.
(According to F. Vigdorova)
Frida Abramovna Vigdorova (1915-1965) - writer, journalist, publicist. Working at school gave me FA. Vigdorova has a lot of material for thought and observation, reflected in the books “My Class”, “The Road to Life”, “This is My Home”, “Chernigovka”, “Family Happiness”, “Favorite Street”.

How to choose a profession that will accompany you throughout your life? This is exactly what F. Vigdorova reflects on in her text.
Of course, the problem raised by the author remains relevant today. Reasoning over it, the publicist notes that for everyone there are coals of vocations scattered on the earth, and if a person picks up the wrong coal, the fire will barely flicker, or even go out completely. That is why choosing a profession is a sensitive issue that requires a lot of attention.
The author's position is that a person needs to find his purpose in this life, to find something that he really likes and is interesting.
It is difficult to disagree with the author's opinion. I myself am on the threshold of a new life, on the threshold of choosing my profession. I think it would be nice to ask yourself a few questions: “Who am I?”, “What do I want?” and "What can I do?"
Confirmation of the writer’s thoughts can be found in fiction. Let us recall the work of M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. I. Bezdomny, working as a writer at MASSOLIT, soon realizes that his poems are monstrous, that he has chosen the wrong profession. After communicating with Satan, he decides to change his occupation, devoting himself to history.
Today, I and my peers are also faced with choosing a life path. I think not only our material level, but also our spiritual development depends on what profession we prefer, in what social sphere we find our application.
Thus, F. Vigdorova brings us to the conclusion that it is important to do right choice profession to which you will devote your future life.

How are you related to him? Vigdorova Frida Abramovna

“I don’t expect it to be easy...”

“I don’t expect it to be easy...”

I once wrote an article for a newspaper that ended with these words: “If I taught pedagogy at a university, at the very first lecture I would tell the students this: “Before it’s too late, take your documents and leave the pedagogical university. Because teaching work knows no days off or vacations. It is truly one of the most difficult things that exist in the world; it requires a lifetime without reserve.”

Soon the editorial mail brought me a letter:

“I sent the documents to the teacher training university, but I read your article and took them away. Why suffer all your life? I’d rather be a journalist: there’s little work, but a lot of money.”

I did not respond to this letter then. I decided: it was written by a vulgar person. Is it possible to explain to him that any work, if done well, requires all your mental strength? But more and more letters came to the newspaper. And I saw that the idea that there are easy professions is common to many.

...A five-year-old boy was dying of heart disease. He was doomed; only surgery could save him. But the risk associated with the operation was so great that not a single doctor would undertake it.

One doctor volunteered to perform this operation. They told him it was dangerous. No need. Why should you take the risk?

And he took a risk. The boy is alive and there is hope that he will be healthy. What if it were a failure? How to answer to the mother of a child? How to live yourself, constantly facing reproach in the eyes of others? So isn't it better to retreat and leave things to chance?

Medical is a very interesting institute. But think carefully before applying there.

Judging by the letters received by newspaper editors, some schoolchildren think that becoming a lawyer is an easy profession. Is it so?

I have a friend. Her name is Svetlana Mikhailovna. She is a lawyer, and, like all lawyers, she tries to help out the innocent and ease the fate of the guilty.

Sometimes the matter is clear from the very first words. The facts say: guilty. The accused admits: yes, he is guilty. But it happens that a person who is not guilty of anything ends up in the dock. He is slandered. Or all the evidence accidentally turned against him, it seems impossible not to believe: this man committed a crime. But the judge, the prosecutor, the defense attorney are obliged to weigh everything anew and more than once: everything is much more complicated and confusing than it might seem at first glance. They compare the testimony of the defendant and witnesses, they search, they think. They know that they have no right to make mistakes. A mistake can cost a person his life. Or freedom. A judicial worker, like a sapper, has no right to make mistakes...

But now the process is over. The accused was convicted and is serving his sentence. Svetlana Mikhailovna moves on to new affairs, new bitter destinies. But she does not forget about those who left. She writes to her former clients, follows their fate, sends them books, she is glad of any opportunity to take care of the convicted person again and again. Is she obligated to do this? Not at all. She has the right to forget about her client when the case is over. But she doesn’t need this right, she rejects it! Of her own free will, because she could not do otherwise, she took a huge burden onto her shoulders and increased her worries tenfold. Do you want to go to law school? Well, go ahead, this is a very interesting case. But how difficult it is if you do it for real!

Everyone understands that a miner's work is not easy work. But there are people who think that the work of a journalist, for example, is very easy: a person travels a lot, sees a lot, and then talks about what he saw. I would also like to say a few words about this work, which has become my favorite work.

Do you want to become a journalist? Perfect! If you are going to write like this all your life: “Yesterday a ball for high school graduates took place in the Hall of Columns. The audience greeted the speech of such and such an excellent student with thunderous applause...”, of course, no special disappointments await you. But if you want to stand up for the innocent, or expose a scoundrel, or simply help a person, then don’t expect anything easy.

You stand up for a person, and they ask you: “Who exactly is he to you?” You will expose the scoundrel, and anonymous letters will fly after you, accusing you of settling scores or receiving a bribe by exposing him. Are you ready for this?

There are journalists who, if you offer them a difficult task, if you need to save them, intervene, they say: why should I do this? But they are not journalists. A true journalist is not only where it is joyful and easy. He is there where it is difficult, where there is no way out. And it’s good if your article is published. And if not? And the people you stood up for will wait and hope?

...A writer I know closely followed the difficult fate of one person. This man (let's call him N.) returned from prison.

Returning to freedom, N. did not immediately find a job and did not immediately gain the trust of others. In a word, it was a very difficult path. But N. walked along it and managed to cross out his past, became good worker, an honest person.

My acquaintance, having learned about this fate, began to follow it not as an outside spectator, became a friend of N., met his family and wrote an article. He talked about this fate, believing that it was interesting and instructive.

Soon after the article was published, N. stumbled again. No, he didn't commit a crime, he didn't go back to prison. He just started drinking.

How many bitter reproaches the writer had to listen to! I let you down, praised the wrong person, I made a mistake: oh, you trusting soul!..

Are you ready for your trust to be betrayed? Are you ready for risk, for bitter disappointment, for unfair reproach?

...Journalist E. Malykh was riding in the cab of a truck. She asked the driver his name and patronymic. He answered strangely: “Anatoly... probably Ivanovich.”

It turned out that during the war, in the turmoil of evacuation, he, a five-year-old boy, lost his parents. He remembers nothing except random, vague details. He knows one thing for sure: he is from Leningrad.

For twenty years in a row a man searched for his parents and could not find them. Indifferent people answered him: no. Not listed. No traces found.

And the journalist took on a task that no one entrusted to her with, a difficult, almost hopeless case, and won: she helped Anatoly find his father and family.

I don’t want to spoil Malykh’s excellent essay with a retelling. It was published in the magazine "Youth", find it and read it. And after reading, you will understand: the withering anxiety, the effort spent on the search, was not paid for by the fee received. I'm not even talking about how great the responsibility was to the person whom the journalist had given hope to.

And one more thing: of course, it is very important to intelligently collect the material, think about it, and understand what you will say in your essay. But that's half the battle. The most difficult thing is ahead: you sit down at the table and suddenly see: words do not obey you. You put the events on paper, but, re-reading what you wrote, you are convinced of one strange thing: what was difficult in life turned out to be easy on the pages of the essay. Events turned pale, images of people faded. How did it happen? Who is to blame for this? You are to blame for not being able to find those only words that would express your thoughts and describe people and events to the reader.

Journalism is a difficult business...

But is there anything easy?

Recently I read the diary of a man who is no longer alive. His name was Mikhail Shneider, he was a writer and died shortly after the war from tuberculosis. He was sick a lot and often lived in sanatoriums and hospitals. In his diary, full of lively and accurate observations, I found two entries that I want to present here in full.

In the first entry we're talking about about the tuberculosis sanatorium: “Here different nurses beat the beater. They beat indifferently, sadly, finish quickly and then immediately throw the drummer to the ground.

I noticed that sometimes someone beats vigorously, for a long time, in a deep and unified rhythm. And he lay in wait. A young girl took the drummer in both hands, stood right under the beat and, holding the drummer above her head, beats for a long time, with choking energy, with a suppressed smile. She has a slanted face, Mongolian cheekbones, she is seventeen years old, and I am sure that she is a serious and talented person.”

And the second entry is like this: “I handed over ordered letter, covered with stamps with Pushkin’s portrait on them. A dry, middle-aged and ugly woman, canceling stamps with a long postmark, carefully chose where to hit so as not to spank Pushkin’s face. She did this all day, and at seven o’clock in the evening her movements are polite and gentle.”

With the help of these quotes I do not want to express the well-known idea, which has become flat due to frequent repetition, that every task must be done well. We all know: some things are boring. But one thing is true: in every job, the first difficult period of everyday life is almost inevitable. And here we need to call on the imagination to help. It’s good when you begin to understand: behind this vague, joyless period, a new one will certainly arise - not easy, but serious, full of discoveries, where a deep and unified rhythm is possible.

Choosing a job that will become your life's work is not easy. Embers of vocations are scattered on the ground, says the legend. Each ember can truly flare up only when it reaches its owner. If a person picks up a coal that is not his own, the fire will barely flicker, or even go out completely. For a long time, people have been walking around the world, and everyone is looking for the fire that is intended for them. Some lucky people recognize him immediately, others look for him all their lives and don’t find him; and there are many people in the world who try to fan the flames of others, but this does not bring them happiness.

Only a person himself can guess his calling. No one from the outside should decide for him. For people who ask what to be, the best answer is: be a person. And know this: there is no easy job in the world.

I will forever remember the words of one Leningrad woman who survived the blockade. She said: “I don’t expect it to be easy. I'm not afraid of difficult things..."

There is such a word in the world: duty. We say: duty of conscience, duty of service, medical duty, teacher's duty. But debt alone is not enough. You have to love the person and love your business.


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(1) I once wrote an article for a newspaper that ended with these words. (2) “If I taught pedagogy at a university, at the very first lecture I would tell the students this: “Before it’s too late, take your documents and leave the pedagogical university. (3) Because the teacher's room
(5) Soon the editorial mail brought me a letter. “(6) I sent documents to the pedagogical university, but I read your article and took them away. (7) Why suffer all your life? (8) I’d rather be a journalist: there’s little work, but a lot of money.” (9) I did not answer this letter then. (10) I decided: it was written by a vulgar person. (11) Is it possible to explain to him that any work, if done well, requires all your mental strength? (12) But more and more letters came to the newspaper. (13) And I saw that the idea that there are easy professions is inherent in many.
(19) No need. (20) Why should you risk it? (21) And he took a risk. (22) The boy is alive, and there is hope that he will be healthy. (23) What if it were a failure? (24) How to answer to the child’s mother? (25) How to live yourself, constantly encountering reproach in the eyes of others? (26) So isn’t it better to retreat and leave everything to chance?
(29) Some schoolchildren think that being a lawyer is an easy profession. (ZO) Is it so
(31) Sometimes the matter is clear from the very first words. (32) The facts say that the person is guilty, and he himself also admits his guilt. (33) But it happens that a person who is not guilty of anything ends up in the dock. (34) He is slandered. (35) And the judge, the prosecutor, the defense attorney are obliged to weigh everything anew, and more than once: everything is much more complicated and confusing than it might seem at first glance. (3b) They compare the testimony of the defendant and witnesses, they search, they think. (37) They know that they have no right to make mistakes. (38) A mistake can cost a person his life.
(41) Do you want to go to law school? (42) Well, go ahead, this is a very interesting matter. (43) But how difficult it is if you do it for real!
(53) But is there an easy task in the world?
(64) I will forever remember the words of one Leningrad woman who survived the blockade. (65) She said: “I don’t expect easy things, I’m not afraid of difficult things...”
(According to F. Vigdorova)

Show full text

Choosing a profession is a very responsible matter in the life of every person. Any job requires complete dedication and love for it. What should you look for when choosing a profession?
F. Vigdorova conducts a difficult dialogue about choosing a vocation, talks about duty, love for her work. Many people believe that there are easy professions. For example, journalists. “A person travels a lot, sees a lot, and then talks about what he saw.” However, the difficulty of the journalist’s profession lies in the fact that you need to be not only “where it’s joyful and easy,” but also “where it’s difficult, where there’s no way out.” The same thing happens with other professions. Each at first sight, easy job hides “hard work”. It is difficult to choose a profession that will become your “life’s work.” Some lucky people immediately find their calling, while others are forced to put in a lot of effort to find their place in life.
The author of the text is convinced that you need to understand your purpose, evaluate your abilities, so as not to make a mistake in choosing a profession.
One cannot but agree with the author that any work requires full dedication of mental strength; only in this case can one complete the assigned task well.
It is worth recalling A. P. Chekhov’s story “And

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 11th grade. “EVERY THING MUST BE DONE WELL.”

Lesson topic: Preparation for writing an essay in the Unified State Exam format.

Lesson Objectives: learn to work on creating an argumentative essay based on the text read.

Lesson topic message. Goal setting

Guys, your task today is to prepare materials for writing an argumentative essay on a given text in the Unified State Exam format.

Look at the worksheets composition of an essay-reasoning and based on this data, formulate what you want to learn today:

Identify and formulate the problem of the text;

Formulate your own position;

Give reasons to defend your point of view;

To write an essay.

For analysis I offer you the text Frida Abramovna Vigdorova(1915-1965) - writer, journalist, publicist. Working at school gave me FA. Vigdorova has a lot of material for thought and observation, reflected in the books “My Class”, “The Road to Life”, “This is My Home”, “Chernigovka”, “Family Happiness”, “Favorite Street”.


(1) I once wrote an article for a newspaper that ended with these words. (2)« If I taught pedagogy at a university, at the very first lecture I would tell the students this:« Before it’s too late, take your documents and leave the pedagogical university. (3) Because the teacher's roomwork knows no days off or vacations. (4)0 truly one of the most difficult things that exist in the world, it requires your whole life without a trace».

(5) Soon the editorial mail brought me a letter."(6)I sent the documents to the teacher training university, but I read your article and took them away. (7) Why suffer all your life? (8) I’d rather be a journalist: there’s little work, but a lot of money" (9)I did not respond to this letter then. (10) I decided: it was written by a vulgar person. (11) Is it possible to explain to him that any work, if done well, requires all your mental strength? (12) But more and more letters came to the newspaper. (13) And I saw that the idea that there are easy professions is inherent in many.

(14) ...A five-year-old boy was dying of heart disease. (15) He was doomed; only surgery could save him. (16) The risk associated with the operation was so great that not a single doctor would undertake it. (17) One doctor volunteered to perform this operation. (18) They told him: it’s dangerous.(19) No need. (20) Why should you risk it? (21) And he took a risk. (22) The boy is alive, and there is hope that he will be healthy. (23) What if it were a failure? (24) How to answer to the child’s mother? (25) How to live yourself, constantly encountering reproach in the eyes of others? (26) So isn’t it better to retreat and leave everything to chance?

(27) Medical is a very interesting institute. (28) But think carefully before applying there.

(29) Some schoolchildren think that being a lawyer is an easy profession. (ZO) Is it soThis?

(31) Sometimes the matter is clear from the very first words. (32) The facts say that the person is guilty, and he himself also admits his guilt. (33) But it happens that a person who is not guilty of anything ends up in the dock. (34) He is slandered. (35) And the judge, the prosecutor, the defense attorney are obliged to weigh everything anew, and more than once: everything is much more complicated and confusing than it might seem at first glance. (Z6) They compare the testimony of the defendant and witnesses, they search, they think. (37) They know that they have no right to make mistakes. (38) A mistake can cost a person his life.(39) Or freedom. (40) A judicial worker, like a sapper, has no right to make mistakes...

(41) Do you want to go to law school? (42) Well, go ahead, this is a very interesting matter. (43) But how difficult it is if you do it for real!

(44) Everyone understands that the work of a miner is not easy work. (45) But there are people who think that the work of a journalist, for example, is very easy: a person travels a lot, sees a lot, and then talks about what he saw. (46) Do you want to become a journalist? (47) Excellent! (48) There are journalists who, if you offer them a difficult task, if you need to save them, stand up for them, they say: why should I do this? (49) But they are not journalists. (50) A true journalist is not only where it is joyful and easy. (51) He is there where it is difficult, where there is no way out. (52) Journalism is a difficult matter.

(53) But is there an easy task in the world?

(54) Choosing a job that will become your life’s work is not easy. (55) Embers of vocations are scattered on the ground, says the legend. (56) Each ember can truly flare up only when it reaches its owner. (57) If a person picks up a coal that is not his own, the fire will barely flicker, or even go out completely. (58) For a long time people have been walking around the world, and everyone is looking for the fire that is destined for him. (59) Some lucky people recognize him immediately, others look for him all their lives and don’t find him; and there are many people in the world who try to fan the flames of others, but this does not bring them happiness. (60) Only a person himself can guess his calling. (61) No one from the outside should decide for him. (62) For people who ask what to be, the most correct answer is this: be a person. (63) And know: there is no easy work in the world.

(64) I will forever remember the words of one Leningrad woman who survived the blockade. (65) She said:« I don’t expect easy things, I’m not afraid of difficult things...»

(66) There is such a word in the world: duty. (67) We say: duty of conscience, duty of service, medical duty, teacher’s duty. (68) But debt alone is not enough. (69) You must love a person and love your business.(According to F. Vigdorova)

At the first stage of working with text, it is very it is important to highlight the problem And correlate it with the position of the author. In essence, their relationship is the relationship between question and answer. Where is the question?... (problem) And the answer is…. (author's position).

Questions to comprehend and understand the text. (task 21).

prove that this text belongs to the PS.

What style of speech does this text belong to?

Remember the features of journalistic style.

Name the sphere of use of journalistic style.

Determine the tasks that the journalistic style performs.

Signs of journalistic style

The purpose of journalistic style – influence and persuasion with the aim of forming a position, motivation to action, communication with the aim of drawing attention to important issues.

Scope of application of journalistic style – social and political life, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, rallies.

Genres of journalism - article, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, report; speech on radio, television, at a meeting.

Main stylistic features - logicality, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

Basic language tools - a combination of book and colloquial vocabulary; expressive syntactic constructions (exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, parcellation); figurative and expressive means of language (metaphors, comparisons, allegories, etc.)

Let us formulate the problem of the text. Teacher: What is a text problem?

Sample answer: This is a complex question that requires resolution and research.

Correct execution will help you with this.tasks 21 Unified State Exam test.

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) In order not to make a mistake in choosing a profession, you need to understand your calling and evaluate your abilities.

2) Any work requires a person to fully devote his mental strength; only in this case can he complete the assigned task well.

3) Many people believe that there are easy professions, such as being a lawyer.

4) A judicial worker, like any person, has the right to make mistakes.

5) You can live happily in the world, working “not according to your calling.”


questions, to help identify the problem:





Completing task 25 will also tell you whether you understood the text correctly.

25. “The author, F.A., has a difficult conversation about choosing a profession with the reader. Vigdorova. The topic of conversation is important for every person, and it is no coincidence that the author’s speech is emotional and at the same time logical and reasoned. This feature of speech is also created by the means of expressiveness used by the author, including syntactic device- (A) _______ (sentences 30, 53), techniques - (B) ______ (“duty of conscience, duty of service, medical duty, teacher’s duty”; “to love a person and love your job”) and (C) (sentence 65) , as well as the trope - (D) ______(sentences 55-59).”

List of terms : 1) parcellation2) extended metaphor (emerses of vocation) 3) phraseological unit

4) introductory words5) lexical repetition 6) dialogue7) interrogative sentences 8) series of homogeneous members of a sentence9) citing. CORRECT ANSWERS: 7 5 9 2.

Commentary on the formulated problem. Teacher: What is a comment?

Sample answer: Explanatory notes about the problem of the text.

Types of comments: 1.Text comment represents an explanation of the text, following the author in revealing the problem.

2. Whenconceptual comment in the spotlightinterpretation (interpretation, explanation, disclosure of meaning) problems of the text. The examinee, analyzing it, “passes” it through his perception and speaks out about it.

Teacher: What type of commentary is more appropriate to apply to this text?

Sample answer: Textual, because according to the criteria, a comment without support from the text receives zero points.

Collective oral work (by answering these questions you will receive a comment).

Attention! There should be no paraphrase in the commentary. We comment only on the formulated problem.

Your comment should connect the problem you formulated with the author's position. Discuss options for commenting on the text.

So, you have formulated the problem that Vigdorova was thinking about. Then the commentary showed exactly how this problem is revealed in the source text. The next stage is to identify the author’s position. The problem and the author’s position must be correlated as a question-and-answer unity. (see above)

Try to formulate the author’s position in your own words, avoiding complex metaphors. Do not forget to highlight the formulation of the author’s position in a separate paragraph.

In your essay you shouldExpress your opinion on the formulated problem and bringtwo arguments. In this part of the work, you must strictly follow the rules for constructing an argumentative text.

Working on the selection of arguments:

arguments fromreading experience :





arguments from everyday experience.


“As far as the future is concerned, I repeat one thing: whatever you undertake, the main thing is to be dedicated to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some kind of stellar success, but it is necessary to be honest with yourself in your chosen profession.” De Niro R.

“...professions seem to us the most sublime if they have taken deep roots in our hearts, if we are ready to sacrifice our lives and all our aspirations to the ideas that dominate them. They can make happy the one who has a calling to them, but they doom to death the one who took up them hastily, thoughtlessly, succumbing to the moment.” Marks K.

“A person should go about his business as if he had nowhere to look for help.” Halifax D.

“There are no uninteresting specialties. There are only passive people who are unable to get carried away by what is in front of them.” Berg A.


FOR EXAMPLE, DOCTORS: Roshal Leonid Mikhailovich, Bockeria Leo Antonovich. TEACHERS: Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky (1918 - 1970), Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888 - 1939). AND ETC.

    Types of conclusion

Let's consider various ways drawing up the conclusion of the essay.

The most typical and logical ending of an essay is a summary of the author’s main thoughts. Most often, in such an ending we return to the author’s position, presenting it more broadly and emotionally.

Finishing my essay...

The author of the text raises a very important problem...
The conclusion is usually appended with the words:so, therefore, therefore, thus, in conclusion, it is important to note...

Summing up the lesson.




The text discusses the problem...

The text is dedicated to the problem (what?)…

The problem discussed in the text...

F. Vigdorova. About choosing a profession. Approximate range of problems.

(1) I once wrote an article for a newspaper that ended with these words. (2) “If I taught pedagogy at a university, at the very first lecture I would tell the students this: “Before it’s too late, take your documents and leave the pedagogical university. (3) Because teaching work knows neither days off nor vacations. (4) “It is truly one of the most difficult things that exist in the world, it requires your whole life without a trace.”

(5) Soon the editorial mail brought me a letter. “(6) I sent documents to the pedagogical university, but I read your article and took them away. (7) Why suffer all your life? (8) I’d rather be a journalist: there’s little work, but a lot of money.” (9) I did not answer this letter then. (10) I decided: it was written by a vulgar person. (11) Is it possible to explain to him that any work, if done well, requires all your mental strength? (12) But more and more letters came to the newspaper. (13) And I saw that the idea that there are easy professions is inherent in many.

(14) ...A five-year-old boy was dying of heart disease. (15) He was doomed; only surgery could save him. (16) The risk associated with the operation was so great that not a single doctor would undertake it. (17) One doctor volunteered to perform this operation. (18) They told him: it’s dangerous.

(19) No need. (20) Why should you take risks? (21) And he took a risk. (22) The boy is alive, and there is hope that he will be healthy. (23) What if it were a failure? (24) How to answer to the child’s mother? (25) How to live yourself, constantly encountering reproach in the eyes of others? (26) So isn’t it better to retreat and leave everything to chance?

(27) Medical is a very interesting institute. (28) But think carefully before applying there.

(29) Some schoolchildren think that being a lawyer is an easy profession. (30) Is this so?

(31) Sometimes the matter is clear from the very first words. (32) The facts say that the person is guilty, and he himself also admits his guilt. (33) But it happens that a person who is not guilty of anything ends up in the dock. (34) He is slandered. (35) And the judge, the prosecutor, the defense attorney are obliged to weigh everything anew, and more than once: everything is much more complicated and confusing than it might seem at first glance. (36) They compare the testimony of the defendant and witnesses, they search, they think. (37) They know that they have no right to make mistakes. (38) A mistake can cost a person his life.

(39) Or freedom. (40) A judicial worker, like a sapper, has no right to make mistakes...

(41) Do you want to go to law school? (42) Well, go ahead, this is a very interesting matter. (43) But how difficult it is if you do it for real!

(44) Everyone understands that the work of a miner is not easy work. (45) But there are people who think that the work of a journalist, for example, is very easy: a person travels a lot, sees a lot, and then talks about what he saw. (46) Do you want to become a journalist? (47) Excellent! (48) There are journalists who, if you offer them a difficult task, if you need to save them, stand up for them, they say: why should I do this? (49) But they are not journalists. (50) A true journalist is not only where it is joyful and easy. (51) He is there where it is difficult, where there is no way out. (52) Journalism is a difficult matter.

(53) But is there an easy task in the world?

(54) Choosing a job that will become your life’s work is not easy. (55) Embers of vocations are scattered on the ground, says the legend. (56) Each ember can truly flare up only when it reaches its owner. (57) If a person picks up a coal that is not his own, the fire will barely flicker, or even go out completely. (58) For a long time people have been walking around the world, and everyone is looking for the fire that is destined for him. (59) Some lucky people recognize him immediately, others look for him all their lives and don’t find him; and there are many people in the world who try to fan the flames of others, but this does not bring them happiness. (60) Only a person himself can guess his calling. (61) No one from the outside should decide for him. (62) For people who ask what to be, the most correct answer is this: be a person. (63) And know: there is no easy work in the world.

(64) I will forever remember the words of one Leningrad woman who survived the blockade. (65) She said: “I don’t expect easy things, I’m not afraid of difficult things...”

(66) There is such a word in the world: duty. (67) We say: duty of conscience, duty of service, medical duty, teacher’s duty. (68) But debt alone is not enough. (69) You must love a person and love your business.

(According to F. Vigdorova)

Frida Abramovna Vigdorova (1915-1965) - writer, journalist, publicist. Working at school gave me FA. Vigdorova has a lot of material for thought and observation, reflected in the books “My Class”, “The Road to Life”, “This is My Home”, “Chernigovka”, “Family Happiness”, “Favorite Street”.

Approximate range of problems:

1. What will help a person choose a profession? What should you look for when choosing a profession?
2. Is it possible to divide professions into easy and difficult ones?
3. What influences a person’s success in the profession?