Scenario for the New Year song koloboka. Scenario "Kolobok's New Year's journey." "Kolobok's New Year's Journey"

Russian folk music is playing in the hall, there is a table covered with a long tablecloth, and a Kolobok is hidden under the table.

They come to the table, there is a samovar and cups on the table.

Grandfather Matvey:
- Well, Matryona, the tea seems to have boiled. Let's treat the kids to some tea.

Grandma Matryona:
- Yes, the tea has boiled, but it’s just of no use, water is just water, the children don’t get any joy from it.

Grandfather Matvey:
- Eh, you Matryona said it right. Maybe you can bake something for tea, a bun for example.

Grandma Matryona:
- Yes, I’m already old, I’ve long forgotten how these koloboks are baked.

Grandfather Matvey:
- And our grandchildren will tell us now, won’t they?

- Yes!

(Any musical composition about pies or loaves plays. To it, children perform movements similar to how they knead dough with their fists, how they roll it out, and at the end how they shake off their hands. The grandmother looks at them and repeats the movements.)

Grandma Matryona:
- Oh, well done, oh, smart kids! They know better than me how to bake a bun. Now let's count to three together. One, two, three - we baked a bun!

(Kolobok jumps out from under the table and dances to the sounds of folk music.)

Grandfather and grandmother are surprised:
- This is a kolobok, all koloboks! Nice and ruddy and good-looking, you need to call all your neighbors and tell them about such joy.

(Grandfather Matvey and grandmother Matryona leave.)

- I'm a cheerful bun, I'm not short, not tall

Do you guys know what kind of “Joy” your grandparents were talking about?

(Looks on the table.)

Where is this “Joy”? Here? Maybe this is it? Or this one? Ah, here she is. He takes out a beautiful painted mug with the inscription “Joy”.

This means what “Joy” she is. I will give it to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, let them give “Joy” to everyone, to all children. Can you guys help me with this?

- Yes!

- Well, then let's hit the road on the train.

(He conducts the game “Locomotive”. Children are divided into two teams, put their hands on the shoulders of the one in front and move to the music around the Christmas tree. The winner is the team that, without losing the cars, comes first to the finish line. Folk music for the kolobok sounds again, he speaks her background)


I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!

(He repeats the last phrase with the children. The polka sounds and a large hare with little bunnies approaches the kolobok in small jumps. They dance merrily around the kolobok.)

Hare :
- Kolobok, Kolobok, we want to eat you. You're so delicious.

- It is forbidden! I bring “Joy” to Santa Claus so that he can give it to all the children.

Hare :
- Well, can we at least pinch off a small piece?

- It is forbidden! If you are so hungry, compete with our kids. Maybe you can have lunch. Then the game “Bite off the carrot” is played. Carrots are hung on a string, and the players must bite them and eat them. Three carrots for each team.


I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I will run away from the hare and bring “Joy” to the children.

(A Wolf appeared to meet him, music is also selected for him. The Wolf is angry and hungry, walking, stroking his stomach.)

Wolf :
- Kolobok, Kolobok, I’m completely exhausted.
I want to eat you and I’m growling from hunger! Rrrrrrrrrrrrr!

- You can’t, Wolf! I bring “Joy” so that Santa Claus can give it to all the children.

Wolf :
What? What a joy"? Crap?
My stomach is stuck to my spine
I'm completely thin these days
If only you could give me a piece!

- Well, first of all, I’m not a pancake. And secondly, we have the following rules: whoever doesn’t work, doesn’t eat! I heard that you, Wolf, sing to the moon well. So, sing a song with our children, then maybe we’ll give you a piece of “Joy.”

Wolf :
- Well, I can do that! Woohoo! Together with the children she sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

I'm a cheerful bun, I'm neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I left the hare, and I will leave the wolf
I will bring “joy” to the children.

(The last phrase is almost a whisper. A loud noise, knocking or stomping is heard, a bear appears with a basket.)

Bear :
- Wow, you little bun, you have a ruddy side.
I want to eat you so bad, I’ll swallow you whole.

- You can’t have a bear, I need to take “Joy” to me so that Santa Claus can distribute it to the children.

The bear tries to catch the bun, but he dodges, saying:
- I’m a cheerful bun, I’m neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I left the hare, I left the wolf, I left the bear,
I will bring “joy” to the children!
- And you are a bear, you know a lot of riddles. It would be better if you wished for their children, you see, they will also share “Joy” with you.

Bear :
- Wow, you little bun, you have a ruddy side,
I would have said so right away, I would have guessed it a long time ago.

(He asks the children riddles, they guess, and the bear leaves happy.)

Bear :
- I’ll go tell the cubs what smart kids I met. They guessed all my riddles!

(Music sounds for the fox, she comes out and, not paying attention to the bun, dances around the Christmas tree, chanting...)
Fox :
- Oh la la la la la la, I'm an unhappy fox,
The bun is not tasty and I’m sad today.

- How, why am I tasteless?
I'm very tasty.

Fox :
- Come to me, darling,
Look into my mouth.

(Kolobok approaches the fox, she grabs him, but Kolobok manages to escape.)

- That’s what Lisa knew, well, you’re not redeemable. Well, you can’t have me in this fairy tale, I bring “Joy” to the children.

Fox :
- And how I want to hug you!

- It is forbidden! If you want, our children will dance a special dance for you.

(Children dance around the Christmas tree “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”)

- I’m a cheerful bun, I’m neither short nor tall
I'm not sad at all, because it's delicious!
I left the hare, I left the wolf, I left the bear,
But Santa Claus never found him.
- What should I do guys, maybe we should call him?

- Yes!

(The names of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are called, a roar is heard and Baba Yaga comes out instead of them with a shovel for clearing snow.)

Baba Yaga:
- I’m here, I’m coming, I’m coming!

- Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
- Whoever was called came. Come on, sit down on the shovel and take your “Joy” with you.

- I don’t want-o-o-o-o!

(Runs away from Yaga around the Christmas tree, at this time Father Frost and Snow Maiden come in.)

Father Frost :
- What is this noise, what is this commotion?
Why is there all this running around, come on, Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
- I mean, I’m okay, the kolobok and I were playing cat and mouse.

Father Frost :
Now I’ll touch you with my staff, and you’ll stand here until next year. Yaga runs away in fear, grabbing her shovel.

- Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, I brought you “Joy”. Put it in your goodie bag and give it to all the children to enjoy.

(Frost takes “Joy” and puts it in the bag.)

Father Frost :
- I came to you guys from distant snowy places!
He carried gifts, carried gifts, across the field, through the forest.

Snow Maiden:
- You have a brave little bun, you saved “Joy” for the children,
So that Santa Claus would give it to all the children in the world.

Father Frost :
Happy New Year,
I will share the “joy” among everyone.
We wish you fun
May you be successful in everything!
Happy New Year! With new happiness
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are distributing gifts. Previously, in which you can put some cards or hearts with the name “Joy”.

Natalia Lisina
New Year's tale for dramatization with children senior group. "New Year's Kolobok on new way»

New Year's Kolobok in a new way

VED: Near the Christmas tree today

The holiday continues

Near our Christmas tree

The fairy tale begins!

Children SING:

By the tooth, by the tooth, by the tooth

We know fairy tale« Kolobok» !

« Kolobok» on new way...

rolled into kindergarten

Grandfather's exit under the river. n. music

Oh, I'm tired! Tired!

I got up early today

I've done a lot of things,

But I didn’t have time to eat.

Grandma, is it time for lunch?

GRANDMA (perky):

But he, grandpa, is not there!

Scratch the bottom of the barrel.

Bake me a bun!

Holiday is coming soon - New Year!

Santa Claus will come to us too!

Grandma (kneads the dough)

Children sing:

Tili-tili-tili-dough -

You belong in the tub!

Get up quickly

To make it more fun!


Don't want sit in a tub -

I don't want to be Kolobok!

I'm bored here, I'm stuffy here!

I crawl out and run!


Ah ah ah! Where? Where?

What a misfortune! What a disaster!

Hey, Grandpa, don't sit!

Help me, help me!

Catching the dough...

Grandma puts it in the oven.

GRANDMA: (with GRANDFATHER) withdraw Kolobok:

VED: I'm baked kolobok –

Kolobok - ruddy side!

They carried it to the window,

They went off to drink some tea...


Why am I hot!

Round, smooth, like a ball!

I'll lie on the window

Yes, I'll look at the yard.

CAT (with kittens):

Hey, rosy,

Come on, get off!

Our place was here!


And you, pussy, don't scream!

Your place is on the stove.

I really don't like noise!

You go, and I'll sleep! (yawns)


So you'll oversleep New Year!

The holiday is soon at the gates.


The only thing missing is a Christmas tree...

Not a single needle...


Christmas tree? What it is?


This is a big tree

Green, fluffy!

With needles, fragrant.


So why sit uselessly?

I'll go get a Christmas tree!


Go to the forest quickly, my friend!

Kolobok heading towards the forest.

GRANDMOTHER and GRANDFATHER: (from the house):

Oh, where are you going? Kolobok?

KOLOBOK waves his hand and runs away.

He left THEM in vain!

After all, it is DANGEROUS in the forest now!

Grandfather and Grandmother:

Well, let's go look for him -

Necessary Save the bun!

CAT and kittens:

Can we go with you?

Together Let's find the bun! (leave)

Kolobok walks in the forest to the music.


Oh, here comes the Christmas tree!

Green needles!


Who's making such noise here?

Who's talking about the Christmas tree?



I'm funny bun,

My side is ruddy.


I came for the Christmas tree.

I found YOU cowards here!


And WE are sitting under the Christmas tree,

We are very afraid of the wolf!


I will be friends with you -

Don't be afraid of anything!

And I will protect you from the Wolf -

Don't worry!

A WOLF appears (goes to the hare)

What a wonderful forest we have!

Lunch is jumping from heaven!

Song of the Wolf. (optional)


WHO was it that called me here?

Did you call my name?


I'm funny KOLOBOK

And he came for the Christmas tree

Holiday is coming soon New Year,

And at home - not a needle!


Eh... I love New Year.

But no one invites you to visit!

So I howl at the moon -

Very sad alone.


I invite you!

We will be friends!


You made the Wolf happy.

I'll bring you the Christmas tree!

Quiet, quiet, the snow creaks.

Someone in a fairy tale is rushing to us!

Appears singing a song Bear:

BEAR: (song)

And I am a hungry bear!

Now I'm going to cry!

Who dared to wake me up?

That's what I'll eat now!


No, don't eat me, bear,

I will sing you songs!



You, Potapych, don’t be sad,

Help me carry the Christmas tree!

TO Let's go home to Kolobok -

We are waiting for the New Year today!


I didn't celebrate New Year.

After all, in winter I always slept.


So let's go quickly!

Santa Claus is already at the door!

FOX Appears


How rosy – just darling!

And I am Lisa, your friend!

Who are you?

Sing to me about yourself!



I came to the forest to get a Christmas tree

Found new friends here!

We celebrate the holiday together!

Let's dance and sing songs!


Quite deaf, to be honest.

Sing it one more time, maestro!

Come closer to me

To hear the song.

Kolobok moves closer to the Fox, she wants to grab him...

Grandfather, Grandmother and Cat run in

You, Fox, don't joke!

Let go of Kolobok!



How you scared us!

Why did you run into the forest?


I found you a Christmas tree!

I met a hare, a wolf,

Bear - all of them

You are invited to visit us!


But I wasn't invited.

Everyone forgot about Lisa.


Do you promise to be kind?

Then we’ll invite you for a visit!


Kolobochek, I'll fix it!

You all will still like me!

Just don't drive.

On Take the New Year.


Well, shall we forgive her, friends?

You can't quarrel today!

Oh, let's run.

New Celebrate the year soon!

We need to decorate the Christmas tree.

And get gifts!

The heroes can all perform a round dance or New Year's song.

That's the fairy tale ends...

And whoever listened - well done!

Announces the artists.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the educational activity on visual activities “The fairy tale “Kolobok” in a new way” Abstract directly - educational activities on drawing on the topic: The fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way" for children junior group educational.

Summary of educational activities with FFNR children of the senior group using mnemonics and dramatization techniques “Spring. Migratory birds" Synopsis of open subgroup direct educational activities with children of the senior group of FFNR using mnemonic techniques.

Summary of joint activities with children of the middle group “Fairy tale in a new way” Objectives: 1. To develop the ability to tell a fairy tale based on clarity. 2. Develop coherent speech, the ability to coordinate nouns.

New Year's party for children of the senior group "New Year's Tale"“New Year's Tale” Children dressed as Christmas trees, snowflakes, gnomes and Snow White stand in pairs, one behind the other. An instrumental melody plays.

New Year's party for the middle group "New Year's Tale" Children enter the hall to the song “Snow”. They stand around the tree. Presenter: Our dear guests We hasten to congratulate you. May they come in the coming year.

Irina Sazanakova
Scenarios for the New Year's Kolobok matinee

« New Year's bun»

The Snow Maiden joins the group and invites the children to the hall for the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello children! I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Father Frost.

I invite you to the Christmas tree and wish you a Happy New Year!

Leads the children in a line into the hall. They stop around the tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello, forest Christmas tree

Hello, dear guest

You are fluffy and fragrant

You are elegant, silvery.

There's snow on your branches

Let's start our own round dance

And a brilliant light.

We will stand near the Christmas tree

Happy New Year to everyone

Let's sing the song together.

A song is being performed “Ornate Christmas tree”. The children sit down. Snow Maiden "notices" house

Snow Maiden: What kind of house is there?

The fire inside is burning.

I'll knock on the window

And I’ll find out who lives.

Snow Maiden: Who "We"? Come out, show yourself and make friends with the guys.

Grandfather and Baba come out to the tune “Like they sing ditties at our gates”.

1) There is a house-teremok

He is neither short nor tall.

Grandfather and Baba live there

They dance and sing together.

2) We are on holiday

They came to you

And they brought fun

Hey, tap your foot!

A bast shoe is better than a boot!

Snow Maiden: Oh! Grandfather grandmother!

Yes, how mischievous and cheerful!

You live well

Sing well!

Do you know how to tell fairy tales?

Grandfather and Baba together: We’ll not only tell you a fairy tale, we’ll also show you a fairy tale.

Snow Maiden (narrator): Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.

So grandfather asks:

Grandfather: Bake it for me, old woman, bun!

Woman: Yes, what can I bake it from?

There is no flour!

Grandfather: And you mark the barn,

Scratch the bottom of the barrel, maybe you’ll get some bun.

Snow Maiden: The old woman went through the barn, swept the broom, and scratched the bottom of the tree.

I took two handfuls of flour and kneaded the dough with sour cream.

And baked bun. (all words are played out).

Grandma: Look, grandfather, how ruddy he is

The bun turned out!

Grandfather: Really ruddy, yes

Lush and fragrant. (tries to take it from the old woman, burns his hands)

Yes he is hot! Let's put it on the window to cool it.

Grandma: Let's. (They go into the house and put out bun on the window)

Snow Maiden: Tired lie down,

He jumped from the window onto the rubble, from the rubble onto the path

And he rolled into the forest. (Window closes).

Grandfather and Grandmother are screaming: Hey, bun, where are you going?

Come back, you'll get lost!

Kolobok character, runs out of the house and runs on his toes "rolls" around the Christmas tree.

Kolobok: I'm funny Kolobok

Kolobok - ruddy side.

I'm drunk on sour cream,

I'm cold at the window.

And today in the garden for the Christmas tree

I'm invited to the guys. (Runs around the Christmas tree).

Snow Maiden: He was rolling along the path

I was in a hurry to go to the garden for the Christmas tree.

And right next to the Christmas tree

Met a wolf.

Wolf: Hello, nice one Kolobok!

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to get to kindergarten

The boys will have a Christmas tree soon.

Wolf: I haven’t eaten at all since this morning.

Now I'll eat you!

Kolobok: What are you, gray, don’t rush

The kids are waiting for us to visit.

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together.

Wolf: Oh, thanks! I am glad!

I'll come to the Christmas tree in the garden.

Snow Maiden: Rolled bun

On the road again.

And towards kolobok

Bear from the den.

bear: Hello, nice one Kolobok!

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to get to kindergarten

The boys will have a Christmas tree soon.

bear: I haven’t eaten at all since morning

Now I'll eat you!

Kolobok: No, it’s me

Friends are waiting.

There's no way you can eat me!

Come see the children today.

We will celebrate the New Year together!

bear: I'll definitely come

And I’ll bring the teddy bear!

Snow Maiden: Rolled bun

Sees: jumping in the forest

White hares.

Hares: Hello, nice one Kolobok!

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I'm in a hurry to get to kindergarten

The boys will have a Christmas tree soon.

Come visit the children

We will celebrate the New Year together!

Hares: We bunnies have not been forgotten

We were invited to the Christmas tree. Hooray!

(A fox comes out from behind the tree).

Fox: I'll catch you all now

I'll break your bones.

Kolobok and the hares are here

I can eat anyone!

Kolobok: Hey guys help

Drive away the villainous fox.

Together we will work with you

Throw snowballs at the fox.

A game "Snowballs". The fox runs away.

Kolobok: And now, friends forward

The Christmas tree is waiting for us all to visit.

Children and all the fairy tale characters stand in a circle. Round dance "Christmas tree, Christmas tree".

Snow Maiden: New Year is coming

Oh, Frost still doesn't come.

I need to call grandpa

We need to shout loudly.

Santa Claus oh, oh

Do you hear me calling you? (does not hear)

Help, guys.

Children scream: Santa Claus! - 3 times.

Santa Claus enters

Father Frost: Hello, guys!

Hello, little animals.

Happy New Year

I wish you to be healthy!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, we don’t know how to light the lights on it?

Father Frost: Nothing, granddaughter.

My magic staff will help us.

(walks around the Christmas tree)

Come on, the Christmas tree comes to life!

Come on, the tree, perk up.

One, two, three, the Christmas tree is burning.

(the tree doesn't light up)

Help, children.

(children say : one-two-three, the Christmas tree is on fire! The Christmas tree lights up).

Father Frost: Guys, get into a round dance.

We will celebrate the New Year with dance, song and fun.

A dance is being performed "Chok da chok".

Father Frost: Oh, how merrily they danced

And not at all tired

Only I felt very hot.

Snow Maiden, call your girlfriends - snowflakes

Yes, dance with them. Respect your grandfather, cool down

The Snowflakes dance is performed. (individually)

Snow Maiden: Well, grandpa it’s getting cool

Father Frost: Yes, very, good, cool and fresh.

And now I would like to listen to poems about winter,

about the Christmas tree and Frost about me.

Children read poetry

Dana: The girls stood in a circle

They stood up and remained silent.

Santa Claus lit the lights

On a tall tree

Timur: Well, make the Christmas tree brighter

Shine with lights

We invited guests

Have fun with us.

Alina M.: Grandfather Frost is walking on the street

Frost scatters on the branches of birch trees;

He walks around shaking his white beard,

He stomps his foot, only the sound comes out.

Sasha T.: Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

Lights were lit on it,

And the needles shine on it,

And there’s snow on the branches!

Sonya: Beads glitter on the Christmas tree

Firecrackers and star.

We love our Christmas tree -

Yes Yes Yes.

Christina Ch.: The Christmas tree is dressing up -

The holiday is approaching.

New Year's at the gates

The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.

Father Frost: Well, thanks kids

It's time to play

Games are being held: 1. Empty chair

2. Steam locomotive with Santa Claus

Father Frost: I am glad to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Me for both adults and children.

And I hope this year

You will all be lucky in some way.

Hug and joke

And forgive all insults

And then it’s New Year for us

Only joy will bring

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you’re saying goodbye to the guys.

Where are the gifts?

Father Frost: I will not remain in debt

I can please you

Close your eyes for now

And wait quietly

Turn around one-two-three

Take your gift

(While the children go behind the tree with Santa Claus, the adults close their eyes and put gifts on each child’s chair)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden say goodbye and leave. The holiday ends.

BDOU MO Dinskoy district "Kindergarten No. 37"

"Kolobok's New Year's Journey"

holiday for children middle group.

musical director

Navozina G.P.

Children run into the hall to cheerful music and do an exercise around the Christmas tree.


Look what happened?

The fairy tale came to the hall again.

Christmas tree in festive attire

With golden thread in strands.

Everything shines silver

Confetti lies like a carpet.

We are waiting for friends from fairy tales,

It will be more fun with them.


Hello, New Year's holiday!

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!


We're having a lot of fun

On your holiday

And a song about the Christmas tree

Now we will sing for you!

Children sing the song “New Year has come”


Guys, look, the Christmas tree is beautiful, but the lights are not on. Let's call the Snow Maiden and ask her to light the lights.

Let's shout together, Snow Maiden!

The children call the Snow Maiden, and the Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden

Hello kids,

Girls and boys

How many small children:

Here are Dima and Diana,

Roma, Danya and Zlata,

Did you recognize me?


Yes, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden

Oh, why is your Christmas tree not lit?

Let's all together:

Clap, clap - speak,

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Children repeat the Christmas tree lights up with lights.

Now let's stomp our feet.

And let's stamp our heels

And the lights will go out.

The lights turn off.

The game is repeated 2 times

Snow Maiden

We'll start a round dance.

After all, today is New Year!

Children perform "Dance around the Christmas tree"

After the dance, the children sit down in their places.

Snow Maiden

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale.

Trust us with a wonderful secret,

With interest, a little apprehensively

We will open the door to this fairy tale.

(magical music sounds)

Like New Year's Eve

Grandma was making a pie.

There is excess dough left.

It rolled into a small ball.

It's baked. Rosy side.

The result is a bun

the bun runs out to the music


I am a cheerful Kolobok,

Kolobok - ruddy side,

I'm confused on sour cream, I'm cold on the window,

And today I was invited to the children’s Christmas tree party in the garden.

Music sounds. Kolobok walks around the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden

He rolled along the path,

I was in a hurry to go to the garden for the Christmas tree.

Suddenly at the old Christmas tree

We met wolves.

Wolves come out from behind the tree to meet Kolobok.


Hello, glorious Kolobok!

Where are you going, my friend?



I haven’t eaten at all since this morning, so now I’ll eat you!


What are you, gray, don't rush!

The kids are waiting for us to visit.

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together.


Well, thank you, I’m very glad, I’ll come to the Christmas tree in the garden!

The Wolf and Kolobok go behind the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden

Kolobok rolled along the road again,

And to meet Kolobok, Bears from the den.

Kolobok and bears come out from behind the Christmas tree.

Bears are dancing.


Hello, glorious Kolobok.

Where are you going, my friend?


I’m in a hurry to go to kindergarten, it’s the kids’ Christmas tree.


I haven’t eaten at all since this morning, so now I’ll eat you!


What are you doing, Misha, don’t rush!

The kids are waiting for us to visit.

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together.


I’ll definitely come and bring Mishutok.

They go behind the tree.

Snow Maiden

He sees white bunnies jumping in the forest.

The little bunnies come out and dance.

1 hare

Hello, glorious Kolobok,

Where are you going, my friend?


I’m in a hurry to go to kindergarten, it’s the kids’ Christmas tree.

Come visit the children

We will celebrate the New Year together.

2 hare

Hooray! We bunnies have not been forgotten!

We were invited to the Christmas tree!

Suddenly a fox comes out from behind the tree.


I'll catch you all now!

I'll break your bones!

Oh, what bunnies are here,

Can I eat anyone?

It’s you, the scythe, that I will take to my home.


Fox, let go of the Hare,

We should go visit him.

Fox.(releases the hare and they run away)

Oh, so I'll eat you.


You little fox, don't rush!

The kids are waiting for us to visit.

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together.


I will be friends with you. Together we will go to kindergarten and celebrate the New Year.

The fox goes behind the tree. And the bun gets caught in a snowstorm.

Snow Maiden

And our bun fell into a snowstorm and blizzard.

Dance of snowflakes


Oh, the snowflakes are spinning me around

And I'm lost, I don't know where to go.

(Granny Hedgehogs run out to the music)

What a miracle this is

Did it come from somewhere?

Grandmothers Hedgehogs sing ditties.


It's cold in the forest though.

Even somehow creepy.

I'd better get out of here.

I'll look for a way in the other direction.

Kolobok walks around the Christmas tree and meets gypsies.


Who's dancing around the fire?

And he spends the night in colored tents.

Gypsy dance.


Very noisy, crowded,

It's hard to stay alive here -

Or they will crush, or they will trample.

I'll swing away from here!

Snow Maiden

Kolobok, ah-ah!

You are lost in the forest.

(See the bun)

Where are you.

We all need to hurry.

The children in the kindergarten are waiting for us,

Soon Santa Claus will come.

And he will bring gifts.

(music plays. The Snow Maiden takes the bun and walks around the tree)

Snow Maiden

Let's all be friends together
We will continue the celebration.

Don't let him sit still,

Come out and dance!

Children perform "New Year's Dance"


Snow Maiden, where is Father Frost? Is something not working for a long time?

Snow Maiden

We need to invite grandpa to celebrate the New Year with us!

Children call Santa Claus loudly. The music sounds and Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost

Hello guys!

Veliky Ustyug is far away

It's not easy to get here.

I hurried my horses,

And I didn’t forget to visit you.

Happy New Year

Congratulations to all children

Congratulations to all the guests.

Glad you're having fun!

Together with you, even now, I’m ready to start dancing!

Sing a song about me, I will be so pleased!

Children perform the song "Christmas Tree"

Snow Maiden

We will continue the celebration.

Come out and dance

Show off your prowess.

Game "Santa Claus"

Father Frost

Oh, I’m tired, I want to drink some water.


We will give you tea, as is customary in Russia.

Game "Tea Party"

(Santa Claus is given a cup, and a napkin is cut finely in it. He blows into the cup and the napkins fly into different sides.)


This is how Grandfather Frost froze our tea, and this is how the snowflakes fly away.

Father Frost

Thank you for your concern, the iced tea was good!

And now I want to listen to poetry.

Children read poetry.

Game with the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden goes behind the tree and takes the bell. Looks out from the right side and rings the bell. Santa Claus is listening. The Snow Maiden looks out from the left side and rings the bell. Santa Claus gets up and starts looking for where the bell is ringing.

Father Frost This must be the ringing in my ears?!

The game is played 2 times.

Father Frost

What's happened? I'm tired of this ringing. Who's playing this prank?

Snow Maiden are you kidding?

Snow Maiden

Grandfather Frost, I’m joking, but let’s call the cheerful Parsleys, they will amuse everyone.

Dance of Parsley

Father Frost

Well done Parsley! They amused us. So I started playing with you and forgot that other kids were waiting for me. Thank you for fun party!

Snow Maiden

Grandfather Frost, and you’re just going to leave, haven’t you forgotten anything?

Father Frost

Snow Maiden

You forgot the gifts!

Father Frost

Well, that's no problem. Look at my gift, Kolobok. (They roll out the bun from the popemoshe)

Snow Maiden

So he is alone, but there are many children.

Santa Claus (music playing)

I'm now using my magic staff. (Touches the kolobok with his staff, it breaks and gifts fall out of it)

Come kids and get your gifts.

All characters give out gifts.

New Year's party
New Year's fairy tale "Kolobok is looking for Santa Claus"
Presenter: Dongak S.N.
Kolobok-Machyylai S. M.
Hare - Shoinuu M. V. Bear - Toglakpan M, M.
Santa Claus - Davaa S.D.
Snow Maiden - Davaa Sh. V.
To the music, children enter the hall holding hands. Form a circle around the tree.
Ved.: What kind of guest came to us?
So elegant and slim,
The star is burning above,
And the snow glistens on the branches.
And all the way to the top
All covered in toys and firecrackers...
What is this?
Christmas tree!
Ved.: Let's say hello to the Christmas tree, guys.
Hello, Christmas tree!
Ved.: The Christmas tree visited the kindergarten today
And celebrates the New Year holiday with us.
I want the kids to look at the toys,
Examine the entire tree from bottom to top
(Looking at the Christmas tree)
Ved. New Year is coming! Let's start the round dance!
Let's go around the Christmas tree. Let's sing a sonorous song!
Song Round dance "Christmas tree"

1.Children dance in a circle,
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello, New Year,
You are so good!
2. We celebrate the holiday,
Decorating the Christmas tree
Hanging toys:
Balls, crackers.
3.We're having fun today
The Christmas tree has arrived.
With toys on the branches,
Elegant and bright.
4.We're having fun today
The Christmas tree has arrived.
With toys on the branches,
Elegant and bright.
Ved. Adults and children know: he lived and lived in this world
IN good fairy tale Kolobok, Kolobok - ruddy side.
Christmas tree holiday New Year's fairy tale doesn't end.
Near the Christmas tree today the fairy tale continues.
To the music, Kolobok runs out from behind the tree.
Kolobok. I am a cheerful Kolobok. Kolobok is a ruddy side.
I'm crazy about sour cream. It's cold at the window.
I left my grandfather and left my grandmother,
And it’s easy to get away from you!
(about to run away)
Ved. Wait, Kolobok. You were rolling through the forest and didn’t see Santa Claus?

Kolobok. I rolled very quickly and didn’t see anyone. Let's go look for him together!
Children. Let's go to!
Ved. Then join hands, everyone.
The round dance "Little Christmas Tree" is performed
Col. We go, we go, we go, we sing a loud song.
We will find Santa Claus in the forest.
The little bunny jumps around the Christmas tree to the music and sees Kolobok.
Hare. Hello, glorious Kolobok. Where are you going, my friend?
I haven't eaten at all since this morning. I'll probably eat you.
Kolobok. Why don't you, Hare, eat me? I'm going into the forest to look for Santa Claus, the children asked me to.
Hare. Yes! Who is Santa Claus, is he the one who gives out gifts?
I have never seen him because I am still small.
Kolobok. I actually didn't see him either. Let's go look together then.
Bunny. Let's go to. Only I'm afraid to go into the forest. Scary.
Ved. And you, bunny, don’t be afraid! Look at us, how many bunnies have gathered, and all of them are brave.
Come out, bunnies. Show yourself to us and dance!
The bunny dance is being performed
Hare. Wow! How brave and nimble. Now I will be brave too! On the road!
Ved. And to make it more fun, we’ll sing a song.
We're going, we're going, we're going,
We sing a song loudly.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
We'll find it in the forest.
A bear comes in, yawning. Bear music.
Bear. Who is making noise here, who is not letting the clumsy bear sleep?
Oh, it's you! Hello, nice bun. Where are you going, my friend?
I haven’t eaten at all for a long time, I think I’ll eat you!
Kolobok hides behind the Hare.
Hare. What are you, Bear! We went to look for Santa Claus, the children asked us.
Bear. Santa Claus? But I’ve never seen him, we bears sleep in winter.
Ved. So you'll sleep through the entire holiday, better yet dance with the bear cubs, look how many there are!
The bear dance is performed
Bear. Oh, how merrily they danced! I, too, danced so much that I got tired. I'll go and sit down.
The bear sits under the Christmas tree and falls asleep. Snoring is heard.
Ved. Guys. Look, Mishka fell asleep. Let's wake him up.
Game “Wake up the Bear”
Children approach the Bear, singing: “Bear, bear! Why are you sleeping for so long?
Bear, bear! Get up quickly!
Bear, bear! Play with us!”
The bear wakes up, and the children run away.
Bear. Okay, we convinced you. I’ll go with you to look for Santa Claus.
Lisa comes out.
Fox. Hello, where are you going like this? big company?
(everyone hides behind the Bear)
Bear. And we, Fox, are going to look for Santa Claus.
Fox. I know I know. He also gives gifts to everyone,
Fox. We’ll play with you now, maybe Grandfather Frost will hear us and come.
Game-dance “Bunny and Fox”
From behind the door you can hear: Aw! Aw! I'm coming! I'm coming!
Ved. Guys, hear, it seems that Santa Claus is coming! Let's call him all together: Santa Claus!! We are here! (children call)
Santa Claus enters the hall.
D.M. Hello guys!
Hello, animals!
Hello dear guests!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With a Christmas tree, a song, a round dance!
With new toys, beads, firecrackers!
We congratulate all the guests, we wish all the children
A hundred years of bright life and a hundred pounds of health!
Let's continue the celebration
We will sing and dance.
Let's go to the round dance now,
Let's sing a loud song.
Ved. Wait, wait,
Look at the Christmas tree.
She stands sad
There are no lights.
D.M. Come on, Christmas tree, smile!
Come on, fir tree, perk up!
Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three!
Shine with the light of joy! (the tree doesn't light up)
Our Christmas tree is standing
There are no lights.
Clap, clap, say:
“Our Christmas tree, burn!” (the tree lights up)
Ved. Here comes the Christmas tree, guys.
Come to our kindergarten for a holiday.
There are so many lights, so many toys.
How beautiful is her outfit!
Ved.. So we met Santa Claus. And they helped the kids
Snow Maiden. Wow, the tree is beautiful - it reaches to the ceiling!
Quickly hold hands and stand up for the song.
Let's sing songs. Celebrate the New Year together.
The song "Father Frost" is performed
Father Frost. I really love to dance, and I also love to play! Aren't you afraid of me?
Well, then show me your hands.
Game with Santa Claus "I'll freeze"
D.M. Smart kids, you drove me. I'll go and sit down.
Snow Maiden. And we you. Grandpa, we won't let you out! Guys, hold hands tightly!
Game with Santa Claus “Let’s not let you out of the circle”
D.M. But I still went out! Now I’ll blow the breeze on you, and you’ll sit on the chairs... Oh, it’s getting hot! Snow Maiden. Sit down, grandpa, and my girlfriends, snowflakes, will cool you down,
The Snowflake Dance is performed
D.M. Oh, there’s so much snow, little blind man, I’m a snowball.

I'll find deep snow
And I make a snowball.
Now I'm getting there
Watch out, buddy!
Game "Snowball fight"
Father Frost. Snow Maiden, granddaughter, did I play with the children?
All. Played.
Father Frost. Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
All. Yes.
Father Frost. Did you sing songs? Have you listened to poetry?
All. Yes.
Father Frost. What else have I forgotten?
All. Present.
Surprise moment with a big snowball.
Father Frost. I am a cheerful Santa Claus, I brought gifts to everyone.
But where did you put them? No, I don’t remember, I forgot...
In order to give you gifts, we need to find them.
Maybe they are under the tree? You can't see them there either.
No on the tree, no behind the tree! And they are not under the chairs...
And moms don’t have them under their legs either!
Here lies a large snowdrift, and in the snowdrift there is a snowball. Come on, Kolobok, Hare, Bear, Chanterelle, roll the snowball here!
(Kolobok, Hare, Bear, Fox roll a snowball to Santa Claus, who approaches the fake snowball.)
D.M. Yes, he is so beautiful!.. And, probably, not empty.
There may be gifts there. But how to open a snowball?
Kolobok. And you, grandfather, try to open it with your staff.
D.M. Okay guys. I'll knock with my magic staff.
Clap your hands and say to the snowball together:
"One two Three! Snowball, give us gifts!”
Children. (clap their hands) One, two, three! Snowball, give us gifts!
Father Frost, Snow Maiden and all the fairy tale characters give gifts to children.
Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined kindergarten "Saizanak" Khayyrakan New Year's party
"Kolobok is looking for Santa Claus"
in the second junior group
Teachers: Dongak S.N.
Machiylay S. M.