Family tree of professions. Presentation on the topic “my family’s profession tree.” Where does a student get information from?

One of the most important tasks in raising teenagers aged 12-15 is developing their ability to make choices. Already in the 9th grade, they, fifteen years old, will have to make a choice that will determine their lives for the next few years. How to help a teenager? What can parents do? Psychologist from the School of Cooperation, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Tatyana Borisovna Kiseleva will help you understand these issues.

Let's start from afar. Often parents do not realize that their children's life experiences are very limited. Teenagers know little about professions and have little idea what specialists do in a particular field.

Where does a student get information from?

You can encounter representatives of some professions in everyday life: doctor, teacher, salesman. Some professions are depicted quite colorfully in films. The modern film industry has especially vividly depicted the work of a killer, a secret agent, a mad scientist, an investigator for particularly important cases who catches a killer, and, of course, again a doctor in the person of Dr. House.

Often, a profession is judged by the content of school disciplines, which provide only simplified ideas about science. And such in-demand professions as pharmacist, economist, logistics, and personnel manager turn out to be completely empty of content for the modern student. But a child does not grow up in a vacuum. Every day at home he meets with his family members who are returning from work.

However, often children have a poor idea of ​​what their mother and father, grandfather and grandmother do at work. As conversations with parents have shown, there are truly objective difficulties in explaining to a child what an adult does at work. Not everyone has the gift of storytelling. It is difficult to find clear words that replace special terms.

Where to start

Talk about grandparents. And even great-grandparents. How they learned. If you have certificates and diplomas, be sure to review them with your teenager.

My colleague allowed me to record her story addressed to her teenage son. “My grandmother, and your great-grandmother, dreamed of becoming a pilot in the 30s, there is a photograph of her in a flight helmet. She was the one who took part in the training flights. However, the health commission did not let her into the school. Grandmother entered the pedagogical institute and became a physics teacher. She was a very responsible and conscientious person, she was respected by her colleagues and loved by her schoolchildren. In our cupboard there is a vase with a dedicatory inscription, donated by her students. And my grandmother’s father had the ability to teach. He was a teacher at a real school. My grandmother gave me documents confirming this when I was already an adult and taught myself. It turns out that I am a teacher in the 4th generation, and you can become one in the 5th.”

Such a story allows a teenager to learn a lot. For example, what is the difference between profession and specialty. That there are fashionable professions, and there are those in demand. Learn that abilities do not always appear early; sometimes you need to change several jobs to find the one that will become yours.

Family tree of professions

To help your child navigate the variety of professions and feel his “roots,” we recommend building a family tree of professions, similar to a family tree. You will see that unexpected discoveries await you along this path.

“Wow, Dad, I didn’t know you were an electronics engineer by training! Why have you never worked in your specialty? Mom, it turns out that you are a twice-specialist. What is a patent case? And my grandfather is generally the coolest, besides graduating from a university, he graduated from the Higher Party School, but what did they teach there? It’s like personnel management, right?” Abilities are often inherited, but not always in a straight line. A girl from a family of musicians is interested in chess and mathematics. It turns out that she is following in the footsteps of her paternal grandfather, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.

Help your teen connect with their roots

You can understand yourself only if you have learned to understand others. The mistakes and discoveries of previous generations will help new generations expand their understanding of the world. It is very important that a teenager is not afraid to make mistakes and understands that it is rarely possible to choose a profession once and for the rest of your life. But nowadays you have to constantly study and change your profile.

Already developing and changing famous professions. New technologies are constantly emerging that transform previous specialties. A story about what happened a long time ago helps us take a step into the future. The experience of previous generations, like a flashlight, illuminates the path for those who move forward. Good luck to everyone on this journey!

Municipal budgetary general educational institution

"Bushevetskaya NOSH"

"My Family's Professions"

Children's creative project

Completed by 2nd grade students

Project leader - teacher

Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna

Bologoe 2015

Project goal : get to know your parents’ professions.

Project objectives :

  • ask parents about their profession;
  • design an album of essays “Professions of our parents.”

Relevance of the project.

On the golden porch sat the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor - who will you be?”

Everyone is familiar with this children's rhyme. The counting rhyme has a simple continuation: choose any title and continue the game. In life, everything is not so simple. In the old days this profession was not enough, and they could all fit on one porch, along with the king.

The first Tsar Ivan appeared in Rus' 600 years ago.III, and with him there were professions: shooter, cook, baker, tailor, gardener, fisherman, miller, jeweler, carpenter. In the old days, people took pride in craftsmanship. Now all professions cannot fit on one porch. There are already many thousands of them. And new ones appear all the time.

A profession is something that is done every day and that is useful for other people. The profession requires special training.

A profession is a type of work that requires a person to have certain training, knowledge and skills.

Every business has its own rules, every profession has its own tools. Some professions require very complex machines. How to choose a profession? It is very important that you enjoy the work. Only then can you become a master of your craft. Do school-age children need to be introduced to professions, or do they learn about them on their own? I think it's necessary. In every person's life professional activity occupies an important place. From the first steps of a child, parents think about his future, closely monitor the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny. Professional self-determination is associated with personal development, then younger age is preparatory.

A child’s ideas about professions are limited by his limited life experience. To expand knowledge about the diversity of professions, we decided to create a project with children “Professions of my family”.

The project is designed for children of primary school age and their parents, in the project in equally Persons of different genders, different family incomes, social status and religion can take part.

Implementation period: 20 days.

Stages of work on the project:

Immersion in the project

Organizational stage

Carrying out activities

Processing and presentation of the results obtained

Presentation and discussion of the results obtained.

Immersion in the project. On at this stage A student survey was conducted. The guys were asked to answer two questions:

1. Can you name the profession of your parents?

2. Can you say what your parents' job was?

Survey results. The survey showed that 33% of students can name their parents' professions, but 67% of students cannot say what their job is. Thus, the need arose to solve this problem: to find out the peculiarities of the work of their parents.

Organizational stage. To solve the problem, an action plan was jointly developed:

1. Take an excursion to the village library and learn from the literature about various professions.

2. Observations of the work of adults “Cook”, “Janitor”, “Teacher”, “Seller”.

3. Find out from your parents what their job is.

4. Present the results obtained.

Carrying out activities. At this stage, the guys collected data: they went on an excursion to their parents’ place of work (in groups), and conducted interviews with their parents.

Processing and presentation of the results obtained. At this stage, the children wrote essays and made drawings.

Discussion of the results obtained. The class was held class hour, where the guys presented the results of their work. After presenting their works, the guys shared their impressions and expressed their opinions on the results obtained. An album was compiled best essays"Professions of our parents."

Sobachko Ekaterina.

My mother's name is Galya. She works as an accountant. Most of the time she sits at the computer, keeping records and filling out various documents. The company where my mother works is located in St. Petersburg, so she often has to travel on business trips. Every three months, my mother submits declarations and reports to the tax office.

Sometimes in the evenings and weekends my mother works as a manicurist and nail extension specialist. Many clients come to her - young girls, women - to get beautiful nails done.

Shibanova Alexandra.

There are many professions in the world and they are all very different and very important. Almost all of my family members work for railway. For example, my mother Lena works as a passenger train conductor. She follows passengers along their route. If someone needs help, then mom will always help. She will prepare tea and coffee for those who wish, and offer cookies or candy. My grandmother Tanya works as a station attendant. She has a very responsible work. It gives trains the green light to proceed. And my uncle Dmitry works as a chief at the railway. He supervises all the work performed. And my dad works as a driver. He transports people. And when necessary, then various loads.

In our country large number professions and each is interesting in its own way.

Udarova Victoria

I want to talk about the profession of my mother Alexandra. She works as a sales consultant in the Megafon Retail salon. It sells phones, tablets, modems, cases, accessories and toys. Mom can tell the buyer which is better to choose a phone or tablet. Will tell you which favorable tariff to choose for connection. If the clients of the salon have any problems, then the mother tries to help them solve them. I visited my mother at work several times and noticed how she worked. My mom works well.

Sidorova Arina.

I have a big family. In addition to my mother and brother, there are also grandparents. I play with them, go to the forest, and go fishing. But I want to talk about my grandmother Valya, because I spend all my free time with her. My grandmother, and her name is Valentina Evgenievna, works as the director of our village club “Cosmos”. I find it very interesting there, because a lot of children from our village go to the club. And my grandmother works there with her children: the children dance, sing, go to various competitions, rallies, and concerts. For adults, the grandmother organizes various holidays and evenings. And at anniversary events and weddings, the grandmother works as a toastmaster. In the summer, she spends Village Day in a birch grove. She herself participates in this event. And I also sing and dance with my grandmother. Everyone loves my grandmother, and I love her very much too.

Petrova Anastasia

There are a lot of male professions in the world. I want to talk about my dad's profession. He works at the Bologovsky fittings plant "BAZ" as a repairman. He repairs large machines that make water taps and valves. This profession is very responsible, because dad needs to know the structure of machines well. After all, the operation of the machine depends on it. If a machine breaks down, then dad needs to quickly figure out what’s wrong and why the machine stopped working. There are only two such factories in Russia where my dad works. Therefore, the products of the Bologovsky Reinforcement Plant are sold not only in our country, but also abroad.

Kucherenko Karina

I want to tell you a little about my family. We arrived in the village of Bushevets quite recently from Ukraine from the city of Mariupol. My dad immediately found a job at the Bushevets plant. He works as a foreman in a workshop and supervises the work of his workers. My mother doesn’t work anywhere yet. She is a housewife. She has a lot of work to do at home - cook, do laundry, check with me homework, play with my little brother. And in the evening before bed, my mother reads children's books to us.

Arkhipova Ekaterina.

There are a lot of professions in the world. And they are all so different and very necessary. My mother, for example, works in the large supermarket “Devyatochka” as a salesperson. She works in the meat department. Serves those customers who need sausage, meat or smoked fish. I visited my mother at work several times and watched her work. How she quickly offers customers a product, tells which sausage is tastier, and which piece of meat is better to buy. Grandma has a completely different profession. When she was young, she worked as a teacher in kindergarten. Grandma also draws well. She helps me make drawings that we are asked at school to participate in competitions. Grandma can help you make any craft. And now she works as a janitor in our building management. This is also very important profession. After all, she needs to clear the paths to the entrance in time, sweep away the snow, and sprinkle the paths with sand. When a lot of snow falls, my mother helps my grandmother. My grandmother also helped our painters do repairs in the hallways. That's how many professions my grandmother has.

Brigadier Tatyana

I want to talk about my mother's profession. She works on the railway at the Bushevets station. My mother is a station attendant. My mother doesn’t talk much about her profession. I only know thatThe station duty officer is a responsible employee of the traffic service, managing the reception, departure and passage of trains, as well as shunting movements within one separate point.No one other than the station duty officer has the right to give orders for the reception, passage and departure of trains and for maneuvers on the tracks along which organized trains follow. The station manager and superiors can give their orders only through the station duty officer.My mother's profession is very responsible. She must know a lot and be aware of all the innovations in documents, orders and telegrams.

Look carefully at the things that surround you. These are objects that are familiar to you: a table, a sofa, a pen, a table lamp. People of various professions work to create a diverse and useful world of things. You yourself have to decide what profession you will choose. To answer this question, you need to know a lot about various professions and about yourself.

The rules of the road are simple for me. Red light - no passage, yellow - stop, And green - hurry up, skill is needed here. That's all I need to know to become a driver. By the way: the profession of a driver imposes on a person high demands: speed of reaction, excellent memory, endurance, strength, ability to instantly accept the right decision V difficult situation, good health, excellent vision. Driver

I want to become a pilot, I’ll fly on an airplane. I’m already flying, I’m in the clouds! By the way: people of this profession pass medical commission, then study at a flight school, after graduating from which they can continue their studies at a military academy. After all, a pilot needs to know and be able to do a lot! Pilot

In order to put out something, it must be on fire. Then I will be a skilled fireman. Being a firefighter is not difficult. Everything is possible in my life. By the way: the profession of a firefighter requires fearless character, dedication, dexterity, speed of reaction, strength and good health. Firefighter

I draw skillfully - it takes skill! In the elevator the buttons are high up and it is not easy to circle them. Painted doors, windows, walls and panels. They tell me to wipe everything off - they say it’s a disgrace, But from that day on they call me an “artist.” By the way: people in this profession must have aesthetic taste. Artist

I’m strong, and I’m not a coward, and I’m willing to become a military man. I will certainly become a glorious military man. I tried on my cap and polished my boots. Is this not enough? I'll be a general! By the way: people of this profession often risk their lives and health, protecting peace and tranquility on earth. They love their Fatherland and their people, they have great knowledge, health, strength, and readiness to carry out any order. Military

I'll teach my grandmother how to knit socks. I'll tell mommy how to cook borscht. Fix the faucet in the kitchen, hammer a nail into the wall - I’ll explain to dad, it’ll be done. I can already do everything, I can already do everything! So, it’s definitely decided: to be a teacher is given. By the way: a real teacher has a generous and kind soul, the ability to give children his knowledge, strength, time, and talent. Teacher

Well, who is stronger here than all the diseases and colds? As if Doctor Aibolit will protect us from the flu? I'm not afraid - I run, I gallop To visit the good... By the way: a real doctor must show love for people, have a responsive heart, and deep knowledge. skillful hands, good memory, sense of duty. Doctor

Questions 1. Tell me who is so delicious 2. We must fight fire with cabbage soup, We are brave workers, Smelly cutlets, We are partners with water. Salads, vinaigrettes. So who are we? 3. We get up very early, 4. Let's bring a glass eye, After all, our concern is - It will click once - and we remember you. Drive everyone to work in the morning. 5. There is no need for a curtain in the kitchen. 6.……- dentist There is no view from the window. And its recipe is simple. I sew a dress for a doll, I know how to treat teeth, …….I want to become. I'll get them as soon as possible. 7. Today I played Baba Yaga 8. Teach children to read and write. And tomorrow I can play Snow Maiden. Add numbers and subtract. 9. What profession is taught at the flight school?

1. If there is a flood or an earthquake, they will always come to our aid and save us from death. (rescuer) 3. We work as a team, - They bring us sand and concrete. We need to work together to build new home(builder) 5. He is wearing overalls. He paints frames deftly. He whitewashed the ceiling and helped us make repairs. (painter) Guess the riddles 2. Use a hairdryer, brush and comb to deftly do your hair. (hairdresser) 4. He has mountains of goods: cucumbers and tomatoes. Zucchini, cabbage, honey He sells everything to people. (seller) 6. From sifted flour He bakes us pies, buns, buns, and saits. Who is he? Guess what! (cook)

One of the most important tasks in raising teenagers aged 12-15 is developing their ability to make choices. Already in the 9th grade, they, fifteen years old, will have to make a choice that will determine their lives for the next few years. How to help a teenager? What can parents do? Psychologist from the School of Cooperation, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Tatyana Borisovna Kiseleva will help you understand these issues.

Let's start from afar. Often parents do not realize that their children's life experiences are very limited. Teenagers know little about professions and have little idea what specialists do in a particular field.

Where does a student get information from?

You can encounter representatives of some professions in everyday life: doctor, teacher, salesman. Some professions are depicted quite colorfully in films. The modern film industry has especially vividly depicted the work of a killer, a secret agent, a mad scientist, an investigator for particularly important cases who catches a killer, and, of course, again a doctor in the person of Dr. House.

Often, a profession is judged by the content of school disciplines, which provide only simplified ideas about science. And such in-demand professions as pharmacist, economist, logistics, and personnel manager turn out to be completely empty of content for the modern student. But a child does not grow up in a vacuum. Every day at home he meets with his family members who are returning from work.

However, often children have a poor idea of ​​what their mother and father, grandfather and grandmother do at work. As conversations with parents have shown, there are truly objective difficulties in explaining to a child what an adult does at work. Not everyone has the gift of storytelling. It is difficult to find clear words that replace special terms.

Where to start

Talk about grandparents. And even great-grandparents. How they learned. If you have certificates and diplomas, be sure to review them with your teenager.

My colleague allowed me to record her story addressed to her teenage son. “My grandmother, and your great-grandmother, dreamed of becoming a pilot in the 30s, there is a photograph of her in a flight helmet. She was the one who took part in the training flights. However, the health commission did not let her into the school. Grandmother entered the pedagogical institute and became a physics teacher. She was a very responsible and conscientious person, she was respected by her colleagues and loved by her schoolchildren. In our cupboard there is a vase with a dedicatory inscription, donated by her students. And my grandmother’s father had the ability to teach. He was a teacher at a real school. My grandmother gave me documents confirming this when I was already an adult and taught myself. It turns out that I am a teacher in the 4th generation, and you can become one in the 5th.”

Such a story allows a teenager to learn a lot. For example, what is the difference between profession and specialty. That there are fashionable professions, and there are those in demand. Learn that abilities do not always appear early; sometimes you need to change several jobs to find the one that will become yours.

Family tree of professions

To help your child navigate the variety of professions and feel his “roots,” we recommend building a family tree of professions, similar to a family tree. You will see that unexpected discoveries await you along this path.

“Wow, Dad, I didn’t know you were an electronics engineer by training! Why have you never worked in your specialty? Mom, it turns out that you are a twice-specialist. What is a patent case? And my grandfather is generally the coolest, besides graduating from a university, he graduated from the Higher Party School, but what did they teach there? It’s like personnel management, right?” Abilities are often inherited, but not always in a straight line. A girl from a family of musicians is interested in chess and mathematics. It turns out that she is following in the footsteps of her paternal grandfather, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.

Help your teen connect with their roots

You can understand yourself only if you have learned to understand others. The mistakes and discoveries of previous generations will help new generations expand their understanding of the world. It is very important that a teenager is not afraid to make mistakes and understands that it is rarely possible to choose a profession once and for the rest of your life. But nowadays you have to constantly study and change your profile.

Well-known professions are developing and changing. New technologies are constantly emerging that transform previous specialties. A story about what happened a long time ago helps us take a step into the future. The experience of previous generations, like a flashlight, illuminates the path for those who move forward. Good luck to everyone on this journey!

Murashkin Feodosii

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire “What do my parents do,” we found that out of 20 students teaching in the class, 9 children could not name their mother’s profession, 12 children did not know the name of their father’s profession. To the question “WHAT DO YOU DREAM OF BECOMING?”

5 – policemen,

2 – musician,

2 – cook,



Moscow Department of Education

North-Western District Education Department

State budgetary educational institution of Moscow

average secondary school №828

District competition of design and research works

"The Future of the North-West"

Nomination "Owls"

Direction "Educational projects and research"

Section "Family Project"

Project topic "My Family's Professions"

Project Manager:Komarova Svetlana Yurievna, primary school teacher




Relevance of the problem…………………………………………………………....5

Main goals and objectives of the project……………………………………………………….6

Work plan………………………………………………………...7

Project product………………………………………………………7

Project conclusions…………………………………………………….…8

List of references………………………………………………………..10


Some time will pass and every student will be faced with the question of what to do next. vocational training. But in order to work as someone, you must first learn this profession. There are many different professions in the world and they are all important and honorable, starting from a simple janitor and ending with a learned academician. And this is true. Let's imagine for a moment that all the janitors suddenly don't show up for work. What would happen to the streets of large towns and cities in a week? What would this lead to?

There are countless wonderful professions in the world.

And glory and honor to every profession.

Today you are a schoolboy, and tomorrow you are a worker,

Artist, scientist, sailor or architect.

There is something for everyone,

Who takes work seriously from childhood.

Choice future profession- it's not an easy matter. Firstly, it is difficult to judge the upcoming content of the work by just the name of the profession: a person, as a rule, learns about all the nuances of the activity during the work process. Yes and job responsibilities for the same profession may differ significantly at different enterprises. Secondly, a person can adapt to various types activities. It is difficult to imagine a person who can work exclusively as a cashier in a supermarket. In addition, our choices are often influenced by all sorts of external factors: for example, existing opinions in society about prestigious and non-prestigious professions, choice future specialty under the influence of parents, for company with friends, passion for one, external side of the profession, etc. How to make the right choice?

Raising children, shaping a child’s personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents. The family influences the child and introduces him to the life around him. We, adults, must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.

“Profession” - (lat. professio - officially specified occupation, specialty) - gender labor activity(occupations) of a person who possesses a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, experience and work experience.

If a child has dreamed of becoming a doctor or an astronaut since childhood, and still has no doubts about the correctness of his choice, he has no problems. No matter what his mother and grandmother say, he will study textbooks on chemistry or biology with the tenacity of a fanatic, or attend a “young physicist” club and have a good idea of ​​what he will do after graduating from school.

If so, then he is lucky. Because many kids have absolutely no idea “who to be” and where to go and whether to go at all when the long-awaited last school bell rings.

It’s good when the problem of choosing a profession is troubling - this means the social and psychological maturity of the student. It’s worse if it doesn’t matter at the moment: your mother will take you by the hand to law school (because you “kind of like” the story), and then it turns out that you can’t stand going through tedious pieces of paper and communicating with people.

What influences the choice of profession? What factors determine a person’s choice of a particular profession? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge influence. We tried to figure this out by studying the professions of our relatives.

Relevance of the problem

IN elementary school When educational and cognitive activity becomes the leading one, it is important to form children’s ideas about various professions and work. The problem of forming ideas junior schoolchildren about the world of work and professions has not been sufficiently developed in pedagogy, although it would seem that the enormous role of ideas about professions and work is clear to everyone. In schools, the formation of ideas about the world of work and professions is sometimes carried out insufficiently purposefully and systematically. While it is the school that should become the decisive link in the process professional self-determination students, to have an effective influence on the targeted formation of ideas about the world of work and professions. Professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person. From the first steps of a child, parents think about his future, closely monitor the interests and inclinations of their child, trying to predetermine his professional destiny. Junior schoolchildren do not face the problem of choosing a profession. But since professional self-determination is interconnected with personality development at all age stages, the younger school age can be considered as preparatory, laying the foundations for professional self-determination in the future. A 7-10 year old child’s ideas about professions are limited by his or her limited life experience - the work of mom and dad, a teacher in a kindergarten and a teacher at school, the profession of a pilot, police officer, intelligence officer, but children usually know about these one way or another familiar professions , little and very superficial. Meanwhile, in the modern world there is huge amount types of labor. Orientation in this ocean of human activities is the most important link in a child’s social adaptation. Thus, the formation of junior schoolchildren’s ideas about the world of work and professions is a necessary process that is relevant in the modern world.

Main goals and objectives of the project


1. Show the importance of family in a person’s life, consolidate a positive attitude towards all family members.

2. Give children information that all family members are connected by love and tenderness, caring for each other, friendship and mutual assistance.

3. Show the role of parents and children in the family, the “professions” that family members perform (acquaintance with the history of the creation and development of the family, answering the questions: “From whom and what character traits, characteristics and abilities did you inherit?”, “Who are you?” do you want to become when you grow up?”, children think about themselves, about their future).


  1. enriching students' knowledge about the world of professions;
  2. to form children’s ideas about the family and the profession of their parents;
  3. instill in children love and respect for family members, teach them to take care of loved ones;
  4. enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity;
  5. increased group cohesion, experience of participating in project activities, experience in presenting projects.

Work plan

  1. Collection and analysis of information.
  2. Let's find out the meaning of the word profession.
  3. We study the article by E.A. Klimov on the factors of choosing a profession.
  4. We are thinking through the steps to the right choice professions.
  5. Let's try to determine a profession for ourselves (for this we conducted a survey of classmates).
  6. Together with parents we lead research work, writing a story about his family's professions.
  7. Interviews with representatives of different professions.

Project product

Parents' stories about their profession.

Presentation of the project “I am leafing through a family album.”

Estimated results of the project:

  1. Children's knowledge of information about their family.
  2. Children's understanding of the importance of family in every person's life.
  3. Inform project participants of the importance of this topic.
  4. Draw up a long-term action plan on this topic.

Project conclusions

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire “What do my parents do,” we found that out of 20 students teaching in the class, 9 children could not name their mother’s profession, 12 children did not know the name of their father’s profession.


4 people answered - teacher,

5 – policemen,

2 – musician,

2 – cook,

1 - hairdresser, traveler, inventor, driver, designer, oligarch and boss.

Based on these answers, it became obvious that the guys know very little about the many professions that exist in the modern world.

At the next stageWhile working on our project, we will try to answer the fundamental question: “Are all professions needed? Are all professions important?

What professions are most in demand on the labor market in modern society?

How to make the right choice?

Who and what influences the choice of future profession?

Where and what do they teach?

Is the teaching profession relevant today?

Game "Profession-mystery".

He loves us to listen to the lungs

And he can give injections.

He will set the thermometer himself,

Put a vitamin in your mouth(doctor)

He can run and jump.

The ball hits very deftly.

Plays tennis and volleyball

And there is skill in football(athlete)

He notices beauty

And everything distinguishes colors.

Maybe brush on paper

Draw your portrait.

And seeing the sun in the sky

Create a joyful landscape!(artist)

Threads, scissors, pins:

And the work is in full swing.

Creates things from fabric

I can sew a school uniform for you(seamstress)

List of used literature

  1. E. I. Mashukova. All professions are important. - Primary school, 2008. - No. 6, pp. 91 – 92.
  2. L. V. Novozhenina. Integrated lessons. - Primary school, 2007.-№1, p.49-50.
  3. A. V. Prediger. Who to be? - Primary school, 2007. -№7, p. 87-93.
  4. E. N. Arsenina. All works are good. - Author's scripts extracurricular activities in elementary school. - Globus LLC, 2007, pp. 71-79.
  5. Encyclopedia.
  6. Article by E.A. Klimov “Factors for choosing a profession.”

Professions of my relatives

Murashkin Feodosii 4 "A"

  1. Introducing yourself:Hello. My name is Murashkin Feodosius. I am a student of 4 "A" class 828 school.
  1. I would like to present my project on the topic “Professions of my relatives”
  1. The purpose of my work: To get acquainted with the history of the creation and development of my family, to answer the question: “From whom and what character traits, characteristics and abilities have we inherited?”
  1. The word “Profession” translated from Latin means the type of work activity of a person who has special theoretical knowledge and skills acquired as a result of special training
  1. After conducting a survey and analyzing the results of the questionnaire “What do my parents do,” we found that out of 20 students teaching in the class, 9 children could not name their mother’s profession, 12 children did not know the name of their father’s profession. It became obvious that the guys know very little about the many professions that exist in the modern world.
  1. Thus, questions about the world of work and professions are relevant in the modern world.
  1. My dad's name is Plato, he is a priest
  1. And before that he was a deacon
  1. To become a priest, dad studied at the institute. He graduated from the theological faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University
  1. The Pope serves in the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God in Gonchary
  1. He also teaches Fundamentals of Orthodoxy at the Nika gymnasium and often stages plays with his students
  1. Dad knows how to operate a kayak and goes on hikes with us.
  1. My mother's name is Elena, she works as a literary editor.
  1. She graduated from VGIK (All-Union State Institute of Culture), Faculty of Film Studies
  1. Mom works in the editorial office of newspapers in the Northern District
  1. And mom also knows German and translated films at film festivals
  1. Mom's dad's grandfather Sasha worked at the Tsentrnauchfilm film studio
  1. First he was a cameraman, then a film director.
  1. He also studied at VGIK, at the camera department
  1. Before college, my grandfather worked at the Riga Film Studio as a lighting technician.
  1. During the Great Patriotic War Grandfather fought in a partisan detachment, then studied sailing and sailed
  1. Now grandfather is the chairman of the Council of Cinematographers - Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and deputy chairman of the United Council of Partisans and Underground Workers of the Moscow Committee of War Veterans.
  1. Mom’s mother, grandmother Tanya worked as an engineer at NIIAS (research institute)
  1. She graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University (Moscow State University)
  1. Dad's dad, grandpa Asya works at DSK-1 (house-building plant), and grandma Mila is a mother of many children.
  1. But the most main job grandparents - to be grandparents. We've grown up now, but they used to have a hard time
  1. My mother’s brother Uncle Shurik also graduated from VGIK, Faculty of Economics, but he works as a sound engineer on advertising films
  1. My dad's brother, Uncle Denis, has his own small business; he collects and repairs telephones and radio equipment.
  1. Dad's sister Aunt Nastya works in the church where Dad serves
  1. And our aunt Olya also graduated from PSTGU (Orthodox St. Tikhon’s Humanitarian University), she has a master’s degree in religious studies, and is now studying in graduate school and teaching
  1. I also have three sisters, Ksyusha is going to choir college, Lika is studying at the ballet school, and Ulya is at the 1551 gymnasium
  1. At the next stageWhile working on our project, we will try to answer the question: “Are all professions needed? Are all professions important?

Together with our classmates, we will try to find the answer to the problematic question: “There are many professions! Which one is mine?”

Let's conduct a debate - “What influences the choice of profession”:

What professions are most in demand on the labor market in modern society?

How to make the right choice?

Who and what influences the choice of future profession?

Where and what do they teach?

Is the teaching profession relevant today?

Let's conduct a class hour on the topic: “What do my parents do?”

Newspaper release: “What I want to become”


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