Seasonal trade in vegetables and fruits. Business selling vegetables and fruits. Market analysis and possible risks

I would like to present to you my case study of a remote business in the wholesale supply of fruits and vegetables. We are talking about other people's vegetables and fruits, as you understand. And we will act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Everything that will be discussed below has been tested by me personally in practice.

To make it easier, I will describe the entire scheme of our business for the sale (resale in our case) of vegetables and fruits using potatoes as an example. There is a fairly stable demand for potatoes in Russia; they are a mass product and quite inexpensive.

Intermediary agency business wholesale sales Growing vegetables and fruits is much simpler than a classic business on the same products, which requires tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of personal investments. Therefore, in order to earn an average of a hundred thousand rubles in this business, it is enough to know general information and a scheme of work in this area.

To make it as clear and clear as possible, I’ll tell you using the example of potatoes, the product I chose. You can see how much the population of our country alone consumes this product annually: in 2017, 29.6 million tons of potatoes were harvested in farms of all categories and this amount is growing from year to year.

So, let's begin.

Types and varieties of potatoes

All potatoes are divided into 2 types:

  1. Seminal.
  2. Food.

By variety - 3-5 main varieties are usually grown in each region. So you don't have to study a large number of information.

Search for a supplier

Each supplier is interested in selling their harvest as quickly as possible. Therefore, they are very willing to cooperate.

Contacts of the owners of Farms can be found on the websites of the Min. Agriculture in almost any area in which you live. Or we are looking for all organizations upon request - peasant farms (peasant farms) and organizations with similar meaning in the name.

Search for vegetable suppliers in Yandex

It’s worth calling in the morning and if you don’t get the owner of the company, then ask him immediately mobile phone, which they will gladly give you.

Negotiations with suppliers

It’s better, of course, to arrange a meeting by phone and discuss everything in person, but most often the fields are located somewhere in the region and without a personal car it will be a little problematic to get there.

If you don’t have a car, but have the opportunity to ask someone, spend a day and get to know the owners personally, it’s better not to waste this opportunity. This will be your advantage. If this is not possible, then you can discuss everything over the phone.

Negotiations may take 10-15 minutes, and this is normal - business owners are accustomed to such calls and usually react positively. The task is to find out such important parameters, How:

  • variety;
  • caliber(size);
  • expected harvest quantity;
  • farm workload;
  • package;
  • presence of scales;
  • what is the most convenient way to get there, who will meet you;
  • Payment is cash/non-cash, do they work under a contract?

After this, be sure to ask for photographs of the product. The client always asks for photos, downloading others from the Internet - I don’t recommend it, because... the client is most often not the first year in this business and upon arrival can easily understand that he was deceived, which will cause negativity.

Pricing (our markup on goods)

After discussing all the potato parameters, it is worth warning the owner about the size of your markup.

In potatoes it ranges from 50 kopecks to 2 rubles on average (as of 2018).

It’s better to sell at least 20 tons – that’s one truck. That is, earnings will be from 10 to 40,000 rubles. from one truck. I do not recommend trading with a smaller volume.

You can sign an agency agreement with the owner, but most often a verbal agreement is enough. You take your money either in cash after the transaction, or the owner transfers it to a debit card.

Sales channels, advertising

I don’t see the point in describing a lot here, since finding a client with competitive prices and acceptable product quality is not difficult.

Platforms such as AgroServer and Avito work best. Again, you need to publish good photos And Full description advantages of the product and working with you. It is very important!

Let's talk about how much you can earn by reselling vegetables.

Now about the main thing. Personally, I earned 80-120 thousand rubles in a seasonal month (season September - December) that year. Remotely.

People who have the opportunity to attend transactions and carry out large orders through their company as intermediaries earn up to 10 million rubles. per season. And most often they then acquire their own storage facilities and sell from there.

But we are discussing remote earnings, so you should count on an amount from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles per month. I and the guys I know who work according to this scheme have this kind of income. Of course, there is no ceiling on earnings as such. Everything, as always, depends on you.

Pros and cons of a vegetable resale business


  • Earnings on average 100,000 rubles. per month.
  • Remote work.
  • You do not bear any responsibility.
  • There are a lot of clients (if you post well-written advertisements).


  • The owner can quit. In my search for good suppliers, I was abandoned more than once. Here, as they say, natural selection occurs by sifting.
  • It is advisable to be on the phone from 7:00 to 22:00. Buyers call at any time and you should strive to answer all calls.
  • Costs for telephone communication. Well, if desired, on Avito and Agroserver (but not much). To earn 80-100 tr. I invested no more than 2 thousand rubles../month.
  • The transaction cycle varies from 1 day to 2-3 weeks. Depends on the buyer.

At proper organization, a business based on the sale of vegetables and fruits will be stable. The demand for food is always constant because people need to replenish their vitality through nutrition. Even in times of crisis, everyone finds money for food and strives not to skimp on vitamins, since it is on these factors that a person’s health and the availability of energy, so necessary to ensure a normal level of life, depend. The advantage of this type of business is that opening a small store does not involve the complexity of obtaining permits, obtaining expensive leases and large-scale financial investments.

Vegetable and fruit business

When planning entrepreneurial activity in the vegetable and fruit direction, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its nuances, which may have an impact on the effectiveness of the operation point of sale. When opening it, you need to strive to earn a positive reputation in the eyes of potential clients. To attract them, you should first think through and correctly formulate the assortment range. You won’t be able to earn much by offering several items of domestic products. Its range needs to be expanded to include greens, mushrooms, dried fruits and exotic imported fruits.

The productivity of a business directly depends on the location of the retail outlet and the design of the storefront. It is best to locate a store or stall close to residential areas, in areas with high traffic, but at a distance from competitors.

Seasonal demand and formation of assortment range

The business of selling fruits and vegetables is seasonal.

During the holidays, people buy imported fruits such as bananas, tangerines, oranges and kiwis. In winter, apples and the entire pre-holiday assortment are popular. In the summer, seasonal fruits and berries should be placed on the display case, not forgetting to arrange them in an appetizing way using trays and plastic forms. Strawberries, grapes, currants, raspberries, watermelons and melons will be popular. Vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets, onions and garlic are in demand at any time of the year, so the entrepreneur needs to make sure that they are constantly present in the product range.

Business planning

In spring, the cost of goods always increases by 60 percent. At this time, consumers prefer to buy fruits, juices, dried fruits, herbs and the first vegetables necessary to provide the body with vitamins. In the fall, you can count on wholesale purchases from customers for storage in the cellar, so you should include an option such as wholesale in your trading style.

What knowledge will be needed

An entrepreneur must have information about the harvest time of each vegetable and fruit in order to purchase them at a low cost.

When dealing with the question of how to open a vegetable store from scratch, you should study the characteristics of the products, their varieties and storage rules. Such knowledge will allow you to give recommendations to buyers who doubt their choice. Additional information to consumers will help increase the rating of the outlet, since it is always pleasant to communicate with a sociable and competent person who is ready to help with advice.


When drawing up a business plan for a vegetable store, you should include a section on finding a supplier. You should not plan to cooperate with farms, since they offer a limited range of products, the price of which, most likely, will not be loyal, due to the purchase of an insufficient batch of goods, in their opinion. It is recommended to purchase products at wholesale stores, because there you can purchase a wide range of at a favorable price, because Wholesale prices begin to act after acquiring several tens of kilograms.

What is the article about?

The fruit and vegetable market is quite dynamic, especially in the segment imported goods. Competition here is almost always high, and in order to create a confident business, a novice entrepreneur will have to put in a lot of effort. The starting stage is quite difficult; establish relationships with profitable and reliable suppliers of goods, organize logistics and attract regular customers It’s not easy, but if you achieve the first victories, the next steps are not so difficult.

Pros and cons of vegetable business

Selling vegetables and fruits is a promising direction. But it will be quite difficult for a beginner, especially with a lack of investment, to occupy his niche in the market. Firstly, fierce competition has formed in almost every city, and secondly, in order to successfully launch a business, you must immediately establish contacts with reliable suppliers, find regular customers and be able to achieve high-quality logistics of goods. But if a novice entrepreneur manages to overcome difficulties at the initial stage, it is quite possible to expand a small vegetable business relatively quickly, thereby increasing the amount of net profit several times over.

The advantages of the idea of ​​starting your own business selling vegetables include high demand for goods (even out of season), relatively small investments for opening a retail outlet or small store, and good profitability. Among the disadvantages, experienced entrepreneurs note the difficulties associated with finding reliable wholesale suppliers who will agree to an acceptable price, organizing a business (it is necessary to find, deliver and distribute goods on time, to prevent product damage), the need to have warehouse, as well as quite high competition. But with the desire and careful preparation for creating your own business, consulting with experienced entrepreneurs and experts, most serious problems can be avoided. Without a competent start, it is simply impossible to occupy your niche in the segment of sales of vegetables and fruits, as well as achieve real profit. These rules are relevant for all market players, as in the case of organizing sales of tea, etc.

Possible formats for conducting business

Selling vegetables as a business can be organized in several formats. The choice depends on the available investments, the experience of the entrepreneur (if you don’t have it, you shouldn’t start with the most complex and costly), the peculiarities of the economic situation in the region and the needs of potential clients.

The most popular formats for running a fruit and vegetable business:

  • In a tent. This is one of the most affordable formats that does not require significant investment. You will need to register your entrepreneurial activity, find investments for the purchase of a minimum set of equipment (tent, counter, scales, containers, etc.), as well as the first batches of goods. To attract regular customers and accelerate the growth of your business, you need to ensure a good range and quality of products. If you focus on seasonal positions, you will be able to significantly increase your turnover.
  • From the car. The advantage of this format of work is its mobility. An entrepreneur can change several localization points per day, taking into account the traffic flow of the retail location and other factors (but do not forget about the punishment for violating the rules of non-stationary trade). In order to fully work and develop the prospect of expanding the business, it is necessary to immediately issue permits, without hoping for a lucky break. By trading from a car, an entrepreneur saves on renting a retail space, warehouse and the number of staff.
  • In the pavilion. As a rule, in this case, space is allocated in warehouses, which can completely solve the problem of storing products. The entrepreneur will need to pay for trading place and pay a certain amount for renting space in a warehouse, but at the same time he gets the opportunity to work in a place with excellent traffic, and also find regular customers faster, although the level of competition is becoming tougher. It is important to remember the conditions for proper storage of vegetables and fruits, to export to the pavilion such a volume of products that can be sold, avoiding spoilage and losses as much as possible.
  • Opening a specialty store. The ideal format for working in the fruit and vegetable sales segment is to open a specialized store of vegetables and fruits. But at the same time, several serious obstacles arise, especially for a new entrepreneur. This means the need for significant investment and work experience, otherwise it will be very difficult to organize the business correctly. Receipt procedure permitting documents It’s also not easy, but if you obtain all the permits, properly organize logistics and storage of goods, find a reliable and profitable supplier, providing customers with a high level of services at an affordable price, a vegetable store can become a successful start to a big business.

Sale of vegetables and fruits business

To make sales of vegetables and fruits successful project, you need to independently understand the essence of the work, practical nuances, think through the marketing and merchandising of your business, as in the case of sturgeon breeding. Experienced entrepreneurs working in this market segment advise newcomers not to rely solely on honesty employees and managerial competence. As practice shows, it is very difficult to find professionals to work in this profile, especially when there is a lack of investment. For a successful start and dynamic development, you will need to strictly control each stage yourself.

Business registration

Trading of vegetables and fruits as a business can only be started after registration entrepreneurial activity. To do this, you need to contact the tax service and write a corresponding application, correctly indicating OKVED, provide a package of documents, or launch the procedure through the State Services reference and information portal. Then we pay the state duty, its amount is 800 rubles. (if you register through State Services, you can get a 30% discount). There are alternative ways of registration - through a legal representative, by mail and at the MFC. If all conditions are met, the entrepreneur’s status is approved within 3 days, and he receives a Certificate of state registration individual as individual entrepreneur. In some cases, it is necessary to obtain permits from the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. When organizing work, it is important to comply with the Sanitary Rules for Trade food products in small retail enterprises.

Advice: It is necessary to remember that before the start of actual work, the individual entrepreneur must submit a “Notice of Commencement of Activities” to the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor. The form of the document is specified in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2009 No. 584. This will confirm the fact of compliance with trade rules and sanitary rules food sales.

Selecting a sales location

It is necessary to choose a place of sale based on the format of work. In any case, it must have good cross-country ability and be convenient for the buyer (the chances that he will deliberately go an unusual route to buy vegetables or fruits are very low). Subject to proper preparation, organize good business You can either in a tent or in a specialized store. It is important to take into account the specifics of working at the chosen place - when trading in a pavilion or kiosk at the market, it is necessary to win the loyalty of the administration and win in the competition; in a tent - to ensure proper storage of products, find reliable suppliers and organize logistics well.

Selection of premises

The room parameters must correspond to the work profile. Most often they are looking for an option with an area of ​​up to 60 m², of which about 20 are allocated for storage, where it is necessary to ensure the appropriate temperature (approximately up to +8 in the summer and not lower than 0 in winter period). At small investments entrepreneurs organize trade using garages and utility rooms as warehouses. But since in this case it will not be possible to comply temperature regime, it will not be possible to store large volumes of products.

Equipment purchase

Many businessmen who have organized a business selling vegetables and fruits work with a minimum of equipment - counters, containers, scales, a cash register, vehicles for bringing goods. But to develop your business, create quality service and attracting regular customers, it is necessary to expand the list of equipment. In order to properly store products and not purchase small volumes for every day, the entrepreneur needs to purchase cooling chambers and, if possible and in accordance with the work format, a special display case.

Recruiting staff

Experienced entrepreneurs talk about the problem of personnel selection as one of the most important, especially for a newcomer to this field. With limited investments, they advise involving only relatives, close acquaintances and friends who can be trusted. This will reduce the risk of theft and customer fraud. If there are investments, the issue of personnel selection still needs to be approached very carefully. It is recommended to increase salaries thanks to additional percentages of sales volume. To organize high-quality work, you will need a salesperson, a driver, a loader, and, if financially possible, an accountant. But if necessary and for small business volumes, the owner can combine all these positions in one person.

Conducting an advertising campaign

To successfully start a business selling vegetables and fruits, a large advertising campaign is not necessary (if you do not plan to open a network of retail outlets). Many manage to quickly win the loyalty of regular customers thanks to skillful marketing, high quality products and streamlined logistics. But still, high-quality advertising will never be superfluous, and a novice entrepreneur needs to competently present his services, immediately pointing out competitive advantages. The following elements can be used:

  • bright sign;
  • billboard;
  • constriction;
  • poster;
  • advertising posts on social networks.

If you have the funds, it won’t hurt to place videos on local radio, organize promotions and create a discount system. The use of certain elements of advertising depends on the format of the work and the purpose of its behavior (dissemination of information about the service, attracting customers, creating competitive advantage etc.). In the process of business expansion, it will be possible to place banner and text advertising on specialized websites and organize mailings to email addresses. But the latter methods are more appropriate for finding wholesale buyers, sponsors and business partners.

Selling vegetables and fruits - business plan

A business plan is necessary both for opening a small retail outlet on the market and in the case of creating a specialized store. Thanks to it, an entrepreneur will be able to pre-plan the stages of development of his business, approximately outlining their time frame, calculate costs, and identify and minimize risks. It is not necessary to order the creation of a document from a specialist if you plan to open a relatively small retail outlet - the entrepreneur, after familiarizing himself with the relevant literature and comments from experts, will be able to draw up financial plan on one's own. We recommend including the following sections:

  • summary (goals, market, target audience, short description business development strategies, main risks, investment needs, payback periods);
  • description of the service, assortment;
  • analysis of the situation on the regional market, if necessary - across the country;
  • main and potential competitors;
  • equipment;
  • financial plan (taxation system, calculation of tax amounts, insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds, expenses - cost of production, wages of personnel, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, advertising costs, transportation costs, etc., as well as the expected volume of net profit, revenue, payback period).


Let's look at frequently asked questions on the topic.

Where can I get products for business?

The most popular suppliers of products for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who decide to build a business in the sale of vegetables and fruits are the owners of wholesale warehouses. Sometimes it is more profitable to find one or more farmers who can supply vegetables to the required volume and assortment or repurchase goods. The choice of supplier largely depends on the situation on the regional market, the level of competition, the number of wholesale bases and their pricing policy, as well as logistics systems. Growing products on private plots (personal subsidiary farm) and its implementation is considered the most profitable option, but greenhouses for growing vegetables require significant investments and knowledge of technology.

Do I need permits for fruits and vegetables?

You do not need a special permit to trade vegetables and fruits. The entrepreneur will need to register his activities, and if the work format requires this, obtain the appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor, SES and state fire supervision authorities. But the seller must have at least copies of documents confirming the quality and safety of the products, and in the case of selling tropical fruits - papers indicating the passage of phytosanitary control. If trading activities are carried out on the market, and the goods are grown independently or supplied by greenhouse farmers, then it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from the state veterinary and sanitary examination laboratory at the place of production.

What vegetables and fruits are worth trading?

A good assortment is one of the most important keys to successful trade and business growth. But some types of products are in greatest demand, and if you organize their quick deliveries and monitor quality, you can quickly achieve the desired profitability. The best selling vegetables are potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cabbage. Buyers also often look for oranges, bananas, apples, grapes, kiwis, and pomegranates. Rarely do they buy exotic fruits, such as passion fruit, guava, carom, etc. (it is worth remembering the embargo on foodstuffs, including vegetables and fruits imported from some countries). The choice of assortment in each specific case depends on the needs of the target audience, the format of work and the investment of the entrepreneur.

Summer has come, the berry picking season is in full swing and will soon end, so it’s too late to go to Europe this year - sign up in advance for the 2016 season. But this does not mean that it’s too late to make money on strawberries and other berries (as well as vegetables and fruits )!

Selling fruits and berries from a car - business is simpler than steamed turnips

Remember, in the nineties, during the warm season, GAZ or ZIL trucks from the regions came to some Moscow and Moscow suburban yards and sold potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes at good prices? It would seem that the topic has died since networks and serious business appeared, it is unprofitable to drive one car, and practically no one does this anymore; they transport vegetables and fruits from the regions only to markets. But no, everything new is well forgotten old!

Editorial staff have seen these kinds of berry sellers on the Moscow Ring Road more than once. Our correspondent Alexander went to investigate.

Trading from a car on the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow

Alexander, correspondent IQ Review :

“The guys set up a business of selling from a car at the junction near the Mega Belaya Dacha shopping center.” Strawberries are sold by citizens of southern appearance in cars with license plates from the Vladimir region. Strawberries are sold already packaged in glasses and baskets - without a steelyard. Most likely, there are about 400 grams. The asking price is 100 rubles. Considering local prices, it's not very expensive, but not too cheap either. In the Moscow region, strawberries on the market can be bought from 150 to 300 rubles per kilogram. In general, it depends on the appetite of passing drivers and the huge flow of traffic.

We conducted a mini-survey of drivers and passengers: are they interested in spontaneously purchasing strawberries on the highway?


“They are standing on the road, this berry has absorbed all the smoke from the exhaust pipes during the day. I won’t buy one for myself or my husband.”

“I won’t take from blacks. It is unknown what she is like. It’s better to buy from the Russians at the market.”


“I would buy it, but I don’t eat it unwashed, there’s nowhere to wash it, and there’s no point in taking a glass home, it’s cheaper in a tent near the house. It seems to me that the positive thing is that it’s completely fresh, they probably bring it from the state farm every day, the Zhiguli won’t fit much, everything sells out within a day.”

Business plan - how much you can earn from it

In this business, everything is very simple and primitive: no taxes are paid, the “rent” of the place is free. The legal situation is curious: the traffic police are not involved in illegal trade from cars. The police can only “catch” the guys during a joint organized raid. Maybe they pay extra to stay in one “fat” place, but theoretically this is not necessary.

So among the expenses we have the purchase of goods and gasoline.

Purchasing berries in bulk in Moscow is possible at vegetable warehouses, via the Internet on specialized websites (Agroserver, Agrobazar) or at the Lenin State Farm. You can also go to the nearest southern regions, to villages, and buy from farmers there.

Wholesale strawberry prices this summer from 80 to 130 rubles per kilogram .

They sell a kilo for about 250 rubles.

Thus, if we sell 100 kilograms per day, we get revenue of 25 thousand rubles. Of these, expenses—purchase, packaging, and gasoline—up to 15 thousand. With good trading, making tens of net profits per day is realistic. Over the course of the season, the Zhiguli purchased from them will at least pay for itself.

If you live in Moscow and want to try to make money by trading berries, you don’t even have to invest anything, you just need a big bag and patience.

In June, berry picking begins at the Lenin State Farm. You can come there and sign up for the collection. They pay in kind - 10% of the collected berries (this is not Finland). You can also just buy a berry and try to sell it at retail from your car. Sales department phone number 8-495-728-34-13.

The editors remind you that such trading from a car is illegal, and is not responsible for the actions of impressionable readers. In a good way, to sell vegetables, fruits or berries from a car you must have documents: at a minimum, phytosanitary certificates for goods (issued by the supplier), a medical book, you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and pay taxes, not even to mention the fact that the laws of the Russian Federation do not allow you to just become anywhere and trade - non-stationary trade is regulated chamber of commerce of the municipality.”

  • 1 How to start a vegetable retail business
  • 2 Step by step plan discoveries
  • 3 Advantage of vegetable business
  • 4 Risks of the vegetable business
  • 5 How much can you earn?
  • 6 How much money do you need to start a business?
  • 7 How to choose equipment for the retail sale of vegetables
  • 8 Regulatory framework
  • 9 Do you need a permit for the retail sale of vegetables?
  • 10 Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business for the retail sale of vegetables
  • 11 What documents are needed to open
  • 12 Which taxation system to choose for business registration
  • 13 Business technology
  • 14 Necessary Skills to Start a Vegetable Retail Business

A business selling vegetables is a profitable business that does not require special equipment or skills. The population's demand for vegetables and fruits remains high throughout the entire year, regardless of the financial situation in the country, and vegetable stalls can be found everywhere.

Therefore, despite high competition, everyone can afford to make money on the vegetable market, receiving up to 50% of the profit only from the retail resale of wholesale quantities of goods.

Making excess profits from selling vegetables is only possible at the end of summer and autumn, just during the period when people are harvesting. This feature is typical for most CIS countries. In addition, during the winter, many people also continue to buy fresh vegetables, but already grown in greenhouses. Tomatoes and cucumbers are in greatest demand during the New Year holidays.

High profitability, low financial barrier to entry into the market and many other factors open up great prospects for doing business in retail and wholesale trade vegetables.

How to start a vegetable retail business

First you need to analyze the market for the presence of competitors in your region, choose optimal place for placing a retail outlet. This is the most important stage in the implementation of a business, since the scale of sales, and therefore the final profit, will depend on this.

As in any form seasonal business the competition is here high level, so you need to monitor prices on the market retail, and on wholesale purchases from suppliers.

A novice entrepreneur can implement his business in two ways:

  1. The first is the sale of vegetables that he grows himself. This scheme is preferable for farmers and village residents who have their own land for growing produce.
    In this case, it is easier to formalize the business as a family business with the involvement of all family members, some will be involved in harvesting, others in delivery, and others in direct sales.
  2. The second is the wholesale purchase of vegetables for the purpose of their further retail sale in retail outlets. This option will require a lot of investment from the novice entrepreneur. initial investment, however, it will allow you to earn money immediately, without additional labor costs.

In any case, it would be preferable to have your own truck or a minibus that would deliver vegetables for sale.

Step-by-step opening plan

To set up a vegetable retail business, an entrepreneur needs to consider organizational, production and financial issues. Basic sequence of actions:

  • search and conclusion of contracts with suppliers. The most profitable way is to purchase vegetables at wholesale stores or from farms;
  • organization of storage space for goods;
  • purchase of a tent and collapsible racks;
  • ensuring timely delivery;
  • advertising placement.

If you have your own car, you can engage in retail trade directly from your car. This will save money on kiosk rental and time on loading/unloading. To implement large-scale sales, you will need to rent a trading space in a store or market.

The advantage of vegetable business

The high level of competition does not stop new entrepreneurs from engaging in retail trade. A business can bring good and stable profits. The main advantages of trading vegetables and fruits include:

  • minor investment. You can start retailing vegetables from a car, setting up a tent or even a folding counter. In some cases, it is better to rent retail space in a store or simply sell on the market;
  • high demand throughout the year. Even with great competition, the flow of customers will be constant, ensuring stable profits;
  • no need to spend money on advertising. Clients themselves know what they need, the main thing is to keep the price and quality at the right level;
  • business does not require special licenses and does not cause difficulties in registration.

Risks of the vegetable business

Despite the obvious advantages, this business also has its risks, which can reduce revenue and profitability of trade. These include:

  • damage to goods. Some vegetables and fruits spoil quite quickly, and it is quite difficult to calculate the exact quantity of products sold in the face of such demand. A partial way out of the situation is to sell at a discount;
  • dishonest staff. The sellers and movers you hire can easily shortchange both the buyers and the employer;
  • fines for non-compliance with sanitary standards;
  • the need for daily price comparisons with competitors. During the season, the cost of vegetables may change in one direction or the other every day, and a late response to this will lead to losses.

To successfully conduct retail trade in vegetables, it is enough to promptly replenish the assortment from wholesale stores and subsequently switch to direct purchases from farmers, which will further reduce the purchase price.

It is access to direct suppliers after you have developed your business to several retail outlets that will help guarantee stable profits and proper product quality.

Initially, your suppliers - wholesale bases - will help you gain a foothold in the market, then you can develop related areas of trade.

How much can you earn

The profitability of the vegetable business reaches 50%, and the markup used on the product can range from 30 to 50%. It all depends on the seasonality of sales, the range of goods, etc. One more important factor The thing that will affect the bottom line is the location of the outlet.

Markets, crowded places and bus stops are exactly what you need. Trading from a minibus can bring the owner from 3 to 10 thousand rubles daily, but in this case, personal presence will be required, which is not always relevant.

A retail outlet or stall located in the right place will ensure profit 5-10 thousand rubles daily. During off-season times of the year, sales income will naturally be lower, sometimes by 2-3 times. Business will bring on average 50-100 thousand net rubles per month.

When selling vegetables, you can further expand your assortment of pickles by buying, for example, tomatoes in bulk and making a “prepare” from an already substandard product. They will increase the selection and production of tomato juice or pickled tomatoes in glass containers.

The same applies to cucumbers, oyster mushrooms, champignons, Korean carrots and other salads. With the right sales strategy, you can double your profits relative to regular vegetable sales. But you will need to prepare a number of documents confirming the quality of the products.

An easier option for additional assortment that does not require obtaining permits is to establish contacts with pickle suppliers. Then the profit from their sale will be less, but there will be an opportunity to check market demand. After which you will understand whether it is worth starting your own production of pickles.

How much money do you need to start a business?

The starting investment for the retail sale of vegetables will be from 10 to 150 thousand rubles. In this case, having your own car plays a role, as well as the place of trade.

Also, the initial costs vary depending on the choice of sales method: folding counter, tent, car.

The financial plan for a small retail outlet should include:

  • obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • rental of retail space;
  • payment of taxes;
  • fare;
  • purchasing vegetables;
  • write-off of damaged goods.

For tent and car you need to add:

  • repair;
  • purchase of racks and shelves.

Transportation can be carried out in your own car. It is better if it is a small truck like a GAZelle, running on gas or diesel. The average payback period for a used option is six months.

How to choose equipment for retail sale of vegetables

For retail sales from a car from equipment, you will need folding racks and scales. It is also advisable to have at least several pallets and boxes available in which it will be convenient to place vegetables. If you plan to trade from a stall, retail store or grocery store, then you will also need to purchase:

  • cooling chambers;
  • showcases;
  • cash machine;
  • shelves and racks for storage;
  • air conditioner or fan;
  • fridge.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the option of purchasing a truck or renting one.

Regulatory framework

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are a large number of regulatory documents and acts regulating the retail trade of vegetables and fruits. The main thing that every novice entrepreneur will face is registering their business in the organizational and legal field, indicating the appropriate OKVED codes and choosing the optimal taxation system.

Do I need a permit for the retail sale of vegetables?

Trade vegetables at legally, using a store, stall or market place as a trading platform is possible upon receipt of the appropriate permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspectorate and state trade inspectorate. It is also necessary to draw up a maintenance agreement for store equipment, including the cash register.

For retail sales from a car, all these permits will not be required, but the quality of the products must be approved by employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business for the retail sale of vegetables

When registering documents, you will need to submit an application to the tax service indicating the required OKVED codes corresponding to your activity. For this business there is a separate OKVED code 2 - 47.21, which includes retail trade in vegetables.

What documents are needed to open

When opening even a small point selling vegetables, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to register with the pension and tax funds, and also provide a package of documents:

  • passport;
  • photocopy of TIN code;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • notarized application for registration.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

The simplest and most convenient option for a novice entrepreneur will be the simplified taxation system (STS). The state tax in this case will be 6% from total amount income or 15% from the difference: income-expenses.

Business technology

Regardless of the chosen method of retailing vegetables, the main criteria for its profitability are:

  • choosing the right location for a retail facility;
  • selling only high-quality products;
  • fair weight;
  • affordable price;
  • wide assortment list.

In order not to remain in the shadow of competitors, offer your customers those vegetables that are just appearing on the market. You can increase your profit by selling fruits, the demand for which is at the same high level as vegetables. Advertising in this case does not play a significant role, since buyers themselves know what they need.

The main thing is to choose the right location of the outlet. However, to increase the desire to buy products from you, it is advisable to use bright signs, as well as display the largest and most beautiful products on display.

All rotten and dried vegetables must be removed immediately, used for other purposes, or sold separately at a discount. You can use various promotions, for example, buying 4 kg. vegetables 5 kg. goes as a gift.

If you can attract buyers due to an affordable price and High Quality, then you will get regular customers, since people are used to trusting one seller.

Necessary skills to start working in a vegetable retail business

Trade works better for those people who have an “entrepreneurial spirit.” A businessman must be able to negotiate with suppliers, choosing a favorable price for himself, analyze the market to choose the best place to trade, track the assortment list, and keep records of income and expenses.

Ideally, an entrepreneur should combine the skills of a manager, manager, forwarder and seller in one person.

After the first few weeks of trading, it will not be difficult for an entrepreneur to find shortcomings in his business, check his staff and get comfortable in the market. This business belongs to the category of start-ups that do not require large financial investments and a long time for promotion, and therefore are suitable for everyone.

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