Scheme of drawing bullfinches on a branch, middle group. Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic: Bullfinch. Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group

Conversation about birds

U: Now you need to guess the riddles, what kind of bird is this? The answer is on the board.

1. Who is flying, who is chirping, wants to tell us the news?

2. Kar-kar-kar screams the cheat, what a clever thief! This bird loves all shiny things! And she is familiar to all of you, and her name is......

3. Little gray lump, chirp-tweet! – He’s very cold! The sun comes out soon, our...... is waiting for you.

4. Two huge scary eyes, the head turns around, you recognize it immediately when it starts to howl.

5. He who, without notes and without a flute, produces trills better than anyone else, more vocally, more tenderly! Who is this?

6. In winter there are apples on the branches! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered, because this is.......

7. She is not too lazy to swim in the river, dive and quack all day: Well, rest for at least a minute! Who can't live without water?

8. He is dressed for work - comfortable, simple, smart. He is wearing a crimson beret and a colorful overall.

U: Well done, guys! You guessed all the birds. All our birds were divided into 2 groups. Who guessed which ones?

W: Correct. What is the hardest time for birds?

Yes, winter. IN winter birds very cold and hungry. Migratory birds - and these are blackbirds, larks, siskins, finches, swallows and others - fly away during this period, but some - these are wintering birds - remain. Wintering birds can find food for themselves. These birds are not afraid of frost; they manage to get food even in very snowy winters. They feed on seeds, buds, and insects. And yet it’s hard for them in winter. It is especially difficult for small birds. Out of ten, maybe one or two survive until spring. And if at this time you help the birds, make a feeder and sprinkle some grains. Cereals or bread crumbs - then you will save more than one bird’s life.

Explanation of new material

U: Now let's take a close look at all the birds. Tell me, what parts does a bird consist of?

T: What shape is the bird's head?

T: What shape does the bird’s body have?

T: How many wings does a bird have?

U: What shape are they?

T: Where are the wings located?

T: What part of the body are they attached to?

T: What shape is the tail?

T: How many legs does a bird have?

W: That's right. Today we will draw a bullfinch.

The bullfinch is a wintering bird. Lives constantly in the forests. It feeds on the berries of rowan, viburnum and other plants. Distinctive feature from other birds it is a red breast.

Look at the board, there is a picture of a bullfinch. This bird has a black cap on its head. The chin and front of the face are also black. The tail and wings are shiny black, the back and shoulders are light gray, and the neck, chest, front of the abdomen and sides of the head are red. The beak is short and wide. The male bullfinch's chest and cheeks are red, while the female's are gray. Let's look at the execution steps:

1. Stage (in pencil).

Place a sheet of paper


We outline the bullfinch template.

We depict a wing located on the body, pointed towards the bottom.

The tail extends from the end of the wing and the bottom of the body.

We outline the location of the eyes.

Draw the beak and claws

We finish drawing the tree on which the bullfinch sits.

2. Stage (in color),

Work in color. We draw, first in light tones.

We draw in dark tones, first large and then small details.

Physical education minute

Once you get up, stretch.

Two! Bend over, straighten up.

Three! Three claps of hands, three nods of the head.

Four means wider hands.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit quietly at your desk.

Consolidating new material

U: Let's talk again about the sequence of drawing a bird.

Summary of the lesson.

U: Finish your work. Let's summarize. What was today's lesson about?

T: What 2 groups are everyone divided into?

U: What bird did we draw?

U: And now each of you will go to the board and attach a red or brown petal to the middle of the flower. A red petal means you liked the activity, but a brown petal means you didn’t like it.

Analysis of student work

U: Look how beautiful your bullfinches are.

Cleaning workplaces.

U: Our lesson ends. We are cleaning up our workplaces.

Synopsis of direct educational activities on drawing in senior group: "Red-breasted bullfinches."

« Red-breasted Bullfinches »

Target: Teach children draw bullfinches.


Deepen knowledge about the world around us and wintering birds.

Clarify children's ideas about appearance bullfinch, its structural features, coloring.

Improve children's ability to convey in drawing image of bullfinches, his character traits.

Improve fine arts skills.

Develop composition skills.

To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, kindness, and love for nature.

Preliminary work:

1. Bird watching on a walk.

2. Examination of illustrations of wintering birds.

3. A conversation about wintering birds, about the help they need with nutrition.

4. Collective application "Birds at the Feeder".

5. Riddles, educational games.

Vocabulary work: wintering and migratory birds, bullfinch, red-breasted, plumage, coloring, feeder, flock.

Materials: illustrations with image of wintering birds, separately bullfinch on a branch in different projections, gouache, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, tinted blue A4 paper. Video: « Bullfinches » . Audio recording of birds singing, work by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. January".

Integration educational areas according to Federal State Educational Standard: artistic and aesthetic, cognitive, speech, physical.

The course of direct educational activities.

Organizing time.

Children stand in a circle. Everything is prepared on the tables in advance for drawing. The teacher shows illustration: "Wintering Birds".


Guys, what time of year is it now?

And who flies to our feeder in winter?

What are these birds called?

Why are they called that?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, these birds don't fly to warmer climes, but remain close to us.

What wintering birds do you know?

Look at the pictures and name the birds that are here depicted(crow, sparrow, magpie, dove, woodpecker, owl.)

The teacher shows the following illustrations, in which bullfinches are depicted.

Black, red-breasted,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of colds.

With the first snow right here. (Bullfinch .)

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. This bullfinch. Let's take a closer look at it. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, they live in a flock. Bullfinch slightly larger than a sparrow, densely built. She has a black-gray back, a black cap, a bright red breast.

What bullfinch beak? That's right, strong, thick.

For what bullfinches need such a beak? That's right for getting the seeds out of the cones.

What else can he eat? bullfinch? That's right, rowan and hawthorn berries.

Have you ever seen these? beautiful bullfinches. Let's take a look together...

Oh, how angry the frost is!

There is snow all around, snow...

Bullfinch sitting on a branch,

The bullfinch glows and burns,

Like a little flag.

And the garden, and the grove, and the wasteland...

Everything is in a quiet winter sleep.

What are you thinking about, bullfinch?

Sometimes these birds fly closer to people in the city because they lack food. They really need our help. And we are very grateful to those who make feeders and pour grains, seeds, sunflower seeds, and bread crumbs.

Educator. Who do you think we'll be today paint. That's right, today we will be with you draw a bullfinch.

Educator: Our bullfinch will sit on a rowan branch. To do this we need to take brown paint, brush. And neatly draw a twig, on which ours could be located bullfinch(teacher demonstration). And so that our bird is not hungry, we will draw rowan berries, and bullfinch will be able to enjoy them.

Which beautiful You got the branches! And soon they will fly to them bullfinches. But first, let's play with you.

Finger game : Bullfinches

One two Three! One two Three!

Arrived bullfinches (“thumbs” interlocked, fingers waving).

The breasts were shown (one palm clasps the other).

The berries were pecked (tapping with one finger on the palm).

Jumped on branches (tapping fingers on palms).

Above the black body paint the head like this so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the neck is bullfinch is very short(teacher demonstration).

Now you have to choose how you will draw your birds. Bullfinch may look at you, may sit sideways, or may even fluff its wings.

To do this, the teacher shows all three possible options.

Educator: We draw a tail average size two wide lines and wings. They are raised up if the bird is flying, and pressed to the back if it is sitting. If she sits sideways, we draw only one wing.

Independent work is carried out. The work of P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Seasons. January".

Educator: Well done. Now for the small details.

First the beak. It is short and thick, black in color. We draw the beak with short strokes, and if it is open, then with two strokes.

Eyes a little higher, bright paint, with the tip of the brush.

Well done, now let's finish our paintings snowfall. For this we will play, we need a brush and white dye. We carry out:

Let's take a brush here So: (the hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part).

It's difficult? No, it's nothing.

Proudly like a queen

The brush poked

Knocked "heel".

Educator: Representing snowfall, A little snow put it on top of a rowan branch, and on the berries themselves.

Well done! wonderful you got the bullfinches! We will make an exhibition of your works so that parents can look at your work.

GCD for drawing in the senior group

on the topic: “Red-breasted bullfinches”

Program content:

- Deepen knowledge about the world around us; continue to improve children’s ability to convey the image of birds – bullfinches – in drawings; learn to convey characteristic details, the relationship of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.

Improve visual skills and abilities, develop artistic and creative abilities.

Encourage creative initiative.

Cultivate observation, caring attitude towards birds, goodwill, mercy.

Equipment and materials:illustrations depicting a bullfinch, sparrow, crow, etc.,a simple pencil, watercolor paints, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, tinted blue paper, a drawing made by the teacher.

Preliminary work:watching birds on a walk, looking at illustrations, finding out the structure of birds, reading V. Sukhomlinsky’s stories “Red-breasted Bullfinches”, “Bullfinch – Carver”; collective sculpture “Birds at the feeder”; didactic game: “Find out by description”

Vocabulary work: To obtain from pupils complete, detailed answers, an introduction to the active vocabulary of children: red-breasted, flock.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time"Give me a smile"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Let's turn left - right

And let's smile at each other.

Educator hangs a poster “Wintering Birds” and asking questions:

Guys, what time of year is it now? (winter)

Who flies to our feeder in winter? (birds)

What are these birds called in one word? (wintering)

Why are they called that? (because they don’t fly away to warmer climes, but stay close to us?)

What wintering birds do you know? Look at the pictures and name the birds that are depicted here (crow, sparrow, magpie, dove)

Now guys, pretend to be a flock of birds - flapping your wings, fly to your seats.

Educator: There are birds that come to us only to spend the winter. And to find out this bird, guess the riddle:

Black, red-breasted,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of colds.

Right here with the first snow. (Bullfinch.)

Educator . That's right, today we will draw a bullfinch.

The teacher shows an illustration of this birdand conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich children’s understanding of the appearance of bullfinches (body parts, body shape, feather color).

Explains the method of doing the work, talking with the children about the characteristics of the bullfinch.


I take a simple pencil and make a sketch. Next, I begin to draw the bird with paint, using wide lines. First I paint an oval body with red paint. On the one hand, where the breast is, it is wider, and where the tail will be, it is narrower (similar to an egg).

Above the chest, I paint an oval head with black paint so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the bullfinch has a short neck.

Now I will draw a medium-sized tail with two wide lines and wings. They are raised up if the bird is flying, and pressed to the back if it is sitting.

What kind of beak does a bullfinch have? That's right, it's short and thick. Why do bullfinches need such a strong and thick beak? (to get seeds out of cones). The eyes are above the beak, the legs are short, located closer to the tail. I will draw the beak with short strokes, if it is open - with two strokes. The bullfinch has already been drawn.

The teacher, with the help of questions, reinforces the sequence of the way the bullfinch is depicted.

Before independent work held

Gymnastics for fingers

On the trees in the yard

Bullfinches have arrived!

(Children show with their movements how the bird flies.)

It's like a few apples

So I would take them in my hands!

(Palms with bent fingers.)

And the apples sat...

(Movements that imitate picking apples.)

(Children show with their movements how birds fly.)

And now you can get to work.

Children draw on their own.

The teacher observes the sequence of work and, with the help of questions, clarifies the name of the form and the proportional relationship.

He praises those who introduced additional elements into their works, for example, drew a bullfinch in a different pose, changed the position of the head.

GCD result

At the end of productive activities, students lay out their drawings to dry. The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem

Z. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

There are bullfinches on the branches.


What bird did we draw today? (Bullfinch).

What is the bullfinch doing in the picture? (The bullfinch sits on a branch, flies, pecks seeds).

Well done! Now a whole flock of bullfinches has appeared in our group. How beautiful and completely different they are!

Pupils look at who drew the birds and how: wings spread - wants to fly; sits on a branch, pecking at something.

Children choose the most interesting works.

GCD. Drawing with gouache. Theme "Bullfinch".

Middle group.


Introduce children to the bullfinch bird and its structure. Some features (when it flies, what it eats), teach children to convey the image of a bird in a drawing, teach them to select the appropriate color scheme, teach them to arrange the image compositionally on a sheet of paper, develop a sense of shape and color, cultivate neatness, love for nature.
Sheets of A4 paper, tinted and with painted rowan branches, gouache, brush No. 3 (synthetic), napkins, photo illustrations or pictures of bullfinches

V. Guys. Do you know what time of year it is? That's right, winter. Remember, in the fall we talked about migratory birds, about those birds that fly to warm countries for the winter. But there are birds that come to us in winter. Listen to a riddle about them:

Arrived for the winter
Birds that are clever in the cold
Jumping on trees and branches
In red-fiery vests.
We cannot help but recognize them -
We love the bird -


Q. That’s right, this bird is a bullfinch.The bullfinch got its name because it flies to us along with the snow and lives all winter.

Bullfinches land on the branches of mountain ash, maple, and viburnum bushes, pick berries and peck seeds.The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully and remember what it looks like. The top of its head, wings and tail are black. And the chest, belly and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short, thick, and black.

Look at your leaves. Last time we drew bunches of rowan berries? Now bullfinches will fly to our rowan branches. In order to draw a bullfinch we need red paint. We carefully pick up paint with the tip of the brush, so as not to stain the piece of iron, and draw a red circle.

Then wash the brush and wipe it on a cloth.Then we take black paint onto the tip of the brush and paint the back of our bullfinch.

Then, we decide which way our bullfinch is looking, and draw a small beak and a tail on the other side.

All that remains is to draw the wings.

Now we wash our brush properly. Because you will need to take a different color of paint. Wipe with a cloth. Using white paint we draw an eye and a pattern on the wing. So we got a bullfinch.

Now guess the riddle:

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

Children: Snow.

B. That's right, snow. On the branches, on the rowan bunches, in the air we will draw snow.

Now you can start drawing the bullfinch.

The outdoor game “Bullfinches” is played after the children have drawn the chest and back.

Look at the branches - clap hands on sides

Bullfinches in red T-shirts - tilt head to the sides

Fluffed the feathers - frequent shaking of hands

Basking in the sun - claps on the sides

They turn their heads and want to fly away - head turns

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!

Behind the blizzard! Behind the blizzard! - children scatter around the group, flapping their arms like wings.

Summarizing:Well done boys!What beautiful bullfinches flew to your rowan branches!

Target: generalization of knowledge of middle school children preschool age about wintering birds, through artistic and creative activities.


  • to develop children’s ability to convey the image of a bird, to independently place the image on a sheet, to convey features appearance birds;
  • encourage children to create an expressive image of a bird, through color selection, to convey dynamics: sitting on a branch, taking off, pecking, ruffling;


  • cultivate accuracy in work, imagination, creative activity;
  • instill an interest in nature and a desire to help birds.


  • improve the technique of painting with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outline of the silhouette, paint with the whole brush and its end.

Materials for the lesson:

  • colored Whatman paper of different sizes, gouache paints, soft brushes, hard “poke” brush, palette, napkin, water container.

Developmental environment:

Variable range of visibility:

  • illustrations depicting bullfinches in dynamics, in their habitat (on branches, on paths, in flight...);
  • samples;
  • Dunno doll;
  • envelope with illustrations of birds.

Preliminary work:

  • bird watching on walks;
  • conversation about wintering birds;
  • feeding birds at feeders;
  • viewing illustrations;
  • reading works about birds by V. Bianchi “Titmouse Calendar”, G. Skrebitsky “Winged Neighbors”, S. Alekseeva “Bullfinch”;
  • learning poems by Z. Alexandrova “Where the finches sang in summer...”, A. Prokofieva.

Progress of the lesson:

Dunno sadly sits on a chair with an envelope.

Educator: Guys, look who came to us?

Children: Dunno.

Educator: Dunno, why are you so sad and what are you holding in your hands?

Dunno: Friends from the Sunny City sent me beautiful birds, I recognized them all, but I don’t know what kind of bird this is (points to the bullfinch).

Educator: Guys, let's tell Dunno about this bird. What kind of bird is this?

Children: Bullfinch.

Educator: Do you know why they are called that?

The bullfinch was named so because they appear in our area with the first snow. The bullfinch is a plump, red-breasted bird with a bluish-green back and a black head.

Tell us about the structure of the bullfinch, what shape does the body have?

Children: The body is oval in shape.

Educator: What shape is the head?

Children: The head is round and small.

Educator: What is the shape of the beak?

Children: The beak is short and thick.

Educator: How long is the tail?

Children: The tail is slightly shorter than the body.

Educator: Tell us about the color of the plumage?

Children: The chest is scarlet, the back is blue, the head is black.

Educator: The bullfinch has no visible neck; its head immediately goes into the body. What can bullfinches do?

Children: Fly, sit on branches, peck grains.

Educator: Guys, pay attention to the position of the head, wings, and tail depending on the movement.

Dunno, did you like the story about bullfinches?

Physical education minute:

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest.

(Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)

And it's time to hit the road again,

They have a lot to fly.

(Children stand up and flap their “wings.”)

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to land.

Educator: Guys, let's draw bullfinches for Dunno, let him show them to his friends from the sunny city and tell about them.

Independent work:

  • for children who find it difficult to pay attention to the clarity, trace the outline with a dry brush, examine it;
  • focus on the habitat where the bird is located;
  • note drawing technique.

Educator: Guys, who did we draw today?

Tell Dunno about your bullfinches, what do they do?

Let's give bullfinches to Dunno, let him show them to his friends and tell him what he learned about them today.

Children give Dunno their bullfinches.