Hat party competitions ideas. Scenario “Hat Party” (scenario for a birthday party). Intellectual competition for children: riddles

A costume hat party is an easy way to create a special holiday atmosphere. No complicated decorations, long preparation and detailed thoughtfulness! The theme is suitable for both an adult celebration and a children's party. This is an inexpensive and in every sense easy option for a theme evening for the organizer and your guests.


Start by choosing basic shades that will help you create the right atmosphere. For a birthday, bachelorette party or wedding, calm colors with a few bright accents are suitable, New Year– a lot of gold, tinsel and glitter, the little one will be delighted by the rainbow of colors – the whole spectrum of bright, explosive shades. Various hat decorations should stand out against the general background, so choose contrasting colors.

Decorate the ceiling with streamers and garlands of miniature paper hats. Place hats on balloons and the backs of chairs. If it's a children's hat party, put hats on the dolls, Stuffed Toys, pour sweets into upside down hats. Just in case, place a rack at the entrance with many hooks and a variety of hats hanging on them, so that forgetful guests can choose an accessory to their liking.

Hide little surprises inside the decoration hats, write congratulations to the hero of the occasion on the margins, decorate the brims with rain, serpentine spirals, fringe - all this will make the decorations more interesting and lively.

An inverted new hat can be filled with fruit or you can make a flower meadow - place the flowers first in the cut ones plastic bottles, then into a hat, and then hide the ugly edges of the bottles under a layer of decorative moss. If you make holes in the hats, you will get lampshades for table lamps and chandeliers (you just need to choose the appropriate shape and size of the headdress). An exhibition stand (unusual hats and their names), chaotically hanging headdresses with feathers, ribbons and other accessories are suitable for decorating the walls. You can cut out “hat” frames from paper and hang photos of friends or celebrities wearing hats on the walls.


When deciding what to wear for the host and guests, think about the direction of the evening. The simplest option is just hats, without reference to any era or theme. Guests can choose any headdress that suits their taste (cloche, summer straw hat, miniature retro hat with a veil, cocked hat, top hat, sailor suit and cap, Panama hat and cap). You can start from a specific idea for a hat party:

  • historical figures (Napoleon, Kutuzov, Peter I, Pushkin, Churchill);
  • ethnic themes (national headdresses - nonla, pakol, skullcap, turban, sombrero, kokoshnik);
  • characters from books and films (Indiana Jones, Ostap Bender, Musketeers, Jack Sparrow, Van Helsing, Sherlock Holmes);
  • superheroes (Catwoman, Batman, Hellboy, characters from X-Men, The Incredibles). This theme is especially suitable for teenagers who are interested in comics and Marvel films;
  • a certain era (retro style 20s, 40s, 60s, etc.);
  • hoax (witches’ and wizards’ hats, elves and pixies, devil’s horns and angel’s halo, brownies);
  • seasons, flowers (more suitable for girls) - roses, daisies, bells. Surely girls will love the image of a flower fairy, an “Autumn” queen or a princess in a shiny crown;
  • cartoon characters (Dunno, Puss in Boots, Leopold the Cat, Cat in the Hat, characters from Toy Story, Emerald City, Mickey and Minnie).

Don't forget to design your hat party invitation in the style of your choice. Otherwise, guests may get confused, because there are an infinite number of different hats! Get directions or make a postcard in the shape of a hat. Or draw a bunch of different hats, cut them out, and glue them onto both sides of the card. You will get a hint applique that will tell your friends about that same style. It is advisable that the costume matches the headdress, although for simplicity you can invite guests to come in loose clothing.

Serving and menu

One of the advantages of the hat theme is the minimum of restrictions. Arrange a classic buffet, feed your friends delicious homemade food, order sushi or pizza, organize a beer marathon with light appetizers and snacks - any format will be appropriate.

To make the table fit into the atmosphere:

  • look for napkins and tablecloths with a pattern to match the theme, or sew hats cut from scraps along the edge of the fabric;
  • if it’s a hat party for a birthday, order the master a huge cake in the shape of a sombrero, bowler hat, elegant retro hat, brutal cowboy hat or sports baseball cap;
  • decorate several menu dishes with hats made of mastic, salt dough, vegetables and fruits;
  • Glue bright paper hats to the tips of skewers, toothpicks and cocktail tubes;
  • bake cakes and cookies in the shape of hats;
  • hang your hats on the necks of bottles.


Think through the scenario taking into account the morals of your company. Especially if you are organizing a party for children (children's competitions at "Hurray" are accepted by an adult audience, but entertainment for adults is not always appropriate at a children's party). Prepare cheerful live music suitable for games, and calm background music for relaxing at the table, making toasts, intellectual battles, etc. A few hat ideas for your party:

  • race "Hat Full!"(two teams, a hat with pieces of paper). Body parts are written on pieces of paper - knee, lower back, ear, etc. Guests become a snake (two teams - two snakes) and take turns pulling pieces of paper. Each participant must touch a part of the body of the neighbor standing in front of him. When everyone pulls out the pieces of paper and grabs each other, the command “Start!” sounds. The goal is to reach the finish line without getting disengaged;
  • presentation of medals for the most original headdress, the biggest, smallest, funniest hat. Don't forget to mention this competition on your invitation card. The winner can be chosen by general voting or this honor can be given to the birthday person;
  • hat forfeits(papers with tasks in a hat, hat for the game). The guests all dance together, they all have one hat. You need to quickly take it off and put it on the head of any neighbor. The DJ suddenly turns off the music. The one who is wearing the hat at this moment must draw a forfeit and make his wish come true. This game can be adapted for adults by writing erotic forfeits, for athletic teenagers relaxing in nature (do 10 push-ups, do the splits, etc.) and for children (tell a poem about a hare, sing a song, guess a riddle);
  • guess the hero. The host shows a drawing or photo of a hat, and the guests must name the person who wears it. Characters can be from cartoons (if they are children's party), books or movies (if adults are walking). From the photo you can guess the name of the hats or the country in which such hats are worn;
  • dream Catcher(large nightcap, 15 white ping pong balls, 5 black ones). Two teams, one catcher from each team. Members of team “A” throw balls, a player from team “B” catches them with his cap. The goal is to catch white (good) dreams and not catch nightmares. Then team “B” throws, and a member from team “A” catches. At the end, you need to count the balls, removing as many whites as there are blacks caught (for example, the catcher caught 7 whites and 2 blacks, the team gets 5 points);

  • girls will probably be interested in learning how to make a hat from fabric, paper and other available materials, decorate it beautifully with flowers, ribbons and beads;
  • boys will have fun competing in accuracy– throw coins into the hat, moving the headdress further and further away from the participants (or replacing large hats with smaller and smaller ones);
  • adults will be amused by dancing with a cardboard sombrero sandwiched between their bodies(the goal is to crush the hat as much as possible while dancing) or with a small bowler hat (the goal is not to drop the hat while the music is playing).

End the script with warm wishes to all guests and from guests to each other. To do this, prepare two bright hats with pieces of paper. One contains the names of friends, the other contains congratulatory quatrains or simply colored cards “Goodness and smiles!”, “Happiness and achieving your dreams!” and so on. Guests take turns taking out two pieces of paper - a random name and a random, but certainly heartfelt and positive wish.

Scenario of an educational competition program for schoolchildren “Esthete Show”

Preliminary preparation. Each participant makes an original hat and comes up with its name. All participants are united into two teams. All competitions are judged by a jury.

Leading. Hats, hats... Stories are written about them, songs are composed, even films are made. Remember "Straw Hat"?

Everyone is old, and even more so - young,

Keep your gold hats,

Keep until the end - this is where the salt lies.

When thunder roars overhead,

Even a handful of straw can

Play a decisive role in fate.

And here is what the famous film actress Marlene Dietrich said about hats: “Hats can bring a lot of joy and put a woman in a good mood. Anyone who chuckles ironically has no idea of ​​the importance of this little thing.” Indeed, it is difficult to find a woman who does not have at least one hat in her wardrobe, because a hat makes a woman unique and elegant. And men wear hats with pleasure. It's hard to imagine the mysterious Mr. X without a top hat or the seductive Don Juan without a wide-brimmed hat.

Lyrical music sounds.

The teams take their places.

Competition "Cap acquaintance"

Participants must remember as many names of hats as possible in one minute and take turns naming them. (Pilot cap, beret, budenovka, bonnet, hat, cap, helmet, panama, turban, cylinder, bowler hat, skull cap, baseball cap, sombrero, cap, hat, kubanka, triukh, helmet, bonnet, cap, earflaps, cocked hat, cap, turban ...)

Hat Presentation Competition

G. Sviridov's waltz for the film "Blizzard" sounds. Participants wearing their original hats walk past the audience and jury. Then each team, of its choice, “presents” three hats and talks about their merits.

"Hat Discussion"

Leading. My hat (shows) contains interesting questions. Each question is written on a piece of paper, the leaves are rolled into tubes. Now the teams will take turns taking leaves from the hat and answering questions. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the other team can get an extra point by answering the question.

Questions for the competition

2. In the manufacture of what headdress for the Soviet Army was the helmet worn by Russian heroes taken as a basis? (Budenovka)

3. Name the hit song of the group “Na-na” about a headdress. (“The hat fell.”)

4. Name the hobby of the famous TV presenter Valdis Pelsh and explain the meaning of this word. (Collecting helmets. The word “helmet” came to us from the Spanish language and means “skull”, “shard”, “shard”.)

5. Name a hat that protects from heat, which got its name from the name of a country located on the American continent. (Panama)

6. What inanimate objects also “wear” a hat or cap? (Sunflower, nail, mushroom.)

7. What flowers were used to decorate the straw hat in the musical television movie “Straw Hat”? (Makami)

8. What kind of headdress in the East was previously worn not only by women, but also by men? (Turban)

9. What is the name of the hat that received its name in honor of the national hero of the liberation struggle in Latin America in the 19th century? (Bolivar)

10. In one of the film comedies, the heroine (played by Faina Ranevskaya), trying on a hat in front of the mirror, utters the famous phrase: “Yes, beauty is a terrible force.” Name a comedy film. ("Spring")

Competition "What's in the hat?"

For this competition, a large prop hat is pre-made.

Objects are hidden in it. Which? Who can guess the fastest? The team that guesses right after the first clue gets 3 points, after the second - 2 points, after the third - 1 point.

1. - What is in the hat can be exchanged for something that can be exchanged for the same thing.

— According to teachers, what is in the hat does not allow you to sit quietly in class.

— What’s in the hat was used by craftsmen in bygone times to make shoes.

(Awl. “Awl for soap.”)

2. - What is in the hat is a symbol of the Orthodox holiday.

- Plays an important role in the fate of the stingy treasure keeper - Koshchei.

“It turned out to be beyond the power of adults, people with life experience, but the little rodent coped with it quite successfully in Russian folk tale"Chicken Ryaba."

3. — We remember what’s in the hat when we leave home.

— The Russian folk riddle talks about this subject like this:

Kuzma knot - Cannot be untied.

- If you change the emphasis in the word denoting this object, you get a word denoting a structure in which the feudal lords of the Middle Ages hid during civil strife.

4. - She was “born” in 1538 and, therefore, she is already more than 460 years old.

“It got its name, which has survived to this day, from the image on the front of a horseman with a spear.

— In the mid-90s of the last century it went out of circulation, but since January 1998 it has returned to circulation again.


5. - On January 1, 1958, what was in the hat was for the first time in Russia pasted onto a paper object and had the inscription “10 kopecks. per lot"

- It has common name with the currency of some countries.

— Curious people collect this.

6. — We can not only see what’s in the hat, but also hear it.

- In the old days, this was the property of coachmen and courier troikas.

— In the Kremlin stands his “elder brother” weighing over 200 tons, nicknamed the Tsar.


7. — Without this, humanity has lived most of its history, and now it is impossible to imagine people’s lives without it.

— Jeweler, engraver, stone carver Johann Guttenberg invented something in 1445. Thanks to his invention, this item became widespread.

— Francis Skaryna was one of the first in the 15th century to devote himself to the dissemination of this subject.

8. - In the old days, when a guy was courting a girl, he gave her this. When the husband came from the city or came on leave from the army, he brought this to his wife.

— This item was part of the clothing of the Egyptian pharaohs.

— People’s Artist of Russia Lyudmila Zykina has a song about him in her repertoire.

Dance break - “Dancing Hat” competition

All participants dance. The audience chooses the most flexible, original dancer. He wins the People's Choice Award and earns an extra point for his team.

Competition “Hat in catchphrases, proverbs, sayings, riddles”

Participants need to remember riddles, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases about hats and name them. You are given 1 minute to think about it, then the players will take turns calling out phrases.

Possible answers

A hat for Senka, a cap for Eremka.

The thief's hat is on fire.

I came to a head-to-head analysis.

What kind of friend is there without whom a man cannot leave the hut?

I'm sitting on horseback

I don't know who.

I'll meet a friend,

I'll jump off and pick you up.

A hat for Senka, a patch for a hole, etc.

Competition "Sharp Hat"

Two players from each team take part in the competition. One gets a hat, the other gets 10 walnuts. One throws nuts, the other stands at a distance of 4-5 meters and catches them with his hat. Who will catch the nai with his hat faster? large quantity nuts?

Contest "Patter Hat"

One person represents each team. The presenter is holding a hat containing cards with tongue twisters. The player puts his hand into the hat and chooses a card. Then he says the tongue twister 5 times. The winner is the one who never made a mistake or made the least number of mistakes.

Tongue twisters can be suggested as follows:

Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat.

Sasha sewed a hat for Senka.

"Fast Hat" Competition

For the competition you need: 2 hats, 2 jackets turned inside out, 2 ties, 2 pairs of shoes with laces.

One person from each team takes part in the competition.

Cheerful music is playing. Who will put these things on faster?

Competition "The Hat Fell"

The song is performed by the group “Na-na”. Two people per team are invited to dance and are given a hat. They dance with their cheeks touching, the hat - one for two - lies on top of their heads. You need to perform a perky free dance without dropping your hat. Those who drop the hat lose. If no one's hat falls off, both teams are considered winners of the competition.

Leading. Our competition has come to an end. The jury is left to sum up the results. And I would like to wish all participants to have as many hats as possible in their wardrobe, so that they match your age, taste, and character.

Entertainment for children of preparatory and senior groups

« hat party»

Target: create a joyful and cheerful mood in children, develop an understanding of the history of hats and their purpose.

Previous work: looking at various types hats, looking at illustrations of hats, talking about hats of different times and peoples, reading N. Nosov “The Living Hat”, “Dunno and His Friends”, C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Puss in Boots”, memorizing poems about hats .

Attributes: hats of different styles and purposes for children; an exhibition of drawings by children and parents “Parade of Hat”, a collage from fashion magazines “Different hats are needed, different hats are important”, “medallion hats” cut out of paper.

Progress of entertainment:

The hall is decorated with drawings by children and parents, and on the central wall is a collage of hats. A teacher wearing a beautiful big hat comes in to the music.

IN .: Fanfare, sound louder

I am glad to see all the guests today.

Come quickly to the elegant hall,

The start of the hat parade awaits you!

A child wearing a hat comes out.

R. : Ladies wore hats

In the old days

Charlie Chaplin loved them

I have a hat.

But it happened, friends.

I don't know anything about hats.

IN.: Well, buddy, don't worry. We have gathered here to learn more about hats, and to begin with, I, the Hat Queen, am announcing a hat fashion show.(children in hats come out to the music and read poetry, showing off their hats.)

1. Nice, cute little hat, -

You can put it on your palm.

It fits only Thumbelina.

The hat was made just for her.

2. The owner himself is very happy -

The exhibit is visible everywhere,

The hat is bright and large

So cute.

3. It’s impossible not to notice

This wonderful thing.

Obviously above her

I had to work for a long time.

4. Put on this hat -

Go back to your childhood right away

First, smile

Then you will laugh out loud.

5. If you decorate the hat with stones,

The hat will suddenly become a crown,

And add daisies from the meadow -

It will turn into a flower meadow.

IN.: Well, thank you, friends, you made both me and the guys happy. Your hats are wonderful, unusual, even magical. I also love my hat very much and often play with it. And I invite you all, guys, to play.

(games are played with hats)

"Pass the hat."To the music, children pass the hat to each other in a circle. When the music stops, the one who has the hat in his hands fulfills the wish of the hat queen: he guesses the riddle, names his favorite headdress, dances with the queen, etc. The game is played 3 times.

"Hit the hat."Three teams of three people must hit their hats with paper balls.

IN.: Well, let's continue our holiday. Hats have been worn at all times by men, women and children. The hat saved from rain, wind, and sun. Hats can be made of straw, cloth, felt, paper, feather and even cork. There are many mysteries about the hat. And now I’ll make a wish for you.

(for the correct answer - hat medallions cut out of paper)

What hat do you wear when it rains?(under the umbrella)

Which fairy-tale heroes did you wear hats?(Dunno, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelina)

What grows with the cap? (mushroom)

In which story did the headdress scare the boys?(N. Nosov “Living Hat”)

How can you call a cap, beret, panama, cap, hat in two words?(hats)

What was a helmet made of in Ancient Rus'?(made of metal)

Which hat do people bow down to?(before the mushroom cap)

IN.: Well done, guys, you guessed all my riddles. And now it's game again

(games are played with hats)

"An extra hat." There are 6 hats laid out on chairs. Seven people playing music walk in a circle. When the music stops, you need to put on your hat and sit on a chair. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The game is played until there is a winner, the chairs are reduced one by one.

"Hold your hats." According to the music, 2 children put on the other two children as many hats as possible from a common pile, one on top of the other. The goal is to keep as many hats on your head as possible.

IN.: Well, well, it's time to say goodbye to you. We played happily and learned something about hats. And I say goodbye to you and wish you a happy summer. Goodbye!


Having compiled a list of guests, it’s time to start making invitations, which should be sent out in advance so that everyone has time to think through their image and acquire the necessary headdress. The invitation itself can be made in the shape of a hat or any other shape, but with the obligatory presence of an image of the main attribute of the party. Invitations must indicate the date, time and location of the holiday. It should be noted that having a hat is your ticket to the party. If a specific theme for the headdress is planned, this is also indicated in the invitation. To stimulate the excitement, interest and choice of unusual “outfits” for the guests, the invitation indicates competitions for the funniest, largest, brightest (etc.) hat.


Of course, following the theme of the party, the room is decorated with various hats, pictures with their images, as well as photographs of celebrities in hats. You can make a garland of hats, hang hats from chandeliers and place them around the room, or make large decorations in the form of various hats.

An interesting option would be to design a “corner” dedicated to a variety of headdresses. These can be hats traditional for different countries, original and funny hats, etc. Placing a mirror next to the “exhibition” of hats and headscarves will allow everyone to try on any item they like. You can place a photographer nearby or just a camera to capture the most vivid images.

If the event is taking place in a public establishment, it would be great to arrange for the staff to support the theme of the party and give them hats in which they will serve. You can also dress the musicians of the establishment in hats in accordance with their musical style. For example, country performers wear cowboy hats, and disco performers wear curly wigs.

Tables should also be decorated in the spirit of the party. For example, you can fold napkins in the form of various hats and crowns.


For hat parties, a buffet or tea party is best. Dishes, like drinks, should be easy to prepare and serve. If you are planning a sweet table, you can order cakes and pastries in the form of all kinds of hats. Cocktails can be decorated with umbrella hats.
If you are planning a full-fledged feast, then all the dishes on the table can be laid out in the form of hats or decorated in such a way that they are associated with hats.

Hat Party Script

Of course, all the fun at a hat event will involve hats. But this does not mean that all competitions will be monotonous and boring; on the contrary, everything will be lively and fun.


Upon arrival of the guests, you can organize a mini-photo session for everyone and in the future (it would be great until the end of the party) present everyone with photographs of them as a long-lasting memory of the fun.


"The Story of My Hat"

This competition should help guests get to know each other better. Everyone present tells why they chose this particular headdress and what it symbolizes. You can add to the story interesting story and cheerful about her hat. If it’s difficult for guests to start their story, then you should start with yourself, giving good example to the rest. You can help guests “get the conversation going” by asking leading questions, for example, “Why is the hat this color?”, “Did you make the headdress yourself or purchased it in a store?”, “How long did it take to choose the look and implement it?” etc.

"My image"

You can invite the party guests to arrange a kind of fashion show to allow them to get a better look at the masterpieces on their heads. This competition will be even more interesting if you agree to participate in it in advance and prepare suitable musical accompaniment for each image.

"In the bag"

You can hold a short quiz, which will be a kind of test of the erudition and intelligence of the guests. Questions, of course, should concern hats. For example: “The country where Panama appeared (Ecuador)”, “What is the name of the national hat of the Mexicans? (sombrero)”, “What is a men’s felt hat called? (Fedora)”, etc.

Competition "The Hat Fell"

This will be a music competition where guests will be asked to guess famous songs about headdresses from a small fragment. To participate in this competition, you can divide guests into teams and invite them to perform guessed songs. The winner, of course, is the team that guesses the most melodies.

"The Hatter"

Guests are invited to create a hat from scrap materials in 15-20 minutes. This competition will give participants the opportunity to demonstrate their talent, imagination and design abilities. At the end of the competition, you can organize a fashion show of participants in their creations.

Competition "Telepath Hat"

To that entertainment competition prepare in advance. For each guest, you need to select a suitable excerpt from the song that will characterize him. Then, already at the party, the host approaches each invitee and holds the “mind-reading” hat over his head and the corresponding music or song sounds.

"Tear off your hat"

For this competition, guests are divided into 2 teams. One member of each team enters the “ring” with their hats on their heads. Participants hold their left hand behind their backs, and with their right hand they must remove the opponent’s hat without losing theirs. In such “battles” for the hat, all team members take part. The team with the most representatives left in their hats will win.

"Magic and Prophecy"

For this competition-game you will need 2 hats with a deep crown. A top hat or wizard's cap works best. Leaves with the names of the guests are placed in one of the hats, and cheerful wishes or prophecies are placed in the second. The “magician” of the event takes turns taking out pieces of paper from both hats and reading out the “verdicts”.

Competition "Song from a Hat"

In this case, notes with nouns written on them are placed in the hat. It’s good if the papers are filled out by the guests themselves. Next, the hat is passed from hand to hand and everyone who pulls out a piece of paper must perform a song with the word that is written on it.

"Best Look"

At the end of the party, the winners in various categories are announced and awarded with memorable prizes. Examples of nominations: “The most striking image”, “Miss or Mr. Glamor”, “The most extravagant image”, “Extraordinary romance”, “Retro image”, “Guest from a fairy tale or film”, “Mrs. or Mr. Creative”, etc. d.

It is advisable to reward all winners of competitions with prizes. These can be various hats, hair accessories, cups, keychains, T-shirts with hats, etc. From all of the above, we can conclude that holding a hat party gives you the opportunity to use all your imagination and resourcefulness not only when choosing a headdress, but also when drawing up competitions. At the same time, it will take guests very little money to create an image. A hat party is perfect for celebrating family, friends and corporate events, leaving behind a lot of bright impressions.

The hat theme is very popular for both children's and adult events. There are hat parties for kids, and hat parties for adults and high school students. This concept allows special effort and costs to make the celebration fun and colorful. After all, the main condition is that all participants wear hats. Moreover, their choice, as a rule, is not limited by anything. Some come in the hats of fairy-tale characters, others in national headdresses, others in uniform caps, etc. This diversity in itself gives the event brightness and originality.

But hats alone are not enough. We need something to entertain the participants. Moreover, it is desirable that these entertainments be, as they say, on topic. Both intellectual competitions and outdoor games are suitable. We bring to your attention several “hat” entertainments that can be interesting for both children and adults.

1. Quiz about hats

Can be conducted among teenagers, high school students and adults.

1. This is both a headdress and a country in America (Panama).
2. This is both a headdress and camping utensils (kettle).
3. This is both a headdress and a geometric body (cylinder).
4. This is both part of the headdress and a canopy over the entrance to the building (visor).
5. This is the name for both the brimless cap and the dosage form (tablet).
6. Both the sea and the hat have this (bottom).
7. Murzilka’s headdress (beret).
8. Postman Pechkin’s headdress (earflap hat).
9. Original headdress of the Scattered One from Basseynaya Street (frying pan).
10. The headdress of a Red Army soldier, similar to the helmet of a hero (Budenovka).
11. The stranger has a cap and boots, ours has a hat and felt boots. What's our name? (Father Frost)
12. This headdress fairy tale character was made from a striped sock (Pinocchio).
13. Wide-brimmed hat from Latin America (sombrero).
14. Sailor's cap (peakless cap).
15. Flat headdress of Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs and other Turkic peoples (skullcap).
16. A flattened cap, which can be seen on soldiers, pioneers and flight attendants (cap).
17. Previously, this headdress was worn by women and children, but now only by infants (bonnet or bonnet).
18. The hat from which the magician takes out a rabbit (top hat).
19. The jester has bells, and the doctor has a red cross (cap).
20. A headdress sewn or fastened to clothing (hood).
21. If there is chain mail on the body, then on the head... what? (helmet)
22. Curtain for a woman’s face, attached to a hat (veil).
23. An ancient Russian headdress, named because of its resemblance to the crest on the head of a chicken (kokoshnik).
24. Father + grin = Cossack headdress (papakha).
25. European commander in a bicorne hat (Napoleon).

2. Whose hat (hat)?

This is another quiz, but this time it's based on pictures. It is equally interesting for both children and adults (for young children, some pictures should be excluded, since they most likely will not be able to identify the character).

You will need images of headdresses associated with literary and film characters. Pictures can be printed, sketched in pencil or displayed on the screen.

You can show the headdresses of the following heroes:
- Shapoklyak
- Mad Hatter
- D'Artagnan
- Doctor Aibolit
- Jack Sparrow
- Sherlock Holmes
- Pinocchio
- Tin Woodman (funnel)
- Robin Hood
- Little Red Riding Hood
- Dunno
- Maleficent
- Willy Wonka

3. Intellectual competition for children: riddles

Riddles that contain the names of headdresses (hats, caps) are suitable.

1. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
He's all striped.
(Puss in Boots)

2. All Antoshka -
A hat and a leg.
It will rain -
He will grow up.

3. Four brothers
Belted with one sash,
They stand under the same hat.

4. I am all made of iron,
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit into the board up to my hat,
But for me it’s all here and there.

5. Look at the flower!
How to weave it into a wreath?
Standing in a white hat,
And if you blow, it will fly away.

7. We made a snowball.
The hat was made on him.
The nose was attached, and instantly
It turned out...

8. They put on white hats at home,
It’s cold for them - it’s come...

9. The pillars stand white,
Their caps are green.

10. The woman wears a snow hat,
The stone sides are shrouded in clouds.
(High mountain)

4. Guess what's under the hat

Place an object (new, needed) on the tray and cover it with a large hat. Participants must guess what is underneath.

It is possible (and desirable) to make the task easier. For example, use an object that, like the word “hat,” begins with the letter “SH.” This tip should be voiced. Participants take turns naming options. Whoever ultimately guesses the object hidden under the hat will receive it as a prize.

The prize could be, for example, ball pen, chocolate, shampoo, corkscrew, sewing kit, skewers, mini-checkers, maze ball, pop (candy), drawing stamps, set of balloons, chocolate egg, box, etc. It all depends on the audience and budget.

Of course, you can wish for a prize for any other letter. Let’s say the same one as the name of the birthday boy whose birthday a hat party is being held begins with.

5. Hit the hat

This is the simplest, but very exciting competition with a hat. An inverted hat is placed on the floor or on a chair. The participant receives a set of objects (including, for example, candy, a coin, a tennis ball and a playing card). Standing at a certain distance, the participant throws objects one by one, trying to hit the hat. The number of hits is counted and recorded. Then the second participant throws, then the third. When everything is discarded, the results are summed up. If several participants have an equal number of hits, a final competition is held between them. The winner gets a prize.

6. Relay race “Hat on a stick”

You will need two hats and two gymnastic sticks. Hats should not be high, otherwise it will be easy to hold them on a stick. We need the participants to have to try not to drop the object.

So, the teams are lined up in two columns. At the leader’s signal, the first participants start the race, trying to keep the hat on the stick. Having run around the landmark, they return to their teams and pass the item to the second participants. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.

7. Relay race “If you litter, clean up”

Participants are divided into two teams, and a relay race is held between them.

The teams are lined up in two columns. The reference point is a hoop on the floor or a circle drawn with chalk. The first participants hold in their hands hats or caps filled with various objects (their number should be the same for both teams).

At the leader’s signal, the first participants begin the relay race. They run to their landmark circles and dump objects from the hat into them (litter). Then they return and give the empty hats to the second participants. They run to landmarks and collect scattered “garbage” in hats. Returning to the teams, they pass the baton to third participants, whose task is to cause trouble again. The competition continues until all team members have participated. If the teams are small, you can do 2 or 3 laps.

8. Team game “Catching with a hat”

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them chooses one catcher.

The catcher, holding a hat in his hands, stands at a certain distance from his team. Participants take turns throwing several balls to the catcher, who tries to catch them with his hat. The number of times the ball ends up in the hat is how many points the team earns. At the end, the results are summed up and the winning team is awarded.

9. Musical hat

Participants stand in a circle and pass the hat to each other to the music. Having accepted a hat from a neighbor on one side, you need to put it on your head, take it off and give it to the neighbor on the other side. The music suddenly stops. Whoever had the hat at that moment should make an elegant bow using the headdress and leave the circle. The game continues until the last player remaining.

10. Hat twister

Participants try to pronounce a tongue twister related to the topic of hats without hesitation. For example:

  • The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
  • Sasha sewed a hat for Sashka, Sashka knocked off a bump with his hat.

11. Knock off your hat

Several hats (real or miniature made of paper) are placed on the table. The participant stands at the opposite edge of the table and rolls a heavy ball along it, trying to knock the hat onto the floor. How many hats are on the table - the same number of attempts to launch the ball. For each hat knocked down - 1 point. Whoever gets the most points is the winner.

12. I twist, I twist, I want to confuse

This is an analogue of the gambling game “Thimbles”. You will need a table, 3 identical hats and a small ball. Couples participate. First one tries to confuse, and the other tries to unravel. Then they change places. If both guessed correctly or, conversely, did not guess correctly, no one gets anything. If only one guesses right, he gets a prize.

The essence of the game: the ball is placed under one of the hats. The presenter (the one who is making a wish at this moment) quickly swaps hats, saying: “I twist, I twist, I want to confuse.” As soon as the phrase ends, the movement of hats stops. The player (the one who is guessing at this moment) must indicate the hat under which, in his opinion, the ball is located.

13. Game for children “Guess by touch”

This game can be played if children come to the event wearing different hats.

First, the presenter invites the participants to examine each other’s hats and try to remember them. The first volunteer is then blindfolded. He is brought in turn to five participants. He feels their hats and tries to guess who is in front of him. For the correct answer - 1 point. Then others participate. Those with the most points are awarded.