Download the resume file. Resume templates to get a job. As well as sample forms and examples of completed resumes (26 pieces). AI Resume Template - Version III

A good position is a very relative concept. For some, this is primarily (and perhaps only) high wages, which gives them a chance to fulfill old and very recent dreams with minimal energy expenditure; for others - an activity to their liking, ideally coinciding with a hobby; for others - the opportunity to learn something new every day and express themselves in previously unknown areas of activity.

But getting such a position by simply going to the HR department and writing is currently almost impossible - too many happy coincidences have to happen. If this happens, all that remains is to congratulate the lucky person; in other cases, the applicant, who has already looked at a suitable company for himself, will have to start by sending it by email.

The easiest way out is to download a ready-made, most suitable form in commonly used formats doc or docx, opening without problems in the “native” program Microsoft Word or any other popular text editor.

A standard Word template is quite enough to design any resume:

  • regular text;
  • with a photograph;
  • with complex formatting.

However, filling it out without really thinking about the structure and opportunities that open up the very first, albeit written, contact with the employer is too easy for a true professional. I would like to personalize a document, turning it from template text with an attached photo into a small work of art. It will definitely attract the attention of a HR specialist; but in order to write such a summary, you must first learn more about the purpose and principles of drawing up the document. After all, this is not a questionnaire with pre-written questions - it is a way to demonstrate your strengths as successfully as possible.

A resume is a document that presents in a concise and succinct form all the information about the applicant that is significant for a potential employer. You shouldn’t get carried away: HR department employees, and in the vast majority of cases the email goes to them, work with large volumes of information and read many other resumes every day. With all due respect to your work, you should not overestimate a document that you have compiled yourself or written based on a sample: most likely, the employer has seen letters that are more interesting.

You shouldn’t completely abandon your creative approach by simply entering the required information into an empty template: last name, first name and patronymic, places of study and work. It’s better to choose a middle ground: downloading a couple of really successful examples resume, create your own, unique and unrepeatable resume based on them. Such that the HR specialist, after reading it, decides that the applicant is worthy of the next stage of applying for a job - an invitation to an interview.

Important: regardless of the type of work and the requirements for a specific position, it is necessary to compose the document not only briefly and to the point, but also competently: an error or typo in the text can greatly spoil the impression of the resume, especially if the position for which the applicant is applying is related to intellectual labor. It is assumed that a person capable of serious mental stress can express his thoughts correctly; Therefore, before sending a letter, it is worth re-reading it thoroughly - at least twice.

It is necessary to indicate in the document the information required by the employer, even if it seems unnecessary or superfluous to the compiler. Don’t be lazy: you can always, if the form itself is not at hand, find your military ID or certificate of advanced training. How successful a job application will be depends primarily on the person applying for the position and, in particular, on how much effort he is willing to put in at the first stage of acquaintance. It's easiest to open a blank sheet of paper in Microsoft Word and fill it with superficial information, but there are thousands, if not millions, of such resumes; a good document not only provides complete (within reason) information about its originator, but also answers non-standard questions from the employer.

The first step a resume writer needs to take is to plan out its structure. Since there is no single universally binding sample, deviation from the rules for drawing up which will immediately deprive the applicant of a chance of employment, you should not worry too much: The resume should be beautifully designed, well-written and interesting.- and how to achieve this, everyone is free to decide for themselves.

The document will look much better if you attach a photo to it. The requirements for the photo are simple, understandable and correspond to the interests of both the potential employer and the candidate for the position:

  1. Photo must meet business standards. Of course, you don’t have to wear a formal three-piece suit to take a photo; Casual clothes are quite enough. But there is no need to offer the HR specialist photographs taken on the beach or during a trip to barbecue.
  2. Only one person should be shown in the photo. If this is a group photo, the rest of its participants must be “cropped” in any photo editor or using the built-in option in Microsoft Word.
  3. The photo must be good quality . A HR specialist is unlikely to be interested in trying to guess, by looking at pixels, what an applicant generally looks like. In the end, this is a matter of respect for the future employer: if a potential employee has not found the time or opportunity to take a decent photo, it is unlikely that he will continue to work hard, devoting his energy to the benefit of the organization.

Brief structure of a standard resume:

  1. Contact details:
    • last name, first name and patronymic (depending on national traditions, this list may change);
    • date of birth (day/month/year);
    • number of complete years;
    • mobile and (if available) landline phone number;
    • Email;
    • optional - links to pages in in social networks, Skype and so on.
  2. Goal of request: what position the applicant is applying for. If the author of the document would like to try himself in several positions at once, it would be logical to create a separate resume for each of them. This will avoid confusion and in further communication with the HR department employee, go straight to the essence of the issue. You may not indicate a specific position at all, but this sharply reduces the letter writer’s chances of getting hired.
  3. Education. Here it is necessary to list in reverse order (from latest to earlier) all the educational institutions that the author of the resume graduated from. Average secondary schools need not be mentioned: this data is unlikely to be useful or interesting to the employer. You can arrange the list in the form of a table with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of studies (it is enough to just indicate the month and year);
    • name of the institution (it is better to decipher the abbreviations in order to save the specialist from unnecessary work);
    • faculty;
    • specialty and qualification (digital code and decoding);
    • additional information (honors diploma, incomplete education, etc.).
  4. experience. As in the previous paragraph, you need to start from the end: first - the last place of employment, then the earlier ones. Contrary to popular belief, the applicant can indicate in this section not only the organizations in which he was officially employed, but also write about his experience of part-time work or working as a freelancer: it may well be that this information will be of interest to the employer. But there is no point in explaining why the author of the document left his previous position: if necessary, a HR specialist will find out about this at an interview. The information can also be tabulated with the following columns:
    • start and end dates of work (you can use employment contracts and orders to terminate their action; as in the previous paragraph, it is enough to indicate the month and year of each event);
    • name of company;
    • the scope of the company’s activities and its small objective characteristics;
    • position held;
    • rate (half, full, combined, other options);
    • job responsibilities, powers, access to state secrets and other classified information;
    • presence of subordinates and their number;
    • service achievements: certificates, awards, social activity.
  5. Availability of additional education. If the applicant has attended advanced training courses, trainings or seminars, the topics of which directly or indirectly relate to the position he liked, it is necessary to list them, as before, in reverse chronological order. It makes no sense to mention courses that are not specific new job: For example, a resume writer applying for a programmer position is unlikely to use the massage therapist certificate he received several years ago.
  6. Other skills. At this point, you can mention everything that the author of the document considers important or capable of attracting the attention of a representative of the HR department:
    • PC skills;
    • getting to know one or another software products(text, video editors, design, engineering, computing software);
    • level of proficiency in foreign language(s);
    • availability of a driver's license (you can specify the category) and your own vehicle;
    • other information.
  7. Personal qualities. Perhaps this is the most standard and tedious section for an employer. The applicant should try to come up with something more interesting than boring communication skills or learning skills, especially if he positions himself as a creative employee.

Important: desired size wages(unless, of course, it is strictly fixed in the proposal of the employing organization) it is better to indicate not in the resume itself, but in the accompanying text - usually this is the body of the letter sent by e-mail. There you can also give other explanations regarding the document compiled, which are inappropriate in the summary itself.

If for some reason the applicant cannot cope with the formatting of the text, but does not want to use ready-made templates and forms downloaded from the Internet, he can turn to a resume writing company for help. The service, of course, is not free, but as a result, the potential employee will receive a high-quality, beautifully designed and well-written document.

Another option, which is increasingly gaining popularity, is storing resumes in the “cloud” of a large job aggregator, for example HH (HeadHunter). In this case, a potential employer can, on his own initiative, familiarize himself with the document and invite its author for an interview: the resume writer does not need to send it to every suitable place. However, it cannot be ruled out that under the guise of an employer there will be a fraudster who wants to lure money out of the applicant: despite all the efforts of the largest job sites, such cases are still quite common. Therefore, you should not lose your vigilance, especially if a person calling himself a HR specialist offers a deliberately inflated salary and working conditions that are disproportionately better than those of competing companies.

Whatever method of job search the resume author chooses, the main thing for him is, without abandoning his creative approach, to follow the generally accepted structure of the document, revealing all the truly important information in it and refraining from listing unimportant details. Such a resume, well-written, well-designed, detailed and succinct, will greatly increase the applicant’s chances of getting the position he is interested in.

A resume is a brief self-presentation of the applicant when applying for a job. It should contain information about the education received, work experience, professional achievements, as well as the skills that the applicant plans to implement in the desired position. With coming digital technologies Employers are increasingly requiring candidates to provide resumes in in electronic format. This is why it is important to know how to write a well-formatted resume in Microsoft Word.

How to create a resume in Word using a template

Resume templates will be useful for those people who do not have sufficient knowledge of Microsoft Word text formatting tools. Having ready-made form resume, it is much easier to cope with its preparation.

  • To use preset templates Word summary, open the menu for creating a new document ( File> Create). In it you will find document templates, from which you need to choose a resume template.
  • If for some reason you are not satisfied with the preset template, you can find a better option through Office Online. To do this, in the same menu for creating a new document, find “Search for templates on the web.”
  • You can also find resume templates for Word on various specialized sites.

Once you've found a resume template that matches your position, open it, remove the default text, and replace it with information about yourself. When you have finished filling out, carefully re-read the document and save it ( File> Save as).

You can also create your own document template to further the process of creating a resume in Wordwas simpler. To save a file as a template, when saving, change the file type from DocumentWord on SampleWord (File> Save as> Computer> File type).

How to make a resume in Word without a template

Your resume should be clearly structured, so start by planning out the sections of the document and their order. The resume should include the following sections:

  • Full name

    Write your full name as the title of the document. Do not include the word “resume” in the title.

  • Photo

    Insert into resume color photograph good quality. To do this in the menu Insert select item Drawing, select a photo on your PC and click Insert. Using the cursor you can edit the size of the photo (it should be small).

  • Accommodation

    Indicate your country/city/region of residence and, if necessary, where you are willing to move.

  • Contacts

    Provide a phone number and email with a neutral title.

  • Job title

    Be clear about the position you are applying for.

  • Desired income level

    This item is optional. If you want to indicate the desired level of income in your resume, try not to overestimate or underestimate this figure - soberly evaluate yourself as a specialist.

  • key skills

    Select the skills that will be useful for your future position. Don't overdo it - 5-7 skills will be enough.

  • experience

    For each organization in which you worked, indicate the period of work to the nearest month, job title, main responsibilities, and city/country if you moved or are planning to move.

  • Achievements

    Indicate the main results of your professional activities.

  • Education

    For each educational institution where you studied, indicate the year of graduation, department, specialty and qualifications. You can also mention completed courses and seminars if they are relevant to the desired vacancy.

  • Additional Information
  • Please indicate your proficiency level foreign languages and PC.
  • Recommendations

Once you've finished filling out the sections of your resume, start formatting it. Select the text and choose one of the standard fonts ( Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, Arial, Calibri), font size (from 10 to 14) and black color.

Use headings and bullets to make your resume easy to read. Headings and individual important points highlight in bold. You can use lists to list key skills, achievements, work experience, and education. For example.

When sending your resume, you must remember that the employer does not have much time to study it. Therefore, the description in such a form must be simple and optimal. When compiling it, it is not advisable to deviate from the accepted rules. Thanks to this, it will be easier for the employer to make a decision when viewing a resume.

It must be borne in mind that success in employment largely depends on a competent description of your skills, experience and achievements. The resume displays important information about the applicant for employment: education, qualifications, personal and professional characteristics, language proficiency. With a correctly written description, the chances of getting the desired vacancy increase.

At the end of the article, you can download forms and various resume samples for work in 2019.

When applying for a job, as a rule, a reference is provided for the applicant. However, one characteristic is not enough. The characteristic reflects the demand for a person in the chosen industry. Preference is most often given to experienced applicants. However, a new employee can also impress an employer. And for this purpose, a resume is used, which is an addition to the characteristics and contains basic information about the applicant (full name, age, marital status, degree of education, skills, etc.).

When applying for the desired position, you must write a resume focused on a specific institution. Correctly compiled forms the initial impression of the applicant and determines his compliance with the requirements of the institution.

Thanks to the resume, the employment procedure is simplified: the applicant can send his resume to various institutions and wait for a reaction. If the sent document is of interest to the employer, he is invited to an interview to become more fully acquainted with the potential employee.

The time has passed when you can get a job and then, over time, delve into the essence of this work. Today, all employers want to get a ready-made specialist, diversified and competent. Therefore, a modern employer sends out a vacancy announcement, which displays an indicative list of requirements and an address for communication. It then checks the received resumes, selecting a small percentage of the documents received. And only selected applicants are invited for an interview.

That is why a modern, well-designed resume is an important step in finding employment and obtaining the required vacancy.

How to compose it correctly?

When preparing a resume for employment, you need to understand that this document is an opportunity to present the applicant with the best side. After all, when compiling such a document, the applicant has time to think about how to compose it, remember the most important stages of his studies and labor activity, select business characteristics, that is, to show the “product face”. Thus, having thought everything over and sketched out a plan, you can begin to compile a resume.

What are the basic rules of writing?

  1. Literacy

A very important aspect when writing a document is to avoid mistakes and corrections. The document must be written in a business style. If the resume contains many errors, it will most likely be sent to the “trash”, without paying attention to other, even excellent, characteristics.

  1. Vacancy suitability

When responding to an advertised vacancy, it is necessary to imagine what the applicant wants to do at the institution and compose a letter accordingly in this regard. By displaying unnecessary elements, the applicant is able to confuse the employer, creating additional questions for him.

Let's present examples of correct and incorrect spelling:

  • When applying for an accountant position, there is no need to indicate training in courses on a topic not related to accounting.
  • If an applicant wants to become a chef, it is not necessary to display information about completed accounting training.
  • If desired, he works as a programmer; there is no need to display sales experience.
  • And so on.

If you are in doubt about whether or not to display any skills or experience, write. It is better to provide answers to the employer’s questions during an interview than not to receive an invitation to a conversation at all.

  1. Optimal document volume

It is best to keep the letter on one page, but this is not always possible. Sometimes, to properly design a resume, it is better to display your experience and skills in more detail and write information on two pages. In this case, it is better to fully display your professional skills.

  • The use of the window can be optimized (for example, a table provides the ability to display information in 3 columns when using only one line for this)
  • You can change the font (to the minimum size)
  • You need to choose the optimal parameters for margins and footers in Word

The use of such simple operations will help turn a two-page resume into a one-page one. In addition, there is no need to overuse verbosity.

  1. Clear and simple structure

For correct design A resume for employment must provide the correct structure for placing information about the applicant and his professional achievements.

There is no single example of displaying information about an applicant, however, the most popular ones can be used. Therefore, it is advisable to use them rather than invent a “bicycle”.

(Video: “How to write a resume correctly - Tips from a recruiter”)


A resume is considered a necessary element. business communication with job applicants, so this document has become necessary document during employment. An employer needs a work biography of an applicant for a number of reasons:

  • To weed out unsuitable applicants without wasting your and the applicant’s time
  • To identify the best applicants among several applicants with similar characteristics
  • So that the employer prepares for the interview and prepares any questions that may arise.

Therefore, when drawing up, each employer needs to fill out various document, displaying only the necessary episodes of the applicant’s career that may interest the employer.

When writing a resume, you must follow the accepted structure. For this purpose there are various templates drawing up a document.

  • The top section displays personal information. Full name, date of birth and contact information are displayed here.
  • The standard template provides for displaying the purpose of the document. This section displays the goal - what position the applicant is applying for. Here it is advisable to display why the applicant is interested in this field of activity. Education level is displayed. If the applicant has an academic degree or several educations, you need to write about it. If the applicant has attended any courses, this must also be displayed.
  • Experience and skills are considered the key elements. Here finished sample the form will not work. It is necessary to display the applicant's work experience in chronological order. The vacancies occupied are displayed, indicating the name of the institution, its profile and length of work activity. Here you need to outline the responsibilities, results, acquired skills and experience that may be of interest to the employer.
  • A very important requirement is reliability. As they say, everything secret comes to light someday, so there is no need to look for problems for yourself. After all, the employer, before making a decision, can check from his sources the accuracy of your information displayed in the document.
  • The style of writing a letter must be business-like and concise; thoughts must be conveyed accurately and clearly. Considering that the employer is forced to read many applications from applicants, he wants the documents to contain valuable information.
  • It is necessary to avoid using expressions like “ worked on a project", which reflect the process rather than achievements, for example, " achieved an increase in sales" In the example above, it would be better to display the expression " finished the project" etc.
  • The document must not contain syntax or spelling errors. A businesslike presentation of one's thoughts in a written style indicates the development of the applicant's personality and his ability to communicate with clientele.

What you should not include on your resume

  • It is advisable to avoid hackneyed phrases. It is necessary to avoid general phrases indicating responsibility, communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
  • There is no need to list skills from areas of activity in industries not related to the profile of the enterprise. The employer may think that the applicant has drawn up general summary without studying the specifics of the enterprise.
  • You should not be verbose; you should not describe positions that the applicant has held for a long time and that do not relate to the profile of the vacancy.
  • There is no need to write that you are ready to work in any position: the employer is obliged to see that the applicant is motivated for a specific vacancy.

When compiling, you must adhere to business style. An employer usually prefers a letter that is written to the point and follows the rules - this makes it easier to read.

Templates Forms

You can create any resume yourself. To ensure a satisfactory result, it is advisable to use a standard workpiece. This is better than if you write a couple of lines of your own. You can download a job resume form on our website. All you have to do is fill it out. However, the best option will entrust this work to specialists.

Only for1.500 rubles!

Forms only allow you to put your resume in order.

If you want to really attract attention to your candidacy, order a resume from specialists. Pay once, and your resume stays for life!

Files for download (in DOC format)

Now there are quite a lot of forms for writing a resume. Most often they are template options that can help you organize information about yourself. You can use these forms to create a resume, but this does not guarantee that your resume will be of interest to the employer.

The resume should be written professionally, taking into account your work experience and field of activity. Since the requirements and wishes of employers for the content of resumes and for the candidates themselves are constantly changing, we have to take all this into account in our work. When writing your resume, pay attention to its structure, as well as a competent and systematic description of your professional experience.

We are ready to help you compile your resume if you want to play it safe and do everything according to the rules.

One of the important stages on the path to success in finding work and employment is writing a resume (or self-promotion) in the labor market.

If previously a resume was required only from applicants applying for positions that require high level special knowledge, serious practical experience, leadership skills, etc., now this word is increasingly found in job advertisements for unqualified specialties.

With its form and content, the resume is designed to facilitate work with applicants for HR managers ( recruitment agency or employer, not so important).

In this regard, any applicant must understand that the structure and content of the resume must clearly and concisely characterize his candidacy for this vacancy, without omitting the most significant points and without causing irritation or yawning in the employer’s representative.

How to write a resume correctly

HR employees of organizations, when selecting applicants for a particular position, primarily highlight the following criteria for evaluating resumes:
  • Date of Birth.
  • Brevity (1 – 2 pages).
  • The vacancy for which the applicant is applying.
  • Telephone, address, email address of the applicant.
  • Education.
  • Work experience (in which organizations, by whom and for how long).
  • Page format (A - 4)
  • Clear and clear structure document.
  • Verified, competent, balanced style of presentation.
Of course, representatives of the personnel service of a particular enterprise (firm) or personnel managers of recruitment agencies may impose additional requirements on applicants’ resumes. For example, the applicant’s hobbies and interests.

This information may be of interest to the employer in cases where it is very important that new employee would be sociable and compatible with the team in which he will work.

There are different views among personnel bodies and to such a question as recommendations from the applicant’s previous places of work. Some believe that this is a mandatory component (criterion) in any resume. Others reasonably believe that if the need arises, this information can be requested at a later date. There is only one conclusion: in any case, it will be nice if such recommendations are always at your fingertips.

Thus, for successful employment correct resume must:

  • contain all the information about the applicant necessary for the employer (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, work experience, main and additional education, home address, telephone, etc.);
  • be concise and free from unnecessary information;
  • satisfy certain requirements for form and content (i.e. be compiled according to a certain template);
  • correspond to the vacancy for which the applicant is applying;
  • fully correspond to reality;
  • be free from long sentences and contain no grammatical or lexical errors.

Preparation and posting of resumes

Before sending your resume to a potential employer, you need to carefully check its text.

Modern experience of HR managers working with various resumes suggests that the following errors are most common in them:

  1. There are no telephone numbers listed for contacting you.
  2. The date of birth is incorrect.
  3. There is no information about education.
  4. Many incomprehensible abbreviations: for example, in the names educational institutions, which you graduated from and the organizations where you worked.
  5. There are a lot of grammatical and stylistic errors.
  6. The style of presentation of the material is very reminiscent of a work book.
After a strict check, you will notice and correct many errors. If you are not sure of your literacy, you can use the following verification methods:
  • Seek help from family and friends.
  • Use the capabilities of a special spell checker available in the MS Word text editor.
Very often the question arises: should I attach a photo to my resume or not? It’s impossible to say for sure. If your intended future job is not related, for example, to the modeling business, then it’s a good idea to have a few photographs in stock in case you need them when applying for a job. But not before.

Today, the most common way to send a resume is by email. But don't underestimate traditional mail either. Ready resume may be printed in several copies:

  • One or two copies for later postal items to a specific company or organization where there are vacancies.
  • A couple of copies for home use (for example, during a telephone conversation with an HR manager) or during an interview.
  • One copy can be used as the basis for composing an advertisement that you are looking for a job (for example, in a newspaper for free advertisements).
In the first case, it will be nice if you also add a cover letter to the envelope, which can help attract additional attention to you from a recruitment agency or employer.