Draw up a business plan for a car wash. Car wash business plan step by step: important points. How to open a car wash in your city and prosper

The purpose of opening a car wash.
Description of the upcoming project.
Options for car washes in Russia.
Coordination and resolution.
Car wash demand.
Location of the car wash, room for the car wash.
Competition in the washing business.
Marketing, advertising and sales.
The financial part of a car wash business plan.
Prices for car wash services.
Premises for a car wash (rental costs).
Purchase of equipment.
Washing staff.
Total costs (fixed, one-time).
Estimated revenue, profit.
Payback, profitability.
Project summary.
Car wash risks.

The purpose of opening a car wash.

Provide wide range services for:
- cleaning dirt from various parts of cars - wheels, body, wheel arch liners, bottom;
- dry cleaning and cleaning of the car interior and trunk;
- engine washing;
- body polishing.

Description of the upcoming project.

A business such as a car wash is especially popular among people who want to start a profitable business, but do not have special knowledge. And this is quite feasible provided that:
- you have it, you can rent or purchase a plot of land, and possibly a ready-made box next to a highway or highway;
- you have the opportunity to settle all bureaucratic formalities;
- you can purchase all the necessary equipment.
Once you understand all the above points, all you need to do is buy detergents and put money in your pocket.

This business plan shows how to organize manual work. Provided that it works around the clock and seven days a week, its profitability will be 30-35%, and this is a relatively high level.

Options for car washes in Russia.

Now in Russia there are three types of car washes.
1. Mobile. They are opened on the basis of a Gazelle-type vehicle, which makes it possible to work with clients in any place suitable for such a business.

2. Portal. They are equipped with automatic car washing facilities and have high throughput, bring good income. Minus - human factor. A careless operator can damage the client's car. And this will entail losses from possible compensation for damage and inevitably damaged reputation.

3. Self-service car washes. Here, each client washes his car himself. This is, of course, convenient. However, becoming the owner of such a sink is not affordable for everyone, as it requires considerable funds. In addition, such a business is advisable only in large cities where the population density is high.

4. Manual. Most Popular. Here the washer serves customers using special pressurized water supply devices.
Coordination and resolution.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to obtain documents allowing you to open a car wash.
You will definitely need to carry out project reviews:
- in the SES,
- in service labor protection,
- in the nature conservation service,
- from firefighters,
- in architecture,
- from the state examination.
This is not easy, but it is quite doable if you show patience and willpower.

Demandto the car wash.

There are still many car owners in Russia who wash their cars themselves in rivers and garages. However, there are many who consider this method of washing a relic of the past. Basically, these are people belonging to such a layer of the population as the middle class: entrepreneurs, middle managers. Such car owners do not have the time, and perhaps even the desire, to wash the car with their own hands. But there are enough funds to provide this care to specialists.

Along with the fact that recently the number of cars on the roads has increased significantly, we can safely say that the demand for car maintenance services has also increased. This means that a car wash is not only a popular business, but also a profitable one. And over the years, given the trend, the demand for it will increase.

Location of the car wash, room for the car wash.

The main thing to consider when opening such a business is the location. In the city, a car wash should be located in large residential areas with big amount residents near shopping centers, business centers or even in them. It is ideal if you can establish a business near customs and border posts. Car washes installed near parking lots, gas stations or service stations will also be in considerable demand.

The correct location will ensure constant workspace utilization.
Of course, it is best to rent a space for washing. It will be quite difficult to build it. Here it is inevitable to go to the authorities with a pile of documents requiring approval. Just look at the sanitary standards that allow a car wash to be installed no closer than 50 meters from the nearest residential building.

Another option is to buy already ready business. Starting a business at an already existing car wash with well-established operations, your own circle of clients and an acquired reputation is much easier than creating a business from scratch. Apparently, many people choose this option. How else can we explain the rush of demand on the market for enterprises of this type?

Competitionin the washing business.

In our country, car washes have long since become commonplace from the category of “curiosities.” We can say that in any more or less large city they are found, if not on every corner, then quite often. And, accordingly, competition is high. This places another requirement on the business plan - a clear description of how to enter, occupy a place and gain a foothold in this market. And also a clear idea of ​​what advantages your business will have over competitors.

The location of your business will tell you which advertisement to choose. Close to a busy highway, when the car wash is, as they say, in plain sight, you may only need billboard or a catchy sign with a pointer.

Some people put road sign"car wash". But this is more difficult, as it requires permission from the traffic police.
At the stage of starting a business, when there are still quite a few or no available funds for advertising, you can declare yourself on your own. For example, selling subscriptions with favorable conditions for the client, holding promotions such as “wash your car five times and get a discount” or “every ninth wash is at the expense of the establishment.” This can attract customers without advertising costs.

And when you “promote”, expand and, perhaps, increase the range of services, for example, including painting, polishing or tire fitting, you can think about the advertising budget.

The financial part of a car wash business plan.

Feasibility study and implementation features
Prices for car wash services.

The list of washing services consists of:

Body washing and polishing;
- engine washing;
- dry and wet cleaning;
- interior cleaning.
It is worth considering that the car wash business in Moscow is seasonal. In spring and late autumn, queues form at car washes. But in the summer it is calm. Although, of course, the climate in Russia is unpredictable. Summer can be rainy, and winter can be characterized by prolonged thaws and “dirty mess” on the roads.

The location of the wash and the types of cars serviced affect the prices. Let's try to calculate based on 350 rubles - the average cost of car body washing, which is a basic service. The average bill per client will consist of the costs basic service and additional services.

Premises for a car wash (rental costs)

So you've decided to rent rather than build a car wash. Then keep in mind that:
- 90 sq.m. - required area for washing from two posts, of which 60 sq.m. - area intended for car wash stations, 30 sq.m. - other rooms.
- another 90 sq. m - the area required for the adjacent area.

It's hard to say how much it will cost. Different cities have their own rental rates, and in many, car washes operate as part of municipal programs on a preferential basis. If we take, for example, the rental rate in the capital, then, according to preliminary estimates, it is about $1,000 per 100 square meters per month.

The cost of preparing the site and premises for a car wash and utilities will have a significant impact. Of course, most often, landlords have already made sure that the rented premises already have electricity, running water, and heating. But a car wash is a business that may require additional electrical power as well as a water drainage system. Accordingly, additional funds will be spent on this.

In addition, it will be necessary to decorate the room inside and outside. In some cases, you will have to cover the area around with asphalt.
Presumably, all of the above work will require about $7,000 - $10,000.

Purchase of equipment.

The very minimum that will need to be spent on the purchase of equipment will total 351,000 rubles.


We establish that the car wash will operate around the clock. From 8.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 22.00 we will make the load maximum, the rest of the time - at the level of 20% of it.
On average, it takes 20 minutes to wash one car. This means it will take an hour to service three cars. Thus, we believe that one post will serve daily: 3*(2 hours + 5 hours) + 3*(24-(2+5))*20% = about 30 cars.
Through both posts - 60 cars.
To summarize: on average, a two-post car wash can serve 30*60=1800 cars per month.

Washing staff.

It all depends on the scale of your wash. The larger it is and the more jobs there are, the correspondingly more service personnel will be required. Also consider the number of shifts. Many car washes serve customers in two or three shifts.

Let’s assume that when fully loaded, you will need a cashier-accountant and 9 people who will work in three shifts.
We calculate labor costs using the formula: 9*20,000 + 30,000 = 210 thousand rubles per month. That's $7,000.

Total costs (fixed, one-time)

We calculate costs using average figures.
One-time costs (in dollars):
- equipment - 12,000;
- installation of equipment - 1,000;
- water supply and drainage - 4,500;
- landscaping - 2,500;
- interior decoration - 3,000;
- documentation permitting the opening of a car wash - 4,500.

Costs each month (in dollars per month):

Salary - 7,000;
- additional costs - 2,000;
- rent of premises - 2,000 (including communal payments for water and electricity);

Total costs:

General capital - $27,500 (825,000 rubles);
- monthly - 12,000 dollars (360,000 rubles).

Estimated revenue, profit

We calculate the expected monthly revenue using the formula:
1800 cars/month * 400 rubles/car = 720,000 rubles.
Without deducting taxes, the profit will be: 720,000 rubles - 360,000 rubles = 360,000 rubles ($12,000).
After taxes - $10,500.

Payback, profitability

This type of washing will begin to pay for itself after 2.5 months of operation.
- gross profit margin (GPM) - about 50%, net profit (NPM) - 40-45%.
- return on investment (ROI) - 38%.

Project summary.

The investment will be $39,500. It will take five to ten months to return them. Net profit will be from 5,000 to 15,000 dollars per month.

Car wash risks.

When opening a car wash, take into account the risks that may entail additional costs, reduce profitability, and in the worst case, even ruin you.

Raids of inspection services, high requirements from the SES;
- an unsuccessful location of a car wash will lead to a lack of customers;
- high competition;
- human factor - insufficiently qualified personnel;
- Force Majeure.

Opening a car wash is difficult, however, it is low-cost compared to other types of business. It will quickly pay for itself and generate high income. But subject to a favorable location and successful receipt permitting documents at all stages of business coordination with various authorities.

The purpose of opening a car wash.
Description of the upcoming project.
Options for car washes in Russia.
Coordination and resolution.
Car wash demand.
Location of the car wash, room for the car wash.
Competition in the washing business.
Marketing, advertising and sales.
The financial part of a car wash business plan.
Prices for car wash services.
Premises for a car wash (rental costs).
Purchase of equipment.
Washing staff.
Total costs (fixed, one-time).
Estimated revenue, profit.
Payback, profitability.
Project summary.
Car wash risks.

The purpose of opening a car wash.

Provide a wide range of services for:
- cleaning dirt from various parts of cars - wheels, body, wheel arch liners, bottom;
- dry cleaning and cleaning of the car interior and trunk;
- engine washing;
- body polishing.

Description of the upcoming project.

A business such as a car wash is especially popular among people who want to start a profitable business, but do not have special knowledge. And this is quite feasible provided that:
- you have it, you can rent or purchase a plot of land, and possibly a ready-made box next to a highway or highway;
- you have the opportunity to settle all bureaucratic formalities;
- you can purchase all the necessary equipment.
Once you understand all the above points, all you need to do is buy detergents and put money in your pocket.

This business plan shows how to organize manual work. Provided that it works around the clock and seven days a week, its profitability will be 30-35%, and this is a relatively high level.

Options for car washes in Russia.

Now in Russia there are three types of car washes.
1. Mobile. They are opened on the basis of a Gazelle-type vehicle, which makes it possible to work with clients in any place suitable for such a business.

2. Portal. They are equipped with automatic car washing facilities, have high throughput, and bring good income. The downside is the human factor. A careless operator can damage the client's car. And this will entail losses from possible compensation for damage and inevitably damaged reputation.

3. Self-service car washes. Here, each client washes his car himself. This is, of course, convenient. However, becoming the owner of such a sink is not affordable for everyone, as it requires considerable funds. In addition, such a business is advisable only in large cities where the population density is high.

4. Manual. Most Popular. Here the washer serves customers using special pressurized water supply devices.
Coordination and resolution.

The most difficult thing in this matter is to obtain documents allowing you to open a car wash.
You will definitely need to carry out project reviews:
- in the SES,
- in the labor protection service,
- in the nature conservation service,
- from firefighters,
- in architecture,
- from the state examination.
This is not easy, but it is quite doable if you show patience and willpower.

Demandto the car wash.

There are still many car owners in Russia who wash their cars themselves in rivers and garages. However, there are many who consider this method of washing a relic of the past. Basically, these are people belonging to such a layer of the population as the middle class: entrepreneurs, middle managers. Such car owners do not have the time, and perhaps even the desire, to wash the car with their own hands. But there are enough funds to provide this care to specialists.

Along with the fact that recently the number of cars on the roads has increased significantly, we can safely say that the demand for car maintenance services has also increased. This means that a car wash is not only a popular business, but also a profitable one. And over the years, given the trend, the demand for it will increase.

Location of the car wash, room for the car wash.

The main thing to consider when opening such a business is the location. In the city, a car wash should be located in large residential areas with a large number of residents, next to shopping centers, business centers or even in them. It is ideal if you can establish a business near customs and border posts. Car washes installed near parking lots, gas stations or service stations will also be in considerable demand.

The correct location will ensure constant workspace utilization.
Of course, it is best to rent a space for washing. It will be quite difficult to build it. Here it is inevitable to go to the authorities with a pile of documents requiring approval. Just look at the sanitary standards that allow a car wash to be installed no closer than 50 meters from the nearest residential building.

Another option is to buy an already established business. Starting a business at an already existing car wash with well-established operations, your own circle of clients and an acquired reputation is much easier than creating a business from scratch. Apparently, many people choose this option. How else can we explain the rush of demand on the market for enterprises of this type?

Competitionin the washing business.

In our country, car washes have long since become commonplace from the category of “curiosities.” We can say that in any more or less large city they are found, if not on every corner, then quite often. And, accordingly, competition is high. This places another requirement on the business plan - a clear description of how to enter, occupy a place and gain a foothold in this market. And also a clear idea of ​​what advantages your business will have over competitors.

The location of your business will tell you which advertisement to choose. Close to a busy highway, when the car wash is, as they say, in plain sight, you may only need a billboard or a catchy sign with a sign.

Some people put up a “car wash” sign. But this is more difficult, as it requires permission from the traffic police.
At the stage of starting a business, when there are still quite a few or no available funds for advertising, you can declare yourself on your own. For example, selling subscriptions with favorable conditions for the client, holding promotions such as “wash your car five times and get a discount” or “every ninth wash is at the expense of the establishment.” This can attract customers without advertising costs.

And when you “promote”, expand and, perhaps, increase the range of services, for example, including painting, polishing or tire fitting, you can think about the advertising budget.

The financial part of a car wash business plan.

Feasibility study and implementation features
Prices for car wash services.

The list of washing services consists of:

Body washing and polishing;
- engine washing;
- dry and wet cleaning;
- interior cleaning.
It is worth considering that the car wash business in Moscow is seasonal. In spring and late autumn, queues form at car washes. But in the summer it is calm. Although, of course, the climate in Russia is unpredictable. Summer can be rainy, and winter can be characterized by prolonged thaws and “dirty mess” on the roads.

The location of the wash and the types of cars serviced affect the prices. Let's try to calculate based on 350 rubles - the average cost of car body washing, which is a basic service. The average bill per client will consist of the cost of the basic service and additional services.

Premises for a car wash (rental costs)

So you've decided to rent rather than build a car wash. Then keep in mind that:
- 90 sq.m. - required area for washing from two posts, of which 60 sq.m. - area intended for car wash stations, 30 sq.m. - other rooms.
- another 90 sq. m - the area required for the adjacent area.

It's hard to say how much it will cost. Different cities have their own rental rates, and in many, car washes operate as part of municipal programs on a preferential basis. If we take, for example, the rental rate in the capital, then, according to preliminary estimates, it is about $1,000 per 100 square meters per month.

The cost of preparing the site and premises for a car wash and utilities will have a significant impact. Of course, most often, landlords have already made sure that the rented premises already have electricity, running water, and heating. But a car wash is a business that may require additional electrical power as well as a water drainage system. Accordingly, additional funds will be spent on this.

In addition, it will be necessary to decorate the room inside and outside. In some cases, you will have to cover the area around with asphalt.
Presumably, all of the above work will require about $7,000 - $10,000.

Purchase of equipment.

The very minimum that will need to be spent on the purchase of equipment will total 351,000 rubles.


We establish that the car wash will operate around the clock. From 8.00 to 10.00 and from 17.00 to 22.00 we will make the load maximum, the rest of the time - at the level of 20% of it.
On average, it takes 20 minutes to wash one car. This means it will take an hour to service three cars. Thus, we believe that one post will serve daily: 3*(2 hours + 5 hours) + 3*(24-(2+5))*20% = about 30 cars.
Through both posts - 60 cars.
To summarize: on average, a two-post car wash can serve 30*60=1800 cars per month.

Washing staff.

It all depends on the scale of your wash. The larger it is and the more jobs there are, the correspondingly more service personnel will be required. Also consider the number of shifts. Many car washes serve customers in two or three shifts.

Let’s assume that when fully loaded, you will need a cashier-accountant and 9 people who will work in three shifts.
We calculate labor costs using the formula: 9*20,000 + 30,000 = 210 thousand rubles per month. That's $7,000.

Total costs (fixed, one-time)

We calculate costs using average figures.
One-time costs (in dollars):
- equipment - 12,000;
- installation of equipment - 1,000;
- water supply and drainage - 4,500;
- landscaping - 2,500;
- interior decoration - 3,000;
- documentation permitting the opening of a car wash - 4,500.

Costs each month (in dollars per month):

Salary - 7,000;
- additional costs - 2,000;
- rent of premises - 2,000 (including utility bills for water and electricity);

Total costs:

General capital - $27,500 (825,000 rubles);
- monthly - 12,000 dollars (360,000 rubles).

Estimated revenue, profit

We calculate the expected monthly revenue using the formula:
1800 cars/month * 400 rubles/car = 720,000 rubles.
Without deducting taxes, the profit will be: 720,000 rubles - 360,000 rubles = 360,000 rubles ($12,000).
After taxes - $10,500.

Payback, profitability

This type of washing will begin to pay for itself after 2.5 months of operation.
- gross profit margin (GPM) - about 50%, net profit (NPM) - 40-45%.
- return on investment (ROI) - 38%.

Project summary.

The investment will be $39,500. It will take five to ten months to return them. Net profit will be from 5,000 to 15,000 dollars per month.

Car wash risks.

When opening a car wash, take into account the risks that may entail additional costs, reduce profitability, and in the worst case, even ruin you.

Raids by inspection services, high demands from the SES;
- an unsuccessful location of a car wash will lead to a lack of customers;
- high competition;
- human factor - insufficiently qualified personnel;
- Force Majeure.

Opening a car wash is difficult, however, it is low-cost compared to other types of business. It will quickly pay for itself and generate high income. But subject to a favorable location and successful receipt of permits at all stages of business approval with various authorities.

Many Russians these days are looking for an acceptable way to earn a reliable income, and the thought of organizing own business is increasingly capturing the minds of fellow citizens. Where and in what area can you make money relatively easily? Where to go if you don’t have huge funds to organize a serious business or buy a new business? And what to do if absolutely all the niches have been occupied a long time ago, and inventing something new is still a task?

What's the benefit?

Let's not reinvent the wheel and today we'll talk about one of the classic, well-proven types of business, the opening of which, although it requires quite serious investments, is still a very real task.

We are talking about washing cars. How to open a car wash from scratch? What is needed for this, and how to organize the business correctly in order to guarantee profit and not losses? In this article we will tell you how to open a car wash correctly and explain some important nuances.

How relevant is this?

Why a car wash? Relevance of this business in modern urban conditions it has been proven by life itself. Judge for yourself: car washes are in demand absolutely everywhere - from a metropolis to a small town, and people use their services in any season.

In winter, every driver needs to visit a car wash to wash off salt, sand and reagents. In spring and autumn you have to look there at least once every 2-3 days due to constant mud and puddles on domestic roads. In the summer, it is customary for car owners to carefully polish their cars until they shine. And today we will talk about how to open a car wash from scratch.

This business (according to professionals) has a fairly high profitability (30-40%), that is, it is one of the profitable enterprises. We can talk about full payback approximately 12-16 months after the opening of the business, of course, provided that it is successfully established and promoted. If we're talking about about the portal, more expensive option, then this period is extended, and it will be possible to calculate the net profits in a year or two.

How to open a car wash from scratch: business plan

2. Visit the administration of the area where your business will be located for permission, and also obtain opinions from the Fire Service, Moskompriroda, MP “Mosvodostok” and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.

3. Construction plan coordinate with the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

What else will need to be agreed upon?

In addition, the Moscow government will require you to provide contracts for renting a site, cleaning the adjacent territory with removal of solid waste, with designated boundaries of your site and a document indicating that your cash register equipment registered.

Before opening a car wash from scratch, information about the proposed construction of the facility will need to be submitted to the Department of Communications and Transport. To obtain a SEZ and approve the project, you will have to contact Rospotrebnadzor (its territorial department).

We select a location and premises for our car wash

The payback rate and, as a consequence, the profitability of this business project are directly related to the location of the car wash. An almost ideal place for this is the sides of central city avenues; also pay attention to the busiest highways.

Car washes are often organized at the entrance to the city, near the customs or border post. But, being in the area of ​​a large transport hub, drivers most often refuse the idea of ​​using the services of a car wash due to the increased bustle and crowd. It will be more profitable to offer your services near gas stations and service stations.

Rent is cheaper

How to open a car wash from scratch when building your own building for it is an impossible financial task for you? In this case, renting premises at an ATP that is suitable in all respects may become good option. In addition, you will have to complete much less paperwork. Car enthusiasts, as a rule, are familiar with all such enterprises in their city.

The type and volume of services provided depends on the parameters of the premises. For example, if you're thinking about how to open a truck wash from scratch, there are a number of additional factors to consider, starting with the height of the ceilings.

Do not forget about the need for an auxiliary area on which you will store Consumables.

Water purification at a car wash

Due to the growth of serious environmental problems, car wash owners are faced with requirements that you will certainly have to take into account when opening. For example, a cleaning system will be required, the filters of which will remove fats, petroleum products and other chemical substances Wastewater.

Such equipment is quite compact and belongs to transportable units. The water purification procedure itself proceeds in stages. The existing circulation tank allows the liquid to be purified using a reverse cycle. Thus, circulating several times in a row along the circuit, the water remains practically free of impurities.

Since the operation of the cleaning equipment is intended at temperatures above +5 ° C, it should be installed in a heated room.

What's next?

A commission of representatives of the administration, firefighters, traffic police and other services should be present at the opening of the car wash. They will be signed by your object.

Advertising on billboards located in close proximity to your location will be very effective if you indicate short form its location, opening hours, discounts, main services and important bonuses.

We select personnel

Having overcome bureaucratic obstacles, start recruiting suitable personnel. What should it be like? The main requirements for applicants for employment are the ability to understand cars of the category that is supposed to be serviced in your case, contact (to form a list regular customers) and polite treatment.

In order not to lose consumers of services, it is advisable for the car wash to operate around the clock - such a schedule is optimal for it. In this case, you will have to hire 5 or 6 washers and one foreman.

A higher education is not necessary for your employees; students can also work for hire. They should be paid based on the amount of work performed. Workers should be motivated through additional financial incentives, and stylish work overalls with a company logo will help raise the image of a car wash as a reputable enterprise.

Let's calculate the cost of the project

When calculating mandatory expenses, proceed from the rental price. This amount will vary depending on the premises and the area where it is located. Investments in the purchase of equipment should be added to the rental.

Apparatus high pressure with water heating function will cost you from 1800 to 3000 dollars. A device that supplies water to 1 station - 500-1300 c.u. e. Compressor - 200-250 dollars. Washing vacuum cleaner (or vacuum cleaner) - $400-550. - $4800-6600

Most car wash owners prefer to purchase imported equipment. In this market segment, 80% of sales belong to the German company Karcher. In addition, Italian and Danish equipment is valued. Water purification devices are usually purchased from Russian manufacturers.

The list of basic consumable materials consists of car shampoo, polishing agent, products used for dry cleaning, cleaning wheel rims, engines, and bumpers. Monthly expenses for them will be about $300, provided that the car wash services 30-40 cars daily.

In summer, the flow of clients usually dries up. Car wash services are mainly used by those who want to wax their car. What should a businessman do to avoid losing profits? The only way out here is to slightly lower prices while simultaneously expanding the range of services. Secondly, try to offer customers additional reasons to visit your location. For example, set up a small tent with tables next to the establishment, where those who wish can relax and have a snack (for example, barbecue). While on vacation, someone will definitely want to wash their car.

An excellent solution is a mini-market with groceries or a small store selling spare parts within walking distance.

What to do if there are not enough funds

Perhaps you want to spend as little money as possible and are wondering, for example, how to open a self-service car wash. Well, this option is quite possible. Its advantages are that savings are achieved on staff salaries. Of course, this type of service has individual characteristics, which must certainly be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

If you come up with the idea of ​​​​how to open a car wash in the garage, it is better to abandon it immediately. Apart from the need to sort out issues with management, the problem of water supply, “busy” space and installation of all the expensive equipment mentioned above arises.

The main point due to which this project can be considered unviable - lack of opportunity to connect to water supply and sewerage networks. Even if there is one, you will be required to build a wastewater treatment system. In a word, this idea is not very successful.

How to open a self-service car wash from scratch: a few tips

Let's say you want to get this type of sink. You already know how to open a car wash from scratch. The business plan in this case should only be slightly adjusted to the specifics of such service.

As you know, car washing services can be portal or tunnel, in which washing is carried out in a completely automated way, manual (the staff is involved in washing cars) and open - based on the principle of self-service.

In the latter case, drivers wash their cars themselves with the products provided. This type of washing consists of a set of equipment with a set of necessary materials. All equipment (water guns, vacuum cleaners, dryers) is as simple and understandable as possible. Customers use the services of such a car wash much more willingly because of the opportunity to save money.

The list of services provided includes washing with warm water and powder (removing dirt), rinsing off foam with cold water, applying wax to the car, and polymerization to remove drips.

The main problem when setting up such a car wash is what to do with freezing liquids in winter? There is a solution, and it consists in installing a heated floor under the covering using a pipe system with circulating running hot water. Heating of water in the system is ensured by automatic switching on of a gas or diesel boiler at the right time. Equipment should also be selected with continuous circulation of liquid, such as guns for supplying water under pressure.

Every day, with every kilometer, any car becomes dirty to one degree or another. We are all accustomed to seeing car washes for SUVs, minibuses and cars, but there is a catastrophic lack of places where you can wash a 20-meter-long truck. Not every production facility, much less a food warehouse, will allow dirty vehicles into its territory; such requirements for heavy-duty vehicles are more common at food warehouses. While car wash is available in almost every city for passenger cars, in the case of heavy-duty trucks the statistics leave much to be desired.

The main consumers are truck drivers, bus drivers, and subsequently fleets. Since the flight can last 5 or more days (sometimes up to 2-3 weeks), drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cabin must be orderly and clean. But they don’t forget about the outside of the truck, which is why they use the services of car washes.

The essence of the business idea is to satisfy the need of drivers and owners of freight transport to wash heavy vehicles, tractors, and buses.

Experts say that a car wash as a business is a very profitable business. And in order for it to generate real income, a number of important points should be taken into account

It is assumed that cash will be provided by a bank or investors, and so that the costs of starting a business are not high, a portal car wash can be leased.

Capital investments- 2740.8 thousand rubles.

Net profit- 409 thousand rubles.

Payback period- 6-7 months.

Return on sales - 68,2%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It is planned to start a business with one portal installation costing 2.5 million rubles. After the first installation has paid for itself, it is planned to install a second portal sink.

After the two installations begin to generate stable income, it is planned to install a stationary sink with the same portal installation. It will be possible to expand the range of services, for example, by opening a tire shop, because you always need to develop.

Also open a small store of auto parts and consumables, i.e., motor oils, filters, various liquids such as antifreeze, antifreeze, diesel fuel mixtures, etc. Later, open a car wash for passenger cars.

3. Description of the sales market

This business is just beginning to gain momentum in our country. And it is not developing very quickly at the moment. It is not very developed in our city either.

Truck washing as a business is not only a promising, but also a highly profitable enterprise. Profits from such activities can significantly exceed the income received from car washes for passenger cars.

Just compare the cost of the service:

  • For the owner of a car, washing the car costs 250 rubles. (average price of service).
  • The minimum cost of washing trucks varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is worth actively developing this industry, it will bring considerable profit and will enable truck owners to keep their freight car clean, and will provide people with jobs.

In our city, according to the 2gis portal, there are 9 car washes for trucks. There are more than 45 car washes for passenger cars. These are the main competitors. Most of them are located on the outskirts of the city, i.e., in places where there is a fairly large flow of cars.

Car wash place

Competitive advantage is expected to be achieved through the choice of location for the car wash and additional services. The car wash site is located along Dachnoe Highway.

Because Since this area is located on the outskirts of the city, the flow of both trucks and cars is ensured, especially in spring, summer and autumn.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Organizational structure

First you need to decide on the form of business organization. There are two options here: either registration as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), or “opening” a legal entity, for example an LLC. Each of these forms has its own pros and cons, so to make it easier to make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

Both for registration as an individual entrepreneur and for opening a legal entity it is required state registration, the order of which is determined Federal law about registration legal entities And individual entrepreneurs. When contacting the registration authority, it is necessary to draw up an application in the prescribed form, prepare and submit constituent documents, and also pay the state fee.
The next step will be to obtain permits that allow you to engage in a car wash business.

In particular, these are:

  • permission from local authorities who are in charge of the territory where it is planned to open a car wash. To receive it, you must submit a letter of request to the city or district administration for the allocation of a land plot for its construction;
  • car wash project being developed design organization. Without fail, this project must comply with current sanitary-epidemiological, architectural, environmental and fire standards and be agreed upon with the authorities responsible for compliance with all these standards;
  • permission from the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, security department environment, fire protection and labor protection for the provision of washing services Vehicle. If at least one of the conclusions listed here is missing, the project will not be approved;
  • an act of permanent or temporary possession of land, which is drawn up after approval of the project. Only after receiving this document you are allocated land and given a warrant for the construction of your facility.

This is a list of basic documents that are required to open a car wash. Special requirements according to their composition and form, no.

6. Financial plan

7. Risk factors

Let's evaluate possible risks project on a 5-point scale.


  • Possible changes in legislation. Risk assessment - 1. This risk can tighten the environment for business development and reduce the level of profitability. Compensation is carried out on organizational moment when introducing a form of government, type of ownership and form of taxation.
  • War, natural disasters, cataclysms, accidents and emergencies. Risk assessment - 1. The event can objectively lead to large material losses. Property may be severely damaged or destroyed. However, this risk is regulated by the insurance service.
  • Opening of new car washes in a city with a population of 410,000, lowering prices by competitors. Risk assessment - 3. As we have already said, demand exceeds supply, but income may fall slightly. This is regulated by the creation of a personal customer base, active promotions and the development of interesting offers. It is necessary to reward the client for his correct choice.
  • Seasonal reduction in the number of services. Risk assessment - 5. This risk does not have clear time limits. It all depends on the weather. This risk is managed marketing policy, shares, reduction in the number of employees.

If you are going to open a car wash, first of all you need to analyze the market, plan the work of the future business and calculate the financial investments required.

We offer you a brief business plan for a car wash with calculations, calculated, as of 2017, for start-up investment$36,900.

Project goal: opening a manual contactless car wash with two stations.

Consumer audience: the main clients will be representatives of the middle class and private entrepreneurs.

Opening hours: from 8:00 to 23:00 seven days a week.

Required investment: $36,900.

Monthly net profit: from $1,150 to $8,000.

Payback: from 8 to 10 months.

Goals and objectives

The goal of the project is to create a modern manual car wash that provides customers with high-quality and affordable services. The company will provide its founders and staff with a stable income. Through direct cooperation with suppliers, as well as effective use the latest equipment, the company will be able to provide services at affordable and competitive prices. Due to high service and quality of services in the medium term, the company will form a base of regular loyal customers.


Providing car owners with comprehensive cleaning services:

  • Contactless washing of the car body, wheels and underbody,
  • Polishing,
  • Engine washing,
  • Cleaning the interior and trunk.

Market analysis

The constant increase in the number of cars on the roads indicates an increase in demand for car wash services. The market offers automatic portal and tunnel type washers, as well as manual ones. Manual contactless car wash services are in greatest demand, especially in 2017.

There is quite a strong presence in this business seasonal factor. In summer and winter the demand for services is low, and in spring and autumn it is high.

During periods of maximum demand, there are queues in front of car washes. This suggests that competition is not very high and the market is not yet completely saturated.

Marketing plan

The car wash premises will be located in a residential area near a service station and a parking lot, which will help attract a stable flow of customers.

To increase the number of customers and increase loyalty, the following promotions are planned:

  • Sale of subscriptions for 10, 20 and 50 washes,
  • Every tenth wash for 50% of the cost,
  • Comprehensive service at a discount.

Production plan

To organize the work of the enterprise, you will need to prepare a package of documents:

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC, registration with the tax office,
  2. Coordinated and approved car wash project,
  3. Lease agreement for land and premises,
  4. Contract for connection to electrical networks,
  5. Agreement for the purchase of water or for connection to water networks,
  6. Agreement for the disposal of used water, solid household waste, and dry residue from car wash activities.

To minimize the initial investment, the premises and land for organizing a car wash will be rented. The total area of ​​the premises is 80 square meters. meters. The premises will be refurbished: repairs will be made, water will be supplied and drained.

All equipment, auto chemicals and consumables will be purchased from the official regional dealer of the manufacturing company.


To operate a car wash, you will need 4 people working in two shifts, as well as a cashier-accountant. Monthly salary expenses will be $4,200.

Required Resources

As mentioned earlier, opening a car wash will require an investment of at least $36,900. The source of financing will be investments of personal funds of the founders of the enterprise. Attracting credit funds for initial stage not planned. The land plot and premises will be leased for 10 years.

Financial plan and risk analysis

The initial investment to open a car wash is $36,900:

  • One-time investment $28,900
  • Expenses for the first month of work: $8,000

The car wash will be open seven days a week, seven days a week, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

The average check at a car wash is $10.

Accordingly, the estimated revenue for a month of work is 1,320*10=$13,200.

Profit before taxes will be 13,200-8,000=$5,200.

On average, net profit after taxes is about $4,550.

The number of cars will fluctuate depending on the season and the figures may deviate from the average by 30%. Monthly net profit – from $1,150 to $8,000.

Return on investment – ​​from 8 to 10 months.

RisksGradeCharacteristics and solutions
Poor car wash locationHigh

A detailed analysis of the area, traffic flows and nearby competitors will help you avoid choosing the wrong location.

Problems with inspection authoritiesAverage

To minimize the occurrence of possible problems with government services, the company will cooperate and process all permits with the help of a professional law firm.

Equipment breakdownAverage

All equipment will have guarantee period services and undergo periodic technical control. In the event of a breakdown, all equipment will be repaired service center manufacturer's company.

Lack of qualified personnelLow

To attract experienced specialists, a competitive offer will be offered. wage. Car washers without experience will undergo training.


We hope that this car wash business plan with our calculations relevant for 2017 was useful to you and was able to provide answers to key questions.

Despite all the difficulties associated with organizing and issuing permits, this business is attractive with high profitability and quick return on investment.