Spain Football Academy is a football school franchise. How to open a football school as a franchise Football school franchise

One of the most interesting areas of business is football. Now you can not only root for your favorite team, but also open your own business in an attractive field. The easiest way to success in this environment is to open a football school. Such an institution will function to provide educational and sports services, so it is important to be able to instill in children an interest that promotes moral and physical development. Currently the service market early development is at the peak of popularity, and the proposed segment is not filled.

Since the implementation of this direction requires the development of modern innovative techniques training, it will be extremely difficult for an ordinary entrepreneur to develop such a company on his own. However, this problem can be solved. A football franchise is the simplest and most understandable way to organize. Buying ready business under a franchise, you receive information support and also get acquainted with international techniques used in this area. In the catalog you can find football franchises of various sizes.

Football school franchises

The catalog provides for the following franchising offers in the field of football, requiring investments of varying sizes:

  • Junior Football School;
  • Championika Football Club;
  • Children's sports club "Footyball";
  • Center for preschoolers "Futbik".

Russian methods of sports training for preschoolers, presented in the catalog, are unique in that the work is aimed at children from three to seven years old, which is not yet provided for in European top clubs. However, 3% of the population is occupied by boys in this age category.

Provided that for the project to pay off, it is necessary to recruit a group of at least 12 people, you can calculate the expected profit. To do this, you need to multiply the price of the subscription by the number of children and subtract all expenses from this amount. If you use franchising, then the list of costs usually consists of hall rental, trainers’ salaries, taxes and royalties. Usually, when a club opens, more than 25 people sign up for classes; if you rent a standard mini-football room, it will be enough for classes with 30 children.

Requirements for doing business

In this area, the following requirements are usually put forward to franchisees:

  • gym rental;
  • availability of free time for classes;
  • initial investment;
  • basic management skills.

Using a football franchise, you can expand the range of services offered in the form of individual and additional programs, as well as the sale of souvenirs and uniforms. Much attention must be paid to the preparation of the coach. Many franchisors provide online training systems for employees, where webinars are held and monitoring of acquired knowledge.

It is possible to buy a football club franchise with an investment of 220,000 rubles. And when purchasing a large organization to work with different age categories, investments can amount to 14,500,000 rubles.

By purchasing a sports facility franchise from our catalog, you can choose the format of the enterprise yourself - opening your own center, renting a sports ground or working with kindergartens. Thus, you get an individual, highly profitable business that has no analogues.

Franchise of children's sports school football "Championika" - Your opportunity to open your own football club at the most profitable franchise Russia*

The company "Footbostars", which is developing the network of football clubs for children "Championika", is looking for partners to open new clubs in the network in Russia and the CIS countries under a franchising agreement.

We offer you to buy a Championika franchise and, with our help, open your own football club for children as part of our network in your region under a franchise agreement.

The Championika children's football club franchise gives you the right to open and operate one or more clubs under the brand of our network. And also includes comprehensive teaching methods for children and coaching staff, own website and business consultant, provision of branded inventory, etc.

About the Championika clubs - health and pleasure for children, profitable business for owners

"Championika" is a network of football clubs for children aged 3 years and older.

Founded in 2013, the Footballstars company has already managed to open more than 500 centers in 6 countries and more than 95 cities in Russia, and teaches more than 15,000 children using individual methods.

The methods of the Championika clubs are based on many years of experience already existing organizations world significance, as well as an individual approach to children, namely:

  • The training system for football players of the German Football Association Deutscher Fußball Bund (DFB);
  • FIFA Grassroots Football Program Recommendations;
  • UEFA Grassroots Football Charter Instructions;
  • Cooperation with the American company Soccer Shots;
  • Exclusive cooperation with the Spartak and Zenit Academies.

Classes of the Championika clubs are held both on the territory own centers, and on the territory of kindergartens and gyms.

Coaches of Championika clubs undergo a week-long training at the Championika Academy and attend various master classes.

The methodology of the Championika clubs was developed taking into account international experience and approved by specialists in the field of football and child psychology:

  • all classes are held in the form of games, both sports and creative;
  • the lesson lasts only 45 minutes (so as not to overload the kids);
  • groups from 6 to 10 people;
  • all exercises and equipment are safe;
  • more than 700 different exercises and games;
  • Encouraging children in verbal form, nurturing team spirit.

We became a three-time winner of the most famous sports award in Russia “Sport and Russia”, as the Best private network of children’s sports schools in 2018, Best Franchise in the field of children's sports in 2017 and the best children's innovative project in 2016.

We will be happy to help you open your own football club “Championika” in your region, including ordering special equipment, selecting trainers and training them, and federal advertising.

Support for opening a football club under the Championika franchise

For a confident start and subsequent successful management and development of your business, we will provide you with:

  • Assistance in selecting premises;
  • Business strategy;
  • Trademark;
  • Personal consultant;
  • Ordering branded equipment;
  • Individual design project;
  • CRM system;
  • Individual methods we use;
  • Selection of coaching staff;
  • Full-time training for each coach at the Championika Academy;
  • Legal basis;
  • Interaction with our partners;
  • Federal advertising;
  • Establishing communications with clients via the Internet (including acquiring).

Advantages of working as a franchise for the children's football club "Championika"

  • Relatively low level of investment;
  • Payback in 4-5 months;
  • Full access to techniques from world organizations;
  • Detailed training for franchisees and staff;
  • Checking the quality of trainers’ work;
  • Providing a complete brand book;
  • Master classes for trainers;
  • Federal advertising;
  • Access to the website to interact with clients;
  • Opportunity to work in different formats(individual centers, kindergartens or gyms)
  • Ability to work from a home office;
  • Exclusive agreement with Spartak Academy and Zenit.

A football school franchise is an opportunity to open a profitable and modern business, since all the necessary consultations and advertising support are provided here. Of course, there could be a lot organizational issues, but in general the entire business has already been carefully thought out and debugged.

The number of such enterprises is increasing every day, and this is quite understandable. Government institutions do not always meet modern educational standards, and in private companies the quality of services is often definitely higher. In this regard, in fact, it is obvious that people are increasingly choosing private football sections.

In addition, not everywhere in Russia there are such schools. It turns out that a football school franchise is in demand almost everywhere where children live. A school of this kind is a socially significant business, so there are usually no special barriers to opening here. Perhaps in some areas and regions the state will be ready to support such businesses financially. Of course, franchisors can also confirm an agreement with a partner on cooperation, and this is especially important when receiving investments.

How to run a business for a beginner? It should be taken into account that this business itself is quite difficult, but in general franchisors are ready to provide all the opportunities for successful work.

Football school franchises

There are few football school franchises in Russia today, but there really is a choice here. You can always choose exactly the franchise that suits your conditions and allows you to fit into your existing investments. Here are some examples of the most popular and successful franchises in this area.


The essence of Junior football schools operates in 150 cities located in six countries. As noted by the franchisor, each such school trains on average from forty to two hundred athletes. At the same time, the net profit of one school can range from 70 to 400 thousand rubles. Lump sum payment, depending on individual conditions, ranges from one hundred to five hundred thousand rubles here. Royalties are paid in the amount of five thousand rubles monthly. It is important to consider that when opening, additional investments may be required, for example, the purchase of various equipment and printing products - this may cost about 75 thousand rubles. If you purchase a more “simple” franchise package, then this expense item can amount to about 40 thousand rubles.

What does a franchisee get by purchasing this franchise? This includes educational videos and webinars that allow you to learn all the intricacies of the craft. There is also a special online system for training school coaches - their knowledge is regularly tested using certain methods. A CRM system is also provided, which interacts with the application, Call Center and feedback forms on the company website. As a result, you can work with clients very easily and track all statistics. Ready-made instructions and recommendations are provided to ensure quality training. In addition, the franchisee here also receives a personal manager. There is a separate online chat for school owners and staff to exchange experiences and ideas. Promotional materials are provided, advertising is set up in search engines and promotion is carried out in social networks. The services of a 24-hour Call Center, as well as the services of a lawyer, designer, PR manager and personal manager are provided absolutely free of charge.

Profit in business with “Junior” consists of several components. In particular, these are:

  • sale of training passes;
  • sale of sports equipment and branded equipment;
  • sale of tours to children's training camps.

As noted by the franchisor, the average payback period is three months. At the same time, a record quick payback– one or two training sessions. As a rule, to break even, it is necessary to recruit at least twelve people to the school, and they will bring in about 50 thousand rubles per month.

Young Stars

The Young Stars football school franchise requires investments from 179 to 390 thousand rubles. The franchisee pays a royalty in the amount of five thousand rubles, and this is done from the second month of operation. In this case, the partner gets the opportunity to conduct business in kindergartens and separate rooms. All training methods and developments are provided, and guidance is given on organizing a full-fledged football team. Branded equipment is supplied and the franchisee is trained. All necessary legal and accounting support is provided. Booklets, leaflets and other promotional materials are provided. Developed and implemented individual marketing strategy, setting up several types of advertising on the Internet. It also has its own Call Center, which operates around the clock - this allows franchisees not to be distracted from their activities and receive clients constantly. The partner is also provided with all the documents necessary for the legal conduct of business.


The first Almaz football school appeared in 2013, and today three more clubs operate under this franchise. The total investment here ranges from 150 to 200 thousand rubles, and monthly you need to pay 3% of income in the form of royalties (you don’t need to pay royalties for the first two months of work). As noted by the franchisor, the average return on business is three months. The launch of a business is carried out within two to three weeks and employees of the main office personally accompany this process at the opening site. Comprehensive support is provided, marketing materials and training manuals are provided. According to information from the franchisor, the school’s net profit can be more than one hundred thousand rubles per month.

Almaz school accepts children aged three to ten years, and in the case of further development Based on their abilities, it is possible to place young athletes in famous Russian clubs.

Pros and cons of football school franchises

The downside is that when opening a football school, it is advisable to have experience in a similar field. Also, as a rule, such a business may require working capital. It is important to keep in mind that a football school for children will only be relevant in a city with a population of ten thousand people. At the same time, it is important that this city has a good hall and it can be easily rented. Do not forget that for successful football practice, the sports ground must have a high-quality surface. As in many other types of franchise business, here you need to comply with generally accepted rules and requirements - perhaps some of them will be difficult at first, but usually franchisors themselves are interested in making cooperation as easy and convenient as possible for both parties.

If we talk about the advantages, there are quite a lot of them. At a minimum this stable income, since many children go to such training for several months, or even years. In addition, the football school is a good alternative for other sections, which means that parents here are extremely interested in their children attending such classes. The cost of services here is low, and compared to other sports, football is quite cheap for most parents. As stated in the description of franchises, earnings in them can be based on various points - this is the sale of sports equipment, and trips to a training camp and, of course, payment for subscriptions to classes. There is practically no competition here, and often in small towns the franchisee can offer a truly unique and sought-after service. Attractiveness of this business is also the fact that there is a prospect for the development of children who, with hard training, may well end up in the most famous football clubs.


Of course, to successfully run a business in this area, you need to love your job. It is important to give children the most valuable things here, set them up for a healthy lifestyle and develop their willpower. Football itself has long grown into a sphere with billions of dollars in turnover, and therefore this sport can be called very profitable business. It is noteworthy that children's football is not only a sport, but also a great pastime. The joyful moment for many parents here is that they can watch their children’s competitions and games and rejoice at their victories.

We present to your attention a comprehensive package of services for franchisees. Thanks to the franchise offer Spain Football Academy you will be able to open a “football” school and maximize your potential for generating and growing income.



Some professional football academies and schools practice selection based on certain characteristics such as speed, physique or height, not to mention close connections within the club. In light of these considerations, a football player's technical abilities are often overestimated. Players in football schools are recruited at a very young age (often as young as 5 years old), put under a lot of pressure and expected to perform at their best. team game, but they miss them individual development. As a result, many talented football players graduate from football schools and academies and then retire at this level, although they are only 6-7 years old.

Thus, our franchisees have the opportunity to collect football players who, for whatever reason, were missed by professional football schools and academies.


Since our franchise is a long-term project, we believe that eventually we need to create our own target training centers. The grounds of football schools must be located in central locations and meet all the necessary standards for holding competitions. Football schools will be managed from our centers.

Such a project will require sponsorship and significant investment from the private sector, and SFA's franchise includes helping to attract global financial support from our franchisees.


Our football schools and academies focus on four areas:

1. Technical

At our soccer schools, skill training takes place in a relaxed, high-paced environment. If a football player has a weak point, he should work on it, not work around the problem.

2. Physical

Through sports training with an emphasis on football specifics, we can create an athlete out of every student. It should also be recognized that some soccer players will always be smaller and lighter than others, but with proper training to strengthen core strength and stability, this will not be a barrier.

3. Physiological

As well as working on the young player's mindset, we also need to focus on muscle function in general. By working on balance and developing fast-twitch muscles, we give our soccer students an advantage that most training does not provide.

4. Social

It is important that students in our football schools and academies have the qualities of humility, honesty and a strong work ethic, but it must be taken into account that a player is only at the coach's disposal for a few hours a week, so parents must also be part of the learning process.

This aspect is not mandatory, but nevertheless it is very important...


In our football schools we provide varied, specific training rather than setting a general regime for everyone. Training should be intense, but interesting and varied, with the involvement of trainers specializing in various areas.

Students must be selected through regional testing. Previously, participants must undergo selection in their schools with the best football players and coaches from each of these football schools.

We work closely with football academies, schools and agents with the prospect of placing our best students in professional football clubs appropriate to their level, representing them in the best possible way.

All this allows our franchisees to achieve three main goals:

Attracts and motivates the best students and gives them an understanding of where our teaching is leading;

Creates a future source of funding that allows us to grow what we do.

Allows us to attract the best coaches and players and strengthen our reputation as leaders in the development of young professional footballers.


We must not forget that many students from our football schools will not be able to become professional football players, but will still strive to make a career in football. We will therefore continue to work closely with the Spanish National Football Academy and its regional football schools and academies to raise awareness of the availability of other coaching and refereeing opportunities.

Basic structure


We offer franchisees a range of brands for merchandising, ranging from the Real Madrid Foundation to Barcelona Football Club and the Spanish National Team. All franchisees will have access to these products.


Franchisees will receive permission to use all trademarks associated with Spain Football Academy in accordance with the franchise agreement.


Franchise costs include the cost of getting the SFA-identified website up and running and any assistance needed to launch and edit our franchisees' website.

For anyone modern organization It is important to promote yourself on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and we can provide any assistance our franchisees need on this front.



We are confident that the experience accumulated by all organizations that have united to form a school franchise will be the best support for the development of your business. When selling a football school franchise, both parties have a stake in its success. For our part, we guarantee that we are ready to give 100%.

Access to all projects within the franchise is open, because we consider ourselves part of one big family of like-minded people. So if you have any questions, just contact us.


We have spent many years building relationships with national football schools, academies, governments, authorities, professional and amateur football clubs, investors, sponsors and many others. A school franchise will give you all the support you need to create these important relationships.


Each franchisee must submit a business plan based on the template provided. This should not be seen as a major obstacle as we provide not only a standard school franchise template, but also assistance in creating a business plan and can also recommend the services of an excellent accountant.

1. Project summary

2. Business activity overview




Development plan

3. Business strategy


Strategic factors

Core Values

4. Marketing

SWOT Analysis and Critical Success Factors

Market Research

Sales channels

Strategic alliances

E-commerce and technology

Tactical sales promotion plan

Marketing budget

Reliability and risk reduction

5. Command and management structure

Skills, Experience, Coaching and Retention


Control system

6. Financial plans and forecasts

Profit and loss forecast

Cash flow forecast

Balance Sheet Forecast

Capital budget

Break-even analysis


As part of the franchise, Spain Football Academy will organize regular training camps, where all franchisees are expected to participate, and all football school coaches working within the franchise will also be invited. The purpose of these training camps is to group discuss our promotion strategies and exchange ideas with other franchisees. The franchise will give you the opportunity to spend some time with one of our top Spanish trainers to learn new techniques and techniques.

The franchise of our football school will provide all franchisees with the opportunity in the future to independently organize training camps in your football schools with coaches from the best Spanish clubs, schools and academies. Despite the fact that these camps will be organized at the expense of the franchisees, in the future such events will generate additional income and attract new participants. Camps can be held both on the territory of the franchisee and in Spain, depending on the wishes and capabilities of the organizers.


Any coach at a football school conducting training will be familiar with the current child protection regulations and will be able to provide qualified first aid. first aid if necessary. Each training session will include a first aid kit, accident report log and records of all participants.

All football school coaches of our franchisees will be familiarized with the child protection policy within the SFA franchise upon signature.


Every organization needs insurance. Civil liability insurance for franchisees and coaches of football schools. We can advise you on the franchise insurance option that best suits your needs.


Our football school franchise can provide excellent representation through the best football agents. In addition, contracts are signed with the franchisee to ensure that if you are fully responsible for the development and promotion of the player, you will not be ignored financially.


We have a team of highly qualified notaries and lawyers at our disposal. However, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice before purchasing a football school franchise.