Ask permission. Don't ask permission. Scientific and cultural purposes

Good day. Today I came across a phrase in the newspaper: “According to legend, the solution was personally invented by Ivan Ivanov.” Is the use of the phrase “come up with a way out” speech error?

Russian help desk response

It's not an error, but it's better: found a way out. Come up with a way out- perhaps in the meaning of “come up with a way to resolve a difficult situation.”

Question No. 298648

Is a dash necessary and is the construction of the phrase itself correct? Is it possible to use “I ask” and “at the request” in the same sentence? I ask for your permission to videotape the interview at the hotel, at the request of the Head of the Academy (-) Alexei Zhdanov.

Russian help desk response

In this case, it is not clear whose request exactly we are talking about.

Question No. 295815

How to form an adjective from a noun ending in “-eni” (for example, “resolution”, “selection”, etc.)? For example, I want to form an adjective from the phrase “low resolution” (images on a computer). How can I do it? "Low resolution"? "Low-resolution"?

Russian help desk response

It is impossible to form such an adjective. It is customary to say: low resolution image or low resolution image.

Question No. 295139

Hello! Can you please tell me if the punctuation marks are placed correctly? The department has reviewed the documents submitted for the issuance of a construction permit, and, guided by paragraph 4 of the Regulations, reports a refusal to issue... (meaning that the department refuses in accordance with paragraph 4 of the Regulations)

Russian help desk response

Punctuation marks are placed correctly.

Question No. 294959

Good afternoon Tell me, is there a need for a comma before the word “direct”? In accordance with the “Regulations for the formation, coordination and approval of Comprehensive schedules of diagnostic and repair work at the facilities of Murzilka LLC and obtaining permission to carry out work at gas transportation and underground storage facilities” -------- we send you for your consideration and approval of the draft Comprehensive Schedule of Diagnostic and Repair Work for 2018, formed in Information system assessment of the technical condition of technological facilities of LLC "Murzilka" (ISTS "Info").

Russian help desk response

You can add a comma, but it is not necessary. Both punctuation options will be correct.

Question No. 293475

Good afternoon I am writing to you for the second time, the issue requires an early resolution, please help. The Day of the Republic of Chuvashia is approaching, and a lot of various materials due to this. How to correctly format the name of the holiday if the truncated form “Republic Day” is used - write the word “republic” with a capital or lowercase letter? Sincerely, Elena

Russian help desk response

I'm sorry to be late with the reply. Correct spelling Republic Day, because the second word in this case replaces the full official name Chuvash Republic.

Question No. 291428

To resolve the dispute with the manager, I ask for a link to the rule according to which it is written: Cultural and educational activities, including the organization of excursions on the territory of MGOMZ, are not included in the above list.

Russian help desk response

D. E. Rosenthal recommended that in such constructions the predicate be coordinated with the subject, and not with the clarifying (explanatory) members of the sentence: Cultural and educational activities, including the organization of excursions on the territory of MGOMZ, are not included in the above list (see, for example: Rosenthal D. E., Dzhandzhakova E. V., Kabanova N. P. Handbook of the Russian language: spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. 7th ed. M., 2010. §185, p . 4) .

Yu. A. Belchikov (see his reference book“Practical stylistics of the modern Russian language” (Moscow, 2012))somewhat softens the recommendations, allowing coordination with clarifying (explanatory) components. However, this assumption does not apply to the formal style in which the sentence in the question is written.

Question No. 290888

Good afternoon Please tell me how to write correctly: ask permission/permission. Based on what rule? Thanks in advance, Olga.

Russian help desk response

In such combinations with abstract nouns, the genitive case is used. Right: ask permission. Wed. variant with a concrete noun: ask for a cup.

Question No. 290365

Employees of Soyuz LLC, as part of their official assignment, compiled a directory “Medical institutions of the city.” This reference book was published in large quantities and distributed throughout the mountains. Novosibirsk. Some time later, representatives of Soyuz LLC discovered in the places where their directory was distributed, another directory published by Moment LLC. The content of the new directory was identical to the content of the directory “Medical Institutions of the City”. Soyuz LLC filed a lawsuit to oblige Moment LLC to stop violating the exclusive right to the work – the Directory “City Medical Institutions”, and to withdraw all distributed copies of the directory “City Medicine” from civil circulation. Moment LLC did not agree with the claim, motivating its objections by the fact that the plaintiff’s directory is not the result of creative activity and, accordingly, cannot be recognized as an object of intellectual property; both directories contain publicly available information about titles medical institutions, types of services provided medical care, telephone numbers and addresses. What legally significant circumstances must be established for the correct resolution of the case? Resolve the dispute on its merits.

Russian help desk response

The Russian Language Help Service does not provide legal advice. You have come to the wrong address.

Question No. 289546

Good afternoon, this is not the first time I have asked a question, but, unfortunately, I have not received an answer. The answer is very necessary for correct spelling letters and permissions controversial situation with colleagues. Please answer in which case and why the word “re-registration” should be indicated in the following sentence: “Re-registration of contracts using the new name of the organization is not required.” Thank you.

Russian help desk response

If the object of a transitive verb with negation is expressed by an abstract noun, it is usually used in the form genitive case: Renewal of contracts using the new name of the organization is not required.

Question No. 287460

how to correctly write ""with whose permission?""

Russian help desk response

Right: with whose permission?

Question No. 286876

Hello. Rate the fragment course work, giving detailed answers to the following questions: - are there any deviations from the chosen topic; - are all the necessary components of the logical scheme of a scientific work contained in the fragment (goal, objectives, etc.); - is the presentation logical, are there any violations of the paragraph division of the text; - whether the selected language means are stylistically correct; - whether the norms of the literary language are observed (spelling, grammatical, lexical); - whether there are any violations of the etiquette requirements for scientific speech. Main problems and trends in the formation and distribution of income of students Introduction Human resource– the most important in the economic system, accordingly, economic system must ensure a decent standard of living for people. Naturally, one of the indicators of quality of life is income. And if the incomes of pensioners and older age groups of the population are the subject of everyday, economic and ideologically politicized disputes, in which parties are created to defend the interests, then the problem of incomes is no less important group– young students are not yet receiving enough attention. Of course, there are many possible sources of income for young and energetic students. However, such incomes often turn out to be quite low, and their value is often insufficient to meet even the most necessary conditions for people’s existence. It is low incomes that are the reason for the increase in crime among young people and the reduction in the number of young families with children. Thus, the incomes of young people and the sources of their formation deserve close attention, and all the problems associated with them require prompt resolution. That is why this topic is relevant at any time, in any country, under any economic system, and especially in a transition economy Russian Federation. I would like to set the following tasks: 1. Consideration of the main problems and trends in the formation and distribution of income of students in the Russian Federation. 2. To study similar problems and trends among students of Murmansk State technical university(MSTU), compare them with all-Russian ones. 3. Summarize and develop appropriate recommendations. In this work, I used statistical and factor analysis methods and questionnaires. One can hypothetically make an assumption: Students’ income will be in the range from 1000 to 3000 rubles. This income comes from the following sources, such as: -parental help; -scholarship; - temporary income. This income is spent mainly on entertainment. However, in the future, students want to earn approximately 700 ru. Receiving this income is associated with work in the field of business and entrepreneurship.

Russian help desk response

We don't do homework.

Question No. 285700

Good afternoon. The question is: can passive and active participles act as homogeneous members of a sentence? For example, "an organization chosen by shareholders and having the appropriate permissions."

Russian help desk response

Question No. 284994

Good afternoon I haven’t received an answer to my question for a long time, so I’ll repeat it, your comments are very important for resolving the dispute with general director. Where is the correct place to put parentheses when deciphering the amount in acts of work performed? ...the cost of the work performed is 10,875.00 (Ten thousand eight hundred seventy-five rubles 00 kopecks)...or...the cost of the work performed is 10,875.00 (Ten thousand eight hundred seventy-five) rubles 00 kopecks... Request justify the answer what rules govern this situation. Thank you.

Russian help desk response

There are no spelling rules governing this situation. We believe that the first option is more successful: ...the cost of the work performed is 10,875.00 (Ten thousand eight hundred seventy-five rubles 00 kopecks)... Our choice is due to the fact that in the recording10 875,00 numbers after the decimal point denote kopecks, so the second option is redundant.

    ask- attention action, causation to ask for permission action, causation to ask for protection action, causation to ask for an apology action, causation to ask for mercy action, causation to ask for permission action, causation to ask for help ... ...

    permissions- seek permission action, causation wait for permission modality, expectation ask permission action, causation ask permission action, causation ask permission action, causation ask permission action,... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Permission culture is a term often used by Lawrence Lessig and other copyright activists to describe a society in which copyright restrictions are widespread and... ... Wikipedia

    action- take action action action ended action, subject, ending action direct action action begins action, subject, beginning action based touching action produce action action occurs ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    causation- (not) to inspire confidence in an action, causation (not) to give a reason for possession, causation (not) to give rest to possession, causation (not) to give a complete picture of possession, causation to take care of health possession, causation, continuation, assistance... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Church Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Pierre Cauchon fr. Pierre Cauchon Barthelemy Re ... Wikipedia

    permission- give permission action achieve permission action, causation wait for permission modality, expectation ask permission action, causation receive permission action, recipient ask permission action, causation... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Nesov. 1. Ask permission to do something, go, enter somewhere. Ott. Ask to be accepted, to be enrolled somewhere. 2. Ask to be given the opportunity to send a natural need (about children, animals). 3. transfer Be ready, suitable... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    "IMPRIMATUR"- [lat. Let it be printed], official formula. permission to publish texts of the Holy Scriptures. Scriptures, doctrinal, theological, liturgical books and publications on issues of faith and morals; in the Roman Catholic Church is granted by the Papal See,... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Serfdom relations in Kuban Serfdom in Kuban, which appeared at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries and was associated with the inclusion of the Cossacks in the Russian government agencies and social and legal institutions. Development... ...Wikipedia

We live in a primitive economy that does not require High Quality human capital. This contradiction already existed in the USSR, where universities graduated a large number of highly educated people. But only a small part of them were involved in scientific developments and involved in the emergence of some breakthrough technologies.

And in post-Soviet Russia this situation has become completely outrageous. And not only are there a lot of smart people walking around with good education, which have nowhere to go. Other newly minted economists, financiers, and lawyers simply cannot be hired. Because, in addition to “educational overproduction,” we are often faced with low-quality production. It is enough to mention the astronomical number of diplomas issued after correspondence courses.

It is not surprising that many people wonder: is higher education really that good?

But, firstly, we must remember that over the past 150 years Russia has regularly supplied the world with high-quality human capital, educated here. And perhaps we should not limit ourselves solely to the needs of our country and our economy.

And secondly, universities, generally speaking, produce three products: human capital; a set of professions that a nation, a country and, as it turns out, the whole world live by; finally - behavioral values.

Main product higher education over the past quarter century, the middle class has become. After all, belonging to it is largely a matter of self-identification. People who consider themselves to be middle class know that fitness is useful, but they should not drink methylated spirits. They know what deposits and savings instruments are in general, and sometimes they can even be responsible for their finances. They have a fundamentally different attitude to the quality of life, and thus they radically change the nature of demand in the country.

Paradox! The massive spread of universities produced a negative result in terms of economic supply and a positive result in terms of social supply. But ultimately, through demand, it also affects the economy.

By the way, in this regard we are very similar to South Korea. There, too, there is clearly no need for as many specialists as are currently being produced. But they remade the consciousness of the nation, which until recently was mostly peasant.

However, Koreans know what they want to achieve from education. We don’t have such an understanding. Let's take the story of global university rankings. It seems good idea- demonstrate our global competitiveness in this area.

For example, the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, according to the basic positions of the QS 2016 world ranking, shares national leadership with High school economy. At the same time, HSE, for example, is ahead in terms of the number of publications, and we are ahead in terms of graduates and academic reputation. And this does not prevent the ministry from reducing the number of budget places for us.

They say that you are economists, and therefore you can easily replace a state employee with a contract employee. But this logic is deeply flawed, because then we will not be able to produce a good world-class specialist.

Russia is a country with Latin American social gaps. And the budget space allows us to overcome them, at least in education. It leaves a chance for a gifted young man from the outback and from a low-income family, having gained the necessary points on the Unified State Exam, to come to us and become a star. One that will be in demand not only here, but also at Princeton or Stanford, as often happened with graduates of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

The ministry operates on the principle of “every sister’s earrings” - so that governors don’t get too offended and don’t think that only their universities are being closed, merged or deprived of state funding.

Although even at the quota level it is clear how different federal and regional approaches to the value of education are. When we tried to bring the enrollment for certain specialties in line with requests from the localities, it turned out that we had to graduate only 200 “budget” philosophers. Because no region says it needs philosophers.

In the same way, no department of economics - and not just the regional one - will ever pay for the training of young people to become structural linguists. They are not mentioned in the layouts of demand from the personnel departments of enterprises and firms. But structural linguists from Moscow State University became the pride of many new companies created in the 90s.

The ability to teach a wide variety of professions, regardless of their apparent applied value, is perhaps the best indicator of a country’s positioning in the global education market, its competitive feature. And in order to preserve it and at the same time satisfy the current needs of employers, it is enough to introduce a ranking of diplomas and universities. When it will be seen that this person has received a world-class education. This one is national. And this one learned a little and expanded his horizons.

If such a difference is clearly formalized and made visible, there will be no need to close universities en masse. It is enough to abolish the correspondence form of education as trading for little money in diplomas that are not formally different from ordinary ones - with a colossal actual difference. And from 2017 this will most likely be done.

Distance courses from leading universities should take their place, and although they are very difficult to do, they must be done. Otherwise, we will again build a closed elitist system, deliberately depriving children from poor families living on the periphery of the opportunity to improve their educational level.

Of course, some problems related to the accessibility and effectiveness of education are solved with the help of the Unified State Exam. And some, on the contrary, are being created. I never thought there would be two types of applicants. Some people know what Newton's binomial is, but they don't know who Sir Isaac Newton is. And others know who Newton is, but do not know what a binomial is. Because in high school, every student now decides this way: “I’m taking this Unified State Exam, other subjects aside.” And as a result, he loses orientation in space. He masters formulas, but does not feel that he is running headlong into the wall with them, or he sees this world, but does not know how to express it, how to arrange it.

The breadth of horizons is lost. And, as a result, we get people who are not able and not ready to apply the acquired knowledge to their own business, and not to someone else’s. At best, they will choose between a large and a medium-sized company, between the employer that pays more and the one that gives more freedom. Who will become an entrepreneur? Not the ones they sell near the metro, but the ones that actually create an innovative economy?

Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin told me a wonderful phrase 7-8 years ago: “Sasha, you can do a lot in Russia if you don’t ask permission.”

This is, perhaps, the main applied task of the national education system - to “produce” smart and knowledgeable people who will not ask permission.

A transaction will be considered large if it goes beyond the usual economic activity and is associated with the purchase or sale of property joint stock company(more than 30% of shares) or provides for the transfer of property for temporary use or under a license (clause 1 of Article 46 No. 14-FZ). Moreover, in both cases, the price of such transactions must be at least 25% of the book value of the assets of the limited liability company (LLC).

If required, large agreements are approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (14-FZ, 174-FZ, 161-FZ, etc.) or according to the rules established in the Charter of the procurement participant. In other options, this is done by a representative of the supplier authorized to obtain accreditation for.

In an LLC, approval is within the competence of general meeting. If an organization has a board of directors, then, on the basis of the Charter, the adoption of agreements on such operations can be transferred to its jurisdiction.

On June 26, 2018, the Supreme Court issued a Resolution of the Plenum, in which it examined the main disputes regarding the approval of major transactions and agreements in which there is an interest.

Download Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 27 of June 26, 2018

When is such approval needed in the contract system?

To start participating in government procurement, you need. To do this, they provide a general package of documents, which includes consent to the transaction. Moreover, this is always required, including when the purchase does not fall into the large category. As for suppliers who were accredited before December 31, 2018, they are required to register in the Unified Information System by the end of 2019. Both will need an up-to-date sample decision on a major transaction 44-FZ.

Information must be included in the second part of the application if required by law or constituent documents, as well as when both or , and the contract itself will be large for the participant. In the absence of this information at any stage before the conclusion of the contract. The customer's auction commission is responsible for checking the data (clause 1, part 6, article 69 No. 44 of the Federal Law).

It's important to note that individual entrepreneurs, unlike LLCs, do not belong to legal entities. Therefore, they are exempt from the obligation to submit such a document for accreditation to the ETP.

Important change for 2019

But it is not necessary to include this information in the second part. It is considered that if the supplier has not provided such data, then the contract does not fall into this category. But, as practice shows, even the decision of a single participant to approve major deal Just in case, they are attached to the general package of documents. It is important not to make a mistake here. Otherwise, there is a risk of rejection of the auction participant due to the fact that he provided false information. Such cases are disputed by the FAS, but the period for concluding the contract increases.

What to pay attention to when drafting: form and content

First of all, it is worth noting that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not have a single model of approval. But clause 3 of Art. 46 No. 14 Federal Law explains that such a document must indicate:

  1. A person who is a party to an agreement and a beneficiary.
  2. Price.
  3. Subject of the agreement.
  4. Others or the order in which they are determined.

The beneficiary may not be specified if it is impossible to determine it at the time of approval of the document, as well as if the contract is concluded based on the results of tenders.

At the same time, Art. 67.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the decision made by the executive bodies of an LLC must be confirmed by notarization, unless another method is provided for by the Charter of such a company or by a decision of the general meeting, which is adopted unanimously by the participants.

Clause 4 art. 181.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of information that must be reflected in the decision in-person meeting founders. The protocol requires the following information:

  • date, time and place of the meeting;
  • persons who participated in the meeting;
  • voting results for each item on the agenda;
  • persons who counted the votes;
  • persons who voted against the approval of the agreement and demanded that this be recorded.

It happens that customers reject a participant if the decision specifies total amount approved transactions, and not each agreement separately. Therefore, we recommend using the wording “Approve transactions on behalf of the Limited Liability Company “_______________” based on the results of the procurement procedures for goods, works, and services. The amount of each such transaction should not exceed the amount of ____________ (_____________) rubles 00 kopecks.”

Sometimes when shooting in street photography ( street photography) we are faced with an almost Shakespearean dilemma: ask someone to take a photo or just take a photo and move on? We risk being rejected and receiving many small humiliations from small-minded people, or we may prefer the safety and anonymity of “snapping and running.”

Unfortunately, there is no one right answer, for street photography or otherwise. As a photographer, you just have to learn to analyze the situation and use the best solution.

Let's look at the world from the surreal side. Our modern world is filled with video cameras and people with cameras. Walk down any street in a big city and you'll see dozens of surveillance cameras towering over you, some owned by private companies and some by the government. But these cameras quietly disappeared from view behind waterproof cases. After a while, people even forget about them.

When these cameras capture a person with a large camera, it sometimes causes an overreaction from the quirky people in front of the monitors and from the bored security guards. Almost every street photographer has at least one story about being confronted by angry security guards or police officers.

Your best defense in such a situation will be a smile, a calm demeanor, and a firm understanding that you know your rights. This is wise to keep in mind because history is full of sad stories where some people have died. You need to be armed with good inner guidance about when to stand your ground and when to just walk away.

When it comes to photographing people in public places, sometimes it's best to take a quick shot and move on. The less time you spend taking a photo, the less suspicious you will appear and the less irritated you will see in people's eyes. If you find a topic that really intrigues you, then just go up and ask the person for permission to take a photo. You'll be surprised how many times people will say yes, or agree to the photo, but with some minor restrictions. If you asked 10 random people on the street, probably 80 percent would not mind taking a photo, and the remaining 20 percent would politely refuse to cooperate.

Abandoning a person is certainly not a personal belief. Some people are in a hurry or are simply late, and some were startled by such a question. The world is full of scammers and suspicions, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. However, despite all this, you will be amazed at how some people will say yes.

Don't be afraid to ask, as this gives you the opportunity to interact with complete strangers. You will be able to make new friends, expand your social network, and meet people, even if it's just for a while. For many, those positive interactions are worth more than a few missed frames from people who said no, thank you.