The structure of coniferous and deciduous wood. Characteristics of the properties and structure of pine wood. Mechanical properties of wood

Stomach cancer is a common cancer that affects men more often than women. As a malignant tumor develops, it can spread to the liver, lungs, esophagus and other organs. If treatment for stomach cancer is started in the first stages of its development, then there is a chance to completely get rid of this disease and save the patient’s life. What are the features, first signs and symptoms of this cancer?

Features of the manifestation of stomach cancer

Oncological disease, caused by the formation of a malignant tumor from cells of the gastric mucosa, ranks 4th among cancer diseases. Asians often suffer from it. A malignant tumor can develop in any part of the stomach. In the early stages, cancer of the digestive organ is very problematic to diagnose, because there is no clear picture of the disease. This cancer is classified by histological cell type, tumor growth and clinical stage.

Types of stomach cancer:

  • Squamous, arising from the degeneration of epithelial cells.
  • Signet ring cell, formed from goblet cells.
  • Glandular, which is the result of degeneration of glandular cells.
  • Undifferentiated, arising from immature cells.
  • Adenocarcinoma, formed from secretory cells of the mucosa. This type of oncology is diagnosed in 90% of cases.

With the diffuse type of cancer growth, there is no connection between tumor cells, which grows through the entire thickness of the wall and does not enter the stomach cavity. This behavior is typical for an undifferentiated type of cancer. With the intestinal type of growth, cells are connected to each other. In this case, the malignant tumor slowly grows inside the stomach. This is how glandular cancer, adenocarcinoma, behaves. According to clinical manifestations, this cancer is divided into 5 stages (0-4).

What are the first symptoms and signs of stomach cancer?

The first symptoms of stomach cancer are difficult to determine, so they are often mistaken for a manifestation of an ulcer or. Only an experienced doctor will be able to distinguish a malignant formation in this organ of the digestive system in the early stages of development. Treatment of stomach cancer at an early stage gives a high probability of getting rid of this disease. If there is a suspicion of oncology, then in order to accurately diagnose cancer, the patient may be prescribed an examination.

Diagnosis of cancer is carried out using fibrogastroduodenoscopy, MRI, ultrasound, blood tests for tumor markers gastrointestinal tract. What are the signs of stomach cancer? Doctor L.I. Savitsky believed that the early stage of the disease can be determined by the special state of the body. He coined the new term “small sign syndrome in gastric cancer.”

Its presence in the body is characterized by constant weakness, fatigue, depression, weight loss, loss of appetite, and stomach discomfort. An experienced doctor will be able to prescribe effective treatment when identifying small signs of cancer. In the initial stages of the disease, the first symptoms of cancer are vague and often depend on its location in the stomach. Below we will consider the main first signs of this cancer.


Loss of appetite is a common sign of stomach cancer, which occurs in older and middle-aged people. Along with this symptom, patients may experience nausea and heaviness in the epigastric region. Such patients note that for the first time they noticed discomfort in the stomach after a heavy meal. Subsequently, they stopped enjoying food, so their appetite decreased. Often, patients in the early stages of tumor development complain of heaviness, heartburn, belching, and flatulence.

Discomfort in the chest

In the first stages of cancer, unpleasant, painful sensations appear in the chest area. These include: a feeling of fullness, pressure, heaviness, burning, mild temporary convulsive phenomena. These symptoms occur after eating a heavy, heavy, or difficult-to-digest meal. With the development of stomach cancer, chest discomfort intensifies and worries the patient even with moderate consumption of dietary foods. Patients at the initial stage of development of this cancer often complain to the doctor of chest pain radiating to the heart or shoulder blade area

Difficulty swallowing

If the malignancy is localized in the upper part of the stomach, it sometimes causes problems when swallowing food. This symptom cannot be ignored. In the first stages of cancer growth, the patient experiences only slight discomfort when eating food in the form of large, coarse pieces. However, as the tumor develops and increases in size, it becomes difficult to swallow soft, liquid-like food.

Nausea and vomiting

At the initial stage, stomach cancer often manifests itself in the form of discomfort after eating. Many patients noticed that after eating, nausea appeared, which did not go away for a long time after lunch. Another of the first symptoms of this cancer is vomiting that begins after eating or at other times of the day. In some patients it appears periodically, in others - once. If the vomit contains scarlet or brown blood, then urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Cancer manifests itself at the initial stage by the presence of occult blood in the stool. This phenomenon indicates that gastric bleeding is occurring. Moreover, in case of stomach cancer, tests for blood content in feces will constantly confirm its presence in feces. If, after repeated such studies, the result is always positive, then this is a serious symptom confirming the development of a malignant tumor in the stomach.

If bleeding in the stomach is regular, then it is accompanied by shortness of breath, fatigue, and pale skin. Not all cases of early stage cancer contain blood in the stool. A doctor will help determine the cause of blood in stool or vomit after an examination. Bleeding can be caused not only by malignant tumors in the stomach, but also by duodenal ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Dramatic weight loss and changes in well-being

Constant fatigue and sudden weight loss are the first symptoms of stomach cancer. It has been noticed that this sign of cancer often occurs in those who have suffered from gastritis with secretory deficiency for a long time. For other people, thinness occurs because they stop eating enough food due to loss of appetite and discomfort after eating.

How quickly does stomach cancer develop?

The precancerous condition of this disease sometimes lasts 10-20 years. At this time, only if the first symptoms of the disease are present will an experienced doctor be able to suspect cancer. Gastric cancer is often detected in the later stages. First, a person suffers from gastritis, which, in the absence of suitable treatment, becomes chronic. Then comes atrophy of the gastric mucosa, the formation of atypical and cancer cells. In those who lead a healthy lifestyle, cancer develops more slowly than in people who use tobacco, alcohol, overcooked and too hot food.

How long do people with stomach cancer live?

There is a concept of “five-year survival rate”. This term means that if a patient lives for 5 years after cancer treatment, he is cured and will never suffer from the disease again. Statistics show that when detected and provided with medical care at stage 1 of the disease, the survival prognosis is 80% of patients, at stage 2 – 56%, at stage 3 – 38%, at stage 4 – 5%. These data show that it is possible to defeat the disease if you contact it at its first manifestations and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Tumors in the stomach are one of the most dangerous and common cancers, ranking second after lung cancer. In ninety-five percent of all cases, these are malignant tumors that can affect people of any gender and age.

Men are at increased risk of morbidity; the disease especially often occurs after the age of forty-five. When stomach tumors develop, the symptoms are not specific, which is why they can often be confused with other diseases, such as gastritis. To make an accurate diagnosis, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are necessary.

The etiology of tumors in the stomach has not been fully studied, but nevertheless, scientists in the field of gastroenterology identify some factors due to which a stomach tumor can form. Possible causes of tumors of this organ include:

  • stomach diseases, for example, chronic gastritis, ulcers;
  • Availability bad habits(smoking, alcoholism);
  • heredity and genetic predisposition;
  • diseases associated with deterioration of the functionality of the body's immune systems;
  • unfavorable ecological environment;
  • foods containing a large amount of fat combined with a low amount of fiber;
  • damage to the stomach during any surgical procedures;
  • Ménétrier's disease;
  • work during which a person is in frequent and prolonged contact with toxic and chemical substances.

Obesity can also be attributed to the main causes, since the disease is often detected in overweight people. Malignant transformation may also occur if gastric polyps are present.


According to the degree of differentiation, malignant and benign formations are distinguished. Subsequent classification is based on the type of tissue from which a particular neoplasm originates. In most benign gastric formations, glandular lesions are detected in the form of polyps with a rounded shape, the growth of which is directed into the gastric lumen.

The predominant number of malignant neoplasms (about ninety percent) are of epithelial origin - gastric adnocarcinomas. Sometimes rarer types are also found, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), which account for no more than one percent of all cases of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract. In seventy percent of cases, stromal tumors develop in the stomach area, but can also occur in the small intestine and esophagus.


Forming benign tumors in the stomach differ slow growth with a conditionally favorable outcome, since in some cases there is a risk of malignant transformation. Tumors with a benign nature include:

  • Polyps - both isolated cases and multiple growths (polyposis) are detected. They can be hyperplastic, fibromatous and adenomatous, the latter having a high risk of malignant transformation.
  • Fibroids are formed from connective tissues. Fibroma is the most common of the mesenchymal tumors.
  • Lipomas are submucosal formations of the stomach.
  • Angiomas are formed from vessels and capillaries of the circulatory system.
  • - originate from muscle tissue.
  • Neuromas contain nerve tissue.

Despite the fact that the above-described formations are benign, during their development they can exert significant pressure on the surrounding structures, therefore treatment of such tumors should be carried out in a timely manner under the strict supervision of clinic doctors.


Most of the detected tumors in the stomach are malignant neoplasms characterized by high speed development and unfavorable prognosis. The high frequency of deaths is explained by the fact that such oncological diseases can develop for a long time without causing clinical symptoms, which is why patients seek treatment for medical care already at a developed stage. A malignant tumor in the stomach can only be detected at an early stage by chance, when people go to the hospital for other reasons. Among the malignant type formations there are:

  • Adenocarcinomas - tumors of this type are diagnosed in ninety percent of cases of malignant tumors. This disease is also called glandular cancer.
  • Leiomyoblastomas are formations that form from smooth muscle tissue.
  • Lymphomas - originate from lymphatic tissues.
  • Carcinoid neoplasms are formed from nerve cells. These tumors are also called neuroendocrine tumors.
  • Leiomyosarcoma.

Most often, tumor cells form in the cardiac part of the stomach, since it is located closest to the esophagus. In the presence of diseases of this organ, the development of benign or malignant neoplasms is possible. Secondary formations in the stomach can occur due to cancer of the esophagus or other organs.


Features of the manifestation of symptoms of stomach tumors depend on a number of factors:
  • type of neoplasm;
  • tumor size;
  • presence or absence of ulceration.

In the case of benign formations, clinical manifestations are absent for a long time. Such tumors can only be identified through instrumental studies, which are prescribed when other diseases are suspected. Signs of benign stomach tumors may include:

  • pain in the upper abdomen when eating or some time after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting, which temporarily alleviates the patient’s condition;
  • increased acidity, belching with a sour odor;
  • flatulence;
  • general weakness and decreased ability to work;
  • constant dizziness;
  • rapid decrease in body weight;
  • pale skin.

The above symptoms are not specific and can also appear in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so the patient needs to undergo some diagnostic measures to make an accurate diagnosis.

The signs of malignant neoplasms are somewhat different, and can cause specific manifestations characteristic of the original disease, which most often is gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, the following symptoms are possible in the early stages:

  • discomfort in the stomach and a feeling of fullness;
  • changes in taste preferences;
  • heaviness accompanied by pain, especially after meals;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss.

Gradually, during the development of the tumor, the pathology may manifest itself with other characteristic signs:

  • weakness of the whole body;
  • emotional disorders, including depression;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased body temperature;
  • copious amounts of saliva and sweat;
  • frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Based on clinical symptoms, it is impossible to accurately determine the presence of a tumor, so the patient must undergo full diagnostics. Cancer treatment methods are determined only after receiving the examination results, and depend on the location of the tumor, the stage of the disease and the general condition of the patient.


If there is a suspicion of the development of a stomach tumor, diagnosis is carried out in gastroenterology, with endoscopy being the main research method. First of all, the doctor must carefully study the medical history and collect an anamnesis of the patient’s life, as well as conduct a physical examination. The patient may be prescribed the following diagnostic procedures:

  • general clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • fecal examinations;
  • tumor marker test;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • biopsy followed by histological examination;
  • radiography using contrast agents.

During diagnostics in gastroenterology, ultrasound, computed tomography and radiography make it possible to determine the area where the stomach tumor is localized, as well as to determine the extent of damage to other organs and surrounding structures.


After an accurate diagnosis of stomach tumors, treatment is determined by classification according to the form of growth, but most often therapy is carried out through gastric surgery. If there are gastric polyps or other benign formations of the stomach, patients are prescribed partial or complete excision of the organ. In the postoperative period, patients need to:

  • drug therapy, which involves taking antibacterial drugs and proton pump inhibitors;
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

If a malignant tumor is detected, treatment involves surgery through laparoscopy or laparotomy. In this case, not only the affected organ is excised, but also nearby structures, which helps prevent relapses. Patients are also prescribed a course of radiation and chemotherapy, which can be carried out both in the preoperative and postoperative periods. If patients have contraindications to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be taken as the main method to combat the cancer process.

Possible complications

Malignant and benign formations during their development can cause serious complications that threaten human life. For benign tumors, the consequences may be as follows:

  • high risk of relapse;
  • malignant degeneration;
  • stenosis and perforation;
  • formation of ulcerations on the surface of the tumor and gastric mucosa;
  • bleeding and other gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • peritonitis and anemia.

Stomach cancer can cause:

  • spread of metastases to the liver and other distant organs;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • patient exhaustion;
  • stenosis and formation of an opening in the stomach.

The effectiveness of prescribed therapy and the risk of complications depend on the degree of tumor development at the time of diagnosis.

Prognosis and prevention

If a benign stomach tumor is diagnosed, the prognosis of the disease is often favorable. However, due to the high probability of the tumor reappearing, patients remain under clinical observation throughout their lives. When a malignant tumor is detected, effective treatment is possible before metastases appear; only in this case can patients count on a conditionally favorable outcome.

There is no specific prevention that could protect against the development of stomach cancer, but you can reduce the risk of cancer if you follow some simple rules:

  • adhere to a healthy diet;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • undergo regular medical examinations and treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Often, patients are diagnosed with oncological processes, the cause of which is heredity. Therefore, if there is a family predisposition, it is recommended to regularly conduct endoscopic examinations, and after the age of fifty, be examined by a gastroenterologist annually.

Stomach tumor is one of the most common cancer diseases. Among the tumor formations of the stomach are:

  • malignant tumors;
  • benign tumors.

Malignant formations occupy 94-96% of all tumor pathology of the stomach. Among them, more than 90% are stomach cancer. Malignant tumors of epithelial tissue are called cancer. The remaining lobe is behind the sarcoma. Sarcoma is a malignant tumor that develops from non-epithelial tissue.

Gastric cancer has firmly taken second place in terms of morbidity and mortality, losing only first place to lung cancer. Today, about a million people around the world suffer from stomach cancer. This pathology occurs twice as often in men as in women. The elderly are considered to be the most susceptible to this disease. Incidence rates vary widely depending on geographic region. It is believed that this is due to the nature of nutrition in individual areas of the globe.

Being such a significant pathology, most developed countries do not have a full-fledged screening program for stomach cancer. This screening program operates only in Japan. The main essence of screening is to identify the disease in the early stages of its development, when it is still possible, with a high probability, to successfully fight cancer.

Being a fairly common disease, cancer treatment remains a difficult task. Symptoms of cancer in the initial stages are nonspecific and are hidden behind the masks of other diseases. The key to successful therapy is timely and early diagnosis. The combined use of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy gives good prognosis. However, tumor detection often occurs when treatment is no longer effective.

Risk factors for developing stomach cancer

In many ways, the appearance of this oncological problem depends on factors influencing a person from outside.

Highlight the following factors risk for developing stomach cancer:

  • Smoking is one of the most aggressive factors. Repeated studies in this area have shown that smokers get sick twice as often as non-smokers;
  • Alcohol is no less harmful. Alcohol, in contact with the gastric mucosa many times, causes its alteration (damage), which subsequently causes metaplasia (degeneration of the epithelium, which is not typical for this localization of the digestive tract) and malignancy (acquisition of malignant characteristics);
  • Diet and nutritional patterns significantly influence an individual's risk of developing stomach cancer. The presence of a sufficient amount of animal and plant proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables in the menu reduces the risk of developing this pathology. Excessive use table salt, on the contrary, increases the chances of stomach tumors. The Japanese passion for seafood may have its own evil consequences. In addition to copper salt, this problem is associated with excessive consumption of lamb, mussels, jellyfish and products containing a large number of animal fat;
  • Helicobacter pylori is a microorganism whose association with gastric ulcers has been reliably determined. Scientists who proved the connection between Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric and duodenal ulcers were awarded the Nobel Prize. IN last years pundits consider the connection between Helicobacter pylori and stomach tumors to be no less important;
  • Male gender. As mentioned above, malignant tumors of the stomach occur up to two times more often in men;
  • Occupational hazards. Long-term exposure to toxic substances used in production on the body can serve as a stimulus for malignancy;
  • Previous operations on the stomach;
  • Burdened heredity. People who have relatives with this pathology have a much higher risk of cancer than in the general population;
  • Pernicious anemia;
  • Polyps in the stomach, etc.

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Classification of stomach tumors

All benign formations can be divided into the following types:

  • Epithelial tumors develop from the epithelium. Morphologically they are polyps. A polyp is a consequence of a disorder of embryonic development or, less commonly, a phenomenon of “failed” regeneration. The polyp can become malignant, that is, become malignant;
  • Nonepithelial tumors arise from underlying tissues. Among them are:
    • Lipoma is a benign tumor of adipose tissue;
    • Leiomyoma is a benign smooth muscle tumor;
    • Fibroma is a benign connective tissue tumor;
    • Hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor;
    • Fibromyoma is a mixed tumor that includes muscle and connective tissue elements;

Separately, neuroendocrine neoplasms can be distinguished. These tumors develop from cells of the so-called APUD system. Clinically manifest as symptoms of various hormonal imbalances.

Malignant formations of the stomach are represented by cancer.

Stage classification of cancer:

  1. Stage I, tumor with a diameter of up to two centimeters, metastases to the lymph nodes and distant structures of the body are not detected;
  2. Stage II, reaches sizes up to five centimeters. Metastasis to regional lymph nodes is possible;
  3. Stage III, measuring over five centimeters. This stomach tumor grows into adjacent layers of the gastric wall (muscular, serous), as well as into neighboring organs. Suggests the presence of distant metastases;

Increasingly in recent years, doctors have been using the TNM classification. This classification takes into account the properties of the primary tumor (tumor), the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes (nodulus) and distant metastases (metastasis).

Forms of growth of stomach cancer:

  1. Infiltrative growth. It is impossible to determine the exact limit of growth of atypical tissue;
  2. An ulcer-cancer has an ulcerated surface, but at the same time it grows infiltratively into the wall of the stomach;
  3. Saucer-shaped cancer has the appearance of a crater with a flat bottom and raised edges along the periphery formed by the tumor;
  4. Polypoid growth is a tumor that grows into the lumen of the stomach.

The first two forms of growth are distinguished by a pronounced malignant course and early metastasis. Diagnosis and treatment of such tumors is difficult.

What are the symptoms of a stomach tumor?

In the early stages of its development, the disease has symptoms characteristic of precancerous conditions:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Stomach polyp;
  • Gastritis, etc.

The first symptoms of cancer are nonspecific. Patients complain of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, fullness of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen and much more. Sometimes the disease first manifests itself with symptoms of anemia.

In medicine, the so-called “small sign syndrome” is distinguished.

Symptoms that make up this syndrome:

  • Change in appetite, deterioration;
  • Aversion to food or certain specific foods. Lack of satisfaction with food;
  • Weight loss;
  • General weakness, fatigue, weakness;
  • Patients experience a feeling of a full stomach, distension in the upper abdomen, nausea, belching, vomiting, heartburn, dull pain, heaviness;
  • Pallor of the skin due to anemia;
  • Change in psychological status. Patients experience worsening mood and depression.

Late symptoms of stomach tumors:

  • The appearance of severe pain in the upper abdomen, which does not have a clear irradiation. Pain may vary depending on the invasion into neighboring organs, then symptoms characteristic of damage to these organs may appear. Over time, the pain becomes intense;
  • Increased incidence of belching and vomiting. Vomiting with fragments of eaten food is typical. Vomiting may take on a “coffee grounds” appearance, a characteristic symptom of an ulcerating tumor. With heavy bleeding, vomiting of scarlet, unchanged blood appears;
  • Progressive weight loss;
  • General malaise, weakness, weakness worsens;
  • Depression deepens;

Diagnosis of stomach tumors

The first step in diagnosis is always the collection of anamnesis (medical history). This is an important stage. Here the doctor determines the presence of complaints and risk factors, which in itself can lead to the right idea.

In the next step, the doctor moves on to a physical examination. Physical examination includes:

  • Inspection. The external signs of the disease are determined (pallor of the skin, emaciation, etc.);
  • Palpation. Using it, the doctor can identify a tumor formation in the abdominal cavity. The lymph nodes are palpated, which is indicative for the diagnosis of metastases;
  • Percussion (tapping), a reliable remedy in the hands of a specialist, turns into a good diagnostic tool. The percussion boundaries of the tumor are determined;
  • Auscultation (listening) helps assess bowel sounds and the level of motility of the stomach and intestines.

Unfortunately, the listed methods are effective only in the later stages of diagnosis. After collecting anamnesis and conducting a physical examination, the doctor will use instrumental diagnostics. The gold standards for diagnosing gastric tumors are:

  • X-ray method;
  • Endoscopic method.

Additional instrumental diagnostic tools:

  • Fluorescence method;
  • Ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Laparoscopy;
  • Application of tumor markers.

Diagnosis of stomach cancer using these techniques allows for clarification of the diagnosis.

Treatment of stomach tumors

Treatment for cancer can be:

  • Radical - aimed at removing the tumor or metastases;
  • Palliative – aimed at eliminating the symptoms of a given disease and improving the patient’s quality of life.

Radical treatment includes three main levers:

  • Surgery. This radical type of intervention is aimed at surgically removing the tumor and metastases from the body. Depending on the spread of the tumor process, the surgical tactics will be chosen. Not all surgical interventions are radical. Unfortunately, surgeons sometimes resort to palliative treatment;
  • Chemotherapy treatment. An auxiliary method that, when used in combination with other methods, can contribute to complete recovery. However, ideal combinations of chemotherapy drugs have not been found. To date, chemotherapy in most cases can only slightly prolong the patient's life;
  • Radiation therapy is a rapidly progressive treatment method. The use of competent radiation therapy will have much more positive effects than negative ones. Skepticism about radiation therapy is not justified. Modern approach minimizes radiation exposure to the body.

The main goal of using radiation therapy for gastric cancer is to deliver high doses of radioactive radiation to the primary tumor and metastases without affecting adjacent healthy tissue. Intraoperative use of radiation treatment is increasingly used. An important addition to surgery is radiation exposure to the tumor bed, in order to destroy the remaining small metastases after the intervention. Like the listed earlier methods of tumor therapy, radiation therapy itself remains only a palliative method of treatment. The rational use of radiation therapy together with surgery and chemotherapy significantly improves the patient's prognosis for life and recovery.

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Treatment of stomach tumors with folk remedies

Modern traditional medicine views attempts to treat cancer problems with traditional methods with skepticism. People resort to folk remedies for three main reasons:

  • Lack of trust in traditional medicine initially. This version is completely justified, since in the modern world, pharmacological companies dictate patient management tactics to doctors, and today chemotherapy brings a lot of money to drug manufacturers. Any attempts to invent a cure for cancer are cut off at the root;
  • The refusal of traditional medicine to manage an “unpromising” patient forces one to turn to folk remedies of alternative medicine;
  • An auxiliary function of folk remedies in the treatment of stomach tumors.

Both adherents of traditional medicine and adherents of alternative methods agree that the most important thing on the path to recovery is the patient’s desire to recover and fight for his life.

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The gastrointestinal tract is by far the most cancer-prone system in our body. A tumor can develop anywhere in this organ. At the same time, all gastrointestinal cancer pathologies are dangerous and have the same feature: in the early stages, there are practically no signs of the disease.

stomach and pancreas

For example, cancer in the pancreas is often not detected until it reaches a stage when it is already difficult to treat (the tumor has enlarged and begun to spread).

Externally, the symptoms of cancer are manifested by the patient's jaundice, weight loss, abdominal pain, nausea, and the presence of fat in the stool. If the tumor has blocked the bile duct into the intestine, the stool loses its brown color and becomes pale, and the urine, on the contrary, darkens.

By the way, cancer is detected earlier than in oncopathology of other areas.

Colon cancer: symptoms

Cancer (colorectal) ranks second in the country in terms of the number of cases. Like pathologies in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, there are no specific symptoms that belong only to it. Blood in the stool or black stools, constant constipation or diarrhea, unexplained weight loss in the stomach, bloating - these are not only symptoms of cancer, but also manifestations of other diseases.

Method for early diagnosis of cancer

Based on the above, one of the most effective methods timely diagnosis of oncopathology is a colonoscopy (a complete visual examination of the walls of the large intestine using a probe).

This procedure allows not only to determine the condition of the intestinal mucosa, but also to painlessly take, if necessary, small fragments of tissue for laboratory analysis during the examination. If small polyps are detected, they can be removed immediately.

If there is a hereditary tendency to cancer in the family, such an examination should be done for everyone who has reached the age of forty and repeated examinations should be carried out regularly: once every 4-5 years.

What manifestations should you be wary of?

In order not to miss the early symptoms of cancer, you need to be attentive to the condition of your body. Thus, frequent changes in bowel function (constipation, diarrhea) and detection of traces of blood in the stool should alert you and force you to immediately consult a doctor.

At later stages of tumor development, patients also develop a feeling of incomplete emptying and also an alarming sign that requires mandatory consultation with a specialist may be pain during bowel movements, false urges to defecate, and, of course, pain in the rectum.

When is colorectal cancer most likely to develop?

There are risk factors that make the development of cancer most likely. This:

  • ulcerative colitis (the presence of inflammation and ulcers of the intestine);
  • congenital familial polyposis (with the formation of polyps on the lining of the colon);
  • love of fatty foods (regular consumption of foods high in fat but low in fiber).

Don't wait until cancer symptoms are completely undeniable! As a rule, this occurs in the later stages of the disease. Don't take risks and be healthy!