Monthly work schedule table. Is a work schedule required? What is a shift schedule

Employee work schedule - example

Shift work is used when the production process time is longer than the allowable working time of individual employees, and when the need to work without interruption is caused by the specific nature of the equipment, product or service (for example, an iron foundry, gas station, etc.).

The most commonly used schedule is 2/2 or 3/3. Principles to consider when assigning shifts:

  • If the working day is twelve hours, then the employee cannot be assigned more than forty working hours per week. In this case, the time of continuous rest cannot be less than forty-two hours per week.
  • The night shift lasts an hour less than the day shift.
  • There is an extra charge for night hours.
  • Before a non-working shift, the shift becomes an hour shorter or this hour is paid at double the rate.
  • It is prohibited to put two shifts in a row. The shift can only be extended in an emergency.
  • If the shift lasts twenty-four hours, then it is necessary to provide the employee with rest of the same duration or more.
  • The law does not establish a maximum shift duration for all employees, only for certain categories (for example, railway workers, crew on ships, etc.).
  • In a three-shift system, shifts alternate every week.
  • Each employee must work the same number of hours in the same amount of time.
  • If more than half of the shift is at night, it should be reduced by one hour.

How to create a shift schedule and what to consider when paying

Scheduling procedure:

  1. choose accounting period- month/quarter/several months/year (cannot be more than a year);
  2. calculate how much time is needed to maintain the workplace;
  3. write the standard working hours for all employees (for each separately, if it differs depending on the specialty);
  4. calculate the number of employees per workplace and the number of the entire staff.

For example, you need to organize a 24-hour service to receive emergency phone calls. medical care. An accounting period equal to one year is entered. Workplace maintenance time: 365 days x 24 hours = 8760 hours.

To calculate the number of people who must work in this position, the number of working hours per week (40) is multiplied by the number of weeks per year (52); then 8760 hours are divided by the result obtained. 8760 hours: (40 hours x 52 weeks) = 4.8. This means that the employer must hire five part-time people or four people who are allocated several additional hours to the job. full time. It is important to consider the following:

  • All hours worked in excess of the norm during the accounting period are considered overtime and are paid accordingly.
  • No employee should have more than 120 overtime hours in year. If the shift falls on a non-working holiday, it is paid at an increased rate.
  • If a shift falls on a holiday, then the pay for it is double or (at the request of the employee and with the permission of the manager) the usual pay and one day of rest, not included.
  • Days spent on sick leave are deducted from the employee’s normal working hours without any work off.
  • Lunch and rest breaks are not paid.

Moving and weekly modes

Employee work schedules may vary

In the case of using a sliding schedule, the beginning of the working day is noted upon entering the workplace (for example, a bus leaves for a trip) and the end of the working day when the task was completed (the bus has reached its destination).

From the second moment, the time allotted for rest is counted, then the start and end times of the workers are recorded again. Weekend dates are approximate, subject to confirmation upon receipt.

Each employee has his own individual sliding schedule, reflecting unforeseen delays, breakdowns and other circumstances. The weekly schedule is attractive because it does not require you to be at your workplace all the time.

Among its advantages are the opportunity to work at a time convenient for you, improved performance and the general condition of employees, both physical and emotional. In this case, the emphasis is on the fact of doing the work, and not on the number of hours spent on it. Hours are set based on the approximate amount of time that can be spent on a specific task. The time needed for rest and recuperation is also taken into account.

The weekly schedule is well suited for those who work with customer orders: real estate agents, couriers, managers, accountants hired to serve small companies, translators, etc.

So, the work schedule is selected in such a way as to meet the needs of the production process and contribute to effective use labor. It ensures uniformity of workload, shift of work and rest for workers and protects their health.

Features of drawing up a vacation schedule - we find the answer in the video:

Work shift schedule
  • Are you a leader?
  • Do your employees work in shifts?
  • Need to make up new schedule work shifts for your employees?
  • Don't have time to create a shift schedule manually?
  • It is necessary to comply with the Labor Code and at the same time set required amount employees per shift?

To ensure compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code, it is necessary to draw up the correct work schedule for employees.

Full version for automatic calculation of work schedules for up to 40 people.

Free demo employee shift schedule:

Appearance (screen save) of the shift schedule

The employee work schedule, as well as a sample work schedule in any mode (two-two, three-one, five-two) is drawn up taking into account the duration of the work shift, planned days off, compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the hours budget for all employees approved by the administration.

The default work shift duration in this shift schedule is 12 hours. You can choose your shift length.

The proposed sample form for an employee work schedule is developed based on the store’s work schedule ( point of sale). Sample form of schedule automatically builds employee work schedules taking into account the specified criteria:

  • Fixed days off (for example, an employee must rest every Monday or any other days
  • Minimum number of employees for each position per shift. For example, a shift must have one senior salesperson and one salesperson
  • Total monthly budget for hours of retail outlet (department)

The total number of working hours complies with the requirements of the Labor Code.

The files contain a program (macro) for automatic calculations. When opening a file

In this article we will tell you in detail how to create a schedule for working with a sample.

Basic criteria for scheduling work


There are three types of work schedules: shift, rotating, weekly. All schedules have both advantages and disadvantages, but their type is necessary to meet the specifics of the work of a particular institution.

The shift schedule is used mainly by organizations with a 24-hour work system. In addition, in those organizations (the majority of them), the schedule assumes that employees work in succession. Sometimes charts calculate the period of joint work of two or more specialties at one workplace; this is mainly found in education, culture and healthcare. Shift work allows for non-stop production. The definition of the shift work schedule is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 103.

The law identifies 2 cases of using a shift schedule:

  1. Non-stop (continuity) of the production process. The working hours exceed the daily production norm - 7.2 hours (women), 8 hours - men.
  2. Efficiency of the equipment used(stopping the operation of units, or constant switching on/off leads to production losses).

Shift work schedules are compiled according to the forms offered by the electronic version of the program. Shifts, their number, time period are determined, and then the data is entered into the program. Most often, the shift schedule is made for a month in order to change employees in shifts within a month (1,2, night). If shifts are arranged correctly, there will be no overtime for one employee and shortcomings for another.

Shift work schedules can be changed or left unchanged. It all depends on the capabilities and characteristics of production.

Flexitime work is used in institutions where the traveling nature of work (business trips) is used: employees of railway institutions. In their schedules, the start time of the working day (train crews) and the end of the work shift are unknown ( freight transportation), y road transport(long-distance flights) and other similar services. The personnel officer records upon receipt of information that the employee has begun his duties and their completion. From the fact of finishing work, the calculation of time for rest begins, then the start time of work (trip, departure on a flight) is determined again, i.e. Truly, the schedule slides according to the calendar and is individual for each individual employee. The electronic version of the sliding schedule allows you to track the hours worked by each member of the work unit. The weekends here are also sliding, only approximate dates are set, and the fact is revealed during the labor process.

Weekly chart is used when employees work out the standard hours without being directly at their workplace every day, but only in the sum of the numerical values ​​of the time worked per week. The departure to work is selected by a specialist and agreed with the head of the department, workshop, etc. individually. This mode is also called flexible working mode. It is considered the most common abroad. There are many benefits to the weekly regimen: increased work efficiency, a decrease in the level of disciplinary violations, and improved psychological health of employees.

Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also defines the weekly operating hours. The weekly schedule is used in the following cases:

  1. Working outside the office(workplace at home, comes to the organization to receive a task or to coordinate assignments, hand over completed work), so-called homeworkers.
  2. Real estate companies where employees are forced to work according to a schedule that is set not by the employer, but by the client. These are, for example, real estate specialists: agents, managers, couriers.
  3. Accountant. Nowadays it is becoming fashionable to hire one accountant. Small companies, private entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs They prefer not to maintain an accounting staff, but to consolidate accounting through a separately hired specialist. In this case, the accountant processes documents at home, or in some room, but outside of production. It makes no sense to set him any kind of work schedule other than a weekly one, since he can complete the entire amount of work at a time convenient for him.

The wages of these employees do not depend on the time worked, so the employees themselves control its implementation. The norm for them corresponds to the norm of ordinary workers, but the regime is different. It is difficult to record the work time of a given employee in a specific schedule, so the form is filled out, indicating the approximate standard of hours, rather than tracking the actual value.

The schedule must include time to restore physical strength. Rest time usually divides the working day into two parts of approximately equal time. Most often, this is one lunch break. The actual length of time used for rest and nutrition is not included. According to Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, breaks provided to an employee during a working day (shift) can be no more than 2 hours and less than 30 minutes. There are organizations where they choose short technological breaks, they last no more than 15 minutes.
If you have been tasked with drawing up a work schedule, then you must first decide on the type of schedule that is most appropriate for your organization (enterprise).

Types of charts

There are enough types of charts a large number of, but most enterprises have now switched to the same unified forms electronic version personnel programs. They allow you not to waste time on creating your own forms, entering formulas and other tasks that programmers perform. The document specialist selects the type of schedule.

Types of charts:

  • tabular;
  • program;
  • diagrammatic.

The schedule is being drawn up in stages.

1. Select an accounting period

It is necessary to set the working time recording period - month, quarter, year. The selected time period directly depends on the nature of production, its specifics, and the characteristics of labor.

Example. College employees must complete an hourly workload from September to May. We distribute the hours of workload for the teacher according to the accounting period. In this case, summer is excluded and included in the vacation period. If the earned vacation time is not enough (for example, vacation is 44 days, the teacher is not involved - 90 days), the teacher is offered rest at his own expense, additional workload or other options. The accounting period in this case is the academic year (not the financial year).

2. The time fund for servicing a specific workplace is calculated

For each workplace, the fund of serviced time is calculated. Loading the workplace. The load for any type of schedule is calculated in hours and minutes.

For example. The workplace of a turner-milling operator functions according to the action of the machine. The machine works for 3 hours non-stop. After three hours, the unit takes 1.5 hours to cool down. Therefore, the operating time of the machine is 15 hours per day. The last rest for the machine is given for 3 hours. During this time, shift changes can be arranged in the work schedule. Men work on these machines - their working hours are 8 hours, so with the right schedule, you can easily assign two staff units to one machine.

If the employee’s place is occupied for 24 hours (power grid manager). This norm is calculated for the accounting period (year) and is evenly distributed over the working time of individual employees.

3. The hourly rate is determined

The duration of work of individual specialties has a different meaning from that of the entire staff. The schedule assigns a value to each employee if his standard working time differs from the standard of work of others.

Example. IN educational institution different specialists work. Duration working week they have different ones, for example, a teacher is required to work 36 hours a week, music director– 24 hours, teacher – speech therapist – 20 hours. The maximum operating time per month (production rate) is different for them, it should be reflected in the schedule. The load should not be allowed to exceed the norm, as it will require additional financial investments.

4. Counting the number of workers

The number of employees per workplace and the total number of staff are calculated. This number of employees must serve the workplace and fulfill the plan. This results in a quantitative staffing structure – staff. Standard indicator of staffing units of an enterprise.

Example. The duty dispatcher of the power grid organizes round-the-clock duty at the control panel. The accounting period of its work is calculated for the financial year. The total service time for the dispatcher's workplace is 8760 hours (365 calendar days × 24 hours). We calculate the number required to service this workplace; it is approximately 4.8 people. In practice, an employer can hire five people, or maybe four, distributing part-time between employees.

5. A schedule is formed

Job positions are entered into the selected form, then data is filled in for the specialists serving the jobs, and the hourly rate is distributed between them. The output is set, including all individual characteristics each workplace. Weekends and holidays. The principle of filling is the principle of uniformity, distribution in approximately equal volumes between specialists.

The number of shifts is calculated and the shifts between employees are recorded.

The main task of creating a schedule is accessibility when perceived by the employee, and simplicity and legibility for calculation by the accounting department. All full-time employees of the enterprise are included in the schedule.
The schedule requires daily adjustments (business trips, time off). If the basic data is entered in advance, this process is easier than entering data every day.

  • Salary. The work schedule is the basis for remuneration; it is transferred to the working time sheet and the employee’s wages are calculated. Therefore, it is important to make a schedule in such a way that there is no possibility of erroneous calculations.
  • Payment for overtime is based on payment for hours worked by the employee in excess of the norm. Only correct data entered into the chart will give accurate recycling figures.
  • Pay for night work. Night work time is considered to be the period from 22:00 to 6:00. In the schedule, night hours are recorded and counted in a separate column. Their pay is higher than regular hours, 35% of the basic salary, on top of wages for the worked norm. The employer, taking into account the complexity of night work, can establish other increased payment indicators.

Many personnel workers are faced with the problems of scheduling the work activities of employees involved in the production process in shifts. The importance of this mode of operation falls on companies and enterprises for which interruption in the production of a particular product is impossible.

The concept of a shift work schedule

Also, round-the-clock engagement of many professions is mandatory. These include security guards, medical workers, as well as professions related to electricity supply and gasification of the population of various manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, in order for workers to be able to replace each other without controversial issues arising, shift schedules are being developed.

It is necessary to take into account that their compilation must comply with the standards Labor Code Russian Federation. A shiftable or replaceable work plan for each employee is a system in which the work process does not stop throughout the day, and work teams or individual workers change each other’s workplaces. Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the establishment of up to four work shifts in an organization. Such rotation of one employee to another is necessary for:

  • promotion production activities, by replacing an employee who has completed his shift with a new one;
  • productive use of existing equipment. Since the working equipment works continuously, there are no costs Money and time to launch it;
  • increasing output, and accordingly increasing the well-being of the enterprise itself and its employees.

Workers' document is an internal documentary act of the organization approved by the head, which reflects information about the outputs of each employee. Also, each worker must put an introductory signature on the developed schedule. This will be a kind of proof that the employee agrees with this work plan.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation strictly prohibits managers from subjecting workers to work in two or more shifts in a row. In addition, the employer is obliged to accommodate all requests from employees regarding days off and night shifts.

Only after this can it be approved and transferred to work.


The legislation does not provide for a special form of shift work schedule. Therefore, each unit develops its own uniform individually. However, when drawing up such a schedule, the following necessary information must be taken into account:

  • duration of the work shift;
  • shift start and end time;
  • surnames, initials and patronymics of persons involved in shift work.

Articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulate the following nuances that must be taken into account when drawing up a shift schedule for workers:

  • Article 91 provides for the exclusion of overtime for a worker. Since the manager does not have the legal right to involve the employee in production process more than the norm provided production calendar. If twenty working days are taken into account in a calendar month, then the employer cannot, without mutual consent with the worker, as well as without agreement trade union organizations engage the employee to work for twenty-one or more days;
  • Article 94 prohibits day or shift work. Thus, a worker cannot, at the legislative level, much less for free, work more than the time stipulated by the employment agreement. It turns out that if the contract stipulates a six-hour working day, then the shift schedule should indicate no more and no less than six hours;
  • Article 110 states that rest time should not exceed forty-two hours or no more than two days off per week. The exception is additional days off on holidays and prescribed vacations;
  • Article 95 regulates before the red days of the calendar (holidays) to shorten the shift or working day by one hour.

Thus, compliance with all requirements of labor regulations will allow the employer not only to avoid unpleasant situations with inspection bodies, but also to increase labor discipline at the enterprise.

Putting the schedule into effect

In order for the developed shift schedule to officially come into effect, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements within the organization:

  • prepare and issue an order for the enterprise. It must contain information about the introduction of shift work. As well as the number of shifts and workers involved in the shift;
    Each employee whose name is included in the schedule is required to familiarize themselves with the changes in working conditions against signature. This familiarization procedure must be carried out no later than two months before the changes come into force. This condition is stated in Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • The collective agreement or labor agreement must contain information about the shift work process of the enterprise, and information about workers working in shifts. Also, such information should be reflected in the internal labor regulations institutions;
  • the prepared schedule and draft order are sent for consideration to trade union committee organization or authorized person of the workforce. After consideration, the union representative writes a special opinion on the agreement or disagreement of the submitted projects. If the schedule is approved, it is sent to the employer for approval, and in case of disagreement this project returned for revision or correction of detected errors.

After completing all of the above actions, the manager must notify employees in writing no later than one month in advance about the upcoming transition to shift work. labor activity according to the drawn up schedule.

If the worker agrees to go to work in shifts, a contract is concluded with him additional agreement, which stipulates changes in working conditions.

If an employee refuses to switch to shift work conditions, the manager must offer another job. If an employee refuses the job offer or there is no suitable vacancy at the enterprise, the employer has the right to dismiss such an employee in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Recycling exclusion

The main nuance correct drafting The shift work schedule is the lack of overtime for workers. Sometimes it happens that if a worker works for a day and rests for three days, then if the schedule is not formed correctly, his overtime can amount to more than eight hours in ten days. Thus, to prevent such violations, it is necessary to correctly and rationally distribute the accounting period of labor.

The period by which the standard of working time is established is called accounting. Such a period can be observed in each production process calendar.

When developing a work schedule for short term, sometimes it is impossible to maintain the standards according to Labor Legislation. Therefore, in such cases, you need to choose the longest compilation period. According to Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this period should not exceed one year.

In 2017, the following standards of working time per year are provided:

  • forty hour week - 1974 hours per year;
  • thirty-six hour week – 1776.4 hours per year;
  • twenty-four hour week – 1183.6 hours per year.

The employer also needs to take into account that, in accordance with the standards specified in Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he does not have the right to involve an employee in overtime work for more than one hundred and twenty hours a year. Before drawing up an annual shift work schedule, you need to familiarize yourself with the changes made to the annual work period.

Article 58 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that a temporary contract loses force and becomes permanent if its expiration date falls at the beginning or middle of the shift. Therefore, the contractor who has worked until the end of the shift, during which the temporary agreement has ceased to be valid, he becomes a permanent employee of the company. In this regard, before drawing up a schedule, you need to clarify under which contract a particular employee is working.

In contact with

Any enterprise that employs hired personnel must take into account the time worked by employees. On this basis, the accounting department calculates their due salary and benefits. The time worked is reflected in a special document - a time sheet. We will tell you what nuances there are regarding its maintenance and how to fill it out correctly.

A timesheet is one of the types of primary accounting documentation that records:

  • type of time spent performing labor functions that the employee works;
  • its duration (in hours and days).

Timesheet functions:

  • a note on the actual employment of the employee for each type of working time;
  • personnel control;
  • adequate payment of salaries and some benefits;
  • evidence in relevant labor disputes;
  • calculation of processing;
  • the basis for the legality of dismissal due to absenteeism;
  • tax justification of payroll costs;
  • basis for drawing up reports to regulatory authorities.

Can an LLC or individual entrepreneur operate without a time sheet?

The law requires employers to maintain such a timesheet, regardless of legal form their organizations. If a company employs hired employees, they need to be paid a salary, from which taxes are deducted to the budget. To check the validity of salary calculations, the tax office will inquire about the presence of this document and its contents.

If an LLC or individual entrepreneur has employees, and the time sheet is not filled out or contains errors, the tax office may recognize the costs of their salaries as documented unjustified. This means that these employer expenses will not reduce the income tax base.

Important! An employer who does not bother to track working hours or maintains timesheets with violations faces sanctions from control authorities. The director can be fined 1000 - 5000 rubles, and organizations can be fined up to 50 thousand rubles. (Article 52.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

How is an employee's working time calculated?

Work time- this is the period of the day or night during which the employee is obliged to perform his labor functions or time equivalent to that in terms of payment. The duration of this period (working day or shift) and the regularity of its repetition (routine or schedule) must be fixed in the employment contract as working conditions.

The time sheet records the different types of time associated with labor functions:

  • daytime;
  • night;
  • on weekends and holidays;
  • overtime;
  • watch;
  • advanced training outside of production;
  • paid holidays;
  • sick leave;
  • forced absenteeism;
  • strike;
  • simple, etc.

Principles of timesheet keeping

The timekeeper is obliged to comply with the legally adopted rules, as well as the regulations enshrined in the internal regulations enterprises:

  1. This document can be maintained for each division separately or for the entire organization.
  2. The timesheet includes the number of hours worked by the employee for each type of working time according to the assigned code.
  3. In addition to the time of employment, the number of hours when the employee did not perform work, although he was supposed to do so (absenteeism, strikes, downtime), is also noted.
  4. Employees are included in the timesheet or excluded from it after registration of the corresponding personnel documentation– order of employment or dismissal, employment contract.
  5. When a new employee is included in the timesheet, he receives Personnel Number, which is unique and will become its code in personnel documentation. The number will be valid for the entire time you work for this employer. A change of position does not change the personnel number. After dismissal, the same number should not be assigned to anyone for 3 years.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to fill out the timesheet in advance - the time is reflected in the document. worked out in fact.

Is it legal to use electronic monitoring systems?

Many organizations, especially large ones, use electronic systems control and/or supervision of workers. Various functions of these systems allow you to record the time of arrival and departure of employees, some - their movements around the territory, sometimes - their activities at the workplace.

The basis for recording the presence of an employee at work may be their registration according to various indicators provided for by one or another accounting and control system:

  • presentation of electronic passes-cards;
  • fingerprint reading;
  • retinal scan;
  • video recording using cameras, etc.

Holidays fell during vacation

If a vacationer has days during his rest period that were non-working for other employees due to holidays, the timekeeper puts the letter B (“Day off”) in the appropriate cells. These days are not included in your vacation time. Regular weekends (not holidays) are marked with the letters OT ("Vacation"), since they are counted in the number of vacation days.

An employee fell ill while on vacation

The Labor Code allows you to extend vacation for the period of forced incapacity for work, or transfer these days to another time. That is why it is important to accurately indicate on the timesheet how many days the employee was sick during vacation. Naturally, the illness must be documented with a piece of paper.

The timekeeper counts how many days the employee had a healthy rest and marks them with the OT code (“Vacation”). Then the dates on which it was issued sick leave, respectively, are marked “B”. If the leave after illness continued, these days are again marked “OT”, as well as the time for which it was extended or transferred to sick leave compensation.

The business trip fell on the weekend

If an employee is forced to spend his days off business trip, this creates difficulties in tabulation. When filling out a timesheet, dates of forced labor while away that fall on weekends are designated not by the letter B (“Weekend”), but by code K (“Business trip”), regardless of whether the business traveler was busy on that day or was on vacation.