Theoretical foundations of internal control systems for public catering. Internal control at a public catering enterprise as an element of economic security

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System creation issues internal control in organizations began to be actively discussed in the professional community from the moment the provisions of Art. 19 Federal Law from 6.12.11 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 40-FZ). All economic entities are obliged to organize and carry out internal control of the ongoing facts of economic life. Despite the availability of publications on this topic, many business entities do not fully understand the need to form an internal control system and the mechanism for its implementation. The goal is to establish the influence of the internal control system on the economic security of a public catering enterprise. In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were identified:

1. Identify the risks associated with the type of activity of the enterprise;

The concept of “internal control system” is quite new for domestic entrepreneurship. Internal control system (ICS)- a set of organizational structure, methods and procedures adopted by the management of an economic entity as a means for the orderly and efficient conduct of business activities, which also includes supervision and inspection organized within a given economic entity by its forces, namely:

1. compliance with legal requirements;

2. accuracy and completeness of documentation accounting;

3. timely preparation of reliable financial statements;

4. preventing errors and distortions;

5. execution of orders and instructions;

6. ensuring the safety of the organization’s property;

7. combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.

The goal of an economic entity is not only to create an internal control system that would guarantee uninterrupted operation, but also to promptly identify and eliminate deviations and errors. The functioning of the internal control system will be effective if the following rules are observed: timely notification of errors; strict distribution job functions, an organized approach to fulfilling instructions that must be formulated in a format specific to the enterprise (order, instruction).

In modern conditions economic system The economic security of an economic entity plays an increasingly important role, as a state of protection of economic interests from external and internal threats. The economic security of an organization is the state of the organization that ensures the state of protection of its economic interests from external and internal threats, the implementation of goals, the maximization of profits and the sustainability of its development.

Aspects economic security:

1. protection of the legal rights and interests of the enterprise and its employees;

2. collection, analysis, assessment of data and forecasting of the development of the situation;

3. timely identification of possible aspirations towards the enterprise and its employees from sources of external security threats;

4. study of partners, clients, competitors, candidates for work in the company.

For organizations, assessing economic security is important primarily from the point of view of maintaining their financial stability and maintaining competitive advantages. Their loss entails the destruction of the economic potential of the organization, which can lead to its bankruptcy. The internal control system is aimed at providing reasonable guarantees and achieving the company's goals. This is realized through the elimination of external and internal threats, and, consequently, through strengthening economic security.

Let's consider the formation of an internal control system and a mechanism for its implementation at a public catering enterprise.

Catering enterprises are a very profitable business, and in the conditions of the financial crisis, unprofitable, but, in addition to all this, very specific. The specificity of public catering is, first of all, compliance with sanitary requirements for the premises, food products, transportation of products, storage, etc. These features entail risks for public catering enterprises, which may affect the continuity of operations.

The main risk of public catering enterprises is the operational risk associated with possible losses in the production of products (production risk) and their marketing (commercial risk). Many of these risks are specific to this industry.

Also, enterprises in this industry are exposed to financial risks - risks associated with the likelihood of loss of financial resources.

Investment risk arises at a catering enterprise when investing free Money.

Information risks catering establishments are associated with distortion or loss of information leading to financial losses.

The system of internal control of reserves begins with identifying internal and external factors affecting the activities of the enterprise. Risk identification entails the analysis of possible events associated with risk, identified factors, assessment of consequences from the qualitative and quantitative side and making decisions about the possibility of managing or avoiding the risk, choosing a management method appropriate to the conditions of the enterprise.

TO economic methods This includes hedging (insurance against the risk of price changes by taking an opposite position on a parallel market), insurance, and reserving. It is not possible to manage the operational risks of food service businesses through hedging and insurance. Therefore, the manager can choose reservation. When creating reserves, the manager is guided by the ratio of competitive risk and the possible reserve to cover it. To select an account and estimate the reserve, you can be guided by the accounting policies of the catering enterprise.

Non-economic methods include:

1. checking counterparties for reliability, because the availability of raw materials, and, consequently, the readiness of dishes of catering establishments depends on suppliers; and from buyers (in particular, legal entities) depends on the timely receipt of revenue;

2. checking the expiration dates of food products (the quality of the prepared dishes depends on this, and, accordingly, the absence or presence of legal proceedings and claims);

3. control over the technologies of preparation and storage of dishes by catering establishments, because violation of technology can affect the quality of products, and, consequently, customer satisfaction.

Economic crimes at a catering enterprise: detection of theft of goods and products in commercial organizations trade and catering is carried out using control checks, test purchases, and inventories.

A control check is advisable at the time of shipment of goods to establish the correctness of the written documents and indicate in them the prices of goods, products, the presence of markings and trademark. Discrepancies may indicate economic and financial transactions that are not reflected or re-indicated, and the difference between the quantity of goods and accompanying documents indicates that the transaction is not marketable.

Test purchase allows you to identify signs of theft, embezzlement, fraud in the sale of goods to customers, the sale of public catering products to consumers at inflated prices, the sale of unaccounted for, low-quality goods, etc.

With the help of an inventory of goods and funds, one can identify a simple, undisguised misappropriation of material assets. At the same time, it is checked whether the goods are fully registered and written off, whether their price is indicated correctly, and whether the storage procedure is followed. Signs of theft of goods and products will be detected shortages, surpluses, misgrading, understatement of the documentary balance, complete or partial non-receipt in storage areas.

List of sources:

1. Barannikov A.A. The role of accounting and internal control in ensuring the economic security of an organization / A.A. Barannikov// Science Magazine KubSAU 2012. - No. 80.

2. Blank I.A. Management of financial security of an enterprise M.: Elga, 2009. 778 p.

3. Voznesenskaya N.V., Lvova M.V. The role of accounting organization in ensuring the economic security of an enterprise // Economics and management: new challenges and prospects 2010. No. 1 P 250-252.

4. Ishmeeva A.S. Internal control system as an element of ensuring the economic security of an economic entity / A.S. Ishmeeva // Monograph. – 2012.

5. Tapman L.N. Risks in economics: textbook. manual for universities / ed. prof. V.A. Shvandara. M.: UNITY - DANA, 2002.

6. Utkin E.A., Frolov D.A. Enterprise risk management: educational and practical work. allowance. M.: TEIS, 2003.

7. Tsvetkova E. V., Arlyukova I. O. Risks in economic activity: textbook allowance. – St. Petersburg: INVESEP, Knowledge, 2002.

8. Shevelev A.V. Risks in accounting: textbook / A.E. Shevelev, E.V. Sheveleva. M.: KnoRus, 2007. 320 p.

Yu.O. Shamova

student of group 36Em152

E-mail: [email protected]

A.N. Bystrova

Scientific adviser,

Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor

Administrative control at a catering establishment is carried out daily. Such control can be complex: for economic activity will be monitored not only by the head of the enterprise (general and/or Executive Director), but also production manager and chief accountant.

Catering establishments are also constantly inspected by higher organizations. Such control is departmental and is carried out through various types of inventories and audits. The main goal of departmental control is to make sure that the enterprise keeps documentation in order, uses material and commodity assets wisely, does not abuse its position, reputation, etc.

At the state level, control over the work of public catering enterprises is carried out by State inspection on the quality of goods in trade. Under her responsibility: control over the quality of products and raw materials, control over compliance with the basic rules of trade and competition, control over compliance with storage conditions of products, checking the recipes of prepared dishes, compliance with technological instructions, literacy pricing policy.

State sanitary inspection bodies monitor compliance with the rules and regulations of a sanitary and hygienic nature at a catering establishment during the storage of products and raw materials, their transportation, and when distributing finished products according to the actual menu. In addition, these bodies monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of personnel, maintenance of equipment and premises.

Technical inspectors trade union committees, public inspectors, labor protection commissions, various bureaus and implementation councils scientific organization labor carry out inspections of compliance with safety rules at catering establishments and labor protection rules.

Control over the activities of a public catering establishment is also carried out within the enterprise. This is done by the primary party organizations of enterprises of this kind, which elect commissions from their members. Commissions are created specifically to ensure that the management of the economic activities of public catering enterprises is partially carried out by party organizations and the role of this management is significant.

Often trade union organizations catering establishments monitor the activities of those cafes, catering establishments, bars and restaurants fast food, which are geographically located in their zone of influence. Such organizations are in close contact with commissions created under the Council of People's Deputies. Public control is mainly involved in checking the menu, product range, its quality, pricing policy, monitoring compliance with competition laws, monitoring the quality of service, etc.

Those groups that actively contribute to the people's control committees are engaged in checking financial discipline catering establishments monitor compliance with turnover plans. Such control allows you to significantly improve the level of customer service culture, identify resources that are not used by the catering enterprise, and direct the enterprise’s activities in a more efficient direction.

In order to qualitatively control the work of a public catering establishment, the Book of Suggestions and Complaints is also used. This type of control is carried out directly by clients of a particular enterprise. The book of complaints must certainly be delivered to the visitor at the first request. According to current legislation, any complaint or entry in the book must be considered by management within two days after its occurrence. The noted deficiencies must be eliminated, and a record of the results of consideration of a specific complaint or proposal must be made in the same book on the reverse side of the sheet. The catering establishment's customer will be notified accordingly of the entry.

Quality control at a catering establishment is one of the most important species control

Quality control at a catering establishment must be carried out at every production stage. Especially for this purpose, the enterprise creates several services: acceptance control, operational and input control.

Often, the storekeeper is responsible for monitoring the incoming quality of products at a catering enterprise. His work is checked by the deputy director. If the enterprise itself does not have its own warehouse of products, the incoming control will be carried out by a cook-foreman, technologist or production manager.

The cook-foreman and the cook of the highest category at the enterprise have the opportunity to carry out both acceptance and operational control.

In public catering, there is a developed system of product quality control, in which, in addition to workers directly involved in the production of products, government agencies And public organizations. The basis for product evaluation is regulatory and technical documentation. At public catering establishments, it is recommended to organize product quality control at all stages of production, for which it is necessary to create incoming, operational and acceptance quality control services with a clear division of functions and responsibilities for the quality of products. The incoming control service carries out control of incoming raw materials and checks the compliance of its quality with the data specified in the accompanying documents according to the organoleptic indicators set out in the regulatory and technical documentation. Operational control at individual stages technological process carried out by organoleptic evaluation, checking the compliance of the raw material set technological maps, compliance with technological regimes and product yield by weight. Acceptance control is organized depending on the type of enterprise. In the workshops procurement enterprises and specialized workshops, it is carried out as each batch of products is manufactured according to the organoleptic indicators set out in the technical documentation, the yield of products by weight, and compliance with labeling and packaging requirements. Control of physical and chemical parameters is carried out by a technological laboratory. At enterprises selling consumer dishes, the quality of finished products is assessed by a rejection commission. The rejection commission may include the production manager or his deputy, process engineer, cook-foreman, cooks of 5 and 6 categories. In some restaurants and cafes that sell signature and custom-made dishes, they create quality posts and monitor distribution. Quality posts, headed by chef-foremen, control the implementation of individual technological operations and the output of ready-made dishes. Day-to-day control over product quality is carried out by technological and sanitary-technological food laboratories.

When checking the operation of an enterprise, employees of sanitary food laboratories and other regulatory organizations carry out an organoleptic assessment (grading) of all ready-made dishes and products and determine their average weight.

Piece and portioned culinary and confectionery products are selected from different (or one) baking sheets and trays and weighed in 10 pieces. on tabletop dial scales with a scale of up to 1 kg. If the total mass of weighed products is below the norm, weigh 10 more products. Then the products are weighed individually on table scales with a scale of up to 200 g.

To determine the average weight of dishes selected for distribution, weigh three portions separately, sum up their weight and divide by 3.

To check the correct dispensing of products portioned using measuring cups or spoons (sour cream, sugar, butter, etc.), 10...20 portions of the product are selected with a measuring cup, weighed and the average weight is determined.

The average weight of dishes (products) should not have deviations from the norm of yield of the dish (product) according to the recipe. The weight of one dish (product) may deviate from the norm by no more than ± 3%.

The results of the organoleptic evaluation are entered into the enterprise's rejection journal, and if the dish is sent to the laboratory, a sampling report is made; the weighing results are reflected in the sampling report.

In production, laboratory workers carry out the simplest qualitative and quantitative analyzes(reaction to the presence of filler in natural products made from minced meat, determination of the mass of the dense part of compotes, etc.), allowing you to quickly detect violations of recipes or cooking technology. Dishes and products rated “unsatisfactory” are removed from sale.

As a rule, products that are rated “satisfactory” are selected for laboratory analysis, as well as when there is doubt about their freshness or compliance with the recipe. All this is reflected in the sampling report. A laboratory worker takes samples while distributing portions prepared for dispensing (at self-service establishments) or upon fulfilling an order (when served by waiters). Representatives of other control organizations can carry out sampling through a test purchase.

A control sample of the soup is taken without meat and sour cream. A sample of the side dish is taken from the center of the cauldron and, retreating 2-3 cm from the wall, after thoroughly mixing its contents. The sauce is mixed with a slotted spoon before sampling. Samples selected for analysis are carefully transferred into weighed containers (jars, containers) without loss. The dishes with samples are covered with lids, the jars are wrapped in paper and tied with twine. The containers with samples are sealed.

Quality control of first courses

The temperature of the soup during release should be: for filling soups, etc. clear - 75 0C, shaped puree, seasoned with egg-milk mixture - 65 0C, shaped puree, not seasoned with egg-milk mixture - 75 0C, cold - no higher than 14 0C and no lower than 7 0C.

To determine the temperature, the thermometer is immersed in a cauldron with soup to a depth of approximately 10 cm and kept for 2...3 minutes.

During the organoleptic evaluation of first courses, note appearance, which indicate compliance with the rules of preparation technology and storage conditions.

The dense part of the dressing soup is disassembled on the side of the plate into individual components and its composition (a set of roots, vegetables, etc.) is compared with the recipe, while paying attention to the shape of the vegetables and the consistency of the products (cereals, pasta, legumes).

If the vegetables are carefully peeled and chopped, and the components of the soup are not overcooked or mashed, it means that the primary processing was carried out thoroughly, and the cooking was carried out in compliance with the recommended regime. The liquid part of the filling soup, the recipe of which includes flour sautéing, must be homogeneous, not stratified, without lumps of brewed flour.

When grading clear soups, pay attention to the transparency and color of the broths. If the broth is served with a side dish, after combining it, see if the side dish makes the broth cloudy, which reduces the rating of the soup.

By controlling the rate of input of raw materials into first courses, the content of dry matter and fat is determined in seasoning soups and puree soup. In dairy, in addition, the investment of milk. In solyanka and cold soups - the mass of meat (fish) products and the fat content in the liquid part of the soup. In broths with side dishes - the weight of the side dish and the content of dry substances in the liquid part of the soup. In sweet soups with fruit - the mass of their dense part and the sugar content, and if the soup is seasoned with sour cream - also the fat content.

Quality control of second courses

The temperature of the second courses during vacation should be at least 65 0C. Defred eat it by immersing the thermometer in the center of the main product and side dish.

After checking the temperature of release and the mass of piece goods and dishes prepared for distribution, they begin to evaluate their appearance, color and consistency.

In dishes made from meat, poultry and fish, the correctness of cutting the pieces, their shape, noting the presence of pieces cut along the grain or severely deformed, the condition of the breading (tightness, uniformity of frying, cracks on the surface), and for fish, in addition, the conformity of the type processing accepted in calculation (fillet with skin and rib bones, fillet with skin and boneless, etc.). In meat dishes, attention is paid to the relationship between muscle, connective, fat and bone tissues. In poultry dishes - the quality of carcass trimming, the presence of skin breaks, consistency, compliance with portioning rules.

The degree of readiness and consistency of meat products, poultry and fish are determined by piercing them with a chef's needle: it should easily penetrate the thickness of the product. For this group of culinary products, the color is determined both on the surface and on the cut. The first indicates the correct frying or storage of the finished product. Thus, the absence of a crust on fried products and a gray moistened surface indicate that they were brought to readiness under a lid; the weathered dark surface of boiled meat products indicates that after cooking they were stored without broth. The color on the cut characterizes not only the readiness of the product, but sometimes also the freshness of the semi-finished product. The pink-red color on the cut of products made from cutlet mass may indicate both insufficient roasting and violation of the shelf life of the cutlet meat.

The consistency of minced meat products should be loose, juicy, and slightly elastic. A spreadable consistency indicates the use of fresh bread or an excessive amount of it.

Having checked the appearance, color and consistency of the main product (meat, fish, poultry), the remaining parts of the dish (side dish, sauce) are assessed by the same indicators, and then tasted. When rejecting vegetable side dishes (dishes), pay attention to the quality of cleaning vegetables and potatoes, the thoroughness of removing dark spots and rotten places, and cutting them correctly and accurately; in fried vegetables, in addition, for the presence or absence of heavily burnt ones, and in stewed ones, for pieces that have boiled over and have lost their shape. Their readiness is determined by crushing, chewing or cutting. The consistency of vegetables should be soft and juicy.

When rejecting cereal and flour dishes (side dishes), check the consistency of porridges, pasta, and legumes. In crumbly porridges, often used as a side dish, well-swollen grains should separate from each other. Distributing the porridge in a thin layer on a plate, check for the presence of unhulled grains, foreign impurities, and lumps in it. Well-cooked pasta is soft, does not stick together, is easily separated from each other, and hangs from the edge of a fork or knife. For cutlets and balls of cereals, it is mandatory to maintain their shape when frying; for all cereals and pasta - absence of mustiness, bitterness, sour taste and smell.

When assessing the quality of the sauce, pay attention to its color, consistency and taste.

The consistency of sauces is determined by pouring them in a thin stream from a spoon into a plate. If the sauce contains a filler (sautéed onions, roots, cucumbers, etc.), it is separated and the composition, cut shape, consistency are checked, after which the sauce is tasted, noting the degree of homogeneity of its liquid part and especially the degree of expression of taste and aroma.

If it is necessary to check the weight of a side dish or porridge, they are taken from the distribution when released to the consumer and weighed.

Dishes received for research are heated to a temperature of 60...65 0C and weighed (together with side dishes and sauce). Then the main product (meat, fish, cutlets, cheesecakes, pancakes, etc.) is weighed separately.

Before weighing, natural pieces of meat, poultry, and fish are carefully freed from garnish and sauce.

The culling of cold dishes is carried out in the same way as the main ones. But when evaluating, special attention is paid to their design. The appearance of cold dishes should be attractive, the design neat and expressive, without unnecessary decoration.

In meat, fish and other dishes, sandwiches, salads, pieces of meat, poultry, and fish should not be weathered, and greens should not be yellowed.

Fresh vegetables should be washed well. When rejecting vinaigrettes and salads, pay attention to the thoroughness of cleaning the vegetables and the form of cutting. Products that are broken, crumbled or dented are not allowed for sale.

The taste of many cold dishes is determined not only by the main product, but also by the dressings and sauces with which they are served. Therefore, the requirements for their quality, in addition to the taste of the main product, also indicate the taste that sauces and seasonings impart to it. For example, the taste of the dish “Fish under marinade” should be characteristic of natural fried fish, with a sweet and sour taste of the marinade and a slightly spicy aroma of onions, spices, roots and tomatoes.

Not a single dish should have an extraneous, unusual taste. The smell of sour vegetables in salads, the taste of rancid oil, etc. exclude the possibility of their sale.

Quality control of cold sweet dishes

The temperature of cold sweet dishes should be no higher than 14 0C and no lower than 7 0C, soft ice cream - from - 5 to - 7 0C.

When evaluating gelled dishes, the main attention is paid to the consistency, by which one can judge whether they were prepared correctly and that the recipe was followed. Lack of gelatin or prolonged boiling of the gelatin solution leads to jelly and mousses settling and melting; If the beating is insufficient, sambuca, creams, and mousses turn out dense, and a layer of jelly forms in the lower part of the molds in which the dishes are cooled.

The liquid consistency of jelly can be due to both the lack of starch and prolonged heating, which causes liquefaction; the appearance of water on the surface of thick jelly is caused by prolonged storage.

The berry jelly should be transparent; creams, sambukas, mousses - finely porous, without lumps of undissolved gelatin; jelly - homogeneous, without lumps of ungelatinized starch and films on the surface.

In compotes, the thoroughness of preparation of fruits and berries, their retention of shape during heat treatment, and the transparency of the syrup are controlled; for baked dishes (puddings, sweet cereals) - appearance (presence of a fried crust) and cut appearance (uniformity of mass, uniform distribution of raisins or candied fruits, absence of hardening, large voids, etc.).

All dishes should have a well-expressed taste and aroma of the products from which they are prepared (berries, fruits), as well as added flavors (vanillin, nuts, cocoa, coffee, zest, etc.)

Beverage quality control

Beverage samples are taken from thermoses during distribution (coffee and cocoa with milk), from the consumer’s table when the waiter is fulfilling an order (black coffee), as well as through control purchases in buffets and bars (tea, coffee, cocoa, milkshakes, soft drinks, etc. .).

A sample of tea brewing is taken in the amount of 50 cm3 from a teapot, a sample of milkshakes - in the amount of two servings from one mixer.

At the enterprise, they control the volume of drinks dispensed, measuring it with measuring utensils (cylinder, beaker) at a temperature for hot drinks (coffee, cocoa) 75 0C, cold drinks - 10..12 0C. The resulting volume is compared with the yield according to the recipe.

Quality control of flour confectionery and bakery products

The average sample of bakery products is compiled by selecting from every 10 trays or boxes 0.3% of the entire lot, but not less than 10 pcs.

When inspecting products made from yeast dough, they characterize: appearance (shape, color, crust thickness, presence or absence of crust); crumb condition (bakedness, uniform porosity, absence of hardening, lack of kneading, etc.); consistency, which characterizes freshness and bakedness; taste and smell. All these indicators indicate compliance with the fermentation, dough proofing and baking regimes. Unfermented dough produces low-porous products with a dark crust, fermented dough produces a pale crust; excessively long proofing leads to the formation of uneven porosity; defects in baking products can be hardening, separation of the crust from the crumb, etc.

In products prepared with minced meat, attention is paid to its quality: compliance of the components with the recipe, degree of readiness, consistency, taste and smell.

When analyzing rich bakery products, in addition to generally accepted indicators, they are characterized by the presence of a crunch from mineral admixtures.

Assessment of the quality of products made from yeast dough should be made no earlier than 1 hour after the end of baking or frying and no later warranty periods storage

During the organoleptic evaluation of cakes and pastries, the main baked semi-finished dough product is characterized (bakedness, uniformity of pores, presence of voids, lack of kneading, hardening), as well as the surface, shape, taste and smell of the finished product. The clarity of the cream pattern, the quality of the chocolate and fondant glaze, the burnt quality of the piece products. For other flours confectionery evaluate the correctness of the form, the presence of deformed products, breaks, tears, bubbles, cracks. The products are broken down and the uniformity of pores, baking defects (voids, hardening), and kneading (not mixed) are determined. When assessing taste and smell, attention is paid to the presence of unpleasant or unusual odors and tastes, as well as crunching on the teeth due to the presence of mineral impurities.

With a five-point system, the product rating is reduced by the following number of points: for unmixed, hardened, damp, sticky or dense crumb, pale color, sour smell, vague cream pattern - 2-3 points, burntness, irregular shape - 1.5 - 2, breaks , cracks, voids - 1 - 2, lack of gloss in lipstick - 1.

Monitoring the correctness of the technological process

Methods for monitoring the doneness of meat and fish culinary products are based on the detection of enzyme activity in them. In well-fried products, enzymes are completely inactivated.

Phosphatase is an enzyme from the class of hydrolases that catalyzes the breakdown of esters formed by phosphoric acid. Phosphotase breaks down the barium salt of paranitrophenyl phosphate at a temperature of 38 0C, releasing paranitrophenol, which colors the medium yellow. The appearance of a yellow color in the test sample indicates that phosphatase is not inactivated, and, therefore, the product is not sufficiently fried.

This test is used to control the doneness of meat products only.

Peroxidases are enzymes from the class of oxidoreductases that participate in the oxidation processes of hydrogen peroxide and other peroxides due to oxygen. At a temperature of 85 0C, peroxidases are inactivated within 1...2 s, at 80 0C - 30 s, at 75 0C - within 10 min. Thus, the absence of peroxidases indicates that the product meets sanitary requirements.

The method uses reactions to the presence of peroxidases with guaiacol or amidopyrine, the oxidation products of which, condensing, form colored substances.

Organoleptic analysis, despite its subjectivity, allows you to quickly and easily assess the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and culinary products, detect violations of the recipe, production technology and presentation of dishes, which in turn makes it possible to take measures to eliminate the detected deficiencies. The quality of products is assessed, as a rule, by the following indicators: appearance (including color), consistency, smell and taste, color of the crust and condition of the crumb (flour and confectionery products).

The number of dishes or products being tested at the same time should be small, since the sensitivity of the senses quickly decreases under the influence of fatigue, and their adaptation (habituation) to a certain stimulus is observed.

The air temperature in the room has a great influence on the impressionability of the taste organs: at temperatures above 36 0C, sensitivity to sour and bitter tastes decreases; at temperatures below 15 0C, it becomes difficult to identify salty taste. Sensitivity decreases sharply taste buds when the surface of the tongue is cooled to 0 0C or when heated to 45 0C. The optimal air temperature for tasting is considered to be 20 0C; the temperature of the dishes should be the same at which they are served. There should be no foreign odors entering the room that could affect the assessment of the quality of the products.

In organoleptic evaluation, as in any analysis, the accuracy of the results obtained depends on the professional skills of workers, knowledge of the methodology and the thoroughness of its implementation. Therefore, workers who constantly monitor the quality of food products must develop a pronounced sensitivity to taste, smell, color, etc.

When determining a smell, its intensity is noted. Considering that with prolonged exposure the body ceases to perceive the smell, only the first fresh impression (sensation) should be taken into account. It is very important to notice the appearance of foreign odors that are unusual for the products, which almost always indicates their defectiveness.

When determining the taste of food, it should be remembered that sense organs excited by strong stimuli lose impressionability and do not respond to the influence of weak stimuli.

Therefore, first they try dishes that have a weak smell and taste (for example, cereal soups), and then those whose taste and smell are clearly expressed. Sweet dishes are tasted last.

Each product quality indicator (appearance, color, consistency, smell, taste) is assessed using a five-point system: 5 - excellent; 4 - good; 3 - satisfactory; 2 - bad; 1 - very bad (unsatisfactory).

All violations of food preparation technology are discussed with shop workers during the rejection process, and those who allowed the production of rejected products are held financially and administratively liable.

The results of checking the quality of culinary products are recorded in a rejection journal before the start of its sale and are signed by all members of the commission.

The reject log is issued to each catering enterprise by a higher organization. It must be numbered, laced and sealed with a wax seal. The chairman of the rejection commission is responsible for maintaining the rejection log.

According to the rejection log data, the average daily assessment of the quality of products produced by individual employees and the enterprise as a whole is calculated.

Concept, essence and stages of control.

Lecture 3.6. Control function.

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Essence and types of control. Control is a process that ensures

achieving the organization's goals. It is required for detection and resolution

problems before they become too serious, and can

can also be used to stimulate successful performance.

The control process consists from setting standards, changing the actual results achieved and making adjustments in the event that

if the achieved results differ significantly from the established ones

standards. Why is control necessary?

Uncertainty. Uncertainty external environment: changes in laws, social values, technology, competitive conditions and other variables environment can turn plans quite real

at the moment of their formation, after some time into something completely unattainable. Moreover, even the best organizational structures have their flaws. Specialization and division of labor, for example, can create coordination problems, friction between individual teams and work groups, and boring work with a lack of motivation. A structure that looks attractive on paper and has been successfully used in another place and time may not live up to all the expectations placed on it by the leadership of a given organization. Another factor of uncertainty that is constantly present in management is the people who perform

most jobs in any organization. People are not computers, they cannot be

program to perform a task with absolute precision.

Prevention of occurrence crisis situations. Errors and

problems that arise when analyzing the situation within an organization are intertwined, if not corrected in time, with errors in assessing future environmental conditions and human behavior.

Control function- this is a management characteristic that allows you to identify problems and adjust activities accordingly

organizations before these problems become crises.

One of the most important reasons for the need for control

is that any organization, of course, must have the ability to timely record its mistakes and correct them before they harm the achievement of the organization's goals.

Maintaining success. Equally important positive side control, consisting in full support of everything that is successful in the organization’s activities. In other words, one of the important aspects of controlling co-

The point is to determine which areas of activity

organizations are most effective. Determining the successes and failures of the organization and

their reasons, we get the opportunity to quickly adapt the organization to the dynamic requirements of the external environment and thereby ensure the highest rate of progress towards the fundamental goals of the organization.

Breadth of control. Control is a critical and complex management function. One of the most important features of control that should be considered first is that control must be comprehensive. Every manager (regardless of his rank) must exercise control as an integral part of his job responsibilities, even if no one specifically instructed him to do so.

Control is a fundamental element of the management process. Neither planning nor creating organizational structures, nor motivation can be considered completely in isolation from control. Indeed, virtually all of them are integral parts common system control in this organization. This circumstance will become clearer after we get acquainted with the three main types of control: preliminary, current and final. In terms of the form of implementation, all these types of control are similar, since they have the same goal: to ensure that the actual results obtained are as close as possible to the required ones. They differ only in the time of implementation.