Test on the subject of personnel management. Introduction. effective management team. Management principles are divided into two groups

1. The essence of the technical and technological aspect of personnel management is as follows:
a) includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in personnel work;

d) reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technology used in it, production conditions, etc.

2. The essence of the socio-psychological aspect of personnel management is as follows:
a) reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technology used in it, production conditions, etc.;
b) reflects issues of social and psychological support for personnel management, the introduction of various sociological and psychological procedures into the practice of personnel work;
c) contains issues related to planning the number and composition of personnel, their material incentives, use of working time, and organization of office work;
d) includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in personnel work.

3. The essence of the organizational and economic aspect of personnel management is as follows:
a) contains issues related to planning the number and composition of personnel, their material incentives, use of working time, and organization of office work;
b) provides for resolving issues related to personnel training and mentoring;
c) includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in personnel work;
d) reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technology used in it, production conditions, etc.

4. The physically developed part of the population, possessing the mental abilities and knowledge necessary to work in the national economy, is:
a) labor force;
b) labor resources;
c) labor potential;
d) staff.

5. A person’s ability to work, the totality of his physical, intellectual abilities, acquired knowledge and experience, which are used in the process of producing goods and providing services is:
a) labor force;
b) labor resources;
c) labor potential;
d) labor collective.

6. Employees of an enterprise who work for hire and have an employment relationship with the employer are:
a) labor resources;
b) human resources;
c) personnel;
d) labor potential.

7. When participating in the production and management process, personnel are divided into:
a) managers and specialists;
b) main and maintenance personnel;
c) main, auxiliary and service personnel;
d) production and management personnel.

8. The main functions of the personnel management process are:
a) analysis, planning, motivation, control;
b) accounting, audit, planning, forecasting, control;
c) planning, organization, motivation, control, regulation;
d) planning, forecasting, organization, monitoring, control.

9. According to the content of influencing performers, personnel management methods are divided into the following groups:
a) organizational, economic, psychological;
b) economic, administrative, social;
c) administrative, organizational, socio-psychological;
d) administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

10. The general principles of personnel management include:
a) scientific character, continuity, normativity, economy;
b) complexity, planning, interest, responsibility;
c) scientific, systematic, continuous, normative;
d) all of the above.

11. Personnel management style, which has the following characteristics: “single determination of will in the presence of managerial functions of the manager; formation by the leader of a strict moral and psychological climate in the team,” is called:
a) authoritarian;
b) autonomous;
c) spivprechetny;
d) advisory

12. In the historical development in personnel management, one can distinguish a consistent change in the following modern concepts and approaches:
a) human resources management, personnel management, human resource management, labor potential management, human capital management.
b) personnel management, personnel management, human management.
c) personnel management, labor resource management, human resource management, human management.
d) personnel management, personnel management.

13. The process of improving the moral, psychological, social, professional and physical qualities of an individual in their unity is:
a) spiritual development of the individual;
b) moral development of the individual;
c) harmonious development of personality;
d) professional development of the individual.

14. The group of employee qualities which includes: honesty, education, responsibility, decency, respect for people is:
a) personal;
b) social;
c) adaptive;
d) cultural.

15. A group of employee qualities that includes: loyalty, lack of conflict, ability to compromise, tendency to intrigue, desire for leadership - this is:
a) personal;
b) social;
c) adaptive;
d) cultural.

16. A group of employee qualities, which includes: intelligence, ability to quickly adapt, stress resistance, ability to learn - this is:
a) personal;
b) social;
c) adaptive;
d) cultural.

17. Factors in the formation of organizational behavior of an individual, which determine behavior depending on the relationships of individuals, are:
a) cultural;
b) socio-psychological;
c) biopsychological;
d) demographic.

18. The social structure of the staff is:
a) a set of groups classified by level of education, work experience, gender, age, nationality, marital status, direction of motivation, etc.;
b) quantitative and professional composition of personnel, wages and wages fund for employees;
c) composition and distribution of creative, communicative and behavioral roles between individual employees;

19. The staffing structure is:
a) the composition and distribution of creative, communicative and behavioral roles between individual employees;
b) a set of groups classified by level of education, work experience, gender, age, nationality, marital status, direction of motivation, etc.;
c) quantitative and professional composition of personnel, wages and wages of employees;
d) classification of workers depending on the functions performed.
20. The group of workers that directs, coordinates and stimulates the activities of the enterprise, manages its resources, and bears full responsibility for achieving the goals of the enterprise is:
a) line managers;
b) functional managers;
c) specialists;
d) production personnel.

Option 1

1. Continue with the statement “Formal organizations are...”

2) organizations that are officially registered and operate on the basis of existing legislation and established regulations;

3) organizations that operate outside the framework of legislation, while groups arise spontaneously, but people interact with each other quite regularly

2. Factors in the external environment of an organization include...

1) competing organizations;

2) personnel of the organization;

3) material resources;

4) government acts;

5) technological resources

3. Determine what type of organizational structure this structure belongs to

1) linear;

2) functional;

3) linear-functional;

4) matrix;

5) divisional.

4. Continue the statement “Horizontal division of labor is...”

1) division into parallel functioning units within the organization;

2) coordination of the work of the components of the organization: departments, services, divisions;

3) specialization of workers by type of activity

5. Regulation of personnel management activities by a collective agreement refers to...

1) federal level;

2) regional level;

3) local level

6. Collective agreement is

1) an agreement between the administration of the enterprise and the working collective represented by the trade union;

2) agreement between the trade union and the work collective;

3) an agreement between the employer and the employee, according to which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work according to the specified labor function, to ensure working conditions provided for by laws and other legal acts on labor;

7. The personnel management information subsystem includes:

1) information about completing advanced training courses;

2) personnel training;

3) additional payments

4) information regarding employee motivation

8. Methods of personnel management, in which techniques and methods of influencing performers are carried out using a specific comparison of costs and results

1) administrative and legal;

2) social – psychological;

3) economic

1) theory of A. Maslow;

2) Vroom's expectancy theory;

3) theory of F. Herzberg;

4) S. Adams' theory of justice

10. Which scientist’s theory suggests movement along the hierarchy of needs both from the bottom up and from the top down?

1) theory of A. Maslow;

2) Vroom's theory;

3) theory of F. Herzberg;

4) theory of D. McClelland;

5) theory of K. Alderfer

11. The stage of personnel policy, rationing and programming involves...

1) coordination of the principles and goals of working with personnel with the principles and goals of the organization, development of programs and ways to achieve the goals of personnel policy;

2) development of procedures for diagnosing and forecasting the personnel situation;

3) determining the choice of basic forms and methods of personnel management;

12. A type of personnel policy characterized by the absence of an expressed program of action in relation to personnel by the organization’s management.

1) passive personnel policy;

2) reactive personnel policy;

3) preventive personnel policy;

4) active personnel policy

13. Which of the proposed categories of personnel do secretaries belong to?

5) industrial - production personnel;

6) engineering and technical personnel;

7) workers;

14. Calculate the staff retention rate if it is known that the number of employees on the payroll for the entire calendar year was 53 people, the average number of employees for the period under review was 212 people.

15. Based on the table data, determine the growth rate of the enterprise, the share of women, the share of men in the total number of personnel

16. According to the given task, the turner should produce products A - 70 pieces, products B - 40 pieces. In fact, he manufactured products A - 85 pieces, products B - 40 pieces. Price for product A: within the task - 30 rubles, beyond the task - 35 rubles. Price for product B: within the task - 38 rubles, over the task - 40 rubles. Determine the wages of a turner.

17. An open personnel policy is...

1) a policy that is characterized by the organization’s transparency for potential employees at any level of the management hierarchy;

2) a policy that is characterized by the inclusion of new personnel only from the lowest official level;

3) a policy that is characterized by management having not only reasonable forecasts of the development of the situation, but also means of influencing it

18. A type of resume, the distinctive feature of which is a description of expectations from the company

1) chronological summary;

2) functional summary;

3) combined resume

19. When drawing up a resume, in the “additional information” section, indicate:

2) contact numbers and email address;

3) personal qualities;

4) education

20. List the basic rules for writing a resume

1) an agreement concluded for a specific period of not more than 2 years;

2) an agreement concluded for a specific period of not more than 3 years;

3) an agreement concluded for a specific period of not more than 5 years;

4) a contract concluded for an indefinite period

22. List the main stages of the recruitment process for an organization.

23. Indicate taboo topics during an interview:

1) political views;

2) operating mode;

3) duration of the probationary period;

4) financial difficulties;

5) shortcomings of previous employers

1) based on the employee’s qualifications;

2) based on the employee’s qualifications and the amount of time worked

3) based on the number of products produced

1) one month;

2) two months;

3) three months

26. For the duration of seasonal work, the probationary period...

1) not installed;

2) should not exceed more than two weeks;

3) should not exceed two months

1) one week;

2) two weeks;

3) one month

28. Determine the salary of a 3rd category mechanic if the number of working days in a month is 20. The duration of the shift is 8 hours, the bonus is 1,500 rubles.

29. The section of the employment contract “additional conditions” contains:

1) terms of remuneration;

3) conditions for the probationary period;

4) compensation for harmful working conditions

30. Piece rate is...

1) the amount of payment per unit of quality products;

2) an indicator characterizing the expenditure of working time on the production of a certain use value;

3) an indicator characterizing the amount of products produced per unit of time (hour, shift, quarter, year) or one average employee.

Final test in the discipline “Human Resources Management”

Option 2

1. Continue the statement “Informal organizations are...”

1) a group of people whose activities are coordinated to achieve common goals;

2) organizations that operate outside the framework of legislation, while groups arise spontaneously, but people interact with each other quite regularly;

3) organizations that are officially registered and operate on the basis of existing legislation and established regulations;

2. Factors of the internal environment of the organization include:

1) capital of the organization;

2) economic conditions in the country;

3) competing organizations;

4) material resources;

5) technological resources

3. Determine what type of organizational structure this structure belongs to

1) linear;

2) functional;

3) linear-functional;

4) matrix;

5) divisional.

4. Continue the statement “Vertical division of labor is...”

1) assigning certain work to specialists, that is, to those who are able to perform it best from the point of view of the organization as a whole;

2) division into parallel functioning units within the organization;

3) coordination of the work of the components of the organization: departments, services, divisions;

Karyakin Alexander Mikhailovich Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Ivanovo State Energy University,
[email protected]

2.5. Formation of teams

Effective functioning of teams involves taking interpersonal relationships in the team to a new level. The effectiveness of the team largely depends on how developed the degree of cooperation is in the team. At the same time, teams, as a rule, are not created from scratch (unless we are talking about a newly created enterprise or division), so already established interpersonal relationships, one of the most important components of organizational culture, play an important factor.

Therefore, as a first step in the team building process, a procedure for studying interpersonal relationships in departments within which it is planned to create teams is proposed. Naturally, we can also talk about relationships between employees of different departments, but who are planned to be “brought together” into one team.

Among the well-known methods of group formation, we have identified the following:

Sociometric method by J. Moreno. The method allows you to determine the general level of relationships (well-being) in a group and rank group members from the category of “rejected” to the category of “stars” (people who are most popular, liked in the group), and a person’s potential ability to lead.

4 CP - project team, MC - management team

5 Types of teams: IF - intrafunctional; KF - cross-functional; O - operational; B - virtual; P - entrepreneurial; SU - self-governing; SN - self-directed.

6 Management functions: 1 - operational production functions; 2 - formation of a production program; 3 - quality control; 4 - drawing up a work schedule; 5 - contacts with suppliers and consumers; 6 - production accounting; 7 - hiring - firing; 8 - financial accounting; 9 - educational; 10 - choice of development directions (determination of long-term plans).
Knowledge and skills: 1 - technical; 2 - interpersonal; 3 - team; 4 - administrative; 5- special.

1. The essence of the technical and technological aspect of personnel management is as follows:

a) includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in personnel work;

d) reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technology used in it, production conditions, etc.

2. The essence of the socio-psychological aspects of personnel management is as follows:

a) reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technology used in it, production conditions, etc.;

b) reflects the issues of socio-psychological support for personnel management, the introduction of various sociological and psychological procedures into the practice of personnel work;

c) contains issues related to planning the number and composition of personnel, their material incentives, the use of working time, and the organization of office work;

d) includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in personnel work.

3. The essence of the organizational and economic aspect of personnel management is as follows:

a) contains issues related to planning the number and composition of personnel, their financial incentives, the use of working time, and the organization of office work;

b) provides for resolving issues related to personnel training and mentoring;

c) includes issues of compliance with labor legislation in personnel work;

d) reflects the level of development of a particular production, the features of the equipment and technology used in it, production conditions, etc.

4. The physically developed part of the population, which has the mental abilities and knowledge necessary to work in the national economy, is:

a) labor force;

b) labor resources;

c) labor potential;

d) staff.

5. A person’s ability to work, the totality of his physical, intellectual abilities, acquired knowledge and experience, which are used in the process of producing goods and providing services is:

a) labor force;

b) labor resources;

c) labor potential;

d) labor collective.

6. Employees of an enterprise who are hired and have an employment relationship with the employer are:

a) labor resources;

b) human resources;

c) personnel;

d) labor potential.

7. When participating in the production and management process, personnel are divided into:

a) managers and specialists;

b) main and maintenance personnel;

c) main, auxiliary and service personnel;

d) production and management personnel.

8. The main functions of the personnel management system are:

a) analysis, planning, motivation and control;

b) accounting, audit, planning, forecasting, control;

c) planning, organization, motivation, control, regulation;

d) planning, forecasting, organization, monitoring, control.

a) organizational, economic, psychological;

b) economic, administrative, social;

c) administrative, organizational, socio-psychological studies;

d) administrative, economic, socio-psychological education.

10. General principles of personnel management include:

a) scientific character, continuity, normativity, economy;

b) complexity, planning, interest, responsibility;

c) scientific, systematic, continuous, normative;

d) all of the above.

11. Personnel management style, which has the following characteristics: “single expression of will if the manager has managerial functions; formation by the leader of a strict moral and psychological climate in the team,” is called:

b) autonomous;

c) involved;

d) advisory

12. In the historical development in personnel management, one can distinguish a consistent change in the following modern concepts and approaches:

a) human resources management, personnel management, human resource management, labor potential management, human capital management.

b) personnel management, personnel management, human management.

c) personnel management, labor resource management, human resource management, human management.

d) personnel management, personnel management.

13. The process of improving the moral, psychological, social, professional and physical qualities of an individual in their unity is:

a) spiritual development of the individual;

b) moral development of the individual;

c) harmonious development of personality;

d) professional development of the individual.

14. The group of employee qualities which includes: honesty, education, responsibility, decency, respect for people is:

a) personal;

b) social;

c) adaptive;

d) cultural.

15. A group of employee qualities that includes: loyalty, lack of conflict, ability to compromise, tendency to intrigue, desire for leadership - this is:

a) personal;

b) social;

c) adaptive;

d) cultural.

16. A group of employee qualities, which includes: quick wits, ability to quickly adapt, stress resistance, learning ability - this is:

a) personal;

b) social;

c) adaptive;

d) cultural.

17. Factors in the formation of organizational behavior of an individual, which determine behavior depending on the relationships of individuals, are:

a) cultural;

b) socio-psychological learning;

c) biopsychological;

d) demographic.

18. The social structure of the staff is:

a) a set of groups classified by level of education, work experience, gender, age, nationality, marital status, direction of motivation, etc.;

b) quantitative and professional composition of personnel, wages and wages fund for employees;

c) composition and distribution of creative, communicative and behavioral roles between individual employees;

19. The staffing structure is:

a) the composition and distribution of creative, communicative and behavioral roles between individual employees;

b) a set of groups classified by level of education, work experience, gender, age, nationality, marital status, direction of motivation, etc.;

c) quantitative and professional composition of personnel, wages and wages fund for employees;

d) classification of workers depending on the functions performed.

20. The group of workers that directs, coordinates and stimulates the activities of the enterprise, manages its resources, and bears full responsibility for achieving the goals of the enterprise is:

a) line managers;

b) functional managers;

c) specialists;

d) production personnel.

1 At the lowest level of management (production area, functional unit) there is...

a. HR management strategy is being developed

b. direct supervision of performers ***

c. production planning

d. the volume of investment in personnel development is determined

2 The product (result) of personnel management has the following dimensions:

a. economic and social ***

b. planned and actual

c. psychological and energetic

d. centralized and decentralized

3 The totality of funds allocated to finance activities in the field of personnel management is:

a. financial support for personnel management ***

b. technical support for personnel management

c. legal support for personnel management

d. information support for personnel management

4 Personnel records should provide information about:

a. activities of the organization as a whole

b. distribution of workload for each employee

c. number, change and composition of the organization’s personnel ***

d. personnel costs

5 Management at the top level provides for:

a. performer management

b. production planning

c. organization of activities

d. formation of personnel management policy ***

6 The organization of personnel records is directly assigned to:

a. security service

b. Human Resources Department ***

c. marketing department

d. chief accountant

7 Management methods, with the help of which the necessary working conditions for personnel are created, a management structure is developed:

a. economic

b. psychological

c. organizational ***

d. administrative

8 A set of documents of an organizational, methodological, regulatory, technical and technical and economic nature that define norms, rules, requirements, characteristics and other data used to solve problems of labor organization and personnel management - this is:

a. legal and regulatory support for personnel management

b. information support for personnel management

c. scientific and methodological support for personnel management ***

d. staffing of personnel management

9 The ability of a person to impartially evaluate other people, events, phenomena characterized by contradictory features; The ability to respect the opinions and beliefs of other people is:

a. liberality

b. tolerance ***

c. tact

d. objectivity

10 The level of professional readiness of an employee for a certain type of work is:

a. qualification ***

b. employee competence

c. professional suitability

d. personnel structure

11 The ability to attract people due to the formation of positive emotions in them in the process of communication is

a. empathy

c. tolerance

d. attraction ***

12 Unemployment caused by a decline in production is:

a. cyclic ***

b. frictional

c. structural

d. temporary

13 The structure, number of employees and Regulations on the HR department are approved:

a. head of the security service

b. chief accountant

c. senior management of the enterprise ***

d. general meeting of department heads

14 An agreement between an employee and the owner of an organization, according to which the employee undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, qualification, position, subject to the internal labor procedure, and the owner of the enterprise undertakes to pay the employee wages and provide the working conditions necessary to perform the work. This …

a. employment contract ***

b. personal card

c. employment history

d. private bussiness

15 A psychological mechanism for regulating the socio-psychological climate, which contributes to the transformation of the group into a cohesive, self-regulating social organism, in which the efforts of all personnel are aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

A. communication

b. adaptation

c. identification

d. integration ***

16 Feeling of dissatisfaction from real or imagined contact with another person:

a. sympathy

b. attraction

c. rejection

d. antipathy ***

17 The subjects of personnel management in the organization are:

a. employees of production and functional departments

b. line and functional managers of all levels of management, employees of production and functional departments who provide managers with the information necessary for personnel management or perform service functions ***

c. only linear

d. only functional managers of all management levels

18 The main working document of the HR department, which reflects the state of staffing of the enterprise, is ...

a. alphabet book

b. private bussiness

c. staff book ***

d. personal card

19 The process of motivating oneself and others to act to achieve personal and organizational goals is:

a. motivation ***

b. motivation

c. encouragement

d. stimulation

20 Department of labor organization and wages:

a. establishes labor standards, determines the planned number of personnel by category, develops wage conditions, plans the wage fund, keeps records of the labor intensity of products ***

b. controls working conditions, compliance by employees with safety rules, keeps records of injuries, occupational diseases and related expenses c. develops production plans on which the number and professional qualification structure of personnel depends

d. organizes rental, relocation and dismissal of employees

21 The staff book reflects:

a. organizational structure of the enterprise

b. staffing status ***

c. information about the activities of the HR department

d. information about the management team

22 The function of a manager, in which he uses his powers to ensure the functioning of the organization, developing and implementing personnel policies for staffing, selection, training, placement and relocation of personnel is a function:

a. organizer

b. teacher

c. administrator ***

Information Center

23 The stage of the conflict, at which social tension grows and the actions of the parties intensify:

a. heyday

b. deployment ***

c. attenuation

d. origins

24 At the lowest level of management occurs:

a. the personnel management policy (personnel policy) is formulated, the volume of investment in personnel development is determined

b. a personnel management strategy is developed and a decision is made to replace key positions

c. resolving the issue of production planning, labor standardization, organization of activities, remuneration, filling vacant positions

d. direct supervision of performers ***

25 Social efficiency of personnel management is characterized by the following indicators of the quality of working life of personnel (identify the most complete answer):

a. dynamics of real wages, content and working conditions, staff turnover, socio-psychological climate in the workforce ***

b. staff turnover, social and psychological climate in the workforce

c. dynamics of real wages, content and working conditions

d. profit, profitability, productivity, materiality, energy intensity of products

26 The appropriate training, knowledge, experience and skills of a worker to perform specific work are:

a. professional suitability

b. qualification

c. employee competence ***

d. personnel structure

27 The set of data that is used by personnel management subjects to solve such problems as personnel planning, professional personnel selection, production and social adaptation of new employees, regulation of job responsibilities, personnel development, labor protection is:

a. legal support for personnel management

b. information support for personnel management ***

c. technical support for personnel management

d. financial support for personnel management

28 A collection of descriptions of professions, systematized by type of economic activity, which are given in the classifier of professions, is:

a. intersectoral norms and standards for educational characteristics of workers' professions

b. directory of qualification characteristics of workers' professions ***

c. directory of educational characteristics of workers' professions

d. intersectoral norms and standards

29 Methods of influencing organizational labor conflicts arising due to improper distribution of powers, shortcomings in labor organization, incentive systems:

a. aggressive responses

b. interpersonal

c. intrapersonal

d. structural ***

30 Important components of the personnel management policy are:

a. social policy of the organization

b. employment policy

c. all answers are correct***

d. labor income policy