Cotton fabrics. Cotton fabrics Cotton fabrics and mixed household fabrics






Are common technical specifications

Official publication

Preface 1

The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of the Cotton Industry" (FSUE TsNIHBI)

2 INTRODUCED Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 28 of December 9, 2005)

Brief name of the country according to MK<ИСО 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 31vv) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body



Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation

research and metrology




Glavgossluzkba "Turkmenstandartlary"

State Standard of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 10, 2006 No. 90-st, the interstate standard GOST 29298-2005 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2007.

5 INSTEAD GOST29298-92

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) “National Standards”. and the text of the changes is in the information signs “National Standards”. In the event of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index “National Standards”

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

See note from FSUE STANDARDINFORM (p. 9).

© STANDARDINFORM, 2006 © STANDARDINFORM. 2008 Reissue (as of May 2008)


COTTON AND MIXED HOUSEHOLD FABRICS General technical conditions

Cotton and mixed domestic fabrics. General specifications

Date of introduction - 2007-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-made and gray cotton and mixed fabrics used for the manufacture of dress, shirt and linen products, as well as clothing items.

4.2.4 Fabrics are produced mercerized and non-mercerized.

4.2.5 Depending on the purpose, fabrics are produced with one of the types of final finishing. At the customer's request, the fabric is produced without finishing.

4.2.6 Fabrics used for children's products in terms of raw material composition must meet the requirements of the regulatory document. Fabrics for linen used for newborns and children of early, toddler and preschool age must be produced without final finishing.

4.2.7 Dimensions after wet processing of finished fabrics must comply with the requirements. indicated in table 2.

Table 2 - Dimensional changes after wet processing

Fabric name

Changing dimensions after wet processing. %. at least

based on

Gowns (for dresses, blouses, dress-suits, dressing gowns, shirts):

With wrinkle-resistant finish, with easy iron finish

With anti-shrink chemical finishing, with a washable sizing based on thermosetting resins


With anti-crease finish, with easy iron finish

With anti-shrink chemical finishing, with a washable sizing based on thermosetting resins

With a washable sizing based on thermoplastic resins


for underwear:

With an “easy iron” finish, with a washable sizing based on thermosetting resins

With a washable sizing based on thermoplastic resins

for bed linen (including children's linen without finishing)


1 Fabrics with cut pile are subjected to: corduroy cord and corduroy ribbed - dry cleaned or wet cleaned

processing, velvet - dry cleaning.

2 For fabrics containing elastomeric threads, there is no change in linear dimensions after wet processing


4.2.8 The nominal widths of finished fabrics with selvedges correspond to an integer of 70 cm or more ending in zero or five.

Permissible deviations in fabric width in accordance with table 3.

4.2.9 The width of the two edges of the fabric should be no more, cm:

3.0 - for fabric with cut pile;

3.5 - for fabric produced on a shuttleless loom;

1.5 - for other fabrics.

4.2.10 Grade of finished fabrics - according to GOST 161; hard fabrics - according to the regulatory document.

4.2.11* The breaking load and abrasion resistance of finished fabrics must meet the requirements of Table 4.

" See note from FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" (p. 9).

Table 4 - Breaking load and abrasion resistance of finished fabrics

Fabric name

Tensile load on teepee strips measuring 50 to 200 mm. N(ys). no less

Resistance to abrasion along the plane, cycles.

based on

Dresses with surface density. g/m g:

up to 100 incl.

St. 100 « 200 «

Satin weave: carded


Combed with surface density, g/m -1:

up to 250 incl.

With cut pile with surface density, g/m2: up to 300 inclusive.


from single yarn

from twisted yarn

Linen with surface density. g/m*:

up to 110 incl.

St. 110 and 150 incl..

including: greensbones



1 For fabrics containing elastomeric threads, the indicator “flat abrasion resistance” is not determined

2 On the territory of the Russian Federation there are norms

SanPiN 2.4.7/1.1.1286-03.

4.2.12* Physical and hygienic indicators must meet the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5 - Physical and hygienic indicators

Fabric name

Air permeability, dm 3 / m 2 ■ s. less than

Hygroscopicity. %, at relative humidity 98%, not less

Specific surface electrical resistance. Ohm. no more










For children (for all tissue groups): up to 1 g

over 1 year

Note - It is allowed to reduce the air permeability rate to 75 dm 3 / m 2 - s for the beginning

sled cotton and mixed fabrics.

See note from FSUE STANDARDINFORMr (p. 9).

4.2.13 Whiteness of bleached fabrics - at least 82%.

4.2.14 Permissible deviations of surface density, %:

for finished fabrics - no less than minus 5:

for finished fabrics with cut pile - no less than minus 7.

Permissible deviations in the number of threads per 10 cm for finished fabrics, %:

on basis - ±2;

for weft - ±3, and for fabrics with cut pile - ±4.

4.2.15 In the technical description for a specific filling (article) of finished and gray fabric, the following indicators must be established: composition of raw materials, linear density of yarn, number of threads per 10 cm in warp and weft, surface density, fabric width, breaking load, change in dimensions after wet processing of the finished fabric, resistance to abrasion along the plane, type of finishing and weave.

For fabrics used for the manufacture of clothing items, technical descriptions must be agreed with the customer.

4.2.16 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the technical description may establish additional requirements not provided for by this standard.

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Primary marking of fabrics - according to GOST 30084.

4.3.2 Transport marking - according to GOST 7000.

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Primary packaging of fabrics - according to GOST 8737. harsh fabric - according to the regulatory document.

4.4.2 Packaging of fabric for transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 7000.

5 Acceptance rules

Acceptance of fabrics - according to GOST 20566.

Acceptance of fabrics of clothing - in accordance with GOST 21768.

6 Test methods

6.1 Sampling fabrics for testing - according to GOST 20566.

6.2 Determination of pineal dimensions and surface density - according to GOST 3811.

6.3 Determination of the number of threads per 10 cm - according to GOST 3812.

6.4 Determination of breaking load - according to GOST 3813.

6.5 Determination of hygroscopic and water-repellent properties - according to GOST 3816.

6.6 Determination of dimensional changes after wet processing - according to GOST 30157.0 and GOST 30157.1.

6.7 Determination of air permeability - according to GOST 12088.

6.8 Determination of the degree of whiteness - according to GOST 18054.

6.9 Determination of abrasion resistance along the plane - according to GOST 18976 with the following addition: testing of fabrics with cut pile is carried out on the wrong side of the fabric.

6.10 Determination of skew - according to GOST 14067.

6.11 Determination of the type and mass fraction of fibers, the degree of mercerization and the amount of free formaldehyde on the fabric - according to GOST 25617 and IS0 1833.

6.12 Determination of color fastness - according to GOST 9733.0, GOST 9733.1 or GOST 9733.3, GOST 9733.4. GOST 9733.6 (method II), GOST 9733.7, GOST 9733.13; determination of the color fastness of fabrics to dry friction - according to GOST 9733.27 with the following addition: from each point sample of cotton and mixed fabric, one elementary sample is cut out in the longitudinal direction.

6.13 Determination of specific surface electrical resistance - according to GOST 19616.

7 Safety requirements

Yarn, as well as all textile auxiliaries, finishing preparations and dyes used in the production process of fabrics subject to the requirements of this standard, must be produced in accordance with a regulatory document approved in the prescribed manner with health authorities.

8 Transportation and storage

Transportation and storage of fabrics - according to GOST 7000.

Key words: cotton fabrics, mixed fabrics, dress fabrics, shirting fabrics, linen fabrics. final finishing, clothing


The following amendments have been published in the information indexes “National Standards”:

UDC 677. MKS 59.080.30 M63 OKP83YuOO

Key words: cotton fabrics, mixed fabrics, dress fabrics, shirting fabrics, linen fabrics, final finishing, clothing items

Editor L.V. Koretmikoa Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader M.V. Suchnaya Computer layout I.A. Naleyaimoi

Delivered for printing 05/22/200€ Signed for printing on 06/26/2006. Format 60-84 ^ Offset paper. Arial typeface.

Offset printing. Uel. evening clause 1.40. Academician-supervisor l. 0.90. Circulation 441 copies Zak. 434. From 2982.

FSUE kStandardinform". 123995 Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4. ww.v gostin" [email protected]

Typed at the FSUE "Standartinfor" on a PC. Printed at the branch of the FSUE "Standartinfors - type. "Moscow Printer". 105062 Moscow. Lyalin lane.. 6.

GOST 29298-2005

Group M63



General technical conditions

Cotton and mixed domestic fabrics.
General specifications

ISS 59.080.30
OKP 83 1000

Date of introduction 2007-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of the Cotton Industry" (FSUE TsNIHBI)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 28 of December 9, 2005)

Short name of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body



Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology




Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"

State Standard of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 10, 2006 N 90-st, the interstate standard GOST 29298-2005 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2007.

5 INSTEAD GOST 29298-92

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalogue) "National Standards", and the text of the changes is published in the information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

Amendment made by database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to finished and gray cotton and mixed fabrics used for the manufacture of dress, shirt and linen products, as well as clothing items.

2 Normative references

GOST 15.007-88 System for development and production of products. Light industry products. Basic provisions

GOST 161-86 Cotton fabrics, mixed and from chemical fiber yarn. Determination of grade

GOST 3811-72 (ISO 3801-77, ISO 3932-76, ISO 3933-76) Textile materials. Fabrics, non-woven fabrics and piece goods. Methods for determining linear dimensions, linear and surface densities

GOST 3812-72 Textile materials. Fabrics and piece goods. Methods for determining the density of threads and pile bundles

GOST 3813-72 (ISO 5081-77, ISO 5082-82) Textile materials. Fabrics and piece goods. Methods for determining tensile tensile characteristics

GOST 3816-81 (ISO 811-81) Textile fabrics. Methods for determining hygroscopic and water-repellent properties

GOST 6904-83 Heavy twisted cotton yarn for weaving. Specifications

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Primary packaging of fabrics - in accordance with GOST 8737, gray fabric - in accordance with the regulatory document.

4.4.2 Packaging of fabric for transportation and storage - according to.

5 Acceptance rules

Acceptance of fabrics - according to GOST 20566.

Acceptance of fabrics of clothing - in accordance with GOST 21768.

6 Test methods

6.1 Sampling fabrics for testing - according to GOST 20566.

6.2 Determination of linear dimensions and surface density - according to GOST 3811.

6.3 Determination of the number of threads per 10 cm - according to GOST 3812.

6.4 Determination of breaking load - according to GOST 3813.

6.5 Determination of hygroscopic and water-repellent properties - according to GOST 3816.

6.6 Determination of dimensional changes after wet processing - according to GOST 30157.0 and GOST 30157.1.

6.7 Determination of air permeability - according to GOST 12088.

6.8 Determination of the degree of whiteness - according to GOST 18054.

6.9 Determination of abrasion resistance along the plane - according to GOST 18976 with the following addition: testing of fabrics with cut pile is carried out on the wrong side of the fabric.

6.10 Determination of skew - according to GOST 14067.

6.11 Determination of the type and mass fraction of fibers, the degree of mercerization and the amount of free formaldehyde on the fabric - according to GOST 25617 and ISO 1833.

6.12 Determination of color fastness - according to GOST 9733.0, GOST 9733.1 or GOST 9733.3, GOST 9733.4, GOST 9733.6 (method II), GOST 9733.7, GOST 9733.13; determination of the color fastness of fabrics to dry friction - according to GOST 9733.27 with the following addition: from each point sample of cotton and mixed fabric, one elementary sample is cut out in the longitudinal direction.

6.13 Determination of specific surface electrical resistance - according to GOST 19616.

7 Safety requirements

Yarn, as well as all textile auxiliaries, finishing preparations and dyes used in the production of fabrics subject to the requirements of this standard, must be produced in accordance with a regulatory document approved in the prescribed manner with health authorities.






General technical conditions

Official publication

Preface 1

The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-97 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of the Cotton Industry" (FSUE TsNIHBI)

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 28 of December 9, 2005)

Brief name of the country according to MK<ИСО 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 31vv) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body



Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation

research and metrology




Glavgossluzkba "Turkmenstandartlary"

State Standard of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 10, 2006 No. 90-st, the interstate standard GOST 29298-2005 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2007.

5 INSTEAD GOST29298-92

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the “National Standards” index.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) “National Standards”. and the text of the changes is in the information signs “National Standards”. In the event of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index “National Standards”

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

See note from FSUE STANDARDINFORM (p. 9).

© STANDARDINFORM, 2006 © STANDARDINFORM. 2008 Reissue (as of May 2008)


COTTON AND MIXED HOUSEHOLD FABRICS General technical conditions

Cotton and mixed domestic fabrics. General specifications

Date of introduction - 2007-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to ready-made and gray cotton and mixed fabrics used for the manufacture of dress, shirt and linen products, as well as clothing items.

4.2.4 Fabrics are produced mercerized and non-mercerized.

4.2.5 Depending on the purpose, fabrics are produced with one of the types of final finishing. At the customer's request, the fabric is produced without finishing.

4.2.6 Fabrics used for children's products in terms of raw material composition must meet the requirements of the regulatory document. Fabrics for linen used for newborns and children of early, toddler and preschool age must be produced without final finishing.

4.2.7 Dimensions after wet processing of finished fabrics must comply with the requirements. indicated in table 2.

Table 2 - Dimensional changes after wet processing

Fabric name

Changing dimensions after wet processing. %. at least

based on

Gowns (for dresses, blouses, dress-suits, dressing gowns, shirts):

With wrinkle-resistant finish, with easy iron finish

With anti-shrink chemical finishing, with a washable sizing based on thermosetting resins


With anti-crease finish, with easy iron finish

With anti-shrink chemical finishing, with a washable sizing based on thermosetting resins

With a washable sizing based on thermoplastic resins


for underwear:

With an “easy iron” finish, with a washable sizing based on thermosetting resins

With a washable sizing based on thermoplastic resins

for bed linen (including children's linen without finishing)


1 Fabrics with cut pile are subjected to: corduroy cord and corduroy ribbed - dry cleaned or wet cleaned

processing, velvet - dry cleaning.

2 For fabrics containing elastomeric threads, there is no change in linear dimensions after wet processing


4.2.8 The nominal widths of finished fabrics with selvedges correspond to an integer of 70 cm or more ending in zero or five.

Permissible deviations in fabric width in accordance with table 3.

4.2.9 The width of the two edges of the fabric should be no more, cm:

3.0 - for fabric with cut pile;

3.5 - for fabric produced on a shuttleless loom;

1.5 - for other fabrics.

4.2.10 Grade of finished fabrics - according to GOST 161; hard fabrics - according to the regulatory document.

4.2.11* The breaking load and abrasion resistance of finished fabrics must meet the requirements of Table 4.

" See note from FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" (p. 9).

Table 4 - Breaking load and abrasion resistance of finished fabrics

Fabric name

Tensile load on teepee strips measuring 50 to 200 mm. N(ys). no less

Resistance to abrasion along the plane, cycles.

based on

Dresses with surface density. g/m g:

up to 100 incl.

St. 100 « 200 «

Satin weave: carded


Combed with surface density, g/m -1:

up to 250 incl.

With cut pile with surface density, g/m2: up to 300 inclusive.


from single yarn

from twisted yarn

Linen with surface density. g/m*:

up to 110 incl.

St. 110 and 150 incl..

including: greensbones



1 For fabrics containing elastomeric threads, the indicator “flat abrasion resistance” is not determined

2 On the territory of the Russian Federation there are norms

SanPiN 2.4.7/1.1.1286-03.

4.2.12* Physical and hygienic indicators must meet the requirements specified in Table 5.

Table 5 - Physical and hygienic indicators

Fabric name

Air permeability, dm 3 / m 2 ■ s. less than

Hygroscopicity. %, at relative humidity 98%, not less

Specific surface electrical resistance. Ohm. no more










For children (for all tissue groups): up to 1 g

over 1 year

Note - It is allowed to reduce the air permeability rate to 75 dm 3 / m 2 - s for the beginning

sled cotton and mixed fabrics.

See note from FSUE STANDARDINFORMr (p. 9).

4.2.13 Whiteness of bleached fabrics - at least 82%.

4.2.14 Permissible deviations of surface density, %:

for finished fabrics - no less than minus 5:

for finished fabrics with cut pile - no less than minus 7.

Permissible deviations in the number of threads per 10 cm for finished fabrics, %:

on basis - ±2;

for weft - ±3, and for fabrics with cut pile - ±4.

4.2.15 In the technical description for a specific filling (article) of finished and gray fabric, the following indicators must be established: composition of raw materials, linear density of yarn, number of threads per 10 cm in warp and weft, surface density, fabric width, breaking load, change in dimensions after wet processing of the finished fabric, resistance to abrasion along the plane, type of finishing and weave.

For fabrics used for the manufacture of clothing items, technical descriptions must be agreed with the customer.

4.2.16 By agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the technical description may establish additional requirements not provided for by this standard.

4.3 Marking

4.3.1 Primary marking of fabrics - according to GOST 30084.

4.3.2 Transport marking - according to GOST 7000.

4.4 Packaging

4.4.1 Primary packaging of fabrics - according to GOST 8737. harsh fabric - according to the regulatory document.

4.4.2 Packaging of fabric for transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 7000.

5 Acceptance rules

Acceptance of fabrics - according to GOST 20566.

Acceptance of fabrics of clothing - in accordance with GOST 21768.

6 Test methods

6.1 Sampling fabrics for testing - according to GOST 20566.

6.2 Determination of pineal dimensions and surface density - according to GOST 3811.

6.3 Determination of the number of threads per 10 cm - according to GOST 3812.

6.4 Determination of breaking load - according to GOST 3813.

6.5 Determination of hygroscopic and water-repellent properties - according to GOST 3816.

6.6 Determination of dimensional changes after wet processing - according to GOST 30157.0 and GOST 30157.1.

6.7 Determination of air permeability - according to GOST 12088.

6.8 Determination of the degree of whiteness - according to GOST 18054.

6.9 Determination of abrasion resistance along the plane - according to GOST 18976 with the following addition: testing of fabrics with cut pile is carried out on the wrong side of the fabric.

6.10 Determination of skew - according to GOST 14067.

6.11 Determination of the type and mass fraction of fibers, the degree of mercerization and the amount of free formaldehyde on the fabric - according to GOST 25617 and IS0 1833.

6.12 Determination of color fastness - according to GOST 9733.0, GOST 9733.1 or GOST 9733.3, GOST 9733.4. GOST 9733.6 (method II), GOST 9733.7, GOST 9733.13; determination of the color fastness of fabrics to dry friction - according to GOST 9733.27 with the following addition: from each point sample of cotton and mixed fabric, one elementary sample is cut out in the longitudinal direction.

6.13 Determination of specific surface electrical resistance - according to GOST 19616.

7 Safety requirements

Yarn, as well as all textile auxiliaries, finishing preparations and dyes used in the production process of fabrics subject to the requirements of this standard, must be produced in accordance with a regulatory document approved in the prescribed manner with health authorities.

8 Transportation and storage

Transportation and storage of fabrics - according to GOST 7000.

Key words: cotton fabrics, mixed fabrics, dress fabrics, shirting fabrics, linen fabrics. final finishing, clothing


The following amendments have been published in the information indexes “National Standards”:

UDC 677. MKS 59.080.30 M63 OKP83YuOO

Key words: cotton fabrics, mixed fabrics, dress fabrics, shirting fabrics, linen fabrics, final finishing, clothing items

Editor L.V. Koretmikoa Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader M.V. Suchnaya Computer layout I.A. Naleyaimoi

Delivered for printing 05/22/200€ Signed for printing on 06/26/2006. Format 60-84 ^ Offset paper. Arial typeface.

Offset printing. Uel. evening clause 1.40. Academician-supervisor l. 0.90. Circulation 441 copies Zak. 434. From 2982.

FSUE kStandardinform". 123995 Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4. ww.v gostin" [email protected]

Typed at the FSUE "Standartinfor" on a PC. Printed at the branch of the FSUE "Standartinfors - type. "Moscow Printer". 105062 Moscow. Lyalin lane.. 6.

Cotton technical fabrics are a durable and heat-resistant material used in a wide variety of industries. Made from fiber of plant origin, which is formed in the bolls of the cotton plant. We offer you calico, calico, calico, flannel, linen and other types of cotton fabrics.

Name vendor code GOST/TU Unit measured Compound Width, cm Density, g/m2 Average number of m.p. on a roll
Madapolam (bleached chintz) 43 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 85+-5 100 m.p.
White earth chintz 43 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 85+-5 100 m.p.
Chintz g/kr black 43 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 85+-5 100 m.p.
Chintz hl/kr: red/burgundy 43 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 85+-5 100 m.p.
Printed chintz: yellow, pink, blue 43 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 85+-5 100 m.p.
Calico bleached GOST 142 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 142+-7 70-80 m.p.
Calico bleached 142 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 125+-7 80-100 m.p.
Calico bleached GOST 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 142+-7 70-100 m.p.
Calico bleached 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 125+-7 50-70 m.p.
Calico black 142 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 125+-7 80-100 m.p.
Calico main/cr. Black/olive 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 125+-7 70-80 m.p.
Calico main/cr. Salad, blue, pink, yellow, peach, beige. 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 125+-7 80-100 m.p.
Calico main/cr. Black/olive GOST 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 142+-7 70-80 m.p.
Harsh calico 142 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 92 130+-7 80-100 m.p.
Harsh calico 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 160 130+-7 80-100 m.p.
Calico severe GOST 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 160 152-7 80-100 m.p.
Calico calico with fire retardant impregnation 1124 Impregnation according to GOST 19297-2003 m.p. 100% cotton 165+-2,5 146+-7 90-100 m.p.
Calico harsh 43 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 92 85+-5 Bale 300-350, roll 50-180 m.p.
Fabric MELODY 1502 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 85+-1,5 70+-0,1 100
Printed calico 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 125+-7 70-100 m.p.
White earth printed calico 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 125+-7 70-100 m.p.
Printed calico 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 220 130+-7 50-60 m.p.
Printed calico b/z and o/m GOST 262 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 150 142+-7 70-80 m.p.
Flannel gl/kr (light kr) 1681 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 75 175+-5 45-70 m.p.
Flannel hl/kr. (olive, black) 1681 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 75 175+-5 45-70 m.p.
Children's flannel 1681 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 75 175+-5 45-70 m.p.
Bleached flannel 1681 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 75 175+-5 50-70 m.p.
Flannel for casual shirting 1981 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 75 175+-5 45-70 m.p.
The tale is harsh S47-EX TU 8310-13299377-019-2006 m.p. 100% cotton 85+-1,5 360+-18 40-60 m.p.
Tale main/cr. (olive) 1141-E TU 858-5732-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 355+-18 40-60 m.p.
Bumazeya hl/kr S1650-EX TU 858-5733-2005 to GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80+-1,5 255+-13 40-60 m.p.
Wafer fabric bleached. 402 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 40 175+-5 60-80 m.p.
Wafer fabric bleached. 402 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 45 175+-5 50-60 m.p.
Wafer fabric bleached. 402 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 80 175+-5 45-55 m.p.
8098 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 50 200+-5 50-60 m.p.
Wafer fabric bleached. GOST 8098 GOST 29298-2005 m.p. 100% cotton 45 240+-5 45-60 m.p.
Raw waffle towel fabric S32-EX TO 8317-13299377-022-2006 m.p. 100% cotton 46+1,5 163+-8 45-60 m.p.
The diagonal is harsh 3515

Depends on the manufacturer's factory

m.p. 100% cotton 90 205+-12 50-80 m.p.
The diagonal is harsh 505 m.p. 100% cotton 90 250+-12 50-70 m.p.
Diagonal bleached 3515 m.p. 100% cotton 85 205/240 45-50 m.p.
3515 m.p. 100% cotton 85 205+-11 45-50 m.p.
Diagonal front/right, black/blue 3515 m.p. 100% cotton 85 240+-11 45-50 m.p.
The diagonal is camouflaged. 3515 m.p. 100% cotton 85 205+-11 45-50 m.p.
Two-thread severe 1904 m.p. 100% cotton 90 185+-11 50-80 m.p.
Two-thread severe 105 m.p. 100% cotton 90 214+-11 50-80 m.p.
21HF m.p. 100% cotton 90 219+-11 45-50 m.p.
Two-thread harsh finished 21HF m.p. 100% cotton 90 245+-11 45-50 m.p.
Teak mattress with black Wake-up - m.p. 100% cotton 165 190+-9 80-100 m.p.
Mattress teak with color Wake-up - m.p. 100% cotton 165 150/175 80-100 m.p.
Tick ​​ch. cr. pillowcase 4006 m.p. 100% cotton 150 190+-9 80-100 m.p.
Tick ​​ch. cr. pillowcase 4006 m.p. 100% cotton 80 190+-9 80-100 m.p.