Shopping center "Novocherkizovsky": address, opening hours, reviews. New Cherkizovsky Location and significance

During the day it’s creepy here, but at night you can probably safely film horror films, the rise of all sorts of dead people, zombies and chopping off heads. No additional decorations are needed. It's already been a year since Russian authorities ordered to close and demolish the market, but the task was only half completed. According to new information, only by 2011 the territory of the now former Cherkizovsky market will be completely cleared of buildings.

1. First, we walked along Projected Passage No. 890, which connects Shchelkovskoye and Izmailovskoye highways, where almost all the pavilions have already been demolished and the rubble is being cleared away.

2. Today you can safely drive a car along this street. When the market was open, I swore several times never to go here under any circumstances.

3. Yes, breaking is not building)

4. In fact, the workers did not want to be photographed and started calling management, just in case.

6. The buildings of the Izmailovskaya hotel against the backdrop of construction and garbage heaps.

7. According to data for 2009, they tried to close the Cherkizovsky market three times starting in 2001, but the market continued to operate, and the decision was ignored for a long time Arbitration Court Moscow, which decided to clear the territory occupied by trade.

8. Scary thing.

9. Soon (relatively soon) the fourth transport ring will pass here and go over there.

10. Barbie welcomes the demolition of Cherkizon.

11. The territory of the market itself. There are still many undestroyed pavilions here.

12. The market existed from the early 90s until June 29, 2009 and occupied an area of ​​more than 200 hectares. According to the Federation of Russian Migrants, more than 100 thousand people worked at the market, of which about 60 thousand were traders from China. Thus, the Cherkizovsky market was the most large enterprise in the world. The market was a real “state within a state”, where migration services never appeared...

13. This section of the market called “Aliyev” was dismantled quite quickly, leaving hundreds of empty containers left to remove.

14. One of the creepiest buildings in the Eastern District - Novocherkizovsky shopping complex. The strange red worm stripe, which only goes well with crooked wires, looks especially terrible.

15. Naked mannequins came out to sunbathe.

16. One of the few parts of the market that has already been completely cleared.

18. Private security guards are still walking around some pavilions. Either they miss their previous job, or they still have something to protect.

19. Moscow.

20. Line C7. The stuffiness is incredible. On June 1, 2009, Chairman of the Russian Government Vladimir Putin, at a meeting of the government presidium, demanded that leaders law enforcement strengthening the fight against smuggling:
“in one of the markets there are goods worth more than $2 billion, they have not yet been destroyed and there are no owners (...) Smuggling is a separate issue, and the struggle seems to be underway, but there are few results. The result of the struggle should be imprisonment. Where are the landings?

22. In some places it’s completely dark, just as soon as someone comes out at you with a cleaver)

23. Shopping arcades where fur coats were sold. I just remember going here 10 years ago.

24. Statement by the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin:
“In the near future we will ensure that this disgrace in the center of Moscow is finished once and for all. This shithole needs to be closed, and we will bring this matter to an end in the near future.”

25. While I was walking along these lines, voices kept ringing in my head: “Hey, daragoy, padhadi, pack, rasparadazha!”

26. Official publication of the Government Russian Federation"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" called the Cherkizovsky market " black hole", where laws do not apply, where there are many illegal migrant workers, where they sell smuggled goods, the head of the department consumer market and services of Moscow Vladimir Malyshkov reported “ Rossiyskaya newspaper"that Rospotrebnadzor has repeatedly given orders to eliminate violations of sanitary and trade standards identified there, most of which have not been fulfilled; Malyshkov also argued that, according to his assessment, at least 40 percent of trade turnover there, as, indeed, in any Moscow market according to the situation in 2009, they were illegal.

31. I once often went to the swimming pool, which in the early 90s was located near the market, and by 2000 it was simply drowned in a sea of ​​tents, pavilions and stalls. By the time you reach the pool, all desire to swim will disappear. In the end, I stopped going there altogether.

32. The most advanced part of Cherkizon is the AST market. The orderly rows of pavilions stand intact, only the grass between the slabs begins to sprout.

33. This is approximately the current state of the territory of the Cherkizovsky market.

As of December 2009, instead of the closed market, several new ones are being built, located both in Moscow and in the Moscow region. The construction of new markets is accompanied by protests from the local population, dissatisfied with the future neighborhood. Journalists even came up with a new term “Cherkizonophobia”, meaning by it the well-founded fear of Muscovites of the appearance of giant markets under their windows in which migrant workers and the Chinese will trade.

International Center wholesale trade
The International Wholesale Trade Center is a new, large-scale clothing market located outside of Moscow, one and a half kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kievskoye Highway. “International” offers the widest range of goods from Russia, China, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Turkey and other countries producing economy-class goods at competitive prices at competitive prices.

Another “successor” of the Cherkizovsky market is organized on the territory of Balashikha. The relationship between the closed “Cherkizon” and the new market is not hidden and is emphasized even in the name - “Lilac of Balashikha” (the old Cherkizovsky market was located on Sirenevy Boulevard). Rumors about moving the market to the territory of a town near Moscow spread immediately after its closure (in June), however, the administration of Balashikha and the Moscow region stubbornly denied the fact of construction of a successor market. Despite protests from local residents, construction, which was proceeding at a record pace, is now in its final stages.

The press has written about these objects more than once, but until recently few people realized that real danger awaited the residents of Kotelnikov, Lyubertsy and Zhulebino. It is here that StroyInvestGarant LLC is rapidly building a huge wholesale market. It is planned to implement a project involving the construction of more than 9,000 retail outlets for foreign wholesalers, threatening the environmental, transport, criminal and social security of residents of the surrounding areas. All this is done secretly, without taking into account the needs of the residents of the surrounding areas.

"Hermitage Museum"
In the Leninsky district of the Moscow region at the intersection of 41 km. MKAD and Kaluga Highway are under construction new market by 90,000 retail places. The volume of investment from Chinese business is $500,000,000, and the same amount from an unnamed Russian partner. The name of the market, which looks like the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, is correspondingly “Hermitage”.

As of December 2009, existing at 103 km. The MKAD construction market is expanding by 4,000 new retail spaces.

Many thanks to everyone who helped organize this shooting, especially Maxim Bukin!

While officials are celebrating the victory over the Cherkizovsky market, a replacement is being prepared for him. The owners of the market in Balashikha near Moscow called it “New Cherkizovsky” and in the fall they promise space for more than 10,000 traders. Officials promise that it will not last long.

The first line of New Cherkizovsky pavilions with 2,500 seats will open on August 15, according to the market’s website. A representative of the Real Estate Market company, which, according to him, owns the market, promises that another 10,000 pavilions will open by September-October. In total, on an area of ​​21 hectares it is planned to accommodate 20,000 places (five queues) with a total area of ​​70,000 square meters. m.

“New Cherkizovsky” is a purely marketing step to attract tenants, admits Vedomosti’s interlocutor. Officially, the market will be called “Balashikha Wholesale and Retail Trade Complex”; it is being built on the site of the former auto parts market.

Nevertheless, the owners intend to “preserve the whole atmosphere of the Cherkizovsky market - multinationality and moderate rental prices.” The entrance ticket for the right to trade, according to a representative of the Real Estate Market, costs $700. This was the minimum payment for the right to work at the Cherkizovsky market. Its sellers move mainly to Luzhniki and Moskva in Lublin. Rental rates there were higher than at Cherkizovsky, and after its closure they increased significantly.

Some of the Cherkizovsky market sellers have already moved to Balashikha. Among them, most of the AST market (located on the territory of Cherkizovsky). Chinese traders alone have already bought 2,000 places in the first stage, says a representative of the Real Estate Market.

The advantage of Balashikha is its proximity to Moscow, but the Gorkovskoye Highway is quite narrow, there are many traffic lights, which creates traffic jams; This direction is the least popular among logistics facilities, says Egor Dorofeev, director of the warehouse and industrial real estate department at C&W/S&R. The route is busy, agrees Mikhail Gets, managing partner of the New Quality company, but it is very suitable for distributing goods to many large regional cities: “It is much more convenient to export them from this base than from Moscow.” Traffic jams in Moscow are no less than in Balashikha, notes a former trader from Cherkizovsky, who likes the warehouse in the Moscow region even more.

The officials who celebrated the victory over Cherkizon do not know about the appearance of his successor. In June, Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko, at a meeting of the government presidium, reported on the deplorable state of light industry (see inset) and called for the development of a civilized market, that is, trade through Network shops instead of clothing markets. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin agreed with him.

“We are not fighting markets, but the illegal forms that exist in many markets - counterfeit goods, illegal migrants, unsanitary conditions. If the market is legitimate, then the government cannot have any questions about it,” explained the Prime Minister’s representative Dmitry Peskov. He knows nothing about "New Cherkizovsky", but assumed that local authorities The authorities have the situation under control.

“The governor did not give any permission to place the remains of the Cherkizovsky market on the territory of the Moscow region,” says regional government representative Tatyana Poret. According to her, Governor Boris Gromov at meetings more than once gave instructions to all heads municipalities so that there are no remnants of the Cherkizovsky market in the region. The regional government is not against the construction of civilized trade pavilions, Poret added, but for this it is necessary to pass all the examinations required by law. “I don’t remember that Balashikha agreed with us on the issue of organizing New Cherkizovsky,” she said.

FMS representative Konstantin Poltoranin says that in economic activity market, the migration service does not interfere, especially since among the traders of the Cherkizovsky market there were few violators of migration laws - 10 percent. The Chinese and Vietnamese are among the most law-abiding migrants, he adds. “The main thing is that the Chinese do not settle in closed enclaves,” Poltoranin emphasized. “If this happens, then regulatory authorities have practically no access to them.”

Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Elnikov said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is aware of the opening of the market in Balashikha and will monitor compliance public order on its territory. So far, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not received any complaints about this market, he says. An employee of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region added that so far “no supernatural measures are planned to check the market”: “We will carry out control as usual - regular raids and checks.”

“New Cherkizovsky” will not work for a long time, Khristenko’s deputy Stanislav Naumov is sure, because according to the law on retail markets(271-FZ) from January 1, all markets must operate in capital structures. “We need to stimulate the construction of hypermarkets that successfully sell economy-class goods. As the discussion on the trade bill showed, you can talk seriously with the networks and together be responsible for quality, taxes and prices,” he added.

The share of goods of shadow origin (underground workshops or illegal imports) in 2008 was 46.8%, the budget annually loses about 650 billion rubles. unpaid taxes, and price discrimination by illegal goods has “literally strangled” domestic production, the Ministry of Industry and Trade said in a report.

While officials are celebrating the victory over the Cherkizovsky market, a replacement is being prepared for him. The owners of the market in Balashikha near Moscow called it “New Cherkizovsky” and in the fall they promise space for more than 10,000 traders. Officials promise it won't last long.**** The first line of New Cherkizovsky pavilions with 2,500 seats will open on August 15, according to the market’s website. A representative of the Real Estate Market company, which, according to him, owns the market, promises that another 10,000 pavilions will open by September-October. In total, on an area of ​​21 hectares it is planned to accommodate 20,000 places (five queues) with a total area of ​​70,000 square meters. m.

“New Cherkizovsky” is a purely marketing step to attract tenants, Vedomosti’s interlocutor admits. Officially, the market will be called “Balashikha Wholesale and Retail Trade Complex”; it is being built on the site of the former auto parts market.

Nevertheless, the owners intend to “preserve the whole atmosphere of the Cherkizovsky market - multinationality and moderate rental prices.” The entrance ticket for the right to trade, according to a representative of the Real Estate Market, costs $700. This was the minimum payment for the right to work at the Cherkizovsky market. Its sellers move mainly to Luzhniki and Moskva in Lublin. Rental rates there were higher than at Cherkizovsky, and after its closure they increased significantly.

Some of the Cherkizovsky market sellers have already moved to Balashikha. Among them, most of the AST market (located on the territory of Cherkizovsky). Chinese traders alone have already bought 2,000 places in the first stage, says a representative of the Real Estate Market.

The advantage of Balashikha is its proximity to Moscow, but the Gorkovskoye Highway is quite narrow, there are many traffic lights, which creates traffic jams; This direction is the least popular among logistics facilities, says Egor Dorofeev, director of the warehouse and industrial real estate department at C&W/S&R. The route is busy, agrees Mikhail Gets, managing partner of the New Quality company, but it is very suitable for distributing goods to many large regional cities: “It is much more convenient to export them from this base than from Moscow.” Traffic jams in Moscow are no less than in Balashikha, notes a former trader from Cherkizovsky, who likes the warehouse in the Moscow region even more.

The officials who celebrated the victory over Cherkizon do not know about the appearance of his successor. In June, Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko, at a meeting of the government presidium, reported on the deplorable state of light industry (see inset) and called for the development of a civilized market, that is, trade through chain stores instead of clothing markets. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin agreed with him.

“We are not fighting markets, but the illegal forms that exist in many markets - counterfeit goods, illegal migrants, unsanitary conditions. If the market is legitimate, then the government cannot have any questions about it,” explained the Prime Minister’s representative Dmitry Peskov. He knows nothing about New Cherkizovsky, but suggested that local authorities have the situation under control.

“The governor did not give any permission to place the remains of the Cherkizovsky market on the territory of the Moscow region,” says regional government representative Tatyana Poret. According to her, Governor Boris Gromov at meetings more than once gave instructions to all heads of municipalities so that there would be no remnants of the Cherkizovsky market in the region. The regional government is not against the construction of civilized trade pavilions, Poret added, but for this it is necessary to pass all the examinations required by law. “I don’t remember that Balashikha agreed with us on the issue of organizing New Cherkizovsky,” she said.

FMS representative Konstantin Poltoranin says that the migration service does not interfere in the economic activities of the market, especially since among the traders of the Cherkizovsky market there were few violators of migration laws - 10 percent. The Chinese and Vietnamese are among the most law-abiding migrants, he adds. “The main thing is that the Chinese do not settle in closed enclaves,” Poltoranin emphasized. “If this happens, then regulatory authorities have practically no access to them.”

Representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Elnikov said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is aware of the opening of the market in Balashikha and will monitor the observance of public order on its territory. So far, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not received any complaints about this market, he says. An employee of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region added that so far “no supernatural measures are planned to check the market”: “We will carry out control as usual - regular raids and checks.”

“New Cherkizovsky” will not work for a long time, Khristenko’s deputy Stanislav Naumov is sure, because according to the law on retail markets (271-FZ), from January 1, all markets must operate in capital structures. “We need to stimulate the construction of hypermarkets that successfully sell economy-class goods. As the discussion on the trade bill showed, you can talk seriously with the networks and together be responsible for quality, taxes and prices,” he added.