Transformable leader or how to achieve high performance in a team. Requirements and conditions for KPI integration

The Russian economy is in a “deceptive” state of relative prosperity. On the background global problems and especially in comparison with developed market countries, it continued to grow, albeit at a low pace. This growth has been sustainable and the national budget has been balanced. Russia is a country with low debt, significant foreign exchange reserves and positive interest rates. But this does not provide grounds for unambiguous optimism: the current situation is reminiscent of the situation in the USSR during the late stagnation, the rector of the Academy argues on the pages of Vedomosti National economy and civil services under the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Mau.

A year ago, co-authored with the rector High school economics Yaroslav Kuzminov, he prepared the well-known “Strategy 2020” - a program for the country’s development until 2020. Under the guidance of these experts, the document was prepared by hundreds of “the best minds of Russian economic thought,” as Kommersant-Vlast magazine called them. At the preparation stage, the “Strategy” aroused great interest and was actively discussed in the press. However, after the presentation of the final report in April 2012, it became clear that no one was in a hurry to implement it, and now there is practically no mention of it.

The latest publication by Vladimir Mau coincided with a statement made on Wednesday in Moscow by the head of the permanent mission of the International Monetary Fund in Russia, Odd Per Brekk. He estimates that the country's GDP could grow by 6% per year, subject to more decisive economic policy measures from the government. In particular, this is possible due to the growth of industrial investments, Interfax reported.

At the same time famous Russian entrepreneur, founder and head of the supervisory board of Basic Element Oleg Deripaska complained to RBC daily that the growth national economy almost stopped. “According to the latest data from Rosstat, in January the volume of industrial production in Russia fell for the first time in three years - by 0.8%. It is expected that industrial production will stagnate in February as well,” he writes.

As Deripaska emphasized, the reason for this decline is structural problems. Moreover, the data presented reflect, in his opinion, the general situation - “the forecast for economic growth for this year is only 3.6%.”

Imaginary well-being of stagnation

Vladimir Mau believes that in terms of basic macroeconomic characteristics, the current Russian situation resembles the situation in the USSR at the turn of the 1970-1980s.

“As it seemed then, the Soviet economy was growing steadily against the background of the crisis of the West. And only later it became clear that market democracies were going through structural and technological modernization, the foundations for a qualitative breakthrough were being formed there, while the Soviet Union was only preserving its economic structure, becoming hostage to fluctuations in raw material prices uncontrolled by the national government,” explains the expert.

Now the situation is somewhat different, and the modern political system is still more flexible than the Soviet one. However, a number of institutional problems have not changed over the past 30 years, and the key one is a weak receptivity to innovation and modernization, Mau argues.

Four problems preventing you from achieving high performance growth

The rector of the Academy of National Economy identifies four long-term problems of Russia's socio-economic development that prevent it from achieving high growth rates. Firstly, the absence of modernization structural changes. Secondly, a significant outflow of capital (including illegal), exceeding its inflow.

The third problem, although it may seem strange, is the unprecedentedly low unemployment rate. This precisely indicates the absence of real structural changes, since under modernization, employment growth, on the contrary, lags behind economic growth. By the way, it is worth noting that the top officials of the state, in particular Vladimir Putin, boast of a low unemployment rate as “one of the best indicators among developed world economies.”

The fourth problem, according to Vladimir Mau, is the desire of an increasing number of educated and wealthy Russians to leave Russia. Moreover, as the expert emphasizes, we are not talking about a formal change of place of residence, but about studying there, receiving treatment, buying real estate, and also taking children out to study there and stay forever. In addition, it is now easier and cheaper to change your country of residence than to strive to improve living conditions in your own country, the expert adds.

As a result, he calls not to forget that “there is a very fragile border between stability and stagnation, and the path from economic stability to economic disaster can be very short.”

Have you ever wished that there was one more day in the week, that there were not 24 hours in a day, but a little more? Are you working tirelessly? Does your job seem like a black hole with no way out? Do you feel like you can't achieve your goals because someone is stopping you? In order to avoid these types of problems, it is necessary to build highly effective work teams.

First, identify the work that is directly within your competence and responsibility. Remove from your daily plan the work that would bother you and the urgency of which is very low. Try to draw parallels in your responsibilities, separating important work from unimportant work. This way, you can spend more time on the work that you like best and that needs to be done now. This way you can reduce the responsibility that lies with you. And you will have more time for a more creative approach to solving certain issues, discussing pressing issues with your subordinates, and solving emerging problems with the entire team. This way you can become a transformative leader who can do anything and who always succeeds. The essence of the work of a transformed leader is the vision and feeling by his employees that he is doing more work than everyone else, while at the same time managing to guide other employees on the true path.

Effective interactions between employees and management depend on effective leadership. The leader’s task is to select and accurately carry out work for his team, because he, like no one else, knows all the capabilities of his team, and can be responsible for the work performed by it. In order for the work of teams to be high, it is necessary to first create it, i.e. form. To create a good, disciplined, highly effective team, it is necessary to firstly discipline on the part of the leader who is going to manage this team. After all, he must be an example for his subordinates, and evoke a feeling of white envy and respect. To avoid problems and misunderstandings with team members, it is necessary to clearly define its structure. It can be short-term - to complete a specific task, long-term - to constantly perform specialized tasks, a team from the state - i.e. from employees already working in the company, a completely new one - from newly hired employees. And based on these parameters, it is necessary to build relationships among the participants themselves and the management.

Before launching a project into a team, in order for it to be developed and implemented, first discuss its details with all its participants, listen to the opinions of each of them regarding this or that element of the project. This way you will learn many different points of view, which amaze with their contrast and originality. Only such an extraordinary approach, with many different ideas, can help you quickly and tastefully complete the task. You should never rush your employees: a completed project, both from a moral and physical point of view, is much more valuable than one that was completed in a hurry.

The way you communicate with people is very important, and you should not neglect the rules of etiquette. When choosing members for your team, you need to approach the selection not from the point of view of the material ambitions of the candidates, but from the ambition in relation to the work, i.e. to accomplish assigned tasks and projects. Only then will you be able to achieve high results and good performance. And in this case, material benefits will not be long in coming, and you will naturally receive a bonus and gratitude from the management, with whom, after a well-done and high-quality job, you will be in good standing.

The initial gathering, or the core of the team, is always necessary for the team. For high indicators, a simple and thoughtless decision to accept new members into the team does not have a very good effect. If on at this stage If you don’t have enough work for a specialist, then it’s worth inviting him from the outside, because the whole team as a whole does not perceive “dilution” very kindly, so it’s worth listening to the opinion of your subordinates.

Discussion of issues on the agenda should take place in the same atmosphere in which you constantly work. So that your subordinates do not have various incomprehensible feelings, because this can have a bad effect on their work. Plan the essence of the topic and conversation, but you don’t need to plan every detail, because you still won’t be able to stick to the original plan, and employees will feel false, which will certainly affect their attitude towards you. You should never impose work or thoughts: no one likes this, and even less so on a work team that is constantly under tension.

A transformable leader, who can easily become a friend, a colleague, or just a boss, must be the very inspiration, the very motivation for employees. This is the only way he can achieve a positive response from his subordinates. The leader should be a kind of fuse from which all employees ignite and feel a charge of energy for the entire period of the project.

Encouragement for the team should also be team-wide. You should never single out someone, because other participants may be very offended - the results of this offense will not take long to arrive and will be reflected in the quality and performance. Building nurturing relationships is a core value for successful leadership.

Let's take a closer look at the importance of performance indicators for business.

You will learn:

  • What are performance indicators?
  • What types of performance indicators are divided into?
  • How to calculate key performance indicators.

Performance indicators and criteria: system and factors

There is a single criterion for assessing results production structure– an increase in the output of one worker per unit of time, or an increase in the results of labor of workers in the national economy.

To quantify the success of an organization, performance indicators are used, combined into a single coordinated system, which is based on research and analysis of the main elements of the production process. This system of performance indicators should be appropriate for certain principles:

  • clear interaction of the system with a single criterion for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • the involvement of all resources used in production;
  • taking into account management hierarchy and using principles effective activities at each of its stages;
  • maximum use of internal production resources to ensure the successful outcome of the organization's activities.

The main metrics you need to evaluate your company's performance

Too many reports are not always good: you can get lost in the abundance of indicators. Concentrate only on important indicators to quickly analyze statistics and determine the main areas of business development.

Editorial staff of the magazine " Commercial Director” talks about the key metrics that you need to look at to monitor the company’s performance.

Key performance indicators of the enterprise

Index– this is a relative or absolute value for certifying the assigned tasks and goals. Certification is based on the analysis of the data obtained, on qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

It is impossible to use only economic indicators of the effectiveness of an organization's activities to adequately evaluate it. For example, an enterprise can produce a very high profit margin, achieved through the daily overtime of staff or the use of methods psychological impact. Thus, the social factor was not taken into account in the assessment. We will consider a comprehensive human approach to assessment based on enterprise performance indicators, consisting of two blocks:

1. Objective (financial):

  • fruitfulness of activity. Using the fruitfulness indicator, you can understand whether the final result of the set goals was achieved;
  • recoil. Allows you to determine the minimum labor costs when obtaining the final result;
  • effectiveness - measuring the quantity and quality of products produced over a certain period;
  • profitability – exponent effective use resources that determine the economic efficiency and profitability of the enterprise;
  • waste-free. The less waste remains during production, the less the enterprise pollutes environment. The zero-waste indicator takes into account all environmental requirements applied to production technologies;
  • energy consumption. The main rule when assessing this indicator is low energy consumption in production processes, which, in turn, affects the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. The lower the energy consumption, the higher the efficiency of the organization.

2. Subjective (social, personal, sensory):

  • motivation. This performance indicator indicates the strength of a person’s internal resources, his psychological role in society, and the degree of physical and mental preparation. The degree of motivation is assessed by the strength of the employee’s involvement in the production process, by how much energy he expends when working on the project. The employee’s participation in the social life of the enterprise is also taken into account;
  • employee satisfaction level. This indicator characterizes the employee’s attitude towards his work and his satisfaction with the performance of his work and interaction in the team;
  • constancy staffing. This is a very important indicator of operational efficiency, when analyzing which it is necessary to take into account proportions. Mainly characterizes staff turnover. If the turnover rate is high, then this indicates the instability of the organization and a decrease in its effective work. If personnel are not updated for a long time, then this is also bad for the successful functioning of the enterprise.
  • corporate spirit of the enterprise. An indicator characterizing the cohesion of the team, its adherence to the general concept of the company and the desire to achieve high team performance. The ability of employees to work in a team, avoiding conflicts and controversial situations, is a very important component in order to achieve significant indicators in the work on specific project, and in the success of the enterprise in all areas. This performance indicator indicates a properly organized structure of interaction between team members, the success of the actions of the management team and the implemented management methods.

The system of enterprise performance indicators allows you to evaluate all functions and resources of production stages and their financial component. It should contain both economic and social indicators that require constant monitoring:

  • at all stages of the production process;
  • at all stages of planning and task setting;
  • every step of the way towards achieving these goals.

Not all performance indicators in the system have the same meaning. There are main (general) ones, and there are secondary ones that are responsible for a specific functional area.

The value of general indicators is intended to determine the results of the final goal and follow the developed tactics. The value of functional performance indicators shows the growth rate of the organization in a narrowly focused niche of the production process and helps to eliminate limiting factors in them to achieve high performance.

The effectiveness of performance indicators is largely determined by the methods used to calculate them.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the indicators of production intensification, that is, focus on expanding its size through the introduction of modern technological processes and innovations of scientific and technological progress, ranging from labor organization to advanced software. In addition to intensification, there are factors that contribute to the growth of production through the injection of capital investment, the construction of new facilities and the purchase of new equipment. If production growth is judged only by these external indicators, then the assessment process will be fundamentally flawed, since internal resources will not be applied to expand efficiency.

In any case, performance indicators economic activity and growth production processes must be used when assessing the achievement of high results.

In the ranks of economists, there have previously been constant discussions on the topic of searching for the most key performance indicators for an objective assessment of production efficiency.

But discussions have not found a universal approach to this problem. The efficiency of economic processes is not viewed one-sidedly, since it is a multidimensional process. There is no magic formula that can become universal. In this regard, we decided to introduce an effective system for analyzing and assessing growth economic efficiency, which was combined into four groups:

  • target indicators of economic activity efficiency;
  • personnel performance standards;
  • numerical data on the intended use of capital and fixed assets;
  • degree of distribution of material resources.

During the social research the direct influence of objective and subjective performance indicators on each other was established.

For example, an employee’s active life position and his effectiveness are determined by many factors:

  • maintaining a balance between monetary and moral incentives for staff. The study found that using financial rewards alone does not produce good motivational results;
  • the presence of a core of employees, which represents the main driving factor of the enterprise in the development of new ideas and the introduction of innovations;
  • distribution of employees by age categories. It has been proven that those who are younger are more socially active, and those who are older spend a lot of effort on high productivity of their work.

High motivation and desire of employees to work has a good effect on:

  • productivity of work and achievement of high results;
  • labor productivity;
  • team climate;
  • team spirit and ability to work shoulder to shoulder.

The degree of employee satisfaction with their work is influenced by:

  • achieving your goals;
  • comfortable working conditions;
  • organizational structure at the enterprise;
  • system of bonuses and incentives;
  • the methods by which a person received a particular position or profession;
  • decision making system.

Corporate spirit and the unification of employees to achieve a common result contributes to:

  • high performance;
  • fruitfulness of labor;
  • motivation to work and social activity;
  • staff turnover.

Analysis of performance indicators and numerous psychological studies prove the fact that the success and high results of a company are influenced by economic and social factors. Based on specialized literature and their own research, experts have identified the socio-psychological circumstances on the basis of which the effectiveness of an enterprise is built:

  1. Striving to achieve goals.

Contributes to the development of a common strategy of action through the diligent and fruitful work of the entire team. Shows the maturity of the enterprise and its readiness to achieve goals through joint work. The purpose of such work determines corporate values, a general idea of ​​the ideal result, which allows us to develop interaction tactics to expand the boundaries of the enterprise’s performance indicators.

  1. High desire to work.

Helps to find out the motives for team members’ attraction to high labor costs. For people to interact with each other in teamwork conditions, their desire to work can be divided into 3 psychological vectors: pushing, guiding and coordinating. The pushing vector is the desire to achieve goals together and an understanding of the importance of teamwork. A pushing vector is like a powerful kick. The leadership vector develops a unified strategy to achieve the final result, which is agreed upon by all team members. The coordinating vector monitors the implementation of all agreed steps to achieve the team’s overall goal and facilitates the selection of optimal resources for this.

In teamwork there are always individual motives that are closely intertwined. Among them are:

  • material – desire for enrichment;
  • social – motives for interacting with the right people;
  • incentive – the need for praise and positive evaluation;
  • collective – the desire to work in a team, avoiding individual responsibility;
  • beneficence - the desire to be indispensable in the course of collaboration, as well as a willingness to benefit other people;
  • career – the desire to prove oneself, achieve joint results and reach a common goal.
  1. Sensitivity and inspiration.

It is determined by the established rules for the manifestation of emotions when working in a team. It is expressed in complicity and the urge to come to the rescue and arises from concern for a common cause. People perceive the same events in the same way, show the same feelings towards the same processes. The display of group emotions can be very great strength and influence in the team and in the relationship between themselves and the management team. Also, group emotions have a direct impact on indicators characterizing the effectiveness of activities.

Institutional performance indicators

Certification of an institution is carried out according to three trends - the key trend, the activities of personnel services employees and the financial and economic direction. Below we will talk about the most commonly used performance indicators of institutions and present them in a tabular form:


Key performance indicators

Key trend

  • implementation of tasks of state or municipal structures;
  • the value of the quantitative component (how many services were provided, the number of projects completed, etc.);
  • public satisfaction with the services provided, their quality and acceptability;
  • open position of the institution, availability information resources in the Internet.

Financial and economic direction

  • absence of violations during inspections by organizations exercising control;
  • competent budget planning and distribution of funds for their intended purpose;
  • income from the provision of services and activities of this institution.

Work of personnel services

  • availability of personnel directly related to the provision of services;
  • equation of workers' wages in accordance with its average size for a specific region;
  • completion of advanced training courses for employees in accordance with the required time interval.

Independent assessment of institutions' performance indicators differs markedly from assessment of their internal processes. Such an assessment includes a study of the quality of services provided to the population. That is, the external aspects of the organization’s work are assessed. Data obtained using independent assessment institutions can also be used to determine its overall effectiveness.

Research of various proposals government structure indicates a contradictory vision of the components of efficiency by federal services.

Particular importance is given to performance indicators that characterize the main profile of institutions, proving the direct relationship between efficiency and the quality of services provided. In all other matters, opinion federal services is different.

The effectiveness of the institution and the leader are often equated. That is, the final performance of an institution represents key performance indicators that are defined for its manager. This is what the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation think. The amount of motivational payments directly depends on the overall rating of these indicators. The Ministry of Culture has its own opinion on this issue. It recommends the use of additional performance indicators that determine the work of the institution's management team. For example, indicators on annual staffing levels, the use of advanced technologies, and others.

In some areas, performance indicators are separated from the outset by type of institution.

The Ministry of Education offers different evaluation indicators for institutions such as ambulance, clinics and hospitals. The Ministry of Culture has provided for a similar division of indicators for cultural and entertainment institutions.

Financial performance indicators of institutions are not always transparent and defined in methodological guidelines. Despite the fact that only a few individual indicators have been documented, the Ministry of Labor has presented a list of parameters that must be taken into account when assessing efficiency:

  • providing reports on the organization’s performance for the month, quarter and year in accordance with the approved deadlines;
  • competent distribution of the budget and extra-budgetary funds in accordance with state requirements for the services provided;
  • report on accounts receivable that were not repaid on time.

Some ministries present special requirements to the time frame of the assessment. For example, providing annual reporting on the final activities of the institution, as well as quarterly assessment of the performance indicators of managers. The Ministry of Labor imposes such requirements on institutions.

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The main types into which performance indicators are divided

The modern market divides indicators into two types:

  • certification, determining the final result or development of activities;
  • expenses, showing the total costs for the implementation of a specific area of ​​activity.

The differentiation of performance indicators is determined by the nature of the assessment itself. For example, if we take into account the costs of an organization, then the indicator by which they are determined can be both expenditure and certification. In the first case, the cost indicator allows one to judge the costs of providing services, and in the second, it shows the degree of labor productivity.

In addition, performance indicators can be:

  • production;
  • non-productive.

In accordance with the purpose of the assessment indicators can be unconditional, comparative and intermediate.

  1. Unconditional indicators, in turn, are divided into monetary and natural. Monetary indicators are of key importance in market conditions, which is determined by commodity-money relations. Using absolute indicators, you can determine the degree of progress of an organization over a specific time period. These include dividend payments, authorized capital, total gross income, amount of expenses, etc.
  2. Comparative performance indicators have a direct relationship with unconditional ones and determine the share of one unconditional indicator in another, that is, they are the ratio of two different indicators. In order to make a correct assessment, it is necessary comparative analysis current values ​​with average or planned indicators (competitive indicators, industry averages, etc.) for a specific period of time. Relative indicators can be indicators of production growth, dynamic indicators, the amount of income per price unit labor resources and so on.

Differentiation of performance indicators into structural and growth indicators:

  1. Structural determine the volume of constituent elements in general structure industry or enterprise and are calculated based on costs, profits and total authorized capital.
  2. Growth indicators determine the dynamics for a specific time period. They can be expressed both in absolute and in comparative quantities. For example, the dynamics of changes in annual income or the level of increase in authorized capital, etc.

KPI as a key performance indicator

Key Performance Indicators(key performance indicators) is a set of assessment measures to identify the effectiveness of the organization’s production and global goals. The KPI system contributes to the development of effective measures for the successful implementation of the organization’s main progress strategy. With its help, you can assess the current position of the industry. KPI indicators are a successful tool by which you can determine the degree of achievement of your goals. But you need to use only those indicators that are directly related to the functional goals of a particular enterprise.

It is impossible to assess the effectiveness of an organization based only on production indicators. The income received from the activities of the company cannot act as the main indicator of the effectiveness of the activity.

We must not forget about social factors. After all, income can be obtained through constant overtime of employees, using methods of psychological influence, etc.

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Expert opinion

Online trading uses different performance indicators than manufacturing

Alexander Sizintsev,

CEO of online travel agency, Moscow

In online businesses, we measure performance in very different ways compared to offline organizations. I will explain the main parameters that characterize the effectiveness of our work. By the way, the online project began to pay for itself two years later.

1. Sales volumes are growing faster than the market. We take into account our efficiency based on the market situation. If, according to statistics, passenger transit increased by 25% over the past year, then our sales should increase in proportion to market data. If this does not happen, then our effectiveness has decreased. This means that we are starting to take measures to promote the site and attract new traffic. We also pay attention to improving the quality of service and customer focus.

2. Increase in the share of high-margin products in total sales. Margin share in various directions our activities are very different. For example, the highest margins can be obtained from hotel booking services. And the lowest is from the sale of air tickets. The marginal difference between them is about 12%. Accordingly, you need to focus on selling booking services. Behind Last year we were able to increase this figure by 20%, but its share in total sales still remains insignificant. Therefore, our priority is to make the share of sales in this sector equal to 30% of the total volume of services provided. This is considered a standard indicator of the effectiveness of activities on foreign resources similar to ours.

3. Sales growth through the most cost-effective channels. The most important indicator of our effectiveness is an increase in sales through certain promotion channels. The most profitable channel is the website, that is, direct appeal potential buyers. This figure is about 10%. We get much smaller numbers from intermediary sites and through affiliate sales. Therefore, a website is a key indicator of the effectiveness of commercial activities.

4. Increase in the number of loyal customers, repeat purchases. To measure effectiveness, we also take into account the number of repeat customers in relation to the total customer base. We increase our income, including through repeat purchases. That is, a client who will return to us again and again is the most loyal and profitable client. It is necessary to take measures that increase customer loyalty, and not waste money on cheap promotions. For example, to increase one-time revenue, many use special promotions where you can purchase services at significant discounts. If the client took advantage of such a promotion once, then next time he will want to do the same and will go looking for other sites that provide similar low prices. That is, profitability drops sharply, especially in conditions of strong competition in this area. This means that this method of increasing profits is extremely effective. As for the numbers, the share regular customer, in my opinion, should be about 30% of the total. We have achieved this value for this performance indicator.

Key performance indicators: what are they used for?

KPI indicators are mainly used foreign enterprises and more recently they began to be used here. But, at the moment, we have not developed our own KPI performance indicators and use Western parameters.

KPI (Key Performance Indicator)– a set of target parameters, expressed in quantitative terms, with the help of which you can identify the performance of any employee on the staff of the enterprise.

There are a number KPI subgroups in accordance with the performance of overall activities:

  • cost calculation – resources spent in monetary terms;
  • productivity calculation – share of production capacity utilization;
  • profitability item - comparison of the total values ​​of several indicators;
  • calculation of final results – indicators of achievement of assigned tasks in quantitative terms.

SystemKPI was created in accordance with a number of conditions: all performance indicators can be measured in quantitative terms; they must be directly related to the organization's goals; their calculation must be as simplified as possible and minimize the cost of time and resources of the company.

KPI indicators work only in close relationship with each other, therefore, for the assessment to be effective, teamwork of the interested structural units is necessary. Managers are advised to compare their decisions and actions with other employees to maximum achievement high performance indicators.

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KPIs are differentiated into two types– operational and global.

  1. Operating rooms show the functioning of the company at the current moment, are based on changes in various production processes and help adjust planned tasks to these changes. They determine the quality of products and ordered raw materials.
  2. Global ones characterize the final result of the company and help to adjust the plan in the future period. They determine the financial component of all processes in the company and form the basis for calculating performance indicators.

Role of the systemKPIs in appraisal activities

The main goal of KPI is the numerical calculation of the enterprise's planned objectives. They can be used to judge whether the company has achieved the calculated figures and planned results. They are compared with the estimated numerical values ​​for subsequent performance assessment.

Subsequently, the KPI calculation determines strategic policy company and actions to achieve it.

It must be remembered that KPIs are focused only on the results of the organization’s functioning. If no relationship is observed, then the selected parameters cannot be attributed to the KPI system.

This scheme is based on two concepts– constant review of planned tasks and clear management of these tasks. The basis of the method is “tied” to the probability of calculating results in advance and continuing to adjust the strategy to achieve them using KPIs.

This is implemented so that the employee strives for results, and not only deals with the process itself. Also, bonuses and bonuses to employees depend on the achievement of key performance indicators. Therefore, the KPI system is an excellent motivation for them and is recognized as the most modern and perfect way to motivate staff.

Basically, KPI indicators are used in calculating the effectiveness of the management and administrative staff of an enterprise.

CalculationSales KPIs focuses on the following characteristics:

  • total revenue from product sales;
  • profit;
  • cost price;
  • written-off goods;
  • working capital enterprises;
  • the price of the company's reserves.

CalculationKPI in production activities based on other parameters:

  • daily costs;
  • share of unfinished production processes and reserves;
  • labor productivity;
  • enterprise costs;
  • equipment repair costs;
  • storage costs of finished goods.

Development and implementation of indicatorsKPI

KPI is included in common system balanced parameters defined at the enterprise. The system finds patterns between the company's indicators and goals. These patterns make it possible to identify facts of interaction and influence of the obtained results of various processes on each other.

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Requirements and conditions for integrationKPI

The performance assessment system is most successful if the following ratio of indicators is met: 10/80/10. 10% presence of key indicators for evaluating the result, 80% production indicators and 10% key performance indicators.

Special recommendations on maximum permissible KPIs have been created for the administrative staff of the organization in order to reduce the significant burden of planning and clarify the reasons for not achieving very significant indicators. These numbers are about 10-15 units.

The result for each key performance indicator is subject to strict control by responsible persons, whether ordinary employees or managers. This means that the controllability requirement must be met. The responsible person is provided with all the resources to follow this principle and obtain a quantitative indicator under close supervision.

Others are also defined principles of constructing a KPI system:

  1. Mutually beneficial cooperation - this principle is based on teamwork of all stakeholders in order to achieve high performance indicators. Such cooperation begins with drawing up a clear structure that must be followed during its functioning.
  2. Distribution of forces in important areas - granting additional powers to a certain circle of people if this will help improve performance indicators. In most cases, these are leading specialists of the enterprise. They can also be involved in the implementation and development of KPI systems that are related to their field of activity. This may require upgrading the skills of these employees.
  3. Assessing the implementation of indicators, reports and increasing company productivity. KPI indicators should become a powerful motivation for all employees, then they will comply with reporting deadlines and make strategic decisions.
  4. Coordination of production indicators with the main strategic direction. KPIs are subject to constant monitoring and analysis and, as a result, need to be refined and optimized. They must strictly follow the achievement of the company's strategic objectives. Other performance indicators that do not comply with this principle should not be used when assessing the effectiveness of an enterprise.

System integration stagesKPI

It is necessary to strictly observe the sequence of integration stages in order to avoid negative consequences.

Stage 1. Developing a clear policy.

The enterprise's policy to achieve its goals must be strictly focused on compliance with specific steps, which are described in detail when creating this policy. It should form strategic blocks, each of which contains target tasks for the company's divisions. The most important step in creating this policy is to identify the most important blocks, as well as harmonize them between structural departments. By creating the right enterprise policy, you can achieve significant savings in time and money.

Stage 2. Identification of the main reasons for a successful result.

It is very important to highlight the main reasons for success, namely the specific production and economic parameters of the organization’s areas of activity, on which the implementation of the enterprise’s policy entirely depends.

Stage 3. Search priorityKPI.

What is important here is the quantitative performance indicators, expressed in numbers, which will be the main tool for achieving the assigned tasks. You need to discard all minor indicators and leave only the most important ones. This limitation is made in order to maintain the quality of the assessment and the real vision of the situation. In addition, KPI is designed to motivate staff to achieve their goals.

Main rules forKPI:

  • limited number of indicators;
  • the same for the entire enterprise;
  • must be expressed in numbers;
  • directly related to the reasons for a successful result;
  • influence these causes, are subject to control;
  • increase employees' desire to work.

The organization of the system of key performance indicators is determined by industry specifics and the tasks of the company’s departments.

Example 1. Industrial production for oil production.

Enterprise division: well workover shop (WWW).

The main goal for an oil producing company is high level oil production. In this regard, losses are reduced and production costs are reduced. Accordingly, for the workover division there are priority KPIs, coordinated with the main strategy of the enterprise and the objectives of a particular division. During the process of major repairs, the well temporarily stops its operation, and the longer this is delayed, the higher the losses due to the impossibility of oil production. Therefore, the operational efficiency of repairs is expressed in the increase in the amount of oil (in tons) per well, and the economic efficiency is expressed in the average price of a unit of production in the ratio of repair costs to the amount of increase.

Based on this, the organizationKPI for a given workshop may be as follows:

  1. The time of “mothballing” of wells, expressed in the number of days (you can calculate the losses associated with the cessation of oil production).
  2. Average repair duration (ratio of actual to planned).
  3. Average price per ton of growth (ratio of actual to planned).
  4. Number of repairs performed (ratio of actual to planned).
  5. Average cost of well overhaul (ratio of actual to planned).

If you organize key performance indicators in accordance with the motivation of employees by bonuses, then these indicators will indicate the effectiveness of the workshop. Employees will treat assigned tasks more responsibly and will be interested in effective work. After all, bonuses depend not only on well repairs, but also on the increase in unit production. The above KPIs are coordinated with the main goals of the enterprise and are controlled by the structural unit.

Example 2. Mechanical engineering plant.

Plant division: supply and logistics department.

The main goal of the plant is to reduce production costs and reduce the time period of the production cycle. The supply and logistics department ensures that the plant always has required amount raw materials, in this case components and mechanisms. The department has established key performance indicators that can be used to evaluate the performance of its main function. If there is a failure in the supply of components, the production cycle increases, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the plant as a whole. If there is an excess amount of parts in the warehouse, this leads to overspending of the enterprise budget.

KPIs set for the procurement and logistics department

  1. The time that passes from the moment of ordering to the receipt of components at the warehouse (ratio of actual to planned).
  2. Downtime (in hours) if the supply department fails.
  3. Time expressed in the number of days during which materials are consumed (the ratio of actual to planned).
  4. An indicator of the ratio of expenses (in rubles) for warehouse reserves to the total share of manufactured products (ratio of actual to planned).

This organization of KPI allows you to monitor the effectiveness of planned supplies of components and ensures the avoidance of excess warehouse reserves.

Stage 4. Creation of balanced indicators and their evaluation.

Creation of a unified system of indicators for presentation to management. The strategic decision of managers will depend on how consistently the indicators are taken into account, on their informativeness and persuasiveness.

The inclusion of KPIs in the balanced scorecard is subject to certain requirements. These are the selection of the unit that will be monitored by KPIs and the importance of assessing the key aspects of success to achieve the unit's main goal. This allows you to reduce the number of key performance indicators and leave only those that correspond to the leading goal of the department and are directly involved in the assessment.

When creating a KPI system, you can define several stages:

  1. Actions before the project starts. This is the introduction of a group leading this project and pre-project analysis. It is also necessary to obtain approval from management before starting work on the project.
  2. Creation of a structure of key performance indicators. The organizational structure of the company is optimized, the structure and composition of indicators are designed, management methods based on KPI are introduced, and documentation is prepared.
  3. Organization of the software required to manage key indicators. Design terms of reference, creation of the system itself, writing software, training staff and initial testing of the system’s performance. As an example, we can consider software for KPIs based on 1C.
  4. The final stage of work on the project. Integration of the KPI system, software and unified structure into production operation.

Stage 5. Technical aspect of implementationKPI.

  • conducting explanatory conversations with employees about all the advantages of the system;
  • identifying the main indicators for the enterprise;
  • implementation of methods for effective monitoring of KPI indicators;
  • constant monitoring, analysis and optimization of indicators for the successful operation of the enterprise.

Selecting the primary source of information to populate metrics that meet the requirements of credibility, security, fairness, and relevance.

Integration of KPIs faces some limiting factors, like any change in the company's management system. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. A difficult situation at the enterprise, due to which management is not concerned with the implementation of the assessment system and the further development strategy. On the contrary, the main efforts are spent on solving pressing crisis problems.
  2. Failure of some managers to accept new modern systems, associated, in their opinion, with the likely possibility of exerting pressure through the introduction of new functions.
  3. Available systems for providing information, which must be taken into account as an important limiting factor in the implementation of key performance indicators. It is necessary to continuously apply KPI systems, otherwise their effectiveness will tend to zero.
  4. Maintaining reports on the company's production activities. The KPI system cannot replace it.

Criteria for effective implementation of the systemKPI:

  1. Pre-project preparation and creation of a structure that defines the key criterion for success. The KPI system is a method for collecting information with the help of which management decisions are made.
  2. Identification of the main goals of the company, based on indicators for achieving the set goals and their effectiveness for the overall success of the organization.
  3. Existing system for obtaining information to create key performance indicators.
  4. Stimulating employees, assisting management, organizing personnel management processes. When performance evaluation occurs, management applies a system for changing bonus payments and revising them, depending on the achievement of key performance indicators by a certain employee.
  5. Adoption of the KPI system as the main tool of the manager.

Positive result from KPI implementation is based on increasing the overall efficiency of the organization, since any employee understands his role in a unified structure to achieve the main goals of the enterprise. The administrative department can influence the achievement of the company's main goal by measuring the effectiveness of the departments.

Expert opinion

Developing KPIs is both difficult and easy

Evgeniy Tsodokov,

General Director of the Eksmo trading house, Moscow

In our business, I am responsible for many issues and constantly make strategic decisions. The most important thing for a leader is to have the ability to delegate authority and distribute responsibility. At the same time, it is necessary to set clear tasks for the staff. They must understand what exactly is required of them in order to achieve key performance indicators. Essentially, I control all the regulations established in the publishing house.

If employees recognize and understand the connection between their job responsibilities and given KPIs, they will strive to achieve their goals. This will significantly improve the efficiency of the entire company.

The following financial KPIs are used for the management team:

  • compliance with the product sales plan;
  • budget;
  • enterprise debts.

Supporting KPIs:

  • increase in marginal profit;
  • increasing the number of sales (pieces);
  • increasing customer focus.

Creating a KPI system is both a complex and simple task. You don’t need to act only according to theory all the time; it is necessary to implement exactly those KPIs that will actually evaluate efficiency based on the resources of a particular company. It is necessary to calculate the share of each indicator in unified system KPIs, plan the frequency of their measurement. In our business, we have created key performance indicators, which we constantly review to achieve the best effect when assessing performance.

Whether to use KPIs in its activities or not is a decision left to the company itself. Each manager evaluates his own market. For example, publishing houses have long needed to use a KPI system, since recently there have been a lot of competitors. Today, leading publishing houses cannot do without evaluating performance indicators.

CalculationKPIand practical application

Any company faces problems that arise when calculating KPIs. Many parameters can be taken into account. But each of the KPI indicators must correspond to the company's goal.

Financial performance indicators are the simplest to calculate.

Taking into account financial KPIs, the company's budget plan is implemented and a global operating strategy is developed.

Why financial indicators Is it that easy to calculate?

Their calculation is based on the provision of open financial statements. Balance sheet item, income and expense report, company losses - all these documents contain the necessary information for calculating KPI. Obtaining this data will not be difficult; all you need to do is apply software for the accounting. And it will take only a few days, in some cases 2-3 weeks, to make a strategic decision on time.

Calculation methodKPI

The most common factors assessed using KPIs are:

  • number of sales;
  • number of new clients;
  • reduction in the number of buyers;
  • profit and staff turnover;
  • completing required tasks within established time frames.

There is a certain formula by which KPI is calculated. You can include any indicators in it, for example, the number of sales is used as KPI 1, KPI 2 is the % of new customers, KPI 3 is the organization’s profit.

Formula for calculating key performance indicators

Salary = Fixed salary + Bonus

The bonus amount is calculated according to the formula:

IF = Planned amount of variable part* (KPI1*KPI2*KPI3)

The share of any of the KPI indicators is different and is set on the basis of the developed goals and objectives of the company. If we determine the share of each indicator in the total volume, the formula takes on the following form:

Salary = Fixed salary + Planned amount of variable part * (KPI1 * WeightKPI1+KPI2 * WeightKPI2 + KPI3 * WeightKPI 3)


Creating a structureKPIs and their assessment are the task of the business analysis department, which provides accurate values ​​of key indicators.

A business analyst must be able to determine the positive and negative aspects of using a particular indicator. For example, KPI indicators for the administrative department cannot be used for any structural unit. This condition is based on the various specifics of the activity. The performance indicator for the director of a responsibility center is the value of the center's earnings before commissions and taxes (EBIT). And for the head of the sales department for working with clients, assessing the indicator of achieving such a profit is unacceptable, since EBIT is a purely economic indicator, depending on the income received and budget expenses, which evaluates the efficiency of business management.

When thinking about which key performance indicators to use for employees, it is correct to base it on their direct responsibilities.

If you evaluate the work of a sales consultant in terms of attracting new customers, increasing profits from various promotions and special offers, then the performance indicators will be incorrect. Since the seller does not have direct influence on marketing techniques and their implementation. To evaluate the seller, you can use the indicator of increase in profit from each contact with the client.

DefinitionKPI for a manager is a more complex process.

The parameters for evaluating a manager are based on the company's long-term goals. This could be scaling the business, increasing staff, or increasing the company’s profits.

But regardless of whether KPIs belong to a specific employee or manager, they all must strictly comply with the following conditions:

  1. Established limit of indicators. Maximum 10, optimal 5 units.
  2. Logic. The parameters should not conflict with each other. Each must work independently of the other. If you require the sales department to increase the number of customers, but at the same time give instructions to reduce advertising costs, then these indicators will interfere with each other in achieving them.
  3. Continuous verification of the performance of key performance indicators.

Calculation methodEmployee KPI

Calculation of the KPI coefficient includes three main parameters:

  1. Critical result of the indicator. This is the lowest acceptable coefficient value. Further calculation depends on it. If an employee has reached the acceptable minimum, this indicates that he has reached the starting point of his coefficient.
  2. Average coefficient value. The planned result that a manager expects from his employee.
  3. Motivational level coefficient. Encourages the employee to exceed the average value. The employee’s salary and bonus depend on the achievement of this indicator.

After the end of the pay period, they look at the actual results achieved by the employee. Using them, a formula is drawn up for calculating KPI:

Result (%) = (Actual result - Critical level)/(Normal level - Critical level) x 100%

The main criterion for achieving the final result is the rate of completion of the norm, expressed as a percentage. If the indicator is less than 100%, the norm is considered fulfilled; if it is more than 100%, then the planned standards are being exceeded. From here, the employee’s achievement of his KPIs, as well as the level of wages or bonuses.

Using this system, an employee can compare the dependence of wages on the achievement of key performance indicators.

Practical useKPI

The best effectiveness of KPI application is shown large enterprises retail sales, which have a large regional network of branches. Each branch follows the same strategy and strives to achieve the same goal. Therefore, it is very easy for managers to monitor the effectiveness of a particular branch, based on a fairly simple KPI system. Also, by analyzing and comparing indicators, we develop certain actions to stimulate workers. If you continuously monitor key performance indicators, you can make a competent forecast for the further functioning of the enterprise.

ApplicationKPIs for planning and checking activities

KPIs can be used when drawing up a company's business plan and monitoring it, since their values ​​can be measured.

For example: key performance indicators used for planning in the logistics department:

  • % processing of applications for inventory items on time – 99%;
  • % of goods and materials for the implementation of production activities – 100%;

At the end of the work, the obtained indicators are measured. If the actual values ​​are greatly reduced in relation to the planned ones, then a thorough analysis of the effectiveness of activities is carried out and plans are adjusted to achieve strategic goals.

Application successesKPIs in the activities of the enterprise: the development of the structure of the enterprise’s activities is determined on the basis of the obtained values ​​of key indicators. KPIs are not theoretical, but are developed on the basis of the main strategy of the enterprise. If performance indicators are introduced that do not correspond to a single goal, then their use will be unjustified, and the obtained values ​​will not be able to help in achieving the goals.

Examples of calculating organizational performance indicators

To understand how to correctly build a KPI calculation system and a motivation system in accordance with it, study several examples. You can download them below:

Company information

JSC "Vipservice" Field of activity: sale of air and railway tickets, as well as provision of tourism and related services ( agency - b2c project of the Vipservice holding). Number of personnel: 1400. Territory: central office - in Moscow; more than 100 points of sale - in Moscow and the Moscow region; representative offices in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Tyumen. Annual sales volume: 8 million air tickets, more than 3.5 million railway tickets.

Publishing house "Eksmo"– one of the largest in Russia. Trading house"Eksmo" is a company engaged in the sale of publishing products. During 2005, TD "Eksmo", with the participation of Business Management Technology, developed key performance indicators for all levels of management in the sales service, formalized the main business processes, changed the system of motivation and grading of personnel.

11/20/2017 RIA Penza region, Kamensky district, Vera Glinskaya.

Over the past three years, noted the head of the development department Agriculture and land management of the Kamensky district administration by L.A. Krivoshein, a positive trend of economic development has emerged in the agro-industrial complex, and the total volume of gross agricultural output has increased. “In the context of the import substitution policy, internal growth resources are used. The industry is demonstrating good dynamics,” she emphasized.

This year, the region's farmers managed to reap a rich grain harvest: 200 thousand tons of grain were obtained from an area of ​​53 thousand hectares (average yield 39 c/ha). Seeds have been filled in full, taking into account the insurance fund, and the needs for concentrated feed have been met. The highest yield is in the separate division "Kamenskoye" LLC "Pachelmskoye Khozyaystvo" (Mochaleyka village) (61 c/ha), LLC "Agricultural Enterprise "Kamenskoye" (49 c/ha), LLC "Penza-Zolotaya Niva", branch "Kamenka" -Zolotaya Niva", (45 c/ha), LLC "Studenetsky Flour Mill" (40 c/ha).

Sugar beets in this year cultivated on an area of ​​more than 12 thousand hectares. Today, 450 thousand tons have been excavated (yield 370 c/ha). The district's farms have already delivered 390 thousand tons to the beet station. Unloading will continue until the end of the year. The highest yields were achieved in the separate division "Kamenskoye" LLC "Pachelmskoye Khozyaystvo" (542 c/ha), LLC "Studenetsky Flour Mill" (380 c/ha). Sunflowers are grown in the fields of the region year after year. This season they occupied more than 22 thousand hectares. According to the agricultural department, sunflowers have already been harvested from an area of ​​more than 13 thousand hectares. The average yield is 14 c/ha. The highest indicators are in the separate division "Kamenskoye" of LLC "Pachelmskoye Khozyaystvo" (26 c/ha), in the peasant farm of Butkina A.V. (19 c/ha), at the Studenetsky flour mill (18 c/ha). In addition, agricultural producers in the region have sowed more than 20 thousand hectares of winter crops.

Some success has been achieved in meat and dairy farming. Over 9 months, all categories of farms produced 14 thousand tons of milk, the milk yield for each forage cow amounted to 3.5 thousand kilograms. High productivity of the dairy herd was achieved by the teams of the Kevdinsky agricultural workshop of the Studenetsky flour mill (milk yield was 4322 kg per forage cow), and the peasant farm of Batkaeva D.R. (more than 3800 kg), peasant farm Khairova Kh.I. (3797 kg).

“High indicators have been achieved in cattle fattening,” said L.A. Krivosheina. “The average daily fattening gain in the region was 830 grams, which is 185 grams higher than last year.”

The greatest results were achieved by livestock breeding teams of the separate division "Kamenskoe" LLC "Pachelmskoye Khozyaystvo" (1046 gr.).

The fish farming industry is developing dynamically today. This year, 127 tons of fish were caught for sale. This work is successfully carried out by the individual enterprise A.N. Borisova (23 t), peasant farm Nikulina Yu.V. (17 t), individual entrepreneur N.A. Shadchneva (16 t).

Strong results from the processing industry were also noted. The Kamensky Elevator, Troika, Atmis-Sakhar, Kamenka-Moloko-2, and Raipishchekombinat factories make a great contribution to the economic development of the region.

The village workers were congratulated on their holiday by the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region L.V. Glukhova, head of the department of organizational and personnel work, information technologies Ministry of Agriculture of the Penza Region F.I. Rusinov, Head of the Administration of the Kamensky District K.N. Groshev. They handed Thanksgiving letters And certificates of honor regional governor, Legislative Council and district administration. In total, more than 90 employees of agricultural and processing enterprises were recognized. The title "Honorary Citizen of the Kamensky District of the Penza Region" was awarded to Evgeny Kuzmich Mileshin, former chairman collective farm named after Lenin, now a pensioner, and Nikolai Mikhailovich Masalov, former chairman of the collective farm named after Kirov, as well as Viktor Vasilyevich Ivkin, head of the Golovinshchinsky village council of the Kamensky district.

Almost all applied remuneration systems include incentive measures for the quality and productivity of work, long-term work experience in the industry or organization.

One of the basic principles of organizing wages in modern economy is the principle of the employee’s material interest in the results of his work - individual and collective.

The mechanism for stimulating an employee’s personal achievements consists of a combination of additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature with bonuses for current (main) results of production activities or in accordance with special bonus systems.

^ 1. Bonuses. The establishment of bonus systems, incentive payments and allowances is the right of the employer. This component wage systems. As a rule, the procedure and conditions for bonuses are fixed in a local regulatory act, called the Regulations on Bonuses. ?

The bonus provisions provide for:

indicators and terms of bonuses;

bonus amounts;

frequency of bonuses;

source of financing. ?

Bonuses can be paid based on one or a group of agreed indicators. Experts identify 4 main groups of bonus indicators that stimulate workers for individual results labor. These include: 1)

quantitative indicators: fulfillment and overfulfillment of production targets for product output and product range, percentage of fulfillment of production standards, ensuring uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of equipment, compliance or reduction planned dates carrying out repair work, performing work with a smaller number compared to the standard, reducing the labor intensity of products, etc.; 2)

quality indicators: improving the quality of products, the percentage of products delivered from the first presentation, reducing the percentage of defects, increasing the grade coefficient of products, etc.; 3)

saving resources used: economical use of raw materials and materials, saving fuel and electricity, reducing costs for maintenance and repair of equipment, etc.; 4)

rational use of technology: meeting development deadlines new technology and progressive technology, adherence to technological discipline, increasing equipment load factor, etc.140

For managers, specialists and employees, bonus indicators are primarily related to making a profit. Suggestions have been made about the need to take into account in the bonus system for executives of organizations such indicators as fulfillment of contractual obligations, growth in production volume, ensuring the production of products of a modern technological level and quality141. ?

The condition for bonuses is usually work during the accounting period and achievement of established indicators. One of the most important conditions for bonuses is compliance with labor discipline. Employees who have met bonus targets, but are absent from work or appear at work in a drunken state, or have committed another disciplinary offense (for example, violating technological rules for manufacturing products) do not acquire the right to a bonus in full. As a rule, they are either not awarded a bonus (in case of serious misconduct), or the bonus is paid to them in a smaller amount than to employees who have fulfilled both the indicators and the terms of the bonus. This is a common rule included in the Bonus Regulations. Unfortunately, many people view this situation as deprivation of bonuses or deprivation of bonuses. In fact, no deprivation of the bonus occurs. The employee simply does not acquire the right to a bonus or does not acquire the right to a bonus in the established (basic) amount, since he has not fulfilled all the conditions for the bonus. ?

The size of the bonus is determined, as a rule, as a percentage of tariff rate(salary). A very common provision in local regulations on remuneration is the payment of a bonus in the amount of up to 40% of the rate (salary), although there are provisions on bonuses that provide for rewards in the amount of up to 75% of the rate (salary).

The size of the bonus for a specific employee is determined by the head of the organization (employer - an individual) taking into account the degree of fulfillment of indicators and bonus conditions.

The frequency of bonuses is monthly or quarterly. Sometimes bonuses are paid based on the results of work both for the month and for the quarter.

Regular bonuses paid according to pre-approved indicators (in accordance with the Regulations on Bonuses) constitute the above-tariff (variable) part of the salary. They must be distinguished from one-time (one-time) bonuses, which are not part of the incentive system and cannot be considered as a component of wages. One-time bonuses are an incentive for an employee for special achievements in work and are paid for completing particularly important tasks, in connection with holidays or special occasions, based on the results of shows or competitions142.

^ 2. Remuneration based on annual work results. The market model of organizing remuneration does not exclude the stimulation of collective efforts and collective results. On the contrary, experience foreign countries shows how important it is when using modern integrated production systems to concentrate collective efforts on achieving the final results of work and stable activities of the organization.

Incentives for teams of structural divisions and the organization as a whole are carried out on the basis of indicators reflecting the results of the work of the relevant divisions or organization, for example, depending on the amount of profit, the volume of net production or income.

The experience of introducing a system for encouraging the fulfillment of obligations to related structural divisions. In this case, the size of the incentive fund for each division depends on the fulfillment of estimated indicators and obligations to related workshops (departments).

To stimulate collective performance, bonus systems based on special indicators, remuneration based on annual work results, and a shareholder form of participation in the organization’s profits are widely used.

Increasing the interest of employees in the stable operation of the organization and increasing its competitiveness is achieved by introducing additional remuneration in relation to the remuneration systems based on the results of annual work, which is traditionally used in organizations of the Russian Federation. The amount of remuneration for each employee is determined depending on the performance of the entire organization, the employee’s labor contribution and the length of his continuous work experience in this organization.

The source of payment of this remuneration is profit. Therefore, such a system of rewards for conscientious work can be considered as employee participation in profits.

The regulation on the procedure for paying remuneration based on the results of annual work is approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. In many organizations, this provision is an annex to the collective agreement.

Remuneration based on the results of work for the year was introduced in 1965. Since 1977, local regulations on the procedure for its payment have been developed in accordance with the recommendations of the State Committee for Labor and Social Affairs of the USSR. During this time, the practice of local regulation has developed, which allows us to highlight the basic rules for paying the specified remuneration. The main condition for acquiring the right to receive remuneration based on the results of annual work is work in the organization throughout the entire calendar year, based on the results of which the payment is made. As a rule, the provisions provide for exceptions when remuneration is still paid to employees who have not worked a full calendar year. Such exceptions include dismissal due to conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, admission to educational institution for full-time (full-time) education, retirement, etc.

The amount of remuneration is usually set at the level of the employee’s rate (salary) or average monthly salary. Therefore, in common parlance it was called the “13th salary”. Particularly distinguished employees may be paid increased remuneration, while remuneration for violators of labor discipline is reduced. According to established practice, absenteeism and appearing at work while intoxicated exclude the emergence of the right to receive remuneration.

Payroll specialists note that with the transition to a market economy, the essence of this type of incentive changes. The amount of remuneration based on the results of work for the year depends not only on the length of work experience (previously this indicator was the main indicator), but also on the employee’s contribution to the overall results of the organization143.

^ 3. The shareholder form of employee participation in profits (in capital) began to be used with the beginning of market reforms. It has not yet become widespread, but experts in the field of labor economics consider this area of ​​stimulating high performance at work to be very promising.

Remuneration with shares allows the company to increase the portion of profits allocated to the development of production and to pay additionally attracted workers144.

Exist various systems shareholder participation of employees in the profits of the enterprise. In the USA, this is the creation of funds formed by corporations by attracting funds from employees. In Germany, stock bonuses are used. In order to interest managers in maximizing the organization's profits, stock options are used (the right to purchase shares of the company).

It must be admitted that not all experts clearly assess the participation of employees in the capital of the enterprise. ILO publications expressed the opinion that this type of incentive is primarily beneficial to employers, since they receive additional working capital and save on wages. An employee, receiving one or two shares, does not acquire the right to influence the management of the company, his financial position also does not undergo major changes. As a result, most employees strive to sell their shares as quickly as possible.

^ 4. Remuneration (bonus) for length of service. A special type of long-term stimulation continuous operation in some sectors of the national economy and areas management activities is a reward for long service. Such remuneration is paid to employees constantly employed in underground work, logging and some other forestry and woodworking enterprises once a year.

Economic reform and the introduction of new wage conditions for a number of categories of workers led to the emergence of a new concept of “long-service bonus.” The bonus is paid monthly in accordance with regulations, determining the wages of the relevant professional groups. Employees of organizations involved in the destruction of chemical weapons and some other categories of workers receive a bonus for length of service.

Special decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation monthly allowances for length of service were introduced for employees of protection services of state natural reserves and national natural parks, employees of statistical bodies and some others.

It should be noted that the amount, procedure for paying the bonus and the rules for calculating the length of service required to acquire the right to receive it are not unified. Each category of employees receives a bonus in accordance with the rules established by the relevant regulatory act.

Along with these, other incentive payments can be used, for example, an allowance for the complexity or intensity of the work performed.